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Transcript - The Furious Five

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Mantis_Kungfu Panda-Secrets of the Furious Five

Even when Master Mantis was but a wee bug, he was fast.

Lightning fast!

- Whenever anybody needed some help...

- Help!


...he was there.

Get him!

He was the hero of the valley...

...but he had one tiny problem.

- Waiter, I'm starvin' over here!

- He was totally impatient.

What's taking so long?

The world moved too slow for Mantis.

- He was too fast for the world.

- Give me that!

One day, it would get him into trouble.

A gang of crocodiles

stole my village's supply of...

- Wood.

...wool coats.

And if we don't get them back, we'll...

Look unfashionable?

...freeze to death.

Just as I thought. And where did these scaly savages run off to?

- They went...
- West!

- No, east!

- What are you...?

- Towards the...

- Hill!


- The island of...

- Rhinos?

- Crocodile bandits!

- Crocodile bandits? East? Wool coats!

I knew it! I'll need a boat.

- You need to be very...

- Quick.

- Careful. And take...

- A packed lunch?

- This map.

- No maps!

- Mantis, they...

- Won't know what hit 'em.

But traps! They're famous for setting traps.

A trap! Why didn't anyone warn me?

Well, if it isn't the world-famous Mantis.

Guess you were so fast you forgot to check for traps.

How 'bout you let me out, and l'll show you how fast I can make you cry.

Why don't we leave you in there and see how fast you can grow old?

No matter how hard he tried,

Mantis could not escape.

No matter how hard I try,

I cannot escape.

He could do nothing but sit and wait for something to happen.

And so he waited. And waited......and waited.

Until something mind-blowing happened.

For the first time, the world around Mantis moved faster than he did.

Forced to wait, Mantis entered a trance-like, totally awesome state of mind.

Mantis had found the one thing he'd been missing.


And a brilliant plan.

Hey, Mantis! Wake up, it's time to eat.

Hey, you guys?

- That's yucky.

- I think he's dead.

- Touch him. Poke him with something!

- Careful. Careful.

Mantis had to summon every ounce of Chi he could muster.

Just to keep from laughing.

The crocodiles totally fell for his amazing "staying still for a really long time" technique.

Wait for it.

Mantis had finally found the secret to excellence of self,

- the-mind blowing power of patience.

- Yeah.
Viper_Kungfu Panda-Secrets of the Furious Five
It is said that the Viper clan descended from mighty dragons, whose legendary flames were distilled into
the viper's powerful venom.

Great Master Viper was the greatest of this fabled clan.

One touch of his ivory tips could fell 15 gorilla warriors.

And a mid-sized crocodile.

Evil, itself, trembled before him, before the awe-smacking awesomeness of his poison fang technique.

And so it was with great joy that the daughter of the great master was born to carry on the tradition.

Finally, a little warrior to carry on my legacy.

As the tiny viper first smiled at her father, the world itself shook.

That's right. No fangs.

No venom!

Years went by.

Viper's father was still the only one who could protect the village......from the bad dudes.

And little Viper still had no fangs.

- The great master was disconsolate.

- Can I help?

No, little one.

It is too dangerous for you.

So the little Viper did a little dance to make her father smile.

And it worked. Just a little bit.

I know what you're thinking.

- Where's the kickin' butt?

- Yeah!

Patience, oh small ones. It begins.....now!

OK, well not right now. Soon. Soon!

Moon festival time.

And all that dancing for her sad dad made Viper blossom into the best ribbon dancer in the village.

But, without fangs, she was too afraid to go to the festival.

The great master was on his way to the won ton booth when......a gorilla bandit!

Cower now, old snake. Your town will soon tremble beneath my mighty fist.

Not if I defeat you now, with the awe-inspiring awesomeness of my poison fang technique!

Then bite me, oh fanged one!

For his poison fang was invincible!

But how?

My poison-proof armour defies your fabled fangs!


Viper? Viper!

Viper had no idea what she would do.

But one thing she did know... No one beats up my daddy!

A little snake with pretty ribbons?

What? Are you gonna dance for me?

If it'll make you happy.

Let's dance!

I don't have to bite you to fight!

Too bad your fists aren't as fast as your mouth.

My deceptive dancing defies your poison-proof armour.

