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US price list

ABB Automation Solutions

Motion Control and PLC Products
US District Sales Offices


PHONE: 602-470-0407 PHONE: 515-263-6929 PHONE: 330-468-4777
FAX: 602-470-0464 FAX: 515-263-6515 FAX: 330-468-4778
706 WEST MAIN STREET 7071A Dorsey Run ROAD 5555 E. 71ST STREET SUITE 9100
CLARKSVILLE, AR 72830 Elkridge, MD 21075 TULSA, OK 74136
PHONE: 479-754-9108 Phone: 410-579-2135 PHONE: 918-366-9320
FAX: 479-754-9205 Fax: 410-579-2677 FAX: 918-366-9338
PHONE: 323-724-6771 PHONE: 508-854-0708 PHONE: 503-691-9010
FAX: 323-721-5859 FAX: 508-854-0291 FAX: 503-691-9012


Phone: 510-785-9900 STERLING HEIGHTS, MI 48312 MOUNT LAUREL, NJ 08054
Fax: 510-785-9910 PHONE: 586-978-9800 PHONE: 856-840-8011
FAX: 586-978-9969 FAX: 856-840-0811
PHONE: 303-623-0127 ROGERS, MN 55374 PHONE: 724-889-0092
FAX: 303-595-3772 PHONE: 763-428-3633 FAX: 724-889-0094
FAX: 763-428-4551
PHONE: 203-269-1354 EARTH CITY, MO 63045 PHONE: 901-365-2020
FAX: 203-269-5465 PHONE: 314-373-3032 FAX: 901-365-3914
FAX: 314-373-3038
TAMPA, FL 33605 PHONE: 816-587-0272 PHONE: 214-634-7271
PHONE: 813-248-5078 FAX: 816-587-3735 FAX: 214-634-8874
FAX: 813-241-9514
AUBURN, NY 13021
ALPHARETTA, GA 30005 PHONE: 281-977-6500
PHONE: 315-255-3403
PHONE: 770-772-7000 FAX: 281-977-6510
FAX: 315-253-9923
FAX: 770-772-7200
PHONE: 336-272-6104
PHONE: 630-296-1400 PHONE: 801-832-0127
FAX: 336-273-6628
FAX: 630-226-9420 FAX: 801-832-8911
PHONE: 513-771-2600
PHONE: 317-246-5100 PHONE: 262-784-5940
FAX: 513-772-2219
FAX: 317-246-5110 FAX: 262-784-1215

Motion and PLC US price list 3

Introduction to Motion Control and PLC products
Solutions Experience
ABB’s comprehensive range includes multi-axis Motion Control- Technical knowledge is the key to solving customers’ needs.
lers, high performance Motion Control Drives, rotary servo mo- Our extensive experience has been gained over many years
tors, PLCs and HMI - all designed to seamlessly interface with through close customer contact from product development
each other to provide a complete motion solution. This allows to field maintenance, providing invaluable feedback for our
you to optimize your design time, save development costs and product development process - ensuring ABB Motion Control
minimize your time to market. and PLC products meet the ease of use, flexibility and per-
formance demanded by the markets we serve. Application
Choice notes reflecting our knowledge and ability are available for
ABB firmly believes in offering our customers a range of prod- download on the web at www.abb.com/motion.
ucts to fit a variety of market needs. Whether this means
delivering a product from stock, designing a product for your Information
specific application, accessing technical data, or how you place Information must be comprehensive and easily accessed.
your order, we make it easy to do business with us. Our prod- To make it easier for our customers, we provide a complete
ucts are designed to handle a wide range of applications. range of product literature as well as a website dedicated
to Motion Control products - www.abb.com/motion. This
Quality, reliability & design brings together, in one location, all the information relevant
With ISO9001:2008 certification to assure conformity to cus- to Motion Control and PLC products and includes techni-
tomer requirements and quality standards, and by using the lat- cal information, latest news, application stories, application
est CAD tools and manufacturing techniques, ABB’s engineering notes and support.
teams work side-by-side through design, product development,
manufacture and final test to make sure that total quality and
reliability is built into and stays with each product throughout its
long lifetime.


AC servo motors
BSM Series

9AKK106417 3AUA0000117576 PLC-PHTB01U-EN

Servo Motor Catalog MicroFlex e150 Flyer AC500-S Safety PLC Engineering
Functional Safety Brochure

3AUA0000117593 3AUA0000168683 PLC-PHTC02U-EN

Motion Control Solutions Brochure MotiFlex e180 Catalog Industrial Automation Catalog
4 Motion and PLC US price list
Table of contents

US District Sales Offices ................................................... 3 Motors ................................................................................. 77

AC brushless motors...................................................................... 77
Introduction to Motion Control and PLC products...................... 4 Power cables ................................................................................. 83
Feedback cables............................................................................. 84
Table of contents.......................................................................... 5 BSM round motors......................................................................... 86
DC servo motors............................................................................. 88
Motion Controllers........................................................................ 7
NextMove e100.............................................................................. 8 Control panels............................................................................... 93
NextMove ESB-2............................................................................ 8 CP600 series specifications............................................................ 94
NextMove PCI-2............................................................................. 9 CP400 series specifications............................................................ 95
Mint Option Card............................................................................ 10 CP600 series and CP400 series order codes.................................. 96
Motion Controller accessories......................................................... 11 P600 series cross-reference............................................................ 97
Product overview............................................................................ 12
Dimensions and weights................................................................. 13 PLC AC500 ................................................................................. 98
Automation Builder Software........................................................... 99
AC Motion Control Drives............................................................. 15 AC500 Motion Control.................................................................... 101
MicroFlex Analog............................................................................ 16 AC500 system overview................................................................. 103
MicroFlex e100............................................................................... 16 AC500-eCo system overview.......................................................... 104
MicroFlex e150............................................................................... 17 AC500-XC for extreme conditions................................................... 105
MicroFlex e100............................................................................... 17 Automation Builder 1.1 - How to purchase...................................... 107
MicroFlex e180............................................................................... 18 Automation Builder 1.1 - Integrated Engineering Suite..................... 108
MicroFlex ................................................................................. 19 Automation Builder 1.1 - Software features..................................... 109
Accessories ................................................................................. 20 AC500 and AC500-eCo PLC CPUs................................................. 110
MotiFlex e100 ................................................................................. 21 AC500 CPU terminal base and AC500-eCo CPU terminals.............. 111
MotiFlex e180 ................................................................................. 22 AC500 communication modules..................................................... 112
Catalog identification matrix for Baldor FlexDriveII, AC500 digital I/O modules.............................................................. 113
Flex+DriveII, and MintDriveII ........................................................... 28 AC500 analog I/O modules............................................................. 114
Baldor MintDriveII............................................................................ 29 DA501 module................................................................................ 115
Baldor FlexDriveII, Flex+DriveII ......................................................... 30 AC500 and AC500-eCo specialty I/O modules................................ 116
AC Motion Control Drives Options................................................... 31 Remote I/O modules....................................................................... 117
Communication cables and regen resistors..................................... 32 Terminal base selection................................................................... 119
Filters and power supplies............................................................... 33 Terminal base and terminal block ordering data............................... 120
Dimensions and weights................................................................. 34 Functional Safety PLC from ABB..................................................... 121
MicroFlex e150 motion demonstrator.............................................. 35 Accessories for AC500-eCo............................................................ 122
e100 product demonstrator............................................................ 36 Accessories for AC500................................................................... 123
e180 motion demonstrator.............................................................. 37 AC500-eCo CPU and I/O module dimensions................................. 124
Product training.............................................................................. 38 AC500 CPU terminal bases TB5XX, I/O expansion and
Website ................................................................................. 40 interface module dimensions........................................................... 125
ACSM1 air cooled motion............................................................... 41 Approvals and certifications............................................................ 126
ACSM1 cold plate........................................................................... 43
ACSM1 air cooled lift (elevator)........................................................ 45 General terms and conditions of sale.......................................... 130
ACSM1 options.............................................................................. 46
ACSM1 supply modules with full regenerative capability.................. 50 Warranty Information.................................................................... 132
ACSM1 demo kits and spare parts.................................................. 54
ACSM1 type code sheet................................................................. 55 Index ................................................................................. 133
ACSM1 technical data.................................................................... 58
ACSM1 dimensions and weights..................................................... 59 Related ABB literature.................................................................. 138
ACSM1 supply modules with full regenerative capability.................. 60
Product overview............................................................................ 61 Contact us ................................................................................. back
ABB DriveSize and MCSize Software Tool....................................... 66 cover

Automation Solutions................................................................... 67
Motion Control and PLC Solution offering........................................ 67
Ethernet Motion Control products machine control solutions........... 68
e100 Drives programmable as standard
Mint Lite motion programming....................................................... 69
NextMove ESB2 Motion Controller analog/stepper ACSM1,
MicroFlex, ACS355, MotiFlex e180................................................ 70
EtherCAT multi-axis with AC500 PLC
centralized control with real-time communications......................... 71
PowerLink NextMove Controller...................................................... 72
Modbus ................................................................................. 73
Pulse Train Output, PLC, HMI.......................................................... 74
EtherNet/IP: System Overview example........................................... 75
Feature-Rich, MotiFlex e180 Intelligent Drive Solution -
Advanced MINT Programmable Drive Solution............................... 76

Motion and PLC US price list 5

6 Motion and PLC US price list
Motion Control solutions

Motion Control solutions today to meet tomorrow’s demands Flexible machine control I/O
With today’s automation applications demanding increasing speed NextMove’s I/O structure provides a flexible interface to external
and flexibility to stay ahead, finding a control solution to meet those machine control. I/O points are configured in software for functionality
demands can be difficult. ABB has the answer. Utilizing a high per- such as safety limits, datum switches, error input and error outputs.
formance processor core coupled with the power, flexibility and ease You only define the I/O you need for your machine. All I/O can be
of use of ABB’s Mint® programming language, the NextMove range controlled within the Mint programming language allowing NextMove
of Motion Controllers can take on the most demanding of multi-axis to handle those tasks typically undertaken by an external PLC. I/O is
applications. easily expanded using the onboard CANopen port.

A history of success NextMove’s I/O capability is further enhanced by Mint’s Event struc-
ABB’s Motion Controllers have been at the heart of automation ma- ture which deals with time critical responses to the change of state of
chines for over two decades. The NextMove Motion Controller family a digital input. The Mint program can respond quickly and effectively
is synonymous with power, flexibility and versatility. Operating around without the need to poll the input state.
the world, NextMove has met the demands of a rapidly developing
automation world, providing increased productivity, reliability and High speed registration inputs
flexibility. For high speed registration applications, a number of the
digital inputs can be defined to latch position in 1 micro-second. This
real-time data can be used to make decisions about product posi-
Flexible programming
tion and is ideally suited to applications such as labeling, packaging
At the heart of NextMove’s success and proven capability is ABB’s
machines and printing lines.
highly acclaimed Motion programming language, Mint®. Mint pro-
vides a high level, easy to use programming language that encapsu-
lates the needs of multi-axis Motion, HMI, communications, I/O ma- Choice of communication interfaces
chine control and more. Mint allows the NextMove Motion Controllers NextMove is equally at home operating stand-alone or interfacing
to operate in a stand-alone capacity without the need for a PC, PLC directly to a PC or PLC via RS232/422 serial ports, USB, PCI-bus
or integrated with a PC. Mint ActiveX® controls also allow complete and Ethernet TCP/IP. ABB gives you the choice to suit your applica-
freedom to program Motion, I/O sequencing and monitoring from any tion. PCI-bus is ideally suited for those applications that require large
Windows application. ActiveX ® applications can be run in parallel to amounts of data transfer between the PC and Motion Controller. USB
the embedded Mint application for increased flexibility. handles fast and reliable data transfer between the PC and NextMove
with the convenience of an external Motion Controller.

Every NextMove Controller is equipped with a CANopen communi-

cation interface. This can be used for I/O expansion (using industry
standard DS401 I/O devices), Baldor KPD HMI’s or for communica-
tions with other Mint Controllers.

NextMove e100 NextMove ESB-2 NextMove PCI-2

Motion and PLC US price list 7

Motion Controllers
MINT programmable, analog, Pulse Train Output (PTO),
CANopen, POWERLINK, Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU

NextMove ESB-2 NextMove e100

−− Compact panel mount Motion Controller −− Compact panel mount Motion Controller
−− Up to 8 axes of coordinated motion −− Ethernet PowerLink technology for real-time Motion Control
−− Stepper and analog axis control −− Stepper and analog axis control
−− CANopen manager for system expansion −− CANopen manager for system expansion
−− MINT programming for multitasking control of communications, −− MINT programming for multitasking control of communications,
logic, motion and HMI interaction in simple motion applications. logic, motion and HMI interaction in simple motion applications.

Compact Motion Compact Motion

Controller for Controller with
analog and real-time Ethernet
stepper control POWERLINK
NextMove ESB-2 NextMove e100

Series NextMove ESB-2 Series NextMove e100

− − 4 x PTO (Stepper) axes −− 1 to 16 axes interpolated axes via POWERLINK
− − 3 or 4 x analog controlled axes with encoder feedback −− Additional CN profiled POWERLINK axes
− − Digital and analog I/O including 4 x high speed registration −− 4 x PTO (stepper) axes
latches −− 3 x analog controlled axes with encoder feedback
− − Options −− Maximum of 30 axes of control
− − RS232 or RS485 serial option −− Digital and analog I/O including 4 x high speed registration
− − Differential / single-ended stepper interfaces latches
− − 7 axis or 8 axis variants. − − Options
− − Differential / single-ended stepper interfaces
For further information, see flyer: 3AUA0000117575 − − 8, 12 or 16 axes of interpolated motion.

For further information, see flyer: 3AUA0000117574

8 Motion and PLC US price list

Motion Controllers
NextMove e100 (Ethernet Powerlink, Modbus TCP and Modbus RTU)
− − Compact, high performance Motion Controller −− CANopen network manager
− − Real-time Ethernet Powerlink and Modbus −− RS232/422 and USB communications
TCP/IP −− Advanced multitasking Mint programming
− − 8, 12 or 16 axes of interpolated motion −− ActiveX ® controls
− − (16 MN + 14 CN) profiled axes = max. 30 −− Integrated digital/analog I/O including high speed
Powerlink axes registration inputs
− − (4) stepper axes/(3) analog axes
NextMove e100 Catalog number Catalog number
Number of axes List price List price
Differential stepper Single-ended stepper
8 NXE100-1608DBW * $3,185 NXE100-1608SBW $3,185
12 NXE100-1612DBW * $3,788 NXE100-1612SBW $3,788
16 NXE100-1616DBW * $4,392 NXE100-1616SBW $4,392
NOTES: * Differential stepper outputs
Suffix “W” indicates ABB branded products

NextMove ESB-2
−− Compact, panel mount Motion Controller − − USB, serial and CANopen provide flex-
−− Economical and simple to install ible communications to PLC, distributed
−− Powerful multitasking Mint programming I/O and other devices
−− (4) axes of closed loop control (motion control or vector) − − Integrated digital/analog I/O including
−− (4) axes of open loop control (step/direction outputs) high speed registration inputs
−− Max. (8) axes −− Firmware variant allows the Controller to
operate as a CANopen DS402 master
NextMove ESB-2
and control up to 64 axes
Number of Catalog number Catalog number
Serial port List price List price
axes Differential stepper Single-ended stepper
7 RS232 / USB NSB202-501W * $2,580 NSB203-501W * $2,580
7 RS485 / USB NSB202-502W ** $2,580 NSB203-502W ** $2,580
8 RS232 / USB NSB204-501W * $2,883 NSB205-501W * $2,883
8 RS485 / USB NSB204-502W ** $2,883 NSB205-502W ** $2,883
NOTES: * USB/RS232 Baldor to ABB replacement cover conversion
** USB/RS485 Kits for motion controllers are available.
Suffix “W” indicates ABB branded products

NextMove PCI-2
− − Compact, high performance PCI-bus Motion − − High speed PCI bus interface
Controller − − Advanced multitasking Mint or ActiveX® program-
− − (4) stepper axes + (4) analog axes = max. (8) axes ming
− − Onboard digital and analog I/O − − Firmware variant allows the controller to operate
− − CANopen for distributed control as a CANopen DS402 master and control up to 64
Catalog number Catalog number
NextMove PCI-2 Number of axes List price List price
(PNP outputs) (NPN outputs)
1* PCI201-501 $2,261 PCI201-511 $2,261
2* PCI201-502 $2,411 PCI201-512 $2,411
3* PCI201-503 $2,563 PCI201-513 $2,563
4* PCI201-504 $2,713 PCI201-514 $2,713
8 ** PCI201-508 $3,317 PCI201-518 $3,317
NOTES: * User configurable for servo or stepper.
** 4-axis servo control and 4-axis stepper.

Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 9
Motion Controllers
Mint Option Card

Plug in option cards for use with MotiFlex e100

− − Plug-in Motion Controller
− − Controls the local drive it is plugged in and 3 PowerLink axes + an Analog axis...
− − It has up to 8 axes which can consist of:
− − Up to 2 local servos, 1 is always used as the local axis
− − Up to 1 local stepper
− − Up to 7 virtual axes
− − Up to 3 remote MNs
− − Up to 3 remote CNs
MotiFlex e100 with Mint option − − Onboard digital and analog I/O
card − − Encoder input for electronic gearing functions
− − CANopen® manager for I/O expansion (via host drive)
− − Add CP600 HMI via RS485 Modbus® RTU
−− An additional option card can be used in the MotiFlex e100 to
expand I/O or add additional feedback or fieldbus interfaces.
Description Order code Price
Single axis MINT motion option (plug-in) OPT-MF-100 $1,335
4-axis MINT motion option (plug-in) OPT-MF-101 $1,950

Shaded areas are stocked products.

10 Motion and PLC US price list
Motion Controller accessories
NextMove accessories Catalog number List price
NextMove PCI-2 breakout unit, with two part connectors PCI003-502 $924
4 channel encoder splitter board (DIN rail mount) OPT029-501 $545
8 channel encoder splitter board (DIN rail mount) OPT029-502 $650
NextMove e100/ESB-2 spare connector kit OPT-ACC003-502 * $118
MintNC software MNC001-501 $3169

NOTES: *Connectors are shipped as standard with the NextMove e100/ESB-2

Cables Catalog number List price
Meters Feet
For use with NextMove PCI-2
Drive to motion controller (NextMove PCI / PCI-2) 1 3.2 CBL010MF-E3A $126
Cable for use with MicroFlex (DB9 both ends) 2 6.5 CBL020MF-E3A $172
For use with NextMove ESB-2
Drive to motion controller (NextMove e100 / ESB-2 / ES) 1 3.2 CBL010MF-E3B $143
Cable for use with MicroFlex (DB9 both ends) 2 6.5 CBL020MF-E3B $172
For use with NextMove PCI-2
1 3.2 CBL021-501 $221
100 pin breakout cables 1.5 4.9 CBL021-502 $279
3 9.8 CBL021-503 $318
Ethernet and CANopen cables
0.2 0.7 CBL002CM-EXS $42
0.5 1.6 CBL005CM-EXS $44
1 3.2 CBL010CM-EXS $47
Ethernet cable suitable for e100, e150 and e180 (RJ45 to RJ45 connectors)
2 6.5 CBL020CM-EXS $56
5 16.3 CBL050CM-EXS $78
10 32.6 CBL100CM-EXS $130
0.25 0.8 CBL002CM-CSS1 $82
0.5 1.6 CBL005CM-CSS1 $86
1 3.3 CBL010CM-CSS1 $89
CANopen cable (RJ45 - flying lead) 2 6.6 CBL020CM-CSS1 $92
5 16 CBL050CM-CSS1 $120
10 33 CBL100CM-CSS1 $144
20 67 CBL200CM-CSS1 $230
0.25 0.8 CBL002CM-CSS2 $47
0.5 1.6 CBL005CM-CSS2 $50
1 3.3 CBL010CM-CSS2 $53
CANopen cable (RJ45 - RJ45) 2 6.6 CBL020CM-CSS2 $65
5 16 CBL050CM-CSS2 $88
10 33 CBL100CM-CSS2 $132
20 67 CBL200CM-CSS2 $226
Baldor to ABB replacement cover conversion kits - Motion Controllers
NextMove e100 (NXE) single-ended O/Ps conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-005 $76
NextMove e100 (NXE) differential O/Ps conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-006 $76
NextMove ESB-2 (NSB2) differential O/Ps conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-007 $114
NextMove ESB-2 (NSB2) single-ended O/Ps conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-008 $114
Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 11

Motion Controllers
Product overview

NextMove e100 NextMove ESB-2 NextMove PCI-2

Physical format Panel mount Panel mount PCI
Number of axes 16 (1) 7 or 8 1-8
Motion control/vector axes (closed loop) 3 (±10V) 16 (Powerlink) 3 or 4 1-4
Stepper axes (open loop) 4 4 1-4
Processor speed 120 MHz 120 MHz 120 MHz
FLASH memory 4 MByte 2 MByte -
User memory 1 MByte 1 MByte 1 MByte
Battery backup No No No
Non-volatile memory (32 bit words) 4064 4064 3072
Ethernet Powerlink n o o
Ethernet TCP/IP n o o
RS232 ports User selectable via switch Product variant (9) 0
RS422 ports User selectable via switch Product variant(9) 0
USB ports (12 Mbit/s) 1 1 0
CANopen port n n n
CANopen DS401 I/O master n n n
CANopen DS402 master o n n
PCI interface o o n
Digital inputs 20 20 20
High speed position latches (4) 4 4 4
Quadrature position counters (7)
0 1 0
A/B position counter using digital inputs
Digital outputs 12 12 12
Opto-isolated PNP PNP PNP/NPN
High speed position compare outputs (5) 4 (6) 4 (6) 4 (6)
Analog outputs 4 x 12 bit 4 x 12 bit 4 x 16 bit
Analog inputs 2 x 12 bit 2 x 12 bit 4 x 12 bit
Relay outputs 1 1 1
Master encoder inputs (3) 0 (2) use encoder inputs 2 or 1 (6) 1
Encoder inputs 3 5 4
MintNC supported n n n
HPGL supported n n n
RoHS (Not CE marked.
No enclosure, sold as
Conformance CE, UL, cUL, RoHS CE, UL, cUL, RoHS component to professional
assemblers who CE mark the
end apparatus)
n Supported o Not-supported • Option

(1) Support for up to (16) axes of coordinated motion and up to (14) more axes of non-coordinated motion via DS402, max mum (30)
(2) Ethernet Powerlink encoders supported
(3) Local axis encoder can be configured for use as a master encoder
(4) Uses first (4) digital inputs for fast position latch of local axes
(5) Uses first (4) digital outputs for fast position compare
(6) Depends on motion control axis configuration
(7) (3) digital inputs can be configured to count a 24V quadrature signal (ABZ)
(8) Can be (2) motion control axes and (4) stepper axes, or (6) stepper axes depending on firmware
(9) Can be RS232 or RS422 depending on product variant
(10) Can be opto-isolated if optional opto-isolated backplane is used
(11) For the ESB-2 and PCI-2 there is a firmware variant that allows the controller to operate as a CANopen DS402 master and control up to 64 axes.

12 Motion and PLC US price list

Motion Controllers
NextMove dimensions and weights

NextMove e100 dimensions and weight NextMove ESB-2 dimensions and weight
Description Value Description Value
Weight Approximately 700g (1.5 lb.) Weight Approximately 700g (1.5 lb.)
250mm x 140m x 40.3mm 245mm x 140m x 45mm
Nominal overall dimensions (9.84in x 5.51in x 1.59in) Nominal overall dimensions (9.65in x 5.51in x 1.77in)

NextMove PCI-2 dimensions and weight

Description Value
Weight Approximately 305g (0.67 lb.)
Standard 7 in PCI card
Nominal overall dimensions 175mm (6.88in) long x 106.7mm (4.20in) high

Motion and PLC US price list 13

14 Motion and PLC US price list
AC Motion Control Drives
Motion Control Drive solutions

Flexible Drive technology Getting started quickly

As the world leader in industrial Drives, we offer flexibility in technol- ABB’s Drives are designed for ease of use the moment you take them
ogy, both motor control and system connectivity with powers rang- out of the box. Start the accompanying Windows based Mint Work-
ing from less than 1 kW to 355 kW / 1 hp to 450 hp / 1 A to 580 A. Bench and the wizard will take you through all of the commissioning
ACSM1 drives provide servo and induction motor control and a choice steps. Simply select your rotary servo motor catalog model number
of Ethernet or traditional fieldbus options. MicroFlex e100 and MotiFlex from the database and answer some simple application questions. Full
e100 drives offer high performance rotary and linear servo control and auto-tune of current, velocity and position loops will get you up and
feature real-time Ethernet POWERLINK and universal encoder support. running quickly, deliver optimum performance, and test that the motor
MicroFlex e150 offers advanced motion programming and EtherCAT cables have been correctly wired and the feedback is in the correct
connectivity for multi-axis systems with AC500 PLC products. orientation.

The MotiFlex e180 Servo Drive combines Ethernet technology, advanced Dynamic performance
multitasking programming and Safe Torque Off. It can operate from 200 The MicroFlex and MotiFlex families incorporates sophisticated low
to 480 V AC three-phase and is available up to 90A 480V and uses pass and notch filters to handle the most dynamic of applications, by
EtherCAT® CN (Slave), Modbus/TCP Server / Client, EtherNet/ IP (func- helping to eliminate resonance within the machine. These are config-
tion library), and POWERLINK CN. In addition, the Drive memory module ured within the easy-to-use Mint WorkBench.
holds all drive configuration and firmware which allows PC-free drive
replacement by simply swapping the module from one drive to another
to minimize downtime.

ABB’s real-time Ethernet Powerlink® and Servo Drives are a new era in
Motion Control. With ultra-low set-up time, plug and play expandability
and the power of ABB’s Mint ® programming language, no other manu-
facturer offers higher performance and flexibility in such a cost effective

Real performance. Real ease of use. Count on ABB to make your next
Motion Control application a real-time Ethernet reality.

MotiFlex e100 (Size A) MotiFlex e180 (Size A) ACSM1 (Frames A - G2)

MicroFlex e150 MicroFlex e100 MicroFlex Analog

Motion and PLC US price list 15

AC Motion Control Drives
Analog, Pulse Train Output (PTO), and POWERLINK options

MicroFlex Analog MicroFlex e100

−− Compact Motion Control Drive for single and three-phase operation − − Compact Motion Control Drive for single and three-phase operation
−− ±10 V analog speed / torque demand or Pulse + Direction inputs − − Ethernet PowerLink technology for real-time motion control
−− Choice of resolver feedback or incremental encoder − − MINT programming for multitasking control of communications, logic,
−− Pulse Train control inputs compatible to Pulse Train Output (PTO) motion and HMI interaction in simple motion applications.
module FM562 for AC500 and AC500-eCo.

Compact Motion Compact Motion

Control Drive for Control Drive with
simple analog or real time Ethernet

MicroFlex Analog MicroFlex e100

Series MicroFlex Analog Series MicroFlex e100

−− 1 or 3-phase operation 105...250 V AC −− 1 or 3-phase operation 105...250 V AC
−− 3, 6 and 9 Arms −− 3, 6 and 9 Arms
−− IP20 enclosure for cabinet installation (UL open) −− IP20 enclosure for cabinet installation (UL open)
−− Auto-tuning and anti-resonance digital filters −− Real-time Ethernet operation with PowerLink
−− Suitable for single drive and multi-axis systems −− Suitable for single drive and multi-axis systems
−− Controls rotary and linear AC servo motors −− Controls rotary and linear AC servo motors
−− Options −− Options
− − Space saving footprint EMC filter − − Space saving footprint EMC filter
− − Brake resistors − − Brake resistors

For further information, see flyer For further information, see flyer
"ABB motion control drives, MicroFlex brushless AC servo drives", "ABB motion control products, MicroFlex e100 servo drives",
code: 3AUA0000123110 EN. code: 3AUA0000116018 EN.

16 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
EtherCAT® and POWERLINK options
MicroFlex e150 MotiFlex e100

− − Compact Motion Control Drive with embedded safety for single − − Wide voltage range, DC bus capability and three-phase operation
and three-phase operation for a broad range of applications
− − Ethernet technology including EtherCAT ® for real-time − − Ethernet PowerLink technology for real-time motion control
motion control − − MINT programming for multitasking control of communications,
−− Advanced MINT programming for multitasking control of commu- logic, motion and HMI interaction, plus a multi-axis plug-in motion
nications, logic, motion and HMI interaction in high performance option.
motion applications.

Intelligent Motion Versatile Motion

Control Drive with Control Drive with
embedded safety integrated real-time
and EtherCAT® Ethernet POWERLINK
technology technology

MicroFlex e150 MotiFlex e100

Series MicroFlex e150 Series MotiFlex e100

−− 1 or 3-phase operation 105...250 V AC −− Three-phase operation 180...528 V AC
−− 3, 6 and 9 Arms −− 1.5...65 Arms in three frame sizes
−− IP20 enclosure for cabinet installation (UL open) −− IP20 enclosure for cabinet installation (UL open)
−− Embedded real-time Ethernet including EtherCAT ®, −− Real time Ethernet operation with PowerLink
Modbus ® TCP and Ethernet/IPTM −− Suitable for single drive and multi-axis systems
−− Suitable for single drive and multi-axis systems −− Controls rotary and linear AC servo motors
−− Controls rotary and linear AC servo motors −− Integrated DC bus for energy sharing capability
−− Safe torque-off feature as standard −− Options
−− MINT Motion programming − − Plug-in motion controller for up to five axes
−− Options − − Fieldbus options
− − Space-saving footprint EMC filter − − Plug-in IO options (digital or analog)
−− Resolver adapter − − Secondary feedback options, resolver or encoder
−− Dual encoder splitter − − Filters, brake resistors, chokes and DC bus bars.
−− Brake units.

For further information, see flyer For further information, see flyer
"ABB motion control products, MicroFlex e150 servo drives", "ABB motion control products, MotiFlex e100 servo drives",
code: 3AUA0000097609 EN. code: 3AUA0000116019 EN.

MicroFlex e150 function supported by ‘option’ type

Feature/function E152AxxEINA E152AxxEIOA
EtherCAT slave drive Yes Yes
EtherCAT, Modbus TCP No Yes
Mint programming No Yes
CP600 Support No Yes
Mint GDI Interface
No Yes
(Generic Drive Interface)
Dual encoder for position loop Yes Yes
Dual encoder line shaft
No Yes
following/flyer shear/CAM
Used as drive signals Used as drive signals
Digital and analog IO controlled by EtherCAT controlled by Mint or
master EtherCAT master
Motion and PLC US price list 17
AC Motion Control Drives
EtherCAT® and POWERLINK options

MotiFlex e180
− − EtherCAT ® , Modbus/TCP, EtherNet/IP and POWERLINK
− − DSL combined power and feedback option (December 2015)
− − Advanced MINT programming for multi-tasking control of commu-
nications, logic, motion and HMI interaction in high performance
motion applications
− − Safety as standard

Versatile Motion
Control Drive with
integrated real-time
Ethernet technology

MotiFlex e180
(Size A)

Series MotiFlex e180

−− Three-phase operation 200...480 V AC
−− 2.3 to 90 A Arms in four frame sizes (A-D)
−− IP20 enclosure for cabinet installation (UL Open)
−− Real-time Ethernet with EtherCAT and PowerLink and Modbus
TCP and EtherNet/IP
−− Suitable for single drive and multi-axis systems
−− Controls rotary and linear AC servo motors
−− Safe torque off as standard
−− Memory unit for firmware, settings and functionality level
−− Options
− − Drive functionality levels (Single axis Mint motion) or
EtherCAT Slave
− − Feedback options, resolver, encoder, serial encoders or
DSL (December 2015)
− − Filters, brake resistors, and chokes

For further information, see flyer

“ABB motion control drives, MotiFlex e180 servo drives”,
code: 3AUA0000168682 EN.

18 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
MicroFlex e150 (EtherCAT®, Ethernet/IP, Modbus® TCP/IP)
− − Compact EtherCAT Motion Control Drive −− Standard I/O: (10) inputs + (7) outputs
− − Simple to advanced motion technology fully integrated −− Universal and Dual Encoder function
− − Easy, no charge and powerful Mint Programming PC −− Safe Torque Off (STO) SIL3 PLe
tool for commissioning and auto-tuning −− USB, RS485 serial and 7-segment display com-
− − Precise control of rotary and linear motors munications
− − Embedded EtherCAT®, Ethernet/IPTM, Modbus TCP/IP −− Resolver adapter accessory
Input voltage 1/3 phase 105-250 V AC
Bus voltage 160-320 V DC
Output current amps (rms)
Catalog number * ** List price
Continuous (200%) Continuous (300%) Peak (200%, 3 s) Peak (300%, 3 s)

3 2.5 6 7.5 E152A03EIOA $1,375

MicroFlex e150
6 5.25 12 15.75 E152A06EIOA *** $1,500
9 7.5 18 22.5 E152A09EIOA *** $1,675

MicroFlex e150 (EtherCAT slave device Drive)

Input voltage 1/3 phase 105-250 V AC
Bus voltage 160-320 V DC
Output current amps (rms) Catalog number * ** List price
Continuous (200%) Continuous (300%) Peak (200%, 3 s) Peak (300%, 3 s)
3 2.5 6 7.5 E152A03EINA $1,260
6 5.25 12 15.75 E152A06EINA *** $1,370
9 7.5 18 22.5 E152A09EINA *** $1,550
NOTES: Will accept either incremental or absolute encoder feedback (BiSS, EnDat, future Hiperface, SSI, SmartAbs®).
See ABB power supplies, 1SVR4270#, CP-E/C. For slave device functions, see the MicroFlex e150 “Option Type”
chart in the Automation Solutions section: ABB EtherCAT multi-axis with AC500 PLC
* Order regen resistor separately (see Accessories) .** Customer must supply +24 V DC for I/O operation.
*** Requires external ventilation. See fan kits and User Manual.

MicroFlex e100 (Ethernet Powerlink)

− − Compact Ethernet Powerlink Motion Control Drive −− Universal encoder
− − Simple motion programming with Mint Lite software −− CANopen port for simple expansion
and auto-tuning −− USB and RS485 serial sommunications
− − Ethernet - Powerlink and TCP/IP −− LEDs: Drive status, CANopen, Ethernet Powerlink
Input voltage 1/3 phase 105-250 V AC
Bus voltage 160-320 V DC
Output current amps (rms) Catalog number * ** List price
Continuous (200%) Continuous (300%) Peak (200%, 3 s) Peak (300%, 3 s)
3 2.5 6 7.5 MFE230A003BW $1,352
MicroFlex e100 6 5.25 12 15.75 MFE230A006BW *** $1,451
9 7.5 18 22.5 MFE230A009BW *** $1,724
NOTES: Will accept either incremental or absolute encoder feedback (BiSS, EnDat, future Hiperface, SSI, SmartAbs®).
See ABB Power Supplies, 1SVR4270#, CP-E/C
* Order regen resistor separately (see Accessories) .** Customer must supply +24 V DC for I/O operation .
*** Requires external ventilation. See fan kits and User Manual . Suffix “W” indicates ABB branded products

MicroFlex Analog
−− Compact Analog Motion Control Drive
−− Encoder/resolver feedback and simulated encoder output
−− RS232/422 serial communications for PC tools
−− Analog or pulse and direction control, e.g. for motion control applications using the ABB PLC AC500 or
AC500-eCo CPUs with the Pulse Train Output (PTO) module FM562

Input voltage 1/3 phase 105-250 V AC

Bus voltage 160-320 V DC
Output current amps (rms) Catalog number * ** **** List price Catalog number * ** ***** List price
Continuous Peak
MicroFlex Analog Encoder feedback
3 6 FMH2A03TR-EN23W $1,027 FMH2A03TR-EN43W $1,027
6 12 FMH2A06TR-EN23W *** $1,127 FMH2A06TR-EN43W *** $1,127
9 18 FMH2A09TR-EN23W *** $1,400 FMH2A09TR-EN43W *** $1,400
Resolver feedback
3 6 FMH2A03TR-RN23W $1,139 FMH2A03TR-RN43W $1,139
6 12 FMH2A06TR-RN23W *** $1,239 FMH2A06TR-RN43W *** $1,239
9 18 FMH2A09TR-RN23W *** $1,512 FMH2A09TR-RN43W *** $1,512
NOTES: See ABB power supplies, 1SVR4270#, CP-E/C
* Order regen resistor separately .** Customer must supply +24 V DC for I/O operation.
*** Requires external ventilation. See fan kits and User Manual.
**** RS232 ***** RS485 Suffix “W” indicates ABB branded products
Baldor to ABB replacement cover conversion kits for motion control drives are available.
Shaded areas are stocked products. Motion and PLC US price list 19
AC Motion Control Drives
Accessories (MicroFlex Analog and MicroFlex e100)
Description Catalog number List price
Fan kit, 24 V DC FAN001-024 $200
MicroFlex e100 connector kit OPT-ACC001-508 $105
MicroFlex Analog resolver connector kit OPT-ACC001-509 $59
MicroFlex Analog encoder connector kit OPT-ACC001-507 $59
RS232 serial cable CBL001-501 $131
USB signal isolator OPT-CNV-003 $258

Accessories (MicroFlex e150)

Description Catalog number List price
Fan kit, 24 V DC FAN001-024 $200
MicroFlex e150 Resolver Adapter ** OPT-MF-201 $195
USB cable 1m/3.3ft CBL010CM-USB $37
USB cable 2m/6.6ft CBL020CM-USB $46
USB cable 3m/9.8ft CBL030CM-USB $55
USB isolator OPT-CNV-003 $258
MicroFlex e150 connector set OPT-ACC001-520 $87
MicroFlex e150 encoder breakout * OPT-MF-200 $190
* It splits the necessary encoder signals to provide easy connection of an incremental ABZ encoder and
a serial based encoder at the same time. The purpose is to allow dual encoder support for either dual
feedback or master follower. Encoder breakout also provides for convenient connection of encoder and hall
feedback cables from linear motors.
** Contact factory for compatible drives used with the OPT-MF-201

Baldor to ABB replacement cover conversion kits - Motion Control

Description Catalog number List price
MicroFlex analog (FMH) conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-001 $42
MicroFlex e100 (MFE230) conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-002 $42
MotiFlex e100 1 to 16A (frame A) (MFE460) conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-003 $71
MotiFlex e100 21 to 65A (frame B/C) (MFE460) conversion kit OPT-ABBKIT-004 $77

Cables - e100, e150 or e180 Ethernet communication cables -

communication cables
Description Catalog number List price
Ethernet cable: shielded cat5e CBL002CM-EXS $42
RJ45 0.2 m/0.7 ft.
Ethernet cable: shielded cat5e CBL005CM-EXS $44
RJ45 0.5 m/1.6 ft.
Ethernet cable: shielded cat5e CBL010CM-EXS $47
RJ45 1.0 m/3.2 ft.
Ethernet cable: shielded cat5e CBL020CM-EXS $56
RJ45 2.0 m/6.5 ft.
Ethernet cable: shielded cat5e CBL050CM-EXS $78
RJ45 5.0 m/16.3 ft.
Ethernet cable: shielded cat5e CBL100CM-EXS $130
RJ45 10.0 m/32.6 ft.

Shaded areas are stocked products.

20 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
MotiFlex e100

MotiFlex e100
− − Advanced Servo Drive/Motion Controller −− Ethernet Powerlink interface (real time) and CANo-
− − Simple motion programming with Mint Lite soft- pen DSP 401 network manager for expansion
ware, auto-tuning and plug-in Motion Controller −− DC bus operation with simple link system
option −− 2 x expansion card slots for secondary feedback,
− − Universal and dual encoder function including Mint programmable options, fieldbus and I/O
optional resolver interface expansion

Input voltage 3 phase 180-560 V AC

Bus voltage 325-650 V DC
Output current amps (rms)
Catalog number List price
Continuous Peak
1.5 3 MFE460A001BW $2,300
MotiFlex e100 Size A
3 6 MFE460A003BW $2,400
(1.5 A - 16 A)
Size A 6 12 MFE460A006BW $2,500
10.5 21 MFE460A010BW $2,650
16 32 MFE460A016BW $2,800
21 40 MFE460A021BW $3,700
Size B 26 54 MFE460A026BW $4,150
33.5 68 MFE460A033BW $4,750
48 96 MFE460A048BW $6,650
Size C
65 130 MFE460A065BW $7,900
NOTES: Suffix “W” indicates ABB branded products
Accessories for MotiFlex e100
Description Catalog number List price
AC power and motor power brackets OPT-CM-001 $55
Signal and feedback cable bracket size A OPT-CM-002 $107
Signal and feedback cable bracket size B OPT-CM-003 $107
DC bus bars for A size drive (2 each) OPT-MF-DC-A $45
DC bus bars for B size drive (2 each) OPT-MF-DC-B $51
DC bus bars for C size drive - 160mm (2 each) OPT-MF-DC-C $134
DC bus bars for C size drive - 212mm (2 each) OPT-MF-DC-D $134
Spare connector kit for 1 - 16A OPT-MF-CN-A $149

MotiFlex e100 Size B Spare connector kit for 21 - 33.5A OPT-MF-CN-B $179
(21 A - 33.5 A) Spare connector kit for 48 - 65A OPT-MF-CN-C $191
USB signal isolator OPT-CNV-003 $258

AC line reactors for use with MotiFlex e100

Control current rating Catalog number List price
1-6 Size A LRAC02502 $807
10 - 16 Size A LRAC03502 $858
21 - 33.5 Size B LRAC05502 $1,057
48 - 65 Size C LRAC130ACB2 $1,667

Plug in option cards for use with MotiFlex e100

Description Catalog number List price
Analog I/O 16 bit 4 off inputs and 4 off outputs differential +/-10 V DC OPT-MF-001 $625
Digital I/O card 6 off digital inputs (AC optos), 4 off digital output OPT-MF-005 $465
Incremental encoder + halls with simulated encoder out option OPT-MF-011 $495
MotiFlex e100 Size C
Resolver with simulated encoder out option card OPT-MF-013 $625
(48 A - 65 A)
Option card blank cover (spare/replacement) OPT-MF-000 $36
Single axis Mint Programming module OPT-MF-100 $1,355
4 axis Mint Programming module OPT-MF-101 $1,950
Fieldbus carrier option (required for ALL fieldbus cards) OPT-MF-030 $360
DeviceNet fieldbus option OPT-FB-001 $855
Profibus fieldbus option OPT-FB-002 $855
Ethernet/IP fieldbus option OPT-FB-004 $850
Modbus TCP fieldbus option OPT-FB-005 $850
Profinet I/O fieldbus option OPT-FB-006 $850
Shaded areas are stocked products.
Motion and PLC US price list 21
AC Motion Control Drives
MotiFlex e180

MotiFlex e180
− − Integrated EtherCAT, Modbus/TCP, TCP/IP, EtherNet/IP −− Removable memory unit for firmware, application pro-
and EtherNet Powerlink (EPL) grams, functionality level, fast service replacements and
− − EtherCAT DS402 slave, analog drive, step and direction moving settings from one drive to another
programming option − − Dual encoder is supported (incremental encoder input
− − Single-axis MINT programming option with advanced and output), single or multi-turn absolute encoders and
MINT programming for multi-tasking control of communi- resolver interface
cations, logic, motion and HMI interaction in high-perfor- − − Common DC bus operation
mance motion applications −− Partnered with ABB’s AC500 PLC line with EtherCAT
− − Safe Torque Off (STO) as standard real-time high-performance or Modbus TCP control for
Frame Size A − − Controls rotary and linear AC servo motors with up to simple applications
300% overload modes; induction motors up to 150%

3 phase 200 - 480 V AC

Ratings / 4 kHz
270-650 V DC
Frame Size
110% 60s 150% 60s 200% 3s 300% 3s Partial Catalog
I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max Number 1 2

-03A0-4 3.0 3.3 3.0 4.5 3.0 6.0 2.0 6.0 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4
A -05A0-4 5.0 5.5 5.0 7.5 4.0 8.0 2.7 8.1 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4
-07A0-4 6.4 7.1 6.0 9.0 4.7 9.4 3.2 9.6 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4
B -016A-4 14.0 15.4 11.0 16.5 9.0 18.0 7.0 21.0 MFE180-04AN-016A-4
-024A-4 21.5* 23.7* 17.0* 25.5* 13.5 27.0 10.0 30.0 MFE180-04AN-024A-4
C -031A-4 28.0* 30.8* 25.0* 37.5* 21.0 42.0 16.0 48.0 MFE180-04AN-031A-4
-046A-4 41.0* 45.1* 35.0* 52.5* 28.0 56.0 20.0 60.0 MFE180-04AN-046A-4
-060A-4 62.0* 68.2* 46.0* 69.0* 35.0 70.0 25.0 75.0 MFE180-04AN-060A-4
-090A-4 90.0* 99.0* 70.0* 105.0* 55.0 110.0 40.0 120.0 MFE180-04AN-090A-4
Frame Size B

3 phase 200 - 480 V AC

Ratings / 8 kHz
270-650 V DC
Frame Size
110% 60s 150% 60s 200% 3s 300% 3s Partial Catalog
I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max Number 1 2

-03A0-4 3.0 3.3 3.0 4.5 2.3 4.6 1.6 4.8 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4
A -05A0-4 4.0 4.4 4.0 6.0 3.0 6.0 2.2 6.6 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4
-07A0-4 5.0 5.5 4.0 6.0 4.0 8.0 3.0 9.0 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4
B -016A-4 10.0 11.0 9.0 13.5 7.0 14.0 5.0 15.0 MFE180-04AN-016A-4
-024A-4 17.5* 19.3* 15.0* 22.5* 12.0 24.0 9.0 27.0 MFE180-04AN-024A-4
C -031A-4 25.0* 27.5* 20.0* 30.0* 18.0 36.0 13.0 39.0 MFE180-04AN-031A-4
-046A-4 33.0* 36.3* 31.0* 46.5* 25.0 50.0 17.0 51.0 MFE180-04AN-046A-4
-060A-4 45.0* 49.5* 35.0* 52.5* 28.0 56.0 21.0 63.0 MFE180-04AN-060A-4
-090A-4 55.0* 60.5* 47.5* 71.3* 40.0 80.0 30.0 90.0 MFE180-04AN-090A-4
Frame Size C
For pricing included with “complete” catalog number, see MotiFlex e180 List Price page.
* To achieve listed 110% and 150% ratings, only Frames C and D models (-024A-4 to -090A-4) require a mains choke (AC or DC)
1) Add required feedback interface (+ plus code) to base drive part number
2) Add programming option (+ plus code) if applicable

MotiFlex e180 has four different overload modes as user selection: 110%, 150%, 200%, 300%
I2N Maximum continuous rms current in selected overload mode. Load current duty cycle rms should be lower than this
I2max Maximum overload rms current for 60s (110%, 150%) or 3s (200%, 300%) in selected overload mode

Some 4kHz or 8kHz selection guidelines include the following:

- 4kHz gives higher output currents
- Use 8kHz for applications requiring:
- quieter operating environments
- decreased motor losses with derated drives

110% / 150% ratings are similar to “Heavy Duty” mode matching the application and motor type.
200% / 300% ratings are similar to “Dynamic” mode matching the application and motor type.

