White Lies Report 2014 PDF
White Lies Report 2014 PDF
White Lies Report 2014 PDF
Health Report
By: Dr Justine Butler, Senior Health Researcher & Writer, Viva!Health
Edited by: Juliet Gellatley BSc DipDM, Founder & Director, Viva!Health £5.50
White Lies
White Lies
By: Dr Justine Butler, Senior Health Researcher &
Writer, Viva!Health Viva!Health
Edited by: Juliet Gellatley BSc DipDM, Founder &
Director, Viva!Health & Viva! Viva!Health is the health and nutrition
Published by: Viva!, Top Suite, 8 York Court, arm of the charity, Viva! and promotes
Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH human health through the promotion of
T: 0117 944 1000 a vegan diet. Viva!Health monitors and
E: [email protected] interprets research that links diet to
W: www.vivahealth.org.uk health – explaining in simple terms how
© Viva! 2014 what we eat affects us, in both positive
Registered charity 1037486 and negative ways. Viva!Health
communicates this information to the
ISBN 978-0-9571873-3-7 media, the public, health professionals,
schools and food manufacturers so
providing accurate information on which
to make informed choices.
A report
Viva!Health .........................................................2 PART TWO: DAIRY CONSUMPTION AND HEALTH 23
Foreword.............................................................4 Acne .................................................................23
Introduction ........................................................7 Allergies ..............................................................24
What is a healthy diet? ........................................8 Asthma ..........................................................25
Eczema ..........................................................26
PART ONE: THE HISTORY, GEOGRAPHY AND Hay fever........................................................26
BIOLOGY OF MILK...............................................10 Gastrointestinal bleeding ................................27
The origins of dairy farming.................................10 Arthritis ...............................................................27
Dairy farming today.............................................11 Bovine Somatotrophin (BST) ................................30
Who drinks milk? ................................................11 Cancer ................................................................31
A comparison between human milk and Breast cancer..................................................35
cow’s milk ...........................................................12 Colorectal (bowel) cancer ...............................40
Protein ...........................................................12 Ovarian cancer ...............................................44
Fat .................................................................13 Prostate cancer...............................................46
Calcium..........................................................14 Colic .................................................................50
Iron ................................................................14 Constipation........................................................53
The composition of cow’s milk.............................15 Coronary heart disease ........................................54
Water.............................................................15 Crohn’s disease....................................................61
Carbohydrate .................................................15 Diabetes ..............................................................66
Protein ...........................................................16 Dementia ............................................................71
Fat .................................................................16 Ear infection ........................................................72
Minerals and vitamins.....................................17 Food poisoning....................................................72
Fibre...............................................................17 Gallstones ...........................................................76
The undesirable components of milk and Insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1).......................76
dairy products .....................................................17 Kidney disease.....................................................79
Breast is best .......................................................20 Lactose intolerance..............................................81
Infant formula .....................................................21 Migraine..............................................................83
Milk in schools.....................................................21 Multiple sclerosis and autoimmunity ....................84
Overweight and obesity.......................................86
Osteoporosis .......................................................90
Appendix I THE SAFETY OF SOYA ........................102
Appendix II BODY MASS INDEX ...........................106
White Lies
Professor T. Colin Campbell
There is hardly another controversy in health science
more contentious than the role of cow’s milk and its
products in our daily diet. Some wonder why we
would even dare to question whether there are
adverse health effects. For them, cow’s milk is
Nature’s most perfect food. It builds strong bones
and teeth and is a good source of calcium and
A report
The published literature of these investigations is report which is timely, broad in scope and profound
unimaginably huge. Moreover, the breadth of the in its consistency.
health benefits of a plant-based diet is even far
greater than our own research had indicated, with it And finally, two other observations need attention.
reducing the risk of additional cancers, various First, it is likely that the adverse dairy effects
cardiovascular diseases, diabetes (types I and II), observed in many studies are underestimated
multiple autoimmune diseases, osteoporosis, psycho- because they have been observed in humans where
neural diseases (eg attention deficit disorder, clinical the dairy-like nutritional effect already has been
depression, Alzheimer’s, cognitive dysfunction), eye maximised by other animal-based foods. Second,
disorders, kidney diseases, skin ailments and obesity imprecise measurement of risk factors and outcomes
amongst others. will mathematically attenuate the real effect.
Importantly, animal-based foods, as a group, have It is not that these various dairy effects are
substantially different nutritional characteristics from independently proven to be true beyond doubt, any
plant-based foods and it is these nutritional more than tobacco use is independently proven to
characteristics, highly integrated at the metabolic cause lung cancer and heart disease. Rather, it is the
level, that are chiefly responsible for the opposing weight and breadth of the evidence, along with its
effects of plant and animal-based foods on health biological plausibility, that should determine the
and disease. Moreover, these effects involve reliability of the evidence. Using these criteria, there
countless food chemicals and exist throughout the is no doubt that this evidence on dairy is sufficient,
range of consumption of these foods. at a minimum, to question the rather specious claims
of health for cow’s milk that have been made by the
Of course, dairy foods have nutritional characteristics industry and its supporters and apologists.
and disease associations that are consistent with
other animal-based foods. Indeed, if anything, cow’s I know well that this information deeply troubles
milk and its products appear to be even more many people, as it did me. But, at some point, we
problematic than other animal-based foods. must give public voice to these observations and, if
necessary, to sponsor discourse that is candid, openly
Unfortunately the scientific literature on the transparent and, as much as possible, free of
characteristics and associations of dairy with health commercial bias.
and disease seem to have been more obscured from
public view than is the case for other animal-based T. Colin Campbell, PhD
foods. For example, research 40-60 years ago had Jacob Gould Schurman Professor Emeritus of
shown that cow’s milk proteins (casein and Nutritional Biochemistry
lactalbumin) markedly elevated blood cholesterol Cornell University, Ithaca, NY
and its parallel formation of atherosclerotic plaques. February 2014
More recently, much more evidence on the adverse
health effects of cow’s milk have accumulated, and
much of it has been ably reviewed in this excellent
White Lies
Professor Jane Plant CBE (DSc) Prostate Cancer, Osteoporosis (yes – there is even a
compelling case against dairy produce, especially
I was delighted to cheese, in the development of this crippling bone
be asked to write disease) and Eating for Better Health. This new
a foreword for report takes the evidence on the adverse human
this excellent and health impacts of dairy further.
report into the What I had not appreciated until I attended the
adverse health excellent and thought-provoking lecture given by
impacts of dairy Juliet Gellatley of Viva! at the Incredible Veggie
consumption on Show in London in 2005 was the true nature of the
human health. My modern dairy industry. It is hard to forget some of
book, Your Life in the images of cruelty that she presented then. This
Your Hands, report exposes the nature of the modern
describes how industrialised dairy industry and the serious
giving up dairy implications that this has for our health. I do hope
produce has that White Lies receives the recognition it deserves
helped me and other women to overcome metastatic and that this will embolden politicians to take a
breast cancer. When it was first published in 2000, I stand against the dairy industry. To do so would
faced a barrage of criticism from orthodox doctors, improve human health, improve the environment,
charities and nutritionists. All of them, for whatever address serious issues of animal welfare and save the
reason, poured scorn on the idea that consuming taxpayer a great deal of money spent in subsidising
dairy could be bad for health. This may have been an industry that was the centre of the BSE crisis, the
because, as Dr Justine Butler shows in this report, we foot and mouth disease disaster and now the bovine
have all been subjected to relentless publicity from tuberculosis problem.
the industry that tries to persuade us that dairy is
wholesome, natural and good for our health. It is a Cow’s milk is a perfect food for a rapidly growing
measure of how far medical opinion has changed calf but that doesn’t mean it is good for human
that in 2005 I was awarded a life fellowship of the babies – or adults! If you want to improve your
Royal Society of Medicine in recognition of my health by making just one change to your diet, I
contribution to science through my books. We have recommend you eliminate all dairy from the diet.
a long way to go, however, until the truth about
dairy is generally accepted, so this report is both Professor Jane Plant CBE (DSc, CEng)
timely and very welcome. Life Fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine
Professor of Applied Geochemistry
When I was carrying out the research for Your Life in Imperial College, London
Your Hands, which includes more than 500 February 2014
references from the peer reviewed scientific
literature, I was astonished at just how much
information was available on the role of dairy
produce in promoting disease – not only breast,
prostate, ovarian and other cancers but also other
conditions ranging from eczema and other allergic
conditions to heart disease and diabetes. Despite all
the criticism of my books, no one has presented a
single scientific fact that persuades me to change
one sentence of what I wrote in 2000 – and as a
trained scientist I would have done that had I been
given convincing evidence that I was wrong or had
misunderstood some issue. Instead, the evidence
against consuming dairy produce has continued to
mount, as I detailed in the second and third editions
of Your Life in Your Hands, and in my other books,
A report
The foods we consume are of immense importance The aim of this report is to redress the balance by
to our health and well-being. The recent increase in presenting and reviewing the research on the health
television and media coverage of food and health effects of cow’s milk and dairy products.
issues has improved our understanding of the links
that exist between diet and health. The types of food
that we eat are strongly linked to our culture and
food issues can cause emotional responses. In the
UK and other northern European countries as well as
North America, we have developed a strong
emotional attachment to the idea that milk is a
natural and healthy drink for us, even as adults.
White Lies
So the five grams of saturated fat contained in just Milk and other dairy products contain many
10 grams of butter makes this food remarkably biologically active molecules including hormones and
unhealthy. Plant-based polyunsaturated fat spreads growth factors. Cow’s milk has been shown to
contain less total fat (around 60 per cent) of which contain over 35 different hormones and 11 growth
less than 20 per cent is saturated. They tend to factors (Grosvenor et al., 1992). Some researchers
contain more of the valuable polyunsaturated fatty are particularly concerned about the oestrogen
acids and so provide a much healthier option. content of cow’s milk (Ganmaa and Sato, 2005),
A report
suggesting that cow’s milk is one of the important Interestingly, one study observed a 10 per cent
routes of human exposure to oestrogens. The milk increase in blood serum levels of IGF-1 in subjects
consumed now is very different to the milk who increased their intake of non-fat milk (Heaney,
consumed a century ago. Unlike their pasture-fed 1999) while another study noted that vegan men
counterparts of old, modern dairy cows are usually had a nine per cent lower serum IGF-1 level than
pregnant and continue to lactate during the latter meat-eaters and vegetarians (Allen et al., 2000).
half of pregnancy, when the concentration of Whether the consumption of cow’s milk and dairy
oestrogens in blood, and hence in the milk, products raises IGF-1 levels directly (by crossing the
increases. Although there is a paucity of research in gut wall), or indirectly (by triggering an increased
this field, early evidence suggests the increase in production of human IGF-1 in the body), evidence
exposure to cow’s oestrogen may be linked to an suggests that some component of milk causes an
increased incidence of certain cancers. In one study, increase in blood serum levels of IGF-1. It has even
cancer incidence was correlated with food intake in been suggested that IGF-1 may be used as a
40 countries (Ganmaa and Sato, 2005). Results predictor of certain cancers, in much the same way
showed that both cow’s milk and cheese that cholesterol is a predictor of heart disease
increased the risk of hormone- (Campbell and Campbell, 2005).
dependent cancers such as
breast and ovarian In summary, a diet
cancer. Among the containing
dietary risk factors saturated fat,
identified, these cholesterol,
researchers were animal protein,
most concerned hormones and
with milk and dairy growth factors is
products because, not a healthy
as already stated, diet. Cow’s milk,
the milk drunk butter, cheese,
today tends to cream, ice-cream
come from and other dairy
pregnant cows products contain
among whom all these unhealthy
oestrogen and components
progesterone levels are whereas substantial
markedly elevated. evidence shows that a
plant-based diet rich in
Another bioactive fruit and vegetables, whole
component of cow’s milk grains and unsaturated fats
receiving an increasing amount (including omega-3 fatty acids)
of attention is the growth factor offers significant health benefits.
called insulin-like growth factor 1 By adopting a healthy diet, together
(IGF-1). The amount of IGF-1 present is with regular physical exercise, avoiding
higher in milk produced by pregnant cows. smoking and drinking (alcohol) only
The concern is that because IGF-1 in cows is moderately, many of the so-called modern Western
identical to human IGF-1, this growth factor could diseases can be prevented. As part of its global
cross the gut wall and trigger an abnormal response, strategy on diet, physical activity and health, the
for example increasing the risk of certain cancers. It World Health Organisation (WHO) claims that up to
may be that IGF-1 does not cross the gut wall but 80 per cent of cases of coronary heart disease, 90
that other bioactive components in milk boost IGF-1 per cent of type 2 diabetes cases and one-third of
production in the liver (see IGF-1). Either way, over cancers can be avoided by changing to a healthier
the last decade IGF-1 has been linked to an diet, increasing physical activity and stopping
increased risk of childhood cancers, breast cancer, smoking (WHO, 2003).
lung cancer, melanoma and cancers of the pancreas
and prostate (LeRoith et al., 1995; Chan et al., 1998)
and gastrointestinal cancers (Epstein, 1996).
White Lies
Part one:
The History, Geography and Biology of Milk
The Origins of Dairy Farming The ability to digest lactose (the sugar in milk)
evolved as a result of a genetic mutation among
Although sheep, cattle and goats are thought to people in the Balkans and central Europe (amongst
have been domesticated in parts of the Middle East some other places) around 7,500 years ago.
and central Asia over 9,000 years ago there is no Descendants of these people are able to consume
direct evidence that these animals were used to dairy milk today without suffering the symptoms of
supply milk. Written texts, paintings and drawings lactose intolerance (bloating, wind, discomfort etc).
from around 6,000 years ago provide evidence of Cheese-making would have allowed the lactose-
dairy farming from then (Pringle, 1998). However, intolerant Neolithic farming communities to
analysis of dairy fat residues on pottery fragments consume milk without becoming ill, as processing
suggests that the exploitation of animals for milk milk into cheese reduces the lactose content.
was already an established practice in Britain when
farming began in the fifth millennium BC (Copley et Although this all sounds like a long time ago, in
al., 2003). More recent research show that humans evolutionary terms it is very recent history and early
in north-west Anatolia (Asia Minor or Turkey) were dairy farming would have been practised on a
using milk 8,000 years ago (Evershed et al., 2008). relatively small scale. Hominid (modern humans and
Analysis of fat residues on sieve-like pottery our forerunners) fossils date back to nearly seven
structures indicates that cheese manufacture may million years ago (Cela-Conde and Ayala, 2003). If
have been practiced by Neolithic people 7,500 years seven million years were represented as a twelve-hour
ago (Salque et al., 2013). clock, starting at midday, humans would have started
dairy farming less than one minute before midnight.
A report
Dairy farming today about five years – that is after three or four lactations,
when naturally she may live for 20 to 30 years.
Milk production today is big business. The total value
of the production of milk in the UK is estimated to
be £3.8 billion (Defra, 2012). This is more than the Who drinks milk?
value of production of beef, lamb, pig, poultry meat,
eggs and around three times the value of the Since 1960, global milk production has nearly doubled
production of fresh vegetables (Defra, 2012). (Speedy, 2003). The most substantial growth has
occurred in developing countries; the consumption of
There are now 1.81 million dairy cows in the UK milk per person in China has increased tenfold since
dairy herd (Dairy Co, 2013). Although the numbers 1980 (FAO, 2009). These changes in diet have had an
of dairy cows are falling year by year (down 7.3 per impact on the global demand for agricultural products
cent or 142,000 dairy cows in the last five years), the and will continue to do so.
milk yield has increased. Defra states that the
increase in milk yield far offsets the fall in the Around three-quarters of the world’s population
number of dairy cattle (Dairy Co, 2013a). The latest do not drink milk, but among those who do, the
figures from Defra show that the total level of milk pattern of consumption varies widely between countries.
produced in the UK from 2011 to 2012 increased by Data collected by the Food and Agriculture Organisation
163 million litres to 13.8 billion litres (Dairy Co, of the United Nations (FAO) provides figures for the
2013a). There is a clear trend; fewer cows are being consumption of milk (excluding butter) in kilograms per
forced to produce more milk. capita per year for over 170 countries (FAOSTAT, 2013).
