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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 5; April-June, 2015 pp. 400-405
© Krishi Sanskriti Publications

Pushover Analysis for Multistory Building

Alinda Dey1, Urmimala Bhattacharjee2, Vaibhaw Sagar3, Utkarsh4 and P. Saha5
M.Tech Student, School of Civil Engineering, KIIT, University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
School of Civil Engineering, KIIT, University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
E-mail: [email protected], [email protected], [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—Pushover is basically a nonlinear static analysis method be increase continuously through inelastic and elastic behavior
by which the response of a building or a non-building structure can until the critical condition is reached. The main goal using this
be calculated under nonlinear loading like earthquake. In this analysis is to predict peak response of building and
structural analysis approach a series of forces are applied on the components for a given earthquake. Pushover analysis consists
structure to illustrate the effect of earthquake ground motion. The
lateral load pattern to be increase continuously through inelastic and
of a series of sequential elastic analysis, superimposed to
elastic behavior until the critical condition is reached. In the recent approximate a force-displacement curve of the overall
years pushover analysis became very popular because of its simple structure.The lateral forces are increased until some members
computer based technique to represent the different base shear range yield. The process is continued until a control displacement at
under earthquake loading. In this paper, different approaches of the top of building reaches a certain level of deformation or
pushover analysis and their various applications in shear wall and structure becomes unstable. The reason we use pushover
moment resisting frames are discussed. For elastic high rise analysis is because using this analysis, less conservative
buildings, the regular response spectra analysis can be reformulated acceptance criteria can be used with consequences
as modal pushover analysis (MPA). Shear walls which have the understood[2, 3].Estimating seismic demands at low
higher stiffness make the dynamic analysis easier and simpler. The
steel braced frames which has capacity of efficient energy dissipation
performance levels, such as life safety and collapse
expresses more desirable behavior than the orthodox frames. prevention, requires explicit consideration of inelastic
behavior of the structure. While nonlinear response history
Keywords: pushover analysis, modal pushover analysis, shear wall, analysis (RHA) is the most rigorous procedure to compute
moment resisting frame, nonlinear analysis, lateral load pattern seismic demands, current structural engineering practice uses
nonlinear static procedure(NSP), or pushover analysis,
1. INTRODUCTION described in FEMA-273 , or ATC-40 [1996], and FEMA-356
[BSSC, 2000].Now, though the yielding of the structure are
India has had a number of the world’s greatest earthquakes in approximated or assumed, the following investigations led us
the last century. There is a nation-wide attention to the seismic to estimate a good seismic demand. From the deformation of
vulnerability assessment of existing buildings. Also, a lot of the first mode single degree freedom system the roof
efforts were focused on the need for enforcing legislation and displacement can be evaluated [5]. Hasan et al. made two
making structural engineers and builders accountable for the different building frameworks and presented their
safety of the structures under seismic loading. The seismic corresponding computational details to find out nonlinear post
building design code in India (IS 1893, Part-I) is also revised elastic behavior [6]. Kalkan et al. [7] worked on the scaling of
in 2002[1]. The magnitudes of the design seismic forces have earthquake records to the same target value as in inelastic
been considerably enhanced in general, and the seismic deformation. The peak deformation of a single degree freedom
zonation of some regions has also been upgraded. There are system coming from this approach is in nearby range from the
many literature(e.g., IITM-SERC Manual, 2005) available that target value for both first and second mode[7]. Studies of
presents step-by-step procedures to evaluate multi- inelastic system behavior is also evaluated by using hybrid
storeyedbuildings. This procedure follows nonlinear static coupled walls. El-Tawil et al. examined on 2D coupledwalls
(pushover) analysis as per FEMA 356. which are equivalent to frames and represents different beam
Pushover is basically a nonlinear static analysis method by column elements[8]. Similarly, Naito approximated the
which we can analyze a structure. This method calculates the dynamic response under blast on SDOF frame [9]. Sung et al.
response of a building or a non-building structure under investigated pushover analysis in rigid joints that is beam
earthquake loading. In this structural analysis approach a column joint [10]. Nonlinear time history method is also
series of forces are applied on the structure to illustrate the performed on RC structures. Though the modal pushover
effect of earthquake ground motion. The lateral load pattern to analysis is very accurate and popular, it is developed to make
it more conventional including higher mode contribution to
Pushover Analysis for Multistory Building 401

