Ultrasonic Flow Meter Compliance With Api 14.10 Measurement of Flow To Flares
Ultrasonic Flow Meter Compliance With Api 14.10 Measurement of Flow To Flares
Ultrasonic Flow Meter Compliance With Api 14.10 Measurement of Flow To Flares
Ultrasonic flow meters have been used for over 30 years to measure flow to flare stacks. Due to changes
in plant construction philosophies to more compact building, environmental regulations, and an increased
offshore activity the demands to these measurements have changed during recent years. New
regulations implemented in Europe and North America requires the measurement of fuel and flare gas to
calculate CO2 and VOC emissions.
Compact and more optimized production facilities have higher capacities and therefore result in higher
maximum flow conditions over the flare. Flow rates of more than 100 m/s have been recorded during
shut down conditions. Waste or flare gas can vary greatly in its composition and abrupt flow condition
changes should be expected. Furthermore the low flow conditions became more importance for process
control and optimization and for identification of valve leakage in normal operational conditions. Minimum
flow rates demands high efficient transducer technology and advanced signal processing algorithms to
ensure exact and high resolution time measurement. High flow velocities will introduce soaring noise
within the flowing gas and at the ultrasonic probe itself. Even drift of the “ultrasonic beam” has to be
considered at high gas velocities.
With all of these considerations, the main guidance for flare flow installation is API 14.10. This paper
reviews API 14.10 and compliance with the design requirements established relating to flare flow and the
SICK ultrasonic mass flow meter FLOWSIC100 Flare.
API 14.10 is a standard which addresses flare flow meters and includes discussion of the following
Application Considerations.
Installation Considerations
For the purposes of this paper we examine application and installation considerations, calibration, and
uncertainty. The other topics are either not applicable or are well covered by the standard.
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
API 14.10 section 4.1 recommends that Error curve, 6" CrossDuct
Manufacturers be able to provide test 3
reports quantifying the effects of various
influences parameters on their devices to
substantiate their performance specification 1
Dev. [%]
on request. Reports should be based on 0
flow loop data from a recognized flow meter
test facility. This data can be provided by -1
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120 130
VOG [m/s]
Volumetric Flow Rate.
Ultrasonic flow meters measure velocity and calculate volumetric flow by multiplying the velocity by the
cross sectional area of the pipe, I.E. ACFM. Temperature and Pressure are provided as analog inputs to
calculate Standardized or Normalized flow, I.E. SCFM, Molecular Weight, and Mass Flow.
Section 4.6.1 suggests that meters which have 1000:1 or better turndown should have the capability of
multiple analog outputs of at least one low flow and one high flow. This is possible with the Sick flow
meter as you may add outputs in groups of two via Output modules in the MCU.
For Sick ultrasonic flow meters, meter sizing consists of a combination of pipe size and stream
composition considerations. High levels of attenuating gasses such as CO2 or H2S may reduce the
upper velocity and measuring distance between sensors but in general piping should be size to keep the
velocity between 0.98 and 394 feet per second for cross duct applications and 0.1 and 295 feet per
second for single port probe versions of the flow meter. Providing a full accounting of possible stream
compositions, pressure and temperature conditions and flow rates will ensure a properly sized meter.
SICK flare flowmeter enables a cross- duct measurement also in very large pipes. A fully diametric
measurement path without sensor insertion in the flow can be realized up to 72” (depending on gas
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
API 14.10 suggests that Ultrasonic flow meters have a low sensitivity to entrained liquids and to fouling
compared to other technologies, ultrasonic flow meters have a relatively HIGH tolerance to fouling.
Pollution/Contamination of the ultrasonic sensors can be monitored by diagnostic functions unless the
process will have sticky tar like liquids in the line. The perceived limitation is overcome with the adaptation
of a diagnostic circuit for automatic gain control on the sensors. If the transducers begin to foul drastically,
the gain on the transducers will increase to overcome the effects of the fouling. Once the gain value has
reached 70% of max, the MCUP will alarm with a maintenance fault. The meter will continue to operate
and read accurately, and the fault will alert the operator that the sensors need cleaning.
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
Safety 4.2.1
Appropriate access should be provided for sensor maintenance. Remote flow computer or electronics
may be located up to 3000 feet from the sensors for easy and safe access. Since the remote electronics
communicate to the sensors via digital communications, all sensor parameter and diagnostics are
available from the Multi Control Unit Processing MCUP.
Sick transducers are certified for Class 1, Division 1 and Class 1, Division 2, Groups A-D hazardous
locations and the remote electronics (Multi Control Unit Processing MCUP) are also certified for
hazardous locations.