Excluding suckled milk, each cow now produces over As shown in Figure 1.0 the level of milk and dairy
20 litres of milk per day, which equates to 7,617 litres product consumption varies widely between
of milk yearly (Dairy Co, 2013a). Over the last 10 years, countries. The highest levels of consumption are seen
selective breeding and high protein feed has increased in Europe. In Finland for example, a massive 375.4kg
the average yield per cow from 17.7 litres per day to was consumed per person in 2009, with Sweden
20.9 litres per day. That is 3.2 litres additional milk close behind at 357.4kg, then the Netherlands
being produced by dairy cows, every day! (357.3.7kg), Albania (282kg), Germany (264kg) and
Norway (262.6kg). Between 2002 and 2009, US
A common misconception is
that it is natural for cows to Figure 1.0 Consumption of milk (excluding butter) in selected
produce milk constantly. This countries compared to world consumption.
is not the case; just like us, 400
cows only produce milk after
a nine-month pregnancy and 350
giving birth. Today’s large- 2002
scale intensive dairy farming 300
employs a highly regulated
regime of cycling pregnancy
and lactation concurrently, 200
meaning that cows are both
pregnant and being milked 150
at the same time for most of
each year. This intensive 100
physical demand puts a
tremendous strain on the 50
dairy cow and, as she gets
older, infertility and severe 0
South Africa
White Lies
While some European countries are consuming less
(Sweden, France, Norway, Ireland, Portugal and
Spain), consumption in developing countries is
increasing (Brazil, Kenya, South Africa, India and
China). In 2002 the amount consumed per person in
China was 13.2kg, by 2009 this figured has risen to
Carbohydrate Protein Fat
29.8kg. Although the amount consumed per person
in China is still relatively low compared to that in the
West, it should be remembered that China has a Source: FSA, 2002.
population of 1.35 billion so this increase amounts to
a significantly higher demand. Protein
The carbohydrate, protein and fat content of milk
It could be argued that the lower level of consumption from one species is finely tuned to meet the
seen in some developing countries just reflects the fact nutritional requirements of that particular animal
that people cannot afford to buy milk products. whether human, elephant, buffalo, camel or dog.
However, in Japan for example (not a developing Figure 2.0 shows that the protein content in 100g of
country), consumption is very low at only 73.9kg. Most whole cow’s milk (3.3g) is more than double that of
people in the world do not drink milk; their reasons human milk (1.3g); this is because the amount of
may be cultural, economic, historical or biological. For protein in milk is linked to the amount of time it
example, most of the world’s population are lactose takes that particular species of animal to grow in
intolerant (see Lactose intolerance). But many of us size. Growing calves need more protein to enable
think of milk as a fundamental component of a them to grow quickly. Human infants on the other
healthy diet. Why is this? Is milk the only source of hand need less protein and more fat as their energies
some obscure essential nutrient? Or is milk unique in are expended primarily in the development of the
that it contains all the nutrients that we require? brain, spinal cord and nerves.
A report
Figure 3.0 The fatty acid composition of whole cow’s milk and
human milk.
Whole Cow’s milk
Species with the highest Human milk
White Lies
Sodium (mg) 43 15
the shorter chain omega-6 Potassium (mg) 156 58
linoleic acid (LNA) and the Calcium (mg) 120 34
omega-3 α-linolenic acid Magnesium (mg) 11 3
(ALA) but these have to be Phosphorus (mg) 94 15
converted in the body into Iron (mg) 0.02 0.07
the longer chain versions Copper (mg) Trace 0.04
mentioned above. Zinc (mg) 0.4 0.3
Chloride (mg) 87 42
A review of 20 studies of Manganese (mg) Trace Trace
cognitive function of breast Selenium ( g) 1 1
fed infants compared to Iodine ( g) 30 7
that of formula fed infants Retinol ( g) 19 58
concluded that the Carotene ( g) 9 (24)
nutrients in breast milk may Vitamin D ( g) Trace Trace
have a significant effect on Vitamin E (mg) 0.04 0.34
neurological development Thiamin (mg) 0.03 0.02
in infants (Anderson et al., Riboflavin (mg) 0.24 0.03
1999). More recent work Niacin (mg) 0.1 0.2
indicates that compared to Vitamin B6 (mg) 0.06 0.01
formula milk, nutrients in Vitamin B12 ( g) 0.9 Trace
breast milk may confer Folate ( g) 9 5
better cognitive and motor Pantothenate (mg) 0.68 0.25
development in infants Biotin ( g) 3.0 0.7
(Bernard et al., 2013) which Vitamin C (mg) 2 4
may extend into
intelligence in adulthood ( ) = estimated value. Source: FSA, 2002.
(Mortensen et al., 2003).
Cow’s milk tends to be low in the types of fat calves grow much more quickly and have a larger
essential for human brain development; a rapid skeleton than human babies and therefore need
increase in body size is more of an imperative for much more calcium (FAO, 1997). Cow’s milk is
cows than rapid brain development, so cows specifically designed to meet this high demand which
produce milk that is high in body-building saturated is why whole cow’s milk is not recommended for
fats to help their calves grow rapidly in size. infants under 12 months. Although human milk
contains less calcium, it is more easily absorbed than
Similarly, the fatty acid composition of cow’s milk is that found in cow’s milk. According to the American
more suited to a calf than to a person. Attempts to Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition, the
alter the fatty acid composition of cow’s milk, and so available data demonstrate that the bioavailability of
increase the nutritional value of cow’s milk to calcium from human milk is greater than that from
humans, have involved experiments feeding cows fish infant formulas (58 per cent and 38 per cent
meal and soya beans (AbuGhazaleh et al., 2004) and respectively) (Greer and Krebs, 2006). In an effort to
flax seed (Petit, 2002). Feeding flax seed resulted in a address this discrepancy, the concentration of calcium
lower omega-6 to omega-3 fatty acid ratio, which is in infant formulas is generally higher than that in
thought might improve the nutritional value of milk human milk. So although human milk contains less
from a human health point of view by reducing the calcium than cow’s milk, the calcium in human milk is
potential risk of disease. Of course you could just eat better absorbed into the body than the calcium in
the flax seed oil yourself to improve the balance of cow’s milk, again illustrating why human milk is the
omega-3 and omega-6 oils in your diet while best source of nutrition during the first year of life.
avoiding the undesirable components of milk.
Calcium Cow’s milk contains very little iron (FSA, 2002) which
The calcium content of cow’s milk (120mg per is another reason why cow’s milk is deemed to be
100ml) is nearly four times that of human milk (34mg unsuitable for infants under the age of 12 months.
per 100ml). This discrepancy occurs for good reason; Indeed a one-year-old attempting to meet the
A report
White Lies
Polyunsaturated fats
include fatty acids called
the omega-6 and omega-3
fatty acids, (these names
refer to the position of the
A report
double bond in the carbon chain of the fatty acid having to change their eating habits (Shingfield et
molecule). Milk contains the omega-6 essential fatty al., 2013). This brave new world approach to how
acid linoleic acid and the omega-3 fatty acid linolenic we eat is called nutrigenomics. The simpler
acid. These are called essential fatty acids because alternative would be to just eat healthier food!
they are essential to health but cannot be made
within the body and so must be obtained from the In addition to the fatty acids discussed there are
diet. While milk does contain linoleic acid and small amounts of phospholipids and other fats
linolenic acid (both with chains of 18 carbon atoms) present in milk including fat soluble vitamins.
it does so at relatively low levels.
Minerals and vitamins
There has been much excitement over the last ten Minerals found in cow’s milk include sodium,
years about conjugated linoleic acids (CLAs) in cow’s potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and
milk. The term ‘conjugated’ refers to the molecular chloride, zinc, iron (although at extremely low levels),
arrangement of the molecule. CLAs are described as selenium, iodine and trace amounts of copper and
positional and geometric isomers of linoleic acid; this manganese (FSA, 2002). Vitamins in cow’s milk
means that CLAs are made up of exactly the same include retinol, carotene, vitamin E, thiamin,
components as normal linoleic acid, just in a riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, folate,
different arrangement. It has been suggested that pantothenate, biotin, vitamin C and trace amounts
some forms of CLA may confer a range of potential of vitamin D (FSA, 2002). In the US, milk is fortified
human health benefits (McGuire and McGuire, 2000, with additional vitamin D; this has important
Whigham et al., 2007). However, the majority of implications as we shall see later (see Osteoporosis).
studies on weight loss, cancer, cardiovascular
disease, insulin sensitivity and diabetes and immune Although cow’s milk contains all these nutrients it is
function have been conducted on animals (or in important to note that these vitamins are contained
vitro) and it has been acknowledged that variations at very low levels. Furthermore, the mineral content
exist between different animals’ responses to CLAs. is so out of balance with human biochemistry that it
Human studies have produced mixed results; a is difficult for us to absorb the optimum amounts
review of 17 studies on humans concluded that CLA required for health.
does not affect body weight or body composition
and has a limited effect on immune function (Tricon Fibre
et al., 2005). Furthermore some detrimental effects Milk contains no dietary fibre.
of CLA have been observed in mice and some
reports suggest that CLAs can elicit pro-carcinogenic
effects (Wahle et al., 2004). One form of CLA is The undesirable components
suspected of having pro-diabetic effects in
individuals who are already at risk of developing of milk and dairy products
diabetes (McCrorie et al., 2011).
Whole milk, cheese, butter and many other dairy
In summary, there is no substantive evidence of a products contain high levels of saturated fat,
consistent benefit of CLA on any human health cholesterol and animal protein all of which are not
conditions and evidence regarding effectiveness of required in the diet and have been linked to a wide
CLA in humans is inconclusive (Silveira et al., 2007). range of illnesses and diseases. For example, excess
Despite warnings from researchers that until we saturated fat and cholesterol in the diet is associated
know more, CLA supplementation in humans should with an increased risk of heart disease and stroke.
be considered with caution, the dairy industry sees Cross cultural studies show that as the consumption
this molecule as a new marketing opportunity and of saturated fat, cholesterol and animal protein
research into producing CLA-enriched milk, by increases from country to country, so does the
manipulating the diet of dairy cows, began over a incidence of the so-called diseases of affluence such
decade ago (Lock and Garnsworthy, 2002). As stated as obesity, heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis and
above, cow’s milk and dairy products are significant certain cancers. It has been suggested that this is
source of saturated fat in the human diet. Altering because of genetic differences between different
the fatty acid composition of dairy foods would races. However, when people migrate from an area
mean that people could comply with government of low incidence of the so-called affluent diseases to
health recommendations on fat intake without an area of high incidence, they soon acquire the
White Lies
same high incidence shared by the population into • Milk thrown away due to contamination by
which they have moved. This correlation must then medication or being unfit to drink
be attributed, at least in part, to environmental • A reduction in yields due to illness and any
factors such as diet and lifestyle. So if you can permanent damage to udder tissue
increase the risk of disease by changing your diet • The extra labour required to tend to mastitic
and lifestyle, it stands to reason that you can reduce cows
the risk of disease by changing your diet and • The costs of veterinary care and medicines
lifestyle. The World Health Organisation (WHO) state • The cost of reduced longevity due to premature
that there are major health benefits in eating more culling
fruit and vegetables, as well as nuts and whole
grains and moving from saturated animal fats to Source: Dairy Co, 2013b.
unsaturated vegetable oil-based fats (WHO, 2003).
The number of somatic cells in the milk (the somatic
In addition to saturated fat, cholesterol and animal cell count) provides an indication of the level of
protein, a wide range of undesirable components infection present. These measurements are taken
occur in cow’s milk and dairy products. The modern from the milk bulk tank and not from individual
dairy cow is prone to both stress and disease. In the cows, so milk from a diseased cow is diluted,
UK, cows suffer from a range of infectious diseases especially in larger herds. The somatic cell count
including brucellosis, bovine tuberculosis, foot and usually forms part of a payment structure to farmers
mouth disease, viral pneumonia and Johne’s disease. with defined thresholds of concentration determining
As a result of an infectious disease a wide range of the qualification for bonus payments or penalty
contaminants can occur in milk. Mastitis charges. Indeed, milk contracts often define several
(inflammation of the mammary gland) is a somatic cell count thresholds and any respective
widespread condition affecting cattle in the UK in bonus for attaining them (Dairy Co 2013c). In most
which all or part of the udder suffers from an developed dairy industries various regulatory limits
infection caused by bacteria entering through the are applied to milk for human consumption. In the
teat (Dairy Co, 2013b). Mastitis may be referred to as European Union the somatic cell limit is a maximum
subclinical (no symptoms) or clinical whereby of 400,000 cells per ml in bulk milk (Dairy Products
symptoms include swelling, pain, hardness, milk clots (Hygiene) Regulations 1995). This means that milk
or discoloured milk. The cow responds to the containing 400 million pus cells per litre can be
infection by generating white blood cells (somatic sold legally for human consumption. So one
cells) which migrate to the affected area teaspoonful of milk could contain up to two
in an effort to combat the million pus cells! It could be even
infection. These cells, along with worse, as concerns have been raised
cellular debris and necrotic about the efficiency of cell counting
(dead) tissue, are a component techniques (Berry et al., 2003).
of pus and are excreted into the
milk. Mastitis treatment and Goat’s milk is no better. According to
control is one of the largest the Universities Federation for Animal
costs to the dairy industry in the Welfare (UFAW), 65 per cent of goat
UK. Financial losses arise from: milk samples will have a cell count
greater than 1,000 million cells per litre
(Mowlem, 2011).
A report
Mastitis effects the quality of milk in many ways; the molecules). The concern here is that these signalling
total protein content is decreased, the amounts of molecules that have evolved to direct the rapid
calcium, phosphorus and potassium content are growth of the offspring for which they were
decreased, the taste deteriorates (becomes bitter), intended. So, cow’s milk, ‘designed’ to turn a calf
and the levels of undesirable components rise. These into a cow, may initiate inappropriate signalling
include enzymes such as plasmin and lipase, and pathways in the human body that may lead to
immunoglobulins (Blowey and Edmondson, 2000). illnesses and diseases such as cancer.
Mastitis is treated with antibiotics delivered directly
into the udder. These drugs can also end up in the All milk produced by mammals is a medium for
milk, so milk from treated cows must not be transporting hundreds of different chemical
marketed until the recommended withholding period messengers. Human breast milk is a dynamic,
has elapsed. Mastitis occurs in around 50 per cent of multifaceted infant food containing a wide range of
cows in the UK (Blowey and Edmondson, 2000). nutrients and bioactive factors needed for human
infant health and development: macrophages, stem
Recent studies show that the value of mammalian cells, immunoglobulins, cytokines, chemokines,
milk is not just nutritional but that it contains a growth factors, hormones, oligosaccharides, glycans
variety of factors (biologically active molecules) with and glycosaminoglycans (Ballard and Morrow, 2013).
additional qualities that have a profound role in the While many studies of human milk composition have
survival and health of the offspring consuming it. been conducted, components of human milk are still
These biologically active molecules include enzymes, being identified. Mammalian milk ‘communicates’
hormones and growth factors. In 1992, Pennsylvania between the maternal mammary epithelia and the
State University endocrinologist Clark Grosvenor infant’s intestinal system directing and educating the
published an extensive review of some of the known immune, metabolic and microflora systems within
bioactive hormones and growth factors found in a the infant (German et al., 1992). Indeed, research
typical glass of cow’s milk in the US. The list included indicates that many of these molecules survive the
seven pituitary (an endocrine gland in the brain) environment of the infant’s gut and are absorbed
hormones, seven steroid hormones, seven into the circulation where they may exert an
hypothalamic (another brain endocrine gland) influence on the infant’s immune system, intestinal
hormones, eight gastrointestinal peptides tract, neuroendocrine system, or take some other
(chains of two or more amino acids), six effect. This has evolved as a useful mechanism
thyroid and parathyroid hormones, 11 between mothers and infants
growth factors, and nine other of the same species, but
biologically active compounds the effects of bioactive
(Grosvenor et al., 1992). substances in milk taken
from one species and
Other consumed by another are
biologically largely unknown. The concern
important is that the bioactive molecules in
proteins and cow’s milk may direct undesirable
peptides in milk regulation, growth and
include differentiation of various tissues in the
immunoglobulins, human infant. Of particular concern
allergens, enzymes, for example is the insulin-like growth
casomorphins (casein peptide factor 1 (IGF-1) which occurs naturally
fragments) and cyclic in milk and has been linked to several
nucleotides (signalling cancers in humans (see IGF-1).
