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Inmarsat C - SSAS Aussaguel Teleport Configuration Manual: June 2018 Ref: v.3

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Inmarsat C - SSAS

Aussaguel Teleport
Configuration manual

June 2018
Ref: v.3
Table of contents
1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................... 3

2. Cobham ........................................................................................................................................... 4
2.1 Connection to terminal .............................................................................................................. 4
2.2 SSAS configuration ................................................................................................................... 4
2.2.1 Example for telex ................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.2 Example for fax .................................................................................................................... 5
2.2.3 Example for SMS ................................................................................................................. 5
2.2.4 Example for email ................................................................................................................ 6
2.3 Multiple addressing of the SSAS alert. ..................................................................................... 6
2.4 Routing of Covert Alert Messages and Test Messages. ........................................................... 6
2.5 Example for entering the preferred LES ................................................................................... 7
2.6 Example for entering additional text below the message ......................................................... 7
2.7 Configure Covert/Security Alert ................................................................................................. 9
2.8 Deleting Entries ......................................................................................................................... 9

3. Furuno ........................................................................................................................................... 10
3.1 Changing the password .......................................................................................................... 10
3.2 SSAS manager mode ............................................................................................................. 11
3.3 Setting SSAS report Destination and Message Contents ....................................................... 11
3.4 SSAS test report ..................................................................................................................... 15

4. JRC ................................................................................................................................................ 16
4.1 3.1 Setting up .......................................................................................................................... 16
4.2 Example of setup .................................................................................................................... 19

5. Annexe 1: Summary of configurations ...................................................................................... 20

5.1 Cobham ................................................................................................................................... 20
5.2 Furuno ..................................................................................................................................... 20
5.3 JRC ......................................................................................................................................... 21

6. Need Support? .............................................................................................................................. 22

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Ship Security Alert System (SSAS) solution improves the security of maritime vessels by identifying the
ship and its location and indicating if the security of the ship is under threat or it has been compromised.

Our SSAS solution meets IMO (International Maritime Organization) requirements by enabling the
vessel to initiate and transmit a covert ship-to-shore security alert to a designated authority. It is used in
combination with Inmarsat C, a store-and forward data and messaging service.

We support all existing Inmarsat C terminals meeting SSAS requirements. Partner Sales Manager -
Southern Europe Region.

How SSAS works

The SSAS is a one-way, ship-to-shore alarm that originates a silent security alert aboard ship as soon
as the security of the vessel is under threat or compromised. As of 2004, all commercial vessels above
500 gross tonnages (GT) are required by the International Ship and Port Security Code (ISPS) to have
an operational SSAS installed.

• The alert includes ship identity and current position with date and time.

• Alert is transmitted via satellite to a competent authority designated by the vessel’s flag
state or by the shipping-company.

• The flag state authority is responsible for notifying the appropriate response agencies.

• Onboard the SSAS must have a minimum of two activation points (including one on the
bridge) to be able to activate a “covert” alert, without raising alarm on board the ship itself
or other ships or being registered in the terminal logs.

Alerts may be sent to multiple numbers or addresses. Those addresses are specified by the ship owner
as the competent representative for the vessel, and in compliance with the vessel flag state regulations.
Destination addresses must be programmed directly within the terminal. Alerts sent via our teleports can
be delivered in telex format, by fax, PSTN modem), email as well as by an SMS using SkyFile C (via
Aussaguel Teleport) and Internet C (via EIK Teleport).

In order to send SSAS messages through our Teleport, you have to configure your equipment using
this configuration:

- TO:
- CC:
- BCC:

In this document, over the JRC section, there are screenshots with “TO+”, the + character must not be

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SSAS configuration is the same for both SSAS terminals 3026 and 3027 terminals by Cobham

2.1 Connection to terminal

First you must create a Hyperlink connection from your PC, you can create a connection by COM port
or LAN connection on your PC.