seismic loads [11-14].Beside these, nonlinear dynamic estimating the maximum inelastic displacement response for
analysis is also done to compare the peak and residual drift thebuilding at roof by multiplying with a set of displacement
response to the building frames. Erochko et al. investigated in coefficients[8, 19].
the similar approach on two different set of special moment
resisting frames and buckling restrained braced frames[15,
16].Same study has done on two, four and eight storey frames
by Dicleli[17]. Similarly, the buckling potential of storey
induced with v-braced frames is also evaluated by Cho et

Pushover analysis is a technique in which any structure is
subjected to incremental lateral loads which represent the inertia
forces in an earthquake. The sequence of cracks, yielding, plastic
hinge formation and failure of structural components are
noted.For this procedure, a relation between base shear and
control node displacementplotted.

Fig. 3: Schematic representation of Capacity

Spectrum Method (ATC 40)

The Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) of ATC 40 assumes

that the maximum inelastic deformation of a nonlinear SDOF
system can be approximated from the maximum deformation
of a linear elastic SDOF system with an equivalent period and
In this method, the pushover curve is used in andisplacement
response spectrum (ADRS) format and the effective period
and damping is calculate with the use of estimated ductility.
Fig. 1: Schematic representation of pushover analysis procedure
For the above procedure, the pushover curve is used in an
Target displacement is the overall global displacement of a accelerationdisplacement response spectrum (ADRS) format
structure subjected to the design earthquake. This plays a key which could be obtained using the dynamic properties of the
role in the pushover analysis. The methods to evaluate target system. The pushover curve in an ADRS format is termed a
displacement are Displacement Coefficient Method (DCM) of ‘capacity spectrum’ for the structure. The seismic ground
FEMA 356 and Capacity Spectrum Method (CSM) of ATC motion is represented by a response spectrum in the same
40. ADRS format and it is termed as demand spectrum[19].
The Pushover analysis procedure is used to determine the
seismic demands on any structure. But in case of high rise
buildings, it is sometimes it is difficult to apply the pushover
analysis the higher modes are not accounted in such case. So,
a modal pushover analysis (MPA) procedure was used which
considers the redistribution of inertia forces after the structure
yields proposed by Chopra et al. (2001)[20].
The total seismic demand can be estimated by the combination
of the first two or three terms of expansion. This provide a
much more accurate estimation of seismic demands.
Fig. 2: Schematic representation of displacement coefficient
method (FEMA 356) Despite of the accuracy, it still doesn’t avoid the consideration
of lateral force distributions.
The Displacement Coefficient Method (DCM) of FEMA 356
assumes the initial linear properties and considers damping for
the ground motion excitation to estimate the elastic
displacement of an equivalent SDOF system, thereby

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 5; April-June, 2015
402 Alinda Dey, Urmimala Bhattacharjee, Vaibhaw Sagar, Utkarsh and P. Saha