Example 1:
- 6A RMS, 20A Peak (≤ 3s)
Frame Size D
- The -016A-4 Frame B 4kHz 300% Drive is rated for 7A RMS, 21A Peak - exceeding requirements

Example 2:
- 5.6A RMS, 8.8A Peak (≤ 3s)
- The -07A0-4 Frame A 4kHz 150% Drive is rated for 6A RMS, 9A Peak - exceeding requirements

22 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
MotiFlex e180

Feedback interface to base drive

Description Order plus code
FB-01: Incremental encoder + halls +L517
FB-02: Digital encoder (serial interfaces), ±SinCos (1v pk-pk), EnDat, Smart Abs, SSI, BiSS, Hiperface +L518
FB-03: Resolver +L516

1) See Type Code List Price for complete catalog numbers.

Frame Size A For pricing included with “complete” catalog number, see MotiFlex e180 List Price page.

On all variants:
- Incremental encoder input
- Simulated encoder output

Programming option
Description Order plus code
Standard firmware installed as default if no other option is selected
(EtherCAT DS402 slave, analog drive, step and direction (12-24 Vdc) controlled Drive.
Single axis MINT programming +N8020

1) See Type Code List Price for complete catalog numbers.

For pricing included with “complete” catalog number, see MotiFlex e180 List Price page.

Frame Size B

Frame Size C

Frame Size D

Motion and PLC US price list 23

AC Motion Control Drives
How to select a MotiFlex e180 Drive

Type designation: MFE180 - 04AN - xxAx - 4 + Lxxx + Nxxx

Product series
MotiFlex e180

04AN: Air cooled module


Voltage ratings
4 200 to 480 VAC +/-10%

Feedback options
+L517 FB-01: Incremental encoder + halls
+L518 FB-02: Digital encoder (serial interfaces) + SinCos (1v pk-pk), EnDat, Smart Abs, SSI, BiSS, Hiperface (not DSL)
+L516 FB-03: Resolver

Functionality level options

+N8020 MINT single-axis programming
-- Standard firmware installed as default if no other option is selected (EtherCAT DS402 slave, analog Drive, step and
direction (12-24 Vdc) controlled Drive)


Drive only Accessory Brackets

Frames Height Width Depth Weight Frames Drive height w/ bracket
mm in mm in mm in kg lb mm in
A 364 14.3 90 3.54 144 5.67 3 6.61 A 474 18.66
B 380 15 100 3.94 221 8.7 5 11 H B 476 18.74 H
C 467 18.4 165 6.5 223 8.78 10 22 C 558 21.96
D 467 18.4 220 8.66 223 8.78 17 37.5 D 644 25.35
Height is the maximum measure without clamping plates
In depth an additional 50 mm (2 in) should be reserved for
feedback cabling W

Technical data
Supply connection Environmental limits
AC Supply 3-phase 200 to 480 V AC +/-10% Ambient temperature
50/60 Hz +/-5% Transport -40 to +70°C (-40 to +158°F)
DC supply 270 to 650 V DC +/-10% Storage -40 to +70°C (-40 to +158°F)
Operation 0 to +55°C (32 to 131°F), no frost allowed.
Motor connection Temperature Above 40°C (104°F) with derating of 2%/1°C
Voltage 3-phase output voltage Cooling method
Frequency 0 to +/-500 Hz Air-cooled Dry clean air
Motor control Torque, velocity, position, closed loop vector control, open Altitude 0 to 2000 m (6560 ft) above sea level.
loop V/Hz Derating above 1000 m (3280 ft) 1%/100 m (328 ft)
Motor types Asynchronous motors (standard induction, servo) and Relative humidity Max. 95%, no condensation allowed
synchronous motors (servo, high torque), linear servo motors, Degree of protection IP20 acc. to EN 60529;
linear induction motors Open Type acc. to UL 508C
Switching 4 / 8 kHz; Space vector modulation Contamination levels No conductive dust allowed
frequency / Control
Vibration Sinusoidal vibration (EN 60068-2-6:2008):
Braking power connection 2 to 9 Hz: 3.0 mm (0.12)
Braking chopper As standard in all types 9 to 200 Hz: 1g
Braking resistor External resistor connected to Drive Shock Half sine pulse (IEC 60068-2-27:2008):
10g for 11 ms
Product compliance
EMC Category C3 with optional filter (according to EN 61800-3)
CE Low Voltage Directive 2006/95/EC, EN 61800-5-1: 2007
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC, EN 61800-5-2: 2007 Functional safety Safe torque off (STO according EN 61800-5-2)
EMC Directive 2004/108/EC, EN 61800-3: 2004 + A1: 2012 EN 61508 ed2: SIL 3,
EN 62061: SIL CL 3, EN ISO 13849-1: PL e
C-Tick Pending
UL cUL/UL508C (2010) Power Conversion Equipment.
RoHs RoHS directive 2011/65/EU
TUV STO function
24 Motion and PLC US price list
AC Motion Control Drives
MotiFlex e180 List Prices

MotiFlex e180 Type Code Description Frame List Price

MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW A $1,725

MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW A $1,725
MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW A $1,725
MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,225
MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,225
MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,225
MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW A $2,050
MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW A $2,050
MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW A $2,050
MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,550
MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,550
MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,550
MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW A $2,200
MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW A $2,200
MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW A $2,200
MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,700
MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,700
MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW A $2,700
MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW B $2,900
MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW B $2,900
MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW B $2,900
MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW B $3,400
MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW B $3,400
MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW B $3,400
MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW C $3,025
MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW C $3,025
MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW C $3,025
MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW C $3,525
MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW C $3,525
MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW C $3,525
MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW C $3,195
MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW C $3,195
MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW C $3,195
MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW C $3,695
MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW C $3,695
MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW C $3,695
MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW C $4,100
MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW C $4,100
MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW C $4,100
MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW C $4,600
MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW C $4,600
MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW C $4,600
MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW D $4,500
MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW D $4,500
MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW D $4,500
MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW D $5,000
MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW D $5,000
MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW D $5,000
MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L516 MFE180 Resolver, Std. FW D $5,800
MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L517 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, Std. FW D $5,800
MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L518 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, Std. FW D $5,800
MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L516+N8020 MFE180 Resolver, MINT 1-axis FW D $6,300
MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L517+N8020 MFE180 Incr enc + halls, MINT 1-axis FW D $6,300
MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L518+N8020 MFE180 Ser enc + SinCos, MINT 1-axis FW D $6,300

Motion and PLC US price list 25

AC Motion Control Drives
MotiFlex e180 Options

JBR-01 compact braking resistor

CHK-01 mains AC choke DCL-01 compact mains DC choke

JFI-02 ultra-compact and slim,

mains EMC/RFI filter

MotiFlex e180 options3

Inductance List
Name Description Field kit code
(μH) price

Chokes, filters, and resistors

Mains AC line choke (external to drive) 1 Frame A, -03A0 CHK-01 6370 $175
(AC or DC choke is needed with overload modes 110% and
150% for C and D Frames to achieve the listed ratings.) Frame A, -05A0, -07A0 CHK-02 4610 $250
Frame B, -016A CHK-04 1475 $335
Frame C, -024A, -031A CHK-05 1130 $560
Frame C, -046A CHK-06 700 $700
Frame D, -060A CHK-07 450 $970
Frame D, -090A CHK-08 355 $1,050
Compact DC choke for MotiFlex e180 (mounted on drive) 2 Frame C, -024A, -031A DCL-01 1540 $565
(AC or DC choke is required for C and D frames for 110% and
150% to achieve the listed ratings.) Frame C, -046A DCL-02 960 $700
Frame D, -060A DCL-03 620 $975
Frame D, -090A DCL-04 490 $1,050
Ultra-compact and slim mains EMC/RFI filter Frame A (mounted on drive), -03A0, -05A0, -07A0 JFI-02 n/a $164
Category C3
Frame B (mounted on drive), -016A JFI-03 $257
Frame C, -024A, -031A, -046A JFI-05 $378
Frame D, -060A, -090A JFI-07 $606
Compact braking resistor for MotiFlex e180 Watts Resistance
Frame A, -03A0, -05A0, -07A0 JBR-01 145 120Ω $230
Frame A, -03A0, -05A0, -07A0 JBR-03 185 80Ω $272
Frame B, -016A JBR-04 360 40Ω $502
Frame C, -024A, -031A JBR-05 570 20Ω $551
Frame C and D, -046A, -060A, -090A JBR-06 790 13Ω $704

1) When is a mains choke required? 2) When is a DC choke required? 3) See MotiFlex e180 User’s Manual
The MotiFlex e180 does not necessarily require a mains choke for A DC choke can be installed as an alternative to a mains choke in (3AXD50000019946) for details
operation. The need for a choke should be determined on a case- Frame C and D MotiFlex e180 Drives. The DC choke is installed
by-case basis. directly above the Drive and is cooled by the drive’s exhaust air. The
Mains chokes are typically used to: MotiFlex e180 does not necessarily require a DC choke for opera-
• reduce harmonics in the input current tion. The need for a choke should be determined on a case-by-case
• achieve a reduction in the rms input current basis.
• reduce supply disturbance and low-frequency interference DC chokes are typically used to:
• increase the allowed DC bus continuous power • reduce harmonics in the input current
• ensure even current distribution in common DC configuration • achieve a reduction in the rms input current
• achieve the listed 110% and 150% ratings for Frames C • reduce supply disturbance and low-frequency interference
and D Drives (-024-4 to -090A-4) • increase the allowed DC bus continuous power
• ensure even current distribution in common DC configuration
• achieve the listed 110% and 150% ratings for Frames C
and D Drives (-024-4 to -090A-4)

26 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
MotiFlex e180 Options and Accessories

Frame size A B C D
Braking chopper l l l l
Braking resistor o o o o
AC choke o o o o
DC choke – – o o
Mains filter (EMC) / C3 o o o o
Installation features
Air cooling (fan) l l l l
Removable connectors
l/l l/l l/– l/–
Control / Power
Side-by-side mounting l l l l
DIN rail mounting l l – –
Horizontal mounting l l l l

l Standard

o Option, external

– Not available

Frame Size A Frame Size B Frame Size C Frame Size D

Motion and PLC US price list 27

AC Motion Control Drives
Catalog identification matrix for Baldor FlexDriveII,
Flex+DriveII, and MintDriveII (For existing applications only. Use
MicroFlex/MotiFlex for new applications.)
H A 2

Family Logic Supply

MDH = MintDrive II Voltage Options

FPH = Flex+DriveII 0 = Internally generated
FDH = FlexDriveII Current Code 3 = External customer
A02 = 2.5 amps supplied +24 V DC
A05 = 5 amps
A07 = 7.5 amps
A15 = 15 amps
Serial Port
Input Voltage A20 = 20 amps
A27 = 27.5 amps 2 = RS232/RS485
1 = 115 V 1φ
2 = 230 V 1φ
4 = 230-460 V 3φ
Bus Options*
N = None
Enclosure Type B = 2 x Dual CAN ports and extra I/O (MDH)
T = Panel mount with internal power supply 2 x CANopen ports and extra I/O (FPH)
(not available on FDH models)
C = 2 x CANopen ports
D = DeviceNet
P = Profibus-DP
Braking Options
R = Requires external resistor
Feedback Options
B = Built in regen resistor
R = Resolver
E = Encoder
NOTES: Not all options are available on all controls. Contact your local Baldor office.
D = Absolute encoder (EnDat multi-turn)
*Options may increase product width.

Options chart - list price adder

Description Code List price adder
Feedback options
Resolver R $133
Encoder E N/C
Absolute encoder (EnDat) D $133
Bus options
None N Std
2 x Dual CAN ports and extra I/O (MDH)
B $610
2 x CANopen ports and extra I/O (FPH)
2 x CANopen ports C $325
DeviceNet D $625
Profibus P $570
Serial port options
RS232 / RS485 2 Std
Logic voltage supply options
Internally generated 0 Std
External customer supplied +24 V DC 3 N/C

NOTES: STD = Standard, N/C = No charge

28 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
Baldor MintDriveII (For existing applications only. Use MicroFlex/
MotiFlex for new applications.)

Baldor MintDriveII resolver feedback-based units

Input voltage 1 phase 115 V AC 1 phase 230 V AC 3 phase 230-460 V AC
Bus voltage 160 V DC 300 V DC 300-650 V DC
Output current
amps (rms) Catalog number ** List price Catalog number ** List price Catalog number ** List price
Cont. Peak
Customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 MDH1A02TB-RN23 *** $3,030 MDH2A02TB-RN23 *** $3,030 MDH4A02TB-RN23 *** $4,050
5 10 MDH1A05TB-RN23 *** $3,305 MDH2A05TB-RN23 *** $3,305 MDH4A05TB-RN23 *** $4,139
7.5 15 MDH1A07TR-RN23 * $3,499 MDH2A07TR-RN23 * $3,499 MDH4A07TR-RN23 * $4,198
– 30 – – – – MDH4A15TR-RN23 * $4,908
– 40 – – – – MDH4A20TR-RN23 * $5,543
– 55 – – – – MDH4A27TR-RN23 * $6,178
With 2 CAN ports and extra I/O - customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 MDH1A02TB-RB23 *** $3,758 MDH2A02TB-RB23 *** $3,758 MDH4A02TB-RB23 *** $4,776
5 10 MDH1A05TB-RB23 *** $4,033 MDH2A05TB-RB23 *** $4,033 MDH4A05TB-RB23 *** $4,865
7.5 15 MDH1A07TR-RB23 * $4,225 MDH2A07TR-RB23 * $4,225 MDH4A07TR-RB23 * $4,924
15 30 – – – – MDH4A15TR-RB23 * $5,634
20 40 – – – – MDH4A20TR-RB23 * $6,270
27.5 55 – – – – MDH4A27TR-RB23 * $6,904
Baldor MintDriveII encoder feedback-based units
Customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 MDH1A02TB-EN23 *** $2,877 MDH2A02TB-EN23 *** $3,055 MDH4A02TB-EN23 *** $3,891
5 10 MDH1A05TB-EN23 *** $3,148 MDH2A05TB-EN23 *** $3,148 MDH4A05TB-EN23 *** $3,979
7.5 15 MDH1A07TR-EN23 * $3,340 MDH2A07TR-EN23 * $3,340 MDH4A07TR-EN23 * $4,039
15 30 – – – – MDH4A15TR-EN23 * $4,748
20 40 – – – – MDH4A20TR-EN23 * $5,385
27.5 55 – – – – MDH4A27TR-EN23 * $6,020
With 2 CAN ports and extra I/O – customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 MDH1A02TB-EB23 *** $3,598 MDH2A02TB-EB23 *** $3,758 MDH4A02TB-EB23 *** $4,618
5 10 MDH1A05TB-EB23 *** $3,874 MDH2A05TB-EB23 *** $4,033 MDH4A05TB-EB23 *** $4,705
7.5 15 MDH1A07TR-EB23 * $4,066 MDH2A07TR-EB23 * $4,225 MDH4A07TR-EB23 * $4,765
15 30 – – – – MDH4A15TR-EB23 * $6,076
20 40 – – – – MDH4A20TR-EB23 * $6,805
27.5 55 – – – – MDH4A27TR-EB23 * $7,500

Programming cable for Length

Catalog number List price
FlexDriveII, Flex+DriveII and MintDriveII Feet Meters
RS232 serial cable for use with PC 3 9.8 CBL001-501 $164
Resolver 9-15 pin converter OPT026-501 $118
Feedback connector kit for series II controller (resolver) OPT-ACC001-502 $61
Feedback connector kit for series II controller (encoder) OPT-ACC001-503 $61
Tertiary I/O connector kit for series II controller OPT-ACC001-504 $61
Power and I/O connector kit for series II controller OPT-ACC001-518 $61

Shaded areas are stocked products.

*Order regen resistor separately.
**24 V required for operation of I/Os (customer supplied).
***2.5 amp models have internal 20W 175 ohm (115/230 V AC) or 300W 200 ohm (230-460 V AC) regen resistor.
5 amp models have internal 40W 90 ohm (115/230 V AC) or 300W 200 ohm (230-460 V AC) regen resistor.
Order encoder model for operation with linear motors. Order motor and feedback cables separately.
Units with BUS option N have 8/3 I/O and no CAN ports. Price of - RN20 same as - RN23; Price of - EN20 same as - EN23.
For complete details of catalog I/D, see Catalog identification matrix.
The FDH2, FPH2 and MDH2 10A and 15A are not available.
Contact Customer Service for part numbers not listed.

Motion and PLC US price list 29

AC Motion Control Drives
Baldor FlexDriveII , Flex+Drive (For existing applications only. Use
MicroFlex/MotiFlex for new applications.)

Baldor FlexDriveII resolver feedback-based units

Input voltage 1 phase 115 V AC 1 phase 230 V AC 3 phase 230-460 V AC
Bus voltage 160 V DC 300 V DC 300-650 V DC
Output current
amps (rms) Catalog number ** List price Catalog number ** List price Catalog number ** List price
Cont. Peak
Customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 FDH1A02TB-RN23 *** $2,400 FDH2A02TB-RN23 ** $2,400 FDH4A02TB-RN23 *** $3,310
5 10 FDH1A05TB-RN23 *** $2,524 FDH2A05TB-RN23 *** $2,525 FDH4A05TB-RN23 *** $3,409
7.5 15 FDH1A07TR-RN23 * $2,716 FDH2A07TR-RN23 * $2,718 FDH4A07TR-RN23 * $3,511
15 30 – – – – FDH4A15TR-RN23 * $4,218
20 40 – – – – FDH4A20TR-RN23 * $4,855
27.5 55 – – – – FDH4A27TR-RN23 * $5,489

Baldor FlexDriveII encoder feedback-based units

Customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 FDH1A02TB-EN23 *** $2,241 FDH2A02TB-EN23 *** $2,241 FDH4A02TB-EN23 *** $3,151
5 10 FDH1A05TB-EN23 *** $2,366 FDH2A05TB-EN23 *** $2,366 FDH4A05TB-EN23 *** $3,250
7.5 15 FDH1A07TR-EN23 * $2,560 FDH2A07TR-EN23 * $2,560 FDH4A07TR-EN23 * $3,351
15 20 – – – – FDH4A15TR-EN23 * $4,060
20 40 – – – – FDH4A20TR-EN23 * $4,696
27.5 55 – – – – FDH4A27TR-EN23 * $5,333

Programmable indexer and brushless Motion Control

Baldor Flex+DriveII resolver feedback-based units
Input voltage 115 V AC 1φ 230 V AC 1φ 230-460 V AC 3φ
Bus voltage 160 V DC 300 V DC 300-650 V DC
Output current
amps (rms) Catalog number ** List price Catalog number ** List price Catalog number ** List price
Cont. Peak
Customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 FPH1A02TB-RN23 *** $2,635 FPH2A02TB-RN23 *** $2,635 FPH4A02TB-RN23 *** $3,679
5 10 FPH1A05TB-RN23 *** $2,914 FPH2A05TB-RN23 *** $2,914 FPH4A05TB-RN23 *** $3,771
7.5 15 FPH1A07TR-RN23 * $3,108 FPH2A07TR-RN23 * $3,108 FPH4A07TR-RN23 * $3,853
15 30 – – – – FPH4A15TR-RN23 * $4,560
20 40 – – – – FPH4A20TR-RN23 * $5,198
27.5 55 – – – – FPH4A27TR-RN23 * $5,835

Baldor Flex+DriveII encoder feedback-based units

Customer must supply +24 V DC for logic power
2.5 5 FPH1A02TB-EN23 *** $2,476 FPH2A02TB-EN23 *** $2,476 FPH4A02TB-EN23 *** $3,521
5 10 FPH1A05TB-EN23 *** $2,755 FPH2A05TB-EN23 *** $2,755 FPH4A05TB-EN23 *** $3,613
7.5 15 FPH1A07TR-EN23 * $2,949 FPH2A07TR-EN23 * $2,949 FPH4A07TR-EN23 * $3,693
15 30 – – – – FPH4A15TR-EN23 * $4,401
20 40 – – – – FPH4A20TR-EN23 * $5,038
27.5 55 – – – – FPH4A27TR-EN23 * $5,676

Shaded areas are stocked products.

*Order regen resistor separately. Order encoder model for operation with linear motors.
**24 V required for operation of I/Os (customer supplied). Order motor and feedback cables separately.
***2.5 amp models have internal 20W 175 ohm (115/230 V AC) or Units with BUS option N have 8/3 I/O and no CAN ports.
300W 200 ohm (230-460 V AC) regen resistor. Price of - RN20 same as - RN23; price of - EN20 same as - EN23 .
5 amp models have internal 40W 90 ohm (115/230 V AC) or ` For complete details of catalog I/D, see Catalog identification matrix.
300W 200 ohm (230-460 V AC) regen resistor. The FDH2, FPH2 and MDH2 10A and 15A are not available.
Contact Customer Service for part numbers not listed.
30 Motion and PLC US price list
AC Motion Control Drives

−− Simple interface programmable in MInt
−− CANopen and RS232/485 communications
−− 4 line x 20 character display
−− Numerical keypad + function keys
−− Optional DS401 CANopen I/O modules: 4 dig in and 4 dig out

Operator panels
Description Catalog number List price
CANopen/serial 4x20 character LCD display (Mint programmable) KPD202-501 $1,288
4 dig In, 4 dig out I/O option for keypad KPD-OPTIO-1 $243

CAN cables
Description Catalog number List price
Meters Feet
0.25 0.8 CBL002CM-CSS1 $82
0.5 1.6 CBL005CM-CSS1 $86
1 3.3 CBL010CM-CSS1 $89
CANopen cable (RJ45 - flying lead) 2 6.6 CBL020CM-CSS1 $92
5 16 CBL050CM-CSS1 $120
10 33 CBL100CM-CSS1 $144
20 67 CBL200CM-CSS1 $230
0.25 0.8 CBL002CM-CSS2 $47
0.5 1.6 CBL005CM-CSS2 $50
1 3.3 CBL010CM-CSS2 $53
CANopen cable (RJ45 - RJ45) 2 6.6 CBL020CM-CSS2 $65
5 16 CBL050CM-CSS2 $88
10 33 CBL100CM-CSS2 $132
20 67 CBL200CM-CSS2 $226
Adaptor RJ45 (CANopen) to D-type male (fits HMIs) – – OPT-CNV001 $100
Adaptor RJ45 (CANopen) to D-type female (fits e100 controllers and Wago couplers) – – OPT-CNV002 $100

NOTES: Suffix “W” indicates ABB branded products

Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 31

AC Motion Control Drives
Communication cables and regen resistors
Communication cables Ethernet communication cables
Length Length
Description Catalog number List price Description Catalog number List price
Meters Feet Meters Feet
For use with FlexDriveII, Flex+DriveII, MintDriveII and 0.2 0.7 CBL002CM-EXS $42
MicroFlex 0.5 1.6 CBL005CM-EXS $44
RS232 Serial Cable for use with PC 3 9.8 CBL001-501 $164
Ethernet/shielded CAT5e 1 3.2 CBL010CM-EXS $47
RJ45 2 6.5 CBL020CM-EXS $56
5 16.3 CBL050CM-EXS $78
10 32.6 CBL100CM-EXS $130

Regen resistors - for use with MintDriveII, Flex+DriveII, FlexDriveII

Input voltages
115 V AC 1 phase 230 V AC 3 phase 230 V AC 3 phase 230-460 V AC List
rating Catalog Resistance Watts Catalog Resistance Watts Catalog Resistance Watts Catalog Resistance Watts
3 – - – RG56 56 Ω 44 – - – – – $176
6-9 – - – RG39 39 Ω 100 – - – – – $282
7.5 RG22 22 Ω 100 RG39 39 Ω 100 – - – RG68 69 Ω 320 $282
15 - 20 – - – – - – RG10 10 Ω 320 RG27A 27 Ω 320 $325
27.5 – - – – - – – - – RG11 11 Ω 640 $561

Regen resistors - for use with MicroFlex, MicroFlex e100, MicroFlex e150 (1 phase or 3
phase 115-230 V AC)
Control current rating Catalog Resistance Watts List price
RGJ139 39 Ω 100 $150
RGJ160 60 Ω 100 $115
RGJ260 60 Ω 200 $135
RGJ360 60 Ω 300 $162

Regen resistors - for use with MotiFlex e100 (3 phase 180-528 V AC)
Control current Minimum resistance (ohms)
Catalog Resistance Watts List price
rating Single drive Shared DC bus
RGJ160 60 Ω 100 $115
RGJ260 60 Ω 200 $135
RGJ360 60 Ω 300 $162
1-6 Size A 60 150
RGJ1150 150 Ω 100 $150
RGJ2150 150 Ω 200 $135
RGJ3150 150 Ω 300 $162
RGJ523 23 Ω 500 $241
10 - 16 Size A 33 68 RGJ533 33 Ω 500 $252
RGJ368 68 Ω 300 $200
RGJ515 15 Ω 500 $252
21 - 33 Size B 15 60
RGJ360 60 Ω 300 $162
PowerOhm Enclosure Weight Dims
Catalog No. Ohms Watts List price Ohms Watts
P/N Type (lb) (WxDxH) (in)
RGA1210 * 10 1200 $433 P14494-57 10 1250 GCE3 13 12x10x5
48 - 65 Size C 7.5 33 RGA2410 * 10 2400 $649 ABB-41168 11 2400 GCE6 17 12x19x5
RGA4810 * 10 4800 $909 ABB-48431-068 11 4400 GCE9 24 26.5x10x5
RGA4840 * 40 4800 $1,165 ABB-43169 42 4410 GCE12 30 16.5x13x5
* Not available

1.Customers must include the thermal switch contact in the ABB PowerOhm resistor in the electrical design for the machine/system, so the system shuts down if the resistor overheats.
2.The previous RGA1210 and alternative P14494-57 are only suitable for use with a 48A or 65A MotiFlex e100 operating as a stand-alone Drive.
3.The P14494-57 should not be used if these Drives are being used as a DC bus master (in this case a minimum resistance of 33 ohms is required).
4.This Resistor assembly includes the coils, mounted in an indoor screened enclosure, normally closed thermal switch and (2) point terminal block for resistor connections.

1.Customers must include the thermal switch contact in the ABB PowerOhm resistor in the electrical design for the machine/system, so the system shuts down if the resistor overheats.
2.The previous RGA2410 and alternative ABB-41168 are only suitable for use with a 48A or 65A MotiFlex e100 operating as a stand-alone Drive.
3.The ABB-41168 should not be used if these Drives are being used as a DC bus master.
4.This Resistor assembly includes the coils, mounted in an indoor screened enclosure, normally closed thermal switch and (2) point terminal block for resistor connections.
Shaded areas are stocked products.
32 Motion and PLC US price list
AC Motion Control Drives
Filters and power supplies

CE filters for use with MintDriveII , Flex+DriveII, FlexDriveII , MicroFlex, MicroFlex e100, MicroFlex e150
Input voltages
Control continuous Customer supplied 24 V DC
115 V AC 1 phase 230 V AC 3 phase 230-460 V AC
current rating
Catalog no. List price Catalog no. List price Catalog no. List price Catalog no. List price
2.5, 3 FI0015A00 $94 FI0015A00 $94 FI0018A00 $191
5, 6 FI0015A02 $151 FI0015A02 $151 FI0018A00 $191 All models
7.5, 9 FI0029A00 $334 FI0029A00 $334 FI0018A00 $191 FI0014A00
15, 20, 27.5 – – – – FI0018A01 $320

For use with MotiFlex e100 230-460 V AC 50/60 Hz

1-3 – – – – FI0035A00 $190
6 - 10.5 – – – – FI0035A01 $225
10 - 16 – – – – FI0035A02 $258 All models
20 – – – – FI0035A03 $386 FI0014A00

26 – – – – FI0035A04 $532
33.5 - 65 – – – – FI0035A05 $533

24V power supply

For use with Motion Controllers, AC Motion Control drives, control panels and PLC AC500
Continuous current Catalog no. Description List price
0.75 3AUA0000173059 1SVR427030R000 Power supply CP-E 24/0.75 $119
1.25 3AUA0000173060 1SVR427031R000 Power supply CP-E 24/1.25 $129
2.5 3AUA0000168686 1SVR427032R000 Power supply CP-E 24/2.5 $162
5 3AUA0000170380 1SVR427024R000 Power supply CP-C 24/5.0 $370
10 3AUA0000173081 1SVR427025R000 Power supply CP-C 24/10.0 $570

Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 33

AC Motion Control Drives
Dimensions and weights

Mounting hole and slot detail Mounting hole and slot detail

Dimensions shown as: mm (inches). Dimensions shown as: mm (inches).

Depth: 157 mm (6.2 in) Depth: 157 mm (6.2 in)
Weight: 1A: 1.45 kg (3.2 lb) Weight: 3A: 1.45 kg (3.2 lb)
3A: 1.45 kg (3.2 lb) 6A: 1.50 kg (3.3 lb)
6A: 1.50 kg (3.3 lb) 9A: 1.55 kg (3.4 lb)
9A: 1.55 kg (3.4 lb)
7.1 in. (180 mm) H
7.1 in. (180 mm) H 3.2 in. (80 mm) W
3.2 in. (80 mm) W 6.2 in. (157 mm) D
6.2 in. (157 mm) D

MicroFlex dimensions
MicroFlex e100 dimensions
and weight
and weight

Mounting hole and slot detail Size A Dimensions – 1.5A ~ 16A models
Mounting hole and slot detail

A 6 mm
B 12 mm
C 12.7 mm
D 6 mm
E 6 mm

Dimensions shown as: mm (inches).

Dimensions shown as: mm (inches). Depth: 260 mm (10.24 in)
Depth: 157 mm (6.2 in) Weight: 1.5 A: 1.90 kg (4.2 lb)
Weight: 3A: 1.45 kg (3.2 lb)
3 A: 1.90 kg (4.2 lb)
6A: 1.50 kg (3.3 lb)
6 A: 1.90 kg (4.2lb)
9A: 1.55 kg (3.4 lb)
10.5 A: 4.80 kg (10.6 lb)

7.1 in. (180 mm) H 16 A: 5.80 kg (12.8lb)
3.23 in. (82 mm) W
6.2 in. (157 mm) D 14.25 in. (362 mm) H
2.95 in. (75 mm) W
10.24 in. (260 mm) D
NOTE: The case is 76 mm wide, which is 1 mm wider than the mount-
MicroFlex e150 dimensions MotiFlex e100 dimensions ing plate. For this reason, when mounting multiple drives side-by-side
and weight and weight for DC bus sharing, it is advisable to use the method described in sec-
tion to avoid errors when marking hole positions.
Size B Dimensions – 21A ~ 33.5A models
Mounting hole and slot detail Size C Dimensions – 48A ~ 65A models
Mounting hole and slot detail
A 6 mm A 6 mm
B 12 mm B 12 mm
C 12.7 mm C 12.7 mm
D 6 mm D 6 mm
E 6 mm E 6 mm

Dimensions shown as: mm (inches). Dimensions shown as: mm (inches).

Depth: 260 mm (10.24 in) Depth: 260 mm (10.24 in)
Weight: 21A: 5.85 kg (12.9 lb) Weight: 48A: 12.45 kg (27.4 lb)
26A: 6.35 kg (14.0 lb) 65A: 12.45 kg (27.4 lb)
33.5A: 6.35 kg (14.0 lb)
14.25 in. (362 mm) H
14.25 in. (362 mm) H 8.35 in. (212 mm) W
4.99 in. (127 mm) W 10.24 in. (260 mm) D
10.24 in. (260 mm) D

NOTE: The case is 213 mm wide, which is 1 mm wider than the

mounting plate. For this reason, when mounting multiple drives
MotiFlex e100 dimensions NOTE: The case is 128 mm wide, which is 1 mm wider than the MotiFlex e100 dimensions
side-by-side for DC bus sharing, it is advisable to use the method
mounting plate. For this reason, when mounting multiple drives
and weight 21 A - 33.5 A models and weight 48 A - 65 A models described in section to avoid errors when marking hole
side-by-side for DC bus sharing, it is advisable to use the method
described in section to avoid errors when marking hole
34 Motion and PLC US price list positions.
AC Motion Control Drives
MicroFlex e150 motion demonstrator

The ABB MicroFlex e150 servo drive combines multi-protocol Ethernet technology, advanced multitasking programming and
single phase operation. The e150 also provides safe torque off to IEC 61800-5-2 SIL3 PLe, an RS485 port with Modbus RTU
support, a universal digital feedback input, dual encoder input for master follower applications, 10 digital inputs (2 high speed po-
sition latching), 7 digital outputs, 2 analogue inputs and 1 analogue output. It also has compatibility with the Mint ActiveX controls,
available for PC host programming.

To promote the features of this product, the e150 motion demonstrator contains a MicroFlex e150 servo drive and a BSM servo
motor with a high resolution feedback device. This unit comes in a convenient and portable format and can be used to demon-
strate the features and capabilities of the e150 drive and also be used as a powerful training and support tool.

−− 3A MicroFlex e150 servo drive
−− BSM60R brushless servo motors with SmartAbs high resolution encoder feedback
−− 7 input switches and 6 output LED’s on motion controller
−− Analogue pot control
−− 1 safe torque off input switch
−− Built in power supply with 24V dc output terminals for powering external devices
−− Pelican case included (with space for additional items not included such as PLC or HMI).

Programming tools
The e150 demonstrator works with the Mint WorkBench software as a configuration, programming and diagnostic tool. This
provides a convenient demonstration, training and support system. An example program is also available for those not so famil-
iar with the Mint programming language and the Mint WorkBench software. This can be used to demonstrate commonly used
software motion features such as: homing, jogging and positional moves. More advanced motion can also be demonstrated if
combined with an encoder splitter board and an external encoder signal source.

e150 demonstrator
The e150 demonstrator can be used stand-alone for demonstrating Mint features. It also works well as a training aid and can be
used by technical support teams to simulate customer applications.

One or more e150 demonstrators can be used to create an EtherCAT motion system when combined with an ABB AC500 PLC.

Enhance the functionality of the demo by adding an ABB CP600 HMI. This connects seamlessly to the e150 drive over Ethernet
using the Modbus TCP protocol or over RS485 using Modbus RTU.

Ordering information
Catalog List price
DEMO-E150-001 $4,000
IO controls
NOTE: No country-specific MicroFlex e150 Servo drives
− 6 LED output indicators
power cord is supplied with − Single phase 110 or 230Vac supply
− 7 input switches
the unit. − Local IO can be accessed using built in
− 1 Safe Torque Off / Enable
input switch LED’s and switches
− Terminals accessible for connection to
other motors or IO devices
Analogue Input control
− 0 – 10V pot for analogue

24Vdc output terminals

− Onboard power supply
− Can power auxiliary devices BSM60R Motors
such as HMI’s or PLC’s − Brushless AC servo motors
− SmartAbs encoder with
131072cpr resolution

Motion and PLC US price list 35

AC Motion Control Drives
e100 product demonstrator

The e100 motion product demonstrator is a compact two axis e100 ABB motion control system for demonstrating the capabilities
of e100 motion controllers and drives.

It combines a NextMove e100 motion controller, two MicroFlex e100 servo drives and two small BSM servo motors in a conve-
nient and portable format and can be used to demonstrate the features and capabilities of the products and also be used as a
powerful training and support tool.

−− 16 Axis NextMove e100 Ethernet Motion controller − − Stepper channels available to connect to external stepper motors
−− 3A MicroFlex e100 Servo drives − − Internal virtual axes can be used to expand the axis count to simu-
−− BSM60R brushless servo motors with encoder feedback late real motion systems
−− 8 input switches and 8 output LED’s on motion controller − − Example programs available from dedicated website
−− 2 input switches and 2 output LED’s on each drive − − Pelican case included.
−− Built in power supply with 24Vdc output terminals for powering
external devices

Programming tools
The e100 Demonstrator works with the Mint WorkBench software as a configuration, programming and diagnostic tool. An ex-
ample program is also available, for those not so familiar with the Mint programming language and the Mint WorkBench software.
This can be used to demonstrate commonly used software motion features such as:
− − Homing −− Triggering Moves on Position
− − Jogging −− Cam profiles
− − Interpolated motion − − Flying shears

e100 family demonstrator

In addition to showing the e100 product family, real-time Ethernet and ease of cabling, the e100 demonstrator can be used
stand-alone for demonstrating Mint features. A pre-written example program is available to show different motion types using the
board switches. You can also use this to demonstrate drive commissioning, which is extremely easy with our software wizards
and auto-tuning features.

Windows™ host application

There is also a Windows-based host application program written to demonstrate how PC’s can be easily used to create an inter-
face with Mint motion controllers using our Mint ActiveX controls. This software provides a graphical method to control the motion
type example program and adds a few additional features not accessible from the switches. This program also features an auto-
reconfiguration function to get the demo kit back to a working configuration.

Mint programming
For the most experienced Mint programmer, the demonstrator is a convenient way to show the powerful features of the Mint
WorkBench software. This also enables application developers to support customers. The demonstrator is an ideal tool that en-
ables the creation of new applications and the recreation of existing applications offline and remote from the real machine.

Ordering information
Catalog List price
DEMO-E100-002 $6,787

NextMove e100 2 x MicroFlex e100 Servo drives

− − Multi-axis motion controller − − Single-phase 230Vac supply
− − Supports up to 16 axis − − Local IO can be accessed using built-in LEDs
− − EPL Servo, Analogue Servo, Stepper and switches
or Virtual axis types − − Terminals accessible for connection to other
motors or IO devices
24Vdc output terminals
− − On-board power supply
− − Can power auxilliary devices such as
Output LEDs 2 x BSM60R Motors
− − 8 connected to NextMove − − Brushless AC servo motors
− − 2 for each of the MicroFlex drives − − 2000 ppr encoder and hall feedback
Input Switches
− − 8 connected to NextMove
− − 2 for each of the MicroFlex drives

36 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
e180 motion demonstrator

The MotiFlex e180 servo drive combines multiprotocol real time Ethernet technology, advanced multitasking programming, safety
features, a range of motor feedback options, master encoder input and encoder output, 8 digital inputs (2 high speed position
latching), 4 digital outputs, 2 analogue inputs and 1 analogue output. It also has compatibility with the Mint ActiveX controls,
available for PC host programming.

To promote the features of this product the e180 Motion Demonstrator contains a MotiFlex e180 servo drive and a BSM servo
motor with a high resolution feedback device. This convenient and portable unit can be used to demonstrate the features and
capabilities of the MotiFlex e180 drive and also be used as a powerful training and support tool.
−− MotiFlex e180 servo drive
−− BSM60R brushless servo motor with SmartAbs high resolution encoder feedback
−− 8 input switches and 4 output LEDs
−− Analogue input potentiometer
−− Emergency stop Safe Torque Off input switch
−− Built in power supply with 24 V DC output terminals for powering external devices
−− Wheeled Pelican™ case is included
−− Requires 1 phase 230V AC supply
Programming tools
The Motion Demonstrator works with the Mint WorkBench software as a configuration, programming and diagnostic tool. This provides a conve-
nient demonstration, training and support system. The unit can be used to demonstrate commonly used software motion features such as:- hom-
ing, jogging and positional moves. More advanced motion can also be demonstrated if combined with an external encoder signal source.

MotiFlex e180 Motion Demonstrator

The e180 demonstrator can be used stand-alone for demonstrating Mint features to customers. It also works well as a training aid
and can be used by technical support teams to simulate customer applications.

One or more Motion Demonstrators can be used to create an EtherCAT motion system when combined with an AC500 PLC.

Enhance the functionality of the Motion Demonstrator by adding a CP600 HMI. This connects seamlessly to the MotiFlex e180
drive over Ethernet using the Modbus TCP protocol.