When mounted near the flare flame, such as on a flare boom on an offshore platform, a radiant heat
shield may be required to block radiant heat from the flame to the sensor electronics package.
The performance of the MCUP allows connecting up to three independent flow meters. The MCUP
supports a complete different measuring value settings, parameter settings and I/O for each
measurement point. Further customer requirements like redundant metering, pipe incremental size or two
path measurements can be realized to save costs.
Figure: Use of MCUP with three independent measurements in one spoolpiece for three customers.
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
Spool and Hot tap versions are available; units are offered as
extractable under pressure; fouling is identified through use of
monitoring automatic gain on the sensors and fouling is identified
before loss of signal; a proprietary algorithm is incorporated to infer
molecular weight at 2% accuracy from 2 to 120. SICK ultrasonic flow
meters offer all of the recommendations in this section.
The sections makes note that care must be taken to install insertion
units at the proper depth and angle to ensure the proper path length.
SICK supplies the installation tools to make this a reality, including a
nozzle installation tool and electronic spread sheet to calculate the
precise nozzle angle and path length after installation. This takes
installation error out of the uncertainty for the meter installation.
Figure: EXCEL tool for easy calculation of path angle and path length
[1] (SICK scope of supply).
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
While all of the considerations are valid, provide 3 ft of clearance on all sides for removal of the sensors.
See diagnostics software above. A print out of the parameterization and diagnostic values as well as a
downloadable file can be saved for record keeping purposes.
Flowmeter 5.1
For type testing, the primary element performance has been established using flow loop testing, and all
primary elements are shown to have been manufactured to within the manufacturer’s tolerance for the
flow meter that was type tested. Sick flare flow meters are both individually tested for proper zero and
speed of sound calculation and type tested over the capable velocity range of the flow meter.
The SICK flow test facilities are approved and traceable to national standards.
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
Figure 1: Measured velocity of gas inside the zero flow box [1]
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
testing inline, the recommended procedure, see the “Check Cycle” routine described in the Instruction
The meter check cycle satisfies all manufacturers’ requirements for annual calibration without actual
removal of the sensor from the line. Recognizing the industry trend to offer a secondary calibration check
for ultrasonic flow meters, a zero flow box is offered to assist in testing the zero and speed of sound.
In a specially designed measuring chamber, the velocity of gas and the velocity of sound are determined
at a flow rate of 0 m/s. The special chamber is designed such that flow rate fluctuations and effects of
temperature have been almost fully eliminated. This is why the test must yield a gas velocity of 0 m/s and
the theoretically calculated velocity of sound in the chamber for each properly working measuring device.
In addition, based on the recorded measured velocity values, it is possible to check resolution and
general measuring signal noise of the device. The test is successfully finalized if the recorded data within
the specified limits. All the data, diagnostics and conclusions are stored, presented and automatically
generated in an accurate EXCEL report.
Additionally, SICK offers training for end users as suggested in section 4.6.6.
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
While performance testing is not required, a spool piece type for flow meter should be desired, a spool
piece can be sent to a third party lab for performance verification. Insertion sensors can be placed in a
flow loop with air or other gasses and verified as well; however the user should understand that an
insertion meter without a spool may be subject to installation uncertainties that cannot be accounted for in
a factory flow test. Those uncertainties can be accounted for on installation by taking proper
measurements and calculating
The uncertainty analysis has been calculated for the following gas flow velocity values, as specified in the
API Standards: 0.3 m/s; 1.0 m/s; 10 m/s; 90 m/s
The example cited is based on a meter in a pipeline with a nominal width of 16”, and can be transferred
for other widths. The analysis is valid for a device with one cross-duct path. The values measured are: the
volume flow rate during operation, the normalized flow rate and the mass flow rate.
The uncertainty analysis thereby fulfils the requirements for the following standards and regulations:
North America Custody Transfer Measurement Conference
April 14 -17 2015
The diagram below shows one result for the measuring value “Normalized Flowrate”. The calculation
always consider the given velocity points and the different type of installation. It will be clear that the best
uncertainty will be achievable by using of a calibrated meter which includes a meter body certainly.
[2] Manual of Petroleum Measurement Standards Chapter 14 – Natural Gas Fluids Measurement,
Section 10 Measurement of Flow to Flares. First edition, July 2007
[3] The variation of the specific heat ratio and the speed of sound in air with temperature, pressure
and humidity, and CO2 concentration. Owen Cream, National Metrology Program