the coupling action of the wall[8]. Has analyzed on same

prototype with different coupling ratio. Comparison between
three coupled walls and three isolated walls also done by El-
tawil et al. He finds the fundamental difference, in case of
isolated walls the moment reaction at the base of each
individual wall resists the entire overturning moment, where in
case of coupled walls, the shear force transfers through the
coupling beams produce compressive and tensile force couple
which resists total overturning moment [22]. These panels
buckle in shear and subsequently form a diagonal tension
field[16].As we know shear critical structures are basically
Fig. 4.
brittle and it collapse without any prior indication of distress,
it is essential to consider the shear effect as a strength of
It is concluded that for low rise buildings, the improved MPA
concrete structure [12].To find out the damage occurs and to
procedure in which only two phase first mode is required,
determine the blast resistance behavior of the wall, pushover
provides a far better estimation of seismic demands in
analysis is executed on the shear wall. The plastic hinge
comparison to the traditional lateral force distribution [4].
formation is also considered in this study to designate the
The MPS method includes scaling of ground motions in order failure[9].As a prototype a 6ft wide shear wall has taken along
to match the target value of inelastic deformation of first mode with the window openings and relative blast demand is applied
inelastic single-degree-of-freedom (SDF) system , the on the system along its height.
properties of whom is determined by first mode pushover
analysis[5, 7].
The Next Generation of Attenuation Project’s earthquake
ground-motion database was used to compile 21 earthquake
ground motions which was used for further
calculations[13].The MPS method provided a good degree of
accuracy for estimation of seismic demands for intense ground
motion. Also, for first-mode dominated structures, the scaling
of earthquake records to the target value of the inelastic
deformation is sufficient enough in producing accurate
estimates [5].Three different procedures was used to
determine the dynamic response of various structural systems
which were : modal pushover analysis (MPA), uncoupled Fig. 5: Comparative resistance envelope
modal responsehistory analysis (UMRHA) and nonlinear
RHA.It was concluded that for elastic buildings the first mode After the wall reaches its yield moment plastic hinge forms
As far as the inelastic buildings were concerned, they showed and from the above pressure-impulse curve the damage and
a biased estimation of roof displacement in first mode SDF the blast resistance potential is obtained easily [9].
system which depended on the extent to which the structure
was driven in the inelastic range. Also for longer-period In another investigation cold-formed steel plates were taken as
systems , the dispersion of displacement ratio the shear wall. Here the buckling mode in tension is observed
increased[7].This paper aims at the comparison and evaluation from load-displacement curve [21]
of structural response demands derived from the nonlinear
static analysis procedures (NSPs) which are displacement
coefficient method (DCM) recommended in FEMA 356 and
capacity spectrum method (CSM) recommended in ATC
40[14]. Capacity curves (base shear-roof displacement
relationship) were obtained for the buildings under lateral

In the high seismic regions the hybrid coupled walls expresses
good performance in strength, stiffness and toughness. So here
these walls are used as equivalent to 2D frames which
represents beam- column elements [21]. Coupling ratio is Fig. 6: Applied load versus displacement curves different
fastener patterns
basically the percentage of overturning moment which resists

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 5; April-June, 2015
Pushover Analysis for Multistory Building 403

It can be obtained from the above studies that coupling ratio [17]. Capacity design concept says seismic energy should be
has an influence on the deformation of the walls in different dissipated through cyclic yielding of tension and buckling due
manner parameters like target displacement, base shear, wall to compression [18]. He has analyzed nine steel framed
rotation, axial force, shear distortion, bending moment and building to inspect the efficiency of the methods of forecasting
maximum connection gap[10]. In another study the other seismic performance [23]. Due to the nonlinear behavior of
parameters like displacement profile, story drift ratio, wall the system the everlasting deformation of the structure occurs
shear distortion was investigated to see the effect of coupling which leftovers at the end of the seismic excitation is basically
[22]. residual drift [23]. Erochko et al. has considered the residual
drift to evaluate the structural performance of the system
under seismic excitation [15]. Cho et al. has preferred the V-
braced steel frame to obtain the potential damage and potential
of story buckling [18].Due to the high ductile property
moment resisting frames are used very commonly in steel
building constructions. It gives highly sensitive response and
results in dissipation of energy [17]. A six story building
frame using different bracings (D,K,V) are analyzed by
Mishra [24].

Fig. 7: Variations in wall rotations at wallbase for

middle shear wall

Fig. 9: Comparison of Pushover Analysis of all types of frames

Here is the comparison of pushover curve for D, K and V

braced frames. It is observed from the study that inclusion of
different type of bracings increase the shear capacity of the
frame and these can be used in retrofitting as well
[24].Erochko et al. has investigated the pushover analysis on a
typical steel frame of a building and also showed the
comparison between special moment resisting frame (SMRF)
Fig. 8: Load pattern for a wall subjected to lateral loading and buckling restrained braced frame(BRBF) [15].

To check out the adequacy of dual strip model, a two story

steel plate shear wall (SPSW) was made along with RBS beam
connection. This analysis shows the comprehensive manners
of the SPSW sample can be suitably predicted by dual strip
model [16].Another shear wall specimen under monotonically
increasing load was examined having the span-depth ratio
2:1.But the analytical responses are stiffer than the
experimental responses. In additional, some computed
parameters like member deformations, crack width,
reinforcement strain responses presented solid correlation with
experimental outcomes [12].


