Iot Smart Campus Review and Implementation of Iot Applications Into Education Process of University

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IoT smart campus review and implementation of IoT

applications into education process of university

Azamat Zhamanov (Author) Zhulduz Sakhiyeva (Author)
Computer Science. Suleyman Demirel University Computer Science. University of International Business
Suleyman Demirel University, SDU University of International Business, UIB
Kaskelen, Kazakhstan Almaty, Kazakhstan
[email protected] [email protected]

Rassim Suliyev (Author) Zhazira Kaldykulova (Author)

Computer Science. Suleyman Demirel University Computer Science. Suleyman Demirel University
Suleyman Demirel University, SDU Suleyman Demirel University, SDU
Kaskelen, Kazakhstan Kaskelen, Kazakhstan
[email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—In this paper described model of Internet of 2017, more than 30% of grow in comparison with 2016 and
20.4 billion of connected devices will be reached by 2020.
This paper reviews concepts of Internet of Things (IoT), IoT Total budget for services and endpoints will reach about 2$
smart campus model and applications, describes implementation trillion in 2017 [7]. IoT useful in different areas, including:
of IoT applications in university campus, IoT Flipped Classroom, medicine, agriculture, education and others (8) (9) (10). It
IoT Entrance system, student’s feedback, IoT orangery and IoT changes approach in education. Instructors save time to grade
heating system. Feedback token from students shows impact of students by using online IoT processes like Kahoot, share
implementation of IoT Flipped Classroom and compare with
marks via Google documents and writes posts with Telegram,
traditional education approach.
students get more and better information from instructor or any
Keywords—IoT; Flipped Classroom; education; computer other internet resource, they can compare level of knowledge
networks; university and competence of instructor and immediately can provide
feedback so that administration will monitor situation and
make action when it is required (10). IoT solutions will
I. INTRODUCTION positively impact for campus ecosystem, without IoT in
We live in century where Information and Communication campus of university there are some issues, like: security, staff
Technology (ICT) is unseparated part of almost all developed and student’s management, energy, water, heating excess
countries. ICT improves and fix quality of live in different usage.
areas including: medicine, education process and security [1].
Internet of Things (IoT) helps ICT to extend provided services, Hesham described 6 benefits and 4 applications of IoT
it gives for things flexibility and reachability from anywhere to campus (11). First benefit - save cost and time. IoT based
anyone worldwide [2]. IoT consists of four pillars: things, services save energy and water, monitor environmental
people, process and data. Nowadays a lot of devices connected conditions, such as humidity, pressure, temperature etc. For
to internet but most of them PCs, laptops, tablets, TVs and instance, sensors would control the supply of hot water in
smartphones, in future more autonomous devices (things) will radiators, turn them off during off hours and weekends, this can
have internet connectivity. For example, RFID readers as part save about 50-60% of energy spend for heating. Second benefit
of entrance system in IoT campus of university or multisensory - automate maintenance. Sensors attached to IoT devices helps
things that measure temperature, air pollution, moisture etc. [3] to monitor status of equipment, when action required
People also already connected to internet by different IoT maintenance staff can immediately react. Third benefit - protect
gadgets, smart jacket Jacquard by Google and Levi’s [4], the environment. By using Computer Vision (CV) algorithms
Google glasses, Xiaomi MI Band Trackers and others wearable IoT campus can recognize entering cars by plates license plate
things are good examples of how person can be connected to and give permission to pass or deny, CV also can be used to
recognize students and university staff by face recognition
Internet. IoT pillar process connects things, people and data,
algorithms. Fourth benefit - achieve efficient parking. IoT
simplifies and makes faster billions of operations worldwide.
parking system saves time during parking in campus. Fifth
Google document, If This Then That (IFTT), are good example
benefit - students and staff attendance system. By using RFID
of IoT process pillar [5] [6]. Gartner, Inc. expects that 8.4
tags or biometric parameters or face recognition algorithms
billion things are going to be connected and will be used in
students and staff can be recognized and attendance can be

(978-1-5386-2501-9/17/$31.00 ©2017 IEEE)

