Mi - ST - ATH: Invest in This Smallcase Here
Mi - ST - ATH: Invest in This Smallcase Here
Mi - ST - ATH: Invest in This Smallcase Here
Index Value
Concentrated momentum portfolio of
up to 10 high volume stocks which are CAGR
picked near their All Time Highs.
High Risk since March 31, 2016
smallcase rationale
Stocks from NSE listed universe (with additional ilters of very high turnover
stocks only)
Stock selection based on Momentum ranking and nearness to their All Time
Every week the portfolio is reviewed and stocks which do not hold up the
momentum ranks are shelved while new ones enter.
At times when new momentum picks are not available the portfolio will sit in
cash (in interest bearing instruments like LIQUID BEES).
Constituent Screening
The Weekend Investing team runs proprietary rule based
algorithms once a week to pick or reject individual stocks. Only
quantitative parameters are considered while screening stocks for
the respective strategy.
The strategy has a ixed 5% weight age to each new entering
stock. The existing stocks are not equally balanced every week.
This smallcase has a weekly rebalance schedule. Once every
week, the research team reviews this smallcase and drops stocks
which do not meet the criteria and adds new stocks. The re-
balance email comes to the user on Monday and the portfolio can
be updated with a few clicks
Important Fields
Inception Date Launch Date Marketcap Category
March 31, 2016 March 30, 2019 Equity Multi Cap
2017 2018 2019 2020
Backtested Live
Pricing Plans
3 Months 12 Months
₹ 2,499 ₹ 9,999
How to subscribe
How to invest
Index Value
Index value for all smallcases start from 100 since their inception date and helps
investors easily calculate the returns generated since inception or between two
speci ic dates. For example, if the current index value of the smallcase is 150, it
means it has generated 50% since its inception. If the index value of a smallcase
was 215 last month and the current index value if 245, it means it has generated
(245/215)-1 = 13.9% return in last one month
Risk Label
All the stocks listed on NSE(National Stock Exchange) are arranged in decreasing
order of Market Cap, so that the stock with the largest market cap gets 1st Rank.
Stocks ranked equal to or below 100 are categorized as Large Cap. Stocks ranked
below or equal to 250, but ranked above 100 are categorized as Mid Cap stocks.
Stocks ranked above 250 are categorized as smallcap
If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 50%,
then smallcase is categorized as Largecap
If the sum of weights of constituent mid cap stocks is greater than 50%, then
smallcase is categorized as Midcap
If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 50%,
then smallcase is categorized as Smallcap
If the sum of weights of constituent large cap stocks is greater than 30%,
sum of weights of mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights
of large cap and mid cap stocks are greater than 80%, then smallcase is
categorized as Large & Midcap
If the sum of weights of constituent small cap stocks is greater than 30%,
sum of weights of mid cap stocks are greater than 30%, and sum of weights
of small cap and mid cap stocks are greater than 80%, then smallcase is
categorized as Mid & Smallcap
The content and data available in this document and related material, including
but not limited to index value, return numbers and rationale are for information
and illustration purposes only. Charts and performance numbers are
backtested/simulated results calculated via a standard methodology and do not
include the impact of transaction fee and other related costs. Past performance
does not guarantee future returns.
All information present in this document and related material is to help investors
in their decision making process and shall not be considered as a
recommendation or solicitation of an investment or investment strategy. Investors
are responsible for their investment decisions and are responsible to validate all
the information used to make the investment decision. Investor should understand
that his/her investment decision is based on personal investment needs and risk
tolerance, and information available in this document and related material is one
among many other things that should be considered while making an investment
Stock and ETF investments are subject to market risks, read all related documents
carefully. Investors should consult their inancial advisors if in doubt about
whether the product is suitable for them.
Please visit Weekend Investing for detailed disclosures, terms and conditions.