: su sysadm “Enter”
Enter Password : sysadm “Enter”
Enter New Password: ******** here you must enter your password “Enter”
Confirm new password: ******** write again your password “Enter”

Note: after you entered your password (minimum 8 digits) every time you will log onto the terminal to
make changes you must write: su sysadm “Enter” and the password which you have configured as
indicated above.
Remember you can change the sysadm password again,
when you are log in as sysadm level: su “Enter” now you can see which level the unit is log in as:
Current user: sysadm
Please type: password sysadm “Enter”
Enter new password: ******** (87654321)
Confirm new password: ********(87654321)

Password for user sysadm changed.

2.2 SSAS configuration

Now you are ready to input the Fax, Telex, email or SMS details to where the alert message will be
sent to as indicated below.

Format: set (space) –am (space) – (entry),(type),{(address),(param)}

Entry can be from 0 to 2 (0,1,2) so total 3 entries

Type has as follows:

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2.2.1 Example for telex

To set up a telex address you type the following:

The command (set -am) “space” the entry (0, 1, 2) “comma” the type (0) “comma” and then the telex
number 5519298 followed by (+/) symbols and the answerback “TATJH” and press (enter) see example

: set –am 0,0,5519298+/TATJH (enter)

2.2.2 Example for fax

To set up a fax number you type the following:

The command (se -am) “space”, then the entry code (0, 1, 2) “comma” then type (1) “comma” and then
the Fax number 33556223241 followed by (t30) and press “enter” see example below.

: set –am 0,1,33556223241,t30 (enter)

2.2.3 Example for SMS

The command (set -am) “space”, then the entry code (0, 1, 2) “comma” then type (6) “comma” and then
the Mobile Number +33688051602 followed by (LES SMS CODE) and press “enter” see example below

: set –am 0,6,SMS+33688051602,28 (enter)

Remember lock the unit to the LES you want to use for the SMS service with the command set –m:

: set -m 021,121,221,321
Alert LES for ocean 0 : 021
Alert LES for ocean 1 : 121
Alert LES for ocean 2 : 221
Alert LES for ocean 3 : 321

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2.2.4 Example for email

To set up an email address you type the following:

The command (set -am) “space”, then the entry code (0, 1, 2) “comma” then type (254) “comma” and
then the email address [email protected] and press “enter” see example below.

: set –am 0,254, [email protected],28 (enter)

2.3 Multiple addressing of the SSAS alert.

You can add more than one address at the same line for the E-mail and Fax service,
Max 79 characters per line.

You can NOT do it for SMS service, please see below.

: set -am
Update time: 2006-05-18 10:27:41
Entry Type Param Address
0 254 28 [email protected]
1 1 t30 33556223241
2 6 28 33588051602
To set/clear addresses: set -am <Entry>,<Type>[,<Addresses>[,<Param>]]
Routing of covert alert messages and test messages

2.4 Routing of Covert Alert Messages and Test Messages.

By using the command line set –ame <Entry><Msg. Type><Enter> it is possible to configure to which
addresses the alert messages and test messages should be routed.
However, please notice the alert message always should be configured so it is received by the
addresses 0 and 1. The test message can optional be routed to the addresses 0 and 1 additionally.
The address no. 2 is fully user programmable for alert messages, test messages or both.

Message Types:
1 = Alert (only message)
2 = Test (only test)
3 = Alert + Test (message+test)

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The first address (0) is set to receive alert messages only:
: set –ame 0,1<Enter>

The second address (1) is set to receive both alert- and test messages:
: set –ame 1,3<Enter>

The third address (2) is set to receive test messages only:

:set –ame 2,2<Enter>

2.5 Example for entering the preferred LES

To set up the preferred LESO you type the following:

The command (set -m) “space”, then the LESO CODES and press “enter” see example below for
Marlink France.

: set –m 021,121,221,321 (enter)

Land Earth Stations Operators covering all 4 ocean regions.

