Sample - Evaluation Criteria While Working On The Innovation Project

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4 points 3 points 2 points

Mechanical Technical The innovation has The innovation has The innovation has
undergone excellent undergone a very good undergone good
process of development. process of process of
Project runs perfectly development. development.
with no technical Project runs very well Project runs
problems. For example, with minimal technical adequately with
there are no error problems. minor technical
messages, all sound, problems.
video, or other files are

Navigation Users can progress Minimal difficulties Some difficulties

intuitively throughout experienced while experienced while
entire project in a logical navigating through navigating through
path to find information. project. project.
All buttons and
navigational tools work.

Language Project honours all Project honours most Project honours

language conventions. language conventions. adequate language

Completion Project is completely Project is mostly Project is incomplete

finished. incomplete and and contains several
contains several unfinished elements.
unfinished elements.

Multimedia Screen The combination of Multimedia elements Multimedia elements

Elements Design multimedia elements and content combine and content combine
and content takes very well to deliver a adequately to deliver
communication to a high impact message a high impact
superior level. There is with the elements and message with the
clear attention given to words reinforcing each elements and words
balance, proportion, other. reinforcing each
harmony, and restraint. other.
The synergy reaches the
intended audience with
style and pizzazz.
Use of Media All graphics, video, Almost all graphics, Most graphics, video,
audio, 3-D, or other video, audio, 3-D, or audio, 3-D, or other
enhancements are used other enhancements enhancements are
effectively to enrich the are used appropriately used appropriately to
learning experience. to enrich the enrich the
Enhancements experience. For experience. For
contribute significantly example, clips are example, clips are
to convey the intended either too long or too either too long or too
meaning. short to be meaningful. short to be

Information Organization The sequence of The sequence of The sequence of

Structure information is logical information is logical. information is logical.
and intuitive. Menus Menus and paths to Menus and paths to
and paths to all most information are most information are
information are clear clear and direct. satisfactory and
and direct. direct.

Instructions Instructions to pupils on Instructions to pupils Instructions to pupils

task completion and on task completion and on task completion
navigation are posted navigation are posted and navigation are
with extreme clarity. with clarity. Language posted with adequate
Language level is highly level is very clarity. Languagelevel
appropriate for primary appropriate for primary is adequately
school pupils. school pupils. appropriate for
primary school pupils.

Hyperlinking Project is truly Although project Although project

(Branching) multimedia, rather than contains some well- contains some well-
linear and contains a designed and age- designed and age-
significant number of appropriate choices, appropriate choices,
well-designed and age- some portions are some portions are
appropriate choices. linear. linear.

Ethics Citing All sources are properly Most sources are Most sources are
Resources cited within the project properly cited within properly cited within
according to APA style. the project according the project according
to APA style. to APA style.
Quality of Originality The project shows The project shows The project shows
Content and significant evidence of some evidence of some evidence of
Innovation originality and originality and originality and
inventiveness. The inventiveness. While inventiveness. While
majority of the content based on an extensive based on an extensive
and many of the ideas collection of other collection of other
are fresh, original, and people's ideas, people's ideas,
innovative. products, images and products, images and
inventions, the work inventions, the work
extends beyond that extends beyond that
collection to offer new collection to offer
insights. new insights.

Creativity The innovation solves The innovation solves The innovation solves
the targeted teaching the targeted problem the targeted problem
and learning problem with a very good level with a good level of
with an excellent level of interest and interest and
of interest and creativity. creativity.
creativity. Very good ability to Good ability to
Excellent ability to generate ideas and generate ideas and
generate ideas and identify alternative identify alternative
identify alternative solutions. (CTPS3). solutions. (CTPS3).
solutions. (CTPS3).

Curriculum Clear evidence of Adequate evidence of Adequate evidence of

Alignment connection to target connection to target connection to target
curriculum. Frequent curriculum. Users are curriculum. Users are
and clear references are likely to learn from this likely to learn from
made to facts, concepts, project. this project.
and cited resources.
Users will learn from
this project.

Evidence Excellent evidence that Very good evidence Good evidence that
That solutions supports that solutions supports solutions supports
Objectives stated objectives. stated objectives. stated objectives.
Were Met
Depth & Excellent evidence that Very good evidence Some evidence that
Breadth of higher level thinking that higher level higher level thinking
Project skills were used in the thinking skills were skills were used in the
Content creation of this project. used in the creation of creation of this
this project. project.