Ordering information
Catalog List price
DEMO-E180-001 $6,787
NOTE: No country-specific power
cord is supplied with the unit. Memory Unit
− − Stores application data
− − Used for functional upgrade to master controller
Dual real time Ethernet ports
−− Control via motion controller or PLC
−− Master control of other drives* IO Controls
−− IO expansion* − − 4 LED output indicators
(*Requires functional upgrade, − − 8 input switches
not available at product launch)

Ethernet Port Analogue Input control

−− for programming, diagnostics and − − 0 - 10 V potentiometer for analogue source
connection to non real time devices

MotiFlex e180 servo drive STO emergency stop switch

−− Single phase 230 V AC supply
−− Local IO can be accessed using built
in LEDs and switches
−− Accessible communications ports and BSM60R Motor
IO connections − − Brushless AC servo motor
− − Smart ABS encoder with 131072cpr resolution
24 V DC output terminals
−− Onboard power supply
−− Can power auxiliary devices such
as HMI or remote IO

Motion and PLC US price list 37

AC Motion Control Drives
Product training

Introduction to Sizing and Applying Motion with PLC/Motion MINT™ Commissioning e100/e150 with PLC/Motion Lab
Demonstration This course is designed to offer hands on labs to use the MINT
This course is designed to help participants recognize and un- WorkBench software tool to commission and tune the Next-
derstand Servo motion applications. Participants will learn to Move e100 Motion Controllers and MicroFlex e100 Servo
determine application torque requirements and use the Drives. The class includes a demonstration of ABB’s AC500
matched Performance sizing software for Servo motor selec- PLC performing motion control using the MicroFlex e150 Servo
tion. They will also size and select Servo drives and/or Motion drive via Modbus TCP/IP and the Generic Drive Interface. The
Controllers appropriate for the application. The course offers goal of this course is to educate students in the MINT motion
hands on labs to demonstrate the MINT™ WorkBench software capabilities, application solutions, and tools available to apply
tool with which, the participant will commission and tune Mi- Motion products.
croFlex e100 Servo drives. The class includes a demonstration
of ABB’s AC500 PLC performing motion control using the Mi- Audience
croFlex e150 Servo drive via Modbus TCP/IP and the Generic Technical and sales professionals and authorized channel part-
Drive Interface. The goal of this course is to educate students ners who work with ABB Motion Control Products and Rotary
in the proper selection of Servo motor and Motion Control Servo motors. Participants are typically those who have basic
hardware, MINT motion capabilities, application solutions, and knowledge of Industrial Motion Control applications.
tools available to help size and apply motion products.
Course Duration
Audience MINT™ Commissioning e100 and e150 with PLC/Motion Lab,
Technical and sales professionals and authorized channel part- US9179 - 2.5 days
ners who work with ABB Motion Control Products and Rotary
Servo motors. Participants are typically those who have basic
knowledge of Industrial Motion Control applications. ACSM1 Servo Drives Commissioning with PLC Motion Demo
Course Duration This course is designed to develop participant knowledge
and skill with the ACSM1 Servo Drive and DriveStudio com-
Introduction to Sizing and Applying Motion with PLC/Motion missioning and maintenance software tool. There will also be
Demonstration, US9178 - 2 days an introduction to DriveSPC (Solution Program Composer)
software. The goal of this program is to gain proficiency with
basic start-up, commissioning, tuning, control, and diagnostics
of the ACSM1 Servo Drive. Participants will adjust and oper-
PLCopen Motion Control Library for MicroFlex e150 / ACSM1
ate the ACSM1 Servo Drive with motion control applications.
Servo Drives They will also customize the ACSM1 Servo Drive using Solution
This course is designed to introduce the ABB PS552-MC Mo- Programming basics and the Function Block library. Addition-
tion Control and Generic Drive Interface (GDI) libraries with the ally, participants will observe a demonstration of controlling the
ABB AC500 Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The goal ACSM1 Servo Drive by using an AC500 PLC incorporating the
of this course is that participants use PLCopen Motion libraries PLCopen Motion Control Library.
and ABB Automation Builder software to control and monitor
ABB MicroFlex e150 and ACSM1 Servo Drives. Participants
will also use Generic Drive Interface (GDI) libraries to control
Technical and sales professionals and authorized channel
the MicroFlex e150 Drive, via internet connection, with a Web
partners who work with ABB ACSM1 Servo drives. Participants
Visualization created in CODESYS. Within Automation Builder
are typically those who have basic knowledge of Industrial Mo-
Software, the ABB Mint Workbench Software and DriveStudio
tion Control applications, such as OEM’s, System Integrators,
Software are used for setup and tuning the Servo Drives for
Distributors and Application Engineers.
these class exercises.

Course Duration
ACSM1 Servo Drives Commissioning with PLC Motion Demo,
Technical and sales professionals and authorized channel
US9194 – 3.5 days
partners, who work with ABB AC500 PLC and MicroFlex /
ACSM1drives. Participants are typically those who have basic
knowledge of Industrial Motion Control applications, such as
OEM’s, System Integrators, Distributors and Application Engi- Creating a training account and training enrollment
neers. 1. Go to ABB.com (http://www.abb.com)
2. Click on the “lock” symbol located on left hand margin.
Course Duration 3. If you already have an ABB account, click on “Go to My
PLCopen Motion Control Library for MicroFlex e150 / ACSM1 ABB”.
Servo Drives, US9224 – 2.5 days 4. If you do not have a training account, click on the “Sign up”

Send questions to: [email protected]

38 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
Product training

Introduction to Motion - E-learning modules online

A program and collection of e-learning courses covering our
ABB Motion Drives is on our Training site and made available to
the US.

Technical and sales professionals and authorized channel part-
ners who work with ABB Motion Control Products and Rotary
Servo motors. Participants are typically those who have basic
knowledge of Industrial Motion Control applications.

US9221 Introduction to Motion

Includes the following courses:

G1941e Overview of Servo Systems, Internet course - EN - 1

G1942e Overview of Servo Motors, Internet course - EN -1
G1943e Analogue Servo Products, Internet course - EN- 1
G1944e Mint WorkBench, Internet course - EN- 1
G1945e Overview of e100 Products, Internet course - EN-1
G1946e EPL Network Configuration, Internet course - EN-1
G1947e Servo Drive Commissioning, Internet course - EN-1
G1948e Overview of e150 Products, Internet course - EN-1
G1949e Motion Sales Guides, Internet course - EN - 1

These courses are all available online and cover a wealth of

motion drives related topics.

Motion and PLC US price list 39

AC Motion Control Drives

40 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 3 phase 230 V AC “M” = motion positioning control variant (incl. speed/torque)
“AM” = air cooled motion positioning control variant
− − Versatile and high HP positioning drive: 0.75 to 355 kW −− Regen supply and filter modules with common DC - also
(1 - 580A, 1 - 450 hp) used with wind turbines
− − Custom motion programming with DriveStudio/SPC −− Removable memory unit
software − − Optional fieldbus, feedback and I/O expansion adapters
− − Winder, elevator, CAM and flying shear control variants − − Safe Torque Off (STO)
− − Cold plate cooling or flange mounting variants

Typical motor power

Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
List price
PN I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max
Type code Frame size
ACSM1 Frames A - G2 HP A A A A A A
0.5 3 5.3 ACSM1-04AM-02A5-4 A 2.5 5.3 2 5.3 $1,210
0.75 3.6 6.3 ACSM1-04AM-03A0-4 A 3 6.3 2.2 5.8 $1,400
1 4.8 8.4 ACSM1-04AM-04A0-4 A 4 8.4 2.4 5.8 $1,680
1.5 6 10.5 ACSM1-04AM-05A0-4 A 5 8.4 2.5 5.8 $1,800
2 8 14.7 ACSM1-04AM-07A0-4 A 5.5 11.3 3 7.5 $2,000
3 10.5 16.6 ACSM1-04AM-09A5-4 B 9.5 13.2 5 9 $2,330
3 14 21 ACSM1-04AM-012A-4 B 12 21 6 15.2 $2,610
5 18 28 ACSM1-04AM-016A-4 B 13 22 7.5 15.2 $2,950
7.5 27 42 ACSM1-04AM-024A-4 C 24 42 18 29 $3,510
10 35 54 ACSM1-04AM-031A-4 C 31 43 20 29 $4,200
15 44 70 ACSM1-04AM-040A-4 C 35 63 22 42 $5,200
15 50 81 ACSM1-04AM-046A-4 C 38 63 24 42 $6,100
20 65 105 ACSM1-04AM-060A-4 D 55 84 28 57 $7,300
25 80 130 ACSM1-04AM-073A-4 D 60 117 31 78 $8,900
30 93 150 ACSM1-04AM-090A-4 D 65 117 34 78 $10,800

I2N Continuous rms output current. No overload capability at 40oC (104 oF) - To achieve the rated motor power given in the table, the rated current of the drive
With 230 V AC single phase supply output current and power is derated by 50% must be higher than or equal to the rated motor current
I2max Maximum output current. Available for 10 seconds at start, otherwise as long - The DriveSize dimensioning tool available from ABB is recommended for selecting the
as allowed by drive temperature drive, motor, and gear combination for the required motion profile
P N Typical motor nominal power in no-overload use based on I2N. When C and D - If full power out of C and D frames is required, an optional top and integral mounted
frame sizes are used without mains choke, motor nominal power should be compact DC choke is required when the customer RMS current (load) calculated from
derated by 50% the duty cycle is required to be more than 50%. Without the DC choke, the I2 value for
C and D frames is derated
- For 1 phase 230 V AC, derate by 50% - Set parameter 95.02 EXTERNAL CHOKE = YES
- Frame sizes C and D can be used continuously without a mains choke at up to 50% of - DC chokes cannot be used with cold plate drives
nominal shaft power. (i.e. at continuous nominal torque up to 50% of rated speed) - For C - D frames, a DC or AC Choke is required when the motor nominal power
is more than 50% of PN
- See ACSM1 feedback cables in BSM Motor Feedback Cable section

Motion and PLC US price list 41

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 3 phase 480 V AC “M” = motion positioning control variant (incl. speed/torque)
“AM” = air cooled motion positioning control variant
− − Versatile and high HP positioning drive: 0.75 to 355 kW − − Regen supply and filter modules with common DC - also
(1 - 580A, 1 - 450 hp) used with wind turbines
− − Custom motion programming with DriveStudio/SPC − − Removable memory unit
software − − Optional fieldbus, feedback and I/O expansion adapters
−− Winder, elevator, CAM and flying shear control variants −− Safe Torque Off (STO)
− − Cold plate cooling or flange mounting variants

Typical motor power

Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
PN I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max List price
ACSM1 Frames A - G2
Type code
HP A A size A A A A
1 2.5 5.3 ACSM1-04AM-02A5-4 A 2.1 5.3 1.7 5.3 $1,210
1.5 3 6.3 ACSM1-04AM-03A0-4 A 2.5 6.3 1.8 5.8 $1,400
2 4 8.4 ACSM1-04AM-04A0-4 A 3.3 8.4 2 5.8 $1,680
3 5 10.5 ACSM1-04AM-05A0-4 A 4.1 8.4 2.1 5.8 $1,800
3 6.6 14.7 ACSM1-04AM-07A0-4 A 4.5 11.3 2.5 7.5 $2,000
5 8.7 16.6 ACSM1-04AM-09A5-4 B 7.8 13.2 4.1 9 $2,330
7.5 11.6 21 ACSM1-04AM-012A-4 B 9.9 21 5 15.2 $2,610
10 14.9 28 ACSM1-04AM-016A-4 B 10.7 22 6.2 15.2 $2,950
15 22 42 ACSM1-04AM-024A-4 C 20 42 15 29 $3,510
20 29 54 ACSM1-04AM-031A-4 C 26 43 16.5 29 $4,200
25 36 70 ACSM1-04AM-040A-4 C 29 63 18 42 $5,200
30 41 81 ACSM1-04AM-046A-4 C 31 63 20 42 $6,100
40 53 105 ACSM1-04AM-060A-4 D 45 84 23 57 $7,300
50 66 130 ACSM1-04AM-073A-4 D 50 117 26 78 $8,900
60 77 150 ACSM1-04AM-090A-4 D 54 117 28 78 $10,800
75 96 165 ACSM1-04AM-110A-4 E 62 125 - - $15,200
100 118 202 ACSM1-04AM-135A-4 E 74 150 - - $17,100
125 153 282 ACSM1-04AM-175A-4 E 95 206 - - $19,500
150 184 326 ACSM1-04AM-210A-4 E 111 232 - - $22,700
250 350 500 ACSM1-04AM-390A-4+ +H381+P905 G1 - - - - $55,000
350 450 600 ACSM1-04AM-500A-4+ +H381+P905 G1 - - - - $67,000
450 530 774 ACSM1-04AM-580A-4+ +H381+P905 G2 - - - - $78,000
450 580 840 ACSM1-04AM-635A-4+ +H381+P905 G2 - - - - $85,000

I2N Continuous rms output current. No overload capability at 40oC (104 oF) - Set parameter 95.02 EXTERNAL CHOKE = YES
With 230 V AC single phase supply output current and power is derated by 50% - DC chokes cannot be used with cold plate drives
I2max Maximum output current. Available for 10 seconds at start, otherwise as long - There are no values for 8 kHz and 16 kHz for G1 and G2 frames
as allowed by drive temperature - For C - D Frames, a DC or AC choke is required when the motor nominal power
P N Typical motor nominal power in no-overload use based on I2N. When C and D is more than 50% of PN
frame sizes are used without mains choke, motor nominal power should be - Maximum switching frequency (fsw) is 8 kHz with frame size E and 4 KHz
derated by 50% with frame size G1/G2
- For 1 phase 230 V AC, derate by 50% -Power cabling panel IP20 (+ H381):
- Frame sizes C and D can be used continuously without a mains choke at up to 50% of This allows the motor and supply cable connection to a busbar panel fixed
nominal shaft power. (i.e. at continuous nominal torque up to 50% of rated speed) to the cabinet and allows the removal of the inverter unit by just loosening the bolts
- To achieve the rated motor power given in the table, the rated current of the drive must be connecting the inverter unit busbars from the panel busbars (to which the external
higher than or equal to the rated motor current cabling is bolted)
- The DriveSize dimensioning tool available from ABB is recommended for selecting the -Integrated Control Unit option (+ P905):
drive, motor, and gear combination for the required motion profile The control unit comes readily mounted inside the inverter unit
- If full power out of C and D frames is required, an optional top and integral mounted - See ACSM1 feedback cables in BSM Motor Feedback Cable section
compact DC choke is required when the customer RMS current (load) calculated from the
duty cycle is required to be more than 50%. Without the DC choke, the I2 value for C and
D frames is derated

42 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 3 phase 230 V AC
“- CS” = cold “flat” plate speed and torque control variant
Typical motor power
Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
List price
PN I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max
Type code Frame size
7.5 27 42 ACSM1-04CS-024A-4 C 24 42 18 29 $3,250
10 35 54 ACSM1-04CS-031A-4 C 31 43 20 29 $3,850
15 44 70 ACSM1-04CS-040A-4 C 35 63 22 42 $4,800
15 50 81 ACSM1-04CS-046A-4 C 38 63 24 42 $5,600
20 65 105 ACSM1-04CS-060A-4 D 55 84 28 57 $6,700
25 80 130 ACSM1-04CS-073A-4 D 60 117 31 78 $8,200
30 93 150 ACSM1-04CS-090A-4 D 65 117 34 78 $9,900

ACSM1 3 phase 480 V AC

ACSM1 cold plate module
“- CS” = cold “flat” plate speed and torque control variant
Typical motor power
Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
PN I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max List price
Type code Frame size
15 22 42 ACSM1-04CS-024A-4 C 20 42 15 29 $3,250
20 29 54 ACSM1-04CS-031A-4 C 26 43 16.5 29 $3,850
25 36 70 ACSM1-04CS-040A-4 C 29 63 18 42 $4,800
30 41 81 ACSM1-04CS-046A-4 C 31 63 20 42 $5,600
40 53 105 ACSM1-04CS-060A-4 D 45 84 23 57 $6,700
50 66 130 ACSM1-04CS-073A-4 D 50 117 26 78 $8,200
60 77 150 ACSM1-04CS-090A-4 D 54 117 28 78 $9,900

I2N Continuous rms output current. No overload capability at 40oC (104 oF).
- To achieve the rated motor power given in the table, the rated current of the drive
With 230 V AC single phase supply output current and power is derated by 50%
must be higher than or equal to the rated motor current
I2max Maximum output current. Available for 10 seconds at start, otherwise as long
- The DriveSize dimensioning tool available from ABB is recommended for selecting the
as allowed by drive temperature drive, motor, and gear combination for the required motion profile
P N Typical motor nominal power in no-overload use based on I2N. When C and D - If full power out of C and D frames is required, an optional top and integral mounted
frame sizes are used without mains choke, motor nominal power should be compact DC choke is required when the customer RMS current (load) calculated from
derated by 50% the duty cycle is required to be more than 50%. Without the DC choke, the I2 value
for C and D frames is derated
- For 1 phase 230 V AC, derate by 50% - Set parameter 95.02 EXTERNAL CHOKE = YES
- Frame sizes C and D can be used continuously without a mains choke at up to 50% of - DC chokes cannot be used with cold plate drives
nominal shaft power. (i.e. at continuous nominal torque up to 50% of rated speed) - See ACSM1 feedback cables in BSM Motor Feedback Cable section

Motion and PLC US price list 43

AC Motion Control Drives

ACSM1 3 phase 230 V AC

“- CM” = cold “flat” plate motion positioning control variant
Typical motor power
Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
List price
PN I2N I2max I2N I2max I2N I2max
Type code Frame size
7.5 27 42 ACSM1-04CM-024A-4 C 24 42 18 29 $3,900
10 35 54 ACSM1-04CM-031A-4 C 31 43 20 29 $4,650
15 44 70 ACSM1-04CM-040A-4 C 35 63 22 42 $5,700
15 50 81 ACSM1-04CM-046A-4 C 38 63 24 42 $6,700
20 65 105 ACSM1-04CM-060A-4 D 55 84 28 57 $8,100
25 80 130 ACSM1-04CM-073A-4 D 60 117 31 78 $9,850
30 93 150 ACSM1-04CM-090A-4 D 65 117 34 78 $11,800

ACSM1 cold plate module ACSM1 3 phase 480 V AC

“- CM” = cold “flat” plate motion positioning control variant
Typical motor power
Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
List price
PN I2N I2max Frame I2N I2max I2N I2max
Type code
HP A A size A A A A
15 22 42 ACSM1-04CM-024A-4 C 20 42 15 29 $3,900
20 29 54 ACSM1-04CM-031A-4 C 26 43 16.5 29 $4,650
25 36 70 ACSM1-04CM-040A-4 C 29 63 18 42 $5,700
30 41 81 ACSM1-04CM-046A-4 C 31 63 20 42 $6,700
40 53 105 ACSM1-04CM-060A-4 D 45 84 23 57 $8,100
50 66 130 ACSM1-04CM-073A-4 D 50 117 26 78 $9,850
60 77 150 ACSM1-04CM-090A-4 D 54 117 28 78 $11,800

I2N Continuous rms output current. No overload capability at 40 oC (104 oF) - To achieve the rated motor power given in the table, the rated current of the drive must be
With 230 V AC single phase supply output current and power is derated by 50% higher than or equal to the rated motor current
I2max Maximum output current. Available for 10 seconds at start, otherwise as long - The DriveSize dimensioning tool available from ABB is recommended for selecting the
as allowed by drive temperature drive, motor, and gear combination for the required motion profile
P N Typical motor nominal power in no-overload use based on I2N .When C and D - If full power out of C and D frames is required, an optional top and integral mounted
frame sizes are used without mains choke, motor nominal power should be compact DC choke is required when the customer RMS current (load) calculated from the
duty cycle is required to be more than 50%. Without the DC choke, the I2 value for C and
derated by 50%
D frames is derated
- For 1-phase 230 V AC, derate by 50% - Set parameter 95.02 EXTERNAL CHOKE = YES
- Frame sizes C and D can be used continuously without a mains choke at up to 50% of - DC chokes cannot be used with cold plate drives
nominal shaft power. (i.e. at continuous nominal torque up to 50% of rated speed) - See ACSM1 feedback cables in BSM Motor Feedback Cable section

44 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 3 phase 230 V AC
“- AL” = air cooled lift (elevator) control variant
Typical motor power
Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
List price
PN I2N I2max Frame I2N I2max I2N I2max
Type code
HP A A size A A A A
0.5 3 5.3 ACSM1-04AL-02A5-4 A 2.5 5.3 2 5.3 $1,175
0.75 3.6 6.3 ACSM1-04AL-03A0-4 A 3 6.3 2.2 5.8 $1,375
1 4.8 8.4 ACSM1-04AL-04A0-4 A 4 8.4 2.4 5.8 $1,650
1.5 6 10.5 ACSM1-04AL-05A0-4 A 5 8.4 2.5 5.8 $1,750
2 8 14.7 ACSM1-04AL-07A0-4 A 5.5 11.3 3 7.5 $1,950
3 10.5 16.6 ACSM1-04AL-09A5-4 B 9.5 13.2 5 9 $2,250
3 14 21 ACSM1-04AL-012A-4 B 12 21 6 15.2 $2,550
5 18 28 ACSM1-04AL-016A-4 B 13 22 7.5 15.2 $2,900
7.5 27 42 ACSM1-04AL-024A-4 C 24 42 18 29 $3,450
10 35 54 ACSM1-04AL-031A-4 C 31 43 20 29 $4,200
ACSM1 air cooled module for 15 44 70 ACSM1-04AL-040A-4 C 35 63 22 42 $5,300
lift (elevator) 15 50 81 ACSM1-04AL-046A-4 C 38 63 24 42 $6,300
20 65 105 ACSM1-04AL-060A-4 D 55 84 28 57 $7,600
25 80 130 ACSM1-04AL-073A-4 D 60 117 31 78 $9,400
30 93 150 ACSM1-04AL-090A-4 D 65 117 34 78 $11,500

ACSM1 3 phase 480 V AC

“- AL” = air cooled lift (elevator) control variant
Typical motor power
Types and frames Fsw = 8 kHz Fsw = 16 kHz
Fsw = 4 kHz
List price
PN I2N I2max Frame I2N I2max I2N I2max
Type code
1 2.5 5.3 ACSM1-04AL-02A5-4 A 2.1 5.3 1.7 5.3 $1,175
1.5 3 6.3 ACSM1-04AL-03A0-4 A 2.5 6.3 1.8 5.8 $1,375
2 4 8.4 ACSM1-04AL-04A0-4 A 3.3 8.4 2 5.8 $1,650
3 5 10.5 ACSM1-04AL-05A0-4 A 4.1 8.4 2.1 5.8 $1,750
3 6.6 14.7 ACSM1-04AL-07A0-4 A 4.5 11.3 2.5 7.5 $1,950
5 8.7 16.6 ACSM1-04AL-09A5-4 B 7.8 13.2 4.1 9 $2,250
7.5 11.6 21 ACSM1-04AL-012A-4 B 9.9 21 5 15.2 $2,550
10 14.9 28 ACSM1-04AL-016A-4 B 10.7 22 6.2 15.2 $2,900
15 22 42 ACSM1-04AL-024A-4 C 20 42 15 29 $3,450
20 29 54 ACSM1-04AL-031A-4 C 26 43 16.5 29 $4,200
25 36 70 ACSM1-04AL-040A-4 C 29 63 18 42 $5,300
30 41 81 ACSM1-04AL-046A-4 C 31 63 20 42 $6,300
40 53 105 ACSM1-04AL-060A-4 D 45 84 23 57 $7,600
50 66 130 ACSM1-04AL-073A-4 D 50 117 26 78 $9,400
60 77 150 ACSM1-04AL-090A-4 D 54 117 28 78 $11,500
75 96 165 ACSM1-04AL-110A-4 E 62 125 - - $16,500
100 118 202 ACSM1-04AL-135A-4 E 74 150 - - $18,500
125 153 282 ACSM1-04AL-175A-4 E 95 206 - - $21,500
150 184 326 ACSM1-04AL-210A-4 E 111 232 - - $25,000

I2N Continuous rms output current. No overload capability at 40oC (104 oF)
- To achieve the rated motor power given in the table, the rated current of the drive
With 230 V AC single phase supply output current and power is derated by 50%
must be higher than or equal to the rated motor current
I2max Maximum output current. Available for 10 seconds at start, otherwise as long
- The DriveSize dimensioning tool available from ABB is recommended for selecting the
as allowed by drive temperature drive, motor, and gear combination for the required motion profile
P N Typical motor nominal power in no-overload use based on I2N .When C and D - If full power out of C and D frames is required, an optional top and integral mounted
frame sizes are used without mains choke, motor nominal power should be compact DC choke is required when the customer RMS current (load) calculated from the
derated by 50% duty cycle is required to be more than 50%. Without the DC choke, the I2 value for C and
D frames is derated
- For 1-phase 230 V AC, derate by 50%
- Set parameter 95.02 EXTERNAL CHOKE = YES
- Frame sizes C and D can be used continuously without a mains choke at up to 50% of
- DC Chokes cannot be used with cold plate drives
nominal shaft power. (i.e. at continuous nominal torque up to 50% of rated speed)
- See ACSM1 feedback cables in BSM Motor Feedback Cable section

Motion and PLC US price list 45

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 options

JPMP-01 cabinet mount ACS-CP-U control panel

ACSM1 options
Name Description Field kit code List price

Control panel and cover

Control panel only Control panel alone, no holder or cable ACS-CP-U $260

Cabinet mount Control panel holder (NO control panel) and a 10-foot CAT 5 cable . JPMP-01 $130
The assembly is to be mounted to the user's cabinet.
Includes IP54 cover.
NEMA 4X cabinet panel mounting Allows remote mounting of the ACS-CP-X operator panels on a larger ACS/H-CP-EXT-IP66 $63
NEMA 4X (IP66) enclosure or remote panel. The kit maintains NEMA 4X
integrity of the mounting location. All necessary hardware and a mounting
template are provided in addition to a 3m panel cable. When mounted, the
operator is not removable from the front of the enclosure. The operator
panel must be purchases separately.

Programming and maintenance tools

DriveStudio DriveStudio software 1.x (Win2000/XP/Vista/Win 7) and serial connection order by description $1,360
cable OPCA-02 is an easy-to-use 32-bit Windows application for
commissioning and maintaining the ACSM1. Use approved serial to USB
adapters from Technical Support.
DriveSPC DriveSPC software 1.x (Win2000/XP/Vista/Win 7), add-on for order by description $745
DriveStudio, software only
DriveSPC Pro DriveSPC Pro software 1.x (Win2000/XP/Vista/Win 7), add-on for order by description $2,250
DriveStudio, software only
DriveCAM DriveCAM 1.x (Win2000/XP/Vista), add-on sw for DriveStudio, order by description $1,500
software only
Cam technology functions are enabled by the Solution Program Composer
(SPC) DriveSPC Software
CAM Profiler CAM Profiler Application Program (+N6050) for CAM profile + plus codes to drive $470
(DriveCAM 1.x is required for programming) includes (+N4050) CAM type code
Technology library for CAM profiler
Order with -#M motion drive variant (not a separate field installed option)
Winder Application Program Winder Application Program (+N3000 +N5000) - includes winder/inline + plus codes to drive $475
technology library +N3000, and Winder Solution program plus code type code
Order with -#S speed drives (not motion) - (not a separate field installed
Flying shear/saw Flying shear/saw rotary knife program Contact

46 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 options

ACSM1 options
Name Description Field kit List
code price

Fieldbus communication adapters

PROFIBUS-DP PROFIBUS DP is an open serial communication standard that enables data exchange between all kinds of automation components. The FPBA-01-KIT $290
adapter physical transmission medium of the bus is a twisted pair cable (according to the RS-485 standard). The maximum length of the bus cable
is 100 to 1200 meters, depending on the selected transmission rate. Up to 31 stations can be connected to the same PROFIBUS system
without the use of repeaters
DeviceNet The DeviceNet network uses a linear bus topology. Terminating resistors are required on each end of the trunk line. Drop lines as long as 6 FDNA-01-KIT $260
adapter meters (20 feet) each are permitted, allowing one or more nodes to be attached. DeviceNet allows branching structures only on drop lines
CANopen CANopen is a higher layer protocol based on the CAN (Control Area Network) serial bus system and the CAL (CAN Application Layer). FCAN-01-KIT $325
adapter CANopen assumes that the hardware of the connected device has a CAN transceiver and a CANopen controller as specified in ISO
11898. The CANopen communication profile, CiA Ds301, includes both cyclic and event driven communication, which makes it possible to
reduce the bus load to minimum while still maintaining extremely short reaction times. High communication performance can be achieved
at relatively low baud rates, thus reducing EMC problems and cable costs. CANopen device profiles define both direct access to drive
parameter and time critical process data communication. The FCAN-01 module fulfills CiA (CAN in Automation ) standard DSP 402 (drives
and motion control)
Ethernet/IP, The FENA-11 v2.60 + Ethernet Adapter supports EtherNet/IP™, Modbus®/TCP, and PROFINET IO RT™ protocols. FENA-11-KIT $400
Modbus/TCP, The FENA-11 module is compatible with Ethernet standards IEEE 802.3 and IEEE 802.3u, and supports the protocols and
PROFINET IO clients/masters listed in the table below
RT adapter
Protocol Compatible client/master
Modbus/TCP* All Modbus/TCP clients that support:
- Modbus Application Protocol Specification v1.1b
- Modbus Messaging on TCP/IP Implementation Guide v1.0b
Ethernet/IP™ All Ethernet/IP clients that support:
- The CIP Networks Library, Volume 1, Common Industrial Protocol (CIP), Edition 3.0 May, 2006
- The CIP Networks Library, Volume 2, Ethernet Adaptation of CIP, Edition 1.2 May, 2006
- Recommended Functionality for Ethernet/IP Devices Version 1.2, Feb., 2006
PROFINET IO All PROFINET IO masters that support:
- GSDML file version 2.20
- PROFINET IO protocol according to IEC standard 61158 and 61784

* Besides Modbus/TCP, FENA-11 also supports Modbus over UDP

Dual Port The FENA-21 is a Dual Port Accessible Three Port Switch. Ethernet standards support a variety of physical media (coaxial cable, twisted FENA-21-KIT $465
EtherNet pair, fiber optics) and topologies (bus and star). The FENA-21 Ethernet adapter module supports twisted pair RJ-45 COTS cable as the
Adapter Module physical media in a star topology. It supports the Modbus™/TCP, Ethernet IP™, and ProfiNet® IO RT protocols. Ideal for Daisy-chaining

Fieldbus communication adapters

EtherCAT® The FECA-01 module supports EtherCAT network protocol. EtherCAT is a Real Time Ethernet technology which aims to maximize the use FECA-01-KIT $400
adapter of the full duplex Ethernet bandwidth. It overcomes the overhead normally associated with Ethernet by employing on the fly processing
hardware. An EtherCAT bus consists of a master system and up to 65535 slave devices, connected together with standard Ethernet
cabling. The FECA-01 supports 10/100 Mbps transfer rate with network connections made with CAT 5 wiring and RJ-45 connectors.
Designed for daisy chain configuration on an EtherCAT network. With the adapter module, the master may employ either the CANopen CiA
402 (device profile drives and motion control) profile or the ABB drives profile
MACRO MACRO stands for “Motion And Control Ring Optical”. MACRO is a non-proprietary, digital high-speed bus interface developed by Delta FMAC-01- N/A
(Delta Tau Tau Data systems for connecting multi-axis motion controllers, amplifiers and distributed I/O on a fiber optic or twisted pair copper ring KIT
adapter only)
SERCOS II SERCOS interface is a real-time industrial fieldbus specified in the IEC 61491 standard. SERCOS I operates at 2 and 4 Mbit/s and FSEA-21-KIT TBD
adapter SERCOS II operates at 2, 4, 8, and 16 Mbit/s. Both of these use plastic (1 mm) or glass (0.23 mm) optical fiber and F-SMA (IEC 60874-2)
connectors as the transfer medium
Modbus/RTU The FSCA-01 RS-485 Adapter Module supports the Modbus/RTU network protocol. Modbus/RTU is a variant of the Modbus family FSCA-01-KIT $350
adapter of simple, vendor neutral communication protocols intended for supervision and control of automation equipment. The Modbus/RTU
implementation in the FSCA-01 RS-485 Adapter Module is done according to Modbus Application Protocol Specification v1.1b
Ethernet Ethernet Powerlink (EPL) is a real-time networking technology for high performance automation applications. It is a future proof FEPL-02-KIT TBD
Powerlink communications platform which utilizes all the strengths and benefits of standard Ethernet technologies but solves the issues of
adapter determinism. It integrates seamlessly with IT networks and utilizes standard Ethernet hardware (MAC’s (Media Access Control), etc.) and
standard IP (Internet Protocol) protocols such as TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) and UDP (User Datagram Protocol) (e.g. Internet
radio/video protocol)

Motion and PLC US price list 47

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 options

ACSM1 options
Name Description Field kit code List price

Option modules
Digital I/O extension Digital I/O extension - has four 24V DC digital input/output's (can be configured either way, 50mA source, FIO-01 $465
500mA sink), and two form C (NO/NC) relay outputs (2 Amps at 240 V AC). The I/O is galvanically
isolated as a group. Relay outputs have reinforced isolation .
Analog I/O extension Analog I/O extension - has three bi-polar current (-20 to +20 mA) or bi-polar voltage (-10 to +10 V) inputs FIO-11 $465
and one uni-polar current (0[4] to 20 mA) output .It also has two 24V DC digital input/output's (can be
configured either way, 50mA source, 50mA sink). Analog inputs are 16 bit resolution; outputs are 12 bit
.Analog and digital I/O are galvanically isolated as a group, from each other and the
power supply.
TTL encoder interface TTL incremental pulse encoder interface (with commutation signal and PTC thermistor support) - is FEN-01 $465
capable of operating two differential encoders at 5.5 or 24 V DC with a maximum frequency of 500 kHz
.It also can emulate a TTL differential encoder output up to a maximum frequency of 500 kHz.
Absolute encoder interface Absolute encoder interface (with PTC/KTY support) - has one absolute encoder input, one TTL encoder FEN-11 $465
input, and one TTL encoder emulator output. The absolute encoder input supports a Sin/Cos incremental
encoder, Endat 2.1, hiperface, or SSI with Sin/Cos signals at 5.5 or 8 V DC. The TTL encoder input can
operate at 5.5 or 24 V DC. Both the encoder input and encoder emulator output are differential with a
maximum frequency of 500 kHz.
Resolver interface Resolver interface (with PTC/KTY support) - has one resolver input, one TTL differential encoder input, FEN-21 $465
and one TTL differential encoder emulator output .Resolver excitation amplitude and frequency are
adjustable by software from 1 to 20 kHz and 4 to 12 Vrms. Transformation ratio of the resolver must
be such that sine and cosine signals remains in the range of 2 to …7 Vrms. The TTL encoder input can
operate at 5.5 or 24 V DC. Both the encoder input and encoder emulator output are differential with a
maximum frequency of 500 kHz.
HTL encoder interface HTL incremental pulse encoder interface (with PTC/KTY support) - has one HTL encoder input and one FEN-31 $465
TTL differential encoder emulator output. The HTL input supports differential push-pull, single-ended
push-pull, open collector, and open emitter HTL encoders, up to 300 kHz at 15 or 24 V DC. The TTL
differential encoder output has a maximum frequency of 500 kHz.

Options Data
Analog and digital extension
FIO-01 4 x DI/O, 2 x RO
FIO-11 3 x AI, 1 x AO, 2 x DI/O
Feedback interface

Slot 1 FEN-01 2 inputs (TTL incremental encoder), 1 output

FEN-11 2 inputs (SinCos absolute, TTL incremental encoder), 1 output
FEN-21 2 inputs (Resolver, TTL incremental encoder), 1 output
FEN-31 1 input (HTL incremental encoder), 1 output

Configuration rules:
Totally 3 option slots available (slot 1 topmost)
Slot 2
Slot 1 and slot 2:
- Analog and digital extension
- Feedback interface
- Two similar FEN inputs not possible simultaneously

Slot 3:
Slot 3 - Fieldbus communication adapter

48 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 options

CHK-01 mains AC choke DCL-01 compact mains DC choke

JBR-01 compact braking resistor JFI-02 ultra-compact and slim,

mains EMC/RFI filter
ACSM1 options
Name Description Field kit code List price

Chokes, filters, and resistors

Mains AC line choke (external to drive) (0.75 - 1.5 kW, 1 - 2 HP), frame A CHK-01 $175
(2.2 - 3.0 kW, 3 HP), frame A CHK-02 $250
(4 - 5.5 kW, 5 - 7.5 HP), frame B CHK-03 $320
(7.5 kW, 10 HP), frame B CHK-04 $335
(11 - 15 kW, 15 - 20 HP), frame C CHK-05 $560
(18.5 - 22 kW, 25 - 30 HP), frame C CHK-06 $700
(37 - 45 kW, 50 - 60 HP), frame D CHK-08 $1,050
Compact DC choke for ACSM1 (mounted on drive) DC choke is required for C and D frames when the required RMS current
(load) calculated from the duty cycle is more than 50% of the listed drive
rating. Set parameter 95.02 EXTERNAL CHOKE = YES
(-024A, -031A), frame C DCL-01 $565
(-040A, -046A), frame C DCL-02 $700
(-060A), frame D DCL-03 $975
(-073A, -090A), frame D DCL-04 $1,050
Ultra-compact and slim mains EMC/RFI filter Frame A (mounted on drive) JFI-02 $164
Frame B (mounted on drive) JFI-03 $257
Frame C JFI-05 $378
Frame D JFI-07 $606
Compact braking resistor for ACSM1 Frame A JBR-01 $230
(4 kW, 5 HP), frame B JBR-03 $272
(5.5 - 7.5 kW, 7.5 - 10 HP), frame B JBR-04 $502
(11 - 15 kW, 15 - 20 HP), frame C JBR-05 $551
(18.5 - 45 kW, 25 - 60 HP), frame C, D JBR-06 $704
Frame E JBR-09 $1,634

ACSM1 E-frame flange kit ACSM1 push-through E-Frame flange mounting kit, $600
IP20 control/IP54 heatsink

Motion and PLC US price list 49

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 supply modules with full regenerative capability

Regen filter module and regen supply module

Regen supply List price Regen supply module Regen filter module
ACSM1-204MxR ACSM1-204xR WFU-xx
Size Frame Type Frame Type
ACSM1-204MAR-07A0-4 $3,850 A 07A0-4 0 WFU-01
ACSM1-204MAR-016A-4 $5,700 B 016A-4 0 WFU-02
ACSM1-204MAR-031A-4 $8,100 C 031A-4 1 WFU-11
ACSM1-204MAR-046A-4 $11,800 C 046A-4 2 WFU-21
ACSM1-204MAR-090A-4 $17,700 D 090A-4 2 WFU-22
NOTES: Order the ACSM1-204M#R-####- 4 and receive: [(1) - ACSM1-204AR-# regen supply module + (1) - WFU-## LCL filter module]

Regenerative supply module type ACSM1-204xR- 07A0-4 016A-4 031A-4 O46A-4 090A-4
Regenerative supply module, frame size A B C C D
Regenerative filter module WFU-01 WFU-02 WFU-11 WFU-21 WFU-22
Input connection (AC)
Supply voltage U2 (V AC) 3 phase 380 to 480 V AC +10/-15%
Rated supply power at 400 V AC SN (kVA) 5.5 12.5 24 34 64
Rated supply current at 400 V AC I2 (A) 8 18 35 50 93
Rated supply current at 480/500 V AC I2 (A) 6.7 15 29 41 77
Frequency f2 (Hz) 50 to 60 Hz +/-5%
Output connection (DC)
DC voltage UDC (V DC) 548 to 721 V DC ±10% (UDC >1,442 x U2)
Rated power (DC) PDC (kW) 5.3 12 23 33 61
Rated power (DC) PDC (hp) 7 16 30 44 81
Rated DC current
IDC (A) 9 21 40 58 107
(U2 = 400 V AC, UDC = 577 V DC)
Rated DC current
IDC (A) 7.6 17 34 47 88
(U2 = 480 V AC, UDC = 692 V DC)
Braking resistor connection
Braking chopper As standard in all types

Braking resistor External resistor connected to supply module

Dimensions and weights
Regenerative supply module H x W x D (mm) 364 x 90 x 146 380 x 100 x 223 467 x 165 x 225 467 x 220 x 225
Weight (kg) 3 5 10 17
Regenerative filter module H x W x D (mm) 315 x 213 x 218 386 x 288 x 272 406 x 318 x 299
Weight (kg) 11 14 35 45 51

NOTES: Power ratings apply to the line voltage range from 400 to 480 V AC.
Regenerative supply modules dimensions are without options.

50 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 supply modules with full regenerative capability

ACSM1 Regen Functions and Features The ABB ACSM1-204 Regen

− − Regen supply extends the ACSM1 offering for single and The ACSM1-204 Regen Supply module converts three-phase
multidrive configurations AC voltage and power to a DC voltage and power to supply
− − Supply alternative for ACSM1-04 drives Drive modules via a DC link.
− − Full regenerative capacity (100 % rated power)
− − Line side power factor controlled to [ 1 ] The ACSM1-204 Regen Supply module can be used in single
− − Clean power with ultra-low harmonic content (THD < 5%) drive and multidrive configurations.
−− Integrated EMC to meet category C2 with 50...150 m total
motor cable length The Regen Filter module on the supply side keeps the line side
− − Immunity to supply voltage due to controlled DC voltage harmonics at a very low level. The Regen Filter module also
− − Connect and run. Started automatically, when supply con- includes EMC filtering.
− − No need for large braking resistors with continuous braking The ACSM1-204 Regen supply module can feed power via
power common DC bus to Drive modules, or braking power can be
− − Includes support for higher power parallel connection of fed back to the supply network.
Frame D ACSM1 Regen Supplies
− − Applications include: By default, the supply module controls the DC voltage 2%
−− High continuous braking power and braking resistors not above the peak value of the line-to-line voltage.
−− Multidrive systems with common DC The DC voltage reference can be set also higher by a param-
−− Single drive applications eter.
−− Converting lines (incl. unwinders) Two line currents and the DC voltage are measured and used
−− Automatic warehouses for the control.
−− Elevator Lift (“green update” or complete package)
−− Supply connection (AC/DC) for low power generation Always use the Regen Filter module (WFU-xx) with the Regen
(Wind and Water power) Supply module (ACSM1-204).
− − Control modes:
−− DC voltage control – Regen supply can adjust the DC The ACSM1-204MAR Kit includes: (1) – WFU-xx and (1) –
voltage to a higher level. Provides constant DC voltage ACSM1-204AR.
for motor inverters, when supply voltage is not stable.
−− Power control The ACSM1-204 either has an Air-cooled heatsink (-204MAR),
− − Control features: or is to be installed on a Cold plate cooling element (-204MCR).
−− Reactive power control
−− Switching frequency reference The ACSM1-204 is available in several frame sizes (A, B, C,
−− Braking chopper D) depending on output power. All frame sizes use the same
−− Parallel connection control unit (type JCU).
−− Synchronization
−− Protections The installation must be equipped with a main contactor – see
diagram and User Manual.

Motion and PLC US price list 51

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 supply modules with full regenerative capability

Compatibility Programming and maintenance tools:

ACSM1-04 Drives − − DriveStudio SW and DriveSPC SW (compatible from version
The ACSM1-204 Regen Supply module, with an WFU-xx 1.4 onwards) can be used for the configuration and monitor-
Regen Filter module of appropriate size, is compatible with ing.
ACSM1-04 Drives (frame sizes A, B, C, D). − − Control panel ACS-CP-U is compatible with ACSM1 Regen
Supply Modules
Other Drive types Note: With default settings there is no need for any param-
The ACSM1-204 Regen Supply module and WFU-xx Regen eter changes to start-up the regen supply.
Filter module do not include a charging device capable of pro-
viding the initial charging of the Drive or inverter modules con- Sizing tool:
nected to the DC bus. Depending on the Drive type, external − − MCSize (ACSM1 sizing) in DriveSize will support the ACSM1
charging may be required. Regen Supply selection.

Consider the following if a drive type other than the ACSM1-04

is used:
−− Check that all the devices that are connected to the DC
bus fed by the ACSM1-204 Regen Supply modules can be
charged through the DC bus without any external charging
− − If not, charge the Drive externally before connecting it to the
DC bus of the ACSM1-204 Regen Supply module.

