Design of Wide-Area Damping Controllers For Interarea Oscillations
Design of Wide-Area Damping Controllers For Interarea Oscillations
Design of Wide-Area Damping Controllers For Interarea Oscillations
3, AUGUST 2008
Abstract—This paper develops a systematic procedure of de- power system parameters, neglected high frequency dynamics
signing a centralized damping control system for power grid and invalid assumptions made in the modeling process. Second,
interarea oscillations putting emphasis on the signal selection local controllers lack global observation of interarea modes. It
and control system structure assignment. Geometric measures of
controllability/observability are used to select the most effective has been proved that under certain operating conditions an inter-
stabilizing signals and control locations. Line power flows and area mode may be controllable from one area and be observable
currents are found to be the most effective input signals. The syn- from another [1]. In such cases, local controllers are not effec-
thesis of the controller is defined as a problem of mixed 2 tive for the damping of that mode.
output-feedback control with regional pole placement and is The recently developed robust control theory and wide-area
resolved by the linear matrix inequality (LMI) approach. A tuning
process and nonlinear simulations are then used to modify the control system technologies offer a great potential to overcome
controller parameters to ensure the performance and robustness the shortcomings of conventional local controllers. Robust
of the controller designed with linear techniques. The design control techniques have been applied to design controllers that
process is tested on the New England 39-bus ten-machine system. formally guarantee the system stability with an acceptable
Index Terms—Damping controller, interarea oscillations, robust performance for a wide range of operating conditions [2]–[4].
control, wide-area control, wide-area measurements. With the technology of phasor measurement units (PMU), syn-
chronized dynamic data of power systems can be transferred
across the whole power system [5], [6]. The availability of
wide-area measurements enables the real time detection and
ARGE power systems typically exhibit multiple domi-
L nant interarea swing modes on the order of 0.1–1.0 Hz.
This type of oscillations limits the amount of power transfer on
control of small signal instability in large scale power systems
[7]. Bonneville Power Administration (BPA) developed a
wide-area control system (WACS) for the transient stability
the tie-lines between the regions containing coherent generator and voltage support of their power system [30]. For some
groups. Today, oscillatory stability control has become more im- specific grid structures and operating conditions, wide-area
portant because these low-frequency interarea oscillations are control is more efficient than local control in preventing loss
often poorly damped with the increase of energy interchanges of synchronism. References [8] and [9] show that for a study
across the power grids. system resembling the Hydro-Québec grid, local controls need
The traditional approach to damp out interarea oscillations from four to 20 times larger gain than wide-area control to
is to install power system stabilizers (PSS) that provide supple- achieve a similar damping effect.
mentary control action through the generator excitation systems. Many researchers achieved good results by applying
In recent years, supplementary modulation controllers (SMC) wide-area measurements and robust control techniques to the
are added to FACTS devices to damp the interarea oscillations. design of wide-area control system for power system oscilla-
These controllers usually use local inputs and cannot always be tions damping. One promising approach is to design wide-area
effective in easing the problem due to two main shortcomings. measurements based controllers that provide control actions
First, based on a linearization of the system model in a nom- through generator excitation systems supplemental to the ac-
inal operating point, conventional local controllers designed by tion of local PSSs. In [10], a remote feedback controller (RFC)
the classical control techniques have their validity restricted to design methodology using PMU measurements is described.
a neighborhood of this point. But power systems constantly Reference [11] proposes a design of supervisor PSS (SPSS)
experience changes in operating conditions due to variations that exchanges information with local PSSs to improve power
in generation and load patterns and changes in transmission systems oscillatory stability. Reference [12] proposes a decen-
networks. In addition, some uncertainty is introduced into the tralized/hierarchical structure for a wide-area control system.
power system model due to inaccurate approximation of the Wide-area signals based PSSs are used to provide damping
additional to the local ones.
Manuscript received March 14, 2007; revised July 14, 2007. This work was In this paper we develop a systematic design procedure of
supported in part through the Consortium for Electric Reliability Technology wide-area damping control systems by combining stabilizing
Solutions (CERTS), funded by the Assistant Secretary of Energy Efficiency
and Renewable Energy, Office of Distributed Energy and Electricity Reliability,
signal selection and LMI based robust control design together,
Transmission Reliability Program of the U.S. Department of Energy under In- with particular attention to several issues. One such issue is the
teragency Agreement No. DE-AI-99EE35075 with the NSF and in part through selection of input stabilizing signals. The number of input sig-
PSerc, an NSF I/UCRC. Paper no. TPWRS-00171-2007. nals and the effect of different types of signals on control perfor-
The authors are with the Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99163
USA (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). mance are important design considerations. For example, gen-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRS.2008.926718 erator speed deviations have often been used as controller in-
0885-8950/$25.00 © 2008 IEEE
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puts but these are not easily obtained and need to be synchro-
nized, which often increases time delays. Our results show that
a comparison of different inputs can lead to a smaller number
of simpler inputs that provide the same control performance.
The method of geometric measures of controllability and ob-
servability introduced by Hamdan [13] is used to select the most
effective stabilizing signals and control locations.
