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The document discusses various specifications for miscellaneous construction materials and concrete mixes including bedding mortar, porous concrete, plastic coatings, thermoplastic road markers, granolithic concrete, and foamed concrete.

Bedding mortar must have a compressive strength of at least 50 MPa and fill the volume completely. It must be compatible with adjoining surfaces and not exceed stress limits.

Aggregates in bedding mortar must be less than 2.8mm in size and comply with storage, handling and certification requirements. Chloride content must be less than 0.1%.





Clause Title Page

2601 Bedding Mortar 2

2602 Concrete for Ancillary Purposes 5
2603 Porous No Fines Concrete 6
2604 Plastic Coating to Fencing Posts,
Gates and Ancillaries 6
2605 Plastic Coated High Tensile Wire 6
2606 Cored Thermoplastic Node Markers 7
2607 Granolithic Concrete Rendering
and Screed 7
2608 (03/20) Foamed Concrete for Structures 8F

Amendment – March 2020 1

Volume 1 Series 2600
Specification for Highway Works Special Structures


2601 Bedding Mortar (iii) The material shall not be removed from the
store for use in the Works until immediately
General prior to mixing.
1 Bedding mortar shall satisfy the following (iv) Material shall not be used more than six
performance requirements: months after the date of manufacture or any
lesser period specified by the manufacturer
(i) Unless otherwise described in or supplier.
Appendix 26/2, bedding mortar shall have a
compressive strength not less than 50 N/mm² (v) The Contractor shall supply with each batch
when tested in accordance with sub-Clause or part of a batch of the material delivered to
4(iv) or 4(v) of this Clause. the Site, certificates furnished by the supplier
or manufacturer stating the following:
(ii) The flow characteristics shall be such that
the volume of the bed or plinth as shown on (a) Manufacturer’s name and address.
the Drawings is completely filled with (b) Manufacturer’s agent’s name and
homogeneous material when placed within address where applicable.
the range of ambient temperature between
5°C and 25°C, or as otherwise described in (c) Description of material and brand
Appendix 26/2. name.
(iii) The physical and chemical properties shall (d) Batch reference number, size of batch,
be compatible with those of all adjoining and number of containers in the
surfaces. delivery order.
The stress in the mortar shall not exceed that defined in (e) Date of manufacture.
Appendix 21/1 for bridge bearings and Appendix 26/2 (f) The chloride ion content, expressed as
for other applications. Where the mortar is required to a percentage by mass of cement.
resist stress before attaining its 28-day strength the
compressive strength shall be confirmed by tests on (vi) Calcium chloride or admixtures containing
mortar cubes stored under conditions that simulate the chloride salts shall not be used and the total
field conditions. chloride ion content shall not exceed 0.1% of
the mass of cement.
Materials (vii) (11/03) Portland cement CEM I shall comply
2 (i) (11/03) The maximum aggregate size in with BS EN 197-1.
bedding mortar shall be 2.8 mm. (viii) (11/03) The total acid-soluble sulfate content
(ii) Proprietary materials shall be stored as of the mortar mix, as SO4 shall not exceed
follows: 5% of the mass of cement in the mix. The
acid-soluble sulfate (AS) shall be determined
(a) The materials shall be stored in a dry in accordance with Test No. 2 in TRL Report
environment at a temperature of 447. The sulfate content shall be calculated
between 10°C and 27°C. as the total from the various constituents of
(b) The containers shall be damp-proof, the mix.
leak-proof and readily emptied of their (ix) (11/03) If water for the Works is not available
contents. from a water company’s supply, the
(c) Containers shall be marked with the Contractor shall ensure that the water complies
batch reference number, component with the guidance given in BS EN 1008.
identification, manufacturer’s name, Water from a water company supply may be
net weight and such warnings or used without testing. Where testing is
precautions concerning the contents as required, the sulfate content of the water
are required. shall be tested in accordance with Test No. 1
in TRL Report 447. The water shall not be