Options for ACSM1 Regen Supply:

− − Fieldbus Communication options:
− − PROFIBUS DP adapter, FPBA-01
− − CANOpen adapter, FCAN-01
− − Modbus RTU adapter, FSCA-01
− − Contact factory for other fieldbus communication options
− − I/O options:
− − Analog I/O Extension, FIO-11
− − Digital I/O Extension, FIO-01

52 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 regenerative supply connections

Input power line Connection diagram

Input power line No. Description No. Description
1 Main disconnector 1 Main disconnector and fuses (switch fuse)
1 2 Fuses 2 Main contactor
2 3 Main contactor 3 DC fuses
3 4 WFU-xx regen filter module 4 Brake resistor (optional)
3 5 ACSM1-204 regen supply module Input power line
4 6 ACSM1-04 drive module(s) L1 L2 L3 PE

7 AC motor 1)

3) 3)

2 PE
2 L1 L2 L3 UDC+UDC- U1 V1 W1 UDC+UDC- U1 V1 W1

2 WFU-xx ACSM1-204 ACSM1-04

6 U2 V2 W2 PE U2 V2 W2 PE R+ R- U2 V2 W2 PE R+ R-

3 3
7 M M V1 W1
~3 ~3 4) M

Control connections Cabling

− − Cooling fan supply (24 VDC) to WFU
− − Thermal protection wiring (WFU > ACSM1-204)
− − WFU fan (on/off) control (ACSM1-204 > WFU)
Grid connection
(L1, L2, L3 and FE)

Mains input DC output Not in use

L1 L2 L3 UDC+ UDC- U1 V1 W1
WFU-xx ACSM1-204


+ –

Capacitor bank

Inverter Braking chopper

U2 V2 W2 U2 V2 W2 R- R+ Cooling fan power supply connection

No fan supply is included in the delivery.
JBR-xx braking resistor Use a supply that meets the following
(optional) requirements.
Filter demand,
24V ± 5%

Motion and PLC US price list 53

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 demo kits and spare parts
ACSM1 demo kits List price
ACSM1 demo suitcase includes two ACSM1-04M units $13,000

ACSM1 demo suitcase "lite" includes two control units (JCU-01) $4,400

NOTES: Please contact Drives Services to validate correct P/N. Drive S/N is required for the correct part number.

ACSM1 spare parts To order, contact Description Part number

ABB Drive Services for proper application or
instructions to access web-based matrix

JPU-BX power connector kit JPU-AX power connector kit 68729521

JPU-BX power connector kit 68729564

JCU-01 plug connector kit JCU-01 connector kit 68739845

Control plug-in connectors -
Order extra connectors with every new drive

JCU-01 control unit spare part kit JCU-01 spare part kit 3AUA0000026955
– JCU-01 1 PCS

JMU-01 with motion control software Preloaded with speed and torque control software 3AUA0000017129
JMU-01 speed/torque control software Preloaded with winder control software 3AUA0000047924
Winder JMU Preloaded With motion control software 3AUA0000014965
Loaded with lift control software 3AUA0000075221
JMU-01 memory modules are available as loose, Loaded with regen control software 3AUA0000070805
optional items by type (speed/torque or motion)
and by firmware version. 1 2 3
NOTE: Specify speed/torque or motion & FW. The ACSM1-M-MU-E1
drive serial number is required for the correct firmware 4 FW: UMFI1020/N2000
programming (e.g. speed/torque, motion, winder, etc.) 5 SP: Product type
6 TL: N/A
7 TE: N/A
8 S/N: 1071200064

Software code Other information

1 Product series 4 Firmware version
2 Product type 5 Solution program
3 HW version 6 Technology library
7 Technology extension
8 Serial number

Cooling fan Fan 68261988

Fan 68694949
Fan 68677076
Fan 42000479
Fan 3AUA0000019968

NOTE: Please contact Drive Services

to validate correct P/N. Drive S/N is required
for the correct part number.

ACSM1 power unit (JPU) NOTE: Please contact Drive Services

e.g. ACSM1-SPAS-012A-4 power unit (spare) to validate correct P/N. Drive S/N is required
for the correct part number.

54 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 type code sheet

Type code sheet

0,75 - 355 kW ACSM1 drive module

Product series
S M 1

- Product type

04AS - Air cooled module, speed and torque control program
04AM - Air cooled module, motion control program
04PS - Push through module, speed and torque control program (C-D frames only)
04PM - Push through module, motion control program (C-D frames only)
04CS - Cold plate module, speed and torque control program (C-D frames only)
04CM - Cold Plate module, motion control program (C-D frames only)

04XX = Module, IP20 (A-E frames)/IP00 (G frames, bookself installation), external control unit (JCU/G frames only),
no control panel, no mains filter (A-D frames), no mains choke (A-D frames), braking chopper, boards with coating,
Safe Torque Off, quick installation guide, latest firmware version, drive SP programming

- Size

Frame A Frame B Frame C Frame D Frame E Frame G1 Frame G2

02A5 09A5 024A 060A 110A 580
03A0 012A 031A 073A 135A 635
04A0 016A 040A 090A 175A 390
05A0 046A 210A 500

- Voltage rating 4 = 200-500 V AC (A-D frames)/380-500 V AC (E-G2 frames)

P904 Extended warranty Extension of warranty to
30 months from delivery

Motion and PLC US price list 55

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 type code sheet

Type code sheet

0,75 - 110 kW, ACSM1 lift (elevator)

Product series
S M 1

- 0 4 L Product type

04AL - Air cooled module for lift application
04CL - Cold plate module for lift application (C-D frames only)
04PL - Push through module for lift application (C-D frames only)

04xL = Module, IP20 (UL Open type), no control panel, no mains filter (A-D frames), no mains choke (A-D frames),
braking chopper, boards with coating, Safe Torque Off, quick guide manual, latest firmware version and drive SP
NOTE: Lift control program (+N6000) and lift technology library (+N4000) required also.

- Size

Frame A Frame B Frame C Frame D Frame E

02A5 09A5 024A 060A 110A
03A0 012A 031A 073A 135A
04A0 016A 040A 090A 175A
05A0 046A 210A

15...16 Voltage rating 4 = 200-500 V AC (A-D frames)/380-500 V AC (E frame)

P904 Extended warranty Extension of warranty to
30 months from delivery

56 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 type code sheet

Type code sheet

5.3 - 61 kW ACSM1 regen supply

Product series
S M 1

- 2 0 4 R Product type
(This is a “-204M_R” kit)

204MAR - Air cooled module, regenerative supply
204MCR - Cold plate module, regenerative supply (C-D frames only)

204Mxx = Modular delivery of regen supply module (ACSM1-204xx) and regen filter module (WFU-xx).
204M types are used only for the ordering purposes. Type code items for size, voltage rating and options (+codes)
are identical to corresponding regen supply module (ACSM1-204).

- Size
ACSM1-204xR (regen supply module):
Regen supply Regen supply module Regen filter module IP20 (UL open type), no control panel,
ACSM1-204MxR ACSM1-204xR WFU-xx braking chopper, boards with coating,
Size Frame Type Frame Type quick guide manual, latest firmware
07A0-4 A 07A0-4 0 WFU-01 version, drive SP programming
016A-4 B 016A-4 0 WFU-02
WFU-xx (regen filter module): IP20 (UL
031A-4 C 031A-4 1 WFU-22
open type), EMC integrated, boards with
046A-4 C 046A-4 2 WFU-21 coating, quick installation quide.
090A-4 D 090A-4 2 WFU-22
NOTE: ACSM1-204xR and WFU-xx
modules are delivered in separate
15...16 - Voltage rating 4 = 380-480 V AC

P904 Extended warranty Extension of warranty to
30 months from delivery

Motion and PLC US price list 57

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 technical data
Main connections Operating conditions
Supply voltage 3-phase 200 to 500 V AC +/-10% Degree of protection IP20 acc. to EN 60529;
(A to D frames) open type acc. to UL 508.
3-phase 400 to 500 V AC + 10 /-15%
(E, G1 and G2 frames) Ambient temperature -10 to +55°C, derating above 40°C
Frequency 50 to 60 Hz +/- 5% Installation altitude 0 to 4000 m, derating above 1000 m
Total harmonic distortion With mains choke to meet limits acc. to Relative humidity max. 95%
(THD) EN 61000-3-2, IEC 61000-3-12,
IEC 61000-3-4 Climatic/environmental Class 3K3, 3C2 acc. to EN 60721-3-3. Oil
conditions mist, formation of ice, moisture
DC connection condensation, water drops, water spray,
DC voltage level 270 to 675 V DC +/-10% water splashes and water jets are not
(A to D frames) permissible (EN 60204, part 1).
540 to 675 V DC +10% / -15%
(E, G1 and G2 frames) Vibration Class 3M4 acc. to EN 60721-3-3

Charging circuit Internal: A to D frames EMC (According to With mains filter: Category C2
External: E, G1 and G2 frames EN 61800-3)

Common DC See engineering manual Functional safety Safe Torque Off function
(STO acc. EN 61800-5-2).
Motor connection IEC 61508: SIL 3
EN 954-1: Category 4
Motor types Asynchronous motors IEC 62061: SILCL 3
(standard induction, servo) and synchronous EN ISO 13849-1: PL e
motors (servo, high torque) Certified by TÜV
Motor nominal frequency 0 to 500 Hz Compliance CE, UL, cUL, CSA, C-Tick, GOST R
Certified per CSA B44.1/ASME A17.5
Switching frequency (fsw) 1 to 16 kHz, 4 kHz as default. Elevator and Escalator Equipment Frame
Output current derating above 4 kHz A-E
Braking power connection
Braking chopper As standard in all types
Braking resistor External resistor connected to drive

Frame size A B C D E G1 G2

Typical motor power

230 V AC/PN (kW) 0.37 to 1.5 2.2 to 4 5.5 to 11 15 to 22 - - -
400 V AC/PN (kW) 0.75 to 3 4 to 7.5 11 to 22 30 to 45 55 to 110 200 to 250 315 to 355
500 V AC/PN (kW) 0.75 to 3 4 to 7.5 11 to 22 30 to 45 55 to 110 200 to 250 315 to 355
230 V AC/PN (HP) 0.5 to 2 3 to 5 7.5 to 15 20 to 30 - - -
480 V AC/PN (HP) 1 to 3 5 to 10 15 to 30 40 to 60 75 to 150 230 to 350 450
Braking chopper • • • • • • •
Braking resistor o o o o o o o
Mains choke o o o o • • •
Mains filter (EMC)/C2 o o o o • - -
Mains filter (EMC)/C3 o o - - - • •
Coated boards • • • • • • •
Mounting and cooling
Removable connectors
control/power •/ • •/-
Air cooling/ACSM1-04Ax n n n n n n n

Side-by-side mounting • • • • • • •
DIN rail mounting • • - - - - -
Horizontal mounting • • • • - - -
Push through/ACSM1-04Px - - n n - - -
Cold plate/ACSM1-04Cx - - n n - - -

• Standard o Option,external n Product variant - Not available

58 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
ACSM1 dimensions and weights

ACSM1 dimensions and weights

Frame A Frame A Frame B Frame B Frame C Frame C

(without cold plate) (without cold plate)

Frame D Frame D Frame E Frame E

(without cold plate) (without cold plate) W D
Frame G1 Frame G1

Height Depth** Width**** Weight

in mm in mm in mm lb kg
A 14.33 364 5.75 146 3.54 90 6.61 3
B 14.96 380 8.78 223 3.94 100 11.02 5
C 18.39 467 8.86/6.34*** 225/161*** 6.50 165 22.1/17.6*** 10/8***
D 18.39 467 8.86/6.34*** 225/161*** 8.66 220 37.5/30.9*** 17/14***
E 27.56 700 15.67 398 12.36 314 147.71 67 H

57.56/ 1462/ 19.88/ 505/ 12.00/ 305/ 376.99/ 171/

61.42 1560 **** 20.27 515 **** 12.95 329 **** 443.13 201 ****

65.43/ 1662/ 19.88/ 505/ 12.00/ 305/ 458.56/ 208/

69.29 1760 **** 20.27 515 **** 12.95 329 **** 524.70 238 ****


Frame G2 Frame G2

NOTES: Frames G1 and G2 include:

All dimensions and weights are without options - Power cabling panel IP20 (+H381)
* Height is the maximum measure without clamping plates This allows the motor and supply cable connection to a busbar panel fixed
** Depth will increase by 23 mm with options. Additionally, 50 mm should be reserved to the cabinet and allows the removal of the inverter unit by just loosening
for feedback cabling if FEN-xx options are used the bolts connecting the inverter unit busbars from the panel busbars (to
*** Depth or weight is for ACSM1 with the cold plate variant which the external cabling is bolted).
**** Dimensions and weight for units with optional cabling panel - Integrated Control Unit option (+P905)
The control unit comes readily mounted inside the inverter unit.

Motion and PLC US price list 59

AC Motion
motion Control
control Drives
ACSM1 supply modules with
supply modules with full
full regenerative
regenerative capability

Frame A Frame A Frame B Frame B Frame C Frame C

regen supply regen supply regen supply regen supply regen supply regen supply

Frame D Frame D WFU-01, WFU-02 WFU-01, WFU-02 WFU-11, WFU-21, WFU-22 WFU-11, WFU-21, WFU-22
regen supply regen supply regen filter module regen filter module regen filter module regen filter module

Regen supply Regen supply Regen filter module Heigh Height Depth Depth Width Weight
module type module, frame size (without
(without cable clamp cable options(without options
(without Width Weight
Regen supply Regen supply module, Regen filter clamp plates) installed on JCU)
plates) installed on JCU)
module type frame size module
in mm in in mm mmin inmm mm
in lb
mm lbkg kg
Regen supply module
Regen supply module
07A0-4 A A WFU-01 WFU-01 14.33 364 14.33 5.75364 1465.75 3.54
146 90
3.54 6.6
90 6.63 3
016A-4 B B WFU-02 WFU-02 14.96 380 14.96 8.78380 2238.78 3.94
223 100
3.94 11.0
100 5
11.0 5
031A-4 C C WFU-11 WFU-11 18.39 467 18.39 8.86467 2258.86 6.50
225 165
6.50 22.0
165 10
22.0 10
046A-4 C C WFU-21 WFU-21 18.39 467 18.39 8.86467 2258.86 225
6.50 6.50
165 165
22.0 22.0
10 10
090A-4 D WFU-22 18.39 467 8.86 225 8.66 220 37.5 17
090A-4 D WFU-22 18.39 467 8.86 225 8.66 220 37.5 17
Regen filter module
Regen filter module
07A0-4 A WFU-01 12.40 315 8.58 218 8.39 213 24.3 11
016A-4 A B WFU-01 WFU-02 12.40 315 12.40 8.58315 2188.58 8.39
218 213
8.39 24.3
213 11
30.9 14
016A-4 B C WFU-02 WFU-11 12.40 315 15.20 8.58386 21810.71 272
8.39 11.34
213 288
30.9 77.2
14 35
046A-4 C WFU-21 15.98 406 11.77 299 12.52 318 99.2 45
031A-4 C WFU-11 15.20 386 10.71 272 11.34 288 77.2 35
090A-4 D WFU-22 15.98 406 11.77 299 12.52 318 112.4 51
046A-4 C WFU-21 15.98 406 11.77 299 12.52 318 99.2 45
090A-4 D WFU-22 15.98 406 11.77 299 12.52 318 112.4 51
NOTE: The wiring to the I/O options requires 50mm (2 in.) of additional depth).

NOTE: The wiring to the I/O options requires 50mm (2 in.) of additional depth).

60 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
Product overview

Motion Drives MicroFlex Analog MicroFlex e100 MicroFlex e150 MotiFlex e180
1-phase 115 VAC, ±10% 3...9 A 3...9 A 2.5…7.5 A 3...9 A 2.5…7.5 A -
1-phase 230 VAC, ±10% 3...9 A 3...9 A 2.5…7.5 A 3...9 A 2.5…7.5 A -
3-phase 230 VAC, ±10% 3...9 A 3...9 A 2.5…7.5 A 3...9 A 2.5…7.5 A
3-phase 400 VAC, ±10% - - - - - 3…90 A (see Ratings/Overload Modes)
3-phase 480 VAC, ±10% - - - - -
Common DC operation: With external
DC Connection - - - - - DC bus/cabling and fuses External DC
supply: Contact factory
Induction Motor/
Servo Motor
Servo Motor
200% - 3 secs
110% - 60 secs
300% - 3 secs
Overload Capacity 200% - 3 secs 200% - 3 secs 300% - 3 secs 200% - 3 secs 300% - 3 secs 150% - 60 secs
Overload modes can be adapted to
dynamic (200/300%) or heavy duty
(150/110%) modes to match the
application or motor type
Operating Ambient Rating 45°C (55°C with derate) 45°C (55°C with derate) 45°C (55°C with derate) 40°C (55°C with derate)
Switching Frequency 8 kHz 8 kHz 8 kHz 4, 8 kHz
Braking Resistor External. Series of braking resistors availabale for dynamic operation.
Cooling Fans External FAN001-024 required for 6/9 A for UL and rms motor current > 4 A Internal
1 x 2 channel
1 x 2 channel STO
6 x DI
1 x Enable 1 x Enable 8 x DI
2 x High speed DI
1 x DI 1 x DI 2 x High speed DI Expanded with
2 x AI
I/O Connections 1 x STEP&DIRECTION (5V) 2 x High speed DI 7 x DO Modbus TCP or
4 x DO
1 x AI 2 x DO 1 x AO EtherCAT IO
1 x AO
1 x Status DO Expand by CANopen 2 x AI
1 x Relay out
Expanded with Modbus TCP
1 x Motor
temperature input
Safe Torque Off Function No No Yes. (SIL 3 PL e) Yes. (SIL 3 PL e)
Feedback interface options:
1 x Universal encoder input (with ability - FB-01: Incremental feedback (1 x
to connect a digital encoder at the ABZ+Halls, 1 x ABZ input, 1 x ABZ
same time as an incremental encoder output)
1 x Incremental encoder without halls or 2 x incremental - FB-02: Digital feedback (1 x Clk/Data
Feedback Interfaces or 1 x Universal encoder input encoders without halls) + Sin/Cos, 1 x ABZ input, 1 x ABZ
1 x Resolver input Resolver adapter available (OPT- output)
MF-201) adding support for resolver - FB-03: Resolver feedback (1 x
feedback Resolver, 1 x ABZ input, 1 x ABZ
Resolver + incremental encoder output)

Encoder Output Encoder output No No Encoder output on feedback interface

LED status indicator for 5 LED status indicators for error and 7 Segment LED display for diagnostics 7 Segment LED display for diagnostics
Display Type
error and notification communications notification and 2 LEDs for EtherCAT state and 2 LEDs for EtherCAT state
RS232 or RS422 version
Programming Interfaces USB, Ethernet TCP/IP USB, Ethernet TCP/IP Ethernet
Ethernet TCP/IP, EPL, CANopen, Ethernet TCP/IP, Modbus TCP (server/
Peripheral Interfaces RS232 or RS422 version Ethernet TCP/IP, EtherCAT, RS485 (2
RS485 (2 wire), Modbus TCP, Modbus Client), Ethernet/IP, EtherCAT, Ethernet
(External IO, HMIs, etc) dependant or 4 wire), Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU
RTU PowerLink (EPL)
PC Software Mint WorkBench

Motion and PLC US price list 61

AC Motion Control Drives
Product overview

Motion Drives MicroFlex Analog MicroFlex e100 MicroFlex e150 MotiFlex e180
Single axis Mint Motion option
MINT/SPC program Single axis Mint programming with
No Mint programming Single axis Mint lite programming (+N8020) needed to have Mint
support product variant selection
programming support
Control Source Options Analog input, Step and Mint lite, EPL, Step and Direction Mint program, EtherCAT, Analog input, Mint program, EtherCAT, Analog input,
(Reference source) Direction inputs (5Vdc) inputs (12-24Vdc) Step and Direction inputs (12- 24Vdc) Step and Direction inputs (12-24Vdc)
Torque, velocity, position
Torque, velocity, Step and
Control Modes Torque, velocity, position Torque, velocity, position Closed loop vector control, Open loop
direction following
Feedback Functionality
interface level options
options: (with Memory
L517 - FB-01: unit):
Plug in and factory E152A0xEIOA Mint programmable or Incremental - EtherCAT slave
RS232 or RS422 option None
installed options E152A0xEINA EtherCAT slave option feedback as standard
L518 - FB-02: +N8020 - Mint
Digital feedback Single axis (Mint
L516 - FB-03: programming)
Resolver feedback
OPT-MF-200 Encoder breakout
FAN001-024 Fan tray FAN001-024 Fan tray
OPT-MF-201 Resolver adapter EMC filters (JFI-xx)
FI0029A00 Footprint filter FI0029A00 Footprint filter
FAN001-024 Fan tray AC chokes (CHK-xx)
Accessories Selection of Regen Selection of Regen resistors RGJ and
Selection of Regen resistors RGJ DC chokes (DCL-xx)
resistors RGxx and EMC EMC Filters FI00xxA0x
and EMC Filters FI00xxA0x (including Braking resistors (JBR-xx)
Filters FI00xxA0x including footprint filter
footprint filter)
256 NVRAM locations, 64Kb Program, 256 NVRAM locations, 256Kb Program, 256 NVRAM locations, 256Kb Program,
Memory Parameter table only Parameter table and Device config file Parameter table and Mint device Parameter table and Mint device
(where required) configuration configuration
Part Codes FMHxAxxTR-xNx3W MFE230AxxxBW E152A0xEIxA +L5xx / Feedback interface
+N80xx / Funtionality level
Conformance CE, UL, cUL, RoHS, CE, UL, cUL, RoHS, CE, UL, cUL, TUV ( for STO), RoHS, CE, UL, cUL, TUV (for STO),
(Check manual for details) C-Tick (Australia only) C-Tick (Australia only) C-Tick (Australia only) RoHS, C-Tick (Pending - Australia only)

62 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control Drives
Product overview

Motion Drives MotiFlex e100 ACSM1-04

1 phase 115 V AC, +/-10% - -

1 phase 230 V AC, +/-10% - Derate 3-phase 230 V AC by 50 %

3 phase 230 V AC, +/-10% 1,5...65 A 3...93 A
3 phase 400 V AC, +/-10% 1,5...65 A 3...635 A
3 phase 480 V AC, +/-10% 1,5...65 A 2,6...580 A
3 phase 500 V AC, +/-10% - 2,6...580 A
DC connection Common DC operation: with simple internal bus system External DC supply: Common DC operation: with external DC bus system
contact factory External DC supply: ACSM1-04 drive/regen supply (ACSM1-204)
Overload capacity Servo motor Induction motor modes Nominal current for continuous operation without overloadability.
200% - 3 secs (RATED) 110% - 60 secs I2max (short time maximum current) values available with different fsw (4/8/18
300% - 3 secs 150% - 60 secs kHz). Tables for 200% (10/60s) and 150 % (1/5min) TBD
MotiFlex overload modes can be adapted to dynamic (300%) heavy duty
(150/110%) modes to match the application or motor type
Operating Ambient Rating 45°C (55°C with derate) 40°C (55°C with derate)
Switching frequency 4, 8, 16 kHz 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 16 kHz (4 kHz default)
Braking resistor External. Series of braking resistors availabale for dynamic operation. External. Series of braking resistors availabale for dynamic operation.
Cooling fans 2 x Internal ACSM1-04Ax (air cooled): Internal ACSM1-04Cx (cold plate): External
cooling element ACSM1-04Px (push through): Internal
I/O connections 1 x enable 2 x STO
1 x DI 6 x DI
2 x High speed DI 3 x DIO (configurable) I/O extension options:
1 x Al Expanded with option cards or 2 x AI (current or voltage) -FIO-01: 4 x DI/O, 2 x RO
2 x DO CANopen 1 x AO (current) -FIO-11: 3 x AI, 1 x AO, 2 x DI/O
1 x motor temperature input 1 x AO (voltage) (Feedback option FEN-xx
1 x thermistor input (PTC/KTY) also include fast latch inputs) 1 x relay out
Safe Torque Off function No Yes. (SIL 3 PL e)
Feedback interfaces 1 x Universal encoder input 1 x Step and Direction inputs (using digital None as standard. Feedback interface options:- FEN-01: 2 x TTL input, TTL
inputs) Additional feedback interfaces can be added using Encoder, output- FEN-11:
Resolver or TTL input,Resolver input, TTL output- FEN-21: TTL input, Absolute (EnDat,
Mint option cards HIPERFACE, SSI, Sin/Coc) input, TTL output- FEN-31: HTL input, TTL
output, FEN-01: Supports Hall sensors. From these sensors, TTL+ input
(+/- U, +/- V, +/- W) generates commutation pulse inputs that can be used in
Encoder output With option cards OPT-MF-011 and OPT-MF-013 None as standard. Can be added with an option card
Display type 5 LED status indicators for error and communications notification 7 segment LED display for diagnostics and external keypad available ACS-
Programming interfaces USB, Ethernet TCP/IP RS232, RS485 (with converter JPC-01), Profibus and Profinet parameter
access via AC500 with option card
Peripheral interfaces Ethernet TCP/IP, EPL, CANopen, RS485 (2 wire), Modbus TCP, Modbus RS232
(external IO, HMIs, etc) RTU, With option card: DeviceNet, Profibus, Ethernet IP, Profinet IO
PC software Mint WorkBench v5.5 Drive Studio, DriveCAM, SPC (Solution Program Composer) and SPC Pro (for
faster control loops)
Mint/SPC program support Single axis Mint lite programming or Multi axis Mint programming with Mint SPC function blocks and structured text for single axis control. CAM, Winder
option card and Lift program options. No Mint programming
Control source options Mint lite, EPL, Analog input, Mint (with Mint Option card), Fieldbus option SPC, Analog input, Encoder input, D2D link, Profibus, Profinet IO, CANopen,
(reference source) cards (basic motion) DeviceNet, Ethernet IP, Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, EtherCAT, SERCOS II,
Delta Tau MACRO, Ethernet Powerlink
Control modes Torque, velocity, position, open loop V/Hz, closed loop AC vector Torque, velocity, position, open loop DTC, closed loop
Plug in and factory fit 2 x expansion slots compatible with: Fieldbus options: 2 x expansion slots compatible with (no duplicates): 1 x expansion slot
options OPT-MF-001 analog IO card 4AI & 4AO OPT-MF-030 fieldbus carrier card with: compatible with:
OPT-MF-005 digital IO card 6DI & 4DO - OPT-FB-001 DeviceNet, FIO-11 analog IO FDNA-01 DeviceNet adapter
OPT-MF-011 encoder option card - OPT-FB-002 Profibus DPV1 FIO-01 digital IO FPBA-01 Profibus DP adapter
OPT-MF-013 resolver option card - OPT-FB-004 Ethernet IP FEN-21 resolver interface FCAN-01 CANopen adapter
OPT-MF-100 Mint dual axis option card - OPT-FB-005 Modbus TCP FEN-01 incremental encoder interface FSCA-01 Modbus adapter
OPT-MF-101 Mint multi axis option card - OPT-FB-006 Profinet IO FEN-11 absolute encoder interface FENA-11 EthernetIP, Modbus
FEN-31 HTL encoder interface TCP, PROFINET IO adapter
FECA-01 EtherCAT adapter
Accessories Selection of EMC filters FI00xxA0x, regen resistors RGJxxx, Selection of resistors JBR-0x, AC Input chokes CHK-0x, regen supply
line reactors LRAC0xx02, DC bus link kits OPT-MF-DC-x and motor cable modules (ACSM1-204), DC chokes DCL-0x, and EMC filters JFI-0x
management brackets OPT-CM-00x
Memory 256 NVRAM locations, 64Kb program, parameter table and device config file Memory unit for parameter storage and SPC program
(where required)
Part codes MFE460AxxxBW ACSM1-04xx-xxxx-4 (refer to catalog)
Conformance CE, UL, cUL, CSA (pending), C-Tick (Australia only), RoHS CE, UL, cUL, C-Tick, CSA, GOST R, Non-RoHS, CSA B44.1/ASME A17.5
(check manuals for details) Elevator and Escalator Equipment, Frame A - E

Motion and PLC US price list 63

AC Motion Control Drives
Product overview
(For existing applications only)

Servo drives FlexDriveII Flex+DriveII

Supply 1 ph 97-125 V AC (max) FDH1... 1 ph 97-125 V AC (max) FDH1...
1 ph 220-250 V AC (max) FDH2... 1 ph 220-250 V AC (max) FDH2...
3 ph 220-250 V AC (max) FDH2A15.. 15A model 3 ph 220-250 V AC (max) FDH2A15.. 15A model
3 ph 180-528 V AC (max) FDH4… 3 ph 180-528 V AC (max) FDH4…
All 50/60 Hz AC All 50/60 Hz AC
Current ratings 1 ph: 2.5, 5, 7.5 .3 ph 230 V AC: 15A 1 ph: 2.5, 5, 7.5 .3 ph 230 V AC: 15A
3 ph 460 V AC: 15, 20, 27.5A 3 ph 460 V AC: 15, 20, 27.5A
Overload capacity 200% for 1.25 secs 200% for 1.25 secs
Operating ambient rating 40 C 40 C
Switching frequency 8 kHz 8 kHz
Regen resistor FDH1 and FDH2 FPH1 and FPH2
2.5A models contain an internal 175Ω, 20W resistor 5A models contain an 2.5A models contain an internal 175Ω, 20W resistor 5A models contain an
internal 90Ω, 40W resistor FDH4 internal 90Ω, 40W resistor FPH4
2.5 and 5A models contain an internal 200Ω, 300W resistor 2.5 and 5A models contain an internal 200Ω, 300W resistor
All versions All versions
External connections available External connections available
Cooling fans Internal Internal
I/O connections 1 x enable input 6 x DI 1 x enable input 6 x DI
2 x high speed DI 1 x AI 2 x high speed DI With AUX I/O option
3 x DO 2 x AI an additional
1 x relay output 3 x DI 10 x DI
1 x relay output 5 x DO
Safe Torque Off function No No
Feedback Interfaces 1 x feedback input either resolver, incremental encoder, EnDat or Hiperface 1 x feedback input either resolver, incremental encoder, EnDat or Hiperface 1
1 x master encoder input (incremental or step and direction) x master encoder input (incremental or step and direction)
1 x encoder output (incremental) 1 x encoder output (incremental)
Encoder output Encoder output Encoder output
Display type 7 segment LED display for diagnostics 7 segment LED display for diagnostics
Programming interfaces RS232 or RS485 dip switch selectable RS232 or RS485 dip switch selectable
Peripheral interfaces CANopen (option), RS232 or RS422 (dip switch selectable), DeviceNet CANopen (option), RS232 or RS422 (dip switch selectable), DeviceNet
(option), Profibus DP (option) (option), Profibus DP (option)
PC software Mint WorkBench v5.5 Mint WorkBench v5.5
Mint program support No Mint programming No multi-tasking. Point to point moves only.
Control source options Analog input, Step and direction inputs Mint, analog input, step and direction inputs, PLC, CANopen (option),
DeviceNet (option), Profibus DP (option)
Control modes Torque, velocity, step and direction following Torque, velocity, position
Factory fit options Factory fit only Factory fit only
CAN, DeviceNet or Profibus DP option, Resolver, Encoder, EnDat or CAN, CAN & Aux I/O, DeviceNet or Profibus DP option, Resolver, Encoder,
Hiperface option, EnDat or Hiperface option,
Internally or externally generated 24 V DC logic supply option. Internally or externally generated 24 V DC logic supply option.
Accessories OPT029-501 4 way encoder splitter board OPT029-502 8 way encoder OPT029-501 4 way encoder splitter board
splitter board Selection of regen resistors RGxx OPT029-502 8 way encoder splitter board Selection of regen resistors RGxx
and EMC filters FI00xxA0x and EMC filters FI00xxA0x
Memory Parameter table only 16Kb program and parameter table
Available in ABB colors (W) No No
Part numbers FDHxAxxTx-xx2x FPHxAxxTx-xx2x
Conformance CE, UL, cUL, non-RoHS CE, UL, cUL, non-RoHS
Unit marked cUL listed Unit marked cUL listed
EMC - meets EN61800-3 C1 EMC - meets EN61800-3 C1
Emissions with external filter (30 m motor cable limit) Emissions with external filter (30 m motor cable limit)

64 Motion and PLC US price list

AC Motion Control drives
Product overview
(For existing applications only)

Servo drives MintDriveII

Supply 1 ph 97-125 V AC (max) FDH1...
1 ph 220-250 V AC (max) FDH2...
3 ph 220-250 V AC (max) FDH2A15.. 15A model
3 ph 180-528 V AC (max) FDH4…
All 50/60 Hz AC
Current ratings 1 ph: 2.5, 5, 7.5 .3 ph 230 V AC: 15A 3 ph 460 V AC: 15, 20, 27.5A
Overload capacity 200% for 1.25 secs
Operating ambient rating 40 C
Switching frequency 8 kHz
Regen resistor MDH1 and MDH2
2.5A models contain an internal 175, 20W resistor 5A models contain an
internal 90, 40W resistor MDH4
2.5 and 5A models contain an internal 200, 300W resistor
All versions
External connections available
Cooling fans Internal
I/O connections 1 x enable input 6 x DI
2 x high speed DI With AUX I/O option
2 x AI an additional
3 x DI 10 x DI
1 x relay output 5 x DO 2 x AO
Safe Torque Off function No
Feedback interfaces 1 x feedback input either resolver, incremental encoder, EnDat or Hiperface
1 x master encoder input (incremental or step and direction)
1 x encoder output (incremental)
Encoder output Encoder output
Display type 7 segment LED display for diagnostics
Programming interfaces RS232 or RS485 dip switch selectable
Peripheral interfaces CANopen or BaldorCAN (option and firmware dependant), RS232 or RS485
(dip switch selectable), DeviceNet (option), Profibus DP (option)
PC software Mint WorkBench v5.5
Mint program support Single axis Mint programming
Control source options Mint, analog input, step and direction inputs, PLC,
CANopen or BaldorCAN (option and firmware dependant), DeviceNet
(option), Profibus DP (option)
Control modes Torque, velocity, position
Factory fit options Factory fit only
CAN, CAN & Aux I/O, DeviceNet or Profibus DP option, Resolver, Encoder,
EnDat or Hiperface option,
Internally or externally generated 24 V DC logic supply option.
Accessories OPT029-501 4 way encoder splitter board OPT029-502 8 way encoder
splitter board Selection of Regen resistors RGxx
and EMC Filters FI00xxA0x
Memory 1638 NVRAM locations, 64Kb Program and Parameter table
Available in ABB colours No
Part numbers MDHxAxxTx-xx2x
Conformance CE, UL, cUL, Non-RoHS
Unit marked cUL Listed
EMC - Meets EN61800-3 C1
Emissions with external filter (30m motor cable limit)

Motion and PLC US price list 65

ABB DriveSize and MCSize Software Tool

DriveSize is ABB’s product selection software. The MCSize NOTES:

plug-in is specifically for the determination of servo motors and − − MCSize does not contain product price information, but
selected drives for motion control systems. attempts to ascertain a low-cost solution by offering lower
current motors. It is necessary to check the cost of alter-
MC Size is available with a motor database, motor selection native solutions to determine the best offering for specific
criteria and user selection information to make the process of customer requirements.
choosing a servo motor and drive easier and more accurate.
− − MCSize does not select the feedback type or other motor
Download DriveSize and MCSize from ABB‘s website: options. Please ensure you identify the required options,
including the feedback type, and modify the specified part
http://new.abb.com/drives/software-tools/drivesize numbers accordingly.



66 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation Solutions

ABB Motion Control and PLC Solution offering

Mint WorkBench ABB Motion ABB Motion

NextMove Mint Module NextMove e100 AC500 PLC – IEC61131

Motion Controls MotiFlex Option Motion Control

Control Builder Plus




+/-10v +/-10v PowerLink Mint WorkBench
24-70 V DC 115/230 V AC
EuroFlex MicroFlex
rack mount
MicroFlex e100 MotiFlex e180 MicroFlex e150 MotiFlex e180
Low Power/Cost MotiFlex e100 Servo Drive ACSM1 Positioning Drive Servo Drive Servo Drive
Servo Drive Servo Drive
100 – 1kW 3ph 230-460 V AC 3ph 230 - 480 V AC 1/3ph 105-250 V AC 3ph 200-480 V AC
1/3ph 105-250 V AC 3ph 200-480 V AC
Integrated DS401 Ethernet Encoder Integrated Memory module DTC STO

ABB Servo Motors (Linear/Rotary) ACSM1 - ABB Servo Motors (Rotary)

MicroFlex e150 - ABB Servo Motors (Linear/Rotary)

ABB Motion and PLC Control Solutions

Modbus TCP EtherCAT Ethernet Powerlink

PLC with AC drives Compact single-axis PLC based multi-axis PLC based multi-axis High performance Motion Controller
non-coordinated coordinated based multi-axis coordinated

− − PLC with − − MicroFlex e100/e150, − − AC500 eCo or − − AC500 PLC with − − NextMove e100 Motion
various Drives MotiFlex e180 Drives AC500 PLC EtherCat talking to Controller communicating
or ACSM1 drive communicating MicroFlex e150, via Ethernet Powerlink
with motion variant Modbus/TCP to ACSM1, or MotiFlex to e100, e180 Motion
MicroFlex e100/e150, e180 Motion Control Control Drives
MotiFlex e180 Drives
Motion Control
Drive family or
ACSM1 Drive

ABB strategic offering shows flexibility led by Ethernet technologies

Simple connectivity for customer

Motion and PLC US price list 67

Automation Solutions

ABB Ethernet Motion Control products machine control solutions

− − One software tool for simplified configuration and programming

− − One point of access to configure the entire network.
− − Intelligent programmable drives, optimized for Motion Control
− − Plug-in Controller (Drive option) for 1-5 axes of control
− − Motion Controller for 1-16 axes advanced motion
− − Drives from 1kVA ~ 46kVA and 115/230 and 460 V AC

68 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation Solutions

ABB e100 Drives programmable as ABB example Mint Module System four
standard Mint Lite motion programming axes, HMI, fieldbus gateway for PLC
PLC or
other device




I/O CANopen

Mint Module
installed in
Dual high speed Latch Motiflex e100
inputs for registration

CANopen I/O

Rotary / Linear Servo

dual feedback or line shaft

−− Solution for intelligent/decentralized motion applications −− First MotiFlex hosts the Mint card (top slot)
−− Indexing, change of target on the fly, registration, homing, etc. −− NODE ID set to 240 (EPL manager)
−− Multitasking and event handling −− HMI via RS485 or CAN
−− Link to PLCs, industrial PCs via Ethernet or RS485 −− Remote I/O on MicroFlex e100
(2 wire operation) and fieldbus on MotiFlex −− Mix of motor types can be supported
− − HMI connection/Mint Terminal support −− Optional fieldbus gateway in second
− − PLC communications, e.g. Modbus MotiFlex (requires top slot)
− − CANopen DS401 I/O expansion

Motion and PLC US price list 69

Automation Solutions

ABB NextMove ESB2 Motion Controller

analog/stepper ABB ACSM1, ABB MicroFlex,
ABB ACS355, ABB MotiFlex e180

Host PC
Mint ActiveX
USB communications

Simple KPD RS232/485 Serial Comms, e.g.

User protocols

NOTE free ActiveX components for
CANopen I/O
control and communications via USB,
serial, Ethernet (e100)

Line shaft x4 stepper

(master) motor axes
encoder Open loop (Integrated
ACS355 MicroFlex ACSM1 MotiFlex
speed demand Analog e180 driver
is posisble

Linear Vector Brushless

ABB NextMove e100

- MINT programming
- Multi-axis motion


MicroFlex MotiFlex MotiFlex ACSM1 ACS355

e100 e100 e180

Rotary / Linear Servo Rotary Servo Induction

70 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation Solutions

ABB EtherCAT multi-axis with AC500 PLC centralized control with real-time

Ideal partner to Reference Bill of Material (not a complete list):

ABB AC500 PLC EtherCAT PLC Master / HMI / Servo Drives /
−− EtherCAT Master Servo Motors / Cables
−− IEC61131 programming (5) - Axes High Performance Coordinated Motion
− − PLCopen Motion System

ABB PLC/HMI/Software
Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
MicroFlex MicroFlex MicroFlex MotiFlex ACSM1/ Price Section
e150 e150 e150 e180 FECA-01/ Ref.
FEN-01 1 1SAP150000R0271 PM590-ETH V2.0 2MB $3,667 AC500 PLC
1 1SAP112100R0270 TB521-ETH CPU $271 AC500 PLC
1 1SAP170902R0001 CM579-ETHCAT COM $1,250 AC500 PLC
1 1SAP240100R0001 DC532 16DI/16DC $485 AC500 PLC
1 1SAP212200R0001 TU515 I/O BASE 24VDC $84 AC500 PLC
1 1SAP180600R0001 TA524 DUMMY MOD $22 AC500 PLC
1 1SAP192100R0002 PS552-MC-E MOTION $676 AC500 PLC
1 1SAP193000R0101 AUTOMATION BLDR $895 AC500 PLC
V1.1 AC500 PLC SOFT*
Rotary / Linear Servo Motors Rotary 1 1SAP551100R0001 CP651 CLR TOUCH $2,224 Control
Servo 10.4" CP600 HMI PNL Panel
Motors * License only required if user has not already purchased.
EtherCAT coordinated motion solution
− − Industry standard PLCopen (IEC 61131) ABB Servo Drives (EtherCAT Slave Drives, Encoder
motion functions fully supported by feedback)
AC500 PLC Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
− − Cyclic sync position control Price Section
− − 2 Ports RJ45 Ethernet physics (easy daisy Ref.
chaining, no hubs) 3 E152A03EINA EtherCAT Slave Device $1,260 AC Motion 300%, 3 s ratings
Drive, 3A, 230V, Control available
− − DS402 drive profile (IEC 61800-7 Annex A) MicroFlex e150
− − ACSM1 drive with FECA-01 EtherCAT 3 FAN001-024 Fan Kit, 24VDC $200 AC Motion Provides full
adapter up to 355 kW (450 HP, 580A) Control ratings
1 ACSM1-04AM- EtherCAT Slave Drive, $1,210 AC Motion
MicroFlex e150 function supported by ‘option’ type 02A5-4 3A, 230V Control
Feature/function E152AxxEINA E152AxxEIOA 1 FEN-01 Incr. Encoder adapter $465 AC Motion
EtherCAT slave drive Yes Yes Control
1 FECA-01 EtherCAT Adapter $400 AC Motion
EtherCAT, Modbus TCP No Yes Control
Mint programming No Yes 1 MFE180-04AN- EtherCAT Slave $1,725 AC Motion
03A0-4+L517 MotiFlex e180 Control
CP600 Support No Yes
Mint GDI Interface No Yes
(Generic Drive Interface)
ABB Servo Motors / Motor and Feedback Cables
Dual encoder for position loop Yes Yes Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
Dual encoder line shaft No Yes Price Section
following/flyer shear/CAM Ref.
5 BSM80N-175RF BSM Servo Motor, Rot $1,769 Motors Ref IBR1202-E
Digital and analog IO Used as drive signals Used as drive signals Con w/ 2500 line enc
Controlled by EtherCAT Mint machine control IO
5 CBL030SP-12 12 amp cont pwr cable $288 Motors CE Con & Flying
master Controlled by EtherCAT
(10ft / 3.0m) w/con leads
5 CBL030SF-E2 Encoder feedback cable $300 Motors CE Con & DB15
(10ft / 3.0m) w/con for Drive

Motion and PLC US price list 71

Automation Solutions
PowerLink NextMove Controller

Powerlink system overview solutions: greater than the sum of the parts
j k

R-T Hub Ethernet Powerlink

m l
Line shaft l l p
encoder CANopen CANopen
l l CANopen I/O
CANopen CANopen I/O Intelligent Drive
I/O system-Mint Lite
programming or
CANopen CANopen Mint Machine
I/O I/O Module
m m m

Encoder/resolver dual AC motion control. AC vector

feedback or line shaft or linear motor

j NextMove e100, up to 16 axes Reference Bill of Material (not a complete list):

coordinated motion (30 axes max.) Powerlink NextMove Controller/ HMI / Servo Drives / Servo Motors /
k HMI via Modbus RTU or CAN Cables
Coordinated High Performance Motion System
l CANopen I/O at any drive
Line shaft or dual loop encoders
ABB NextMove Motion Controller / KPD HMI
Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
n MicroFlex e100 Motion Control Drives Price Section
controlling rotary and linear servo motors Ref.