taken automatically. Sixth benefit - occupancy detection and B. Implementation of Flipped Classroom as element of IoT
tracking. IoT service would navigate students and staff to find education process
free place to study or to provide extra lessons on demand. More than 80 bachelor students out of 170 took
Application 1 – smart building. Technologically aware, participation in Computer Networks subject which was flipped,
healthy, sustainable, application 2 – renewables and smart grid, rest part continued education in traditional educational
application 3 – smart learning, application 4 – waste and water approach. First time we flipped class in 2016-2017 during
management. Spring semester. Video lesson were prepared using Camtasia
Education in campus takes special place, more detailed
review done by Hesham for smart learning application. He
compares traditional learning where students and instructors
have to be at the same place and same time to be able to
provide education with smart education where students can
have lessons remotely on demand. Overviewed 3 scenarios
where the IoT can be used in learning process: Smart
attendance system by using RFID tags, smart laboratories with
sensors and actuators for time and recourses save and smart
libraries with IoT element to provide securable books for
student’s rent. In (12) work Hsing describes about architecture
of cloud services: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Software
as a Service (SaaS), Platform as a Services (PaaS) and
Database as a Service (DaaS). Cloud services are the part of
IoT (5). Hsing in (12) implemented IoT in Campus-Lab
management system application by using RFID and Zigbee
sensors to monitor and occupy seat place in lab.
In this paper we consider IoT smart campus applications in
plans and already implemented in university. Paper organized
as following: Section II shows implementation of IoT
application with flipped classroom for IoT smart campus,
Section III describes results of implementation IoT flipped
classroom and Section IV describes conclusion and future Fig. 1. Screenshot of video lesson's project in Camtasia Studio 8.5
Studio 8.5 and were shared via YouTube channel “CCNA,
CCENT Video Channel - Flipped Classroom”
CLASSROOM AYzBw [14], Figure 1 shows Screenshot of video lesson's
In this section described IoT Smart campus applications project in Camtasia Studio 8.5. Table 1 describes YouTube
that already implemented and will be implemented in future: channel’s statistics by geography, watched time (in minutes),
views, average view duration and average percentage viewed.
A. Flipped Classroom as element of IoT education Overall statistics shows that videos from channel were
Flipped Classroom (FP) is a part of educational IoT watched 55,937 minutes it is about 2,330 hours, where most of
application that is not implemented in many developing listeners from Kazakhstan 50,391 (90%), next 1,211 (2.2%)
countries yet. FP is a model when students have lectures at viewers from United States.
home and do homework in classroom with the help of
instructor and groupmates, exams, seminars and any other During classes students made small presentations according
activities held in classroom. Instructor prepares video lessons to current topic in pairs where is duration limited in 10-15
and shares them with students, students have to watch them minutes after instructor provided small filtration test by using
and prepare for subject before they will participate in classes IoT process, online service Kahoot, after test students do
and class time used by instructor to measure knowledge token laboratory works with Cisco Packet Tracer simulator. During
by students from video lessons, gives task and help to finalize completion of task, simulator evaluates points of students
tasks to consolidate passed materials (13). IoT Flipped automatically, so that instructor can give points without human
classroom gives opportunity for students to learn subject at any factor. Figure 2 shows screenshot of video from YouTube in
time and any place, at university, at home, in subway or during which students explain to their groupmates how to calculate
launch time. And if student wants to make break of the lesson IPv4 addresses. Students can see updates from instructor by
he can pause video or if he missed something he can replay using Telegram channel “INF 313 Computer Networks 1”, here
video one more time. Instructor prepares video lesson ones that is the link to enroll into channel
can be used many years.
Instructor uses Google Sheets table to grade students, students
able to see their points via shared document.
with traditional approach. Table 2 shows comparison of
students results, in average Flipped Classroom students took
74.24% it is better for 19.51% than Traditional educated
students who have 54.73% in average.


Flipped Classroom Traditional
Attendance 90,93 75,78
Labworks 60,96 51,78
Quiz 1 74,2 39,67
Quiz 2 75,22 45,35
Midterm 74,63 50,51
Online 1 57,32 55,57
Online 2 80,25 58,78
Fig. 2. During student’s presentation Final 80,45 60,41
Average 74,24 54,73


As the result of survey and feedbacks from students, we define
Geography Watch time Views Average Average to change the model of implementation IoT Flipped Classroom
view percentage approach for next semester. Figure 4 demonstrates IoT Flipped
duration viewed
Kazakhstan 50,391 (90%) 7,143 (86%) 7:03 18%
Classroom future model.
US 1,211 (2.2%) 184 (2.2%) 6:34 17%
Spain 891 (1.6%) 80 (1.0%) 11:08 26%
Canada 590 (1.1%) 69 (0.8%) 8:32 23%
France 311 (0.6%) 36 (0.4%) 8:38 24%
Australia 277 (0.5%) 33 (0.4%) 8:23 22%
Iraq 234 (0.4%) 46 (0.6%) 5:05 11%
UK 223 (0.4%) 39 (0.5%) 5:43 15%
India 206 (0.4%) 69 (0.8%) 2:59 7.30%
Austria 170 (0.3%) 17 (0.2%) 9:59 28%
Russia 133 (0.2%) 33 (0.4%) 4:01 12%
Hungary 129 (0.2%) 13 (0.2%) 9:56 29%
Romania 128 (0.2%) 12 (0.1%) 10:41 35%

At the end of semester, students had survey according Fig. 4. IoT Flipped Classroom future model
flipped classroom, 27,5% strongly agreed that video lessons
better than traditional lectures, 45,2% of students agreed, IV. CONCLUSION AND FUTURE WORKS
19,2% answered with neutral answer and 11% disagreed.
Figure 3 shows pie chart according to video lessons interest. Implementation IoT technologies to university as a part of
smart campus helps instructors, students and administration to
automate the process of education, IoT Flipped Classroom
implementation is good example in proving statement.
In future, we plan to develop and implement IoT
applications for IoT Smart Campus: IoT entrance system for
instructors and students. Work on IoT entrance system already
started, currently we placed turnstile with microchips with
RFID readers that connect to central server with database.
Students and instructors pass through the turnstile and server
recognizes them and give permission or deny pass. In future we
want to enhance system and provide additionally to recognize
Fig. 3. Pie chart according to video lessons interest
students by biometrical parameters. IoT Feedback system - In
university it is difficult to evaluate instructors for
administration, because only students can give proper grade.
III. RESULTS OF IMPLEMENTATION IOT FLIPPED CLASSROOM We plan to develop and implement mobile application that will
Statistics shows that students who studied with IoT Flipped get feedback from students according to passed class right after
Classroom have better results than those who prefer to study the lesson finished. There will be only three short questions
with yes/no answer. Only those students who participated in
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