Amendment – November 2003 2

Volume 1 Series 2600
Specification for Highway Works Special Structures

used if the sulfate content exceeds 1.4 g of final position within 25 minutes of
sulfate (as SO4) per litre. Water from the sea commencement of mixing. Immediately after
or tidal rivers shall not be used. casting, the mortar shall be protected to
prevent evaporation for at least three days.
(x) Resinous bedding mortars shall be based on
thermosetting organic polymers consisting of (iii) For resinous bedding mortars the substrate
stable fluid and/or solid components which on shall be dry, free from loose dirt and dust and
mixing react chemically to form a hardened shall meet the conditions specified by the
solid mass. Products shall be formulated manufacturer. The underside of the base
from epoxide, polyester, polyurethane or plate shall be clean and free from loose rust
acrylic resin systems. Fillers or aggregates to and loose mill scale at the time of bedding.
be incorporated in accordance with the The mortar shall be placed in its final
manufacturer’s recommendations, to extend position within one hour, or lesser period
or modify the properties of the resinous specified by the manufacturer, of
composition, shall be pre-bagged, dry and commencement of mixing.
factory proportioned. The addition of other
(iv) The mortar shall be poured in one corner of
fillers or aggregates shall not be permitted.
the plinth. The addition of mortar to the sides
Site Mixing, Placing and Curing of the plinth shall only be permitted after the
mortar has flowed completely under the
3 (i) Mixing, placing and curing of proprietary plinth.
bedding mortar shall be carried out in
(v) No internal metal shims shall be allowed to
accordance with the manufacturer’s written
remain in the hardened bedding mortar
instructions together with the following:
except where described in Appendix 26/2.
(a) The material shall not be mixed or
placed in the Works at ambient Laboratory Approval Tests
temperatures of less than 5°C. If for 24
4 (i) General
hours before, during or after placing,
the ambient temperature falls below Every batch of mortar to be used in the Works
5°C the Contractor shall maintain the shall be tested by the Contractor. Where more
temperature of the substrate and other than one batch of mortar is to be used in the
adjoining surfaces at not less than 5°C Works the Elastic Stability Test may be
for the duration of the curing period omitted from the testing regime subsequent to
recommended by the manufacturer. the initial laboratory approval tests.
(b) For cementitious bedding mortars the The Contractor shall state the water content
water/cement ratio shall not exceed to be used, expressed as a percentage by
0.4. The water content shall be weight of the material. Mixing shall be
confirmed during the approval tests, carried out in accordance with the
and maintained within a tolerance of manufacturer’s written instructions.
± 1 per cent in mortars placed in the (ii) Flow Cone Test, Calibration of Flow
Works. (a) (11/03) Theflow characteristics of the
(c) Only full packs of mortar as supplied mortar shall be determined by the
shall be mixed. On-site proportioning Flow Cone Test method described in
shall not be permitted. ASTM Standard C939-02.
(d) The temperature of the mortar on (b) Tests shall be conducted at ambient
completion of mixing shall be between temperatures of 5°C and 20°C within 15
5°C and 25°C. minutes of commencement of mixing.
(ii) For cementitious bedding mortars, the (c) For the test at 5°C the temperature of
substrate shall be flushed clean with water the flow cone and the mixer shall be
two hours before placing and maintained wet 5°C, the temperature of the dry
until placing commences. Any free water on material 10°C, and the temperature of
the surface of the substrate shall be removed the water where required, 20°C.
before placing the mortar. The underside of (d) For the test at 20°C the temperature of
the base plate shall be clean and free from the flow cone, the mixer, the dry
loose rust and loose mill scale at the time of material and the water where required
bedding. The mortar shall be placed in its shall be 20°C.
Amendment – November 2003 3
Volume 1 Series 2600
Specification for Highway Works Special Structures