White Lies
A report
Furthermore, breastfeeding is free. You do not need comply with strict UK and EC legislation which
to wash and sterilise an endless number of bottles. specifies the nutritional composition of the feeds.
You will not be up in the night mixing and testing Soya-based infant formulas provide a safe feeding
the milk to see if it is cool enough; breast milk comes option for most infants that meet all the nutritional
ready mixed at the perfect temperature. The act of requirements of the infant with none of the
breastfeeding is also important for bonding the detrimental effects associated with the consumption
mother and baby relationship. of cow’s milk formulas. Under no circumstances
should a child under 12 months be given ‘normal’
In 2013, figures from the Department of Health cow’s, goat’s, soya or any other milk that is not
revealed that the number of new mothers specifically formulated for an infant (for a review on
attempting to breastfeed fell in England for the first the safety of soya see Appendix I).
time since it began collecting the statistics in 2004.
The figures showed that 5,700 fewer women
initiated breastfeeding with their child in 2012- Milk in Schools
2013 than did the year before. During this period,
327,048 women (just under half of all In 1924, local education authorities (LEAs) in the
maternities) were not breastfeeding their baby UK were permitted to provide children with free
at all by the time of their eight week check- milk. This was the start of the movement to
up (Royal College of Paediatrics and introduce milk to school-aged children that
Health, 2013). This prompted the Royal would continue to this day. In 2005, in a
College of Midwives to express concern paper published in the Economic History
over a lack of promotion of breastfeeding Review, Dr Peter Atkins of Durham
under the current Government, which University reviewed the motivations behind
scrapped funding for National the introduction of cow’s milk in schools
Breastfeeding Awareness Week in 2011. during the first half of the twentieth
The Royal College of Midwives said century (Atkins, 2005). Atkins stated that
there is a shortage of 5,000 midwives the nutritional benefits of school milk were
and criticised the scrapping of infant debatable, possibly even negative in those
feeding coordinators, who encouraged areas where it replaced other foods, but
breastfeeding in parts of the country noted that the dairy industry did well,
with the lowest uptake. creating new markets at a time of
depression (Atkins, 2005).
UNICEF states that the major problems
are the societal and commercial In 1946, the School Milk Act provided free
pressure to stop breastfeeding, milk to all school children. A third of a pint
including aggressive marketing and of milk was provided to all children under
promotion by formula producers (UNICEF, the age of 18 years until 1968 when
2013a). In addition, many mothers have to Harold Wilson’s Government withdrew free milk
return to work soon after giving birth and they face from secondary schools. This policy was extended in
a number of challenges and pressures which often 1971 when Margaret Thatcher (then secretary of
lead them to stop exclusive breastfeeding early. state for education) withdrew free school milk from
Clearly, mothers (including working mothers) need children over seven. This was an economic decision,
support, including legislative measures, to enable not one based on a nutritional assessment of the
them to continue breastfeeding. Strategies to value of milk, and for this she earned the nickname
promote breastfeeding could confer important and ‘Thatcher, Thatcher, milk snatcher’ – although many
widespread health benefits. children were delighted at not having to drink the
warm sickly odorous milk at school anymore!
White Lies
or LEA. The European Commission had originally commenced on 10th October 2005. Previous school
indicated that it wished to abolish the subsidy milk weeks have generated over 6,000 new school
because the scheme was not providing value for milk drinkers or as Dairy UK put it “over one million
money. The UK did not accept these conclusions and new serving opportunities per annum”.
fought hard to retain the scheme. A compromise
was secured whereby in 2001 the subsidy rate was In 2008, the MDC was replaced by DairyCo
reduced from 95 to 75 per cent. The UK following a fundamental review of agricultural levy
Government topped up the subsidy to its original boards by Defra. The five existing levy boards
level in England, up to a maximum total expenditure (including the MDC) were replaced by one statutory
of £1.5 million each year. In the academic year 2003 levy board, the Agriculture and Horticulture
to 2004, around one million school children in Development Board (AHDB). Its statutory purpose is
England drank 34.9 million litres of subsidised milk to improve UK farm business efficiency and
at a cost of around £7 million. competitiveness. In 2010 DairyCo conducted a full
review of in school activities and re-launched its
The move to increase milk consumption in schools Schools and Education programme in January 2011
gathered momentum; the School Milk Project, was which replaced The School Milk Project. DairyCo
set up in 1998 by the Women’s Food and Farming works alongside the British Nutrition Foundation
Union, aiming to increase the uptake of milk in (another industry-funded body) to promote milk in
primary schools. It received funding from the Milk schools using a range of tools including web-based
Development Council (MDC) which was established education resources promoting dairy products. To
following the re-organisation of the milk industry in this end, DairyCo offers free resources and advice to
1994. The MDC was funded by a statutory levy on local authorities and schools about milk production
all milk sold off farms in Great Britain; the annual and dairy farming and how to introduce or increase
income from the levy was over £7 million. Primarily milk provision in their schools.
the MDC funded research and development into
milk production methods, it also funded the School This sophisticated and aggressive marketing is of real
Milk Project which employed ‘facilitators’ to promote value to the dairy industry in establishing milk as a
the uptake of school milk through direct contact ‘normal’ commodity for regular family consumption
with LEAs, schools and dairy suppliers. now and in the future. The policy of introducing
school milk begs the question, are the dairy industry
The charity Milk For Schools (MFS) was founded in nurturing our children? Or simply nurturing a
1994. Set up to educate the public in the field of future loyal adult consumer base?
school based nutrition, MFS is a registered
member of the United Nations Food and
Agriculture Organisation (UNFAO) School
Milk Network, which initiated the first
World School Milk Day on 27th
September 2000. In October 2004 Dairy
UK was established as a cross-industry
body representing processors and
distributors of liquid milk and dairy
products, as well as milk producer
co-operatives. In 2005 the
European Union (EU) and Dairy
UK joined forces with the MDC
to promote milk
consumption in primary
schools. Schools were
targeted with
‘Teacher’s Guides
to Health and
Fitness’ and
School Milk
A report
Part two:
Dairy Consumption and Health
The suggestion that the consumption of cow’s milk Furthermore, given that around 70 per cent of
can lead to a wide range of health problems, people in the world do not drink milk, just how
illnesses and diseases strikes at the core of many essential can it be? The list of illnesses and diseases
people’s thinking. How can such a natural food be associated with the consumption of milk and dairy
unhealthy? Well the answer lies in the fact that milk products is quite extensive. These health problems
is not a natural drink for adults. Furthermore, cow’s tend to occur at levels that relate directly to how
milk is not a natural drink for humans. In nature, much milk is drunk in a particular region or country.
milk is consumed from a mother up until weaning, Furthermore, as milk consumption spreads to areas
which is when the mother normally stops producing where previously it was not drunk, these diseases
milk. Consuming milk from a pregnant mother is not follow. Some of these problems are discussed in
the normal course of events. Furthermore, in nature, detail below.
mammals consume the milk of their own species,
not that of another. In a commentary published in
the Journal of the American Academy of Acne
Dermatology, New Hampshire dermatologist Dr F.W.
Danby states that the human consumption of large Acne is a skin condition that affects many teenagers
volumes of another species’ milk, especially when and in a small number of cases it may occur in
that milk comes from pregnant cows during the adulthood. About 80 per cent of people between
human’s normally post-weaned years, is essentially the ages of 11 and 30 will be affected by acne. It is
unnatural (Danby, 2005). most common between the ages of 14 and 17 in
girls, and between 16 and 19 in boys. Acne can
As previously stated, cow’s milk is designed to help a continue into adult life; about five per cent of
small calf grow into a big cow in less than a year. In women and one per cent of men have acne over the
order to sustain this rapid physical growth, the age of 25 (NHS Choices, 2012a).
composition of cow’s milk has evolved to contain the
specific types of nutrients required, at the specific Acne can cause physical scarring but it can also
levels required. These are not necessarily natural or cause distress, anxiety and depression in some
healthy for humans. For example, whole milk and sufferers who report feeling suicidal because of
certain dairy products such as butter and cheese, bullying or lack of self-confidence.
contain considerable amounts of saturated fat,
cholesterol and animal protein, the detrimental Acne is caused by a combination of factors.
health effects of which are now well-documented. In Hormonal changes can increase the secretion of an
addition to this, the vitamin and mineral content of oily substance called sebum from the skin’s
cow’s milk is not well-suited to human requirements, sebaceous glands which are frequently located
especially those of the human infant. To meet the adjacent to hair follicles. If skin cells build up and
rapid skeletal growth requirements of a calf, cow’s block the opening of hair follicles, subsequent
milk contains four times the amount of calcium as clogging of the sebaceous gland can contribute
human milk. This does not mean that cow’s milk is a further to the development of acne. The problem is
good source of calcium for the human infant, far often made even worse by the colonisation of the
from it; this level of calcium coupled to the high skin by the bacterium Propionibacterium acnes
levels of other minerals in cow’s milk represents what which can become trapped in the hair follicles.
is called a high renal solute load which means that Inflammation then may lead to the eruption of large
the young human infant’s kidneys cannot cope with pus-filled spots characteristic of acne. Despite the
‘off the shelf’ cow’s milk. wholesale dismissal of diet as a potential
environmental factor underlying the development of
In addition to the unsuitable nutritional composition acne, a large body of evidence now exists that
of cow’s milk, there are many other reasons why demonstrates how certain foods and food
cow’s milk and dairy products are not natural foods substances (especially cow’s milk) may adversely
for humans, for example, the increasing body of influence hormones and cytokines that influence the
evidence linking bioactive molecules in milk causes of acne (Cordain, 2005).
(hormones and growth factors) to disease. While the
dairy industry would have us believe that milk is an A large-scale study from Harvard’s School of Public
essential part of the diet, much of the research used Health linked the intake of milk during adolescence
to promote this view is industry-sponsored. with the incidence of acne in 47,355 nurses who
White Lies
completed questionnaires
on high school diet and
teenage acne
(Adebamowo et al., 2005).
The link between teenage
acne and milk
consumption was strongest
for skimmed milk, so it
would seem that the
saturated fat content of
milk is not the causal
factor. The authors
hypothesised that the
hormonal content of milk
may be responsible for
causing acne in teenagers. Cow’s milk contains the recommends that use of whey protein supplements
hormones oestrogen and progesterone along with should be screened for when taking history from
certain hormone precursors (androstenedione, teenage males suffering with acne.
dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate, and 5 -reduced
steroids like 5 -androstanedione, 5 -pregnanedione Milk also contains many bioactive molecules that act
and dihydrotestosterone), some of which have been on the sebaceous glands and hair follicles (such as
implicated in the development of acne. glucocorticoids, IGF-1, transforming growth factor-β
(TGF-β), neutral thyrotropin-releasing hormone-like
The levels of these hormones in cow’s milk vary peptides and opiate-like compounds), some of which
depending on whether the cow is pregnant or not, survive pasteurisation. The bioavailability of the
and if so at what stage of the pregnancy she is. At factors involved may be altered during pasteurisation.
least two-thirds of cow’s milk in the UK is taken from In other words, heat-induced changes in the shape or
pregnant cows (Danby, 2005). The same team of structure of the molecule may alter the way it
researchers have produced two subsequent articles behaves in the body and, until we know more, it is
based on the nurses’ sons and daughters. In these difficult to say exactly what role these bioactive
groups too, a positive association was observed molecules play in causing acne and other health
between dairy products (particularly skimmed milk) problems. However, the current literature leaves no
and acne (Adebamowo et al., 2006; Adebamowo et room for doubt that dairy products increase the risk
al., 2008). Again, this suggests that it is some of acne. In summary, to help eliminate or avoid acne,
component in cow’s milk other than saturated fat eat more fruit and vegetables and stay away from
that causes acne. cow’s milk and dairy products.
A report
so on. These types of reactions may give rise to the resulting in a runny nose and blocked ears. More
so-called classic allergies: asthma, eczema, hay fever serious symptoms include asthma, eczema, colic,
and urticaria (skin rash). These responses are called diarrhoea and vomiting.
anaphylactic reactions and they vary widely in their
severity. The most severe type of reaction Asthma
(anaphylactic shock) may involve difficulty in Asthma is a chronic, inflammatory lung disease
breathing, a drop in blood pressure and ultimately characterised by recurrent breathing problems.
heart failure and death. Asthma is a common condition in the UK; 5.4 million
people are currently receiving treatment for asthma
Initial sensitisation to the allergen precedes an (NHS Choices, 2012b). That is one in every 12 adults
allergic reaction and this first exposure may not and one in every 11 children. The number of children
generate any perceivable symptoms. In fact initial with asthma has risen steeply since the 1970s when
sensitisation may result not from the direct exposure just one in 50 children had asthma. Asthma
to an allergen but from exposure to dietary allergens prevalence is thought to have plateaued since the
during breastfeeding. Evidence suggests that this late 1990s, although the UK still has some of the
process, known as atopic sensitisation, can occur in highest rates in Europe and on average three people
exclusively breastfed infants whose mother’s breast a day die from asthma (Asthma UK, 2013).
milk contains dietary allergens. For example, a
Finnish study reported that a maternal diet rich in During an asthma attack, the lining of the airways
saturated fat during breastfeeding might be a risk becomes inflamed and the airways become narrower
factor underlying the later development of allergies causing the characteristic symptoms of asthma:
(Hoppu et al., 2000). The same research group later coughing, wheezing, difficulty in breathing and
reported that breast milk rich in saturated fat and tightness across the chest. Asthma can start at any
low in omega-3 fatty acids might be a risk factor for age and the causes are thought to include a
eczema (Hoppu et al., 2005). While numerous combination of factors including a genetic
studies now show that breastfeeding predisposition (asthma in the family), diet and
can protect against the environmental triggers such as cigarette smoke,
development of allergies, and chemicals and dust mites.
the majority of studies are
strongly in favour of As stated previously, allergies tend to run in
breastfeeding, it may be prudent families, so asthma, eczema or hay
to avoid suspected allergens in fever in some family members
the diet while breastfeeding may increase the risk of
especially if allergies such as others developing the
asthma, eczema and hay fever same or another allergy.
run in the family. But a genetic
predisposition is not the
Allergies are now so common in the UK, only cause, as stated
affecting around one in three people, that the asthma is caused by a
increasing occurrence is referred to by some as an combination of factors. In the
epidemic (Royal College of Physicians, 2003). The UK past, the rise in childhood asthma has been
is one of the top countries in the world for the attributed to an increase in air pollution. However,
highest incidence of allergy, especially asthma. this seems unlikely as many of the most polluted
Millions of adults in the UK are affected by at least countries in the world, such as China, have low rates
one allergy and numbers continue to rise (Allergy of asthma, whereas countries with very good air
UK, 2013). Each year the number of allergy sufferers quality, such as New Zealand, have high rates of
increases by five per cent, half of all affected being asthma (ISAAC, 1998). The ‘hygiene hypothesis’ has
children, and by 2015, 50 per cent Europeans will gained popularity as a causal factor for the increase
suffer from an allergy (EFA, 2011). in asthma. This hypothesis blames the increasing
asthma rates on the extreme levels of cleanliness
Food allergy is increasingly widespread and the most found in many homes. Increased hygiene means that
common of these is cow’s milk allergy, affecting our immune systems are being challenged less and
around two per cent of all infants under the age of less. It has been suggested that this causes us to
one. Symptoms include excessive mucus production overreact to allergens such as dust mites.
