Computerized Exam System For Ambo University
Computerized Exam System For Ambo University
Computerized Exam System For Ambo University
Ambo University
Department of Information Technology
Table of Contents
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................4
1.1 Background of Organization........................................................................................................4
1.2 Background of Study....................................................................................................................5
1.3 Statement of problem.................................................................................................................6
1.4 Objectives....................................................................................................................................7
1.4.1 General objective.................................................................................................................7
1.4.2 Specific Objective.................................................................................................................7
1.5 Methodology and Tools...............................................................................................................8
1.5.1 System development approach...........................................................................................8
1.5.2 Data Collection Techniques..................................................................................................8
1.5.3 Development and Documentation tools............................................................................10
1.5.4 System Testing...................................................................................................................10
1.6 Scope and Limitation of the Project...........................................................................................10
1.7 Feasibility of the project............................................................................................................11
1.7.1 Technical feasibility............................................................................................................11
1.7.2 Operational feasibility........................................................................................................12
1.7.3 Economic feasibility...........................................................................................................12
1.8 Significance of Project................................................................................................................12
1.9 Beneficiary of the project..........................................................................................................12
The term refers to who can get benefit or profitable from this project. The beneficiaries of the project
1.10 Specification for hardware and software...................................................................................13
1.11 Overall cost estimation..............................................................................................................13
1.12 Time Schedule of the Project.....................................................................................................14
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 3
This paper is prepared by graduating class students of Information Technology Department at
Ambo University for partial fulfillment for the requirement of Bachelor Science (B.Sc.) Degree in
Information Technology. The project titled that Computerized Exam System is a web-based
examination system where examination are given online by computer either internet or
intranet using computer system. The main goal of this computerized exam system is to
effectively evaluate the student thoroughly through a totally automated system that not only
reduce the required time but also obtain fast and accurate results for Ambo University
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 4
Computerized Examination System is a web application that establishes a network between the
institutes and the students. The Institute’s instructors enters to the site the questions they want in
the exam. These questions are displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers enter by
the students are then evaluated and their score is calculated and saved. This score then can be
accessed by the institute to determine the passes students or to evaluate their performance.
Computerized Exams is being launched because a need for a destination that is beneficial for
both the institutes and students. With this site, the institute can host computerized online exams.
Students can give exams and view their results. This site is an attempt to remove the existing
flaws in the manual system of conducting exams.
Computerized Exam System is very useful for Educational Institute to prepare an exam, safe the
time that will take to check the paper and prepare mark sheets. It will help the Ambo university
to testing of students and develop their skills.
Ambo University is located in Ambo, the capital of West Shewa Zone of Oromia Regional State.
It was established in 1939 E.C (1947), and is one of the oldest higher learning institutions in
Ethiopia. It was originally a school. In 1951 E.C (1958) the school was renamed as Ambo
Agriculture and Forestry Secondary School with the addition of Forestry Department. In 1960
E.C (1967) the school was promoted to the level of ‘institute’ and named as Ambo Institute of
Agriculture and started to offer a two-year post-secondary diploma course in General
Agriculture. In 1969 E.C (1974) the institute was granted a Junior College status and named as
Ambo Junior College of Agriculture with an added objective of research and extension apart
from teaching. Consequently, the College launched a continuing education program in 1973 E.C
(1980) and continuously started.
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 5
In 1980 E.C (1987) some pedagogical courses were added to the existing curriculum and a
Teacher Education option was added to train agricultural teachers. In 1984 E.C (1992) the
"junior" status was shed off and the institution was named Ambo College of Agriculture. In
1995 EC (2003) the institution started to offer undergraduate degree programs in the fields of
Crop Production, Animal Production, Applied Chemistry and Applied Biology. In the meantime,
the college was affiliated to Jimma University by the name Jimma University - Ambo College.
On Megabit 3, 2000 E.C (12 March, 2008), the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic
of Ethiopia promoted the College to the status of an autonomous University College –Ambo
University College. In 2009, it was named as Ambo University. Presently the University runs
eight graduate and thirty seven undergraduate programs which are divided into eight
colleges/institutes and thirty academic departments in main campus at Ambo, and branches at
Awaro campus and Wolliso Campus.
The University is presently exercising its full potential than ever before so as to meet its missions
and is definitely in a rapid transformation. Its contribution to the country's development through
conducting pertinent researches and outreach programs is also of paramount importance. Indeed,
the University has a long standing experience in research and extension on viable technologies
including poultry, dairy, horticulture, forestry, etc and is playing a significant role in improving
the livelihood of local community.