(e) For each temperature at least two tests strengths obtained is lower than
having times of efflux within ± 5% 50 N/mm² and the difference between
shall be made and the average time of the highest and lowest values is not
efflux to the nearest 0.2 second shall more than 20% of the average. All
be reported. results shall be reported.
(iii) Flow Between Glass Plates (v) Compressive Strength (Resinous)
(a) The flow characteristics of the mortar (a) The compressive strength for resinous
between glass plates shall be bedding mortars shall be carried out
determined using the apparatus shown on six 40 mm cubes at an age of 24
in HCD Drawing Number K2. hours.
(b) Tests shall be conducted at ambient (b) The 40 mm cube moulds shall comply
temperatures of 5°C and 20°C. with BS 6319 : Part 1 and shall be
carefully filled using a funnel to
(c) The temperature of the apparatus, dry
ensure void-free cubes. There shall be
material and water for each test shall
no compaction.
comply with sub-Clause 4(ii)(c) and
(d) of this Clause. (c) Testing shall comply with
BS 6319 : Part 2.
(d) The mortar shall be poured in one
corner of the apparatus commencing (d) The strength requirement shall be
between 18 minutes and 20 minutes satisfied if none of the compressive
after commencement of mixing. strengths obtained is lower than
50 N/mm² and the difference between
(e) A satisfactory flow shall be achieved
the highest and lowest values is not
when the mortar flows under the glass
more than 20% of the average. All
plate and rises at least 10 mm above the
results shall be reported.
underside of the top plate at all
positions, without signs of segregation, (vi) Expansion Test
bleeding, effervescence or air inclusions.
(a) (11/03)Short term expansion shall be
(iv) Compressive Strength (Cementitious) determined by the method described in
ASTM Standard C827-01a. Results
(a) The compressive strength of
shall be determined from the mean of
cementitious bedding mortars shall be
two tests.
carried out on six 70 mm cubes at an
age of 28 days. (b) The expansion of cementitious
bedding mortars at 24 hours shall be
(b) The temperature of the mixer, the dry
less than 2.5% and greater than 0.25%.
material, the water and the moulds
shall be 20°C. (c) The volume change of resinous
bedding mortars at 24 hours shall be
(c) (11/03) The 70 mm cube moulds shall
between -0.6% and +1.0%.
comply with BS EN 12390-1. Test
specimens shall be made by filling the (vii) Water Absorption Test
moulds carefully through a funnel to
(a) (11/03) Absorption of water by resinous
produce a void-free mortar. The
bedding mortars shall be determined
moulds shall be covered by a steel
by the method described in ASTM
plate to prevent expansion of the
Standard C413-01. The absorption
shall be not more than 0.4%.
(d) (11/03) There shall be no compaction.
(viii) Elastic stability tests for cementitious
Specimens shall be damp-cured for the
bedding mortars shall be carried out on one
first 24 hours, removed from the
set of three cubes made at 20°C as described
moulds and then water cured. Curing
in sub-Clause 4(iv) of this Clause.
shall comply with BS EN 12390-2.
(a) Curing shall comply with
(e) (11/03) Testing
shall comply with
BS EN 12390-2. After a minimum of
BS EN 12390-3.
28 days, the cubes shall be placed in
(f) The strength requirement shall be water at 20°C heated at a uniform rate
satisfied if none of the compressive to 45°C in 24 hours.

