General MCQ
General MCQ
General MCQ
1 B
A. Dumping
B. Import Duty
C. Embargo
D. Exchange control
E. Import License
C. Grapes
D. Oranges
D. Multimodal Sea / Land
Which of the following cargo will not move by air because of its 8 B
negative impact on product price?
A. Flowers
B. Onions
C. Medicines
D. Garments
Out of following, which port is handling highest number of 9 A
containers in the world?
A. Shanghai
B. Hong Kong
C. Antwerp
D. Los Angeles
will have sail via
A. Cape Horn
B. Cape of Good Hope
C. Cape Kennedy
In sea transport bulk cargo means ………(find correct answer) 16 B
A. Packed cargo loaded on vessel
B. Cargo shipped without any packing
C. Containerized cargo shipped in large quantity
A. Tank container
B. Flat rack container
C. General purpose
D. 20’ High cube
For transportation of one transformer weighing 25 metric ton, 23 D
measurement 9’ W / 21’ L-- what type of container should be
A. 20’
B. 40’ Open top
C. 40’
D. 20’ flat rack
For transportation of one boiler weighing 25 metric ton, 24 C
measurement 7’6” W / 19’ L and 9’10” H freight quoted by shipping
line is $1200 D20’/ $3300 D40’ flat rack / $3500 20’ Flat rack /
$3000 D20’ Open top -- what type of container you will use?
A. 20’
B. 40’ Flat rack
C. 20’ Open top
D. 20’ flat rack
You are an exporter and you are negotiating for transportation of 25 D
one CNC machine weighing 25 m.t., measurement 7’ W / 37’ L /
10’ H freight quoted by shipping line is $2200 standard 20’
container ……..(Find correct answer)
A. I will accept this quote for calculating price quote to
B. I will ask freight quote for 20’ Open top
C. I will ask freight quote for 40’ Standard
D. I will ask freight quote for 40’ Open top
Incoterms are devised by 26 B
A. World customs council
B. International chamber of commerce
C. World Bank
D. United Nations
D. Liner service
E. Tramp ships
For shipment of Perishable products which type of container you 29 A
will prefer?
A. Reefer containers
B. General purpose
C. Open top type
Out of following, which port is handling highest number of 30 A
containers in the world?
A. Shanghai
B. Hong Kong
C. Antwerp
D. Los Angeles
Out of following which is not “non tariff barrier”? 1 B
A. Import license
B. Import Duty
C. Quota system
D. Free and Preferential Tariff Treatments
Prior to exports customs examine goods as well as invoice to ensure 2 B
that (Find correct statement)
A. Goods packed are the same as ordered by the buyer.
B. Under invoicing or over invoicing is avoided.
C. Best quality goods are exported
For which of the following shipments you will select Air Transport? 3 C
A. 1000 tons Rice
B. 1000 tons Diesel engines
C. 1000 cartons of fresh vegetables
D. 1000 tons of wheat
To keep cost of inventory low, which of the following product will be 4 B
air freighted?
A. Costume jewellery non precious
B. Precious stone jewellery.
C. Hair clips
D. Bracelets made of wood.
As a purchase manager which of the following product you will air 5 C
A. Spare parts regularly required.
B. Components, which you regularly require for production.
C. High value spare parts rarely required.
For shipment of 10,00,000 industrial hand gloves from China to 6 D
Switzerland which of the following mode of transport is most
A. Air
B. Multimodal Sea / Air
C. Rail
D. Multimodal Sea / Land
Which of the following cargo will not move by air because of its 7 B
negative impact on product price?
a) Flowers
b) Salt
c) Medicines
d) Garments
Coir, tea and coffee is exported from……………in large quantity 8 A
(Find correct answer to complete the sentence )
A. Kochi Port
B. Mumbai Port
C. Chennai Port
Which of the following port is not on east coast of India? 9 C
A. Chennai