The great master marveled at this little snake with no venom who had learned to dance to make her
father smile.

And so she had.

That night, Viper found courage, a power far more potent than venom.
Crane_Kungfu Panda-Secrets of the Furious Five
Twenty years ago, the best students from all of China studied at the famed Lee Da Kung Fu Academy.

And the best of the best was May Ling.

She was a total knockout.

Crane was there too.

- As the... janitor.

- Crane!

- New student try-outs are next week.

- Really?

Crane longed to be one of the students.

So this place needs to be ready.

But he thought he was too skinny.

Crane, get sweeping!

The students at the academy had it tough. But Crane had it tougher.

Crane! You're amazing.

- Me?

- You should try out for the school.

No, that's craziness talking.

No. No, no, no.

Well, you'll never know unless you try.

If May Ling thought so, maybe he should try.

So every night after work,

Crane trained for the try-outs.

The day of the try-outs came.

All you had to do to get into the school was grab that little red flag.

It was simple.
Simple but impossible!

Pathetic. Not one of you can do this?

- Wait. There is one.

- Hi, everybody.


Yeah. With those skinny legs.

My skinny legs. First time that's ever been mentioned.

Crane. Since you're here, why don't you get started cleaning.

I'm so sorry.

Don't worry about it.

It's totally fine.

Crane! Get going!

There are teeth everywhere.

It's fine. Really.

One word came to mind, it would be "fine". It's fine.

Crane! Stop!

Now, step out slowly.

But Crane didn't move.

And then Crane felt something new.


He felt it from the bottom of his skinny feet to the tip of his beak!

Even his hat was full of confidence!

So, you guys think you're not cool?

You'd be lucky to be not as cool.

Wait, half as cool as...how uncool Crane was.

You know what I mean?

Tigress_Kungfu Panda-Secrets of the Furious Five
It all started years ago at the Bau Gu orphanage.


Every month, the children of Bau Gu were given a chance to find a family!

It was a happy place.

Or, so it seemed.

For the Bau Gu orphanage had a terrible secret.

A monster!

A ferocious and powerful beast that no one could tame!

One night, it escaped!


The monster of Bau Gu was none other than......Tigress.

I just wanna play.

She wasn't like the other furry bunnies or cute little ducks.


Poor Tigress had no idea how strong she was.

Nobody would come here to adopt a child because they're afraid of her.

She's a monster. A monster.

The orphanage needed some help.


I am Shifu. I am...


- No.

- Well, you should be.

I am Tigress. Tigress the monster!

- A monster no one wants.

- You are not a monster.

You're just a little girl.

Let us play?

You must learn to control your strength.

And so the training began.

This game requires discipline, precision, a still hand and a steady heart.

Focus. Again.

Tigress tried her best, but she still couldn't control her temper.


And so the weeks turned into months.


Until one day......she had done it.

Her training was complete.

Once again, the Bau Gu orphanage was the happiest place in China.

But for Tigress, one test remained.

Would she find a family?

Total bummer.

Come, dear. There's always next time.

All the adults were still afraid of her.

All but one.

- Shifu!

- Come. Let us go home.

Monkey_Kungfu Panda-Secrets of the Furious Five
Three words.

B-A-D, bad.

I guess that's one word, three letters.

But not only bad as in "awesome", no.

Monkey was also bad as in, well, not very good.

Hey, over here.


The villagers had had enough.

They came up with a plan.


OK, it wasn't a great plan.

So instead of asking Monkey to leave, they decided they would make him leave.

No matter who the villagers sent......they were no match for Monkey.

Monkey could, quite literally, beat the pants off anyone.

Well, almost anyone.

Monkey, you must leave.

Sure, if you beat me, I will go.

If you don't, then it is you that must leave.

Without your pants.

But Oogway wore no pants.

Well, we shall see.

What are you gonna do now?

You saved me. Why?

Monkey, you have shown me great skills, but I also sense in you great pain.

You win. I will leave.

Stay. Use your skills for good, young warrior.

Find the one thing that you were denied so long ago.

My pants?


Thank you, master.

And so, Monkey learned how to treat others the way he wanted to be treated

And now, he was indeed good, really good.

But bad too, as in bad-tastically good!

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