Amendment – November 2003 4

Volume 1 Series 2600
Specification for Highway Works Special Structures

(b) Upon attaining 45°C the cubes shall (ii) Compressive Strength. Three cubes from
be sealed in a plastic bag and then each load of mortar mixed for placing in the
loaded at a compressive stress of Works shall be tested for compressive
30 N/mm² maintained for six hours at strength as described in sub-Clause 4(iv) or
45°C and the strain measured. 4(v) of this Clause as appropriate.
(c) The total compressive strain shall not Tolerances
exceed 1% on each cube.
6 The following tolerances shall apply to all
(ix) Elastic stability tests for resinous bedding
temperatures referred to in this Clause:
mortars shall be carried out on one set of two
40 mm cubes complying with 5°C (- 0°C + 2°C)
BS 6319 : Part 1. 10°C (- 0°C + 2°C)
(a) On removing the cubes from the 20°C (- 0°C + 2°C)
moulds after 24 hours they shall be
heated at a uniform rate to 45°C in a 45°C (- 2°C + 2°C)
further 24 hours. 110°C (- 5°C + 5°C)
(b) Upon attaining 45°C the cubes shall The tolerances applying to all linear dimensions, unless
be loaded at a compressive stress of otherwise shown on the Drawings shall be ± 1%.
30 N/mm² maintained for six hours at
45°C and the strain measured.
(c) The total compressive strain shall not 2602 Concrete for Ancillary Purposes
exceed 1% on each cube.
Site Control Tests
1 Concrete mixes referred to in the Contract as ST
5 (i) If the efflux times at 5°C and 20°C followed by a number shall mean concrete for ancillary
determined as described in sub-Clause 4(ii) purposes which shall comply with this Clause and any
of this Clause are within 10% or two seconds additional requirements in Appendix 26/1.
of each other, whichever is the greater, then 2 (11/03) Concrete for ancillary purposes shall be a
site control tests for flow shall be carried out standardised prescribed concrete complying with
as described in (a) below. In other cases, BS EN 206-1 and BS 8500 and with the additional
when the air temperature is less than 10°C requirements of this Clause.
site control tests for flow shall be carried out
as described in (b) below and when the air Cement
temperature is greater than 10°C site control
tests for flow shall be carried out as 3 (11/04) Cement types as defined in BS 8500, see
described in (a) below. Table A.17 of BS 8500-1 or Table 1 of BS 8500-2, shall
comprise one of the following:
(a) Each load of mortar mixed for placing
in the Works shall be tested at ambient CEM I, CEM II/A-V, CEM II/B-V, BIIIA
temperature by the flow cone test or, where required in Appendix 26/1, SRPC
method as described in sub-Clause (sulfate-resisting Portland cement).
4(ii) of this Clause. The results shall
agree within ± 10% or ± two seconds Aggregates
whichever is the greater, of the values
4 (11/03) Aggregates shall comply with BS EN 12620
obtained in the approval tests at 20°C.
and unless otherwise described in Appendix 26/1 the
(b) Each load of mortar mixed for placing maximum size shall be 20 mm. The total acid-soluble
in the Works shall be tested at ambient sulfate content of the concrete mix, as SO4, shall not
temperature by the flow cone test exceed 5% of the mass of cement in the mix. The
method as described in sub-Clause acid-soluble sulfate (AS) shall be determined in
4(ii) of this Clause. The results shall accordance with Test No. 2 in TRL Report 447.
agree within ± 10% or ± two seconds
whichever is the greater, of the values
obtained in the approval tests at 5°C.