White Lies
Food allergy is frequently underestimated in Eczema can vary in severity and most people are only
association with asthma despite the fact that food mildly affected but severe symptoms can include
allergy and asthma frequently co-exist. Children with cracked, sore and bleeding skin. Severe eczema can
food allergy are more than two to four times as likely have a significant impact on daily life. The number of
to have other atopic conditions such as asthma, people diagnosed with atopic eczema has increased in
eczema or respiratory allergy compared to children recent years and currently, about one in five children
without food allergies (Kewalramani and Bollinger, and one in 12 adults in the UK have eczema (NHS
2010). Furthermore, food allergy has been shown to Choices, 2012b; National Eczema Society 2013).
trigger or exacerbate broncho-obstruction in two to
8.5 per cent of children with asthma (Baena-Cagnani Cow’s milk allergy is a risk factor for many allergic
and Teijeiro, 2001). Food allergies may be responsible conditions including asthma and eczema (Saarinen,
for around five per cent of all asthma cases (James et 2005). There is an increasing amount of interest in
al., 1994) and as cow’s milk is a primary cause of the role of the diet in the development of eczema. In
food allergies, it may therefore be useful to consider recent years, the links between certain foods and
the possibility of cow’s milk allergy in the treatment eczema has become better understood. Eczema can
of asthma. be caused by several environmental factors including
dust mites, grasses and pollens, stress and certain
Eczema foods. Eczema usually starts when a baby is around
Eczema (also known as atopic dermatitis) is a six months old and in about 10 per cent of cases it is
condition that causes the skin to become itchy, red, triggered by foods including milk, eggs, citrus fruit,
dry and cracked. It is a long-term, chronic condition. chocolate, peanuts and colourings (NHS Choices,
2013c). The most common food triggers are cow’s
milk and eggs, but many other foods including soya,
wheat, fish and nuts can act as triggers (National
Eczema Society 2013a). So, when treating eczema,
cow’s milk allergy should be considered.
Hay fever
Hay fever (seasonal allergic rhinitis) is an allergic
reaction to grass or hay pollens. A minority of cases
may be caused by later flowering weeds or fungal
spores, and some research suggests pollution can
worsen symptoms. In response to exposure to pollen,
the immune system releases histamine which gives
rise to a range of symptoms including a runny nose,
sneezing and itchy eyes and throat. Hay fever is
often regarded as a trivial problem but it can severely
affect people's quality of life, disturbing sleep,
impairing daytime concentration, it causes people to
miss work or school and has been shown to affect
school exam results (Allergy UK, 2012).
A report
White Lies
Some studies have looked at the effects of a vegan avoided by opting for plant-based sources of omega-
diet on the symptoms of arthritis. A single-blind 3s.) It is important for people with arthritis to maintain
dietary intervention study investigated the effects of a a healthy well-balanced diet. Arthritis Care (the UK’s
very low-fat, vegan diet on patients with rheumatoid largest voluntary organisation working with and for
arthritis (McDougall et al., 2002). This study people with arthritis) suggest a diet high in fruit,
evaluated the influence of a four-week, low-fat, vegetables, starch and fibre and low in fatty foods, salt
vegan diet on 24 people with rheumatoid arthritis. and added sugars can help (Arthritis Care, 2011).
The results showed a significant decrease in
symptoms. The degree of pain dramatically reduced; Some research suggests a high intake of fruit and
limitation in ability to function improved, joint vegetables may prevent or slow down osteoarthritis.
tenderness and joint swelling significantly decreased. Sulforaphane, a chemical found in vegetables such
The severity of morning stiffness improved, the only as broccoli, has been reported to have anti-
thing not to improve was the duration of the inflammatory properties, may protect against a form
morning stiffness. The researchers concluded that of inflammatory arthritis and reduce the production
patients with moderate-to-severe rheumatoid of enzymes that contribute to the breakdown of
arthritis, who switch to a very low-fat, vegan diet can cartilage. Indeed a recent study from the University
experience significant reductions in their symptoms. of East Anglia looked at human cartilage cells
treated with cytokines and found that sulforaphane
It is now accepted that the Mediterranean diet can reduced the production of enzymes involved in
help people with arthritis as well as a number of other cartilage damage (Davidson et al., 2013). This
conditions. This diet includes plenty of fruit and suggests that sulforaphane could help reduce
vegetables, fish, grains and pulses and a moderate cartilage damage and prevent or slow the
amount of red meat. Foods rich in omega-3 are progression of arthritis. Most people could benefit
believed to have an anti-inflammatory effect, which from eating more fruit and vegetables, complex
may reduce the pain associated with inflamed joints. carbohydrates, fibre, vitamins and minerals and less
Omega-3 is found in nuts and seeds (particularly sugar and saturated fat.
linseed or flax seed) and is regularly used to fortify
margarines. (It is also found in oily fish but oily fish also If you suffer from arthritis it is important to keep as
contains PCBs, dioxins and other toxins that are best healthy as possible by ensuring that the diet provides
A report
all the important nutrients including minerals such as essential fatty acids (EFAs) have been shown to help
calcium and iron. Some people are concerned that some people with arthritis. These polyunsaturated
their calcium intake may drop if they cut out dairy fatty acids are divided into two main groups: omega-
foods. Arthritis Care state that dairy products are not 3 and omega-6. Omega-3 fatty acids are thought to
the only sources of calcium and that you can reach be of most benefit in inflammatory arthritis (Arthritis
the recommended daily amount by eating a variety Research UK, 2013a).
of calcium-rich foods (Arthritis Care, 2010). They list
several non-dairy sources of calcium including When trying to lose weight, it is important to
watercress, tofu, figs, Brazil nuts, bread and baked maintain a good intake of vitamins and minerals.
beans. Be careful not to have too much salt or This means consuming plenty of fruit and
caffeine as excessive quantities of these can reduce vegetables. A healthy balanced diet containing
the body’s ability to absorb or retain calcium. plenty of fruit and vegetables, pulses and whole
grain carbohydrate foods (such as wholemeal bread,
Others are worried about iron, particularly people brown rice and whole wheat pasta) provides a good
who have recently stopped eating red meat. This supply of vitamins, minerals and fibre. A diet lacking
should not be a concern as vegetarians and vegans in fruit and vegetables, and containing processed
are no more likely to become iron deficient than carbohydrates (such as white bread, white rice and
meat-eaters. Indeed one of the largest studies of white pasta) does not provide such a good source of
vegetarians and vegans in the world (the EPIC these essential nutrients and can have a deleterious
Oxford cohort study) looked at over 33,883 meat- effect on health. Whereas a good diet may help even
eaters, 18,840 vegetarians and 2,596 vegans and if strong drugs are being taken to treat arthritis.
found that the vegans had the highest intake of iron,
followed by the vegetarians then the meat-eaters The subject of food allergy and arthritis is quite
(Davey et al., 2003). It should be stressed that milk controversial. However, research has shown that, in
and milk products are an extremely poor source of some people, rheumatoid arthritis can be made
iron, whereas pulses, dried fruits and dark leafy worse by certain foods including milk products and
vegetables are good sources. food colouring (Laar and Korst, 1992). In 2001,
Swedish researchers reported that nine out of 22
The Arthritis Research Campaign (now Arthritis patients with rheumatoid arthritis showed significant
Research UK) founded in 1936, raises funds to improvements in their condition compared to one
promote medical research into the cause, treatment patient out of 25 after following a gluten-free, vegan
and cure of arthritic conditions. They have produced diet (Hafstrom et al., 2001). Of course it is difficult to
dietary guidelines for people with arthritis and they say whether eliminating milk was the reason these
suggest that one of the most important links patients improved as they eliminated all animal foods
between diet and arthritis is being overweight. The and gluten from the diet. However, this work
extra burden on the joints can make symptoms provides evidence that dietary modification can
considerably worse. Losing weight can have a benefit arthritis patients. Diet is not the only factor
dramatic effect in improving the condition. In order to cause and aggravate rheumatoid arthritis, nor is a
to lose weight, you need to use more energy than vegan diet the only way to reduce or eliminate the
you consume in the diet. Research shows that pain and damage caused by this disease. However,
vegetarians and vegans weigh less than meat-eaters research shows that a low fat vegan diet can be a
and Arthritis Research UK suggests that vegetarian powerful and positive, drug free way of limiting the
diets have been shown to be helpful in the long term painful symptoms caused by this disease.
for some people with rheumatoid arthritis. A vegan
diet, which doesn’t include any meat, fish or other
animal products, may also be helpful, possibly
because of the types of polyunsaturated fatty acids
included in the diet (Arthritis Research UK, 2013a).
Cutting down on sugar and taking regular (even
gentle) exercise will help control weight as well.
White Lies
Bovine Somatotrophin (BST) discriminating against imports from the US. The
sensible option is to avoid all dairy products.
In cows, milk production is influenced by the
complex interaction of a range of hormones. Bovine Concern has been expressed over several health issues
somatotrophin (BST) is a natural growth hormone associated with the use of rBST. The increased
that occurs in cattle and controls the amount of milk incidence of lameness and mastitis in rBST-treated
that they produce. In 1994 Monsanto began cows inevitably leads to an increased use of antibiotics
marketing a synthetic version of BST, known as to treat these and other infections. Because of their
recombinant BST (rBST), which was sold as Posilac efficacy in treating and preventing disease and the
and fast became the largest selling dairy animal fact that they can promote growth in some animals
pharmaceutical product in the US. In 2008, when used at sub-therapeutic levels, antibiotics have
Monsanto sold the Posilac business to Eli Lilly and been widely used for many years. Over half of the
Company for $300 million. From 2000-2005 the antibiotics that are produced in the US are used for
USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service survey agricultural purposes (Mellon et al., 2001).
of dairy producers found that about 17 per cent of
dairy milk producers used rBST. Injecting dairy cows Antibiotic use is known to promote the development
with rBST alters the metabolism to increase milk of antibiotic resistance. Thus the widespread use of
production by up to 15 per cent. Monsanto claims these drugs has contributed to the high frequency of
that this ‘allows’ the cow to produce more milk. resistant bacteria in the intestinal flora of farmed
They also argue that the increased production lowers animals (Lipsitch et al., 2002). This raises concerns
the cost of milk, making it more affordable, and the about the development of antibiotic resistant
number of cows needed to keep current milk infections in humans. A study in the New England
production levels is decreased thus saving natural Journal of Medicine in 2000 reported that the
recourses (Monsanto, 2009). emergence of antibiotic-resistant strains of
Salmonella is associated with the use of antibiotics in
However, there is a cost associated with the use of cattle. This study described how a new antibiotic-
rBST; its use is associated with severe welfare resistant strain of Salmonella was isolated from a 12-
problems, for example increasing the incidence of year-old boy admitted to hospital with abdominal
lameness and mastitis. While the US Food and Drug pain, vomiting and diarrhoea. The boy lived on a
Administration (FDA) permit the use of rBST, for ranch in Nebraska and subsequent investigation
reasons of animal health and welfare, the use of revealed the presence of the identical strain of
rBST in the EU was prohibited in 2000. Indeed bacteria, resistant to the antibiotic ceftriaxone,
Canada, Japan and many other countries have also among cattle on his family’s ranch and nearby
banned the use of rBST because of its effects on ranches that had suffered outbreaks of salmonellosis.
animal health and welfare. However, there are no The cattle had been treated with ceftriaxone. This
restrictions on the import of rBST dairy products to evidence suggests that the boy’s gastrointestinal
the UK, or any requirement to label them. infection was acquired from cattle (Fey et al., 2000).
The Government’s Veterinary Medicines Directorate The use of antibiotics in animals is so widespread
does not carry out any testing of imported milk for now that it may exceed their use in human medicine.
rBST (Defra, 2013). Furthermore, Defra confirmed in As stated, drug-resistance in bacteria is driven by this
correspondence with the Viva!Health, that since the selective pressure and can spread to humans either
EU is a single market once a product has entered, if by the food supply (meat, fish, eggs and dairy
it is transported on to another country within the EU, products), direct contact with animals or more
then the origin of the product will be the EU country indirectly through environmental pathways (da Costa
rather than the originating country (Defra, 2013). et al., 2013). This may shorten the time that these
Over the last decade imports of dairy foods have valuable antimicrobial agents will be available for
fallen from around 6,000 tonnes (mainly ice cream) effective treatment of infections in humans
per year to around 1,000. There was a steep rise in (Hammerum and Heuer, 2009). The obvious concern
2007 when nearly 4,000 tonnes were imported, and here is that the widespread use of antibiotics in
in the last year imports of yoghurt have increased cattle can lead to an increase in antibiotic-resistant
significantly (Defra, 2013a). Although these figures strains that may subsequently transmit to humans.
have declined, they still remain a concern, especially This is a public health concern and the question must
as the consumer has a limited chance of be asked: how much evidence of harm do we need
A report
Milk production
increases in cows
treated with rBST
because it promotes
the production of the
naturally occurring
growth hormone
insulin-like growth
factor 1 (IGF-1) which
then stimulates the glands
in the cow’s udders to produce
more milk. Research shows that
rBST use on dairy cows can substantially
increase the levels of IGF-1 in their milk (Prosser et al.,
1989). IGF-1 in milk is not denatured (inactivated) by
pasteurisation. This raises concerns about the
potential biological action of IGF-1 from cow’s milk in Cancer
humans especially because IGF-1 from cows is
identical to human IGF-1. Professor Samuel Epstein, More than one in three people in the UK will develop
an international leading authority on the causes and some form of cancer during their lifetime (NHS
prevention of cancer, warns that converging lines of Choices, 2012u). Around 325,000 people were
evidence incriminate IGF-1 in rBST milk as a potential diagnosed with cancer in 2010 in the UK, that’s
risk factor for both breast and gastrointestinal cancers around 890 people every day. Cancer causes more
(Epstein, 1996). However, the extent to which intact, than one in four of all deaths in the UK. In 2010
active IGF-1 is absorbed through the human digestive around 430 people died from cancer every day; that
tract remains uncertain (see IGF-1). is one person every four minutes (Cancer Research
UK, 2013). The four most common cancers in the UK
So why should this concern us if we do not allow the are breast, prostate, lung and colorectal (bowel)
use of rBST in the UK? Well in terms of human cancer. The data shows that while incidence rates
health, the concern is that milk and milk products have increased over previous years, mortality rates
imported from countries that permit the use of rBST have fallen. So more people are getting cancer, but
may lead to the consumption of foods that promote less are dying from it. The net result is that mortality
increased levels of IGF-1 in humans. In 1999, the from cancer over the last 50 years has remained
minister of state, Baroness Hayman, referred to a fairly constant. This is very worrying when you
report from the Veterinary Products Committee consider the vast improvement in both cancer
(VPC) which stated that while the use of rBST does diagnosis techniques and cancer treatment methods.
not increase the level of BST found naturally in cow’s It means that as even more people are getting
milk, there is a two-to-five fold increase the level of cancer, the medical profession are running, just to
IGF-1 in the milk, which she acknowledged may be stand still. It is predicted that by 2020 almost one in
implicated in the occurrence of colonic cancer. two people (47 per cent) will get cancer in their
However, Hayman reiterated the VPC’s view that the lifetime (Macmillan Cancer Support, 2013). This
risk to human health was likely to be extremely poses a huge challenge for the NHS and for society.
small. Hayman also suggested that just 0.3 per cent
of total milk and milk products imported into the UK Up to 40 per cent of cancers in the UK could be
come from the US where rBST is authorised for use prevented by lifestyle changes (Parkin et al., 2010).