Concurrently, the University is developing many new curricula both in undergraduate and
graduate programs in areas pertinent to the country's development. Ambo University has
immense location advantages mainly related to its proximity to the capital Addis and its excellent
climate to attract competent staff to work closely with other institutions by sharing materials as
well as human resources.
significant role in determining what goes on in the classroom in terms of what, and how teachers
teach and students learn and can have impact on both teaching and learning’. Wikipedia used test
or examinations as alternative terms of assessment and defined it as: ‘test or an examination (or
exam) is an assessment indeed to measure a test-takers knowledge, skill, aptitude, physical,
fitness or classification in many other topics’.
In Ambo University, there are major bodies that actively participate in teaching and learning
process and the whole over activities to ensure the mission and vision the university. Among
these registrar is one of the major parts of the university and its major role is to manage the
students activities and departments activities. In essence, examination is an exercise in
professional judgment given by on the part of instructors and department is exercise to lead each
courses including instructor. It involves the collection and evaluation of understanding of
students' achievement or performance over a specified period of time, such as one or two ,each
months, an academic semester. So that Computerized Examination System is design to provide
inducement reward for the achievement and assists in identifying understanding of the students.
In Examination students can study anywhere they have access to a computer and Internet
connection. Students may have the option to select learning materials that meets their level of
knowledge and interest.
Generally, Computerized Examination System for Ambo University will be used for taking exam
online in an access internet connection and computer. Computerized Examination System for
Ambo University is a web-based application that used to examine student and perform their
result and post back the results of the students.
We recognized that there are many problems in terms of examination giving process with
required quality in the university. Generally, we have noticed the following problems.
There is high cost to buy copy machines, printers, papers for hard copy as well as
payment for duplicators and invigilators.
High human power wastage.
Wastage of time to print and to wait for copying in duplicate office.
It is wastage of time for instructors while correcting exam papers and giving result
Some pages of exam paper may be jumped by error while duplicating.
The result of students may be lost.
These problems will be solved by Computerized Examination System (CES) for Ambo
University project by changing manual examination giving process into intranet based or online
examination system.
1.4 Objectives
1.4.1 General objective
The general objective is to create a Web based application that establishes a network between
the institutes and the students that attempt to remove the existing flaws in the manual system of
conducting exams.
By interviewing and by analyzing the real problem in the system and the proposed system
Interview is a conversation for the purpose of eliciting information for publication, the published
statement so elicited. The interview was conducted with different people who are working for the
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 9
Interview Procedures
We will schedule the interview and confirm the meeting time and date a day before
conducting the Interview.
Then we interview to the registrar manager.
We will critically look as much as possible about the topic of interview before conducting
the interview.
We will prepare all materials required for the interview like note books, pencil or pen and
if there is audio recorder.
Conducting the Interview by fulfilling all criteria’s required for the interview
Examining the interview by preparing a written summary of the key points discussed in
the interview that are relevant to our topic.
Finally, we will determine its usefulness by analyzing whether the information obtained
from the interviewee is useful, contribute, correct for the development of our topics.
Observation is the other instrument that will use to collect data which will be necessary for our
computerized web-based system project for the university. In this process we will try to
investigate the information by making our selves participates in the process. And observations
will also helping us to relate the information obtained from the interviewee by looking to the
reality of the university.
Xampp Server
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 10
Notepad ++
Sublime text 2
MySQL version 5.5.24
Php language
2. Documentation tools
The Proposed system will be test through the following testing strategies.
Unit testing: in this testing strategy the system components and modules are tested one
by one. Each component where first identified and then tested.
System testing: the architectural design of the system must be correct to have a correct
Volume testing: most realistic type of testing. It checks all necessary conditions applied
in working environment
Limitations of project
The new system is aimed to meet almost all of the user requirements but it has certain limitations
some of which can be enhanced in the future enhancements or updates.
1) Technical Feasibility
2) Operational Feasibility
3) Economic Feasibility
Computerized Examination System is a web application that establishes a network between the
institutes and the students. The Institute’s instructors enters to the site the questions they want in
the exam. These questions are displayed as a test to the eligible students. The answers enter by
the students are then evaluated and their score is calculated and saved. This score then can be
accessed by the institute to determine the passes students or to evaluate their performance.
Save the paper- instructor never to print the exam for students.