Amendment – November 2004 5

Volume 1 Series 2600
Specification for Highway Works Special Structures

(11/03) Consistence 9 Surface finishes shall comply with Clause 1708

and, unless otherwise described in Appendix 26/1, the
5 (11/03) The consistence of the concrete shall be following:
defined by its consistence class (slump) and be within
either consistence class S2 or consistence class S3 of Buried surfaces:
BS EN 206-1 BS 8500 as appropriate to the purpose. Unformed surfaces shall be Class U1
Formed surfaces shall be Class F1
(11/03) Standardised Prescribed Concrete
Exposed surfaces:
6 (11/03) The standardised prescribed concrete used
for each purpose shall be as described in Table 26/1 Unformed surfaces shall be Class U2 except
unless otherwise described in Appendix 26/1. benching to chambers, which shall be Class
TABLE 26/1: (05/04) Concrete for Ancillary Purposes Formed surfaces shall be Class F2
10 Formwork shall be struck without damage to the
Purpose Standardised concrete not less than two days after placing the
prescribed concrete and exposed surfaces shall be cured as
concrete* described in Clause 1027 or by covering them with an
1 Footings for fence posts and augered ST2
opaque impermeable membrane or with hessian or sand
foundations for traffic sign posts
which shall be kept damp. Such covering shall not be
removed for two days after placing.
2 Foundations for environmental barrier posts ST5
and planted lighting columns 11 (11/03) This Clause shall be complied with where
standardised prescribed concrete to BS EN 206-1 and
3 Blinding concrete, backfill for structural ST1 BS EN 8500-2, are shown on the Drawings for purposes
foundations, overdig of post holes and other than those in Table 26/1.
preparation of formation to Clause 616
4 Bedding and backing to precast concrete ST1
kerbs, channels, edgings and quadrants 2603 Porous No Fines Concrete
5 Bed to drains Type A#. Foundations, ST4 1 (11/03) No fines concrete shall consist of Portland
channels and benching to chambers cement CEM I to BS EN 197-1 and 40 mm single size
6 Bed, haunch and surround to drains other ST2
aggregate complying with BS EN 12620.
than Type A#. Surround to chambers and 2 The ratio of aggregate to cement shall be 8:1 by
gullies volume or 10:1 by mass.
* Unless otherwise described in Appendix 26/1 3 The concrete shall be mixed by machine or by hand
# Refer to HCD drawing number F1 and F2 to a uniform colour and consistency before placing. The
quantity of water used shall not exceed that required to
Transporting, Placing and Compacting Concrete coat all of the aggregate particles without forming
excess grout.
7 (05/05) Concrete shall be transported and placed so
that contamination, segregation and loss of materials 4 The concrete shall be compacted by hand only.
does not occur. The maximum temperature of the
concrete at any time between mixing and placing shall
be no greater than 30°C. Concrete shall be placed and 2604 Plastic Coating to Fencing Posts, Gates
compacted within two hours of mixing. After and Ancillaries
compaction it shall not be disturbed within 12 hours.
1 (11/03) Plastic coating to steel or galvanized steel
8 (11/03) Concrete shall be compacted by tamping or fence posts, gates and ancillaries shall comply with
vibrating until it is thoroughly worked around any BS 1722: Part 16. Preparation of steel and galvanizing
embedded metal and into corners of formwork or shall comply with Series 1900.
excavations, until a solid mass substantially free from
voids is obtained without segregation and with no free
water on the surface. The Contractor shall select the 2605 Plastic Coated High Tensile Wire
consistence as described in sub-Clause 5 of this Clause
to achieve this. 1 (11/03) Wire shall be 4.40 mm diameter high tensile
drawn carbon steel wire with a minimum tensile
strength of 1050 N/mm², zinc coated to class A to
comply with BS EN 10244-2 and plastic coated to