(UK Parliament, 1999). While it is not proven that Most people now recognise that smoking is the
milk produced using rBST increases IGF-1 levels and biggest single preventable risk factor for cancer.
the risk of cancer in humans, you can avoid these Lung cancer is the UK’s biggest cancer killer, causing
potential risks by avoiding all dairy products. one in four of all deaths from cancer. Nearly 35,000
White Lies
people die from lung cancer in the UK every year specified the beneficial effects of fibre, fruits,
(NHS Choices, 2013a). Smoking also increases the vegetables, beans, peas and pulses (including soya
risk of many other types of cancer, including cancers foods) and whole grains Their recommendation was
of the: mouth, pharynx (behind the nose), larynx as follows: To reduce your cancer risk, eat no more
(voice box), oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, liver, than 500 grams (cooked weight) per week of red
cervix, kidney and bladder. Stopping smoking, even meat, like beef, pork and lamb, and avoid processed
when middle-aged, can dramatically reduce the risk meats such as ham, bacon, salami, hot dogs and
of developing cancer. some sausages. This was headline news; telling
people to avoid all processed meats. The link
However, it is less well known that a poor diet is the between red and processed meat and cancer was
second largest preventable risk factor for cancer, further supported by a large scale study of over half
coming close behind smoking. Research shows that a million people aged 50 to 71 years who were
nutrition plays a major role in cancer (Donaldson, followed for 10 years (Sinha et al., 2009). They too
2004). Indeed a poor diet may be responsible for up found that red and processed meat intakes were
to a third of all cancer deaths. Evidence from associated with an increased risk of death from
migration studies from the 1980’s shows that plant- cancer (as well as cardiovascular disease).
based diets can protect against cancer, while typical
Western diets, rich in animal foods, sugar and highly The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer
processed food products, can increase the risk. and Nutrition (EPIC) study is a Europe-wide prospective
Indeed, a significant body of evidence now shows cohort study of the relationships between diet and
that a plant-based diet, containing less saturated cancer. With over half a million participants, it is the
animal fats, cholesterol, animal protein, sugar, salt largest study of diet and disease to be undertaken.
and processed foods can lower the risk of some EPIC is coordinated by the International Agency for
cancers and that a diet rich in saturated animal fats, Research on Cancer (IARC), part of the World Health
cholesterol, animal protein, sugar, salt and processed Organization (WHO). 521,457 healthy adults (mostly
foods can increase the risk of certain cancers. Diet aged 35-70), were recruited from 23 centres in 10
has now been linked to numerous types of cancer European countries: Denmark, France, Germany,
including cancer of the: bowel, stomach, breast, Greece, Italy, The Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden
lung, prostate, pancreas, oesophagus and bladder and the UK. One UK centre (Oxford) recruited 27,000
(Cancer Research UK, 2011). vegetarians and vegans; this subgroup forms the
largest study of this dietary group.
The link between red and processed meat and
cancer is now well-established. In 2007, a review by Strong evidence that vegetarian diets are associated
a team of experts convened by the World Cancer with reduced cancer risk was provided by a recent
Research Fund (WCRF) and the American Institute for large scale study from the Oxford Vegetarian Study
Cancer Research (AICR) concluded that red and and the EPIC-Oxford group. Prospective studies follow
processed meats increase the risk of some cancers groups of people over time. Generally these people
and that diets rich in plant foods decrease the risk of are alike in many but not all ways (for example, young
many types of cancer (WCRF/AICR, 2007). They women who smoke and young women who do not).
A report
The prospective cohort study will then look for a link (coupled to the ‘health conscious’ character of the
between their behaviour and a particular outcome meat-eaters in the EPIC group) may account for why
(such as lung cancer). In this study, 61,566 British a review of five prospective studies showed no large
adults were separated into three diet groups: meat- differences in cancer mortality between vegetarians
eaters (32,403), fish-eaters (8,562) and vegetarians and non-vegetarians (Key et al., 1999). In another
(20,601). After 12 years, 3,350 had been diagnosed example from the EPIC group, they found that British
with cancer (2,204 meat-eaters, 317 fish-eaters and vegetarians had a similar risk of colorectal cancer as
829 vegetarians). Total cancer incidence was non-vegetarians (Fraser et al., 2009). Whereas other
significantly lower among both fish-eaters and studies provide convincing evidence that plant-based
vegetarians (18 and 12 per cent lower respectively) diets are protective against colorectal cancer
than among meat-eaters. Interestingly, there were (WCRF/AICR, 2007). It is likely that using ‘vegetarian’
vegans in this cohort, but there were too few to be as a single dietary label in research is probably
informative (Key et al., 2009). However, in a follow-on inadequate and this group needs to be divided into
study, they determined a significant statistic for the more descriptive subtypes to include vegans.
vegan group; total cancer incidence was again lower However, taken together, the evidence suggests that
in fish-eaters and vegetarians (12 and 11 per cent vegetarian diets are a useful strategy for reducing
respectively) but was 19 per cent lower in vegans cancer risk (Lanou and Svenson, 2010).
compared with meat-eaters (Key et al., 2014).
It has been suggested that animal protein increases
Another large scale study (over 500,000 participants) the risk of cancer. In Professor T. Colin Campbell’s
from the EPIC group found that increasing the intake extensive China Study (one of the largest studies in
of fruit and vegetables by 200 grams per day the world on the effects of diet on health) a startling
lowered the risk of cancer (albeit by a few per cent). observation was made. Based on previous work and
The authors cautioned against over interpreting his own studies, Campbell saw a direct link between
these results when making dietary recommendations dietary protein intake and cancer; the more protein
for cancer risk reduction because the magnitude of in the diet, the higher the risk of certain cancers,
the effect was relatively small (Boffetta et al., 2010). such as liver cancer. But this was not all protein, just
Both the vegetarian and non-vegetarian people in animal protein. Campbell decided to look at the
the EPIC-Oxford Study were shown to have overall relationships between animal protein intake and the
lower cancer rates than the general population of incidence of cancer in different cultures.
the UK. It was noted that the meat intake of the
meat-eaters group was lower than intakes reported Colorectal cancer is the fourth most common cancer
in the National Diet and Nutrition Survey for the UK in the world; it is the second most common in the US.
(Key et al., 2009a). It seems likely that the meat- Campbell noted that while North America, Europe,
eaters in this health conscious study group are not Australia and wealthier Asian countries (such as Japan
typical of the wider meat-eating population. If you and Singapore) had relatively high rates of colorectal
compared cancer rates between the average UK cancer, Africa, Asia and most of Central and South
meat-eater with vegetarians and vegans, the America had much lower rates. For example,
difference between the two may be even greater. Campbell noted that the Czech Republic had a death
rate of 34.19 per 100,000 males, while in Bangladesh
The extent to which a vegetarian diet lowers the risk the figure was just 0.63 per 100,000 males (Campbell
of cancer depends largely on what is in the diet. The and Campbell, 2005). Campbell is not alone in
diets of some Western vegetarians may have a revealing the enormous differences in the incidences
similar macronutrient and micronutrient profile to of certain cancers between countries. The
that of a typical Western style diet. In other words, a International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)
vegetarian junk food diet! A wide variation exists in provides startling figures comparing the incidence of
what Western vegetarians eat. The diet may include breast cancer and prostate cancer in England and
very large or very small amounts of: whole grain Wales to that in rural China. In 1997, in England and
foods, raw foods, highly processed foods, sugary Wales, the IARC reported the incidence rate of breast
sweet foods, fatty foods and crucially may vary cancer in women was 68.8 per 100,000 compared to
widely with respect to eggs, cheese, cream, butter just 11.2 per 100,000 in rural China. Similarly the
and other dairy products. This may go some way to incidence of prostate cancer in men in England and
explain why there are discrepancies in the results of Wales was 28.0 per 100,000 compared to just 0.5 per
some studies looking at cancer and diet. This 100,000 in rural China (IARC, 1997).
White Lies
Figure 4.0 A comparison of animal proteins contain less of the essential amino acids
protein intake in the US, UK and rural methionine and lysine than animal protein and more
China. of the non-essential amino acids arginine, glycine,
alanine and serine. It has been suggested that
consuming mostly a plant-based diet has a knock-on
effect of limiting the biological activity of certain
Plant protein
chemical substances involved in cancer development
Percentage of total protein
Animal protein
70 and that a sufficient consumption of plant proteins
60 has a protective role against cancer (Krajcovicova-
50 Kudlackova, 2005). So a vegetarian diet is a healthier
40 option, not just because it excludes meat and other
30 animal foods but because of the range of beneficial,
20 protective factors present. Vegetarian diets contain
10 less saturated fats and more of the good fats (omega-
0 3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids), more
US UK Rural China complex carbohydrates, more fibre and more
vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. These factors help
Source: Campbell and Campbell, 2005; Henderson et al., 2003. to explain the reduced risk of cancer in vegetarians.
It is widely acknowledged that the incidence of certain Increasing your fruit and vegetable consumption is
cancers is much greater in some countries than considered the second most effective strategy to reduce
others, what intrigued Campbell was the relationship the risk of cancer (after stopping smoking). Indeed, one
between these cancers and dietary animal protein. of the most important messages of modern nutrition
Figure 4.0 shows the differences in animal protein research is that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables
intake between the US, the UK and rural China. In the protects not only against cancer, but against many
US, over 15 per cent of total energy intake comes other diseases too including heart disease and diabetes
from protein of which 70 per cent is animal protein (Donaldson, 2004). In 2003 the UK Department of
(Campbell and Campbell, 2005). In the UK, over 16 Health launched its 5-a-day campaign, encouraging
per cent of food energy comes from protein, and of people to eat more fruit and vegetables. The campaign
this, 62 per cent comes from animal foods (Henderson is based on advice from the World Health Organization,
et al., 2003). While in rural China, the figures are which recommends eating a minimum of 400g of fruit
quite different; nine to 10 per cent of total energy and vegetables a day to lower the risk of serious health
comes from protein and only 10 per cent of that is problems, such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes
from animal protein (Campbell and Campbell, 2005). and obesity. In 2012 the National Diet and Nutrition
Survey showed that despite the campaign, adults are
It could be argued that the difference in cancer still only eating four portions a day and children are
incidence between cultures reflects genetic differences eating just three or less.
between ethnic groups rather than environmental
(dietary) effects. However, as stated above, migrant Further to this, there is an increasing body of
studies have shown that as people move from a low- evidence linking the consumption of cow’s milk to
cancer risk area to a high-cancer risk area, they assume certain cancers. One of the reasons for this may be
an increased risk within two generations (WCRF/AICR, the increasing levels of hormones and other
1997). Therefore these vast differences in cancer rates bioactive compounds present in the milk that result
must be largely attributable to environmental factors from intensive farming practices (taking milk from
such as diet and lifestyle. Campbell concluded that pregnant cows). In other words, in an effort to
animal-based foods are linked to an increased cancer increase milk production, the dairy industry has
risk whereas a whole grain plant-based diet including intensified farming techniques to such a high level
fibre and antioxidants is linked to lower rates of cancer that between 75 per cent and 90 per cent of
(Campbell and Campbell, 2005). One possible marketed milk and milk products are derived from
mechanism for this may be the different composition pregnant cows (Danby, 2005). (See The undesirable
of animal and plant proteins. components of milk and dairy products).
Plant proteins contain a different balance of amino There are a number of other important factors that
acids than animal proteins. More specifically, plant can contribute to the development of cancer, including
A report
obesity (breast and endometrial cancer), alcohol woman's risk of breast cancer, they are called TP53
(mouth, throat, liver and breast cancer), sunlight (skin and PTEN. Researchers have found other genes that
cancer), radon (lung cancer) and physical activity can can slightly increase a woman's risk of developing
protect against some cancers (colorectal). breast cancer, they include: CASP8, FGFR2, TNRCP,
MAP3K1, rs4973768, LSP1 and some rare genes that
There are more than 200 different types of cancer, but can also increase breast cancer risk slightly include:
just four of them (breast, lung, colorectal and CHEK2, ATM (ataxia telangiectasia mutated), BRIP1
prostate) account for over half (54 per cent) of all new and PALB2 (MacMillan Cancer Support, 2011).
cases (Cancer Research UK, 2012). The role of cow’s
milk and dairy products in breast, colorectal, ovarian These discoveries linking genetics to cancer has given
and prostate cancer is discussed in more detail. rise to a certain degree of genetic fatalism. However,
as stated current estimates are that only around five
Breast cancer to ten per cent of breast cancers are due to
Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK. abnormal genes. This means that the vast majority of
When this report was first published in 2006, the cancers (90-95 per cent) are not caused by abnormal
lifetime risk of being diagnosed with breast cancer genes. Secondly, it is important to remember that
was one in nine for UK women. In 2014, the figure is having an abnormal gene does not mean that a
one in eight. That means one in every eight women person will definitely develop breast cancer, but does
in the UK will develop breast cancer at some point in mean they are considerably more at risk of
their lives. In the UK in 2010 more than 49,500 developing the condition than someone who does
women and around 400 men were diagnosed with not have one of the abnormal genes.
breast cancer, that’s around 136 women per day and
at least one man per day. Female breast cancer Lifestyle and environmental factors that can increase
incidence rates in Britain have increased by almost breast cancer risk include: age (the risk increases
70 per cent since the mid-1970s. Just in the last ten significantly as you get older), alcohol, obesity, early
years they have gone up by six per cent. puberty, late menopause (women who have
undergone the menopause have a lower risk of
Figure 5.0 shows that while the incidence of breast breast cancer than premenopausal women of the
cancer has risen sharply,
mortality from breast cancer
has fallen (albeit relatively Figure 5.0 Incidence of and mortality from breast cancer in
modestly) over the same England and Wales between 1971 and 2009.
period thanks largely to
improved diagnostic methods
and more efficient treatment.
link between genes and
breast cancer. However, only Incidence
five to ten per cent of all Mortality
breast cancers are thought to
be linked to an inherited
breast cancer gene. The
genes BRCA1 and BRCA2
have received the most
attention since they were first
discovered in 1994 and 1995
respectively. Between 45 and
White Lies
A report
factors on breast cancer risk (Key et al., 2011). In dietary patterns in a large French cohort study. The
other words, some environmental or lifestyle factors ‘alcohol/Western’ diet included processed meat and
(for example, obesity or alcohol consumption) may meat products, ham, offal, French fries, appetisers,
increase the levels of hormones circulating in the sandwiches, rice/pasta, potatoes, pulses, pizza/pies,
body and this may lead to breast cancer in some canned fish, eggs, crustaceans, alcoholic beverages,
people. cakes, mayonnaise, butter and cream and the
‘healthy Mediterranean’ diet was made up of a high
A prospective study conducted on the island of intake of vegetables and fruits, fish and crustaceans,
Guernsey examined serum levels of the oestrogen olives and sunflower oil. Results showed those eating
hormone oestradiol in samples taken from 61 the Western diet had a 20 per cent increased risk of
postmenopausal women who developed breast breast cancer while those consuming the
cancer an average of 7.8 years after blood collection. Mediterranean diet had a 15 per cent lower risk
Compared to 179 age-matched controls, oestradiol (Cottet et al., 2009).
levels were 29 per cent higher in women who later
developed breast cancer (Thomas et al., 1997). Identifying the type of diet that can increase or
Another prospective study (this time from the US), reduce the risk of cancer is just part of the puzzle.