: set -m ALL_OCEANS
Alert LES for ocean 0 : 021
Alert LES for ocean 1 : 121
Alert LES for ocean 2 : 221
Alert LES for ocean 3 : 321

2.6 Example for entering additional text below the message

You can add up to 199 characters in the free ALERT text for a SSAS unit.
Please type your text in Notepad, with the “tr long.txt” command before the text as below.
Ship Name: M/S Thrane & Thrane
Ship Owner: Thrane & Thrane
Flag State: Denmark

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Code 1:12345678
Code 2:abcdefgh

Copy the text from Notepad, and past it in the mini-C when it is on sysadm level.

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2.7 Configure Covert/Security Alert

Format: CFG -c <alert type>

Alert type: The alert type to be used.
0 = SSA messages (standard 30 sec delay International requirements)
3 = SSA messages instant activation (US requirements)
Please note that this command is only accessible for users with authority level sysadm.

2.8 Deleting Entries

se –am (entry),255

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These instructions are for the following Felcom terminals: Felcom 15, 16 18 ,19
In order to set the SSAS you must activate the SSAS manager mode. This mode is activated by the
password entered by the ship’s captain or authorized personnel. The indication “SSAS Manager Mode”
is shown at the top of the screen when this mode is activated. All SSAS-related menus are available.
Transmission of the SSAS report may be cancelled in this mode. The equipment starts up in the normal
mode, regardless of the mode in use when the power is turned off.

3.1 Changing the password

The default password is “ship security alert”. Ship’s captain or authorized personnel may change the
password as follows:

1. FELCOM 15: Press [F8], [2] to show the System Setup menu.
FELCOM 16/18/19: Press [F8], [1] to show the System Setup menu.

2. Press [↓] to choose Command Window and then press the [Enter] key.

3. On the Enter JOB No. field, type “ssas password” (without quotation marks) and then press the
[Enter] key. The prompt OLD PASSWORD appears.

4. Type your current password and then press the [Enter] key. The prompt NEW PASSWORD

5. Enter new password, using at least six characters, and then press the [Enter] key. The prompt
Note: If less than six characters are entered for the password, the message “Please use a longer
password.” appears. Enter a longer password.

6. Enter new password again and then press the [Enter] key. The message “Password changed”

7. Press the [Esc] key several times to close the menu.

Note: The SSAS manager mode cannot be unlocked without the proper password.

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3.2 SSAS manager mode

All SSAS-related settings are set in the SSAS manager mode. Do the following to access this mode.

1. FELCOM 15: Press [F8], [2] to show the System Setup menu.
FELCOM 16/18/19: Press [F8], [1] to show the System Setup menu.

2. Press [↓] to choose Command Window and then press the [Enter] key

3. On the Enter JOB No. field, type “ssas manager” (without the quotation marks) and then press the
[Enter] key.

Note: If there is no SSAS equipment connected, the message "Command Ignored: No SSAS button is
installed." appears.

4. Type password and then press the [Enter] key to go into the “SSAS Manager Mode”.
The indication “SSAS Manager Mode” is shown at the top of the screen when this mode is activated,
and it is flashing.

Press the [Esc] key several times to close the menu. This enables the SSAS manager mode
Note: Turn the power off and on again whenever changing SSAS-related settings.

3.3 Setting SSAS report Destination and Message Contents

When the SSAS is activated, the SSAS report is sent according to the addresses (max. 5) and message
content set with SSAS Report 1 – SSAS Report 5 on the SSAS Report menu.
Note 1: The destination and message content of an SSAS report varies according to Administration.
Therefore, set them as requested by ship’s authorities. For information other than ship’s name, MMSI
no. and IMN no., set it manually with “Other Inf.”
Note 2: The equipment must be in the SSAS manager mode to execute this procedure.

1. Press the [F5] to open the Reports menu.

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2. Press the [4] key to shown the SSAS Report menu.

