Exam Test - Variant II
Exam Test - Variant II
Exam Test - Variant II
Varianta II
Peacekeeping has proven to be one of the most effective tools available to the UN to assist host countries navigate
the difficult path from conflict to peace. Peacekeeping has unique strengths, including legitimacy, burden sharing,
and an ability to deploy and sustain troops and police from around the globe, integrating them with civilian
peacekeepers to advance multidimensional mandates.
The peacekeeping is one among other activities undertaken by the United Nations to maintain international peace
and security throughout the world. Other activities include conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacebuilding, etc.
Conflict prevention involves diplomatic measures to keep intra-state or inter-state tensions and disputes from
escalating into violent conflict. It includes early warning, information gathering and a careful analysis of the
factors driving the conflict. Conflict prevention activities may include the use of the Secretary-General’s “good
offices”, preventive deployment of UN missions or conflict mediation led by the Department of Political Affairs.
Peacemaking generally includes measures to address conflicts in progress and usually involves diplomatic action
to bring hostile parties to a negotiated agreement. Peacebuilding is a complex, long-term process of creating the
necessary conditions for sustainable peace.
Nowadays the boundaries between conflict prevention, peacemaking, peacekeeping, peacebuilding have become
increasingly blurred. Peace operations are rarely limited to one type of activity. Today’s multidimensional
peacekeeping operations facilitate the political process, protect civilians, assist in the disarmament, demobilization
and reintegration of former combatants; support the organization of elections, protect and promote human rights
and assist in restoring the rule of law.
1. The peacekeeping is
a) the only UN activity b) one among other UN activities c) the UN goal
4.Complete each sentence with a suitable phrase containing the verb in brackets in an appropriate form. 10p
little such not only under no circumstances had seldom
along no sooner as scarcely
Well, ladies and gentlemen, we’ve done it again – another election victory. The last four years of office has been a
wonderful time for the party, a tale of adversity overcome. (1) ___________ had we come to office than the Stock
Market crashed. But we survived that scare and we came out of it stronger for the experience. The opposition
claimed we were faltering. (2) ___________ have I heard such hypocrisy from a party which continued to squabble
internally for the past four years. Then (3) ___________ came a fellow called David Rew with his new breakaway
Democratic party – but he didn’t have much success in the opinion polls! (4) ___________ did he claim he’d
become Prime Minister within three years, he also reckoned that this party was now unpopular with younger voters.
(5) ___________ did he realize that it would be the young voters who gave us an overwhelming vote of confidence
in yesterday’s election. (6)___________ had the first votes rolled in when it was obvious that we would be re-
elected with a huge majority. (7)___________ was the extent of our victory that the New Democrats obtained a
meager five seats. (8) ___________they known they would perform so poorly, I don’t think they would have been
quite so scathing in their criticism of our economic policy. But rest assured, ladies and gentlemen, (9)
___________ will we rest on our laurels. There is no room for complacency in this government. And I am
confident, (10) ___________ I’m sure are most of you, that the next four years will be a resounding success. Thank
5. Join each pair of sentences. Be careful where you put the words in brackets 10p
1. We couldn’t get a seat. We arrived early to participate in the meeting. (in spite of)
2. Dave smokes. He seems to be in good health. (although).
3. Max didn’t notice the sign. It was right in front of him. (even though)
4. The fighting resumed Sunday in Misrata. The announcement by the regime of a pause in operations against
the rebels. (despite)
6. I was driving at 160 kilometres an hour. I arrived late at the airport. (even though)
7. The international work has a specific nature. Personnel policies and processes occupy a place which is even
more significant then in national or local administration. (because of)
8. The Company and the Union held negotiations for five hours. They failed to reach an agreement (in spite
9. The International organizations’ internal cultures may vary. They face similar ethical challenges (although)
10. The humanitarian situation is of concern to the international community. All the efforts were useless.
6. Complete the sentence using a word derivative to the word from the brackets: 12p
1) He was fitted for a … career and carried out several missions in England. (diplomat)
2) He sent monks to … with the Greeks for church unity, but without result. (negotiation)
3) It was decided to send an Achaean force to … with the Roman general. (cooperation)
6) His first years were spent in Italy, where his father was occupied with his … duties. (consul)
7) This … was very aggressive and violent with the local population. (invasion)
10) The … of violence and cruelty are the initial conditions of this draft agreement. (avoid)
7. Write a Note of Concern on the following case: The government of a neighbouring country has deported
1,000 citizens of your country. There are rumours that before they leave that country they are being forced
to give away their assets or pay the authorities to remain in the country. Use the words and phrases below.
(Criteria for evaluation: Structure-4 p., Vocabulary-4 p., Grammar-4 p., Number of words-4 p.)
allegations, raise serious questions, seek an explanation, clarification, statements, unusual act, violation of,
commend the actions
8. Write a speech (250 words) using main rhetorical devices on one of the following statements (you can choose
to agree or disagree with it): 28p
(Criteria for evaluation: Structure-6 p., Vocabulary-8 p., Grammar-8 p., Number of words-6 p.)
Barem :
1-4p. 5-9p. 10–15 p. 16-23p. 24-39 p. 40-55p. 56-71 p. 72-87 p. 88-95 p. 96-100 p.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10