Save the times-no checking the question each by each.
Saves the money-never to buy paper and pen
Its more secure
Software Requirements
Item quantity Unit cost in birr Total cost in birr
Costs consequent from the design of an automated system that cannot be easily considered as
cost are:
1. Time requires for adapting new system
2. Requiting or train staffs who operates the new system.
Generally, it is possible to get positive result by subtracting the cost break down of the current
system from the previous system. Getting positive result informs the economic feasibility.
Therefore, the system is economically feasible.
Jan7, 2020
Apr 2020
May 9, 2020
Mar 2020
Feb8, 2020
1 Proposal
2 Requirement
gathering and
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 15
3 Designing
the system
4 Implementati
5 Testing
2.1 Introduction
System analysis refers to the process of examining business situation with intent of improving it
through better procedures and methods. System analysis relates to shaping organizations,
improving performance and achieving objectives for profitability and growth. The emphasis is
on system in action, the relationship among subsystem and their contribution to meeting a
common goal.
This chapter deals with analyzing the purpose, goals, objectives and function of the existing
system. It produces a broad outline of the proposed system that identifies the function to be
performed and the technical aspects that the system must fulfill and briefly describe the existing
system functionality, problem of the existing system. It also deals with the functional and non-
functional requirements of the proposed system. During this phase, the analyst must become
fully aware of the root problems and must develop enough knowledge about the existing system
to enable an effective solution to be proposed. The first activity is assembling of the formal
requirement for the proposed system. The second activity is logical modeling that allows the
analysis to view the current system by focusing on what it does instead of how it does.
The whole process of assigning exam and evaluating scores of students after the exam, in the
University was done manually till date. Processing the exam paper i.e. checking and distributing
respective scores is used, and it is time consuming and loose of effort
2.2.1 Activities performed under the existing system
The major practices of examination process in the University are the following. The instructor
prepares the exam and brings to the Exam Committee of the department. The Exam Committee
then checks the exam and approved it. The approved exam will be printed and taken to the dean
of college or institute for sign. Then the exam paper will be taken to duplicate office.
The duplicator then duplicates the exam paper with ordered number of copies and keeps there
until 30 minutes left for exam time. The instructor takes the exam paper and gives to the assigned
invigilator(s).The invigilator distributes exam paper to students in the assigned exam room, and
student does the exam and submits to invigilator. The invigilators then gives the exam papers
back to the instructor. The instructor then corrects the exam paper and shows the result to
2.2.2 The Description and Functional work Flow of the major activities of the
existing system.
Forms that instructors used to record scores of students
The course’s instructor after the finishing of examination or course cover he/she should record
the students result and submit to department. This is used to handle the result of students for
instructor, department and registrar.
Ambo University
Course Title:_____________ Department: _________
Course No: ______________ Target Group:______
Class Year:_______________ Semester: _______
No ID No Name Sex
60(%) 40(%) 100(%)
Table 2.1: Student result record form
Exam attendance is used to record the students absent or present status. The attendance used to
control the students record that students present or absent for exam. The instructor take the
attendance of students at exam and submit to registrar.
Ambo University
Office of Registrar
Department: ________ Group: _________
Course Title:________ Class Year: _________
Course Code:________ Semester: ___________
No ID No Sign No ID No Sign
1 4
2 5
3 6
Sign of Instructor: ________
Sign of Invigilator: ________
Table 2.2: Student attendance form
The major players in the existing examination system of the University are instructors, students,
duplicators and exam committees. Their duties are described as follows.
I. Instructor:
Prepares exam for the student on the course he is giving.
Takes the exam paper to the Exam Committees.
Takes exam paper which is approved by Exam Committee to the duplicate
Gives the exam paper from duplicate office to assigned invigilator(s).
Takes the worked exam paper from invigilator(s) and corrects it.
Finally, shows the result to students.
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 18
II. Student:
Readies for exam.
Arrives at class room assigned for that exam on the scheduled time and sit as
invigilator ordered.
Writes his name and identity number (ID) on the exam paper.
Read and write the answer on the space provided.
Finally, Returns the exam paper to the invigilator(s).
III. Duplicator:
Duplicates the exam papers given by instructors.
Give the duplicated exam papers to respective instructors.
IV. Exam committees:
Check the exam prepared by respective instructors.
Then gives back to the respective instructor.
2.2.3 Problem identified with the existing system
High degree of data redundancy and loss of data.
The system becomes tedious.
