Impact of Digital Banks On Incumbents in Singapore
Impact of Digital Banks On Incumbents in Singapore
Impact of Digital Banks On Incumbents in Singapore
Impact of digital
banks on incumbents
Need for banks to re-evaluate their
business model and customer
retention strategies
January 2020
Impact of
of digital
digital banks
banks on
on incumbents
Varun Mittal
EY Global Emerging Markets
FinTech Leader
Ernst & Young Solutions LLP.
Neena Antal
Director, Digital
Ernst & Young Advisory Pte. Ltd.
Akshay Tatke
Manager, Strategy & Operations
EY Corporate Advisors Pte. Ltd.
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
Contents page
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Impact of
of digital
digital banks
banks on
on incumbents
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
The NDBs are fundamentally different from the incumbents across their business and operating models.
They are more customer-centric and focus on delivering state-of-the-art features to engage and retain them.
1. Target micro-segments
2. World-class customer experience
Business model 3. Simple products, pricing and transparency
4. High degree of personalization
5. Embed in daily life of target segments
To compete in this dynamic and demanding environment, incumbent banks need to think differently
about their business and operating models to “keep the lights on”, while also transforming and innovating
at speed.
Furthermore, regulators have been supporting innovation and trying to be a part of the change rather than
disrupting it. They have been putting in stringent customer security measures as well to ensure that above
all, customers are protected. We predict that the presence of digital banks is set to grow with the support
from regulators in the region.
1. In this paper, the digital bank licenses granted by the regulators will be referred as New Digital Banks or NDBs
Impact of
of digital
digital banks
banks on
on incumbents
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
Singapore banking
sector sees a declining
year-on-year loan growth 3.0%
rate, indicating a need
for innovative products
or alternate data to 0.5%
access credit worthiness
of current customer base 2017 2018 2019
Impact of
of digital
digital banks
banks on
on incumbents
The different digital bank players bring one of the following three
differentiators to the table that could give the NDBs an edge over
the incumbents.
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
The NDBs are aiming to create new value propositions by focusing on selected
customer segments, offering differentiated products supported by the latest
technology, to offer great user experience to entice the customers.
• Initial focus in serving • Offer new and innovative banking • Differentiated and seamless
underserved segments products banking experience
• Gradually shift scope to • Developing new technology • Building an extensive
cover the “massive middle” capabilties and methodologies to ecosystem to provide
offer products in a new way non-banking services
Retail Wholesale
• Over 200,000 individuals taking up • Potentially 100,000 young
short-term or event-based work businesses that lack financial
Gig economy Young history and track record
• Traditionally ineligible for
participants MSMEs3
credit, and lack personalized • Require digital management tools
insurance coverage due to lack of resources
3. Micro SMEs refer to corporates that has an annual revenue of less than S$1 million and/or with less than 10 employees
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
4. Above products and customer experience features are representation of key area that NDBs will play in and is not complete
nor exhaustive.
5. EY analysis on revenue pools for various products in Singapore market
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
We see an emerging trend of ‘FinLife’, the coming together of
financial services and lifestyle to enable seamless customer
experience and innovative financial products.
Varun Mittal
EY Global Emerging Markets FinTech Leader
Impact of
of digital
digital banks
banks on
on incumbents
Fulfilling these new-age customer demands is exactly how the NDBs expect to win market share in the
competitive banking landscape of Singapore. There will be an impact on the existing customer base of the
incumbents, and some customers will move with their money and relationships to NDBs.
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
The new crop of digital banks aim to fulfil these NDB foray matrix
customer expectations by building a legacy-free, High
slick user experience on both online and offline
fronts, and gradually increasing their market share
3 4
Customer Satisfaction
at a faster pace than the incumbent banks.
The NDB foray matrix below depicts the incumbent
bank’s existing customer segments that are likely to
move to the NDBs, in addition to the underserved
customers of the market. The segmenting 1 2
approach is based on two key parameters:
a) customer satisfaction or happiness, and
b) the amount of revenue the banks can earn from
the customers.
Low Banks’ propensity to earn revenue High
3. Happy 4. Profitable
Characteristics 1. Indifferent 2. Flight-risk
minimalist loyalist
Usage of banking Free basic services Longer term Transactional Consider bank as
services such as savings products such as services and one-stop financial
account mortgages rewards shop
Engagement with Rarely interact Interact at time of Frequent Deeply engaged as
bank need interaction part of day-to-day
Stickiness Low Medium Medium High
Potential hook Financial advice Personalized Attractive offers Simple and user
with lifestyle services like wealth on low margin friendly digital
linked products products products
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
To penetrate into incumbents’ customer base, NDBs will rely on a combination of differentiated products and
the customers’ likeliness of using these products in comparison to its traditional alternative.
Illustrative products
Potential to differentiate
The NDBs are expected to focus on products that lie close to the fourth quadrant, offering maximum
differentiation through innovation, while also enticing customers to switch from incumbent banks. Whereas,
products in the first quadrant will see less innovation, proving to be more challenging to excite customers to
switch from their primary banks in the initial years.
Existing banks have been acting as the primary bank for their customers for many years and have built a
strong brand that their customers can trust with their money and financial needs. The NDBs will have to
offer differentiated products and be agile in the coming years to win the trust of the customers.
According to a recent survey, its quite evident that up to 70% of the young banking customers are open to
try products and services offered by NDBs.6 This puts the incumbents at a juncture where they would need
to devise strategies to increase the stickiness of their customer base by offering innovative and personalized
solutions, along with managing the profitability and margin pressure. Status-quo might not be an option any
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
Incumbents have to take action now, given that doing nothing is not a viable
option anymore.
There are multiple options that incumbent banks can choose from and formalize their strategy to compete
with the NDBs and increase the top-line. Below are the four main approaches that banks can take to protect
and increase their customer base in the current market.
Targeted digital Defensive and targeted offering to protect their price, product
1 offering and segments
Implementation effort
Create new digital Create new digital front-end channel, but most of the
2 front-end operations and technology remain similar as current
Launch NDB using Create a digital-only bank with current license with separate
4 existing license operations, technology stack and potentially brand
Incumbent banks have a short time frame to realign their strategy and focus on
execution to compete with digital banks.
MAS aims to award the digital bank licenses by June 2020 and the NDBs should most likely be operational
by Q2 in 2021. This gives the incumbent banks a limited time frame to design and implement their
strategic plans in next 12 to 18 months. The banks should take advantage of their existing customer
database to deepen the current relationship by meeting their expectations, and respond to their needs in a
speedy manner.
Create new
Identify areas
strategic options Build and
of impact or
to defend and roll out
12–18 months
Impact of
of digital
digital banks
banks on
on incumbents
Contact us
Brian Thung
EY Asean Financial Services Leader
Ernst & Young LLP
Anshuman Singh
EY Asia-Pacific Financial Services
Digital Leader
Ernst & Young Advisory Pte. Ltd.
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
Li Yun Seah
Financial Services
Ernst & Young LLP
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
Impact of digital banks on incumbents
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This material has been prepared for general informational purposes only and is not intended to
be relied upon as accounting, tax or other professional advice. Please refer to your advisors for
specific advice.