Compliance Report On DPR S-K
Compliance Report On DPR S-K
Compliance Report On DPR S-K
The Project Director
PIU Khammam
National Highways Authority of India
PIU Office- Khammam
Sub: NHAI, PIU-Khammam – Four laning of Suryapet-Khammam section of NH-365BB from Design Ch.0+000
(Ex. Ch.128+500 of NH-65) to Design Ch.59+046 (Ex.Ch.50+750 of SH-42) Design length (59.046 Km) -
Submission of compliance Report by Smt. Divya karne on Detailed Project Report and Technical
Schedules for Suryapet-Khammam Road by DPR Consultant M/s.Feedback Infra Pvt. Ltd., – Reg.,
As per the directions and verbal communication with shri. V.S.S.Durga Pradasd, Project Director PIU
Khammam, on 03/10/2020 & 14/10/2020, I herewith submit the compliance report on the Detailed Project
Report and Technical Schedules for Suryapet-Khammam Road by DPR Consultant M/s.Feedback Infra Pvt. Ltd.
2. In this regard, it is to inform that DPR Consultant M/s. Feedback Infra Pvt. Ltd., has submitted the initial
DPR and also a Modified Technical Feasibility Report consisting Main Report, Appendix to Main Report, Drawings
(Highways and Structures), Utility Relocation Drawings (URP), Schedule A to D & H and Cost Estimates & Rate
3. The section was divided into 2 packages and the details are as follows.
4. (1) Package-1: from Design Ch. 0+000 (Ex. km: 128+500 of NH-65) to Design Ch. 33+300 (Ex. km:
24+000 of old SH-42).
The salient features of the Package-1are as follows:
Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) on the Stretch varies as following:
Sl. No. Location ADT AADT
Nos. PCUs Nos. PCUs
1 km 5.000 9309 12996 9519 13465
2 km 19.400 6148 9698 6324 10089
3 km 40.500 7362 11096 7616 11448
Pavement Design: The project road comprises of two homogeneous section based on the traffic, CBR
and existing Pavement composition.
The design inputs considered for pavement design have been summarized as below.
DESCRIPTION Suryapet to Chivvemla Bypass Chivvemla Bypass – Hussainabad
End (Design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. (Design Ch. 18.100 to Ch. 33.300)
Design life for Base and Sub 15 15
Design life for BT Layers 15 15
MSA 42 37
Lane Distribution factor 0.75 0.75
Direction Distribution factor 0.5 0.5
CBR 10% 10%
The design as per the IRC: 37 –2012, Base and Sub base is designed for 15 years design life and no stage
construction is adopted.
Proposed Flexible Pavement Composition
DESCRIPTION Suryapet to Chivvemla Bypass Chivvemla Bypass – Hussainabad
End (Design Ch. 0.000 to Ch. (Design Ch. 18.100 to Ch. 33.300)
Bituminous Concrete(BC) 40 40
Dense Bituminous 95 95
Wet Mix Macadam(WMM) 250 250
Granular Sub Base(GSB) 200 200
Total Thickness(mm) 585 585
Sub-grade of 500 mm thickness of CBR value not less 10% and Sub-base material of CBR not less than
30% shall be used.
Strengthening of the Existing Pavement
Rehabilitation of the existing pavement may be required for one or more of the following reasons:
Inadequate riding quality
High pavement distress
Reduced coefficient of friction between tyre and pavement, affecting safety.
Unacceptable high overall-road- user costs
Inadequate structural capacity to cater for project loading
Submergence of existing road
Overlay design of pavement is designed as per IRC: 81-1997 for a design life of 10 years.
Bridges and Structures: The project stretch consists of 15 Minor Bridges out of which 2 Minor bridges
are proposed along with LVUP’s on both sides of the canal bund road, 101 culverts, 5 Vehicular
Underpass (VUP), 4 Flyover and 1 Viaduct on the proposed project road.