In the literature, while single objective synthesis techniques
like optimization are often used for robust controller de-
sign [2]–[4], [11], [15], multiobjective synthesis is seldom ap-
plied in the design of wide-area damping controllers for power
system oscillations. Multiobjective synthesis has several advan-
tages over single objective synthesis as discussed in part IV. The
design method proposed in this paper for a wide-area damping
controller (WADC) to provide damping signals simultaneously
to automatic voltage regulators (AVRs) of several selected gen-
erators in addition to their local PSS control signals, is a multi-
objective synthesis, a mix of time- and frequency- domain spec-
ifications ranging from and performance to regional
Fig. 1. General structure of wide-area damping control system.
pole placement constraints.
The resulting WADC controller is a robust multiple-input-
multiple-output (MIMO) controller. Because linear techniques centralized wide-area damping control system, it still turns out
are used in designing this controller, it should be further tuned to be more cost-effective than installing new control devices.
and its performance and robustness should be tested on a In most power systems, local oscillation modes are often well
test-bed that represents the realistic power system with all its damped due to the installation of local PSSs, while interarea
nonlinearities, preferably the same type of simulation programs modes are often lightly damped because the control inputs used
that are used to study the dynamics of power systems. In our by those PSSs are local signals and often lack good observa-
design process, nonlinear simulations are conducted using the tion of some significant interarea modes. This suggests that a
Transient Security Assessment Tool (TSAT) [26] to test the wide-area controller using wide-area measurements as its inputs
efficacy of the designed WADC, which is modeled as a TSAT to create control signals supplement to local PSSs may help to
User-Defined Model (UDM). damp interarea oscillations out. A centralized controller struc-
This paper is structured as follows: Section II presents the ture is thus proposed and shown in Fig. 1.
architecture of the proposed wide-area damping control system; In the proposed wide-area damping control system, selected
Section III presents techniques used in the selection of stabi- stabilizing signals are measured by PMUs and sent to the con-
lizing signals and location of control devices; Section IV briefly troller through dedicated communication links. The wide-area
discusses the mixed output feedback control with damping controller calculates modulation signals and sends
regional pole placements in the LMI framework; Section V them to the selected generator exciters.
describes the general procedure of the design of wide-area Normally, all the local PSSs are still conventional controllers
damping controller; Section VI gives one numerical example designed by classical methods. In this design, they are modeled
and Section VII presents the conclusions. in the open loop state-space representation, on which the design
of the WADC is based. The whole damping system includes
II. WIDE-AREA DAMPING CONTROLLER STRUCTURE two levels. The first level is fully decentralized and consists of
The decentralized structure and the centralized structure are conventional PSSs. The second level is centralized and provides
the most often used approaches for the design of damping con- supplemental damping actions in addition to the first level for
troller. Based on local measurements, the first approach does not the lightly damped interarea oscillations.
need additional telecommunication equipment. But, decentral-
ized/local control alone may not be enough to meet the damping III. SELECTION OF MEASUREMENTS AND CONTROL LOCATIONS
needs of the future electrical networks, which are highly inter- Wide-area control is desirable for interarea oscillation
connected and stressed [9]. In contrast, centralized wide-area damping mainly because it provides better observability and
damping control provides more efficient solutions due to the controllability and thus better damping effects of those modes.
availability of large amount of system wide dynamic data and This benefit partly comes from the availability of system-wide
better observation of interarea modes. Wide-area controls in- dynamic information contained in remote stabilizing signals.
clude any control that requires some communication link to ei- In the selection of stabilizing signals and control locations, it
ther gather the input or to send out the control signal [14]. It is desirable to use as few measurements and control devices as
is found that if remote signals are applied to the controller, the possible to achieve satisfactory damping effects. This effort is
system dynamic performance can be enhanced with respect to worthwhile from an economic viewpoint because less measure-
interarea oscillations [1], [10]. Even though additional telecom- ment and control points mean less cost for communication links
munication equipment is needed for the realization of such a and/or controllers. Furthermore, less control loops are involved,
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with the th column of input matrix (corresponding to The configuration of the multiobjective damping controller
the th input) and the th row of output matrix (corre- synthesis is shown in Fig. 2. The output channel is associ-
sponding to the th output). and are the modulus and ated with the performance and the channel is associ-
Euclidean norm of , respectively; is the geometrical ated with performance. is a low-pass filter in the
angle between the input vector and the th left eigenvector, performance channel for output disturbance rejection. is
while is the geometrical angle between the output a high-pass filter or some small constant in performance
vector and the th right eigenvector. channel that is used to reduce the control effort. is a
The joint controllability/observability measure is defined by high-pass filter in the performance channel to ensure ro-
bustness against model uncertainties.
Good design specifications ensure high-performance and easy
(5) implementation of designed controllers. In the single objective
synthesis approach, the performance is used to evaluate
In the proposed design procedure, only a few measurements all design specifications like disturbance rejection, robustness
with the highest observability of interarea modes are selected and control effort. In contrast, in this multiobjective synthesis
as stabilizing signals and only a few generators with the highest approach, the performance is only used to measure robust-
controllability of those modes are chosen as control locations. ness against dynamic uncertainty. The performance is used to
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