Class II repeating hubs for tree structure 1 NXE100-1608DBW Powerlink Motion $3,185 AC Motion Max. 8 axes
o Controller Control
wiring Drives

p Mint plug-in card or Mint Lite sub system 1 --- Mint Workbench No AC Motion Download from
Software Charge Control web
NOTES: Drives
− − ACS355 and ACSM1 Drives can 1 KPD202-501 Operator Panel $1,288 AC Motion
be added with FEPL-02 Powerlink Control
adapter Drives
− − PLC via fieldbus
ABB Servo Drives (Powerlink Drives, Encoder feedback)
Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
Price Section
4 MFE230A003BW MicroFlex e100, 3A, $1,352 AC Motion 300%, 3 s ratings
230V Control available
4 FAN001-024 Fan Kit, 24VDC $200 FAN001- Provides full
024 ratings

ABB Servo Motors / Motor and Feedback Cables

Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
Price Section
4 BSM50N-275AB2 BSM Servo Motor, $1,701 Motors Ref IBR1202-E
0.9Nm w/ BiSS (multi-
4 CBL061SP-12 12 amp cont pwr cable $371 Motors CE Con & Flying
(20ft / 6.1m) w/con leads
4 CBL061SF-D2 BISS fdbk cable (20ft / $353 Motors CE Con & DB15
6.1m) w/con for Drive

72 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation Solutions

Decentralized control simple

Drive control for distributed axes

ABB AC500 PLC Reference Bill of Material (not a complete list):

−− Modbus TCP/IP Master Modbus TCP PLC / HMI / Servo Drives / Servo Motors / Cables
−− IEC61131 programming Non-Coordinated Simple Motion System

ABB PLC/HMI/Software
Qty Catalog Number Description List Price Price List Notes
Network Section
Switch ACSM1/ Ref.
MotiFlex FECA-01/ 1 1SAP121200R0071 PM556-TP-ETH 512KB $673 AC500
e180 FEN-01
MicroFlex MicroFlex
Modbus TCP protocol
e100 e100 e150
built-in to PM556
1 1SAP240100R0001 DC532 16DI/16DC 24VDC $485 AC500
1 1SAP212200R0001 TU515 I/O BASE 24VDC $84 AC500
1 1TNE968901R3101 TA563-9 SCR SIDE $11 AC500
1 1TNE968901R3102 TA563-11 SCR SID $13 AC500
1 1SAP192100R0002 PS552-MC-E MOTION LIB $676 AC500
1 1SAP193000R0101 AUTOMATION BLDR V1.1 $895 AC500
1 1SAP550100R0001 CP650 CLR TOUCH 10.4" $2,224 Control
CP600 HMI PNL Panel
Rotary / Linear Servo Motors Rotary * License only required if user has not already purchased.
ABB Servo Drives (Modbus TCP Drives, Encoder feedback)
Qty Catalog Number Description List Price Price List Notes
Ethernet non-coordinated Ref.
motion solution 1 E152A03EINA Modbus TCP Drive, 3A, $1,260 AC Motion 300%, 3
230V Control s ratings
−− Modbus TCP/IP MicroFlex e150 available
−− Generic Drive Interface (GDI) 3 FAN001-024 Fan Kit, 24VDC $200 AC Motion Provides full
−− Predefined simple PLC drive control Control ratings
−− Customisation possible though Mint 2 MFE230A003BW MicroFlex e100, 3A $1,352 AC Motion
−− Simple PLC functions for AC500 Control
1 ACSM1-04AM- EtherCAT Slave Drive, $1,210 AC Motion
02A5-4 3A, 230V Control
1 FEN-01 Incr. Encoder adapter $465 AC Motion
1 FECA-01 EtherCAT Adapter $400 AC Motion
−− Simple wizard drive based configuration and 1 MFE180-04AN- EtherCAT Slave $1,725 AC Motion
03A0-4+L517 MotiFlex e180 Control
pre-defined PLC drive data
−− Up and running in shorter time
−− Making distributed control easy ABB Servo Motors / Motor and Feedback Cables
−− MicroFlex e100, MicroFlex 150, ACSM1, Qty Catalog Number Description List Price Price List Notes
MotiFlex e180 drives Section
5 BSM90C-2250AF BSM Servo Motor, 5.2Nm $1,280 Motors Ref
w / 2500 line enc IBR1202-E
3 CBL015RP-12 12 amp cont raw pwr $60 Motors No pwr
cable (5ft / 1.5m) connector
3 CBL015SF-E2 Encoder feedback cable $269 Motors CE Con &
(10ft / 3.0m) w/con DB15 for Drive
1 ACSM1 Cable TBD

Motion and PLC US price list 73

Automation Solutions
Pulse Train Output, PLC, HMI

Reference Bill of Material (not a complete list):

Pulse Train Output (PTO) PLC/ HMI / PTO Servo Drives /
Servo Motors / Cables
(2) - Axes Non-Coordinated Simple Motion System

ABB PLC/HMI/Software
Modbus Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
Price Section
1 1SAP121200R0071 PM556-TP-ETH $673 AC500
512KB AC500 eCo PLC
PLC CPU Modbus
TCP protocol built-
in to PM556
1 1SAP233100R0001 FM562 PTO $379 AC500
1 1SAP231900R0000 DC562 16DC $182 AC500
24VDC AC500 eCo PLC
3 1TNE968901R3101 TA563-9 SCR SIDE $11 AC500
3 1TNE968901R3102 TA563-11 SCR SID $13 AC500
1 1SAP192100R0002 PS552-MC-E $676 AC500
− − Programming with PLCopen Motion Control Library 1 1SAP193000R0101 AUTOMATION $895 AC500
PS552-MC-E BLDR V1.1 AC500 PLC
− − One FM562 can control two axe
− − Fits ABB Motion Drive MicroFlex Analog but also standard 1 1SAP535100R0001 CP635 CLR $1,215 Control
TOUCH 7" CP600 Panel
Drives with RS422 interface
* License only required if user has not already purchased.

ABB Servo Drives (Modbus TCP Drives, Encoder feedback)

Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
Price Section
2 FMH2A03TR-EN23W MicroFlex Analog $1,027 AC Motion 300%, 3s
Drive, 3A, 230V Control ratings
Drives available

ABB Servo Motors / Motor and Feedback Cables

Qty Catalog Number Description List Price List Notes
Price Section
2 BSM63N-275AF BSM Servo Motor, $1,802 Motors Ref IBR1202-E
1.47Nm w/2500
line Enc
2 CBL091SP-12 12 amp cont pwr $458 Motors CE Con &
cable (30ft / 9.1m) Flying leads
2 CBL091SF-E2 Encoder feedback $356 Motors CE Con &
cable (30ft / 9.1m) DB15 for Drive

74 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation Solutions
EtherNet/IP: System Overview example

Ethernet/IP and TCP/IP


Sick Vision
Machine I/O Switch

PC Programming Station

MotiFlex e180 Drives

MicroFlex e150 Drives ABB Robot

Motion and PLC US price list 75

Automation Solutions

Feature-Rich, MotiFlex e180 Intelligent EtherCAT Multi-Axis Interpolated

Drive Solution - Advanced MINT Solution - MotiFlex e180 Master (Est.
Programmable Drive Solution Q4, ‘15), MotiFlex e180 and MicroFlex
e150 Drives

Ethernet TCP/IP
MotiFlex e180
Modbus TCP/IP MotiFlex e180
RAW Ethernet +N8030
CP600 HMI via
Modbus TCP front MicroFlex
Ethernet Ethernet port e150

Switch required for

Configuration at the EtherCAT
same time via generic
Ethernet MN


STO - Safe Torque Off

• 6 x DI
• Dual high speed Latch
inputs for registration

• 4 x DO Rotary / Linear Servo

• 2 x AI 10v
• 1 x AO 10v
• 1 x relay

Intelligent Motion Drive system

− − Future MotiFlex e180 (+N8030) becomes an EtherCAT Mas-
Encoder out ter (MN) (est. Q4, 2015)
− − Combine with any other ABB EtherCAT drives for a multi-
axis coordinated motion solution – I/O also
− − Similar in concept to the MINT Machine Module (option card)
for MotiFlex e100
Dual Encoder
− − Interpolated motion on multi-axis
function. e.g.
− − Licensed motion via e180 memory module
Line Shaft or
− − EtherCAT I/O expansion
dual feedback
− − Notes: Ring topology not supported

− − MINT programmable
− − Includes Cams and Flying shears
− − Canned applications can be developed
− − Multitasking and Events provide for powerful, responsive
− − Dual high speed latch inputs for registration e.g. product or
− − Dual feedback - line shaft following for electronically geared
motion such as flying shears / CAM / gearing
− − Ethernet communications
− − HMI, PC or PLC comms
− − Safe Torque Off (STO) standard
− − Encoder out for external controller or slave follower drive,
e.g. conveyor

76 Motion and PLC US price list

AC brushless motors

Brushless servo motor identification matrix N and C series


lank = Std
B Frame Series
SS = Stainless steel IEC NEMA N Motor
C size
NOTE: Not all options are 50* 5N code
available on all motors. 1
Contact your local Baldor 63 6N 50
District Office.
80 8N 75
90 9N 4
100 10N
Motor options


Description Rotatable
Standard (metric) Optional (inch)
Cables5 Flying leads5 (metric)
threaded style quick connect

Motor (no shaft seal) A I E M R

Motor and brake B J F N S
Motor with shaft oil seal C K G O T
Motor with brake and shaft oil seal D L H P U

Feedback options
A = Resolver
B = Absolute encoder – single-turn (BiSS) Accessory options
B2 = Absolute encoder – multi-turn (BiSS) Blank = No option
D = Absolute encoder – multi-turn (EnDat) M = No keyway
D2 = Absolute encoder – single-turn (EnDat) N = DIN 42955-R
D3 = Absolute encoder – single-turn (Hiperface) O = DIN 42955-R and no keyway
D4 = Absolute encoder – multi-turn (Hiperface) P = Optional motor connector on BSM 90 & 100
S1 = Absolute encoder – single-turn (SSI) (NOTE: This option available only if current less
S2 = Absolute encoder – multi-turn (SSI) than 28 amps)
E = Incremental encoder w/ commutation (1000 ppr) X = Special option (order by spec no. only)
F = Incremental encoder w/ commutation (2500 ppr) Z1 = Blower (115 V AC) (not available on all motors)
H = Halls only Z2 = Blower (230 V AC) (not available on all motors)
V = Encoder mounting only Z3 = Blower (24 V DC)
Y = Resolver mounting only Z4 = Blower (230/460 V AC) for BSM132 only

* The standard BSM50 Series has as standard no keyway. 4) SSBSM motors available with IEC mounting and include
** Rotatable connectors not available on BSM50–Series as standard a shaft seal. SSBSM motors are IP67
1) The standard BSM50/63/80 Series includes feedback, two 5) Shielded cables and flying leads are one meter long as standard. Flying leads option is
threaded connectors for feedback and motor terminations, composed of individual wires with no armored protection
square mounting flange 6) Motors may be used with 115/230/400/460 volt controls. Verify
2) The standard BSM90/100 Series includes feedback, one that maximum speed is not exceeded
threaded connector for feedback termination, termination 7) Pricing for NEMA versions 5N, 6N, 8N, 9N and 10N same as 50, 63, 80, 90
of motor lead wires on terminal block, square mounting flange and 100
3) BSM Motors do not have shaft seal as standard. BSM motors are IP54 8) Contact Baldor for special options
Motors meet IP55 with addition of shaft oil seal 9) SSBSM 90/100 not available

Motion and PLC US price list 77

AC brushless motors

Options chart - list price adder N and C series

Motor series
Motor option description Code 80N 90N 100N
50N 63N 132C 6
80C 90C 6 100C 6
The following options are supplied with either threaded connector (A, B, C, D) or optional quick style connector (I, J, K, L) 7

Motor (no shaft seal) A or I STD STD STD STD STD STD
Motor and brake B or J 400 414 414 512 650 2,166
Motor with shaft oil seal C or K 37 37 37 37 37 41
Motor with brake and shaft oil seal D or L 437 451 451 549 687 2,206
The following options are supplied with shielded cables
(length = 1 meter)
Motor (no shaft seal) E 40 40 40 73 73 N/A
Motor and brake F 440 454 454 585 723 N/A
Motor with shaft oil seal G 77 77 77 110 110 N/A
Motor with brake and shaft oil seal H 477 491 491 622 760 N/A
The following options are supplied with flying leads
(length = 1 meter)
Motor (no shaft seal) M -24 -24 -24 N/C N/C N/A
Motor and brake N 376 390 390 512 650 N/A
Motor with shaft oil seal O 13 13 13 37 37 N/A
Motor with brake and shaft oil seal P 413 427 427 549 687 N/A

The following options are supplied with rotatable (metric) threaded connectors 3 4 5 8

Motor (no shaft seal) R N/A 49 49 49 49 118

Motor and brake S N/A 463 463 561 699 2,284
Motor with shaft oil seal T N/A 86 86 86 86 159
Motor with brake and shaft oil seal U N/A 500 500 598 736 2,325
Feedback option description
Resolver A 0
Incremental encoder with hall commutation
(1000ppr) E 111
(2500ppr) F 111
(2000 - 5000) C/F
Absolute encoder - single-turn
BiSS single-turn B 732
EnDat single-turn D2 1,347
Hiperface single-turn 1 D3 475
SSI single-turn S1 C/F
Absolute encoder - multi-turn
BiSS multi-turn B2 600
EnDat multi-turn D 2,016
Hiperface multi-turn 1 D4 494
SSI multi-turn S2 1,768
Special feedback X
Standard feedback mounting only Y -85
Halls only H 85
Accessory option description
No option BLANK STD
No keyway M 0
DIN standard 42955-R N 158
DIN 42955-R and no keyway O 158
Optional motor power connector 2 P STD STD STD 20 20 N/A
Blower, external (single phase) Z1, Z2, Z3 N/A N/A N/A 1,330 934 N/A
Blower, external for BSM132 only Z4 N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A 1,830

NOTES: STD = Standard 3) Rotatable thru 180 degrees

C/F = Contact factory 4) Rotatable connectors for power and feedback with
N/C = No additional charge no junction box on BSM90/100/132 motors.
N/A = Not available 5) Rotate-able connectors are not available on SSBSM-series
Standard fail safe brake is 24V DC. 6) Motors come standard with terminal box.
1) Can only be used with Baldor MintDriveII, Strain relief for motor power and connector for feedback.
Baldor Flex+DriveII and Baldor FlexDriveII 7) Option I, J, K, L not available on BSM132
2) Do not specify this option (accessory option “P”) 8) 70 amp rotatable connector (no junction box)
if motor continuous current is greater than 28 Amps.
Straight connector mounted on 90 deg adaptor, no J-box.

78 Motion and PLC US price list

AC brushless motors

BSM C-series (medium inertia)

Continuous stall torque Nominal
Continuous Motor speed Catalog number Catalog number Multiplier
bus List price List price
Lb-in N-m stall amps (RPM) with resolver with encoder symbol
Threaded connectors on BSM 50/63/80; terminal box on BSM 90/100/132 .
2.7 300 6000 BSM80C-150AA $1,078 BSM80C-150AF $1,188 E4
10.6 1.2
1.9 300 4000 BSM80C-175AA $1,078 BSM80C-175AF $1,188 E4
5.2 300 6000 BSM80C-250AA $1,139 BSM80C-250AF $1,250 E4
21.2 2.4 3.2 300 4000 BSM80C-275AA $1,139 BSM80C-275AF $1,250 E4
1.6 600 4000 BSM80C-2150AA $1,139 BSM80C-2150AF $1,250 E4
23 2.1 2.1 300 2000 BSM90C-1150AA $1,053 BSM90C-1150AF $1,163 E4
7.8 200 4000 BSM80C-350AA $1,175 BSM80C-350AF $1,285 E4
31.8 3.6 6.3 300 4000 BSM80C-375AA $1,175 BSM80C-375AF $1,285 E4
3.2 600 4000 BSM80C-3150AA $1,175 BSM80C-3150AF $1,285 E4
6.3 300 4000 BSM80C-475AA $1,214 BSM80C-475AF $1,324 E4
38 4.3
3.1 600 4000 BSM80C-4150AA $1,214 BSM80C-4150AF $1,324 E4
4.0 300 2400 BSM100C-1150AA $1,536 BSM100C-1150AF $1,646 E4
44.3 5.0
2.3 300 1200 BSM100C-1250AA $1,536 BSM100C-1250AF $1,646 E4
9.0 300 4000 BSM90C-275AA $1,169 BSM90C-275AF $1,279 E4
46.0 5.2 4.4 300 2000 BSM90C-2150AA $1,169 BSM90C-2150AF $1,279 E4
2.5 300 1200 BSM90C-2250AA $1,169 BSM90C-2250AF $1,279 E4
12.0 300 4000 BSM90C-375AA $1,303 BSM90C-375AF $1,413 E4
69.0 7.8 6.0 600 4000 BSM90C-3150AA $1,303 BSM90C-3150AF $1,413 E4
3.5 300 1200 BSM90C-3250AA $1,303 BSM90C-3250AF $1,413 E4
8.0 300 2400 BSM100C-2150AA $1,716 BSM100C-2150AF $1,826 E4
88.5 10.0
5.0 300 1200 BSM100C-2250AA $1,716 BSM100C-2250AF $1,826 E4
11.4 300 2400 BSM100C-3150AA $1,934 BSM100C-3150AF $2,045 E4
125.7 14.2
7.0 300 1200 BSM100C-3250AA $1,934 BSM100C-3250AF $2,045 E4
16.8 300 2400 BSM100C-4150AA $2,274 BSM100C-4150AF $2,383 E4
177.0 20.0
10.6 300 1200 BSM100C-4250AA $2,274 BSM100C-4250AF $2,383 E4
21.0 600 4000 BSM100C-5150AA $2,580 BSM100C-5150AF $2,690 E4
221.3 25.0
13.0 600 2400 BSM100C-5250AA $2,580 BSM100C-5250AF $2,690 E4
24.0 600 4000 BSM100C-6150AA $2,745 BSM100C-6150AF $2,855 E4
265.5 30.0
14.0 600 2400 BSM100C-6250AA $2,745 BSM100C-6250AF $2,855 E4
469 53 37 650 3500 BSM132C-3200AA $7,333 BSM132C-3200AF $7,444 E4
619 70 43 650 3500 BSM132C-4200AA $7,751 BSM132C-4200AF $7,862 E4
770 87 50 650 3500 BSM132C-5200AA $8,191 BSM132C-5200AF $8,302 E4
929 105 52 650 3500 BSM132C-6200AA $8,806 BSM132C-6200AF $8,917 E4
973 110 72 650 3500 BSM132C-7200AA $9,136 BSM132C-7200AF $9,247 E4
1017 115 74 650 3500 BSM132C-8200AA $9,466 BSM132C-8200AF $9,577 E4
1062 120 79 650 3500 BSM132C-9200AA $9,748 BSM132C-9200AF $9,859 E4
Rotatable connectors
21.4 2.4 3.2 300 4000 BSM80C-275RA $1,188 BSM80C-275RF $1,299 E4
31.8 3.6 6.3 300 4000 BSM80C-375RA $1,224 BSM80C-375RF $1,334 E4
38 4.3 6.3 300 4000 BSM80C-475RA $1,263 BSM80C-475RF $1,373 E4
69 7.8 6.0 600 4000 BSM90C-3150RA $1,352 BSM90C-3150RF $1,462 E4

Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 79

AC brushless motors

BSM N-series (low inertia)

Continuous stall torque Nominal
Continuous Motor speed Catalog number Catalog number Multiplier
bus List price List price
Lb-in N-m stall amps (RPM) with resolver with encoder symbol
Threaded connectors on BSM 50/63/80; terminal box on BSM 90/100 .
1.5 160 4000 BSM50N-133AA $957 BSM50N-133AF $1,067 E4
3.9 0.45
0.79 300 4000 BSM50N-175AA $957 BSM50N-175AF $1,067 E4
2.1 200 6000 BSM63N-133AA $1,536 BSM63N-133AF $1,646 E4
6.8 0.77 1.9 200 4000 BSM63N-150AA $1,536 BSM63N-150AF $1,646 E4
1.0 300 4000 BSM63N-175AA $1,536 BSM63N-175AF $1,646 E4
2.8 160 4000 BSM50N-233AA $1,101 BSM50N-233AF $1,212 E4
7.9 0.9
1.4 160 2000 BSM50N-275AA $1,101 BSM50N-275AF $1,212 E4
4.5 160 4000 BSM50N-333AA $1,248 BSM50N-333AF $1,358 E4
12 1.36
2.3 300 4000 BSM50N-375AA $1,248 BSM50N-375AF $1,358 E4
4.2 200 6000 BSM63N-233AA $1,691 BSM63N-233AF $1,802 E4
13 1.4 3.0 200 4000 BSM63N-250AA $1,691 BSM63N-250AF $1,802 E4
2.1 300 4000 BSM63N-275AA $1,691 BSM63N-275AF $1,802 E4
4.7 200 6000 BSM80N-133AA $1,610 BSM80N-133AF $1,720 E4
14.6 1.6 3.0 300 6000 BSM80N-150AA $1,610 BSM80N-150AF $1,720 E4
2.1 300 4000 BSM80N-175AA $1,610 BSM80N-175AF $1,720 E4
6.2 200 6000 BSM63N-333AA $1,876 BSM63N-333AF $1,986 E4
18.5 2 4.4 200 4000 BSM63N-350AA $1,876 BSM63N-350AF $1,986 E4
3.0 300 4000 BSM63N-375AA $1,876 BSM63N-375AF $1,986 E4
8.7 200 6000 BSM80N-233AA $1,772 BSM80N-233AF $1,882 E4
28.3 3.2 5.6 200 4000 BSM80N-250AA $1,772 BSM80N-250AF $1,882 E4
3.9 300 4000 BSM80N-275AA $1,772 BSM80N-275AF $1,882 E4
12.9 200 6000 BSM80N-333AA $2,005 BSM80N-333AF $2,116 E4
40 4.5 8.6 200 4000 BSM80N-350AA $2,005 BSM80N-350AF $2,116 E4
5.5 300 4000 BSM80N-375AA $2,005 BSM80N-375AF $2,116 E4
8.0 300 4000 BSM90N-175AA $2,087 BSM90N-175AF $2,197 E4
53 6 4.1 300 2000 BSM90N-1150AA $2,087 BSM90N-1150AF $2,197 E4
2.6 300 1200 BSM90N-1250AA $2,087 BSM90N-1250AF $2,197 E4
12 300 4000 BSM90N-275AA $2,416 BSM90N-275AF $2,527 E4
88 10 6.3 300 2000 BSM90N-2150AA $2,416 BSM90N-2150AF $2,527 E4
4.3 300 1200 BSM90N-2250AA $2,416 BSM90N-2250AF $2,527 E4
19 300 4000 BSM90N-375AA $3,056 BSM90N-375AF $3,166 E4
117 13.3 8.6 300 2000 BSM90N-3150AA $3,056 BSM90N-3150AF $3,166 E4
5.5 300 1200 BSM90N-3250AA $3,056 BSM90N-3250AF $3,166 E4
9.4 300 2000 BSM100N-1150AA $2,683 BSM100N-1150AF $2,793 E4
123 14.0
5.9 300 1200 BSM100N-1250AA $2,683 BSM100N-1250AF $2,793 E4
15.5 300 2000 BSM100N-2150AA $3,200 BSM100N-2150AF $3,310 E4
203 23.0
9.9 300 1200 BSM100N-2250AA $3,200 BSM100N-2250AF $3,310 E4
21 300 2000 BSM100N-3150AA $3,685 BSM100N-3150AF $3,794 E4
300 33.9
14.7 300 1200 BSM100N-3250AA $3,685 BSM100N-3250AF $3,794 E4
28.9 300 2000 BSM100N-4150AA $4,535 BSM100N-4150AF $4,645 E4
354 40.0
18 300 1200 BSM100N-4250AA $4,535 BSM100N-4250AF $4,645 E4
Rotatable connectors
6.8 0.77 1.0 300 4000 BSM63N-175RA $1,585 BSM63N-175RF $1,695 E4
13 1.4 2.1 300 4000 BSM63N-275RA $1,740 BSM63N-275RF $1,851 E4
18.5 2 3.0 300 4000 BSM63N-375RA $1,925 BSM63N-375RF $2,035 E4
28.3 3.2 3.9 300 4000 BSM80N-275RA $1,821 BSM80N-275RF $1,931 E4
40 4.5 5.5 300 4000 BSM80N-375RA $2,054 BSM80N-375RF $2,165 E4

Shaded areas are stocked products.

80 Motion and PLC US price list
AC brushless motors

Brake equipped BSM servo motors

Continuous stall Nominal
torque Continuous Motor speed
bus Catalog number List price Multiplier symbol
stall amps (RPM)
Lb-in N-m volts

With resolver and 24 V DC brakes

6.8 0.77 1.0 300 4000 BSM63N-175BA $1,950 E4
13 1.4 2.1 300 4000 BSM63N-275BA $2,105 E4
14.6 1.6 2.1 300 4000 BSM80N-175BA $2,024 E4
18.5 2.0 3.0 300 4000 BSM63N-375BA $2,290 E4
28.3 3.2 3.9 300 4000 BSM80N-275BA $2,186 E4
40 4.5 5.5 300 4000 BSM80N-375BA $2,419 E4
53 6.0 8.0 300 4000 BSM90N-175BA $2,599 E4
117 13.3 19 300 4000 BSM90N-375BA $3,568 E4
123 14.0 9.4 300 2000 BSM100N-1150BA $3,333 E4
300 33.9 21 300 2000 BSM100N-3150BA $4,335 E4

NOTES: *BA suffix indicates 24 V DC internal electrically released spring set brake.
Brake is for holding position only. Not for stopping.

Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 81

AC brushless motors

Stainless steel brushless AC servo motors - SSBSM series

Continuous stall
Nominal Motor
torque Continuous Catalog number Catalog number Multiplier
bus speed List price List price
stall amps with resolver with encoder symbol
Lb-in N-m volts (RPM)

3.9 0.45 0.8 300 4000 SSBSM50N-175CA $2,479 SSBSM50N-175CF $2,589 E4

7.9 0.9 1.4 160 2000 SSBSM50N-275CA $2,623 SSBSM50N-275CF $2,734 E4
12 1.3 2.4 300 4000 SSBSM50N-375CA $2,770 SSBSM50N-375CF $2,880 E4
11 1.2 1.7 300 4000 SSBSM63N-275CA $3,268 SSBSM63N-275CF $3,378 E4
18.5 1.7 2.5 300 4000 SSBSM63N-375CA $3,453 SSBSM63N-375CF $3,563 E4
23 2.5 3.1 300 4000 SSBSM80N-275CA $3,228 SSBSM80N-275CF $3,338 E4
32 3.6 4.4 300 4000 SSBSM80N-375CA $3,461 SSBSM80N-375CF $3,571 E4
8 0.9 1.9 300 4000 SSBSM80C-175CA $2,533 SSBSM80C-175CF $2,643 E4
16.8 1.9 2.6 300 4000 SSBSM80C-275CA $2,598 SSBSM80C-275CF $2,708 E4
25 2.8 5 300 4000 SSBSM80C-375CA $2,633 SSBSM80C-375CF $2,743 E4
30 3.4 5 300 4000 SSBSM80C-475CA $2,672 SSBSM80C-475CF $2,783 E4

NOTES: Standard SSBSM series includes IEC mounting flange.

Standard SSBSM50 has an standard no keyway and no tap on shaft end.
Standard SSBSM50/63/80 include two threaded stainless steel connectors for feedback and motor termination.
Order feedback and power cables separately.
Standard motor has Teflon stainless steel seal with Viton O-rings.
Standard encoder is 2500 ppr.

Shaded areas are stocked products.

82 Motion and PLC US price list

Power cable
Motor power cable
Cable assemblies Raw cable Stainless steel cables
Current Length
rating Threaded List Mult. No List Mult. Threaded List Mult.
Feet Meters CE connector * price sym. connector price sym. CE connector * price sym.
5 1.5 CBL015SP-12 $250 ED CBL015RP-12 $60 ED CBL015SP-12S $646 ED
10 3 CBL030SP-12 $288 ED CBL030RP-12 $106 ED CBL030SP-12S $687 ED
20 6.1 CBL061SP-12 $371 ED CBL061RP-12 $184 ED CBL061SP-12S $770 ED
30 9.1 CBL091SP-12 $458 ED CBL091RP-12 $271 ED CBL091SP-12S $853 ED
12 50 15.2 CBL152SP-12 $655 ED CBL152RP-12 $421 ED CBL152SP-12S $1,008 ED
75 22.9 CBL229SP-12 $830 ED CBL229RP-12 $620 ED – – –
100 30.5 CBL305SP-12 $1,027 ED CBL305RP-12 $820 ED – – –
250 76 – – – CBL760RP-12 $2,014 ED – – –
500 152.5 – – – CBL1525RP-12 $4,006 ED – – –
5 1.5 CBL015SP-20 $302 ED CBL015RP-20 $97 ED CBL015SP-20S $622 ED
10 3 CBL030SP-20 $375 ED CBL030RP-20 $176 ED CBL030SP-20S $662 ED
20 6.1 CBL061SP-20 $515 ED CBL061RP-20 $311 ED CBL061SP-20S $741 ED
20 30 9.1 CBL091SP-20 $666 ED CBL091RP-20 $461 ED CBL091SP-20S $950 ED
50 15.2 CBL152SP-20 $970 ED CBL152RP-20 $737 ED CBL152SP-20S $980 ED
75 22.9 CBL229SP-20 $1,346 ED CBL229RP-20 $1,073 ED – – –
100 30.5 CBL305SP-20 $1,617 ED CBL305RP-20 $1,411 ED – – –
5 1.5 CBL015SP-35 $445 ED CBL015RP-35 $183 ED
10 3 CBL030SP-35 $537 ED CBL030RP-35 $291 ED
20 6.1 CBL061SP-35 $702 ED CBL061RP-35 $478 ED
35 30 9.1 CBL091SP-35 $887 ED CBL091RP-35 $731 ED
50 15.2 CBL152SP-35 $1,236 ED CBL152RP-35 $1,097 ED
75 22.9 CBL229SP-35 $1,665 ED CBL229RP-35 $1,409 ED – – –
100 30.5 CBL305SP-35 $2,094 ED CBL305RP-35 $1,832 ED – – –
5 1.5 CBL015RP-50 $228 ED
10 3 CBL030RP-50 $364 ED
20 6.1 CBL061RP-50 $601 ED
50 30 9.1 CBL091RP-50 $914 ED
50 15.2 CBL152RP-50 $1,397 ED
75 22.9 CBL229RP-50 $1,761 ED – – –
100 30.5 CBL305RP-50 $2,290 ED – – –
5 1.5 CBL015RP-90 $234 ED
10 3 CBL030RP-90 $459 ED
20 6.1 CBL061RP-90 $966 ED
90 30 9.1 CBL091RP-90 $1,442 ED
50 15.2 CBL152RP-90 $2,404 ED
75 22.9 CBL229RP-90 $3,595 ED – – –
100 30.5 CBL305RP-90 $4,783 ED – – –
NOTES: 1) BSM series require both power and feedback cables
2) CE style has shield tied to connector housing.
3) Consult appropriate drive installation manual for cable length limitations
* Cable assemblies include one connector on one end, flying leads other end

Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 83

Feedback cable
Feedback cable
Cable assemblies Raw cable Stainless steel cables
Current Threaded
rating List Mult. No List Mult. Threaded List Mult.
CE connector
Feet Meters * price sym. connector price sym. CE connector * price sym.

5 1.5 CBL015SF-R $220 ED CBL015RF-R $40 ED CBL015SF-RS $338 ED – – –

10 3 CBL030SF-R $242 ED CBL030RF-R $64 ED CBL030SF-RS $355 ED – – –
20 6.1 CBL061SF-R $291 ED CBL061RF-R $112 ED CBL061SF-RS $410 ED – – –
30 9.1 CBL091SF-R $343 ED CBL091RF-R $165 ED CBL091SF-RS $452 ED – – –
Resolver 50 15.2 CBL152SF-R $425 ED CBL152RF-R $273 ED CBL152SF-RS $550 ED – – –
75 22.9 CBL229SF-R $540 ED CBL229RF-R $393 ED – – – – – –
100 30.5 CBL305SF-R $599 ED CBL305RF-R $512 ED – – – – – –
250 76 – – – CBL760RF-R $1,266 ED – – – –
500 152.5 – – – CBL1525RF-R $2,425 ED – – – –
5 1.5 CBL015SF-E $242 ED CBL015RF-E $44 ED CBL015SF-ES $353 ED – – –
10 3 CBL030SF-E $244 ED CBL030RF-E $69 ED CBL030SF-ES $383 ED – – –
20 6.1 CBL061SF-E $287 ED CBL061RF-E $126 ED CBL061SF-ES $397 ED – – –
30 9.1 CBL091SF-E $328 ED CBL091RF-E $183 ED CBL091SF-ES $494 ED – – –
50 15.2 CBL152SF-E $412 ED CBL152RF-E $277 ED CBL152SF-ES $555 ED – – –
hall cable
75 22.9 CBL229SF-E $540 ED CBL229RF-E $458 ED – – – – – –
100 30.5 CBL305SF-E $630 ED CBL305RF-E $545 ED – – – – – –
250 76 – – – CBL760RF-E $1,246 ED – – – – – –
500 152.5 – – – CBL1525RF-E $2,452 ED – – – – – –
Encoder feedback threaded
Resolver feedback threaded
CE connector high density
CE connector and DB9 **
DB15 **
5 1.5 CBL015SF-R1 $280 ED CBL015SF-E1 $260 ED CBL015SF-D1 $255 ED – – –
For use with 10 3 CBL030SF-R1 $295 ED CBL030SF-E1 $271 ED CBL030SF-D1 $275 ED – – –
series-II drives
and MotiFlex 20 6.1 CBL061SF-R1 $350 ED CBL061SF-E1 $298 ED CBL061SF-D1 $324 ED – – –
e100, e180, & 30 9.1 CBL091SF-R1 $396 ED CBL091SF-E1 $366 ED CBL091SF-D1 $394 ED – – –
Microflex e150 - 50 15.2 CBL152SF-R1 $493 ED CBL152SF-E1 $451 ED CBL152SF-D1 $483 ED – – –
resolver options
only 75 22.9 CBL229SF-R1 $600 ED CBL229SF-E1 $558 ED CBL229SF-D1 $627 ED – – –
100 30.5 CBL305SF-R1 $699 ED CBL305SF-E1 $646 ED CBL305SF-D1 $758 ED – – –
Encoder feedback threaded SSI feedback threaded EnDat *** feedback threaded ** BiSS *** feedback threaded***
CE connector and std DB15 ** CE connector and std DB15 ** CE connector and std DB15 CE connector and std DB15
5 1.5 CBL015SF-E2 $269 ED CBL015SF-S2 $223 ED CBL015SF-D2 $270 ED CBL015SF-B2 $306 ED
10 3 CBL030SF-E2 $300 ED CBL030SF-S2 $239 ED CBL030SF-D2 $297 ED CBL030SF-B2 $333 ED
For use with 20 6.1 CBL061SF-E2 $316 ED CBL061SF-S2 $282 ED CBL061SF-D2 $353 ED CBL061SF-B2 $371 ED
MicroFlex, e100,
30 9.1 CBL091SF-E2 $356 ED CBL091SF-S2 $293 ED CBL091SF-D2 $409 ED CBL091SF-B2 $411 ED
e150, & e180
drives 50 15.2 CBL152SF-E2 $448 ED CBL152SF-S2 $355 ED CBL152SF-D2 $520 ED CBL152SF-B2 $563 ED
75 22.9 CBL229SF-E2 $554 ED CBL229SF-S2 $433 ED CBL229SF-D2 $622 ED CBL229SF-B2 $661 ED
100 30.5 CBL305SF-E2 $661 ED CBL305SF-S2 $628 ED CBL305SF-D2 $782 ED CBL305SF-B2 $825 ED
Encoder feedback threaded ** Resolver feedback threaded ** EnDat *** feedback threaded **
CE connector and HD D-type CE connector and HD D-type CE connector and HD D-type
Male DB15 Male DB15 Male DB15
5 1.5 CBL015SF-E5 $326 ED CBL015SF-R5 $299 ED CBL015SF-D5 $304 ED – – –
10 3 CBL030SF-E5 $347 ED CBL030SF-R5 $321 ED CBL030SF-D5 $334 ED – – –
20 6.1 CBL061SF-E5 $390 ED CBL061SF-R5 $364 ED CBL061SF-D5 $388 ED – – –
For use with
30 9.1 CBL091SF-E5 $432 ED CBL091SF-R5 $407 ED CBL091SF-D5 $441 ED – – –
50 15.2 CBL152SF-E5 $517 ED CBL152SF-R5 $494 ED CBL152SF-D5 $548 ED – – –
75 22.9 CBL229SF-E5 $624 ED CBL229SF-R5 $602 ED CBL229SF-D5 $681 ED – – –
100 30.5 CBL305SF-E5 $730 ED CBL305SF-R5 $710 ED CBL305SF-D5 $814 ED – – –
Shaded areas are stocked products.

NOTES: 1) BSM series require both power and feedback cables

*Cable assemblies include one connector 2) CE style has shield tied to connector housing
on one end, flying leads other end 3) Consult appropriate drive installation manual for
** Cable assemblies include two connectors as indicated. cable length limitations
*** BiSS cable for use with MicroFlex e100

84 Motion and PLC US price list

Feedback cable

Mating connectors
Termination Motor type Description Number List price Mult. sym.
BSM50/63/80/90/100 Mate assy power CE threaded connector (25 amp) (8 pin) MCSPOW-08 $188 ED
Motor power BSM132 Mate assy rotatable power (70 amp) C/F C/F
SSBSM Mate assy power stainless steel threaded connector (25 amp) MCSPOW-08S $429 ED
PG21 strain relief MCS-PG21 $84 ED
PG29 strain relief ASR24661 $73 ED
Strain relief BSM90/100 Adapter (PG29 to PG21) ASR24662 $19 ED
M40 strain relief MCS-M40 $73 ED
Adapter (M40 to M25) MCS-M40A $19 ED
Resolver, BiSS, BSM50/63/80/90/100/132 Mate assy power CE threaded connector (12 pin) MCSRES-12 $144 ED
SSI, Hiperface, SSBSM Mate assy feedback threaded connector stainless steel MCSRES-12S $409 ED
EnDat BSM - F-series F-series resolver mate assy (14 pin) MSCN $78 ED
BSM50/63/80/90/100/132 Mate assy power CE threaded connector (16 pin) MCSENC-16 $158 ED
SSBSM Mate assy feedback threaded Ccnnector stainless steel MCSENC-16S $409 ED
Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 85

AC brushless motors

Frame Series
C size Winding
33 1 4
2 5 etc.
Motor options 3 6

Description Rotatable feedback connector
Flying leads Conduit Box
and motor terminal box
Motor (no shaft seal) M R A
Motor and brake N S B
Motor with shaft oil seal O T C
Motor with brake and shaft oil seal P U D

Feedback options
H = Halls
A = Resolver Accessory options
E = Incremental encoder w/ commutation (1000 ppr) Q = Foot and round face
F = Incremental encoder w/ commutation (2500 ppr) C = Round face only
N = No feedback F = Foot mount
C1 = 33 frame only IEC flange MTG
C2 = 33 frame only IEC face MTG
Adder for BSM25/33C options
Adder for options
25 frame 33 frame
Code Description
list price adder list price adder
A Conduit Box -30 -30
B Conduit Box and brake 120 293
C Conduit Box and oil seal -9 2
D Conduit Box, brake, and oil seal 140 325
M Flying leads STD STD
Motor options N Flying leads and brake (24 V DC) 150 323
O Flying leads and oil seal 21 32
P Flying leads and brake and oil seal 170 355
R Rotatable feedback connector and motor power terminal box 13 13
S Rotatable feedback connector and motor power terminal box and brake 162 335
T Rotatable feedback connector and motor power terminal box and oil seal 33 45
U Rotatable feedback connector and motor power terminal box, brake and oil seal 182 367
A Resolver 106 106
E Inc encoder w/ halls 1000 ppr 226 226
Feedback options
F Inc encoder w/ halls 2500 ppr 226 226
N No feedback -120 -120
X Other inc encoder w/ halls ppr C/F C/F
Q Foot and round face 0 STD
C Round face only (inch) 42C 56C STD -11
Mounting options C1 33 frame only IEC flange mtg N/A 71
C2 33 frame only IEC face mtg N/A 80
F Foot mount 14 15
C/F Custom face 42C C/F 49

86 Motion and PLC US price list

BSM round motor

BSM round 25 and 33-Series (hall feedback)

Output Voltage Speed Continuous stall torque Catalog List Multiplier
HP kW V DC RPM Lb-in Nm number price symbol
1/4 0.18 320 1800 18.6 2.1 BSM25C-1177MHC 42 $733 E4
1/2 0.37 320 1800 23.0 2.6 BSM25C-2177MHC 42 $764 E4
1/2 0.37 320 1800 27.4 2.55 BSM33C-2177MHQ 56 $808 E4
1 0.75 320 1800 35.4 4 BSM33C-3177MHQ 56 $859 E4
1.5 1.13 320 1800 79.7 9 BSM33C-4177MHQ 56 $987 E4
2 1.5 320 1800 99.1 11.2 BSM33C-5177MHQ 56 $1,317 E4
3 2.2 320 1800 138.1 14.23 BSM33C-6177MHQ 56 $1,552 E4

Shaded areas are stocked products.

NOTES: Standard motors supplied with flying leads

Motion and PLC US price list 87

DC servo motors

DC servo motor identification matrix


Motor size
Configuration Winding code
T = Tachometer A
E = Encoder B
B = Brake C
R = Resolver D

Flange mounting
C = Face
L = Flange
M = Metric – B14
D = Metric – B5
N = NEMA 56
(Series 4000 & 4500 only)

Y = No encoder
A = Encoder 500 line (MTE)
B = Encoder 1000 line (MTE)
D = Encoder 2000 line (MTE)
E = Encoder 2500 line (MTE)
A = Resolver (size 11)

A = Cable lead wires
B = 1/2 NPT hole
C = MS connector

Accessory options
N = None
S = Shaft seal
E = Environmentally sealed

NOTES: Some combinations are not available on all motor frame sizes. Contact the local Baldor District Office.

88 Motion and PLC US price list

DC servo motors

Motor series
Motor option description M2200 M3300 M4000 M4500
Winding option Code
Winding “A” A N/C N/A N/C N/C
Winding “B” B STD STD STD N/C
Winding “C” C N/A N/C N/A STD
Winding “D” D N/A N/C N/A N/C
Flange mounting Code
Square (inch) L 55 STD STD N/A
Round (inch) C STD 48 72 N/A
NEMA 56 (inch) N N/A N/A 127 195
Round face T N/A N/A N/A STD
Round flange H N/A N/A N/A 195
Metric-B5 flange *** D 64 64 239 195
Metric-B14 face *** M N/C N/C N/C STD
Feedback option Code
Feedback (specify MTE, ME)
Encoder 500ppr A 851 851 851 1003
1000ppr B 851 851 851 1003
2000 ppr D 1,176 1,176 1,176 1,240
2500 ppr E 1,176 1,176 1,176 1,240
Mounting provisions only Y 343 343 343 470
Feedback (specify MTR, MR)
Resolver (size 11) A 780 780 780 1,012
Mounting provisions only Y 321 321 321 424
Termination option Code
Cable leadwires with strain relief A STD STD 15 N/A
NPT hole 1/2 inch B N/A N/A STD N/A
MS connector C 103 103 103 STD
Junction box D N/A N/A 103 107*
MS rear mounted connector 99 N/A N/A N/A
Accessory option Code
Standard, no options N STD STD NC STD
Environmentally sealed (includes shaft seal) E N/A 66 STD 156
Shaft Oil Seal S N/A 48 56 56
Other option Code
Brake ** B 365 772 892 973
Thermostat adder Custom 82 82 82 STD

STD = Standard
N/C = No additional change N/A = Not available
* For motor-tach unit only. Does not include encoder termination which exit via separate MS connector.
** Standard fail safe brake is 24 V DC
*** Includes chrome 12 pin connector on encoder feedback when ordered.

