Drafting:: Arantza Rentería Vizcarra Commission On The Status of Women (CSW)
Drafting:: Arantza Rentería Vizcarra Commission On The Status of Women (CSW)
Drafting:: Arantza Rentería Vizcarra Commission On The Status of Women (CSW)
1. Endorses the creation of The Values and Sexuality Guidelines, which alongside
with UNESCO in exercise of its functions, shall have the aim to provide educators in
schools and universities with basic knowledge on how to respect religious and
ideologies in the transmission of sexuality information, respecting high-quality,
age-appropriate, and evidence-based, implementing the following aspects:
a. Sexual growth and development: Including time table for puberty, physical
changes during puberty and the need for family life,
b. Physiology of reproductive system:
i. For girls: the organ, menstruation, premenstrual syndrome
ii. For boys: the organ, the sex drive,
c. Conception, development of fetus and birth,
d. Sexually transmitted disease (VD/AIDS),
e. Mental, emotional and social aspects of puberty,
f. Social, moral and religious ethics;
3. Claims for the creation of the Bagdad Mechanism for Health Improvement, which
has the aim of assisting governments in public health policies through exchange of
experiences canalized as reports, manuals and guides, and technical assistance in
the following areas:
a. Maternal, child health and reproductive health:
i. Develop or enforce a strategy for maternal and child health and
reproductive health as a framework for a health system that adopts
primary health care as an essential foundation that ensures health
services that meet the needs of the individual and society,
ii. Reduce maternal mortality,
iii. Sexual Rights of Children and age appropriate information,
b. Early detection of breast cancer and STDs:
i. Increase the number of medical checkups for women for early
detection of breast cancer and STDs to 10-20% of the total number of
women visiting primary health care centers,
ii. Technical assistance in specialized clinics,
Arantza Rentería Vizcarra
Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)
iii. Develop a special referral form containing all information on women
such as age, work, and family history to disseminate and broadcast
health education messages on early detection of breast cancer after
puberty and its prevention,
c. Mental health care:
i. Looking for partnerships with CSOs to provide psychosocial support
and rehabilitate patients to cope with their condition,
d. Family planning;