compared oestrogen levels in 156 postmenopausal Identifying which components of that diet are
women who developed breast cancer, after blood responsible is another matter of considerable
collection, with two age-matched controls for each complexity. While some research has identified
cancer patient. Results showed increased levels of dietary factors that reduce the risk of breast cancer,
the hormones oestradiol, oestrone, oestrone such as fibre, other studies have attempted to
sulphate and dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate in identify dietary factors that increase the risk, such as
women who subsequently developed breast cancer dietary fat. Case-control studies use a group of
thus providing strong evidence for a causal people with a particular characteristic (for example
relationship between postmenopausal oestrogen older women with lung cancer). This particular group
levels and the risk of breast cancer (Hankinson et al., is selected and information collected (for example,
1998). A review of studies carried out over a 10 year history of smoking), then a control group is selected
period in the Department of Clinical Chemistry at the from a similar population (older women without lung
University of Helsinki in Finland suggested that the cancer) to see if they smoked or not, then a
Western diet (characterised by milk and meat conclusion is drawn (smoking does or does not
products) increases levels of these types of hormones increase risk of lung cancer). A combined analysis of
and concluded that the hormone pattern found in 12 case-control studies designed to examine diet and
connection with a Western-type diet is prevailing in breast cancer risk found a positive association
breast cancer patients (Adlercreutz, 1990). between fat intake and this disease. The reviewers
estimated that the percentage of breast cancers that
Researchers at the Department of Preventive might be prevented by dietary modification in the
Medicine at the University of Southern California North American population was 24 per cent for
Medical School in Los Angeles published a review of postmenopausal women and 16 per cent for
13 dietary fat intervention studies that were premenopausal women (Howe et al., 1990). This is a
conducted to investigate the effect of fat intake on significant number of cancers that could be
oestrogen levels. The results showed decreasing prevented simply by changing the diet.
dietary fat intake (to between 10 and 25 per cent of
the total energy intake) reduced serum oestradiol In a prospective cohort study involving over 90,000
levels by between 2.7 and 10.3 per cent. It was premenopausal women, researchers from Harvard
concluded that dietary fat reduction can result in a Medical School also found that animal fat intake was
lowering of serum oestradiol levels and that such a associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer. Red
dietary modification may offer an approach to breast meat and high-fat dairy foods such as whole milk,
cancer prevention (Wu et al., 1999). As stated, cow’s cream, ice-cream, butter, cream cheese and cheese
milk and dairy products are a major source of dietary were the major contributors of animal fat in this
saturated fat. cohort of relatively young women. Interestingly, this
research did not find any clear association between
These early reports are supported by more recent vegetable fat and breast cancer risk; the increased
research that examined postmenopausal breast risk was only associated with animal fat intake. It has
cancer risk in women consuming two different been suggested that a high-fat diet increases the risk
White Lies
of breast cancer by elevating concentrations of precursor) content of milk varies widely. It is the high
oestrogen. However, the author of this study, Dr levels of hormones in milk that have been linked to
Eunyoung Cho, suggests that if this were true a diet the development of hormone-dependent cancers
high in animal fat and a diet high in vegetable fat such as ovarian and breast cancer.
should both lead to higher rates of cancer, and that
was not the case in this study. Cho suspects that In a review of the relationship between breast cancer
some other component such as the hormones in incidence and food intake among the populations of
cow’s milk might play a role in increasing the risk of 40 different countries, a positive correlation was
breast cancer (Cho et al., 2003). A subsequent meta- seen between the consumption of meat, milk and
analysis of all papers published up to July 2003 that cheese and the incidence of breast (and ovarian)
examined the association of dietary fat with risk of cancer. Meat was most closely correlated with breast
breast cancer also found a positive association cancer incidence, followed by cow’s milk and cheese.
between higher intakes of fat and an increased risk By contrast, cereals and pulses were negatively
of breast cancer (Boyd et al., 2003). correlated with the incidence of breast cancer. This
review concluded that the increased consumption of
However, other studies of fat intake and the animal foods may have adverse effects on the
incidence of breast cancer have yielded conflicting development of hormone-dependent cancers.
results. The discrepancy in results may reflect the Among dietary risk factors of particular concern
difficulties of accurately recording fat intake. Dr were milk and dairy products, because so much of
Sheila Bingham of the Dunn Human Nutrition Unit in the milk we drink today is taken from pregnant
Cambridge developed a data-collection method to cows, in which oestrogen and progesterone levels
overcome these problems. Bingham used food are markedly elevated (Ganmaa and Sato, 2005).
frequency questionnaire methods with a detailed Commercial milk products have been shown to
seven-day food diary in over 13,000 women contain considerable levels of oestrogen metabolites
between 1993 and 1997. The study concluded that (Farlow et al., 2009). This raises concerns that the
those who ate the most animal saturated fat (found high levels of oestrogen metabolites and other
mainly in whole milk, butter, meat, cakes and bioactive molecules in milk may influence cancer risk.
biscuits) were almost twice as likely to develop breast
cancer as those who ate the least. It was also In a review of the evidence linking dairy
concluded that previous studies may have failed to consumption to breast cancer risk, researchers from
establish this link because of imprecise methods Princeton University in New Jersey concluded that
(Bingham et al., 2003). That said, a recent study milk may promote breast cancer by the action of the
using data from four prospective cohort studies in growth factor IGF-1, which has been shown to
the United Kingdom (EPIC-Norfolk , EPIC-Oxford, the stimulate the growth of human breast cancer cells in
UKWCS and Whitehall II study) found no association the laboratory (Outwater et al., 1997). In another
between dietary fat and breast cancer (Key et al., review, examining the role of IGF-1 in cancer
2011a). These researchers were aware of the development, Yu and Rohan state that IGFs play a
methodology problems identified by Bingham and critical role in regulating cell growth and death. This
could not identify any reason why their results were function has led to speculation about their
different from those of Bingham’s group. More involvement in cancer development. Laboratory
research is needed to clarify the role of total fat and experiments demonstrate the ability of IGFs to
saturated fat in breast cancer. stimulate growth of a wide range of cancer cells and
to suppress cell death or apoptosis (Yu and Rohan,
Some research groups are more interested in the 2000). The concern here is that if IGF-1 can cause
endogenous hormonal content of milk (hormones human cancer cells to grow in a Petri dish in the
produced by the cow and excreted in the milk), laboratory, they might have a cancer-inducing effect
which has not been widely discussed. The milk when consumed in the diet. Furthermore, cow’s milk
produced now is very different from that produced is known to increase IGF-1 levels in the blood by
100 years ago; modern dairy cows are impregnated driving up IGF-1 production by the liver.
while still producing milk (Webster, 2005). Two-
thirds of milk in the UK is taken from pregnant IGF-1 is present in all milk and is not destroyed
cows with the remainder coming from cows that during pasteurisation. Dr J.L. Outwater of the
have recently given birth. This means that the Physicians Committee For Responsible Medicine
hormone (oestrogen, progesterone and androgen (PCRM) in Washington, DC, warns that IGF-1 may be
A report
absorbed across the gut and cautions that regular researching breast cancer in other cultures and found
milk ingestion after weaning may produce enough a much lower incidence in China. The data showed
IGF-1 in mammary tissue to encourage cell division that in rural China breast cancer affects just one in
thus increasing the risk of cancer (Outwater et al., 10,000 women compared to one in 10 British
1997). However, other scientists contest this view women (now one in eight). However, Plant observed
and say that IGF-1 could not cross the gut wall at that among wealthy Chinese women with a more
sufficient levels to alter systemic levels already Western lifestyle (for example in Malaysia and
circulating but do say that there are many small Singapore), the rate of breast cancer is similar to that
peptides and amino acids that are present in milk in the West. Furthermore, epidemiological evidence
that potently stimulate hepatic IGF-1 expression and shows that when Chinese women move to the West,
pituitary growth hormone release (Holly, 2013). In within one or two generations their rates of breast
either scenario, the net effect is the same; cow’s milk cancer incidence and mortality increase to match
consumption raises IGF-1 levels in humans and those of their host country. This suggested that diet
higher IGF-1 levels are linked to cancers of the colon, and lifestyle (rather than genetics) must be a major
prostate and breast. determinant of cancer risk.
In her book Your Life in Your Hands, Professor Jane Plant decided to investigate the role of diet in breast
Plant CBE, the chief scientist of the British Geological cancer risk. She examined the results of the China-
Survey, describes a very personal and moving story of Cornell-Oxford project on nutrition, environment and
how she overcame breast cancer by excluding all health (Campbell and Junshi, 1994). This project was
dairy products from her diet (Plant, 2007). Plant was based on national surveys conducted between 1983
diagnosed with breast cancer in 1987. She had five and 1984 in China. The project was a collaboration
recurrences of the disease and by 1993 the cancer between T. Colin Campbell at Cornell University in
had spread to her lymphatic system. She could feel the US, Chen Junshi from the Chinese Academy of
the lump on her neck, and was told that she had just Preventative Medicine, in Beijing, China, Li Junyao at
three months to live, six if she was lucky. However, the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, Beijing,
Plant was determined to use her scientific training to and Richard Peto from Oxford University in the UK.
find a solution to this ‘problem’. She began The project revealed some surprising insights into
White Lies
diet and health. For example, it showed that people specialist that it was the change in diet that saved
in China tend to consume more calories per day that her life, he now refers to cancer mortality maps in his
people in the US, but only 14 per cent of these lectures and recommends a dairy-free diet to his
calories come from fat compared to a massive 36 per breast cancer patients.
cent in the West. This coupled to the fact that
Chinese people tend to be more physically active Plant eventually defeated cancer by eliminating dairy
than people in the West, is why obesity affects far products from her diet, replacing them with healthy
more people in the West than in China. However, alternatives and making some lifestyle changes. At
Plant’s diet had not been particularly high in fat; the time of writing (2007) Plant had been cancer-free
indeed she describes it as very low in fat and high in for 14 years and now advises that if you do only one
fibre. Then Plant had a revelation: the Chinese don’t thing to cut your risk of breast cancer, make the
eat dairy produce. Plant had been eating yogurt and change from dairy to soya (Plant, 2007).
skimmed organic milk up until this time, but within
days of ceasing all dairy, the lump on her neck began A meta-analysis of the effects of soya on breast
to shrink. The tumour decreased and eventually cancer found a mildly protective rather than
disappeared, leading her to the conviction that there deleterious effect in premenopausal women (Trock et
is a causal link between the consumption of dairy al., 2006) and more recently a paper from the
products and breast cancer. Although Plant received Shanghai Breast Cancer study also indicated
chemotherapy during this time, it did not appear to somewhat better outcomes related to soya
be working and so convinced was her cancer consumption in woman with established breast
cancer Shu et al., 2009). Providing breast cancer
patients with sound dietary advice could greatly
increase survival rates. Taken together, these
observations show that a dairy-free plant-based diet
can reduce many of the risk factors associated with
breast cancer and may help those who have been
diagnosed with the disease.
A report
bacon, sausages, pâté and tinned meat) can increase evidence that a diet high in fibre and low in saturated
the risk of colorectal cancer. In 2005, a large fat can help reduce the risk (NHS Choices, 2012e).
prospective study from the EPIC group investigated Several mechanisms by which fibre may offer a
the role of diet in colorectal cancer. They followed protective effect have been suggested: the formation
478,040 men and women from 10 European of short-chain fatty acids from fermentation by
countries between 1992 and 1998. Information on colonic bacteria; the reduction of secondary bile acid
diet and lifestyle was collected and after nearly five production; the reduction in intestinal transit time
years, 1,329 cases of colorectal cancer were recorded. and increase of faecal bulk; and a reduction in insulin
Results showed that colorectal cancer risk is linked to resistance (Murphy et al., 2012).
a high consumption of red and processed meat (Norat
et al., 2005). Several mechanisms by which red and The protective role of a whole grain plant-based diet
processed meat may cause colorectal cancer have containing plenty of fruit and vegetables (and
been suggested. The type of iron (haem iron) found in therefore fibre) is well-documented. Two large-scale
meat, but not plant foods, may cause changes in cells studies (both published in the Lancet) examined the
that lead to cancer (Tapel et al., 2007). Other relationship between diet and colorectal cancer; both
compounds found in red and processed meats called confirmed that as dietary fibre intake increases, the
N-nitroso compounds, heterocyclic amines and risk of colorectal cancer decreases. In the first of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons may be responsible these two studies, a research team from the National
for the link with cancer (Lewin et al., 2006; Cross et Cancer Institute in the US compared fibre intake of
al., 2007; Genkinger and Koushik, 2007). 3,591 people with at least one bowel adenoma or
polyp (a benign growth that may or may not
In November 2007, The World Cancer Research Fund transform to cancer), with that of 33,971 people
launched the report Food, Nutrition, Physical Activity, without polyps. They found that the participants in
and the Prevention of Cancer: a Global Perspective. It the top 20 per cent for dietary fibre intake had 27
was the most comprehensive report to date ever per cent lower risk of adenoma than people in the
published on the link between cancer and lifestyle lowest 20 per cent (representing a difference in fibre
(WCRF/AICR, 2007). Their recommendation to eat intake of 24 grams per day). It was concluded that
less red meat (such as beef, pork and lamb) and dietary fibre, particularly from grains, cereals and
avoid processed meat became headline news on a fruits, was associated with a decreased risk of
global scale. In more detail, they said: To reduce your colorectal adenoma (Peters et al., 2003). In the
cancer risk, eat no more than 500 grams (cooked second study, (the largest prospective study published
weight) per week of red meat, like beef, pork and at that time on fibre in colorectal cancer prevention)
lamb, and avoid processed meats such as ham, researchers from the EPIC group prospectively
bacon, salami, hot dogs and some sausages. The examined the association between dietary fibre
report warned that eating 150 grams of processed intake and incidence of colorectal cancer in 519,978
meat a day (the equivalent of two sausages and individuals aged between 25 and 70 years-old,
three rashers of bacon) increases bowel cancer risk recruited from 10 different European countries.
by 63 per cent and that 50 grams a day (one Participants completed a dietary questionnaire
sausage) increases the risk by about 20 per cent. The between 1992 and 1998 and were followed up for
evidence that processed meat is a cause of bowel cancer incidence on average 4.5 years later. From this
cancer is so strong that the WCRF recommends that group, 1,065 cases of colorectal cancer were
people should avoid eating it altogether. However, reported. Again, people with the highest fibre intake
less than a third of people in Britain are aware that (35 grams per day) had a 40 per cent lower risk of
eating processed meat such as bacon and ham colorectal cancer compared to those with the lowest
increases risk of cancer (WCRF, 2009). 10 per cent of intake (15 grams per day). They concluded that in
bowel cancers cases in the UK could be prevented populations with low average intake of dietary fibre,
through reducing the amount of processed meat we an approximate doubling of total fibre intake from
eat. The Department of Health advises people who foods could reduce the risk of colorectal cancer by 40
eat more than 90 grams (cooked weight) of red and per cent (Bingham et al., 2003a). These studies
processed meat per day to cut down on their intake provide convincing evidence that increasing the
(NHS Choices, 2012e). amount of whole grains and fruit and vegetables in
the diet reduces the risk of colorectal cancer. A
While red and processed meat is linked to an further EPIC report, in which an even larger number
increased risk of colorectal cancer, there is good of cases (1,721 cases) were included, confirmed the
White Lies
original results showing an even stronger protective National Institutes of Health (NIH)-AARP (formerly
association between fibre intake in food and risk of known as the American Association of Retired
colorectal cancer (Bingham et al., 2005). In the most Persons) Diet and Health Study found that during an
recent EPIC study, 4,517 colorectal cancer cases were average of seven years of follow-up, dairy food and
documented amongst the 477,312 participants calcium intakes were inversely associated with
(Murphy et al., 2012). After 11 years of follow-up, cancers of the digestive system. A decreased risk was
this analysis of EPIC data also confirmed the particularly pronounced in colorectal cancer.