It requires a lot of manpower to process a day to day business of the system in the
Performance of the system is highly dependent on the willingness (efficiency) of
employees of the current system.
Searching, updating, entering and report generation becomes difficult and time
consuming task.
Inaccuracy of results is very common, especially in students’ result report and temporary
specify and describe each use case in effective way. The business rules of the Computerized
Exam System(CES) are listed as following:
1 The student must be registered for each course he/she is going to take exam.
2 The student must attend the class for that course in order to take exam of that course.
3 The instructor prepares the exam for the course he is giving.
4 The exam will be checked by exam committee and get approved.
5 The printed exam will be taken to duplication office and stay there until 30 minutes left
for exam time.
6 Student will sit for exam as the invigilator assigned.
7 Any cheating on the exam leads the mark of student to zero or F grade.
8 The student must fill the attendance form for taking exam.
9 The instructor corrects student’s exam and show the result to the respective student.
In comparison to the present system, the response time of the system is very
less and it works very fast.
Result will be very precise and accurate and will be declared in very short
span of time because calculation and evaluations are done by the system itself.
The proposed system is very secure since all users inter to the system by their
user accounts.
The logs of appeared students and their marks are stored and can be for
backup for future use.
The proposed system will reduce cost of examination process.
It saves the instructors from time wasting while correcting exam papers and
they can get the results of their students from the system immediately.
It can generate various reports when and where required.
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 20
In this system we used waterfall model to apply these ideas, which help us to separate each step
and when we finish a one phase the output of it is the input to the next phase.
The system should be able to authenticate through login its users (Administrator, Exam
committee, Instructor and Student) by checking their information.
The system should enable users to change their password.
2.3.2 Non-functional requirements
The system is very fast since it is automated.
The software shall support use of multiple users at a time.
It works very well with short response time, high throughput and high
Error Handling
The system must have error handling.
The system should display error message if the user input invalid
Authenticated user with predefined access right will only enter to the information
related to database.
Every users should use strong passwords especially admin.
One student cannot see the result of another student.
HTTP must be secured by adding the security capabilities of SSL/TLS to
standard HTTP communications.
Using SSL/TLS data flow between client and server will be encrypted.
There is no delay in the availability of any information, whatever needed, can be
captured very quickly and easily.
The server should be always on to be available.
Backups for database and other sensitive information are available for recovery if
damage is happen.
The system provides access right control for each of its user and every user can
access the data which belong to them.
The Computerized Examination System provides the uses a quick response
with very accurate information regarding the users etc. Any details or system
in an accurate manner, as and when required.
Response in time
The system will let the all users (Administrator, Student, and Instructor) to access
the needed information more quickly. That means the response time of the
system is very low.
The Computerized Examination System has a very user-friendly interface.
Thus the users will feel happy since it is easy to work on it. The software
provides accuracy along with a pleasant interface. Make the present manual
system more interactive, speedy and user friendly.
2.3.3 System interfacing
This section describes how the software interfaces with other software products or users
for input or output.
User Interface
Application will be accessed through a Browser Interface. The interface would be viewed
best using 1024 x 768 and 800 x 600 pixels resolution setting. The software would be
fully compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer for version 6 and above. No user
would be able to access any part of the application without logging on to the system.
Hardware Interfaces
Server Side:
Software Interfaces
Client Side: HTML,PHPConsole,Web Browser, Windows
Web Server: HTML, Windows 7/8/10/Vista,Apache server
Communications Interfaces
The Customer must connect to the Internet to access the Website:
These are:
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 24
Instructors should be able to manage questions and upload resources by logging in to the system
by selecting institute/college, department and courses. The instructor should be able to see the
result of all students.
Student should be able to take exam ,download resources and submit answer to the system by his
own user account and password. The student should be able to see his/her own result and profile
that displayed by system.
Exam committee
The Exam committees should be able to check the exam prepared by instructors and approve the
exam. The Exam committees should be enabled to select the institute/college, department and
course belonging to.
View Profile
Manage Course
Enrol User
Fig. 2.2 shows the activities of setting managing of examination and resources, viewing profile,
and changing passwords.
View Courses
View Profile
Change password
Fig. 2.3 shows the activities Taking Exam and Downloading Resources
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 26
View Courses
View Result
View Profile
Change password
Fig. 2.4 shows the activities of checking exam and viewing profile.