Motion and PLC US price list 89

DC servo motors

Cont. stall torque

Cont. stall amps Nominal bus volts Motor speed (RPM) Catalog number List price Mult. sym.
Lb-in N-m
M-2240-ACYAN * $458 E4
2.1 50 3500
MT-2240-ACYAN $700 E4
1.9 0.21 M-2240-BCYAN $458 E4
3.4 30 3000 MT-2240-BCYAN $700 E4
MTE-2240-BCBCN $1,654 E4
M-2250-ACYAN * $520 E4
MT-2250-ACYAN $762 E4
3.4 50 3500 MT-2250-AMYAN $762 E4
MTE-2250-AMACN $1,716 E4
3.1 0.35
M-2250-BCYAN $520 E4
MT-2250-BCYAN $762 E4
5.5 30 3000 MT-2250-BCYCN $864 E4
MTE-2250-BCBCN $1,716 E4
M-3353-BLYAN * $665 E4
2.6 100 2800 MT-3353-BLYAN $862 E4
6.3 0.71 MT-3353-BLYCN $964 E4
M-3353-DLYAN $665 E4
5.1 50 2000
MT-3353-DLYAN $862 E4
M-3358-BLYAN * $699 E4
3.8 100 2800
MT-3358-BLYAN $895 E4
8.8 0.99
M-3358-CLYAN $699 E4
6 100 5000
MT-3358-CLYAN $895 E4
M-3363-BLYAN * $766 E4
MT-3363-BLYAN $963 E4
MT-3363-BCYAN $1,010 E4
4.9 100 2800 MT-3363-BLYCN $1,065 E4
11.3 1.2 MT-3363-BDYCN $1,129 E4
MTE-3363-BCBCN $1,964 E4
MTE-3363-BLBCN $1,917 E4
M-3363-CLYAN $766 E4
6.3 100 4000
MT-3363-CLYAN $963 E4
M-4050-ALYBE * $939 E4
5.5 100 3000
MT-4050-ALYBE $1,136 E4
12 1.4
M-4050-BLYBE $939 E4
7.9 100 4500
MT-4050-BLYBE $1,136 E4
M-4060-ALYBE * $993 E4
5 100 1500
MT-4060-ALYBE $1,190 E4
21 2.4
M-4060-BLYBE $993 E4
7 100 2300
MT-4060-BLYBE $1,190 E4

NOTES: *Base motor for pricing. See option chart for list price adders.

Shaded areas are stocked products.

90 Motion and PLC US price list

DC servo motors

Cont. stall torque

Cont. stall amps Nominal bus volts Motor speed (RPM) Catalog number List price Mult. sym.
Lb-in N-m
M-4070-ALYBE * $1,117 E4
6.2 100 1500
MT-4070-ALYBE $1,314 E4
M-4070-BLYBE $1,117 E4
MT-4070-BLYBE $1,314 E4
28 3.1
MT-4070-BLYCE $1,416 E4
9.2 100 2300
MTE-4070-BLABE $2,165 E4
MTE-4070-BLACE $2,268 E4
MTE-4070-BLBCE $2,268 E4
M-4090-ALYBE * $1,209 E4
9 100 1500
MT-4090-ALYBE $1,406 E4
M-4090-BLYBE $1,209 E4
MT-4090-BLYBE $1,406 E4
40 4.5
MT-4090-BLYCE $1,508 E4
13 100 2300
MTE-4090-BLABE $2,257 E4
MTE-4090-BLACE $2,360 E4
MTE-4090-BLBCE $2,360 E4
M-4525-BTYCN * $1,301 E4
6.1 150 2200
MT-4525-BTYCN $1,498 E4
M-4525-CTYCN $1,301 E4
30 3.3 9.2 150 3200
MT-4525-CTYCN $1,498 E4
M-4525-DTYCN $1,301 E4
12 150 4400
MT-4525-DTYCN $1,498 E4
M-4535-ATYCN * $1,417 E4
5.7 150 1400
MT-4535-ATYCN $1,614 E4
M-4535-BTYCN $1,417 E4
8.3 150 2200
40 4.5 MT-4535-BTYCN $1,614 E4
M-4535-CTYCN $1,417 E4
11.2 150 2700
MT-4535-CTYCN $1,614 E4
M-4535-DTYCN $1,417 E4
16.4 150 4500
MT-4535-DTYCN $1,614 E4
M-4545-ATYCN * $1,592 E4
8 150 1700
MT-4545-ATYCN $1,789 E4
M-4545-BTYCN $1,592 E4
10.6 150 2300
50 5.6 MT-4545-BTYCN $1,789 E4
M-4545-CTYCN $1,592 E4
15.7 150 3300 MT-4545-CTYCN $1,789 E4
MTE-4545-CTBCE $2,948 E4
M-4555-ATYCN * $2,020 E4
8.5 150 1500
MT-4555-ATYCN $2,217 E4
M-4555-BTYCN $2,020 E4
58 6.5 12.1 150 2100
MT-4555-BTYCN $2,217 E4
M-4555-CTYCN $2,020 E4
15.3 150 2900
MT-4555-CTYCN $2,217 E4

NOTES: * Base motor for pricing. See option chart for list price adders.

Shaded areas are stocked products.

Motion and PLC US price list 91

DC servo motors
Cable assemblies

Can use this cable assembly Number of Length

Any of these motor types... List price Mult. sym.
catalog cumber connector pins
Meters Feet
M, MT-2200
CBL061SP-AF 6 6.1 20 $343 ED
M, MT, MTB, MB-3300
MTE, ME, -2200
MTE, ME, MEB, -3300 CBL061SC-GN 14 6.1 20 $433 ED
MEB, MTEB, -3300
M, MT, MB, MTB-4050/4060 CBL061SP-AF 6 6.1 20 $343 ED
CBL061SP-BI 9 6.1 20 $449 ED
M, MT, MTB, MB-4070/4090
9 9.1 30 $577 ED
MTE, ME, MTEB, MEB CBL061SC-GP 16 6.1 20 $521 ED
4050/4060/4070/4090 CBL091SC-GP 16 9.1 30 $638 ED

Motor power cable for: CBL061SP-BI 9 6.1 20 $449 ED

M, MT, MTB, MB-4500 * CBL091SP-BI 9 9.1 30 $577 ED

Encoder feedback for: CBL030SF-BN 14 3 10 $302 ED

MTE, ME, MEB, MTEB-4500 * CBL061SF-BN 14 6.1 20 $419 ED

NOTES: * M-4500 series with encoder feedback requires two cables; one for motor power and one for feedback.

Mating connectors
Any of these motor types... Can use this mating connector description Catalog number List price Mult. sym.
M, MT-2200
6 pin MS style connector MSCF $90 ED
M, MT, MTB, MB-3300
MTE, ME, -2200
MTE, ME, -3300 14 pin MS style connector MSCN $125 ED
MEB, MTEB, -3300
M, MT, MB, MTB-4050/4060 6 pin MS style connector MSCF $90 ED
M-MT, MTB, MB-4070/4090 9 pin MS style connector MSCI $90 ED
16 pin MS style connector MSCP $90 ED
Motor connector for:
9 pin MS style connector MSCI $90 ED
M, MT, MTB, MB-4500 *
Encoder feedback connector for:
14 pin MS style connector MSCN $125 ED
MTE, ME, MEB, MTEB-4500 *

NOTES: * M-4500 series with encoder feedback requires two connectors; one for motor power and one for feedback.

Adapter plates
Description Catalog number List price Mult. sym.
Adapter kit for M2200 to convert C face to flange mounting 22-M2200 $55 E4

Adapter kit for IM2200 to convert metric C face to flange mounting 22-IM2200 $55 E4

Shaded areas are stocked products.

92 Motion and PLC US price list

Control panels (HMIs)

ABB control panels can be distinguished from their competitors by their easy yet
comprehensive functionality, making clear and easy to understand tailor made
operational information for production plants and machines available at a single
touch. CP600 and CP400 control panels make machine operation efficient,
predictable and user-friendly.

Build effective graphic interfaces with Panel Builder 600 - efficient representation of your information

Automation Builder CP600 AC500

programming station without Webserver

Save engineering time by using Automation Builder for both your PLC and WebVisu

Automation Builder AC500 CP600-WEB

programming station with Webserver with visualization for
AC500 web server

Connectivity with Drives directly without PLC

Automation Builder CP600 Drives

programming station

Motion and PLC US price list 93

Control panels (HMIs)
CP600 series

Type CP620 CP630 CP635 CP651 CP661 CP665 CP676

control panels for PB610 Panel Builder 600 applications only
Features, supported from V1.90.0.975
Type CP620-WEB CP630-WEB CP635-WEB CP651-WEB CP661-WEB CP665-WEB CP676-WEB
Application control panels for visualization of AC500 web server applications, provided by AC500, AC500-eCo PLCs
Exact display size diameter 4.3" widescreen 5.7" 7" widescreen 10.4" 12.1" 13.3" widescreen 15"
Resolution 480 x 272 pixels 320 x 240 pixels 800 x 480 pixels 800 x 600 pixels 800 x 600 pixels 1280 x 800 pixels 1024 x 768 pixels
Display type, colors TFT color, 64 k
Touch screen material glass covered by plastic film
Touch screen type analog restitive, 4 wires
Backlight type, life LED, 40 000 h typ at 25 °C
Brightness 150 CD/m² 200 CD/m² 300 CD/m²
Protection class front, rear IP66, IP20
Front side material Zamak Aluminium
Reverse side material Zamak Aluminium
System resources
Processor type ARM Cortex A8: 600 MHz ARM Cortex A8: 1 GHz
Operating system, version Microsoft Windows CE 6.0 Core
User memory type, capacity Flash disk, 128 MB Flash disk, 256 MB
RAM type, capacity 256 MB DDR
Ethernet ports, number, type 2 - 10/100 Mbit (with integrated Switch fuction)
USB Host ports number, type 1 - ver. 2.0 2 - 1 ver. 2.0, 1 ver. 2.0 and ver. 1.1
Serial ports number, type 1 - RS-232/-485/-422 software configurable
1 - Expansion slot
Additional ports number, type 2 - Expansion slot for future modules
for future modules
Card slot number, type 1 - SD card slot
Power supply voltage nominal,
24 V DC, 18…30 V DC
Current consumption at
0.4 A 0.7 A 0.7 A 1.0 A 1.05 A 1.15 A 1.4 A
nominal voltage
Battery type Rechargeable Lithium battery, not user-replaceable
Weight 0.95 kg 1.15 kg 1.1 kg 2.1 kg 2.8 kg 2.6 kg 3.8 kg
Faceplate dimensions (L x H) 149 mm x 109 mm 187 mm x 147 mm 287 mm x 232 mm 337 mm x 267 mm 392 mm x 307 mm
Cutout dimensions (L x H) 136 mm x 96 mm 176 mm x 136 mm 276 mm x 221 mm 326 mm x 256 mm 381 mm x 296 mm
Environmental conditions
Operating temperature range 0…50 °C
Operating humidity range 5…85 % relative humidity, non-condesing
Storage temperature range -20…+70 °C
Storage humidity range 5…85 % relative humidity, non-condesing
Approvals See www.abb.com/plc

94 Motion and PLC US price list

Control panels (HMIs)
CP400 series

Type CP415M CP430B

Display size 3.5" 5.7"
Resolution 240 x 240 pixels 320 x 240 pixels
Display type Touch Mono FSTN 16 grey Touch 16 blue, STN
Brightness 90 cd/m² 110 cd/m²
Contrast adjustment Via touch panel Via touch panel
Back-light type LED CCFL
Back-light life 40 000 h 50 000 h
Touch screen (number of times) > 1 million > 1 million
Function keys / other keys - 5 keys + 1 key menu
Application flash prom 4 MB 4 MB
RTC (rechargeable lithium battery)  
Ethernet - -
Alarm management  
Recipe management - -
Data/Recipe - -
Trends  
Data storage (CF card) - -
Communication interface 1 2
USB 2.0 - -
Printer port - -
Consumption < 330 mA < 840 mA
Dimensions L x H x W (external) 96 x 96 x 40.6 mm 195 x 145 x 60 mm
Weight 0.23 kg 0.81 kg
For the entire range
RISC CPU 32 bit
Graphics and text 
Macro and Ladder 
On-line and off-line simulation 
Real time clock 
Password protection 
Supply voltage 24 V DC ±15 %
Class protection IP65
Approvals RoHS, cUL

Motion and PLC US price list 95

CP600 series and CP400 series
Control panels (HMIs)

HMI panels
Resolution Display size Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
pixels kg
480 x 272 4.3" CP620 1SAP520100R0001 $600 0.950
320 x 240 5.7" CP630 1SAP530100R0001 $922 1.150
800 x 480 7.0" CP635 1SAP535100R0001 $1,215 1.100
800 x 600 10.4" CP6511 1SAP551100R0001 $2,224 2.100
800 x 600 12.1" CP6611 1SAP561100R0001 $2,707 2.800
CP650 1280 x 800 13.3" CP6651 1SAP565100R0001 $2,995 2.600
1024 x 768 15" CP6761 1SAP576100R0001 $3,292 3.800
480 x 272 4.3" CP620-WEB 1SAP520200R0001 $600 0.950
320 x 240 5.7" CP630-WEB 1SAP530200R0001 $922 1.150
800 x 480 7.0" CP635-WEB 1SAP535200R0001 $1,215 1.100
800 x 600 10.4" CP651-WEB1 1SAP551200R0001 $2,224 2.100
800 x 600 12.1" CP661-WEB1 1SAP561200R0001 $2,707 2.800
1280 x 800 13.3" CP665-WEB1 1SAP565200R0001 $2,995 2.600
1024 x 768 15" CP676-WEB1 1SAP576200R0001 $3,292 3.800
(1) Note new type code and part number(s) for CP6xxx screen sizes 10.4, 12,1, 13.3, and 15”. These directly replace classic part num-
bers. See chart on next pag

Communication cables (connection control panel <-> PLC)

Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Communication cable RS232: CP600-AC500 TK681 1SAP500981R0001 $60 0.130
Communication cable RS485: CP600-AC500-eCo TK682 1SAP500982R0001 $60 0.130

Programming software
Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Panel Builder 600 stand-alone engineering tool (1) PB610 1SAP500900R0001 $475 0.150
(also available as part of the engineering suite Automation Builder)
(1) Delivery includes the programming software and corresponding documentation for software and control panels on USB-ROM.

Control panels
Resolution Display Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
pixels kg
240 x 240 3.5", 16 grey levels CP415M 1SBP260191R1001 $419 0.230
320 x 240 5.7", 16 blue levels CP430B 1SBP260183R1001 $703 0.810

CP415 Programming cables

Plug on Description Type Order code Price Weight
CP400 side (1 pce)
Sub-D 9 Connection to COM1. TK401 1SBN260216R1001 $76 0.180
Length: 4 m
Sub-D 25 Connection to COM2. TK402 1SBN260217R1001 $76 0.230
Length: 4 m

Communication cables (connection control panel <-> PLC)

Plug on PLC PLC Type Order code Price Weight
side (1 pce)
Sub-D 9 AC500 TK405 1SBN260221R1001 $77 0.130
Sub-D 9 AC500-eCo TK406 1SBN260224R1001 $77 0.130

Programming software
Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Programming software for CP400 (1) CP400Soft 1SBS260284R1001 $475 0.100
(1) Delivery includes the programming software and corresponding documentation on CD-ROM.
96 Motion and PLC US price list
CP600 series control panels (HMIs)

New order codes and new type designators for CP600 HMI Screens

Classic Screen Product Designation Order code New Screen (replacement) Order code
Product Designation
CP650 CLR TOUCH 10.4" 1SAP550100R0001 a CP651 CLR TOUCH 10.4" 1SAP551100R0001
CP660 CLR TOUCH 12.1" 1SAP560100R0001 a CP661 CLR TOUCH 12.1" 1SAP561100R0001
CP675 CLR TOUCH 15" 1SAP575100R0001 a CP676 CLR TOUCH 15" 1SAP576100R0001
CP650-WEB CLR TOUCH 10.4" 1SAP550200R0001 a CP651-WEB CLR TOUCH 10.4" 1SAP551200R0001
CP660-WEB CLR TOUCH 12.1" 1SAP560200R0001 a CP661-WEB CLR TOUCH 12.1" 1SAP561200R0001
CP675-WEB CLR TOUCH 15" 1SAP575200R0001 a CP676-WEB CLR TOUCH 15" 1SAP576200R0001

Motion and PLC US price list 97


98 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation and Motion Products - Automation Builder
Automation Builder is ABB’s new engineering productivity suite for machine
builders and system integrators.

Discover engineering productivity in engineering your dis-

crete automation solutions.
Automation Builder is ABB's integrated programming and
simulation environment for PLCs, safety, robots, motion, CP600
drives and control panels.

Automation Builder integrates the proven ABB tools Control

Builder Plus, RobotStudio, Drive Manager, Mint WorkBench
and Panel Builder.

Minimize your efforts for managing your project code and

data with Automation Builder.
Improve your productivity through seamless engineering –
common data storage, single project archive, time saving
library blocks for device integration, and a common software
Automation Builder IEC 61131-3
Reduce engineering effort and maintenance cost using easy (IL, SFC, CFC, LD, FBD, ST)
to use libraries for applications in wind, water, solar, drives, ANSI C
motion, robotics and safety. AC500-S
Automation Builder Automation Builder IEC 61131-3
Benefit from the simplicity of IEC 61131-3, PLC open, ANSI C ANSI C
and MINT programming languages.

Speed up your project by the bulk data handling capabilities ACS880

of Automation Builder. Automation Builder
IEC 61131-3
Reduce downtime by simplified diagnostics and CFC)
Automation Builder is this single software suite for you to
configure and program various ABB controller families in a
single project.

Secure and restore your applications in a consistent joint

MicroFlex e100

IRB 7600

Motion and PLC US price list 99

At a glance

The AC500 Programmable Logic Controllers offers the latest technology

enhancements with greater performance in a scalable package.

Standard industrial communications fieldbus, networks and environment. The flexible scalable range of superior perfor-
protocols supported by the 'One Platform' solution enable the mance CPUs enables complete control of your application
AC500 to be a very capable automation solution in demanding whenever and wherever you need it.

Ethernet and Fieldbus



PM582 SM560-S PM583-ETH

Safety CPU
CPU Performance

PM572 PM573-ETH


PM554 PM554-ETH PM556-ETH

PM564 PM564-ETH


Ethernet enabled
Fieldbus enabled
Ethernet and Fieldbus enabled
eXtreme Conditions version available

100 Motion and PLC US price list

Motion Control

Motion Control feature for AC500 and drives Advantages:

AC500 is capable of highly flexible multi-axis control such as elec- − − Easy implementation of any required synchronization
tronic gearing such as electronic line shaft and cam motion, with or relation between axes
synchronization between virtual or physical axes. For example cam − − Several independent EtherCAT-Bus lines could be used
tables can be selected dynamically and motion can transition from from the same PLC
cam to gearing during operation. − − Analog axes could be combined and synchronized with
the digital EtherCAT axes
Motion profiles are updated on a flexible time base synchronized − − External master axis information could be received
to the EtherCAT bus cycle time (1 msec as a default) and precision − − Engineer can program motion functionality
guaranteed by EtherCAT with virtually no jitter (< 1 µS). A new set- with IEC61131-3 languages
point per axis is transmitted to the drives every cycle where a faster − − Position control loops can be closed in the PLC or the
control loop is executed based on linear interpolation between two drive with synchronized EtherCAT
set points. These powerful capabilities together with sophisticated − − Flexibility to perform many different functions, such as cam,
real-time control algorithms provide very smooth motion with minimal gearing, profiles, coordinated motion
position (following) error. − − Interpolation modes for CAM and profiles such
as Spline and polynomial interpolations
AC500 can be combined with products such as our CP600 HMIs, I/O − − High number of axis
devices, motion drives, AC motors, servo motors and linear motors to − − Capability to use customer kinematics
provide solutions for practically any application.

Ideal partner to ABB AC500 PLC

− − EtherCAT master
− − IEC61131 programming
− − PLCopen motion

Motion and PLC US price list 101

Motion Control

Administrative MC_Power
− − Most comprehensive PLCopen motion function block libraries MC_ReadParameter
− − Convenient interface functions for ABB drives are available MC_ReadBoolParameter
− − Display and manipulation of variables simplifies MC_WriteParameter
development and testing MC_WriteBoolParameter
− − Scalable CPU range adapts from small to large MC_Reset
axis count applications. MC_ReadActualVelocity
Single axis MC_MoveAbsolute
cycle time MC_MoveVelocity
[ms] MC_Stop
Multiple axis MC_CamIn
8.0 MC_CamOut
6.0 MC_GearOut
Homing MC_Home
4.0 MC_StepAbsSwitch
2.0 ABB specific MCA_Home
1.0 0 32 64 96 MCA_JogAxis
0.0 Number of axes MCA_MoveVelocityContinuous
128 MCA_ReadParameterList
Motion control performance of AC500's PM590-ETH MCA_WriteParameterList
NOTES: Contact factory for an updated Axes vs. Cycle time and required PLC CPU, per application. Overview of implemented blocks for Motion Control

102 Motion and PLC US price list

AC500 system overview
AC500, superior local extension capabilities for I/O communication and best-in-class
CPU functionality and industry leading performance.
1 A
 C500 CPUs can be locally
expanded with up to 10 I/O
modules (Standard S500 and
S500-eCo I/O modules can be

3 4 6 7

2 Terminal base 3 C
 ommunication module 4 CPU module
Up to 4 modules in numerous
combinations to communi-
cate with nearly everything 9

2 8 5

5 S500 Terminal unit 6 S500 I/O module 7 S500-eCo I/O module

8 SD-card 9 Battery

Motion and PLC US price list 103

AC500-eCo system overview
AC500-eCo CPUs can be locally expanded with up to 10 I/O modules.
New AC500-eCo CPUs for use with pluggable terminal blocks available.
1 A
 C500-eCo CPUs can
be locally expanded
with up to 10 I/O modules
(Standard S500 and S500-eCo
I/O modules can be mixed).

AC500-eCo Starter Kits Available!

3 6

2 Wall mounting 3 SD-card adapter 7

5 Adapter with realtime clock

6 8
 dapter with COM2
& realtime clock


4 SD-card

7 Adapter with COM2


8 Terminal blocks 9 RS485 isolator for COM1 10 COM1 USB

11 C
 OM2 USB programming cable

104 Motion and PLC US price list

PLC AC500-XC for extreme conditions; ruggedized variants
when interacting with the elements in wind, solar, water, cranes,
robotics, marine, and other harsh environment applications

Operating in wet environment Extended operating temperature

− − Increased resistance to 100% humidity − − -40°C up to +70°C operating temperature
with condensation.

Use at high altitudes Extended immunity to hazardous gases

− − Operating altitude up to 4,000 m above sea level and salt mist
− − G3, 3C2 immunity
− − Salt mist EN 60068-2-52 / EN 60068-2-11

Extended immunity to vibration

− − 4 g root mean square random vibration up to 500 Hz
− − 2 g sinusoidal vibration up to 500 Hz

Extended EMC requirements

− − EN 61000-4-5 surge immunity test
−− EN 61000-4-4 transient / burst immunity test

Motion and PLC US price list 105


AC500-S Safety PLC is the answer for complex machine safety applications that
need the highest level of reliability, efficiency and flexibility.
1 2

The safety PLC is aimed at protecting people, ma-

chines or processes, environment and investment.
An ideal choice of safety PLC that is well suited
for OEM equipment, wind turbine, crane, hoist and
robot applications.

1 Safety CPU 2 S500 Safety I/O module 33 Safety terminal unit

More integration and easier programming With the AC500-S Safety PLC, the latest addition to the
Featuring a consistent look and feel across the entire range, AC500 family, ABB takes the stress out of managing even the
the AC500 is the PLC of choice for applications where un- most complex safety applications. Support for safety-relevant
compromising flexibility, integration and communication are calculations such as COS, SIN, TAN, ASIN, ACOS and LOG
a must. With Automation Builder, you easily integrate your makes the AC500-S ideal for applications in fields like crane
safety application with your ABB PLC, Safety, Drives, Mo- engineering, wind power generation, robotics and hoist tech-
tion, HMI and Robotics. Automation Builder is simple to use nology. Plus it gives you greater flexibility and simplicity thanks
through the integrated standard languages like IEC 61131-3, to safety programming under Structured Text (ST) as well as
letting you get up and running in no time at all. And not only full support for Function Block Diagram (FBD) and Ladder
that: Clear configuration of the overall system with one single Diagram (LD). Also available in extreme conditions version.
tool ensures optimal transparency.

106 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation Builder 1.1 New licensing (early Q1 2015)
Integrated engineering suite - How to purchase

Step 1
Download Automation Builder (www.abb.com/automationbuilder), then order the desired license from your ABB channel partner.

Automation Automation Automation

Builder Basic Builder Standard Builder Premium

Builder Premium
New licensing system *If user already has standard license

Step 2 (optional)
The USB key will allow license to be moved between two or more PCs. Order the USB key if you do not want the
license locked to your PC.

Step 3 (optional)
Order one or more ABB AC500 software libraries if needed for application.

AC500 AC500 AC500 AC500

Motion Safety Solar Water
Library Library Library Library

NOTE: Licensing has not changed for these. Software delivery on the USB stick with license registration card in-

Step 4 (optional)
Obtain additional licenses if needed for application.

Drive Robot
Composer Studio
Pro* Premium*

* Different licensing system. Please see Drive Channel Partner or Robotics Channel Partner for details.
Motion and PLC US price list 107
Automation Builder Integrated Engineering Suite

Automation Builder Engineering Suite Ver 1.1 and up (early Q1 2015)

–– Engineering Productivity and Maintenance for PLCs, safety, robots, motion, drives and control panels.
–– Supports IEC61131-3, CFC, C/ C++. Optional: MINT, Rapid for motion and robotics applications.
–– For all AC500 CPUs
–– Single-seat license (Please consult factory for multi-seat licenses)

For Description Type Order code Price Weight

Automation Builder (1 pce)
AC500 w/o Automation Builder Basic (1) - - - -
fieldbus and safety
AC500, drives, Automation Builder Standard (4) DM-TOOL 1SAP193000R0101 $895 0.005
motion, panel Automation Builder Premium (4) DM-PREM 1SAP193005R0101 $2,185 0.005
Automation Builder Premium Upgrade (2) (4) DM-PREM-UPGR 1SAP193004R0101 $1,290 0.005
USB Key (optional) (3) DM-KEY 1SAP193600R0001 $140 0.010
(1) No cost license
(2) Purchase this option to upgrade a Standard version to a Premium version
(3) Order USB key if you do not want license locked to a single PC
(4) Automation Builder V1.0 1SAP193000R0001 can still be ordered until these are released in Q1 2015. After release of V1.1, V1.0 will
Solar library
no longer be availablle for purchase.

For Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
all AC500 CPUs Solar library (4) PS562-SOLAR 1SAP195000R0001 $740 0.300
all AC500 CPUs Water library (4) PS563-WATER 1SAP195200R0001 $1,108 0.300
all AC500 CPUs Motion Control library, Extended (4) PS552-MC-E 1SAP192100R0002 $676 0.300
(4) Delivery on USB stick that includes: library, single license code and documentation.

Water library

Further application libraries and examples:

Please check and download further libraries and examples from: www.abb.com/plc

Using CODESYS Visualizations on Stand Alone PC

For Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Motion control library kg
all AC500 CPUs License for runtime visualization package. PS541-HMI (1) 1SAP190500R0001 $423 0.300
For installation and visualization of images created with
the Automation Builder Engineering Suite (2)(3)
(1) This package allows granting the license for the software. To install the HMI software, Automation Builder must be purchased sepa-
(2) Delivery includes license code and documentation.
(3) The PS541-HMI package is NOT required for programming CP600 and CP400 touch screens, or for using PLC Webserver.

Temperature control library

(second half 2015)

108 Motion and PLC US price list

Automation Builder
Software features (ver 1.1 and up)

Automation Builder Basic Automation Builder Standard Automation Builder Premium

Description Basic system engineering for FREE Integrated engineering of complex systems Productivity and Collaboration for System
Integrators and Machine Builders

Features -A C500-eCo, AC500 with local I/O, TCP/IP, Automation Builder Basic features plus Automation Builder Standard features plus
Modbus, CS-31, IEC60870-5
-A ll 5 IEC 61131-3 languages IL, LD, FBD, SFC, - Integrated engineering for Panel, Drive, - C/ C++ application programming interface
ST, plus CFC Motion, Robotics - EPLAN Interface AC500/ AC500-eCo
- Drive application programming (IEC 61131-3) - AC500 PROFIBUS, PROFINET, EtherCAT, CAN - Advanced CSV data exchange
- Mint WorkBench for motion applications - AC500 Safety (1) - Project compare"
- RobotStudio Basic - Drive Manager

- PLC firmware update, download and online

change to single or several PLCs
- PLC simulation and debugging
- Language packs available for EN, DE, ES, FR,

Minimum PC 1 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 10 GB free disk space


Recommended Windows 7 32/64-bit, Windows 8.1 32/64-bit (version 1.1 and up)
Operating Systems

Target Systems - PLC AC500-eCo, AC500, AC500-XC, ACS880, - AC500-S (1),

DCT880 - Control Panel CP600 and CP600-WEB
- Robot Controller IRC5
- NextMove motion controllers, MicroFlex and
MotiFlex drives

Supported devices on - - All I/O and fieldbus modules for AC500 family
PLC fieldbus - ACS355, ACQ810, ACS850, ACS880, DCT880, ACSM1, MicroFlex e150, Motiflex e180,
IRC5 on selected fieldbuses

Included - IEC61131-3 Editor Automation Builder Basic plus Automation Builder Standard plus
components - PS553-DRIVES drive library - Drive Manager - GNU compiler, C/ C++ programming (2)
- RobotStudio (Basic license) - Panel Builder 600 - EPLAN interface
- Mint WorkBench
- OPC server and clients, service tool, PLC
gateway, IP configuration and visualization

Additional options - RobotStudio Premium license - PS501-S safety library

- Panel Builder 600 license - PS541-HMI visualization
- Drive composer pro license - PS552-MC-E PLCopen® motion library
(1) requires PS501-S safety library.
(2) for AC500 and AC500-XC targets.

Motion and PLC US price list 109

AC500 and AC500-eCo PLC CPUs

AC500 CPUs
−− 2 internal serial interfaces, RS232 / RS485 configurable
−− Display and 8 function keys for diagnosis and status
−− Centrally expandable with up to 10 I/O modules, 320 I/Os (S500 and/or S500-eCo modules allowed)
−− Simultaneous operation of up to 4 external communication modules in any desired combination
−− Optional SD card for data storage and program backup
−− Can also be used as slave on PROFIBUS ® DP, DeviceNet or CANopen® via FieldBusPlug, CANopen®
also using CM588 slave communication module
− − Ethernet version provides web server and IEC 60870-5-104 remote control protocol.
Program Cycle time in µs Integrated communication Type Order code Price Weight
memory per instruction min. (1 pce)
kB Bit/Word/Float. point kg
128 0.06 / 0.09 / 0.7 2 x serial PM572 1SAP130200R0200 $474 0.135
512 0.06 / 0.09 / 0.7 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM573-ETH (1) 1SAP130300R0271 $1,443 0.150
512 0.05 / 0.06 / 0.5 2 x serial PM582 1SAP140200R0201 $787 0.135
1024 0.05 / 0.06 / 0.5 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM583-ETH (1) 1SAP140300R0271 $2,192 0.150
2048 0.002 / 0.004 / 0.004 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM590-ETH (1) 1SAP150000R0271 $3,667 0.150
4096 0.002 / 0.004 / 0.004 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM591-ETH (1) 1SAP150100R0271 $5,085 0.150
4096 0.002 / 0.004 / 0.004 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM592-ETH (1)(3) 1SAP150200R0271 $5,787 0.150
(1) Ethernet communication.
(2) Provides integrated web server and IEC 60870-5-104 remote control protocol.
PM590 (3) Provides integrated 4 GB flashdisk for user data storage and data logging.

AC500 CPUs for extreme conditions -XC

Program Cycle time in µs Integrated communication Type Order code Price Weight
memory per instruction min. (1 pce)
kB Bit/Word/Float. point kg
512 0.06 / 0.09 / 0.7 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM573-ETH-XC (1) 1SAP330300R0271 $1,910 0.150
512 0.05 / 0.06 / 0.5 2 x serial PM582-XC 1SAP340200R0201 $1,068 0.135
1024 0.05 / 0.06 / 0.5 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM583-ETH-XC (1) 1SAP340300R0271 $2,740 0.150
4096 0.002 / 0.004 / 0.004 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM591-ETH-XC (1) 1SAP350100R0271 $6,558 0.150
4096 0.002 / 0.004 / 0.004 Ethernet (2), 2 x serial PM592-ETH-XC (1)(3) 1SAP350200R0271 $7,233 0.150
(1) Ethernet communication.
(2) Provides integrated web server and IEC 60870-5-104 remote control protocol.
(3) Provides integrated 4 GB flashdisk for user data storage.
AC500-eCo CPUs
−− 1 RS485 serial interface (2nd is optional)
−− Centrally expandable with up to 10 I/O modules (standard S500 and/or S500-eCo modules can be mixed)
−− Optional SD card adapter for data storage and program backup
−− Variants with integrated Ethernet (Ethernet includes web server)
−− Minimum cycle time per instruction: Bit 0.08 µs, Word 0.1 µs, Float-point 1.2 µs.
−− Relay outputs on the -R models. Relays up to 2A each or 6A per group (total current) at 120 VAC / or 24 VDC

Program Onboard Relay / Integrated Power Type Order code Price Weight
memory I/Os Transistor communication supply (1 pce)
PM554: digital I/Os
128 8/6/–/– Transistor – 24 V DC PM554-TP 1SAP120600R0001 $241 0.300
128 8/6/–/– Relay – 24 V DC PM554-RP 1SAP120700R0001 $241 0.400
128 8/6/–/– Relay – 100-240 V AC PM554-RP-AC 1SAP120800R0001 $262 0.400
128 8/6/–/– Transistor Ethernet 24 V DC PM554-TP-ETH 1SAP120600R0071 $418 0.400
PM556: digital I/Os, 512 kB program memory
512 8 / 6 / – / – Transistor Ethernet 24 V DC PM556-TP-ETH 1SAP121200R0071 $673 0.400
PM564: digital and analog I/Os (1)
128 6 / 6 / 2 / 1 Transistor – 24 V DC PM564-TP 1SAP120900R0001 $301 0.300
128 6 / 6 / 2 / 1 Relay – 24 V DC PM564-RP 1SAP121000R0001 $301 0.400
128 6 / 6 / 2 / 1 Relay – 100-240 V AC PM564-RP-AC 1SAP121100R0001 $314 0.400
128 6 / 6 / 2 / 1 Transistor Ethernet 24 V DC PM564-TP-ETH 1SAP120900R0071 $479 0.300
128 6 / 6 / 2 / 1 Relay Ethernet 24 V DC PM564-RP-ETH 1SAP121000R0071 $479 0.400
128 6 / 6 / 2 / 1 Relay Ethernet 100-240 V AC PM564-RP-ETH-AC 1SAP121100R0071 $491 0.400
Terminal blocks (9 or 11 poles) are necessary for each AC500-eCo I/O. They are delivered separately.
(1) All analog inputs on PM564 can be configured as digital inputs.All analog inputs on AC500 CPU PM564 can be configured as
digital inputs. Analog inputs are 0-10 VDC only. Analog out 4-20 mA.

110 Motion and PLC US price list

AC500 CPU terminal base and AC500-eCo CPU terminals

Terminal base
−− For mounting and connection of the CPUs and communication modules
−− 1 to 4 plug-in communication modules
−− Connection for communication coupler integrated in the CPU
−− I/O interface for direct connection of up to 10 expansion modules
−− Fieldbus-neutral FieldBusPlug-Slave interface
−− Connection COM1: 9-pole pluggable terminal block
−− Connection COM2: 9-pole Sub-D (socket).

Number of Connection for coupler integrated in the CPU Type Order code Price Weight
coupler slots (1 pce)
TB511 1 Ethernet RJ45 TB511-ETH 1SAP111100R0270 $225 0.215
2 Ethernet RJ45 TB521-ETH 1SAP112100R0270 $271 0.215
4 Ethernet RJ45 TB541-ETH 1SAP114100R0270 $298 0.215
NOTES: These TBs are compatible with previous AC500 CPU versions (R01xx) and new ones (R02xx).

Terminal base for extreme conditions -XC

Number of Connection for coupler Type Order code Price Weight
coupler slots integrated in the CPU (1 pce)
1 Ethernet RJ45 TB511-ETH-XC 1SAP311100R0270 $302 0.215
2 Ethernet RJ45 TB521-ETH-XC 1SAP312100R0270 $370 0.215
4 Ethernet RJ45 TB421-ETH-XC 1SAP314100R0270 $401 0.215

Terminal blocks for S500-eCo I/O modules and AC500-eCo CPUs

Number of Connection type Cable entry Type Order code Price Weight
poles (1 pce)
9 Screw Side TA563-9 1TNE968901R3101 $11 0.017
11 Screw Side TA563-11 1TNE968901R3102 $13 0.020
TA565-9 9 Screw Front TA564-9 1TNE968901R3103 $11 0.026
11 Screw Front TA564-11 1TNE968901R3104 $13 0.035
9 Spring Front TA565-9 1TNE968901R3105 $11 0.016
11 Spring Front TA565-11 1TNE968901R3106 $13 0.020
Only ABB terminal blocks must be used with AC500-eCo.
Sales package for these terminal blocks = 6.


Motion and PLC US price list 111

AC500 communication modules

Communication modules
Protocol Connections Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
PROFIBUS® DP V0/V1 master Sub-D socket 9 poles CM572-DP 1SAP170200R0001 $1,034 0.115
Ethernet 2 x RJ45 - integrated switch CM597-ETH (1) 1SAP173700R0001 $1,034 0.115
(TCP/IP, UDP/IP, Modbus® TCP)
CANopen® master Terminal block 5 poles spring CM578-CN 1SAP170800R0001 $1,034 0.115
CANopen® slave Terminal block 2 x 5 poles spring CM588-CN 1SAP172800R0001 $677 0.115
PROFINET® I/O RT controller 2 x RJ45 - integrated switch CM579-PNIO (2) 1SAP170901R0101 $1,250 0.115
CM578-CN EtherCAT® master 2 x RJ45 CM579-ETHCAT 1SAP170902R0001 $1,250 0.115
Serial + co-processor 2 x RS-232/485 on spring terminal blocks CM574-RS 1SAP170400R0201 $837 0.115
Serial RCOM 2 x RS-232/485 (1 x RCOM/1 x Console) CM574-RCOM 1SAP170401R0201 $1,115 0.115
(1) CM597-ETH Replaces old type CM577-ETH
(2)Note new part number for CM579-PNIO

Communication modules for extreme conditions - XC

Protocol Connections Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
PROFIBUS® DP V0/V1 master Sub-D socket 9 poles CM572-DP-XC 1SAP370200R0001 $1,283 0.115
Ethernet (TCP/IP, UDP/IP, Modbus 2 x RJ45 - integrated switch CM597-ETH-XC (3) 1SAP373700R0001 $1,283 0.115
CANopen® master Terminal block 5 poles spring CM578-CN-XC 1SAP370800R0001 $1,283 0.115
CANopen® slave Terminal block 2 x 5 poles spring CM588-CN-XC 1SAP372800R0001 $817 0.115
PROFINET® I/O RT controller 2 x RJ45 - integrated switch CM579-PNIO-XC (4) 1SAP370901R0101 $1,634 0.115
(3) CM597-ETH-XC Replaces old type CM577-ETH-XC
(4) Note new part number for CM579-PNIO-XC



112 Motion and PLC US price list

AC500 digital I/O modules
S500 I/O modules
−− For central expansion of the AC500 or AC500-eCo CPUs
−− For decentralized expansion in combination with communication interface modules on CS31, PROFI-
NET ® IO, PROFIBUS® DP, CANopen® and also DC505-FBP (2)(3) modules
−− DC: Channels can be configured individually as inputs or outputs
−− Plug-in electronic modules, terminal unit required (refer to table below).

Digital I/O
Number of Input signal Output type Output signal Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
DC532 Screw / Spring (1 pce)
32 / – / – 24 V DC – – TU515 / TU516 DI524 1SAP240000R0001 $354 0.200
– / – / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU515 / TU516 DC522 1SAP240600R0001 $363 0.200
– / – / 24 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU515 / TU516 DC523 1SAP240500R0001 $437 0.200
16 / – / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU515 / TU516 DC532 1SAP240100R0001 $485 0.200
8/8/– 24 V DC Relay 230 V AC, 3 A (1) TU531 / TU532 DX522 1SAP245200R0001 $299 0.300
8/4/– 230 V AC Relay 230 V AC, 3 A (1) TU531 / TU532 DX531 1SAP245000R0001 $244 0.300
– / 32 / – 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU515 / TU516 DO524 1SAP240700R0001 $464 0.200
(1) Relay outputs, changeover contacts.
(2) Please refer to the FieldBusPlug catalog for information about FBP. The currently available FBP Fieldbus plugs are listed in the
catalog 2CDC190022D0203.
(3) DO524 cannot be used with DC505-FBP and FieldBusPlug.

Product for extreme conditions

Number of Input signal Output type Output signal Terminal Type Order code Price Weight
units (1 pce)
DI524 DI/DO/DC kg
32 / - / - 24 V DC - - TU516-XC DI524-XC 1SAP440000R0001 $542 0.200
- / - / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DC522-XC 1SAP440600R0001 $515 0.200
- / - / 24 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DC523-XC 1SAP440500R0001 $638 0.200
16 / - / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DC532-XC 1SAP440100R0001 $668 0.200
- / 32 / - 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DO524-XC 1SAP440700R0001 $647 0.200
8/8/- 24 V DC Relay 230 V AC, 3 A (1) TU532-XC DX522-XC 1SAP445200R0001 $401 0.200
(1) Relay outputs, changeover contacts.

S500-eCo I/O modules

−− For central expansion of the AC500 or AC500-eCo CPUs
−− For decentralized expansion in combination with communication interface module DC551-CS31,
PROFINET ® CI50x modules, CI592-CS31, PROFIBUS® modules CI54x, and CANopen® modules CI58x
(not usable with DC505-FBP module and CI590-CS31-HA).

Digital I/O
−− DC: Channels can be configured individually as inputs or outputs.

Number of Input signal Output Output signal Terminal block Type Order code Price Weight
type required (1 pce)
DO572 DI/DO/DC 9 poles 11 poles kg
8/–/– 24 V DC – – 1 – DI561 1TNE968902R2101 $88 0.12
16 / – / – 24 V DC – – 1 1 DI562 1TNE968902R2102 $129 0.12
8/–/– 100-240 V AC – – 1 1 DI571 1TNE968902R2103 $110 0.15
–/8/– – Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A – 1 DO561 1TNE968902R2201 $105 0.12
– / 16 / – – Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A 1 1 DO562 1SAP230900R0000 $167 0.16
–/8/– – Relay 24 V DC, 120 / – 1 DO571 1TNE968902R2202 $123 0.15
240 V AC, 2 A
–/8/– – Triac 100-240 V AC, 0.3 A 1 1 DO572 1TNE968902R2203 $184 0.12
– / 16 / – – Relay 24 V DC, 120 / 1 1 DO573 1SAP231300R0000 $194 0.19
240 V AC, 2 A
8 / 8/ – 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A 1 1 DX561 1TNE968902R2301 $156 0.12
8 / 8/ – 24 V DC Relay 24 V DC, 120 / 1 1 DX571 1TNE968902R2302 $167 0.15
240 V AC, 2 A
– / – / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.1A HE10-20 – DC561 1TNE968902R2001 $197 0.12
– / – / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A 1 1 DC562 1SAP231900R0000 $182 0.15
Terminal blocks (9 or 11 poles) are necessary for each S500-eCo I/O. They are delivered separately.