Sl. No Existing Chainage Design Chainage Design Remarks
From To From To Length (km)
1 8+935 11+200 18+400 20+500 2.1 Realignment
2 11+900 12+925 21+200 22+150 0.95 Realignment
Sl. No Existing Chainage Design Chainage Design Length Remarks
From To From To (km)
1 - 8+637 0+000 18+100 18.1 Suryapet Bypass
2 18+915 22+190 28+200 31+100 2.9 Mothey Bypass
At grade intersections:
(A) Major Intersections:
Sl. Design Type of Junction Leads to Category of cross Carriageway
No. Chainage in LHS RHS Road width of
Km cross road
1 0+400 4 Legged Hyderabad Suryapet NH 4 lane
(+) City Town
2 6+010 4 Legged Jangaon Suryapet SH 2 lane
(+) Town Town
3 10+480 4 Legged Warangal City Suryapet SH 2 lane
(+) Town
4 17+160 4 Legged Vatti Kampad Suryapet SH 2 lane
(+) Town
5 22+420 3-legged (T) - Chandupatla SH 2 lane
6 28+500 3-legged (T) Mothey - SH 2 lane
7 31+625 3-legged (Y) Old - SH 2 lane
Sr. No. Design Chainage (LHS) (Km) Design Chainage (RHS) (Km)
1 21+600 23+405
2 21+850 27+850
Passenger Shelters
Sl. No. Design Chainage in Km Remarks
1 - 00+600 Passenger Shelter on slip road
2 03+450 03+750 Passenger Shelter on slip road
3 05+850 06+150 Passenger Shelter on slip road
4 10+300 10+650 Passenger Shelter on slip road
5 12+900 13+150 Passenger Shelter on slip road
6 17+050 17+250 Passenger Shelter on slip road
7 25+150 25+450 Passenger Shelter on slip road
8 29+200 29+550 Passenger Shelter on slip road
9 30+250 30+550 Passenger Shelter on slip road
10 31+500 31+750 Passenger Shelter on slip road
Financial analysis:
Financial Analysis was carried for the following two options .i.e., 1) BOT (Toll) 2) Hybrid Annuity Summary of
Results are shown below:
Sl. No. BOT (TOLL) BOT (Hybrid Annuity)
Concession Period 29 Years 17.5years
(reaching 40,000 PCUs in 29 years)
Operation Period 26.5years 15 years
Toll Collection Rights Concessionaire Authority
Grant/Annuity/Construction 55.75% (More than 40%) Construction support- 264.40 Cr.
support, annuity & O&M Annuity (Total)- 238.75 Cr..
As the Grant Required to achieve 15% O & M Payments-1038.47Cr.
of EIRR is more than 40%, hence the
project is not viable on BOT Toll Mode)
Equity IRR 15.00% 19.34%
(ii) Pavement Design: The project road comprises of three homogeneous section based on the
traffic, CBR and existing Pavement composition.
The design inputs considered for pavement design have been summarized as below.
Description Hussainabad village – Paler Bypass Paler Bypass – Ponnekallu
(Design Ch. 33.300 to Ch. 37.100) (Design Ch. 37+100 to Ch. 59+046)
Design life for Base and Sub Base 15 15
Design life for BT Layers 15 15
MSA 37 35
Lane Distribution factor 0.75 0.75
Direction Distribution factor 0.5 0.5
CBR 10% 10%
The design as per the IRC: 37 –2012, Base and Sub base is designed for 15 years design life and no stage
construction is adopted.
Proposed Flexible Pavement Composition
Description Hussainabad village – Paler Bypass Paler Bypass – Ponnekallu
(Design Ch. 33.300 to Ch. 37.100) (Design Ch. 37+100 to Ch. 59+046)
Bituminous Concrete(BC) 40 40
Dense Bituminous Macadam(DBM) 95 95
Wet Mix Macadam(WMM) 250 250
Granular Sub Base(GSB) 200 200
Total Thickness(mm) 585 585
Sub-grade of 500 mm thickness of CBR value not less 10% and Sub-base material of CBR not less than 30% shall
be used.
Strengthening of the Existing Pavement
Rehabilitation of the existing pavement may be required for one or more of the following reasons:
Inadequate riding quality
High pavement distress
Reduced coefficient of friction between tyre and pavement, affecting safety.