View Profile
Change password
Check Exam
Exam Committee
Enrol Application
Register for
Manage Institute «uses»
Manage «uses» Take Exam
«uses» «uses» :Student
Manage Courses
«uses» <<extend>>
View Profile
[B 1] [B 2]
4.The system displays the add Question page.
5.The instructor adds questions with respective answers
and allowed time for the exam to the system with. [B3]
6.The system finishes adding question.
7.If question has subjective part the admin checks
manually and result is added to that of objective part
Post condition Examination is added onto the system with answer and
allowed time.
Alternative course B1: Choose Message
of action 1.The system displays, “Please choose department and
course” message.
2.The system resumes at step 2.
B2: Invalid Choice Message
1.The system displays, “You are not teaching this course
or You are not instructor of this department” message.
2.The system resumes at step 2.
B3: Add time Message
1.The system displays, “Please Add Allowed Time for
exam!” message.
2.The system resumes at step 4.
Table-2.7. The scenario or use case description of the Manage Examination use case
Flow of event 1. The user clicks the Change Pass button from respective page
2. The system displays change password page
3. The user enters the required information and clicks submit
button[B1] [B2]
4. The system changes the password of user
Post condition The password is changed; user can enter to the system only by
new password.
Alternative B1: Wrong data Entry Message
course of action 1. The system displays “Wrong data Entry!”
2. The system resumes at step 2.
Table-2.11. The scenario or use case description of the Change Password use case
Table-2.13. The scenario or use case description of the Download Resources use case
Table-2.14. The scenario or use case description of the Register for Ecourse use case
5. The student or instructor sees his/her own course in
the system.
6. The system closes the course page.
Post condition The course is displayed to the respective user
Alternative B1: Invalid Choice Message
course of action 1. The system displays, “Incorrect Department choose,
please enter the correct one!” message.
2. The system resumes at step 2.
B2: Invalid Choice Message
1. The system displays, “Choose your batch correctly,
please!” message.
2. The system resumes at step 2.
Table-2.17. The scenario or use case description of the View courses use case
UC Name Login
password!” message.
2. The system resumes at step 2.
A2: Invalid Entry Message
1. The system displays “Incorrect User Name or
Password!” massage.
2. The system resumes at step 2.
Table-2.18. The scenario or use case description of the Login use case
:System Users
Clicks login ()
Displays ()
Clicks Ok ()
Validate Acc()
validate Ok ()
Show Access page()
sends ()
Check Access ()
Display (exam,result,...)
2.2: The sequence diagram of login in the system
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 41
Click Manage()
Display ()
Select Action()
Clicks manage()
Display ()
Sellect Action()
Validate Ok ()
Manage Ok()
Ends ()
Clicks manage()
Display ()
Select Category()
Select Action(add, del...)
Clicks Ok ()
Validate Dept()
Validate Ok ()
Manage Ok()
Ends ()
Clicks manage()
Display ()
Select(inst, dept)
Validate Ok ()
Manage Ok()
Ends ()
Clicks Add()
Display ()
Writes ()
Clicks Ok () Validate ()
Validate Ok ()
Saves ()
Figure 2.7: The sequence diagram of Manage Examination and Check Exam in the system
Clicks Read ()
Display ()
Show ()
Select (course)
Click Read ()
Validate ()
Validate Ok ()
Search Exam ()
Display (Exam)
Submits (Answer)
Sends ()
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 44
Show ()
Fill ()
Validate Ok()
Search Result ()
Dispaly (result)
Ends ()
Clicks manage()
Display ()
Validate Ok ()
Manage Ok()
Ends ()
Figure 2.10: The sequence diagram of Register for Ecourse in the system
2.6.2 Activity Diagram
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 45
Activity diagram used to emphasize the flow of control from activity to activity or to model the
flow of an object as it moves from state at different points in the flow of control.
Not correct
Administrator :
Administrative Login
Invalid Valid
Select Action
Manage Resources
Select Category
Select Action
Check Student UN and PW
Select Category
Select Action
Select Category
Instructor Page
Figure 2.14: Activity diagram that shows activities of the Exam Committee
A collaboration diagram is a type of visual presentation that shows how various software
objects interact with each other within an overall architecture and how users can benefit from
this collaboration.
3.1 Introduction
System design is the process and focuses on decomposing the system into manageable parts.
During system design, we focus on the processes, data structures, and software and hardware
components necessary to implement it. The challenge of system design is that many conflicting
criteria and constraints need to be met when decomposing the system. The analysis model
describes the system completely from the actors’ point of view and serves as the basis of
communication between the client and the developers. The analysis model, however, does not
contain information about the internal structure of the system, its hardware configuration, or,
more generally, how the system should be realized.