Motion and PLC US price list 113

AC500 analog I/O modules
Analog input/output modules
−− For central expansion of the AC500 or AC500-eCo CPUs
−− For decentralized expansion in combination with communication interface module DC551-CS31, PROFI-
NET CI50x, Fieldbus CI5xx or DC505-FBP (no eCo I/O allowed) for S500 I/Os
−− Each channel can be configured individually
− − Resolution:12 bits + sign (AI531: 15 bits + sign) (AI561, AO561, AX561: 12 bits/11 bits + sign)
(AI562, AI563: 15 bits + sign)

S500 analog I/O modules

−− Plug-in electronic modules, terminal unit required (refer to table on terminal base selection page)
−− Usable with DC505-FBP and all CI5xx modules
Number of Input signal Output Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
signal Screw / Spring (1 pce)
AI/AO kg
16 / 0 0...10 V, ±10 V – TU515 / TU516 AI523 1SAP250300R0001 $955 0.200
4/4 0/4...20 mA, PT100, ±10 V TU515 / TU516 AX521 1SAP250100R0001 $653 0.200
8 / 8 (max. 4 current PT1000, Ni1000 0/4...20 mA TU515 / TU516 AX522 1SAP250000R0001 $986 0.200
AI531 0 / 16 (max. 8 current – TU515 / TU516 AO523 1SAP250200R0001 $1,015 0.200
8/0 0…5 V, 0…10 V, ±50 mV, – TU515 / TU516 AI531 1SAP250600R0001 $931 0.200
±500 mV, 1 V, ±5 V,
±10 V, 0/4…20 mA, ±20
mA, PT100, PT1000,
Ni1000, Cu50, 0…50 kΩ,
S, T, N, K, J

Product for extreme conditions

Number of Input signal Output Terminal Type Order code Price Weight
signal units (1 pce)
AI/AO kg
16 / 0 0…10 V, ±10 V – TU516-XC AI523-XC 1SAP450300R0001 $1,294 0.200
4/4 0/4…20 mA PT100, ±10 V TU516-XC AX521-XC 1SAP450100R0001 $865 0.200
8 / 8 (max. 4 current PT1000, Ni1000 0/4...20 mA TU516-XC AX522-XC 1SAP450000R0001 $1,318 0.200
0 / 16 (max. 8 – TU516-XC AO523-XC 1SAP450200R0001 $1,373 0.200
current outputs)
8/0 0…5 V, 0…10 V, ±50 mV, – TU516-XC AI531-XC 1SAP450600R0001 $1,248 0.200
±500 mV, 1 V, ±5 V,
±10 V, 0/4…20 mA,
±20 mA PT100, PT1000,
Ni1000, Cu50, 0…50 kΩ,
S, T, N, K, J

S500-eCo analog I/O modules

−− Not usable with DC505-FBP and CI590-CS31-HA or CI51x-ETHCAT
−− Usable with all other CI5xx modules
Number of Input signal Output signal Terminal block Type Order code Price Weight
required (1 pce)
AI/AO 9 poles 11 poles kg
4/0 ±2.5 V, ±5 V, 0...5 V, – 1 1 AI561 1TNE968902R1101 $197 0.12
0...10 V, 0...20 mA,
4...20 mA
2/0 PT100, PT1000, Ni100, – – 1 AI562 1TNE968902R1102 $276 0.12
Ni1000, Resistance:
150 Ω, 300 Ω
4/0 S, T, R, E, N, K, J, – 1 1 AI563 1TNE968902R1103 $271 0.12
Voltage range: ±80 mV
0/2 – -10...+10 V, – 1 AO561 1TNE968902R1201 $220 0.12
0...20 mA, 4...20 mA
4/2 ±2.5 V, ±5 V, 0...5 V, -10...+10 V, 1 1 AX561 1TNE968902R1301 $292 0.13
0...10 V, 0...20 mA, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA
4...20 mA
Terminal blocks (9 or 11 poles) are necessary for each S500-eCo I/O. They are delivered separately.

*SPU: Sales Package Unit

114 Motion and PLC US price list
DA501 module
Analog/digital mixed I/O module
Standard I/O module with high functionality: 16 digital input channels 24 V DC with configurable
input filter time, 8 configurable In/Output channels, DC as DI: 24 V DC, DC as DO: 24 V DC/0.5 A,
input filter configurable from 0.1, 1, 8... 32 ms, first two inputs are also usable as high-speed coun-
ter (up to 50 kHz) together with AC500 CPU, CS31 or CI5xx communication interface. 4 indepen-
dent analog input channels configurable for voltage (0...10 V, ±10 V), current (0/4... 20 mA), 12 bit
+ sign, 1-2 wire connection, 24 V DC process supply voltage. Galvanic isolation per module. Usable
with DC505-FBP and all CI5xx modules.

Number of Input signal Output Output signal Terminal unit Type Order code Price Weight
type Screw / Spring (1 pce)
4 / 2 / 16 / - / 8 24 V DC/0…10 V, Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A/ TU515 / TU516 DA501 1SAP250700R0001 $728 0.200
-10…+10 V, -10…+10 V,
0…20 mA, 0…20 mA,
4…20 mA, 4…20 mA
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000

Product for extreme conditions

Number of Input signal Output Output signal Terminal unit Type Order code Price Weight
type (1 pce)
4 / 2 / 16 / - / 8 24 V DC, 0…10 V, Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DA501-XC 1SAP450700R0001 $827 0.200
±10 V, 0/4…20 mA, ±10 V,
PT100, PT1000, 0/4…20 mA
Ni100, Ni1000

Motion and PLC US price list 115

AC500 and AC500-eCo specialty I/O modules
Multifunctional modules
Functionality Number of Input signal Output Output Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
type signal Screw / Spring (1 pce)
Encoder module
Encoder and 2/–/8 24 V DC and 2 PWM 24 V DC, TU515 / TU516 CD522 1SAP260300R0001 $646 0.125
PWM module 2 encoder outputs 0.1 A

Interrupt I/O and fast counter module

Interrupt I/O –/–/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, N/A (2) DC541-CM (1) 1SAP270000R0001 $521 0.100
and fast counter 0.5 A
(1) Can be configured for 32 bit counter (50 kHz). Interrupt inputs, normal outputs, and PWM output.
(2) DC541-CM occupies a communication module slot on the AC500 CPU terminal base, no extra terminal base required.

Multifunctional modules for extreme conditions (-XC versions)

Functionality Number of Input signal Output Output signal Terminal Type Order code Price Weight
type unit (1 pce)
Encoder module
Encoder and 2/–/8 24 V DC 2 PWM – TU516-XC CD522-XC 1SAP460300R0001 $875 0.125
PWM module and 2 outputs

Interrupt I/O and fast counter module

Interrupt I/O –/–/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, N/A (2) DC541-CM- 1SAP470000R0001 $748 0.100
and fast 0.5 A XC (1)
(1) Can be configured for 32 bit counter (50 kHz). Interrupt inputs, normal outputs, and PWM output.
(2) DC541-CM occupies a communication module slot on the AC500 CPU terminal base, no extra terminal base required.

Positioning module
−− For central expansion of the AC500 or AC500-eCo CPUs
−− For decentralized expansion in combination with communication interface modules CI58X-CN,
− − Not for use in combination with communication interface modules DC551-CS31, DC505-FBP, CI51X
or CI59X
− − The FM562 module provides Pulse Train Outputs for 2 axes. Profile generator integrated.

Number Input signal Output signal Terminal block Type Order code Price Weight
of axis required (1 pce)
9 poles 11 poles kg
2 4 digital inputs 24 V 4 pulse outputs 1 1 FM562 1SAP233100R0001 $379 0.15
(2 per axis) RS422 (2 per axis)
Terminal blocks (9 or 11 poles) are necessary for each S500-eCo I/O. They are delivered separately.
Library PS552-MC-E is required for programming this module.

116 Motion and PLC US price list

Remote I/O modules
Communication interface modules
Number of Input signal Output Output signal Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
type Screw / Spring (1 pce)
Communication interface module for FieldBusPlug
-/-/8/-/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU505-FBP / DC505-FBP 1SAP220000R0001 $209 0.200
Communication interface module for CS31-Bus
DC505-FBP - / - / 8 / - / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU551-CS31 / DC551-CS31 1SAP220500R0001 $444 0.200
- / - / - / - / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU551-CS31 / CI590-CS31-HA 1SAP221100R0001 $733 0.200
4/2/8/-/8 24 V DC/ Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A/ TU551-CS31 / CI592-CS31 1SAP221200R0001 $688 0.200
0…10 V, -10…+10 V, TU552-CS31
-10…+10 V, 0…20 mA,
0…20 mA, 4…20 mA
4…20 mA,
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
Communication interface module for PROFIBUS®-DP
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC/ Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A/ TU509/TU510/ CI541-DP 1SAP224100R0001 $882 0.200
0…10 V, -10…+10 V, TU517/TU518
-10…+10 V, 0…20 mA,
0…20 mA, 4…20 mA (1)
4…20 mA,
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU509/TU510/ CI542-DP 1SAP224200R0001 $591 0.200
Communication interface module for CANopen®
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC/ Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A/ TU509/TU510/ CI581-CN 1SAP228100R0001 $882 0.200
0…10 V, -10…+10 V, TU517/TU518
-10…+10 V, 0…20 mA,
0…20 mA, 4…20 mA
4…20 mA,
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU509/TU510/ CI582-CN 1SAP228200R0001 $591 0.200
CI511-ETHCAT Communication interface module for Ethernet based protocol - EtherCAT®
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC/0…10 V, Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU507-ETH / CI511-ETHCAT 1SAP220900R0001 $1,115 0.200
-10…+10 V, A/ TU508-ETH
0…20 mA, -10…+10 V,
4…20 mA, 0…20 mA,
PT100, PT1000, 4…20 mA
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU507-ETH / CI512-ETHCAT 1SAP221000R0001 $595 0.200
Communication interface module for Ethernet based protocol - PROFINET® IO RT
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC/0…10 V, Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A/ TU507-ETH / CI501-PNIO 1SAP220600R0001 $1,115 0.200
-10…+10 V, -10…+10 V, TU508-ETH
0…20 mA, 0…20 mA,
4…20 mA, 4…20 mA
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU507-ETH / CI502-PNIO 1SAP220700R0001 $595 0.200

Communication interface gateway modules

From To Output signal Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Communication interface module gateway on Ethernet based protocol - PROFINET® IO RT
PROFINET® I/O – 3 x RS232/485 TU520-ETH CI504-PNIO 1SAP221300R0001 $761 0.200
ASCII serial
PROFINET® I/O 1x CAN 2A/2B or CANopen® 2 x RS232/485 TU520-ETH CI506-PNIO 1SAP221500R0001 $1,199 0.200
Master ASCII serial

Motion and PLC US price list 117

Remote I/O modules
Communication interface modules for extreme conditions -XC
Number of Input signal Output Output signal Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
type (1 pce)
Communication interface module for CS31-Bus
- / - / 8 / - / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU552-CS31-XC DC551-CS31-XC 1SAP420500R0001 $590 0.200
- / - / - / - / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU552-CS31-XC CI590-CS31-HA-XC 1SAP421100R0001 $976 0.200
4/2/8/-/8 24 V DC / Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU552-CS31-XC CI592-CS31-XC 1SAP421200R0001 $890 0.200
DC551-CS31-XC 0…10 V, A/
-10…+10 V, -10…+10 V,
0…20 mA, 0…20 mA,
4…20 mA, 4…20 mA
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000

Communication interface module for PROFIBUS®-DP

4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC / Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU510-XC / CI541-DP-XC 1SAP424100R0001 $1,137 0.200
0…10 V, A/ TU518-XC
-10…+10 V, -10…+10 V,
0…20 mA, 0…20 mA,
4…20 mA, 4…20 mA
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU510-XC / CI542-DP-XC 1SAP424200R0001 $710 0.200
CI541-DP-XC TU518-XC
Communication interface module for CANopen®
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC / Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU510-XC / CI581-CN-XC 1SAP428100R0001 $1,137 0.200
0…10 V, A/ TU518-XC
-10…+10 V, -10…+10 V,
0…20 mA, 0…20 mA,
4…20 mA, 4…20 mA
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU510-XC / CI582-CN-XC 1SAP428200R0001 $710 0.200
Communication interface module for Ethernet based protocol - PROFINET® IO RT
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC / Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU508-ETH-XC CI501-PNIO-XC 1SAP420600R0001 $1,476 0.200
0…10 V, A/
CI581-CN-XC -10…+10 V, -10…+10 V,
0…20 mA, 0…20 mA,
4…20 mA, 4…20 mA
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU508-ETH-XC CI502-PNIO-XC 1SAP420700R0001 $801 0.200

Communication interface gateway modules for extreme conditions -XC

From To Output signal Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
CI502-PNIO-XC (1 pce)
Communication interface module gateway for Ethernet based protocol - PROFINET® IO RT
PROFINET® I/O – 3 x RS232/485 TU520-ETH-XC CI504-PNIO-XC 1SAP421300R0001 $986 0.200
ASCII serial interfaces
PROFINET® I/O 1 x CAN 2A/2B 2 x RS232/485 TU520-ETH-XC CI506-PNIO-XC 1SAP421500R0001 $1,539 0.200
or CANopen® ASCII serial interfaces


118 Motion and PLC US price list

Terminal base selection
Terminal units
For digital and analog expansion modules and interface modules. Please NOTE: for modules with relay outputs, terminal units for 230 V AC (TU531 /
TU532) are required! For the module-terminal unit assignments, please consult the table.

For I/O modules For communication interface modules


TU515 / TU516

TU531 / TU532

TU551-CS31 /

TU507-ETH /
TU505-FBP /






DA501 •
DC522 •
DC523 •
DC532 •
DI524 •
DO524 •
DX522 •
DX531 •
CD522 •
AI523 •
AI531 •
AO523 •
AX521 •
AX522 •
DA501-XC •
DC522-XC •
TU551-CS31 DC523-XC •
DC532-XC •
DI524-XC •
DO524-XC •
DX522-XC •
CD522-XC •
AI523-XC •
AI531-XC •
AO523-XC •
TU516 AX521-XC •
AX522-XC •
DC505-FBP •
DC551-CS31 •
CI590-CS31-HA •
CI592-CS31 •
CI501-PNIO •
CI502-PNIO •
TU520-ETH CI504-PNIO •
CI506-PNIO •
CI541-DP •
CI542-DP •
CI581-CN •
CI582-CN •
DC551-CS31-XC •
TU532 CI590-CS31-HA-XC •
CI592-CS31-XC •
CI541-DP-XC •
CI542-DP-XC •
CI581-CN-XC •
TU552-CS31 CI582-CN-XC •
Motion and PLC US price list 119
Terminal base and terminal block ordering data
Terminal units
For digital and analog expansion modules and interface modules. Please note: for modules
with relay outputs, terminal units for 230 V AC (TU531 / TU532) are required.
For Supply Connection type Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
FBP interface modules – Screw TU505-FBP 1SAP210200R0001 $84 0.300
Spring TU506-FBP 1SAP210000R0001 $84 0.300
Ethernet interface modules 24 V DC Screw TU507-ETH 1SAP214200R0001 $131 0.300
Spring TU508-ETH 1SAP214000R0001 $131 0.300
Ethernet gateway modules 24 V DC Spring TU520-ETH 1SAP214400R0001 $168 0.300
TU505-FBP CANopen® / PROFIBUS® DP (1) interface 24 V DC Screw TU517 1SAP211400R0001 $112 0.300
modules Spring TU518 1SAP211200R0001 $112 0.300
PROFIBUS® DP / CANopen® interface 24 V DC Screw TU509 1SAP211000R0001 $112 0.300
modules Spring TU510 1SAP210800R0001 $112 0.300
I/O modules 24 V DC Screw TU515 1SAP212200R0001 $84 0.300
Spring TU516 1SAP212000R0001 $84 0.300
I/O modules AC / relay 230 V AC Screw TU531 1SAP217200R0001 $95 0.300
Spring TU532 1SAP217000R0001 $95 0.300
CS31 interface modules 24 V DC Screw TU551-CS31 1SAP210600R0001 $84 0.300
Spring TU552-CS31 1SAP210400R0001 $84 0.300
(1) TU517/TU518 Terminal units can also be used with PROFIBUS® DP with limited baud rate.

Product for extreme condition

For Supply Connection Type Order code Price Weight
type (1 pce)
Ethernet interface modules 24 V DC Spring TU508-ETH-XC 1SAP414000R0001 $175 0.300
CANopen®/PROFIBUS® DP interface 24 V DC Spring TU510-XC 1SAP410800R0001 $139 0.300
I/O modules 24 V DC Spring TU516-XC 1SAP412000R0001 $114 0.300
CANopen®/PROFIBUS® DP interface 24 V DC Spring TU518-XC (1) 1SAP411200R0001 $139 0.300
Ethernet gateway modules 24 V DC Spring TU520-ETH-XC 1SAP414400R0001 $223 0.300
I/O modules AC / Relay 230 V AC Spring TU532-XC 1SAP417000R0001 $125 0.300
CS31 interface modules 24 V DC Spring TU552-CS31-XC 1SAP410400R0001 $125 0.300
(1) TU518-XC Terminal units can also be used with PROFIBUS® DP with limited baud rate.

Terminal blocks for S500-eCo I/O modules and AC500-eCo CPUs

Number of Connection type Cable entry Type Order code Price Weight
poles (1 pce)
9 Screw Side TA563-9 1TNE968901R3101 $11 0.017
11 Screw Side TA563-11 1TNE968901R3102 $13 0.020
TA565-9 9 Screw Front TA564-9 1TNE968901R3103 $11 0.026
11 Screw Front TA564-11 1TNE968901R3104 $13 0.035
9 Spring Front TA565-9 1TNE968901R3105 $11 0.016
11 Spring Front TA565-11 1TNE968901R3106 $13 0.020
Only ABB terminal blocks must be used with AC500-eCo.


120 Motion and PLC US price list

Functional Safety PLC from ABB
Safety CPU
Description User program memory Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
MB kg
Safety CPU module 1 SM560-S 1SAP280000R0001 $1,945 0.100

S500 Safety I/O

Description Input signal Output signal Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Safety digital input module 16 8 - DI581-S 1SAP284000R0001 $806 0.130
SM560-S Safety digital input / output module 8 4 8 DX581-S 1SAP284100R0001 $904 0.130
Safety analog input module 4 2 - AI581-S 1SAP282000R0001 $963 0.130

S500 Safety terminal unit

Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Spring terminal unit for safety I/O modules TU582-S 1SAP281200R0001 $114 0.200

Safety Software License

Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Licence enabling package for AC500-S Safety PLC programming PS501-S 1SAP198000R0001 $2,260 0.100

TU582-S For Safety Applications in Extreme Conditions (-XC)

Safety XC CPU
Description User program memory Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
MB kg
Safety CPU module 1 SM560-S-XC 1SAP380000R0001 $2,256 0.100

S500-XC Safety I/O

Description Input signal Output signal Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Safety digital input module 16 8 - DI581-S-XC 1SAP484000R0001 $935 0.130
SM560-S-XC Safety digital input / output module 8 4 8 DX581-S-XC 1SAP484100R0001 $1,045 0.130
Safety analog input module 4 2 - AI581-S-XC 1SAP482000R0001 $1,119 0.130

S500-XC Safety terminal unit

Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Spring terminal unit for safety I/O modules TU582-S-XC 1SAP481200R0001 $132 0.200


Motion and PLC US price list 121

Accessories for AC500-eCo

Description Type Order code Price Weight

(1 pce)
SD Memory Card 2 GB needs the MC503 option MC502 1SAP180100R0001 $138 0.020
SD Memory Card adapter MC503 1TNE968901R0100 $55 0.010
Programming cable USB => RS485 Sub-D, 3 m TK503 1TNE968901R1100 $135 0.400
Programming cable USB => RS485 Terminal block, 3 m TK504 1TNE968901R2100 $164 0.400
RS485 isolator, Sub-D 9 poles / Terminal 5 poles for COM1 TK506 1SAP186100R0001 $179 0.080
Real time clock option board, battery CR2032 not included TA561-RTC (1) 1SAP181400R0001 $52 0.007
TA562-RS-RTC RS485 serial adapter COM2, pluggable screw terminal block included TA562-RS 1TNE968901R4300 $78 0.007
Combined Real Time Clock option with RS485 serial
TA562-RS-RTC (1) 1SAP181500R0001 $103 0.012
adapter COM2, pluggable screw terminal block, included
Wall Mounting Accessory for AC500-eCo CPU and S500-eCo
TA566 1TNE968901R3107 $78 0.450
I/O modules (100 pieces per case)
Set of accessories: 6 x plastic cover for option slot,
6 x 5 pole terminal block, 6 x 5 pole screw terminal block TA570 1TNE968901R3203 $105 0.090
for COM2 serial interface.
Digital input simulator for onboard I/O of CPU, 6 x switch, 24 V DC TA571-SIM 1TNE968903R0203 $105 0.040
(1) Standard battery CR 2032 has to be purchased separately.

AC500-eCo Starter Kits
Each kit comes with CPU, programming cable, digital input simulator, PS501 full functional version
without update and “Getting started” handbook.

CPU module in the starter Programming cable Type Order code List Weight per piece
(included) price (kg)

PM554-T-ETH Ethernet TA574-D-T-ETH 1SAP186200R0004 $475 1.400


122 Motion and PLC US price list

Accessories for AC500

For Description Type Order code Price Weight

(1 pce)
AC500 CPUs COM1 Programming cable Sub-D / terminal block, length TK502 1SAP180200R0101 $180 0.400
AC500 CPUs COM2 Programming cable Sub-D / Sub-D, length 5 m TK501 1SAP180200R0001 $180 0.400
AC500 CPUs Memory card (2 GB SD card) MC502 1SAP180100R0001 $138 0.020
Lithium battery for data buffering TA521 1SAP180300R0001 $95 0.100
Protective caps for TB, 10x Sub-D plastic caps TA535 1SAP182300R0001 $70 0.300
TK501 TU, and CM when using 20x RJ45 plastic caps
-XC CPU base 10x M12 plastic caps

I/O modules Pluggable marker holder for I/O TA523 1SAP180500R0001 $86 0.300
modules, packing unit incl. 10 pcs
White labels, packing unit incl. 10 pcs TA525 1SAP180700R0001 $22 0.100
Terminal base Communication module, dummy housing TA524 1SAP180600R0001 $22 0.120
CPU terminal base Accessories for wall mounting, packing unit includes TA526 1SAP180800R0001 $22 0.200
10 pcs
5-pole power plug for AC500. Spare part. Can be TA527 1SAP181100R0001 $101 0.200
MC502 plugged to CPU terminal base TB5x1.
Packing unit includes 5 pcs
9-pole COM1 plug for AC500. Spare part. Can be TA528 1SAP181200R0001 $130 0.200
plugged to CPU terminal base TB5x1.
Packing unit includes 5 pcs
AC500 basic training case PM583-ETH + CM572 + AX561 + DC551 + CI542 + TA512-BAS 1SAP182400R0001 $4,156 7.000
CPU, I/Os, HMI CP635 + power supply + cables + simulation stand
AC500 advanced training PM583-ETH + CM574 + CM578 + CM579 + TA513-ADV 1SAP182500R0001 $6,710 8.800
case CM579-ETHCAT + CD522 + power supply + cables +
CPU, I/Os, COM, encoder simulation stand


Motion and PLC US price list 123

AC500-eCo CPU, I/O expansion and interface module dimensions

Dimensions mm (inches) 84.2 (3.31)

76.6 (3.02)
41 (1.61)
74 (2.91)


30.5 (1.2)
60 (2.36)

35 (1.38)
135 (5.32)

135 (5.31)
82 (3.23) 53.4 (2.1) 4 36.1 (1.42)

CPU AC500-eCo

84.2 (3.31)
19.4 76.6 (3.02)
(0.76) 74 (2.91)

30.5 (1.2)
60 (2.36)

35 (1.38)
135 (5.32)

135 (5.31)

34 (1.34) 21 (0.83)

I/O expansion

124 Motion and PLC US price list

AC500 CPU terminal bases TB5XX, I/O
expansion and interface module dimensions
84.5 (3.33)

Dimensions mm (inches) 77 (3.03)

75 (2.95)

40.3 (1.59) 57.7 (2.27) 4.9 (0.19) 13 (0.51) 62 (2.44)

59 (2.32)

59 (2.32)
70.5 (2.78)

76 (2.99)

135 (5.31)
135 (5.31)
DIN rail 15 mm

DIN rail 7.5 mm

28 (1.10) 28 (1.10) 28 (1.10) 28 (1.10) 67.5 (2.66) 28 (1.10)

Dimensions: Dimensions:
135 mm (5.31 inches) 135 mm (5.31 inches)
TB511 95.5 (3.76) View on the left side

TB521 123.5 (4.86)

TB541 179.5 (7.07)

CPU terminal base TB511, TB521 and TB541

84.5 (3.33)
77 (3.03)

57.7 (2.27) 75 (2.95)

21 (0.83) 54 (2.13)
59 (2.32)
70.5 (2.78)

59 (2.32)
70.5 (2.78)

76 (2.99)
135 (5.31)

135 (5.31)

DIN rail 15 mm

DIN rail 7.5 mm

135 mm (5.31 inches)
67.5 (2.66) 67.5 (2.66)
TU505/506 TU515/516/531/532 135 mm
(5.31 inches)
28 (1.10)

View on the left side View on the right side

Motion and PLC US price list 125

Additional information
Approvals and certifications

Symbols and legends: n Standard product certified: product sticker wears approval mark when mandatory Submission planned (roadmap available upon request)
Approval submitted (roadmap available upon request) N.A. Not applicable N.N. Not needed
Approvals Shipping classification companies Others


Abbreviation CE cUL TR C-Tick KCC ABS


TR CU 004/2011
Formerly known
Class I Div 2



AI523 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI523-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI531 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI531-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI561 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI562 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI563 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI581-S n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI581-S-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AO523 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AO523-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AO561 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AX521 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AX521-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AX522 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AX522-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
AX561 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CD522 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CD522-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI501-PNIO n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI501-PNIO-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI502-PNIO n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI502-PNIO-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI504-PNIO n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI504-PNIO-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI506-PNIO n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI506-PNIO-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI511-ETHCAT n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI512-ETHCAT n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI541-DP n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI541-DP-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI542-DP n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI542-DP-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI581-CN n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI581-CN-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI582-CN n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI582-CN-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI590-CS31-HA n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI590-CS31-HA-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI592-CS31 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI592-CS31-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM572-DP n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM572-DP-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM574-RCOM n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM574-RS n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM578-CN n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM578-CN-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM579-ETHCAT n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM579-PNIO n n n n n
CM579-PNIO-XC n n n n n
CM588-CN n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM588-CN-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM589-PNIO n n n n
CM589-PNIO-XC n n n n
CM597-ETH n n n n
CM597-ETH-XC n n n n

126 Motion and PLC US price list

Additional information
Approvals and certifications

Symbols and legends: n Standard product certified: product sticker wears approval mark when mandatory Submission planned (roadmap available upon request)
Approval submitted (roadmap available upon request) N.A. Not applicable N.N. Not needed
Approvals Shipping classification companies Others


Abbreviation CE cUL TR C-Tick KCC ABS


TR CU 004/2011
Formerly known
Class I Div 2



CP620 n n n n n n n n
CP620-WEB n n n n n n n n
CP630 n n n n n n n n
CP630-WEB n n n n n n n n
CP635 n n n n n n n n
CP635-WEB n n n n n n n n
CP650 n n n n n n
CP650-WEB n n n n n n
CP651 n n n n n n n
CP651-WEB n n n n n n n
CP660 n n n n n n
CP660-WEB n n n n n n
CP661 n n n n n n n
CP661-WEB n n n n n n n
CP665 n n n n n n n
CP665-WEB n n n n n n n
CP675 n n n n n n
CP675-WEB n n n n n n
CP676 n n n n n n n
CP676-WEB n n n n n n n
DA501 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DA501-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC522 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC522-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC523 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC523-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC532 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC532-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC541-CM n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC541-CM-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC551-CS31 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC551-CS31-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC561 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC562 n n n n n
DI524 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DI524-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DI561 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DI562 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DI571 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DI581-S n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DI581-S-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DO524 n n n n n
DO524-XC n n n n n
DO561 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DO562 n n n n n
DO571 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DO572 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DO573 n n n n n
DX522 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DX522-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DX531 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DX561 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DX571 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DX581-S n n n n n n n n n n n n n
DX581-S-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n

Motion and PLC US price list 127

Additional information
Approvals and certifications

Symbols and legends: n n Standard product certified: product sticker wears approval mark when mandatory Submission planned (roadmap available upon request)
Approval submitted (roadmap available upon request) N.A. Not applicable N.N. Not needed
Approvals Shipping classification companies Others


Abbreviation CE cUL TR C-Tick KCC ABS


TR CU 004/2011
Formerly known
Class I Div 2



FM562 n n n n n
MC502 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n n
MC503 n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM554-RP n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM554-RP-AC n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM554-TP n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM554-TP-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM556-TP-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-RP n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-RP-AC n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-RP-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-RP-ETH-AC n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-TP n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-TP-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM572 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM573-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM573-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM582 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM582-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM583-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM583-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM590-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM591-2ETH n n n n
PM591-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM591-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM592-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM592-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM595-4ETH-F n n n n
PM595-4ETH-M-XC n n n n
SM560-S n n n n n n n n n n n n n
SM560-S-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TA521 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n
TA523 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n
TA524 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. n N.A.
TA525 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n N.A.
TA526 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n N.A.
TA527 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
TA528 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
TA540 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
TA541 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
TA543 N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
TA561-RTC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TA562-RS n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TA562-RS-RTC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TA563-11 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n n
TA563-9 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n n
TA564-11 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n n
TA564-9 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n n
TA565-11 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n n
TA565-9 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n n
TA566 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n n n n n N.A.
TA570 N.N. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A.
TA571-SIM n N.N. N.N. N.N. n N.N. N.N. N.N. N.N. N.N. N.N. N.N. n
TB511-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB511-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB521-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n

128 Motion and PLC US price list

Additional information
Approvals and certifications

Symbols and legends: n Standard product certified: product sticker wears approval mark when mandatory Submission planned (roadmap available upon request)
Approval submitted (roadmap available upon request) N.A. Not applicable N.N. Not needed
Approvals Shipping classification companies Others


Abbreviation CE cUL TR C-Tick KCC ABS


TR CU 004/2011
Formerly known
Class I Div 2



TB521-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB523-2ETH n n n n
TB541-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB541-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TK501 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n
TK502 N.A. n n N.A. N.A. n N.A. N.A. N.A. N.A. n n n
TK503 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TK504 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TK506 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU507-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU508-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU508-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU509 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU510 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU510-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU515 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU516 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU516-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU517 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU518 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU518-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU520-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU520-ETH-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU531 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU532 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU532-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU551-CS31 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU552-CS31 n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU552-CS31-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU582-S n n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU582-S-XC n n n n n n n n n n n n n

Motion and PLC US price list 129

General terms and conditions of sale
1. General.
The terms and conditions contained herein, together with any additional or different terms contained in ABB’s Proposal, if any, submitted to Purchaser (which Proposal shall control over any conflicting terms),
constitute the entire agreement (the “Agreement”) between the parties with respect to the order and supersede all prior communications and agreements regarding the order. Acceptance by ABB of the order,
or Purchaser’s acceptance of ABB’s Proposal, is expressly limited to and conditioned upon Purchaser’s acceptance of these terms and conditions, payment for or acceptance of any performance by ABB
being acceptance. These terms and conditions may not be changed or superseded by any different or additional terms and conditions proposed by Purchaser to which terms ABB hereby objects. Unless
the context otherwise requires, the term “Equipment” as used herein means all of the equipment, parts, accessories sold, and all software and software documentation, if any, licensed to Purchaser by ABB
(“Software”) under the order. Unless the context otherwise requires, the term “Services” as used herein means all labor, supervisory, technical and engineering, installation, repair, consulting or other services
provided by ABB under the order. As used herein, the term “Purchaser” shall include the initial end use of the Equipment and/or services; provided, however, that Paragraph 13(a) shall apply exclusively to the
initial end user.

2. Prices.
(a) Unless otherwise specified in writing, all Proposals expire thirty (30) days from the date thereof.
(b) Unless otherwise stated herein, Services prices are based on normal business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday). Overtime and Saturday hours will be billed at one and one-half (1 1/2) times
the hourly rate; and Sunday hours will be billed at two (2) times the hourly rate; holiday hours will be billed at three (3) times the hourly rate. If a Services rate sheet is attached hereto, the applicable Services
rates shall be those set forth in the rate sheet. Rates are subject to change without notice.
(c) The price does not include any federal, state or local property, license, privilege, sales, use, excise, gross receipts, or other like taxes which may now or hereafter be applicable. Purchaser agrees to pay or
reimburse any such taxes which ABB or its suppliers are required to pay or collect. If Purchaser is exempt from the payment of any tax or holds a direct payment permit, Purchaser shall, upon order placement,
provide ABB a copy, acceptable to the relevant governmental authorities of any such certificate or permit.
(d) The price includes customs duties and other importation or exportation fees, if any, at the rates in effect on the date of ABB’s Proposal. Any change after that date in such duties, fees, or rates, shall
increase the price by ABB’s additional cost.

3. Payment.
(a) Unless specified to the contrary in writing by ABB, payment terms are net cash, payable without offset, in United States Dollars, 30 days from date of invoice by wire transfer to the
account designated by ABB in the Proposal.
(b) If in the judgment of ABB the financial condition of Purchaser at any time prior to delivery does not justify the terms of payment specified, ABB may require payment in advance, payment security satisfactory
to ABB, or may terminate the order, whereupon ABB shall be entitled to receive reasonable cancellation charges. If delivery is delayed by Purchaser, payment shall be due on the date ABB is prepared to make
delivery. Delays in delivery or nonconformities in any installments delivered shall not relieve Purchaser of its obligation to accept and pay for remaining installments.
(c) Purchaser shall pay, in addition to the overdue payment, a late charge equal to the lesser of 1 1/2% per month or any part thereof or the highest applicable rate allowed by law on all such overdue amounts
plus ABB’s attorneys’ fees and court costs incurred in connection with collection.

4. Changes.
(a) Any changes requested by Purchaser affecting the ordered scope of work must be accepted by ABB and resulting adjustments to affected provisions, including price, schedule, and guarantees
mutually agreed in writing prior to implementation of the change.
(b) ABB may, at its expense, make such changes in the Equipment or Services as it deems necessary, in its sole discretion, to conform the Equipment or Services to the applicable specifications.
If Purchaser objects to any such changes, ABB shall be relieved of its obligation to conform to the applicable specifications to the extent that conformance may be affected by such objection.

5. Delivery.
(a) All Equipment manufactured, assembled or warehoused in the continental United States is delivered F.O.B. point of shipment. Equipment shipped from outside the continental United States is
delivered F.O.B. United States port of entry. Purchaser shall be responsible for any and all demurrage or detention charges.
(b) If the scheduled delivery of Equipment is delayed by Purchaser or by Force Majeure, ABB may move the Equipment to storage for the account of and at the risk of Purchaser whereupon it shall be
deemed to be delivered.
(c) Shipping and delivery dates are contingent upon Purchaser’s timely approvals and delivery by Purchaser of any documentation required for ABB’s performance hereunder.
(d) Claims for shortages or other errors in delivery must be made in writing to ABB within ten days of delivery. Equipment may not be returned except with the prior written consent of and subject to
terms specified by ABB. Claims for damage after delivery shall be made directly by Purchaser with the common carrier.

6. Title & Risk of Loss.

Except with respect to Software (for which title shall not pass, use being licensed) title to Equipment shall remain in ABB until fully paid for. Notwithstanding any agreement with respect to delivery terms or pay-
ment of transportation charges, risk of loss or damage shall pass to Purchaser upon delivery.

7. Inspection, Testing and Acceptance.

(a) Any inspection by Purchaser of Equipment on ABB’s premises shall be scheduled in advance to be performed during normal working hours.
(b) If the order provides for factory acceptance testing, ABB shall notify Purchaser when ABB will conduct such testing prior to shipment. Unless Purchaser states specific objections in writing within
ten (10) days after completion of factory acceptance testing, completion of the acceptance test constitutes Purchaser’s factory acceptance of the Equipment and its authorization for shipment.
(c) If the order provides for site acceptance testing, testing will be performed by ABB personnel to verify that the Equipment has arrived at site complete, without physical damage, and in good operating
condition. Completion of site acceptance testing constitutes full and final acceptance of the Equipment. If, through no fault of ABB, acceptance testing is not completed within thirty (30) days after arrival of
the Equipment at the site, the site acceptance test shall be deemed completed and the Equipment shall be deemed accepted.

8. Warranties and Remedies.

(a) Equipment and Services Warranty. ABB warrants that Equipment (excluding Software, which is warranted as specified in paragraph (d) below) shall be delivered free of defects in material and workmanship
and that Services shall be free of defects in workmanship. The Warranty Remedy Period for Equipment (excluding Software, Spare Parts and Refurbished or Repaired Parts) shall end twelve (12) months after
installation or eighteen (18) months after date of shipment, whichever first occurs. The Warranty Remedy Period for new spare parts shall end twelve (12) months after date of shipment. The Warranty Remedy
Period for refurbished or repaired parts shall end ninety (90) days after date of shipment. The Warranty Remedy Period for Services shall end ninety (90) days after the date of completion of Services.
(b) Equipment and Services Remedy. If a nonconformity to the foregoing warranty is discovered in the Equipment or Services during the applicable Warranty Remedy Period, as specified above, under normal
and proper use and provided the Equipment has been properly stored, installed, operated and maintained and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after such discovery and within
the applicable Warranty Remedy Period, ABB shall, at its option, either (i) repair or replace the nonconforming portion of the Equipment or re-perform the nonconforming Services or (ii) refund the portion of
the price applicable to the nonconforming portion of Equipment or Services. If any portion of the Equipment or Services so repaired, replaced or re-performed fails to conform to the foregoing warranty, and
written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after discovery and within the original Warranty Remedy Period applicable to such Equipment or Services or 30 days from completion of such
repair, replacement or re-performance, whichever is later, ABB will repair or replace such nonconforming Equipment or re-perform the nonconforming Services. The original Warranty Remedy Period shall not
otherwise be extended.
(c) Exceptions. ABB shall not be responsible for providing working access to the nonconforming Equipment, including disassembly and re-assembly of non-ABB supplied equipment, or for providing transpor-
tation to or from any repair facility, all of which shall be at Purchaser’s risk and expense. ABB shall have no obligation hereunder with respect to any Equipment which (i) has been improperly repaired or altered;
(ii) has been subjected to misuse, negligence or accident; (iii) has been used in a manner contrary to ABB’s instructions; (iv) is comprised of materials provided by or a design specified by Purchaser; or (v) has
failed as a result of ordinary wear and tear. Equipment supplied by ABB but manufactured by others is warranted only to the extent of the manufacturer’s warranty, and only the remedies, if any, provided by the
will be allowed.
(d) Software Warranty and Remedies. ABB warrants that, except as specified below, the Software will, when properly installed, execute in accordance with ABB’s published specification. If a nonconformity to
the foregoing warranty is discovered during the period ending one (1) year after the date of shipment and written notice of such nonconformity is provided to ABB promptly after such discovery and within that
period, including a description of the nonconformity and complete information about the manner of its discovery, ABB shall correct the nonconformity by, at its option, either (i) modifying or making available
to the Purchaser instructions for modifying the Software; or (ii) making available at ABB’s facility necessary corrected or replacement programs. ABB shall have no obligation with respect to any nonconformi-
ties resulting from (i) unauthorized modification of the Software or (ii) Purchaser-supplied software or interfacing. ABB does not warrant that the functions contained in the software will operate in combinations
which may be selected for use by the Purchaser, or that the software products are free from errors in the nature of what is commonly categorized by the computer industry as “bugs”.

9. Patent Indemnity.
(a) ABB shall defend at its own expense any action brought against Purchaser alleging that the Equipment or the use of the Equipment to practice any process for which such Equipment is specified by ABB
(a “Process”) directly infringes any claim of a patent of the United States of America and to pay all damages and costs finally awarded in any such action, provided that Purchaser has given ABB prompt writ-
ten notice of such action, all necessary assistance in the defense thereof and the right to control all aspects of the defense thereof including the right to settle or otherwise terminate such action in behalf of
(b) ABB shall have no obligation hereunder and this provision shall not apply to: (i) any other equipment or processes, including Equipment or Processes which have been modified or combined with other
equipment or process not supplied by ABB; (ii) any Equipment or Process supplied according to a design, other than an ABB design, required by Purchaser; (iii) any products manufactured by the Equipment
or Process; (iv) any patent issued after the date hereof; or (v) any action settled or otherwise terminated without the prior written consent of ABB.
(c) If, in any such action, the Equipment is held to constitute an infringement, or the practice of any Process using the Equipment is finally enjoined, ABB shall, at its option and its own expense, procure for
Purchaser the right to continue using said Equipment; or modify or replace it with non-infringing equipment or, with Purchaser’s assistance, modify the Process so that it becomes non-infringing; or remove it
and refund the portion of the price allocable to the infringing Equipment. THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPHS STATE THE ENTIRE LIABILITY OF ABB AND EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER FOR ANY PATENT

130 Motion and PLC US price list

General terms and conditions of sale
(d) To the extent that said Equipment or any part thereof is modified by Purchaser, or combined by Purchaser with equipment or processes not furnished hereunder (except to the extent that ABB is a contribu-
tory infringer) or said Equipment or any part thereof is used by Purchaser to perform a process not furnished hereunder by ABB or to produce an article, and by reason of said modification, combination,
or production, an action is brought against ABB, Purchaser shall defend and indemnify ABB in the same manner and to the same extent that ABB would be obligated to indemnify Purchaser under this “Patent
Indemnity” provision.

10. Limitation of Liability.

(a) In no event shall ABB, its suppliers or subcontractors be liable for special, indirect, incidental or consequential damages, whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise, including,
but not limited to, loss of profits or revenue, loss of use of the Equipment or any associated equipment, cost of capital, cost of substitute equipment, facilities or services, downtime costs, delays, and claims
of customers of the Purchaser or other third parties for any damages. ABB’s liability for any claim whether in contract, warranty, tort, negligence, strict liability, or otherwise for any loss or damage arising out of,
connected with, or resulting from this Agreement or the performance or breach thereof, or from the design, manufacture, sale, delivery, resale, repair, replacement, installation, technical direction of installation,
inspection, operation or use of any equipment covered by or furnished under this Agreement, or from any services rendered in connection therewith, shall in no case (except as provided in the section entitled
“Patent Indemnity”) exceed one-half (1/2) of the purchase price allocable to the equipment or part thereof or Services which gives rise to the claim.
(b) All causes of action against ABB arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the performance or breach hereof shall expire unless brought within one year of the time of accrual thereof.
(c) In no event, regardless of cause, shall ABB be liable for penalties or penalty clauses of any description or for indemnification of Purchaser or others for costs, damages, or expenses arising out of or related
to the Equipment and/Services. 11. Laws and Regulations. ABB does not assume any responsibility for compliance with federal, state or local laws and regulations, except as expressly set forth herein, and
compliance with any laws and regulations relating to the operation or use of the Equipment or Software is the sole responsibility of the Purchaser. All laws and regulations referenced herein shall be those in
effect as of the Proposal date. In the event of any subsequent revisions or changes thereto, ABB assumes no responsibility for compliance therewith. If Purchaser desires a modification as a result of any such
change or revision, it shall be treated as a change per Article 4. Nothing contained herein shall be construed as imposing responsibility or liability upon ABB for obtaining any permits, licenses or approvals from
any agency required in connection with the supply, erection or operation of the Equipment. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York, but excluding the provisions of the United
Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and excluding New York law with respect to conflicts of law. Purchaser agrees that all causes of action against ABB under this Agreement
shall be brought in the State Courts of the State of New York, or the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York. If any provision hereof, partly or completely, shall be held invalid or unenforceable,
such invalidity or unenforceability shall not affect any other provision or portion hereof and these terms shall be construed as if such invalid or unenforceable provision or portion thereof had never existed.