3. Press [1], [2], [3], [4] or [5] key as appropriate.

4. Press the [↓] key to choose Mode and then press the [Enter] key.

5. Press the [↑] or [↓] key to choose mode desired and then press the [Enter] key.
“Mode” defines what SSAS report(s) a station is to receive:
Real+Test: Actual SSAS report and test SSAS report.
Real Only: Actual SSAS report only.
Test Only: Test SSAS report only.

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6. Press the [↓] key to choose Station Name and then press the [Enter] key.
7. Press the [↑] or [↓] key to choose appropriate station and then press the [Enter] key. You may sort
the list by group name, station name or communication type

8. Press the [↓] key to choose LES ID and then press the [Enter] key.

9. Press the [↑] or [↓] key to choose LES and then press the [Enter] key.

Note: Change the LES whenever sea area has changed. However, the equipment automatically
searches for an LES with which you can communicate and the SSAS report is transmitted to that LES.

10. Press the [↓] key to choose Report Interval and then press the [Enter] key.

11. Enter time interval (00:10-99:59) to transmit the SSAS report and then press the [Enter] key.

12. Press the [Esc] key to show the Update window.

13. Yes is selected; press the [Enter] key to close the SSAS report window.

14. Press the [6] key to display the SSAS Message Contents menu.

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15. Press the [Enter] key to open the Vessel Name window.

16 Enter vessel’s name and then press the [Enter] key.

17. Press the [↓] key to choose MMSI and then press the [Enter] key.

18. Enter MMSI number and then press the [Enter] key.

19. Press the [↓] key to choose IMN and then press the [Enter] key.

20. Enter IMN and then press the [Enter] key.

21. Press the [↓] key to choose Other Inf. and then press the [Enter] key

22. Enter appropriate message (for FELCOM15/16: three lines, for FELCOM18/19: six lines) and then
press the [Enter] key.
Note: To shift between lines, use the [↑] or [↓] key.

23. Press the [Esc] key to show the Update window.

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24. Yes is selected; press the [Enter] key to close the SSAS Message Contents menu.

25. Press the [Esc] key twice to return to the standby display.

Note 1: To delete entered subscriber’s data, choose “Remove” from “Status.”

Note 2: SSAS report settings may be saved to a floppy disk for backup.

FELCOM 15: [F8], [9], [6] to show the Save/Load window.

FELCOM 16: [F8], [8], [6] to show the Save/Load window.
FELCOM 18/19: [F8], [8], [6] to show the Export/Import window.

3.4 SSAS test report

You can test for successful transmission of the SSAS report to the address you specify, without using
the button. The test report message states “!!! Test Call !!!” to alert the receiver of the message that it is
a test call.
Note: This function is only available in the SSAS manager mode. Switch to this mode and then follow
this procedure.

1. Press the [F5] key to open the Reports menu.

2. Press the [4] key to choose the SSAS Report menu.

3. Press the [1], [2], [3], [4] or [5] key as appropriate, and the SSAS report setting menu appears.

4. set destination where to transmit the test.

5. Press the [↑] key to choose Status and then press the [Enter] key.

6. Press the [↓] key to choose TEST and then press the [Enter] key.

7. Press the [Esc] key to open the Update window.

8. Yes is selected; press the [Enter] key. The test report is transmitted. After it is transmitted, “Status”
is automatically set to ON.

9. Press the [Esc] key twice to return to the standby display.

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4. JRC
4.1 3.1 Setting up

This section describes how to set up for sending the security message to the telex terminal on the
terrestrial network.
There are screenshots with “TO+”, the + character must not be use.

1. Press <ESC> until the screen clear.

2. Press <ALT> + <U> to obtain “Set up” menu box.

3. Procedure of “Password Change” is needed when you use this transmission in the first time, or you
want to change old password. Select “Password” key by moving cursor to “Password” and press Enter
key. “Password Change” dialog box is displayed.

4. Password “0000” has been set on this equipment as default password. So, you should enter the
“0000” to column of ”Old” in “ Password Change” box, and then enter new password that you can create
4 digit numbers as you like, to “New” and “New (Confirm)”. The word “OK” is displayed at the bottom of
“Password Change” box.
Then, the “Password Change” procedure is completed.

