Unit 3: Engineering Science: Unit Code T/615/1477 Unit Type Core Unit Level 4 Credit Value 15

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This unit introduces fundamental engineering science concepts such as forces, materials properties, fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and electrical circuits.

The main topics covered in this unit include the international system of units, interpreting data, static and dynamic forces, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, material properties and failure, and AC/DC circuit theories.

The four learning outcomes of this unit are: 1) Examine scientific data using both quantitative and qualitative methods, 2) Determine parameters within mechanical engineering systems, 3) Explore the characteristics and properties of engineering materials, 4) Analyse applications of AC/DC circuit theorems, electromagnetic principles and properties.

Unit 3: Engineering Science

Unit code T/615/1477

Unit type Core

Unit level 4

Credit value 15

Engineering is a discipline that uses scientific theory to design, develop or maintain
structures, machines, systems, and processes. Engineers are therefore required to
have a broad knowledge of the science that is applicable to the industry around them.
This unit introduces students to the fundamental laws and applications of the physical
sciences within engineering and how to apply this knowledge to find solutions to a
variety of engineering problems.
Among the topics included in this unit are: international system of units, interpreting
data, static and dynamic forces, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics, material
properties and failure, and A.C./D.C. circuit theories.
On successful completion of this unit students will be able to interpret and present
qualitative and quantitative data using computer software, calculate unknown
parameters within mechanical systems, explain a variety of material properties and
use electromagnetic theory in an applied context.

Learning Outcomes
By the end of this unit students will be able to:
1. Examine scientific data using both quantitative and qualitative methods.
2. Determine parameters within mechanical engineering systems.
3. Explore the characteristics and properties of engineering materials.
4. Analyse applications of A.C./D.C. circuit theorems, electromagnetic principles and

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Essential Content

LO1 Examine scientific data using both quantitative and qualitative methods

International system of units:

The basic dimensions in the physical world and the corresponding SI base units
SI derived units with special names and symbols
SI prefixes and their representation with engineering notation

Interpreting data:
Investigation using the scientific method to gather appropriate data
Test procedures for physical (destructive and non-destructive) tests and
statistical tests that might be used in gathering information
Summarising quantitative and qualitative data with appropriate graphical
Using presentation software to present data to an audience

LO2 Determine parameters within mechanical engineering systems

Static and dynamic forces:

Representing loaded components with space and free body diagrams
Calculating support reactions of beams subjected to concentrated and
distributed loads
Newton’s laws of motion, D’Alembert’s principle and the principle of conservation
of energy

Fluid mechanics and thermodynamics:

Archimedes’ principle and hydrostatics
Continuity of volume and mass flow for an incompressible fluid
Effects of sensible/latent heat of fluid
Heat transfer due to temperature change and the thermodynamic process

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Engineering
Specification – Issue 7 – October 2020 © Pearson Education Limited 2020
LO3 Explore the characteristics and properties of engineering materials

Material properties:
Atomic structure of materials and the structure of metals, polymers and
Mechanical and electromagnetic properties of materials

Material failure:
Destructive and non-destructive testing of materials
The effects of gradual and impact loading on a material.
Degradation of materials and hysteresis

LO4 Analyse applications of A.C./D.C. circuit theorems, electromagnetic

principles and properties

D.C. circuit theory:

Voltage, current and resistance in D.C. networks
Exploring circuit theorems (Thevenin, Norton, Superposition), Ohm’s law and
Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws

A.C. circuit theory:

Waveform characteristics in a single-phase A.C. circuit
RLC circuits

Characteristics of magnetic fields and electromagnetic force
The principles and applications of electromagnetic induction

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Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria

Pass Merit Distinction

LO1 Examine scientific data using both quantitative D1 Analyse scientific
and qualitative methods data using both
quantitative and
P1 Describe SI units and M1 Explain how the
qualitative methods
prefix notation application of scientific
method impacts upon
P2 Examine quantitative
different test procedures
and qualitative data with
appropriate graphical
LO2 Determine parameters within mechanical D2 Compare how
engineering systems changes in the thermal
efficiency of a given
P3 Determine the support M2 Determine unknown
system can affect its
reactions of a beam forces by applying
carrying a combination of d'Alembert's principle to
a concentrated load and a a free body diagram
uniformly distributed load
P4 Use Archimedes’
principle in contextual
engineering applications
P5 Determine the effects
of heat transfer on the
dimensions of given

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Engineering
Specification – Issue 7 – October 2020 © Pearson Education Limited 2020
Pass Merit Distinction
LO3 Explore the characteristics and properties of D3 Compare and
engineering materials contrast theoretical
material properties of
P6 Describe the structural M3 Review elastic and
metals and non-metals
properties of metals and electromagnetic
with practical test data
non-metals with reference hysteresis in different
to their material materials
P7 Explain the types of
degradation found in
metals and non-metals
LO4 Analyse applications of A.C./D.C. circuit theorems, D4 Evaluate different
electromagnetic principles and properties techniques used to solve
problems on a combined
P8 Calculate currents and M4 Explain the principles
series-parallel RLC circuit
voltages in D.C. circuits and applications of
using A.C. theory.
using circuit theorems electromagnetic
P9 Describe how complex
waveforms are produced
from combining two or
more sinusoidal
P10 Solve problems on
series RLC circuits with
A.C. theory.

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Recommended Resources

BIRD, J. (2012) Science for Engineering. 4th Ed. London: Routledge.
BOLTON, W. (2006) Engineering Science. 5th Ed. London: Routledge.
TOOLEY, M. and DINGLE, L. (2012) Engineering Science: For Foundation
Degree and Higher National. London: Routledge.

International Journal of Engineering Science.
International Journal of Engineering Science and Innovative Technology.

https://www.khanacademy.org/ Khan Academy

This unit links to the following related units:
Unit 9: Materials, Properties and Testing
Unit 3: Engineering Science

Pearson BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals in Engineering
Specification – Issue 7 – October 2020 © Pearson Education Limited 2020

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