As one of the most important property of steel is ductility,
steel frames are designed to enforce the ductile mechanism
which provides warning sign before the structure to collapse Fig. 10: Pushover results for SMRF’s

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 5; April-June, 2015
404 Alinda Dey, Urmimala Bhattacharjee, Vaibhaw Sagar, Utkarsh and P. Saha

strength distribution and stiffness[13, 25]The beam column

joint has a strong influence on the seismic behavior of the RC
structure (Fig. 12). From the above study the behavior of the
joint and the failure sequence of the plastic hinge is observed
[10]. For the first story beam column the linear pushover
analysis result shows lower damage ratio comparing to
nonlinear dynamic analysis [11]. From the modal pushover
analysis on different height of story frames it is observed that
the irregularities in stiffness and strength has individually as
well as combined strong influence on the story drifts [13].


Fig. 11: Typical soft story formation in a poorly designed inverted

Thispaper reviewed the earlier investigations and studies on
V-braced frame the seismic response of different building structures under
earthquake loadings successfully. The different method of
From the different methods of pushover analysis on the pushover analysis procedure is also observed which can be
inverted V braced frames the axial force capacity is obtained. utilized in various practices of structural engineering. This
The inelastic dynamic analysis on different stories detects the study led to the following conclusion:
high buckling potential and the dynamic behavior of the For elastic high rise buildings the regular response spectra
frames [18]. SMRF system gives the larger drift response for analysis can be reformulated as modal pushover analysis
the shortest building and also where soft story formation has (MPA). By the pushover analysis the peak response of an
occurred. But BRBF performed marginally better in maximum elastic structure subjected to the lateral loading can be
reliable seismic level [15] predicted. The MPA system can give the estimation of
accurate seismic demand in case of unsymmetrical structures.
Another study concludes, to analyze the behavior of beam
column joints and failure manner of plastic hinges can be an
effective and useful approach of pushover analysis.
Study says short buildings are less sensitive than tall
buildings, which accomplishes in case sensitivity to residual
drift the braced resistant building frames (BRBF) come first
than special moment resisting frame (SMRF). The steel braced
frames which has capacity of efficient energy dissipation
Fig. 12: Base shear versus top displacement for two
expresses more desirable behavior than the orthodox frames.
and four story frames
In case of nonlinear buildings modal pushover based scaling
(MPS) method is also developed which gives the median
By eliminating the drawbacks of moment resisting
values of story drift, plastic rotation, floor displacements etc.
frame(MRF) and chevron braced frame(CVF) Dicleli et al. has
It is also obtained from the study that eccentric axial loading is
proposed energy efficient dissipating braced frame(EEDBF).
the only reason for the unpredicted distortional buckling of the
So this newly proposed frame gives more elastic lateral
cold formed steel plate. This buckling can govern the failure
stiffness and it also has steadier lateral force-displacement
of shear walls. In the regions of higher seismicity the impact
relationship than other predictable frames [17].Since the most
of the coupling ratio on the seismic response must checke
of the buildings and bridges are made of reinforced concrete,
before designing the structure. Shear walls which have the
the pushover analysis on RC structures are done to predict the
higher stiffness make the dynamic analysis easier and simpler.
structural damage followed by unexpected failure of the
structure under earthquake loading.Basically beam column Stiffness, strength has an effective influence in the seismic
joints of a structure is treated as the rigid joints under seismic behavior of the structure. Usually vertical irregularities have
loads and based on strong column weak beam design no influence on the roof displacements but drift demand has
formation of plastic hinge was allowed in beam elements [10]. the same. Though the consideration of shear effects and
Similarly the properties of different hinges in a frame is implementation of unbalanced force approach is essential for
examined when it is under seismic loading [11].Specimen safe and realistic seismic response.
consists of three bay and three story was taken under pushover
procedure and the behavioral sequence and failure pattern of
the beam column joint were observed [10]. Chintanapakdee et
al. investigated the pushover analysis on different irregular
frames to examine the impact of vertical irregularities in

Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 5; April-June, 2015
Pushover Analysis for Multistory Building 405

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Journal of Civil Engineering and Environmental Technology

Print ISSN: 2349-8404; Online ISSN: 2349-879X; Volume 2, Number 5; April-June, 2015

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