12. OSHA.
ABB warrants that the Equipment will comply with the relevant standards of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (“OSHA”) and the regulations promulgated thereunder as of the date of the
Proposal. Upon prompt written notice from the Purchaser of a breach of this warranty, ABB will replace the affected part or modify it so that it conforms to such standard or regulation. ABB’s obligation shall be
limited to such replacement or modification. In no event shall ABB be responsible for liability arising out of the violation of any OSHA standards relating to or caused by Purchaser’s design, location, operation,
or maintenance of the Equipment, its use in association with other equipment of Purchaser, or the alteration of the Equipment by any party other than ABB.

13. Software License.

(a) ABB owns all rights in or has the right to sublicense all of the Software, if any, to be delivered to Purchaser under this Agreement. As part of the sale made hereunder Purchaser hereby obtains a limited
license to use the Software, subject to the following: (i) The Software may be used only in conjunction with equipment specified by ABB; (ii) The Software shall be kept strictly confidential; (iii) The Software shall
not be copied, reverse engineered, or modified; (iv) The Purchaser’s right to use the Software shall terminate immediately when the specified equipment is no longer used by the Purchaser or when otherwise
terminated, e.g. for breach, hereunder; and (v) the rights to use the Software are non-exclusive and non-transferable, except with ABB’s prior written consent.
(b) Nothing in this Agreement shall be deemed to convey to Purchaser any title to or ownership in the Software or the intellectual property contained therein in whole or in part, nor to designate the Software
a “work made for hire” under the Copyright Act, nor to confer upon any person who is not a named party to this Agreement any right or remedy under or by reason of this Agreement. In the event of termina-
tion of this License, Purchaser shall immediately cease using the Software and, without retaining any copies, notes or excerpts thereof, return to ABB the Software and all copies thereof and shall remove all
machine readable Software from all of Purchaser’s storage media.

14. Inventions and Information.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing by ABB and Purchaser, all right, title and interest in any inventions, developments, improvements or modifications of or for Equipment and Services shall remain with ABB.
Any design, manufacturing drawings or other information submitted to the Purchaser remains the exclusive property of ABB. Purchaser shall not, without ABB’s prior written consent, copy or disclose such
information to a third party. Such information shall be used solely for the operation or maintenance of the Equipment and not for any other purpose, including the duplication thereof in whole or in part.

15. Force Majeure.

ABB shall neither be liable for loss, damage, detention or delay nor be deemed to be in default for failure to perform when prevented from doing so by causes beyond its reasonable control including but not
limited to acts of war (declared or undeclared), Acts of God, fire, strike, labor difficulties, acts or omissions of any governmental authority or of Purchaser, compliance with government regulations, insurrection
or riot, embargo, delays or shortages in transportation or inability to obtain necessary labor, materials, or manufacturing facilities from usual sources or from defects or delays in the performance of its suppliers
or subcontractors due to any of the foregoing enumerated causes. In the event of delay due to any such cause, the date of delivery will be extended by period equal to the delay plus a reasonable time to
resume production, and the price will be adjusted to compensate ABB for such delay.

16. Cancellation.
Any order may be cancelled by Purchaser only upon prior written notice and payment of termination charges, including but not limited to, all costs identified to the order incurred prior to the effective date of
notice of termination and all expenses incurred by ABB attributable to the termination, plus a fixed sum of ten (10) percent of the final total price to compensate for disruption in scheduling, planned production
and other indirect costs.

17. Termination.
No termination by Purchaser for default shall be effective unless, within fifteen (15) days after receipt by ABB of Purchaser’s written notice specifying such default, ABB shall have failed to initiate and pursue
with due diligence correction of such specified default.

18. Export Control.

(a) Purchaser represents and warrants that the Equipment and Services provided hereunder and the “direct product” thereof are intended for civil use only and will not be used, directly or indirectly, for the
production of chemical or biological weapons or of precursor chemicals for such weapons, or for any direct or indirect nuclear end use. Purchaser agrees not to disclose, use, export or re-export, directly
or indirectly, any information provided by ABB or the “direct product” thereof as defined in the Export Control Regulations of the United States Department of Commerce, except in compliance with such
(b) If applicable, ABB shall file for a U.S. export license, but only after appropriate documentation for the license application has been provided by Purchaser. Purchaser shall furnish such documentation within
a reasonable time after order acceptance. Any delay in obtaining such license shall suspend performance of this Agreement by ABB. If an export license is not granted or, if once granted, is thereafter revoked
or modified by the appropriate authorities, this Agreement may be canceled by ABB without liability for damages of any kind resulting from such cancellation. At ABB’s request, Purchaser shall provide to ABB
a Letter of Assurance and End-User Statement in a form reasonably satisfactory to ABB.

19. Assignment.
Any assignment of this Agreement or of any rights or obligations under the Agreement without prior written consent of ABB shall be void.

20. Nuclear Insurance – Indemnity.

For applications in nuclear projects, the Purchaser and/or its end user customer shall have complete insurance protection against liability and property damage
resulting from a nuclear incident to and shall indemnify ABB, its subcontractors, suppliers and vendors against all claims resulting from a nuclear incident.

21. Resale.
If Purchaser resells any of the Equipment, the sale terms shall limit ABB’s liability to the buyer to the same extent that ABB’s liability to Purchaser is limited hereunder.

22. Entire Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between ABB and Purchaser. There are no agreements, understandings, restrictions, warranties, or
representations between ABB and Purchaser other than those set forth herein or herein provided.

Motion and PLC US price list 131

Contact your local ABB district sales office for warranty and
return authorization information
ABB and Baldor Motion Drives, Controllers are processed in New Berlin, WI at the Emmer Street facility.
ABB Rotary Servo Motors are processed in Ft. Smith, AR.
ABB Motion Drives and Controllers are forwarded to Bristol, U.K. for repair.
ABB ACSM1 Motion Drives, PLC and HMI are processed in New Berlin, WI.
The following charts outline the standard warranty periods on active standard Motion Controllers, Servo Drives, Servo Drives, Servo Motors, PLC, HMI products and accessories.
Product category Warranty period
NextMove Controllers (ES/ESB/e100/ST) 24 months from date of manufacturing
NextMove PCI & PCI-2 24 months from date of manufacturing
MotiFlex e100 (MFE4) 24 months from date of manufacturing
MicroFlex e100 (MFE2) 24 months from date of manufacturing
MicroFlex e150 (E152) 24 months from date of manufacturing
MotiFlex e180 (MFE180) 24 months from date of manufacturing
MicroFlex Analogue (FMH) 24 months from date of manufacturing
300 Series (MDH4, FDH4, FPH4) 24 months from date of manufacturing
100 Series (MDH2, FDH2, FPH2) 24 months from date of manufacturing
Euroamp (EAP) 24 months from date of manufacturing
EuroFlex (EFL) 24 months from date of manufacturing
BSM Rotary Servo Motors 24 months from date of manufacturing
SDM Rotary Servo Motors 24 months from date of manufacturing

Product group Product family Warranty period* Warranty type

High Performance ACSM1 Motion Drive 12/24 Parts & On-Site Labor**
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) and AC500 PLC, CP600 HMI 12/24 Replace-Parts Only
Human Machine Interface (HMI)
* Months after Installation / Months after shipment from New Berlin, WI.
** Parts and On-Site Labor warranty is available as authorized by ABB Technical Support. Travel time and travel cost are not included in this standard warranty coverage.
Contact ABB Drives Technical Support via [email protected] or 800-752-0696, options 1, 1
Bristol, UK Motion Warranty period validity check
The time of manufacturing (year and week) can be identified from the serial number of the product. The serial number can be found on the rating plate and it consists of either 10 or 11 digits.

Serial numbers with 11 digits

The serial number format is MYYMMDDXXX, where:
M = Manufacturing location
YY = Year of manufacturing
MM = Month of manufacturing
DD = Day of manufacturing
XXXX = 4-digit running number (starts every day from 0001)

Serial numbers with 10 digits

The serial number format is MYYWWXXXXX, where:
M = Manufacturing location
YY = Year of manufacturing
WW = Week of manufacturing
XXXXX = 5-digit running number (starts every week from 00001)

BSM servo motors

The manufactured date (year and week) is identified from the serial number of the product.
The 11-digit serial number is found on the rating plate.
The serial number format is MYYMMDDXXXX, where:
M = Manufacturing location
YY = Year of manufacturing
MM = Month of manufacturing
DD = Day of manufacturing
XXXX = 4-digit running number (starts every day from 0001)

SDM servo motors

The manufacturing date can be identified from the serial number of the product.
The 8-digit serial number is found on the rating plate.
The serial number format is YYMMXXX, where:
YY = Year of manufacturing
MM = Month of manufacturing
XXXX = 4-digit running number (starts every day from 0001)

ACSM1 motion drive S/N information

The serial number format is MYYWWXXXXX, where:
M = Manufacturing location
YY = Year of manufacturing (format 19YY*) and 20YY) *) ACS600 only
WW = Week of manufacturing (01..52)
XXXXX = 5-digit running number (starts every week from 00001) or revision letter (A, B, C, D…) followed by a 4-digit running number (starts every week from 0001)

The first digit of the serial number (M) for products with warranty liability of ABB Oy, Drives start with 1, 4, 8, A, B, C, D, E, F, or J.

PLC and HMI S/N information

Y..Y = Year of manufacturing
.WW. = Week of manufacturing
HMI Date Code: YWWY
Y..Y = Year of manufacturing
.WW. = Week of manufacturing

132 Motion and PLC US price list

1SAP214000R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP421100R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP111100R0270 ................................. 111 1SAP214200R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP421200R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP112100R0270 ................................. 111 1SAP214400R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP421300R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP114100R0270 ................................. 111 1SAP217000R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP421500R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP120600R0001 ................................. 110 1SAP217200R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP424100R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP120600R0071 ................................. 110 1SAP220000R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP424200R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP120700R0001 ................................. 110 1SAP220500R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP428100R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP120800R0001 ................................. 110 1SAP220600R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP428200R0001 ................................. 118
1SAP120900R0001 ................................. 110 1SAP220700R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP440000R0001 ................................. 113
1SAP120900R0071 ................................. 110 1SAP220900R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP440100R0001 ................................. 113
1SAP121000R0001 ................................. 110 1SAP221000R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP440500R0001 ................................. 113
1SAP121000R0071 ................................. 110 1SAP221100R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP440600R0001 ................................. 113
1SAP121100R0001 ................................. 110 1SAP221200R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP440700R0001 ................................. 113
1SAP121100R0071 ................................. 110 1SAP221300R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP445200R0001 ................................. 113
1SAP121200R0071 ................................. 110 1SAP221500R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP450000R0001 ................................. 114
1SAP130200R0200 ................................. 110 1SAP224100R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP450100R0001 ................................. 114
1SAP130300R0271 ................................. 110 1SAP224200R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP450200R0001 ................................. 114
1SAP140200R0201 ................................. 110 1SAP228100R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP450300R0001 ................................. 114
1SAP140300R0271 ................................. 110 1SAP228200R0001 ................................. 117 1SAP450600R0001 ................................. 114
1SAP150000R0271.................................. 110 1SAP230900R0000 ................................. 113 1SAP450700R0001 ................................. 115
1SAP150100R0271 ................................. 110 1SAP231300R0000 ................................. 113 1SAP460300R0001 ................................. 116
1SAP150200R0271 ................................. 110 1SAP231900R0000 ................................. 113 1SAP470000R0001 ................................. 116
1SAP170200R0001 ................................. 112 1SAP233100R0001 ................................. 116 1SAP481200R0001 ................................. 121
1SAP170400R0201 ................................. 112 1SAP240000R0001 ................................. 113 1SAP482000R0001 ................................. 121
1SAP170401R0201 ................................. 112 1SAP240100R0001 ................................. 113 1SAP484000R0001.................................. 121
1SAP170800R0001 ................................. 112 1SAP240500R0001 ................................. 113 1SAP484100R0001 ................................. 121
1SAP170901R0101 ................................. 112 1SAP240600R0001 ................................. 113 1SAP500900R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP170902R0001 ................................. 112 1SAP240700R0001 ................................. 113 1SAP500981R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP172800R0001 ................................. 112 1SAP245000R0001 ................................. 113 1SAP500982R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP173700R0001 ................................. 112 1SAP245200R0001 ................................. 113 1SAP520100R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP180100R0001.................................. 123 1SAP250000R0001 ................................. 114 1SAP520200R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP180100R0001 ................................. 122 1SAP250100R0001 ................................. 114 1SAP530100R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP180200R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP250200R0001 ................................. 114 1SAP530200R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP180200R0101 ................................. 123 1SAP250300R0001 ................................. 114 1SAP535100R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP180300R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP250600R0001 ................................. 114 1SAP535200R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP180500R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP250700R0001 ................................. 115 1SAP551100R0001 ................................. 96, 97
1SAP180600R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP260300R0001 ................................. 116 1SAP551200R0001 ................................. 96, 97
1SAP180700R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP270000R0001 ................................. 116 1SAP561100R0001 ................................. 96, 97
1SAP180800R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP280000R0001 ................................. 121 1SAP561200R0001 ................................. 96, 97
1SAP181100R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP281200R0001 ................................. 121 1SAP565100R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP181200R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP282000R0001 ................................. 121 1SAP565200R0001 ................................. 96
1SAP181400R0001 ................................. 122 1SAP284000R0001 ................................. 121 1SAP576100R0001 ................................. 96, 97
1SAP181500R0001 ................................. 122 1SAP284100R0001 ................................. 121 1SAP576200R0001 ................................. 96, 97
1SAP182300R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP311100R0270 ................................. 111 1SBN260216R1001 ................................. 96
1SAP182400R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP312100R0270 ................................. 111 1SBN260217R1001 ................................. 96
1SAP182500R0001 ................................. 123 1SAP314100R0270 ................................. 111 1SBN260221R1001 ................................. 96
1SAP186100R0001 ................................. 122 1SAP330300R0271 ................................. 110 1SBN260224R1001 ................................. 96
1SAP186200R0004 ................................. 122 1SAP340200R0201 ................................. 110 1SBP260183R1001 ................................. 96
1SAP190500R0001 ................................. 108 1SAP340300R0271 ................................. 110 1SBP260191R1001 ................................. 96
1SAP192100R0002 ................................. 108 1SAP350100R0271 ................................. 110 1SBS260284R1001 ................................. 96
1SAP193000R0101 ................................. 108 1SAP350200R0271 ................................. 110 1TNE968901R0100 ................................. 122
1SAP193004R0101 ................................. 108 1SAP370200R0001 ................................. 112 1TNE968901R1100 ................................. 122
1SAP193005R0101 ................................. 108 1SAP370800R0001 ................................. 112 1TNE968901R2100 ................................. 122
1SAP193600R0001 ................................. 108 1SAP370901R0101 ................................. 112 1TNE968901R3101 ................................. 111, 120
1SAP195000R0001 ................................. 108 1SAP372800R0001 ................................. 112 1TNE968901R3102 ................................. 111, 120
1SAP195200R0001 ................................. 108 1SAP373700R0001 ................................. 112 1TNE968901R3103 ................................. 111, 120
1SAP198000R0001 ................................. 121 1SAP380000R0001 ................................. 121 1TNE968901R3104 ................................. 111, 120
1SAP210000R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP410400R0001 ................................. 120 1TNE968901R3105 ................................. 111, 120
1SAP210200R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP410800R0001 ................................. 120 1TNE968901R3106 ................................. 111, 120
1SAP210400R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP411200R0001 ................................. 120 1TNE968901R3107 ................................. 122
1SAP210600R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP412000R0001 ................................. 120 1TNE968901R3203 ................................. 122
1SAP210800R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP414000R0001 ................................. 120 1TNE968901R4300 ................................. 122
1SAP211000R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP414400R0001 ................................. 120 1TNE968902R1101 ................................. 114
1SAP211200R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP417000R0001 ................................. 120 1TNE968902R1102 ................................. 114
1SAP211400R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP420500R0001 ................................. 118 1TNE968902R1103 ................................. 114
1SAP212000R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP420600R0001 ................................. 118 1TNE968902R1201 ................................. 114
1SAP212200R0001 ................................. 120 1SAP420700R0001 ................................. 118 1TNE968902R1301 ................................. 114

Motion and PLC US price list 133


1TNE968902R2001 ................................. 113 BSM80N .................................................. 80 CBL010CM-EXS ...................................... 11, 20

1TNE968902R2101 ................................. 113 BSM80N-133AA ...................................... 80 CBL010CM-USB ...................................... 20
1TNE968902R2102 ................................. 113 BSM80N-150AA ...................................... 80 CBL010MF-E3A ....................................... 11
1TNE968902R2103 ................................. 113 BSM80N-175AA ...................................... 80 CBL010MF-E3B ....................................... 11
1TNE968902R2201 ................................. 113 BSM80N-175BA ...................................... 81 CBL015RF-E ............................................ 84
1TNE968902R2202 ................................. 113 BSM80N-233AA ...................................... 80 CBL015RF-R ............................................ 84
1TNE968902R2203 ................................. 113 BSM80N-250AA ...................................... 80 CBL015RP-12 .......................................... 83
1TNE968902R2301 ................................. 113 BSM80N-275AA ...................................... 80 CBL015RP-20 .......................................... 83
1TNE968902R2302 ................................. 113 BSM80N-275BA ...................................... 81 CBL015RP-35 .......................................... 83
1TNE968903R0203 ................................. 122 BSM80N-333AA ...................................... 80 CBL015RP-50 .......................................... 83
3AUA0000168686 .................................... 33 BSM80N-350AA ...................................... 80 CBL015RP-90 .......................................... 83
3AUA0000170380 .................................... 33 BSM80N-375AA ...................................... 80 CBL015SF-B2 .......................................... 84
3AUA0000173059 .................................... 33 BSM80N-375BA ...................................... 81 CBL015SF-D1 .......................................... 84
3AUA0000173060 .................................... 33 BSM90C .................................................. 79 CBL015SF-D2 .......................................... 84
3AUA0000173081 .................................... 33 BSM90C-275AA ...................................... 79 CBL015SF-D5 .......................................... 84
22-IM2200 ............................................... 92 BSM90C-375AA ...................................... 79 CBL015SF-E ............................................ 84
22-M2200 ................................................ 92 BSM90C-1150AA .................................... 79 CBL015SF-E1 .......................................... 84
ACS-CP-U ................................................ 46 BSM90C-2150AA .................................... 79 CBL015SF-E2 .......................................... 84
ACS/H-CP-EXT-IP66 ................................ 46 BSM90C-2250AA .................................... 79 CBL015SF-E5 .......................................... 84
ACSM1-04AL ........................................... 45 BSM90C-3150AA .................................... 79 CBL015SF-ES .......................................... 84
ACSM1-04AM (230 V AC) ........................ 41 BSM90C-3250AA .................................... 79 CBL015SF-R ............................................ 84
ACSM1-04AM (480 V AC) ........................ 42 BSM90N .................................................. 80 CBL015SF-R1 .......................................... 84
ACSM1-04CM .......................................... 44 BSM90N-175AA ...................................... 80 CBL015SF-R5 .......................................... 84
ACSM1-04CS .......................................... 43 BSM90N-175BA ...................................... 81 CBL015SF-RS ......................................... 84
ACSM1-204MAR ..................................... 50 BSM90N-275AA ...................................... 80 CBL015SF-S2 .......................................... 84
ACSM1 Spare Parts ................................. 54 BSM90N-375AA ...................................... 80 CBL015SP-12 .......................................... 83
ASR24661 ................................................ 85 BSM90N-375BA ...................................... 81 CBL015SP-12S ........................................ 83
ASR24662 ................................................ 85 BSM90N-1150AA .................................... 80 CBL015SP-20 .......................................... 83
BSM25C-1177MHC ................................. 87 BSM90N-1250AA .................................... 80 CBL015SP-20S ........................................ 83
BSM25C-2177MHC ................................. 87 BSM90N-2150AA .................................... 80 CBL015SP-35 .......................................... 83
BSM33C-2177MHQ ................................. 87 BSM90N-2250AA .................................... 80 CBL020CM-CSS1 .................................... 11, 31
BSM33C-3177MHQ ................................. 87 BSM90N-3150AA .................................... 80 CBL020CM-CSS2 .................................... 11, 31
BSM33C-4177MHQ ................................. 87 BSM90N-3250AA .................................... 80 CBL020CM-EXS ...................................... 11, 20
BSM33C-5177MHQ ................................. 87 BSM100C ................................................ 79 CBL020CM-USB ...................................... 20
BSM33C-6177MHQ ................................. 87 BSM100C-1150AA .................................. 79 CBL020MF-E3A ....................................... 11
BSM50N .................................................. 80 BSM100C-1250AA .................................. 79 CBL020MF-E3B ....................................... 11
BSM50N-133AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-2150AA .................................. 79 CBL021-501 ............................................ 11
BSM50N-175AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-2250AA .................................. 79 CBL021-502 ............................................ 11
BSM50N-233AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-3150AA .................................. 79 CBL021-503 ............................................ 11
BSM50N-275AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-3250AA .................................. 79 CBL030CM-USB ...................................... 20
BSM50N-333AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-4150AA .................................. 79 CBL030RF-E ............................................ 84
BSM50N-375AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-4250AA .................................. 79 CBL030RF-R ............................................ 84
BSM63N .................................................. 80 BSM100C-5150AA .................................. 79 CBL030RP-12 .......................................... 83
BSM63N-133AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-5250AA .................................. 79 CBL030RP-20 .......................................... 83
BSM63N-150AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-6150AA .................................. 79 CBL030RP-35 .......................................... 83
BSM63N-175AA ...................................... 80 BSM100C-6250AA .................................. 79 CBL030RP-50 .......................................... 83
BSM63N-175BA ...................................... 81 BSM100N ................................................ 80 CBL030RP-90 .......................................... 83
BSM63N-233AA ...................................... 80 BSM100N-1150AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-B2 .......................................... 84
BSM63N-250AA ...................................... 80 BSM100N-1150BA .................................. 81 CBL030SF-BN ......................................... 92
BSM63N-275AA ...................................... 80 BSM100N-1250AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-D1 .......................................... 84
BSM63N-275BA ...................................... 81 BSM100N-2150AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-D2 .......................................... 84
BSM63N-333AA ...................................... 80 BSM100N-2250AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-D5 .......................................... 84
BSM63N-350AA ...................................... 80 BSM100N-3150AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-E ............................................ 84
BSM63N-375AA ...................................... 80 BSM100N-3150BA .................................. 81 CBL030SF-E1 .......................................... 84
BSM63N-375BA ...................................... 81 BSM100N-3250AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-E2 .......................................... 84
BSM80C .................................................. 79 BSM100N-4150AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-E5 .......................................... 84
BSM80C-150AA ...................................... 79 BSM100N-4250AA .................................. 80 CBL030SF-ES .......................................... 84
BSM80C-175AA ...................................... 79 BSM132C ................................................ 79 CBL030SF-R ............................................ 84
BSM80C-250AA ...................................... 79 CBL001-501 ............................................ 20, 29, CBL030SF-R1 .......................................... 84
BSM80C-275AA ...................................... 79 CBL002CM-CSS1 .................................... 11, 31 CBL030SF-R5 .......................................... 84
BSM80C-350AA ...................................... 79 CBL002CM-CSS2 .................................... 11, 31 CBL030SF-RS ......................................... 84
BSM80C-375AA ...................................... 79 CBL002CM-EXS ...................................... 11, 20 CBL030SF-S2 .......................................... 84
BSM80C375AF ........................................ 79 CBL005CM-CSS1 .................................... 11, 31 CBL030SP-12 .......................................... 83
BSM80C-475AA ...................................... 79 CBL005CM-CSS2 .................................... 11, 31 CBL030SP-12S ........................................ 83
BSM80C-2150AA .................................... 79 CBL005CM-EXS ...................................... 11, 20 CBL030SP-20 .......................................... 83
BSM80C-3150AA .................................... 79 CBL010CM-CSS1 .................................... 11, 31 CBL030SP-20S ........................................ 83
BSM80C-4150AA .................................... 79 CBL010CM-CSS2 .................................... 11, 31 CBL030SP-35 .......................................... 83

134 Motion and PLC US price list


CBL050CM-CSS1 .................................... 11, 31 CBL152RP-12 .......................................... 83 CBL305SP-12 .......................................... 83

CBL050CM-CSS2 .................................... 11, 31 CBL152RP-20 .......................................... 83 CBL305SP-20 .......................................... 83
CBL050CM-EXS ...................................... 11, 20 CBL152RP-35 .......................................... 83 CBL305SP-35 .......................................... 83
CBL061RF-E ............................................ 84 CBL152RP-50 .......................................... 83 CBL760RF-E ............................................ 84
CBL061RF-R ............................................ 84 CBL152RP-90 .......................................... 83 CBL760RF-R ............................................ 84
CBL061RP-12 .......................................... 83 CBL152SF-B2 .......................................... 84 CBL760RP-12 .......................................... 83
CBL061RP-20 .......................................... 83 CBL152SF-D1 .......................................... 84 CBL1525RF-E .......................................... 84
CBL061RP-35 .......................................... 83 CBL152SF-D2 .......................................... 84 CBL1525RF-R .......................................... 84
CBL061RP-50 .......................................... 83 CBL152SF-D5 .......................................... 84 CBL1525RP-12 ........................................ 83
CBL061RP-90 .......................................... 83 CBL152SF-E ............................................ 84 CHK-0# .................................................... 26, 49
CBL061SC-GN ........................................ 92 CBL152SF-E1 .......................................... 84 DCL-0# .................................................... 26, 49
CBL061SC-GP ......................................... 92 CBL152SF-E2 .......................................... 84 DEMO-E100-002 ..................................... 36
CBL061SF-B2 .......................................... 84 CBL152SF-E5 .......................................... 84 DEMO-E150-001 ..................................... 35
CBL061SF-BN ......................................... 92 CBL152SF-ES .......................................... 84 DEMO-E180-001 ..................................... 37
CBL061SF-D1 .......................................... 84 CBL152SF-R ............................................ 84 E152A03EINA .......................................... 19
CBL061SF-D2 .......................................... 84 CBL152SF-R1 .......................................... 84 E152A03EIOA .......................................... 19
CBL061SF-D5 .......................................... 84 CBL152SF-R5 .......................................... 84 E152A06EIOA .......................................... 19
CBL061SF-E ............................................ 84 CBL152SF-RS ......................................... 84 E152A09EIOA .......................................... 19
CBL061SF-E1 .......................................... 84 CBL152SF-S2 .......................................... 84 F10035A00 .............................................. 33
CBL061SF-E2 .......................................... 84 CBL152SP-12 .......................................... 83 F10035A01 .............................................. 33
CBL061SF-E5 .......................................... 84 CBL152SP-12S ........................................ 83 F10035A02 .............................................. 33
CBL061SF-ES .......................................... 84 CBL152SP-20 .......................................... 83 F10035A03 .............................................. 33
CBL061SF-R ............................................ 84 CBL152SP-20S ........................................ 83 F10035A04 .............................................. 33
CBL061SF-R1 .......................................... 84 CBL152SP-35 .......................................... 83 F10035A05 .............................................. 33
CBL061SF-R5 .......................................... 84 CBL200CM-CSS1 .................................... 11, 31 FAN001-024 ............................................. 20
CBL061SF-RS ......................................... 84 CBL200CM-CSS2 .................................... 11, 31 FCAN-01 .................................................. 47
CBL061SF-S2 .......................................... 84 CBL229RF-E ............................................ 84 FDH1A02TB-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL061SP-12 .......................................... 83 CBL229RF-R ............................................ 84 FDH1A02TB-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL061SP-12S ........................................ 83 CBL229RP-12 .......................................... 83 FDH1A05TB-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL061SP-20 .......................................... 83 CBL229RP-20 .......................................... 83 FDH1A05TB-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL061SP-20S ........................................ 83 CBL229RP-35 .......................................... 83 FDH1A07TR-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL061SP-35 .......................................... 83 CBL229RP-50 .......................................... 83 FDH1A07TR-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL061SP-AF .......................................... 92 CBL229RP-90 .......................................... 83 FDH2A02TB-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL061SP-BI ........................................... 92 CBL229SF-B2 .......................................... 84 FDH2A05TB-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL091RF-E ............................................ 84 CBL229SF-D1 .......................................... 84 FDH2A07TR-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL091RF-R ............................................ 84 CBL229SF-D2 .......................................... 84 FDH2A20TR-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL091RP-12 .......................................... 83 CBL229SF-D5 .......................................... 84 FDH4A02TB-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL091RP-20 .......................................... 83 CBL229SF-E ............................................ 84 FDH4A02TB-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL091RP-35 .......................................... 83 CBL229SF-E1 .......................................... 84 FDH4A05TB-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL091RP-50 .......................................... 83 CBL229SF-E2 .......................................... 84 FDH4A05TB-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL091RP-90 .......................................... 83 CBL229SF-E5 .......................................... 84 FDH4A07TR-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL091SC-GP ......................................... 92 CBL229SF-R ............................................ 84 FDH4A15TR-EN23 ................................... 30
CBL091SF-B2 .......................................... 84 CBL229SF-R1 .......................................... 84 FDH4A15TR-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL091SF-D1 .......................................... 84 CBL229SF-R5 .......................................... 84 FDH4A20TR-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL091SF-D2 .......................................... 84 CBL229SF-S2 .......................................... 84 FDH4A27TR-RN23 ................................... 30
CBL091SF-D5 .......................................... 84 CBL229SP-12 .......................................... 83 FDNA-01 .................................................. 47
CBL091SF-E ............................................ 84 CBL229SP-20 .......................................... 83 FECA-01 .................................................. 47
CBL091SF-E1 .......................................... 84 CBL229SP-35 .......................................... 83 FEN-01 ..................................................... 48
CBL091SF-E2 .......................................... 84 CBL305RF-E ............................................ 84 FEN-11 ..................................................... 48
CBL091SF-E5 .......................................... 84 CBL305RF-R ............................................ 84 FEN-21 ..................................................... 48
CBL091SF-ES .......................................... 84 CBL305RP-12 .......................................... 83 FEN-31 ..................................................... 48
CBL091SF-R ............................................ 84 CBL305RP-20 .......................................... 83 FENA-11 .................................................. 47
CBL091SF-R1 .......................................... 84 CBL305RP-35 .......................................... 83 FENA-21 .................................................. 47
CBL091SF-R5 .......................................... 84 CBL305RP-50 .......................................... 83 FEPL-02 ................................................... 47
CBL091SF-RS ......................................... 84 CBL305RP-90 .......................................... 83 FI0014A00 ................................................ 33
CBL091SF-S2 .......................................... 84 CBL305SF-B2 .......................................... 84 FI0015A00 ................................................ 33
CBL091SP-12 .......................................... 83 CBL305SF-D1 .......................................... 84 FI0015A02 ................................................ 33
CBL091SP-12S ........................................ 83 CBL305SF-D2 .......................................... 84 FI0018A00 ................................................ 33
CBL091SP-20 .......................................... 83 CBL305SF-D5 .......................................... 84 FI0018A01 ................................................ 33
CBL091SP-20S ........................................ 83 CBL305SF-E ............................................ 84 FI0029A00 ................................................ 33
CBL091SP-35 .......................................... 83 CBL305SF-E1 .......................................... 84 FIO-01 ...................................................... 48
CBL091SP-BI ........................................... 92 CBL305SF-E2 .......................................... 84 FIO-11 ...................................................... 48
CBL100CM-CSS1 .................................... 11, 31 CBL305SF-E5 .......................................... 84 FMAC-01 ................................................. 47
CBL100CM-CSS2 .................................... 11, 31 CBL305SF-R ............................................ 84 FMH2A03TR-EN23 .................................. 19
CBL100CM-EXS ...................................... 11, 20 CBL305SF-R1 .......................................... 84 FMH2A03TR-EN43 .................................. 19
CBL152RF-E ............................................ 84 CBL305SF-R5 .......................................... 84 FMH2A03TR-RN23 .................................. 19
CBL152RF-R ............................................ 84 CBL305SF-S2 .......................................... 84 FMH2A03TR-RN43 .................................. 19

Motion and PLC US price list 135


FMH2A09TR-EN23 .................................. 19 M-4555-BTYCN ....................................... 91 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L516 .................. 25

FMH2A09TR-EN43 .................................. 19 M-4555-CTYCN ....................................... 91 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
FPBA-01 .................................................. 47 MCSENC-16 ............................................ 85 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L517 .................. 25
FPH1A02TB-EN23 ................................... 30 MCSENC-16S .......................................... 85 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
FPH1A02TB-RN23 ................................... 30 MCS-M40 ................................................ 85 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L518 .................. 25
FPH1A05TB-EN23 ................................... 30 MCS-M40A .............................................. 85 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
FPH1A05TB-RN23 ................................... 30 MCS-PG21 .............................................. 85 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4 ............................ 22
FPH1A07TR-EN23 ................................... 30 MCSPOW-08 ........................................... 85 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L516 .................. 25
FPH1A07TR-RN23 ................................... 30 MCSPOW-08S ......................................... 85 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
FPH2A02TB-EN23 ................................... 30 MCSRES-12 ............................................. 85 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L517 .................. 25
FPH2A02TB-RN23 ................................... 30 MCSRES-12S .......................................... 85 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
FPH2A05TB-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A02TB-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L518 .................. 25
FPH2A05TB-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A02TB-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-07A0-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
FPH2A07TR-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A02TB-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-016A-4 ............................ 22
FPH2A07TR-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A02TB-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L516 .................. 25
FPH4A02TB-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A05TB-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
FPH4A02TB-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A05TB-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L517 .................. 25
FPH4A05TB-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A05TB-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
FPH4A05TB-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A05TB-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L518 .................. 25
FPH4A07TR-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A07TR-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-016A-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
FPH4A07TR-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A07TR-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-024A-4 ............................ 22
FPH4A15TR-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A07TR-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L516 .................. 25
FPH4A15TR-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH1A07TR-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
FPH4A20TR-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH2A02TB-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L517 .................. 25
FPH4A20TR-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH2A02TB-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
FPH4A27TR-EN23 ................................... 30 MDH2A02TB-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L518 .................. 25
FPH4A27TR-RN23 ................................... 30 MDH2A02TB-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-024A-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
FSCA-01 .................................................. 47 MDH2A05TB-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-031A-4 ............................ 22
FSEA-21 ................................................... 47 MDH2A05TB-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L516 .................. 25
ION201-501 ............................................. 31 MDH2A05TB-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
JBR-0# ..................................................... 26, 49 MDH2A05TB-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L517 .................. 25
JFI-0# ....................................................... 26, 49 MDH2A07TR-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
JPMP-01 .................................................. 46 MDH2A07TR-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L518 .................. 25
KPD-OPTIO-1 .......................................... 31 MDH2A07TR-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-031A-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
LRAC130ACB2 ........................................ 21 MDH2A07TR-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-046A-4 ............................ 22
LRAC02502 ............................................. 21 MDH4A02TB-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L516 .................. 25
LRAC03502 ............................................. 21 MDH4A02TB-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
LRAC05502 ............................................. 21 MDH4A02TB-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L517 .................. 25
M-2240-ACYAN ....................................... 90 MDH4A02TB-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
M-2240-BCYAN ....................................... 90 MDH4A05TB-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L518 .................. 25
M-2250-ACYAN ....................................... 90 MDH4A05TB-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-046A-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
M-2250-BCYAN ....................................... 90 MDH4A05TB-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-060A-4 ............................ 22
M-3353-BLYAN ........................................ 90 MDH4A05TB-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L516 .................. 25
M-3353-DLYAN ........................................ 90 MDH4A07TR-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
M-3358-BLYAN ........................................ 90 MDH4A07TR-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L517 .................. 25
M-3358-CLYAN ........................................ 90 MDH4A07TR-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
M-3363-BLYAN ........................................ 90 MDH4A07TR-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L518 .................. 25
M-3363-CLYAN ........................................ 90 MDH4A15TR-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-060A-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
M-4050-ALYBE ........................................ 90 MDH4A15TR-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-090A-4 ............................ 22
M-4050-BLYBE ........................................ 90 MDH4A15TR-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L516 .................. 25
M-4060-ALYBE ........................................ 90 MDH4A15TR-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25
M-4060-BLYBE ........................................ 90 MDH4A20TR-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L517 .................. 25
M-4070-ALYBE ........................................ 91 MDH4A20TR-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25
M-4070-BLYBE ........................................ 91 MDH4A20TR-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L518 .................. 25
M-4090-ALYBE ........................................ 91 MDH4A20TR-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE180-04AN-090A-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25
M-4090-BLYBE ........................................ 91 MDH4A27TR-EB23 .................................. 29 MFE230A003 ........................................... 19
M-4525-BTYCN ....................................... 91 MDH4A27TR-EN23 .................................. 29 MFE230A006 ........................................... 19
M-4525-CTYCN ....................................... 91 MDH4A27TR-RB23 .................................. 29 MFE230A009 ........................................... 19
M-4525-DTYCN ....................................... 91 MDH4A27TR-RN23 .................................. 29 MFE460A001B ......................................... 21
M-4535-ATYCN ........................................ 91 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4 ............................ 22 MFE460A003B ......................................... 21
M-4535-BTYCN ....................................... 91 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L516 .................. 25 MFE460A006B ......................................... 21
M-4535-CTYCN ....................................... 91 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L516+N8020 ...... 25 MFE460A010B ......................................... 21
M-4535-DTYCN ....................................... 91 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L517 .................. 25 MFE460A016B ......................................... 21
M-4545-ATYCN ........................................ 91 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L517+N8020 ...... 25 MFE460A021B ......................................... 21
M-4545-BTYCN ....................................... 91 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L518 .................. 25 MFE460A026B ......................................... 21
M-4545-CTYCN ....................................... 91 MFE180-04AN-03A0-4+L518+N8020 ...... 25 MFE460A033B ......................................... 21
M-4555-ATYCN ........................................ 91 MFE180-04AN-05A0-4 ............................ 22 MFE460A048B ......................................... 21

136 Motion and PLC US price list


MFE460A065B ......................................... 21 OPT-ABBKIT-001 ...................................... 20 RGJ368 .................................................... 32

MNC001-501 ........................................... 11 OPT-ABBKIT-002 ...................................... 20 RGJ515 .................................................... 32
MSCF ....................................................... 92 OPT-ABBKIT-003 ...................................... 20 RGJ533 .................................................... 32
MSCI ........................................................ 92 OPT-ABBKIT-004 ...................................... 20 RGJ1150 .................................................. 32
MSCN ...................................................... 85, 92 OPT-ABBKIT-005 ...................................... 11 RGJ2150 .................................................. 32
MSCP ...................................................... 92 OPT-ABBKIT-006 ...................................... 11 RGJ3150 .................................................. 32
MSS ......................................................... 87 OPT-ABBKIT-007 ...................................... 11 SSBSM50N-175CA .................................. 82
MSS140 ................................................... 87 OPT-ABBKIT-008 ...................................... 11 SSBSM50N-175CF .................................. 82
MT-2240-ACYAN ...................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-502 .................................... 29 SSBSM50N-275CA .................................. 82
MT-2240-BCYAN ...................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-503 .................................... 29 SSBSM50N-275CF .................................. 82
MT-2250-ACYAN ...................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-504 .................................... 29 SSBSM50N-375CA .................................. 82
MT-2250-AMYAN ..................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-507 .................................... 20 SSBSM50N-375CF .................................. 82
MT-2250-BCYAN ...................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-508 .................................... 13, 20 SSBSM63N-275CA .................................. 82
MT-2250-BCYCN ..................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-509 .................................... 20 SSBSM63N-275CF .................................. 82
MT-3353-BLYAN ....................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-518 .................................... 29 SSBSM63N-375CA .................................. 82
MT-3353-BLYCN ...................................... 90 OPT-ACC001-520 .................................... 20 SSBSM63N-375CF .................................. 82
MT-3353-DLYAN ....................................... 90 OPT-ACC003-502 .................................... 11 SSBSM80C-175CA .................................. 82
MT-3358-BLYAN ....................................... 90 OPT-CM-001 ............................................ 21 SSBSM80C-175CF .................................. 82
MT-3358-CLYAN ....................................... 90 OPT-CM-002 ............................................ 21 SSBSM80C-275CA .................................. 82
MT-3363-BCYAN ...................................... 90 OPT-CM-003 ............................................ 21 SSBSM80C-275CF .................................. 82
MT-3363-BDYCN ..................................... 90 OPT-CNV001 ............................................ 31 SSBSM80C-375CA .................................. 82
MT-3363-BLYAN ....................................... 90 OPT-CNV002 ............................................ 31 SSBSM80C-375CF .................................. 82
MT-3363-BLYCN ...................................... 90 OPT-CNV-003 .......................................... 20, 21 SSBSM80C-475CA .................................. 82
MT-3363-CLYAN ....................................... 90 OPT-FB-001 ............................................. 21 SSBSM80C-475CF .................................. 82
MT-4050-ALYBE ....................................... 90 OPT-FB-002 ............................................. 21 SSBSM80N-275CA .................................. 82
MT-4050-BLYBE ....................................... 90 OPT-FB-004 ............................................. 21 SSBSM80N-275CF .................................. 82
MT-4060-ALYBE ....................................... 90 OPT-FB-005 ............................................. 21 SSBSM80N-375CA .................................. 82
MT-4060-BLYBE ....................................... 90 OPT-FB-006 ............................................. 21 SSBSM80N-375CF .................................. 82
MT-4070-ALYBE ....................................... 91 OPT-MF-000 ............................................ 21
MT-4070-BLYBE ....................................... 91 OPT-MF-001 ............................................ 10, 21
MT-4070-BLYCE ....................................... 91 OPT-MF-005 ............................................ 21
MT-4090-ALYBE ....................................... 91 OPT-MF-011 ............................................ 21
MT-4090-BLYBE ....................................... 91 OPT-MF-013 ............................................ 21
MT-4090-BLYCE ....................................... 91 OPT-MF-030 ............................................ 21
MT-4525-BTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-100 ............................................ 21
MT-4525-CTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-101 ............................................ 10, 21
MT-4525-DTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-200 ............................................ 20
MT-4535-ATYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-201 ............................................ 20
MT-4535-BTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-CN-A .......................................... 21
MT-4535-CTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-CN-B .......................................... 21
MT-4535-DTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-CN-C .......................................... 21
MT-4545-ATYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-DC-A .......................................... 21
MT-4545-BTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-DC-B .......................................... 21
MT-4545-CTYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-DC-C .......................................... 21
MT-4555-ATYCN ...................................... 91 OPT-MF-DC-D .......................................... 21
MT-4555-BTYCN ...................................... 91 PCI003-502 .............................................. 11
MT-4555-CTYCN ...................................... 91 PCI010-501 .............................................. 9
MTE-2240-BCBCN .................................. 90 PCI201-501 .............................................. 9
MTE-2250-AMACN .................................. 90 PCI201-502 .............................................. 9
MTE-2250-BCBCN .................................. 90 PCI201-503 .............................................. 9
MTE-3363-BCBCN .................................. 90 PCI201-504 .............................................. 9
MTE-3363-BLBCN ................................... 90 PCI201-511 .............................................. 9
MTE-4070-BLABE .................................... 91 PCI201-512 .............................................. 9
MTE-4070-BLACE ................................... 91 PCI201-513 .............................................. 9
MTE-4070-BLBCE ................................... 91 PCI201-514 .............................................. 9
MTE-4090-BLABE .................................... 91 PCI201-518 .............................................. 9
MTE-4090-BLACE ................................... 91 RG10 ....................................................... 32
MTE-4090-BLBCE ................................... 91 RG11 ....................................................... 32
MTE-4545-CTBCE ................................... 91 RG22 ....................................................... 32
NSB002-501 ............................................ 9 RG27A ..................................................... 32
NSB002-502 ............................................ 9 RG39 ....................................................... 32
NSB003 ................................................... 9 RG56 ....................................................... 32
NXE100 .................................................... 9 RG68 ....................................................... 32
NXE100-1616 .......................................... 9 RGJ139 .................................................... 32
OPT026-501 ............................................ 29 RGJ160 .................................................... 32
OPT029-501 ............................................ 11 RGJ260 .................................................... 32
OPT029-502 ............................................ 11 RGJ360 .................................................... 32

Motion and PLC US price list 137

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138 Motion and PLC US price list

Motion and PLC US price list 139
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