Unacceptable high overall-road- user costs
Inadequate structural capacity to cater for project loading
Submergence of existing road
Overlay design of pavement is designed as per IRC: 81-1997 for a design life of 10 years.
Sl. Ex.Chainage(Km) Characteristic Deflection MSA BM Overlay Design Thickness
No From To (mm) ( mm) ( mm) BC DBM
(mm) (mm)
1 24.000 30.000 1.4 14.7 122 85 40 60
2 38.000 50.750 1.39 15.3 122 85 40 60
Bridges and Structures: The project stretch consists of 3 Major bridges, 13 Minor Bridges, 72 culverts, 6
Vehicular Underpass (VUP), 2 LVUP. Out of 3 major bridges, 2 new 6-Lane major bridges are proposed
on bypass in which 1 major bridge is proposed along with LVUP on both sides of canal bund roads, and 1
existing major bridge is proposed for retained one side and new 2-Lane bridge proposed on RHS to
existing bridge & at LHS new 3 – Lane bridge proposed parallel to the existing bridge.
Realignments: Nil
At grade intersections:
(A)Major Intersections:
Sl. Design Type of Leads to Category of Carriageway
No. Chainage in Km Junction LHS RHS cross Road width of cross
1 35+375 4 Legged Nagaiah Gudem Kothagudem SH 4 lane
2 38+900 3-legged (Y) Naikanigudem - SH 2 lane
3 44+645 4 Legged Paler Town Jujjularaopeta MDR 2 lane
(+) Village
4 47+168 4 Legged Kusumanhi Gattu Singaram MDR 2 lane
(+) Town Village
5 56+850 4 Legged Suryapet Khammam SH 2 lane
Truck lay-bye:
Sl. No. Existing km Design Chainage Side
1 25+310 34+600 Both
Passenger Shelters
Sl.No. Design Chainage in Km Remarks
1 35+300 35+500 Passenger Shelter on slip road
2 39+600 39+850 Passenger Shelter on slip road
3 44+800 44+800 Passenger Shelter on slip road
4 47+100 47+300 Passenger Shelter on slip road
5 47+920 47+920 Passenger Shelter on slip road
6 49+650 49+850 Passenger Shelter on slip road
7 50+650 50+950 Passenger Shelter on slip road
8 52+300 52+300 Passenger Shelter on slip road
9 56+700 57+050 Passenger Shelter on slip road
The consultants have framed the indicative project cost for 4/6 lane with paved shoulder configuration
including cost of roads, structures, environmental and social safeguards proposed based on MoRT&H standard
data book and schedule of rates (2017-2018) evolved for Telangana State together with market rate for the
5. However, both the packages were combined and give as one package, and the details are in brief for
total Suryapet - Khammam section of New NH - 365BB (old SH - 42) From Design Ch. 0+000 (Ex. km: 128+500 of
NH - 65) to Design Ch. 59+046 (Ex. km: 50+750 of old SH - 42).
The salient features of the Project highway are as under:
6.1 Environmental clearance: The project highway is less than 100 km length and does not involve additional
Right of Way or land acquisition more than 40m on existing alignment and 60m on Bypass/Realignments.
Therefore, the Environmental clearance is not required for the instant project in terms of latest MoEF
notification No. S.O.2559(E) dated 22.08.2013.
6.2 Forest Clearance: The Forest clearance is not required for the instant project as the Project Highway is
not passing through any Forest area.
6.3 Land Acquisition and R&R Cost: The availability of land and to be acquired is as under:
6.4 Utility shifting: Total Cost – Rs.81 Cr. approx., has been proposed for utility shifting.
6.5 Implementation of EMP: Provision of Rs.10.99 Cr. towards Implementation of EMP for the Project
Highway have been kept in the estimate.
6.7. Cost Estimate: Rates have been adopted for the items of the project based on the Telangana schedule of
rates 2017-18. The summary is as under:
7.Further, this report is submitted in compliance to the instructions and for favour of further necessary action
Thanking you,
Yours faithfully
Manager (Tech.)