Amendment – May 2005 6

Volume 1 Series 2600
Specification for Highway Works Special Structures

comply with the following sub-Clauses and shall be joining the centres of the markers shall be
grade designated Grade A. perpendicular to the centre line of the lane in
which the markers are installed.
2 Plastic coatings shall be applied to wire by
extrusion using a compound complying with BS 2571 (ii) (05/05) The base of the pockets shall be
Type E1A and with the following additional cleaned and dried ensuring that all loose
requirements (i) to (iii): material is removed.
(i) The vinyl chloride homopolymer shall be (iii) (11/03) Thermoplastic road marking material
mixed with appropriate primary plasticizers, or paint shall be in accordance with BS EN
heat and light stabilizers, lubricants and 1871, shall then be poured into the pockets
pigments. No extender or filler other than until the material projects slightly above the
stabilizers or pigments shall be used. No level of the road surface, but the material
other material shall be added to the must not be allowed to spread onto the
compound. surrounding carriageway surface.
(ii) Not more than 5% of clean, once re-worked 3 The completed markers shall be free from
material, which shall be of the same raggedness at their edges and free from streaks, and be
composition, shall be added to the virgin flush (ie not more than 2 mm above) with the surface of
material from which the compound is to be the adjacent carriageway.
(iii) The softness number of the compound shall 2607 Granolithic Concrete Rendering and
be not less than five nor greater than 15, when
tested as described in BS 2782 : Part 3 :
Method 365A. 1 (11/06) Granolithic concrete shall be designed
3 The surface of extruded plastic coatings shall be concrete to Clause 1701 and shall be strength class
smooth, continuous and free from discolouration. The C32/40 with maximum aggregate size 4/10 mm to
colour of the coating shall be as required by Clause 1704. It shall conform to Clauses 1702, 1705,
Appendix 3/1 either green or black in accordance with 1706, 1707 and 1710.
BS 4800. 2 (11/06) Aggregate shall be crushed granite
4 The overall nominal diameter of the plastic coated complying with BS EN 12620 for heavy duty concrete
wire shall be 4.00 mm. When two diameter floor finishes. The aggregate shall comply with either
measurements are made at right angles to each other at the grading requirements in Table 6 for 0/10 GA90 or
a cross-section, the average of the two measurements 0/6.3 GA90 maximum size, all-in aggregate, or the
shall not differ from the specified nominal diameter by coarse aggregate grading in Table 2 for 4/10 GC85/20
more than + 0.05 mm. single sized aggregate and the sand within the limits of
0/4 (CP) or 0/2 (MP) of BS EN 12620.
3 (11/06) Granolithic concrete to this Clause shall be
2606 Cored Thermoplastic Node Markers laid on base concrete which has been prepared in the
following manner. The laitance on the base concrete
General shall be removed by wire brushing and by hosing with
1 Cored thermoplastic node markers shall be white water. This shall be done after the initial set of the base
and installed in pairs or sets of three at the locations concrete but before hardening and without disturbing
described in Appendix 26/3. the aggregate. Granolithic concrete to this clause shall
be laid not later than three days after placing the base
Node Markers concrete.
2 The node markers shall be constructed as follows: 4 (11/06) After compaction the surface of the render or
screed shall be trowelled to a smooth finish to the
(i) 100 mm diameter pockets 10 mm ± 5 mm required levels, profiles and contours and shall present a
deep shall be cored in the finished road surface finish Class U3 to Clause 1708.
surface at 175 mm ± 5 mm centres within a
longitudinal tolerance of ± 0.25 m. The
pockets shall be cored using a drill consisting
of central pilot bit surrounded by a 100 mm
annular bit. The material within the annulus
shall be carefully broken out leaving a rough
surface to the base of the pocket. The line

Amendment – November 2006 7

Volume 1 Series 2600
Specification for Highway Works Special Structures

2608 (03/20) Foamed Concrete for Structures

1 (03/20) Foamed concrete for use in structures and
other related applications (except for highway
reinstatements) shall comply with this Clause and any
additional contract specific requirements in
Appendix 26/8.
2 (03/20) Foamed concrete shall have the following
compressive strengths:
(i) a minimum cube compressive strength of
4 N/mm2 at an age of 7 days; and
(ii) a maximum cube compressive strength of
10 N/mm2 at an age of 7 days.
3 (03/20) The compressive strength shall be
determined by testing foamed concrete cubes which
have been made in accordance with BS EN 12390-1
except that the foamed concrete shall be placed in the
mould without any tamping or vibration other than
gently rocking the mould on a firm base. The test cubes
shall be cured in accordance with BS EN 12390-2 and
tested for compressive strength in accordance with
BS EN 12390-3.
4 (03/20) All aggregate used in foamed concrete shall
pass a 6.3 mm sieve and shall comply with the MP and
FP grading limits given in BS EN 12620. Larger size
aggregate may be used provided it can be shown to be
5 (03/20) The foamed concrete permissible
constituents shall exclude potash and incinerator bottom
ash aggregate.
6 (03/20) Admixtures shall comply with the
requirements of BS EN 934-2. The stability of foamed
concrete shall be tested in accordance with Annex D of
BS 8443.
7 (03/20) Fibres shall not be used for foamed concrete
for structures.
8 (03/20) The maximum depth of a single pour shall
not exceed 1.0m within a 16 to 24 hour period.
9 (03/20) Where the foamed concrete surface is
exposed the poured foamed concrete must remain
visible until it has set.

Amendment – March 2020 8F

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