2009 05 11 Methods Qaqc-Part136methods
2009 05 11 Methods Qaqc-Part136methods
2009 05 11 Methods Qaqc-Part136methods
The following twelve quality control checks are to be considered essential and
must be incorporated into the laboratory' s documented quality system unless a written
rati onale is provided that indicates why these controls are inappropriate for a speci fic
analytical method. These essential QC checks are:
1. Demonstration of Capability (DOC),
2. Method Detection Limit (MOL),
3. Reagent blank (also referred to as method blank),
4. Laboratory fort ifi ed blank (LFB, also referred to as a spiked blank, or laboratory
control sample (LCS)),
5. Matrix spike (MS), matrix spike duplicate (MSD), or laboratory fortified blank
duplicate (LFBD) for suspected difficult matrices,
6. Internal standard/s, surrogate standard/s (for organic analysis) or tracer (for
7. Calibration (initial and continuing)~
8. Control charts (or other trend analyses of quality control results), and
9. Corrective action (root cause analyses),
10. Specific frequency of QC checks,
11 . QC acceptance criteria, and
12. Definitions of a batch (preparation and analytical).
Please share this memo with your co-regulators, and other appropriate parties, and
contact me with any questions or suggestions at [email protected]. Your ATP
coordinators or QA staff may contact Lemuel Walker at [email protected].