Subject Subject knowledge is Subject knowledge is Subject knowledge is

Knowledge of very clearly evident evident in most of the evident in much of
SLA and throughout the project. project. Most content the project. Most
English content is clear, is clear, appropriate, content is clear,
Language appropriate, and and correct. appropriate, and
T&L correct. correct.
Benefits Excellent evidence that Very good evidence Good evidence that
the innovation: that the innovation: the innovation:
● solves teaching and ● solves teaching and ● solves teaching and
learning problem learning problem learning problem
identified. identified. identified.
● contributes to the ● contributes to the ● contributes to the
quality of teaching and quality of teaching and quality of teaching
learning of the English learning of the English and learning of the
language. language English language.
● enhances language ● enhances language. ● enhances language
acquisition of the acquisition of the acquisition of the
English language for English language for English language for
young learners. young learners. young learners.

Adapted from ISTE Multimedia Mania Student Checklist. Retrieved from
PASS FAIL Nor Nabila
1 point 0 points

The innovation has The innovation has 3

undergone minimal process undergone a poor process of
of development. development.
Project runs minimally. Project does not run
There are many technical satisfactorily. There are too
problems when viewing the many technical problems to
project. view the project.

Minimal difficulty Buttons or navigational tools 1

experienced while are absent or confusing. No
navigating through project. buttons and navigational
tools work.

Project minimally honours Project has multiple errors in 4

language conventions. language conventions.

Project is incomplete and Project is incomplete and 2

contains some unfinished contains many unfinished
elements. elements.

Multimedia elements Screens are either barren and 1

accompany content but stark or confusing and
there is little sign of mutual cluttered. Exaggerated
reinforcement. There is no emphasis on graphics and
attention to visual design special effects weakens the
criteria such as balance, message and interferes with
proportion, harmony and the communication of
restraint. There is some content and ideas.
tendency toward random
use of graphical elements
that do not reinforce
Limited graphics, video, No graphics, video, audio, 3- 0
audio, 3-D, or others D, or other enhancements
enhancements are present are present or use of these
but do not always enrich the tools is inappropriate.
learning experience. In
some instances, use of
these enhancements is

The sequence of The sequence of information 4

information is somewhat is not logical. Menus and
logical. Menus and paths paths to information are not
are confusing and flawed. evident.

There are minimal There are no instructions to 1

instructions to pupils on pupils on task completion and
task completion and navigation.
navigation. Language level is
inappropriate for primary
school pupils.

Project contains few well- Project contains few choices. 3

designed and age- The design is linear.
appropriate choices. The
design is primarily linear.

Few sources are properly No sources are properly cited

cited within the project within the project according
according to APA style. to APA style.
The work is an extensive The work is a minimal 3
collection and rehash of collection or rehash of other
other people's ideas, people's ideas, products,
products, images and images and inventions. There
inventions. There is little is no evidence of innovation.
evidence of innovation or

The innovation solves the No evidence that the

targeted problem with a innovation solves the
minimal level of interest targeted problem with
and creativity. interest or creativity.
Minimal ability to generate Poor ability to generate ideas
ideas and identify and identify alternative
alternative solutions. solutions. (CTPS3).

Some evidence of No evidence of connection to 3

connection to target target curriculum. Users are
curriculum. Users may learn not likely to learn from this
from this project. project.

Little evidence that No evidence that solutions 2

solutions supports stated supports stated objectives.

Little evidence that higher No evidence that higher level 3

level thinking skills were thinking skills were used in
used in the creation of this the creation of this project.

Some subject knowledge is Subject knowledge is not

evident. Some content is evident. Content is confusing,
confusing, incorrect, or incorrect, or flawed.
Minimal evidence that the Poor evidence that the
innovation: innovation:
● solves teaching and ● solves teaching and
learning problem identified. learning problem identified.
● contributes to the quality ● contributes to the quality
of teaching and learning of of teaching and learning of
the English language. the English language.
● enhances language ● enhances language
acquisition of the English acquisition of the English
language for young learners. language for young learners.

The innovation has minimal technical problem. All the hyperlinks worked fine.

Some of the slides do not have navigations buttons and I need to take a guess where to click in order to proceed

The language is suaitable for the primary school students and able to enhance their vocabulary and reading skills

There is no sounds, backgound and some of the slides do not have navigation button. Only the contents are ther

Because of the project is incomplete, I can't comment about the design. However, I think its gonna be great once
There is no sounds, backgound and pictures. This might due to the project still in progress. But, with the moving

The sequence of information is logical and intuitive.

There are insufficient instructions

to guide pupils on how to navigate
through the various activities. Also
it is very unclear how pupils with
interact with the embedded

The hyperlink is great.

The projects is a great way to combine story books with the game elements. It makes me want to read further an
ere to click in order to proceed to the next slides.

eir vocabulary and reading skills.

tton. Only the contents are there.

, I think its gonna be great once the project is finished. Children love Snow White and the digital book is very interactive. Ab
progress. But, with the moving picture and sounds, I guess this project will be great.
akes me want to read further and not boring at all.
book is very interactive. Ablr to cater visual, kinaesthetic and auditory children.

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