In the object design, a design model is developed based on both the models developed in the
system analysis phase and the architecture designed in the system design phase. All the classes
required are identified. The designer decides whether: new classes are to be created from scratch,
any existing classes can be used in their original form, or new classes should be inherited from
the existing classes. The associations between the identified classes are established and the
hierarchies of classes are identified. Besides, the developer designs the internal details of the
classes and their associations. i.e, the data structure for each attribute and the algorithms for the
The purpose of designing is to show the direction how the system is built and to obtain clear and
enough information needed to drive the actual implementation of the system. It is based on
understanding of the model the software built on.
Design goals describe the qualities of the system that the developers should consider:
Performance:-The part of the system to be used for the customer should have a fast response
time (real time) with maximum throughput. Furthermore, the system should not be taking up too
much space in memory. The users of the system have chosen fast response time over throughput
and hence the system should try to be more interactive.
Dependability:-The system should be robust (strong) i.e. it should be able to survive invalid user
inputs, fault tolerant, reliable and available. Since the system stores sensitive data, high emphasis
is given to security to withstand malicious attacks. The system shouldn’t allow non-authorized
users to access stored data or modify.
End User Criteria: - The system should have simple and understandable graphical user
Interface such as forms and buttons, which have descriptive names. It should give reliable
response for each user request at least before the session expires. All the interfaces, forms and
buttons are written or designed in a simple language or common language so that the user can
access it without any difficult.
Interface: - This layer wraps access to the logic of our system. This layer consists of
Class: - user interface (UI) classes that provide people access to our system.
Domain:-This layer implements the concepts pertinent to our business domain, focusing on
the data aspects of the business objects, plus behaviors specific to individual objects.
Process: - The process layer implements business logic that involves collaborating with
several domain classes or even other process classes.
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 53
(User interface, System interface)
(Application, Controller)
(Infrastructure, Platform)
3.3Conceptual Modeling
Conceptual modeling is the activity of deciding what to model and what not to model – ‘model
abstraction’. A conceptual model is ‘a non-software specific description of the computer
simulation model (that will be, is or has been developed), describing the objectives, inputs,
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 54
outputs, content, assumptions and simplifications of the model’ (Robinson, 2008). This
definition establishes four facets of a conceptual model, as follows.
-Name: string
Manages * -ID No: int
-Password: string
* -Username: string
Administrator Manage of +Create Acct() Contains
+Delete Acct()
-Name: string +Change Acct()
-ID: int
-Username: string * * *
_Password: string
+Update Admin Acct() Instructor E_Committee Student
+Delete Admin Acct()
+Course: string +Course: string
1 *
Manages 1
1 1
Faculty *
* 1 *
Check Takes
-Faculty_id: string 1
-Faculty_name: string Manages
+Add_Faculty() *
* Department
-Dept_no: string
-Dept_Name: string
-Faculty: string Exam
1 +Add_Dept()
+Edit_Dept() -ExamNo: int *
+Delete_Dept() -ExamType: string
-Question: string
* -Course: string
Has +Add_Exam()
Course +Edit_Exam()
-Course No: int Has +Delete_Exam()
-Course Title: string +Check_Exam()
* 1 *
-Credit_Hour: int
+Add_Course() Calculates
* +Edit_Course() *
See see
-Result_Id: int
-Total: int
-CourseNo: int
-StudentID: string
+See Result()
+Calculate Result()
Component diagrams can also be described as a static implementation view of a system. Static
implementation represents the organization of the components at a particular moment.
Take Exam
Student Account
Exam View Database
Committee Profile
CESAU (Computerized Exam System for Ambo University) is server client structure
architecture, where clients access services offered by server. The deployment diagram is shown
as follows.
Computerized Exam System for Ambo University 60
Client Machine
:E xpl o r e r
:Opera Browser
Application will be accessed through a Browser Interface. The software would be fully
compatible with Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome and Opera
Browser. No user would be able to access secured part of the application (such as exam page,
result, account settings etc.) without logging on to the system. The system should be accessed
over LAN. The CES is also user friendly that it is simple to be used by any users. The user
interface of this application is shown below.
Enrolment Application
Manage Institute
Manage Department
About Us Admin
Manage Course
Manage Examination
Manage Resources
View Courses
View Profile
Manage Resources
Help Change Password