Forstner Et Al. - 2013 - A General Framework For Innovative Mobile Biofeedb
Forstner Et Al. - 2013 - A General Framework For Innovative Mobile Biofeedb
Forstner Et Al. - 2013 - A General Framework For Innovative Mobile Biofeedb
Abstract -- Educational games on mobile devices are getting states can be applied into the game, and the prediction of
more and more popular due to the widespread usage of tablets reward can be estimated. Some of the sensors are measuring
among children. The effectiveness of autonomous learning can brainwaves, muscle tone, skin conductance or heart rate. The
be increased with the use of properly processed biofeedback performance of players can be improved by applying
signals. The aim of our research is to create skill-developing feedback and responses into the underlying structure of the
and educational games with a framework based on estimating game design [2].
cognitive state and neurological feedback, which is general
enough to be extended with different biofeedback sensor In our research, we created an easy-to-use framework in
devices. The goal is to improve the learning efficiency by order to develop not only the interaction between games and
adapting to the users learning capabilities. Using the heart rate players, but also the improvement of learning ability. This
monitor and the EEG device we can examine the emotional approach achieves adaptive gaming by the alteration of
and cognitive states of the user, modify the difficulty level and different kinds of rewards. We focus on this reward and how
the attributes of the reward to fit the user’s needs, helping to we attempt to manipulate and modify it through the game.
get the best results.
The primary aim of the research is to enable development
Keywords: Human Computer Interaction; Software of adaptive mobile assisted educational games.
framework; Biofeedback; Mobile Games;
Another impact on the gaming society is the rapid
evolution of mobile devices. The number of games
I. INTRODUCTION developed for these devices increased rapidly recently.
Human Computer Interaction (HCI) research has a strong Tablets have been introduced in education as well, and the
influence on video game development and modern interfaces anytime-anywhere availability of these devices makes them a
were designed to enhance dynamic interaction between perfect tool in education. Our research focuses on these
games and players in order to achieve a better user devices.
Educational games represent a remarkable part of video II. RELATED WORK
games, where the primary purpose is not the pure Previous studies investigated different biofeedback
engagement but to educate players and to produce progress methods on mobile devices [3]. Their primary objective was
in learning. They are designed to teach players about certain to estimate the emotional state of players by monitoring heart
subjects and reinforce development. rate, blood flow or biological alternations. It was shown by
Hercegfi[4], that with applying spectral analysis on the HPV
In this paper, the aim is to achieve better performance in
(Heart Period Variance) it is possible to draw conclusions on
learning, therefore, we extend the concept of educational
the subject’s mental load, as it causes a decrease in the mid-
games with adaptability. By definition adaptive games
frequency (MF, 0.07 Hz – 0.15 Hz) power band.
recognize and comprehend the interaction of players and
intelligently alter themselves to adapt to their needs or goals Such observations can also be extended by
in order to improve the gameplay experience. neurofeedback technology. Brain Computer Interface (BCI)
research has seen progress beyond the medical domain [5]
The concept of our approach is based on reinforcement
[6]. Human Computer Interaction (HCI) researchers
learning. It is a well-established algorithm in computer
developed an interest towards Interactive Gaming and they
science, but it initially originates from behavioral science [1].
proposed, future applications and challenges in previous
The fundamental purpose of the theory is to explain how
reward-seeking behavior affects the decision-making process
of an agent. In a certain environment there are different One of the most important signals that can be used is the
actions to choose from and the primary goal of an agent is to so called P300 signal. It is an event related potential, that is
achieve the maximal reward. in connection with – among other things – rewarding, and it
is sensitive for the size of the reward. It is also important to
We attempt to estimate the reward expectation using
mention, that the power of brain waves in different ranges
biofeedback technology. Affective games are games, where
(alpha, beta, theta) can also provide some metrics about the
usually physiological sensors provide information about the
degree of concentration
hidden emotional state of players. With biofeedback these
Our aim is to enhance the learning ability by
manipulating the rewards in the game, which is based on
reinforcement learning. Reinforcement learning is a well-
known learning algorithm established in machine learning.
Over the past decades, reinforcement learning algorithm was
adapted to cognitive neuroscience. The fundamental purpose
of the theory is to explain how reward-seeking behavior
affects the decision-making process of an agent. In a certain
environment there are different actions to choose from. The
Fig. 2. Simplified architecture. The architecture contains three main roles:
primary goal of an agent is to achieve the maximal global the game, the supervisor and the framework. The game and the framework
reward in this environment. The agent attempts to interact run on the same tablet in order to reduce the communication overhead. The
with the environment to receive this particular reward. supervisor works on a different tablet.
CogInfoCom 2013 • 4th IEEE International Conference on Cognitive Infocommunications • December 2–5, 2013 , Budapest, Hungary
B. Forstner et al. • A general framework for innovative mobile biofeedback based educational games
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to enable developers and researchers to attach games and
further components (sensors, drivers, measurement methods)
to the framework.
Furthermore, we designed a group of educational games
for children with disabilities and we attached these games to
the framework. The design process was carefully discussed
with experts from interdisciplinary fields.
Future work will focus on new game development and
optimization of the framework, furthermore improving the
spectral analysis algorithm used with the brain waves and the
heart rate, to make it even more reliable and to be able to use
smaller windows from the signals.
This work was partially supported by the European
Union and the European Social Fund through project (grant no.: TAMOP-4.2.2.C-11/1/KONV-2012-
0013) organized by VIKING Zrt. Balatonfüred.
This work is connected to the scientific program of the
"Development of quality-oriented and harmonized R+D+I
strategy and functional model at BME" project. This project
is supported by the New Széchényi Plan (Project ID:
[1] R. S. Sutton and A. G. Barto, Reinforcement Learning: An
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