Is Rubber More Elastic Than Steel? The Answer Lies in The Concept of Elasticity
Is Rubber More Elastic Than Steel? The Answer Lies in The Concept of Elasticity
Is Rubber More Elastic Than Steel? The Answer Lies in The Concept of Elasticity
To determine the spring constant of a spring by
(a) static method, and (b) dynamic method.
A spring, a hanger with a light aluminium pointer, a small scale etched
on a plane mirror strip, weights, a timer.
(a) Static method:
Consider a spring hanging from a rigid
support. When a load m is suspended from
the free end of the spring, an external, Fext,
acts on the spring in the downward direction.
The support applies an equal force in the
upward direction. Thus the spring has a Spring
balanced system of forces acting on it and it
is in equilibrium. . The length of the string
increases and an internal (restoring) force
Fi nt is developed in the spring due to the
elasticity of the spring. This internal force
tends to bring the spring back to its original
length when the external forces are
withdrawn. Note that Fint and Fext are
equal in magnitude.
According to Hooke's law,
Fi nt is directly proportional to x, the
change in the length of the spring. Mirror
Thus Fint=-kx (1)
Here k is the constant of proportionality,
known as the spring constant or force
constant. The minus (-) sign indicates that
Fint and x are in opposite directions.
Fext=kx. (2)
Eqs. (1) and (2) indicate that the sprin ,g constant k is numerically equal
to the force required to change the length of the spring by 1 unit.
Exp 9-2P
- If the load on the spring is M and MP is the sum of the mass of the hanger
and the effective mass of the spring, Fext = (M+Mp)g. In this experiment,
values of x for a number of values of Fext are determined by changing M.
Then a graph of M vs. x is plotted and k is determined from the slope of the
(b) Dynamic method:
If a mass M is suspended from a spring of spring constant k and the
system is made to oscillate, then for small amplitudes of oscillations·
(that is, within elastic limit) along the length of the spring, the motion of
the system is simple harmonic. In this case, the time period T of the
system is given by
Thus if we plot T2 vs. M, then for a given spring (k and MP constant), the
graph will be a straight line. By choosing two points (M1 , T 1 2 ) and (M2 ,
T 2 2) on the graph, we get
2 4n 2 4n 2 2 4n 2 4n 2
T 1 = -·-M 1 + --Mp and T 2 = --M2 + --Mp.
k k k k
By subtracting one equation from the other, we get
T2 2 4n (M2 - M1),
2 - T1 = -
or k = 41t2 (M 2 - M1) . (4)
T2 -T2
2 1
(a) Static method:
- 1. Arrange
the apparatus
as shown
is close to the mirror
but it does not touch the mirror.
in the figure. Make sure
on which the scale
that the
is etched
Exp 9-3P
3. Increase the load on the spring in equal steps and read the position of
the pointer each time. Thus fill out the first two columns of the first
table of the data sheet.
4. N9W ger,tly pllll tll~Joad down thrqugh abyut Q.5 cm. Bel~a$EL it gently
and let it come to rest. Take the reading\ of the position of the pointer
and enter it in the last row of column 3 of the table. Gently decrease
the load in equal steps and thus fill out the rest of column · 3 of the
(a) Dynamic method:
5. Place a suitable load on the hanger and start the oscillations of the
system. Make sure that the oscillations are along the length of the
spring and the amplitude is small. Find the time for 40 (or 50)
- oscillations 3 times.
6. Repeat the procedure by changing the load on the spring in equal steps.
- Physics I
1. A student
York College of The City University of New York
Experiment No. 9: Pre-Lab Questionnaire
finds the following values from a graph between M and x in
the static method of determining the spring constant k:
x1 = 0.5 cm; x2 = 7.8 cm; M1 = 120 gm; M2 = 300 gm.
Calculate the value of k.
- Experiment No. 9 ·
Name: Marks:
Date Submitted:
- Objective:
Exp 9-6D
- (a) Static
No. Load M on
the hanger
Load increasing
Data Sheet
of the pointer
Load decreasing
(x) Average X
4- --···---. ·······-- ·------- .. ... -·-·············-·--····· -- -·- ---·····- ·--- -··· ·····----····--··· ·-·-·-········ ·-······-·· •••• • ••••• ••n• ••• ·- • • • ••
___ ,_
Exp 9-7D
4. Why is it not necessary to use the mass of the hanger in the calculations
of the load on the spring?
5. If the load M on the spring is made 4 times its previous value, will the
time period then become exactly double its previous value? Explain your