protective role of dietary fibre in colorectal cancer. Interestingly in this study, supplemental calcium
intake was also inversely associated with colorectal
Not all studies report a positive effect of fibre; some cancer risk. They concluded that calcium intake is
have found that fibre has little or no effect on associated with a lower risk of total cancer and
colorectal cancer risk (Pietinen et al., 1999; Fuchs, et cancers of the digestive system, especially colorectal
al., 1999; Terry et al., 2001). It should be noted that cancer (Park et al., 2009). A meta-analysis of 60
these studies only looked at populations from single epidemiological studies including 26,335 colorectal
countries and may have looked at ranges of fibre cases also found that the risk reduction associated
that were too low. For example, Americans eat very with calcium was similar for dietary and
little fibre on average. So a large study that focused supplemental sources (Huncharek et al., 2009). So in
on Americans would not be able to see the benefits these studies, it would appear to be the calcium
of the high levels of fibre that, for example, an Italian rather than some unidentified component of dairy
person would eat (Cancer Research UK, 2009). Taken that lowered the risk.
together, the WCRF and EPIC research (which looks
at multiple countries) and numerous other studies However, the EPIC group found that their inverse
(Jacobs et al., 1998; Peters et al., 2003; Nomura et associations were limited to dairy sources of calcium.
al., 2007; Wakai et al., 2007) confirm the protective They investigated intakes of milk (whole-fat, semi-
role of dietary fibre intake in colorectal cancer. These skimmed and skimmed), yoghurt, cheese and dietary
results strengthen the evidence for the calcium with colorectal cancer risk amongst 477,122
recommendation of increasing the consumption of men and women. During 11 years of follow-up, 4,513
fibre rich foods for colorectal cancer prevention. incident cases of colorectal cancer occurred. Results
showed that higher intakes of all dairy products and
Studies looking at the links between dairy foods and dietary calcium (from dairy sources only) were
colorectal cancer have produced mixed results. Some associated with a modest (seven per cent) reduction in
prospective studies have reported a lower colorectal colorectal cancer risk (Murphy et al., 2013). They
cancer risk associated with dairy products and suggest that a possible explanation for the lack of a
calcium. In 2004, a pooled analysis of 10 cohort protective effect of non-dairy calcium could be that
studies from North America and Europe concluded plant sources of calcium (the main contributors to non-
that the consumption of dairy milk (but not other dairy calcium intake amongst EPIC participants)
dairy foods) and calcium were related to a lower risk contain oxalate and phytate (phytic acid) which inhibit
of colorectal cancer (Cho et al., 2004). The inverse calcium absorption. Furthermore, it should be noted
association between calcium intake and colorectal that dietary calcium has been consistently associated
cancer was only statistically significant among those with an increased risk of prostate cancer risk. Within
with the highest vitamin D intake. This may be either EPIC, a 300 mg per day intake of dietary calcium was
because vitamin D enhances calcium absorption, or previously associated with a nine per cent increased
because vitamin D itself may decrease colorectal risk of prostate cancer (Allen et al., 2008) and the
cancer risk (Garland, 1999). More recently, an WCRF/AICR 2007 report judged it a probable cause of
updated meta-analysis from the WCRF Continuous the disease (WCRF/AICR, 2007). So it would seem
Update Project also found that milk and total dairy clear that recommending dairy to men to lower their
products (but not cheese or other dairy products), risk of colorectal cancer would not be a sensible
are associated with a reduction in colorectal cancer option. Indeed, obtaining a good supply of calcium
risk (Aune et al., 2012). from non-oxalate vegetables and other plant-based
foods (see below) is the healthier option for all people.
The principal anti-carcinogenic component in cow’s
milk and dairy products is believed to be calcium It has been suggested that the high-fat content of
(Murphy et al., 2013). One study looking at dairy some dairy products may negate their protective
foods and calcium intakes in relation to cancer in the effect against certain cancers. However the EPIC
A report
Calcium-rich foods
Sesame seeds
Oranges (and other seeds ) Soya milk (fortified) Spring greens
White Lies
A report
component of lactose) may damage ovarian cells between the intake of total dairy foods, low-fat milk
making them more susceptible to cancer (Fairfield et and lactose and the risk of ovarian cancer. In
al., 2004). contrast, the data from the 18 case-control studies
produced mixed results and (except for whole milk,
In the same year, Susanna Larsson and colleagues of which was consistently linked to an increased risk of
the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, ovarian cancer) these studies did not provide
published a study in the American Journal of Clinical evidence of a positive association between dairy
Nutrition that examined the association between food and lactose intake with ovarian cancer (Larsson
intakes of dairy products and lactose and the risk of et al., 2006). The differences between the findings of
ovarian cancer. In this study of 61,084 women aged the cohort and case-control studies might be
38 to 76 years, the diet was assessed over three explained by a number of factors including selection
years and after 13.5 years 266 participants had been bias (choosing individuals that are not representative
diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Results showed that of the norm) or changes in the diet following cancer
women consuming four or more servings of dairy a diagnosis. Alternatively, the differences between the
day had double the risk of ovarian cancer compared findings may be due to the time interval between
to low or non-dairy consumers. Milk was the dairy diet assessment and cancer diagnosis. Cohort studies
product with the strongest positive association with frequently record dietary practices many years before
ovarian cancer. The authors of this study observed a illness occurs, which may make the data more likely
positive association between lactose intake and to be accurate compared to data collected in case-
ovarian cancer risk and concluded that high intakes control studies which tends to be collected at the
of lactose and dairy products, particularly milk, are time of diagnosis.
associated with an increased risk of ovarian cancer
(Larsson et al., 2004). In another study examining the link between diet
and ovarian cancer, ovarian cancer incidence
Larsson subsequently compared two groups of between 1993 and 1997 in different geographical
studies: three prospective cohort studies and 18 locations was coupled to food consumption data
case-control studies. The results of the three from FAOSTAT Database Collections. The food items
prospective cohort studies showed a strong link used for this study were animal fats, meat (beef,
White Lies
pork, poultry, mutton and goat meat), eggs, butter, Prostate cancer
milk, cereals, pulses, beans, soya beans, peas, fruits, Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men
vegetables, coffee, tea and alcoholic beverages. in the UK, with over 40,000 new cases diagnosed
Results showed that Iceland had the highest rates of every year (NHS Choices, 2012g). It is the second
ovarian cancer affecting 16.2 women per 100,000, most common cause of cancer death in UK men,
followed by 15.2 in Sweden and 13.7 in the UK. The after lung cancer (Cancer Research UK, 2012b). In
lowest rate per 100,000 was 1.6 for Korea, followed the UK, about one in nine men will get prostate
by 2.1 in Mali and 4.0 in both China and Brazil. cancer at some point in their lives. This lifetime risk
Again, results showed a strong link between dairy includes men who get prostate cancer at any age
foods and cancer: milk was most closely correlated and more than half of all cases are diagnosed in men
with the incidence of ovarian cancer, followed by over 70, prostate cancer is quite rare in men under
animal fats and cheese. Conversely, pulses were 50 (Cancer Research UK, 2012c).
negatively correlated with the incidence of this
cancer (Ganmaa and Sato, 2005). This provides yet Prostate cancer develops from cells within the
more evidence that animal-based foods tend to prostate gland which is the size of a walnut and lies
increase the risk of disease while whole grain plant- directly under the bladder. The prostate produces a
based diets reduce the risk. protein called prostate-specific antigen (PSA) which
turns semen into liquid form. The majority of
While several other studies have shown that dairy prostate cancers are slow growing and it may be
intake increases ovarian cancer risk, other studies some time before any symptoms are noticed, which
have found no evidence of an association. A number can make this disease less treatable. Symptoms
of epidemiological studies have also examined the include: needing to urinate often, especially at night;
influence of specific nutrients from dairy products, difficulty starting to urinate; straining to urinate or
including lactose, calcium and fat in the taking a long time to finish and pain when urinating
development of ovarian cancer. However, results or during sex. Other less common symptoms include:
from these studies are also mixed. In an effort to pain in the lower back and blood in the urine.
resolve this uncertainty, scientists from The Danish
Cancer Society Research Center investigated the Cancer is not usually inherited, but some types
association between intake of specific dairy products (breast, ovarian and prostate cancer) can be
and related nutrients (lactose and calcium) and influenced by genes and can run in families. Having
ovarian cancer risk in a large population-based case- a close male relative (such as a brother, father or
control study among Danish women. They found uncle) who has had prostate cancer can be linked to
that the intake of dairy products (particularly milk, an increased risk. Men who have relatives with
soured milk products and yoghurt), was associated breast cancer (especially under the age of 60) may
with an increased overall ovarian cancer risk. A also have a higher risk of prostate cancer. This
similar association was found between lactose intake increased risk may be caused by inherited faulty
and overall ovarian cancer risk (Faber et al., 2012). genes BRCA1 and BRCA2. Men who carry a faulty
BRCA1 gene may have a slightly higher risk (one per
In conclusion, the consumption of animal-based cent) of male breast cancer. Some studies suggest
foods is associated with an increased risk of certain there may be a slight increase in the risk of prostate
hormone-dependent cancers. Milk and dairy cancer. Men who carry a faulty BRCA2 gene have a
products are of particular concern: as already stated, seven per cent higher chance of getting breast
most milk drunk today is produced from pregnant cancer and a 20-25 per cent higher lifetime risk of
cows, in which oestrogen and progesterone levels developing prostate cancer. Most of these prostate
are markedly elevated (Ganmaa and Sato, 2005). cancers occur over the age of 45 (Oxford University
While there are several candidate components of Hospitals NHS Trust, 2011).
milk that may increase the risk of ovarian and other
hormone-dependent cancers, the precise There are many different factors that influence the
mechanisms underlying their action remain unclear. development of prostate cancer Experts think that
However, as milk and dairy products have been just five to 15 per cent of prostate cancers are linked
identified as a risk factor for ovarian cancer, it stands to inherited genes (Macmillan Cancer Support,
to reason that this particular risk can be reduced by 2013a). That means that 85 per cent or more of
switching to a plant-based diet that excludes all prostate cancers are caused by environmental and/or
dairy products. lifestyle factors. Research suggests there may be a
A report
link between obesity and prostate cancer and It is now well-documented that diets high
that men who regularly exercise have a lower in calcium and dairy protein can increase
risk of developing the disease. Some evidence the risk of prostate cancer (Cancer Research
suggests that diet can affect your risk of UK, 2012c). One of the earliest reports
developing prostate cancer. Current linking dairy consumption to prostate cancer was
thinking suggests that a diet high in published in the 1980s when a study of over
animal fats may increase your risk of 27,000 Californian Seventh-Day Adventists who
developing prostate cancer. In had completed dietary questionnaires 20 years
particular, red meat (such as beef, earlier concluded that milk consumption was
lamb and pork), eggs and dairy positively associated with prostate cancer
produce (including butter, whole mortality (Snowdon, 1988). Since then many
milk, cheese and cream) contain a lot more reports have confirmed an increased risk from
of saturated fat (Macmillan Cancer Support, the consumption of dairy foods.
2013a). As we see with other hormone-dependent
cancers (for example, breast cancer), the highest One possible mechanism for the action of milk in
incidence rates of prostate cancer occur in the increasing prostate cancer risk may involve the calcium
developed world and the lowest rates are seen in in milk. Researchers from Harvard Medical School have
Africa and Asia. However, African-American men are shown that high consumption of calcium is linked to
more affected than white American men. This advanced prostate cancer (Giovannucci et al., 1998). It
suggests that prostate cancer risk is influenced by has been suggested that calcium increases prostate
dietary and lifestyle factors. cancer risk by suppressing circulating vitamin D
(Giovannucci, 1998). In a study of 3,612 men observed
Figure 6.0 shows how the incidence of prostate between 1982 and 1992, 131 prostate cancer cases
cancer varies widely around the world. Incidence were identified and dietary intake analysed (Tseng et
rates are highest in Australia, New Zealand and al., 2005). Results confirmed that dietary calcium was
Western Europe (104 and 93 per 100,000 in 2008 associated with an increased risk whereas vitamin D
respectively), where prostate cancer screening and was not associated. The researchers concluded that
PSA testing is common. The lowest rates are seen in dairy consumption may increase prostate cancer risk
South-Central Asia; four per 100,000 (Cancer through a calcium-related pathway.
Research UK, 2012d).
Research shows that prostate Figure 6.0 Incidence and mortality rates for prostate cancer
cancer rates are lower in in selected countries in 2008.
countries with low
consumption rates of typical
Western foods such as meat
Rate per 100,000 popula on
es W e
n rica
S o C ar o p e
n ica
ut Am ca
l a n Eu a
Ea l A pe
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So We Af a
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Source: Cancer Research UK, 2012d.
White Lies
More recently an EPIC study found that a 35g per consumption as a major dietary risk factor for the
day increase in consumption of dairy protein was development of prostate cancer. This study reported
associated with a 32 per cent increase in the risk of how bioactive molecules in cow’s milk initiate a
prostate cancer. They also found that calcium from signalling pathway (protein-mediated mTORC1
dairy products was positively associated with risk, but signalling) and that this, along with constant
not calcium from other foods. These results support exposure to commercial cow’s milk oestrogens
the hypothesis that a high intake of protein or derived from pregnant cows, may explain the
calcium from dairy products may increase the risk for observed association between high dairy
prostate cancer (Allen et al., 2008). Given that consumption and increased risk of prostate cancer in
calcium and low-fat milk are vigorously promoted to Westernised societies. Normally, only infants
reduce risk of osteoporosis (and colon cancer), the consume milk up until weaning, so milk-mediated
mechanisms by which dairy and calcium might mTORC1 signalling is restricted to the postnatal
increase prostate cancer risk should be clarified and growth phase of the vast majority of mammals – this
confirmed (Tseng et al., 2005). is the natural state. Only milk proteins (compared to
meat and fish) have the unique ability to
Another study considered the oestrogen content of preferentially increase both the insulin/IGF-1 and
milk as a causal factor, having noted that the typical leucine signalling pathways necessary for maximal
Western diet (characterised by milk and meat mTORC1 activation. In other words, the persistent
products) contains higher levels of oestrogen than consumption of cow’s milk in humans provides a
the foods eaten by Asian men who suffer much less unique combination of factors that can lead to
from prostate cancer. This study measured the prostate cancer. The author suggests that a
hormone contents of two kinds of commercial milks contemporary Palaeolithic diet and restriction of
(from Holstein and Jersey cows) and found that levels dairy protein intake may offer protection from the
were markedly higher than they were 20 years ago. most common dairy-promoted cancer in men of
This was attributed to modern dairy farming Western societies (Melnik, et al., 2012).
methods whereby around 75 per cent of commercial
milk comes from pregnant cows (Qin et al., 2004). Numerous studies now indicate that the growth
factor IGF-1 is associated with an increased risk of
In a more recent study looking at the effects of prostate cancer. In an early Swedish study, levels of
persistent milk consumption beyond weaning (adults IGF-1 were measured in blood samples from over
drinking milk) it was stated that epidemiological 800 men, 281 of whom were later diagnosed as
evidence points to increased dairy protein having prostate cancer. A strong correlation between
A report
IGF-1 and prostate cancer was observed and it was Perhaps of greater significance though is the fact
concluded that circulating IGF-1 levels are associated that recent evidence from population studies of
with an increased risk for this disease (Stattin et al., prostate cancer suggests that the association with
2004). In a pooled reanalysis of worldwide IGF-1 is not so much of an effect on cancer initiation,
prospective data based on 3,700 men with prostate but reflects an effect on the risk of progression to
cancer and 5,200 controls, researchers also clinically relevant disease (Holly 2013a). As mitogens
concluded that high circulating IGF-1 concentrations (substances that encourage cell division), and
are associated with a moderately increased risk for antiapoptotic agents (substances that prevent
prostate cancer (Roddam et al., 2008). apoptosis or cell death) IGF-1 may be important in
carcinogenesis, possibly by increasing the risk of
In 2007, an EPIC study (based on 630 cases and 630 cellular transformation by enhancing cell turnover
controls), found a marginally increased prostate (Kucuk et al., 2001). In other words, many men
cancer risk for men with the highest IGF-1 levels develop prostate cancer (or benign tumours) but IGF-
(Allen et al., 2007). In an extension of this work (this 1 may transform the tumours into a more aggressive
time based on 1,542 prostate cancer cases matched form of cancer (Holly et al., 2013a). Either way, IGF-
to 1,542 controls) IGF-1 concentration was 1, from cow’s milk, appears to be a risk factor that
significantly associated with an increased risk of could easily be avoided by eliminating dairy foods
prostate cancer. It was concluded that these results from the diet.