5. Return to Setup screen by pressing <F10> key, select “Scheduled transmission” by moving cursor,
and then press Enter key. “Scheduled transmission” menu box is displayed.

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6. Press <Ctrl> + < F10> in the same time. “Password” dialog box is displayed on the center of “schedule
transmission” menu box.

Enter new password, which is set at Step 4, and then press Enter key.
If the password you entered in is not correct, buzzer is sounded and characters (displayed as ****) are
all cleared. You can enter in password again. If you entered wrong passwords at several times, this
process is repeated again and again with sounding buzzer.
If you want to cancel this procedure and want to do another job, press ESC key.

7. “Security Alert transmission” menu box with “F1:SSAS TEST” is displayed.

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8. To setup Security Alert transmission, select the “Security Alert transmission #1,” “Security Alert
transmission #2,” “Security Alert transmission #3,” “Security Alert transmission #4” or “Security Alert
transmission #5” by pressing the up/down arrow keys, and pressing <Enter>.
“Scheduled transmission file #1” has been selected for SSAS message transmission setup.

9. Press the down arrow key to choose “requesting Interval”, and then press <Enter>.

10. Enter time interval (1hour – 23 hour) to the Security Alert transmission, and then press <Enter>.
Requesting Interval: 1hour

Note: The minimum setting unit is one hour. Setting as unit of minutes is not available. When “0 hour”
has been entered as interval to transmit the Security Alert, MES will transmit the security message only
one time, after 30 seconds.

11. Setting of LES ID: Press <Enter>, and enter LES ID, and then press <Enter>.

12. Setting of network type: Press <Enter>, “Network type” menu box is displayed and then select “Telex”
option by pressing the up/down arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.

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13. Setting of prefix code, destination code and subscriber’s number: Press <Enter>, and enter the prefix
code, and then press <Enter>.

Press <Enter>, and then enter the country code and subscriber’s number of final destination.

14. Setting of SSAS: Press <Enter>, then message editing screen is opened. Create the message in
the screen, and press <F9> (Save and quit key) for return to “Security Alert transmission #1“ screen.

15. Press <Enter>, select “oN” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
When “oFf” has been selected, Message is NOT sent although anyone press the security button.

16. Setup is completed, and then press function key10 <F10> to finish the setup. Press function key10
<F10> or <ESC> to save the setup.

4.2 Example of setup

Example of setup of security Alert transmission by the procedure described above:

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Do not forget to send your SSAS messages through LES 21 (021, 121, 221, and 321)

5.1 Cobham

Create a Hyperlink connection from your PC, you can create a connection by COM port or LAN
connection on your PC or in easymail go to view>terminal mode


:SE –AM 0,3,31520000 <ENTER>

5.2 Furuno

Access the SSAS manager mode by going to System Setup menu choose Command Window and press
the Enter, on the Enter JOB No. field, type: ssas manager
Type password and then press the enter key to go into the “SSAS Manager Mode”. Open the Reports
menu and go to SSAS Report

Select destination type X25 or PSDN and enter the address 31520000

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5.3 JRC

Go to Setup screen by pressing <F10> key, select “Scheduled transmission” by moving cursor, then
press Enter key. “Scheduled transmission” menu box is displayed.
Press <Ctrl> + < F10> in the same time then select the “Security Alert transmission #1,” by example
then set LES ID 21 and network type PSDN, enter destination number: xxxxxxxxxx”
Press <Enter>, select “ON” by pressing the left/right arrow keys, and then press <Enter>.
Setup is completed, and then press function key10 <F10> to finish the setup. Press function key10
<F10> or <ESC> to save the setup.

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If you have any questions, please contact your Key Account Manager or Marlink Service Desk:

Email: [email protected]
EMEA: +33 (0)1 70 48 98 98
Americas: +1 (310) 616-5594
+1 855 769 39 59 (toll free)
Asia Pacific: +65 64 29 83 11

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