suggest that circulating concentrations of IGF-1 in
middle to late adulthood are strongly associated with It has been suggested that men with prostate cancer
subsequent prostate cancer risk over the relatively who increase consumption of plant-based foods and
long term (Price et al., 2012). Campbell suggests avoid dairy products and meat may significantly
that IGF-1 is turning out to be a predictor of certain increase their chances of survival. Researchers from
cancers, including prostate cancer, in much the same the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
way that cholesterol is a predictor of heart disease (PCRM) reviewed eight observational studies and 17
(Campbell and Campbell, 2005). intervention studies on the effect of a plant-based
diet on prostate cancer results and found that a
As stated previously the diet can influence IGF-1 plant-based diet may slow prostate cancer
levels in the blood and dairy products have been progression and improve prognosis (Berkow et al.,
shown to increase the level of circulating IGF-1 2007). They found that diets high in saturated fat are
(Young et al., 2012). In a group of healthy, middle- associated with a threefold higher risk of cancer
aged men, dairy products, milk and calcium were all progression and death, compared with a diet low in
associated with raised IGF-1 levels (Gunnell et al., saturated fat. In addition, specific plant foods,
2003). In the same study, high intakes of vegetables including flaxseeds and lycopene-rich tomatoes, may
and tomatoes, or tomato-containing products, were help slow prostate cancer progression.
associated with lower levels of IGF-1. Furthermore, a
study published in the British Journal of Cancer Possible mechanisms of action for lycopene, the
noted that vegan men had a nine per cent lower major carotenoid in tomatoes, include the following:
serum IGF-1 level than meat-eaters and vegetarians
(Allen et al., 2000). So again it is shown that milk • inhibition of growth in cancer cells by modulating
increases IGF-1 and raised IGF-1 is linked to the expression of cell cycle regulatory proteins
increased risk of cancer. • modulation of the IGF-1/IGFBP-3 system (IGF
signalling is thought to affect tissue growth and
Research has clearly established that IGF-1 has a very development with IGF-1 and IGF binding protein-
important role in the development and progression 3 (IGFBP-3) having putative pro- and anti-
of certain cancers, including prostate (Meinbach and carcinogenic properties respectively)
Lokeshwar, 2006). Recent prospective • up-regulation of tumor suppressor proteins and
epidemiological studies have also consistently shown increased gap junctional intercellular
strong associations between circulating IGF-1 levels communication
and the subsequent risk of developing prostate • modulation of redox signaling
cancer (Roddam et al., 2008). Individuals with • prevention of oxidative DNA damage
circulating IGF-1 levels at the upper end of the • modulation of carcinogen metabolising enzymes
normal range are at significantly increased risk of
subsequently developing prostate cancer years later. Source: Kucuk et al., 2001.
White Lies
While the precise molecular mechanisms underlying observed that while meat and dairy are associated
the development of prostate cancer are still being with an increased risk, the consumption of tomato
teased out, the effects of changing the diet have products (which contain the antioxidant lycopene),
produced positive results. Researchers at the vitamin E and selenium supplements have all been
Preventative Medicine Research Institute in California shown to decrease risk. Tomato ketchup is a source
evaluated the effects of dietary changes in 93 of lycopene and organic brands may contain up to
volunteers who had chosen not to undergo three times as much lycopene as non-organic (Ishida
conventional treatment for early prostate cancer. This and Chapman, 2004). A high level of physical activity
was a unique opportunity to observe the effects of was also identified as a factor decreasing the risk of
diet and lifestyle changes without the confounding prostate cancer (Wolk, 2005).
effects of radiation or surgery. Participants in the
lifestyle-change group were placed on a vegan diet Studies have shown that the consumption of soya
consisting primarily of fruits, vegetables, whole grains foods may be associated with a reduction in cancer
and pulses supplemented with soya, vitamins and risk in humans. In a meta-analysis of 15
minerals. Two standard tests were used to assess epidemiologic studies on soya consumption and nine
disease status. The first was a routine blood test on isoflavones (the plant hormones in soya foods) in
measuring PSA levels; this protein produced by the association with prostate cancer risk, results showed
prostate gland can be used to assess disease that soya foods are associated with a reduction in
progression. The second test relied on differences in prostate cancer risk. This protection may be
the growth rates of a human prostate cancer cells associated with the type and quantity of soy foods
(LNCaP) treated with patient serum. This is a standard consumed (Yan and Spitznagel, 2009).
laboratory test used for evaluating the effects of
conventional treatments of prostate cancer. In summary, the data linking the consumption of
cow’s milk and dairy products to numerous different
While none of the experimental (vegan) patients types of cancer provides a convincing argument for
underwent conventional treatment during the study, eliminating all animal foods from the diet while
six control patients underwent treatment due to an increasing the intake of whole grains, pulses
increase in PSA and/or progression of the disease on (including soya), fruit and vegetables.
magnetic resonance imaging. PSA decreased four per
cent in the experimental group but increased six per
cent in the control group. Although the magnitude of Colic
these changes was relatively modest, the direction of
change may be clinically significant since an increase Colic was first mentioned in recorded history by the
in PSA predicts clinical progression in the majority of ancient Greeks (Cirgin Ellett, 2003), yet in 2013 the
men with prostate cancer. In the second test, the cause remains somewhat undetermined. Colic is the
growth of LNCaP prostate cancer cells was inhibited medical term for excessive, frequent crying in a baby
almost eight times more by serum from the who appears to be otherwise healthy and well fed. It
experimental than from the control group. Changes is a poorly understood yet common condition that
in serum PSA and also in LNCaP cell growth were affects around one in five babies. However, the
significantly associated with the degree of change in condition is not harmful and babies with colic
diet and lifestyle. It was concluded that intensive continue to feed and gain weight normally. There is
lifestyle changes may affect the progression of early, no evidence that colic has any long-term effects on a
low grade prostate cancer (Ornish et al., 2005). baby’s health (NHS Choices, 2012i). A baby with
colic may have several crying outbursts a day and
In the late 1980s, increasing the consumption of this may occur a few times a week. The crying
beans, lentils, peas, tomatoes, raisins, dates and pattern usually begins within the first few weeks of
other dried fruit was found to be associated with a life but often stops by the time the baby is four
significantly decreased risk of prostate cancer (Mills months old, by six months at the latest. Typically, a
et al., 1989). A decade later, a study of over 47,000 baby with colic will scream and draw up their legs,
men confirmed an inverse link between fructose and and may refuse to be comforted. It can be very
prostate cancer indicating that eating fruit offers distressing for parents, especially as the cause of
some protection against prostate cancer colic remains largely unknown.
(Giovannucci et al., 1998a). More recently, in a
review of diet, lifestyle and prostate cancer it was While the exact cause is unknown several factors are
A report
thought to contribute
including poor digestion,
lactose intolerance and/or
a reaction to cow’s milk
proteins. Since the 1970s,
numerous studies have
indicated that certain
components of cow’s milk
may lead to colic. In a
clinical trial to investigate
the effects of cow’s milk
whey proteins, 24 out of
27 infants with colic
showed no symptoms of
colic after whey protein
was removed from their
diet. In fact crying hours
per day dropped from 5.6
hours to 0.7 hours (Lothe
and Lindberg, 1989). In
order to alleviate the
negative effects of cow’s
milk whey proteins (and
other milk proteins thought
to cause colic) some infant
formulas are hydrolysed,
this means the proteins are
broken up. These
hydrolysed formulas are
called hypoallergenic and
have been shown to be
effective in the treatment of colic in some infants palmitic acid is predominantly in the central or beta-
(Lindberg, 1999; Jakobsson et al., 2000; Lucassen et position, whereas in cow’s milk and infant formulas, it
al., 1998; Lucassen et al., 2000). is mainly in the first and third position and may form
calcium-fatty acid complexes which are poorly
Some differences in intestinal flora (the bacteria that absorbed in the gut (Savino, 2006). In a previous
inhabit the gut) have been identified in infants with observational study, within two weeks of feeding with
colic (Lehtonen et al., 1994; Savino et al., 2004). this formula, a significant decrease in the number of
Research suggests that altering intestinal flora might colic episodes was observed in the majority of infants
help prevent colic in formula-fed infants, who have tested (Savino et al., 2003). This study was performed
well-known differences in gut flora compared to to confirm the role of this new formula in infants with
breast-fed infants (Newburg, 2000). Other reports colic in a randomised prospective trial. Results showed
that oligosaccharide (prebiotic) supplements in infant that infants fed with the formula had a significant
formulas may promote gastrointestinal health are decrease in colic episodes after just one week of
inconclusive (Savino et al., 2006). However, a formula treatment compared to infants from the control
specifically developed to simulate the beneficial effects group. The difference in crying time was even more
of human breast milk and to reduce some of the significant after two weeks of treatment. This study
common feeding problems of cow’s milk formula-fed provides compelling evidences for the relation
infants was tested in infants with colic. It contained between colic and type of feeding. However, the
partially hydrolysed whey proteins, a mixture of increasingly expensive and elaborate attempts to
oligosaccharides (90 per cent galacto-oligosaccharides simulate human breast milk beg the question, why
and 10 per cent fructo-oligosaccharides), low lactose, don’t we put a more concerted effort into simply
modified vegetable oil with 41 per cent of the palmitic promoting breastfeeding?
acid in the beta-position and starch. In human milk,
White Lies
In transient lactose intolerance, the enzyme lactase is interventions for infantile colic from 1980 to 2009
not produced while there is illness in the gut, but is found some scientific evidence to support the use of
manufactured again once the gut has recovered. In a a casein hydrolysate formula in formula-fed infants
review investigating transient lactose intolerance as a and a low-allergen maternal diet in breastfed infants
cause of colic, a range of studies showed that crying with colic. However, they found little scientific
time was reduced when formula or breast milk was evidence to support the use of lactase, additional
incubated with the enzyme lactase (Buckley, 2000). It fibre or behavioural interventions. They suggested
has been suggested that infant colic has a multiple that further research on low-allergenic formulas and
aetiology; in other words, colic may be caused by a maternal diets would be useful (Hall et al., 2012).
number of different factors including whey proteins,
lactose and others. In a substantial review of 27 controlled trials
published in the British Medical Journal, the
The fact that the incidence of colic is similar in elimination of cow’s milk protein was deemed to be
formula fed and breastfed infants has led scientists a highly effective treatment for infantile colic. The
to investigate the role of the maternal diet in this reviewers remained uncertain about the effectiveness
condition and many reports now link the maternal of low lactose formula milks and the effectiveness of
intake of cow’s milk to the occurrence of colic in substitution with soya-based formula milks (although
exclusively breastfed infants. The breast milk of no adverse events were reported) while supporting
mothers who consume cow’s milk and milk products the substitution of normal cow’s milk formula for
has been shown to contain intact proteins from whey or casein protein hydrolysate (hypoallergenic)
these foods. To test the possible role of cow’s milk formulas, in which the milk protein is partially broken
proteins in breast milk, researchers have investigated down to ease digestion (Lucassen, 1998).
the effects of eliminating all dairy products from the
mothers’ diet. An early report linking cow’s milk Interestingly, Dr Benjamin Spock, author of the
proteins in human breast milk to infantile colic date hugely popular book Baby and Child (over 50 million
back to a letter published in the Lancet in the late copies sold worldwide) warns that the proteins in
1970s (Jakobsson and Lindberg, 1978). The letter cow’s milk formulas can cause colic (Spock and
described how the symptoms of colic disappeared in Parker, 1998). Spock acknowledges that some
13 out of 19 infants whose mothers eliminated infants that are allergic to cow’s milk formula may be
cow’s milk from their diet. In a subsequent clinical allergic to soya-based infant formula as well and that
trial designed by the same researchers, 66 these infants are often given expensive hydrolysate
breastfeeding mothers of infants with colic were put formulas. However, he states that soya formulas
on a diet free from cow’s milk. The colic disappeared have an important advantage over cow’s milk
in 35 of the infants and subsequently reappeared in formulas in that they contain none of the animal
23 of them when cow’s milk protein was proteins linked with colic (and type 1 diabetes) and
reintroduced to the mothers’ diet (Jakobsson and are free of lactose.
Lindberg, 1983). The authors suggest that a diet free
of cow’s milk may be useful as a first trial of This said, it should be emphasised to parents who
treatment of infantile colic in breastfed infants. breastfeed, it is a good idea to continue
breastfeeding as weaning on to formula milk may
Researchers at the Washington School of Medicine in make the colic worse. If eliminating cow’s milk and
Missouri US found that mothers of infants with colic milk products from the maternal diet does not help,
had significantly higher levels of the cow’s milk cutting out other foods may help. Researchers at the
antibody immunoglobulin G (IgG) in their breast milk University of Minnesota tested a range of foods
than mothers of infants without colic (Clyne and including cruciferous vegetables (cabbage,
Kulczycki, 1991). The authors of this study suggest cauliflower, sprouts and broccoli) in an elimination
that bovine IgG present in breast milk may be diet in mothers of babies with colic. While the results
involved in the development of colic. This link was showed that cow’s milk had the strongest
confirmed more recently and again it was suggested association with colic, other foods more weakly
that the maternal avoidance of milk and dairy associated included: onions, chocolate, cabbage,
products may be an effective treatment for colic in broccoli and cauliflower (Lust et al., 1996).
some breastfed infants (Estep and Kulczycki, 2000).
A systematic review of nineteen studies and two In conclusion, colic is a common cause of maternal
literature reviews on medical and conventional distress and family disturbance and more research is
A report
needed to develop solid evidence-based diet, pregnancy, an excessive intake of tea or coffee
recommendations for successful treatment. (this increases urine production and so decreases the
However, eliminating cow’s milk from the maternal amount of fluid in the bowel). Other factors include
diet (if breastfeeding) and avoiding cow’s milk surgery, haemorrhoids (piles) and psychological
formula may help. problems such as anxiety. Constipation may be a
symptom of another medical condition such as
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).
The link between constipation and cow’s milk
Constipation is a condition in which bowel intolerance was first made in medical literature in the
movements are infrequent or incomplete. While it is 1950s (Clein, 1954). Since then, there have been
normal for some people to go to the toilet several numerous studies published confirming that this link
times a day, others go less frequently. A change in exits. Researchers at the University of Palermo in Italy
the normal frequency of trips to the toilet can be an studied 65 children (aged from 11 to 72 months)
indicator of constipation. Similarly if you are going suffering from chronic constipation (Iacono et al.,
as frequently but having trouble passing stools, 1998). All of these children had been treated with
having to strain, this too may indicate constipation. laxatives without success. After 15 days of
Common symptoms include stomach ache and observations (in a double-blind crossover study) each
cramps, feeling bloated, nausea, a sense of child received either cow’s milk or soya milk for two
fullness, headache, loss of appetite, fatigue weeks, and then had a week off when they could
and depression. eat and drink anything they wanted. Then the
feeding order was reversed, so that the group
There are a number of factors that increase that had previously drunk cow’s milk
the risk of constipation, including: switched to soya and vice versa. The
researchers (and children) were unaware of
• not eating enough fibre, such as fruit, the order of treatment. Careful recordings
vegetables and cereals of the bowel habits were made and a
• a change in your routine or lifestyle, such response to the treatment was defined as
as a change in your eating habits eight or more bowel movements during
• ignoring the urge to pass stools the two week treatment period.
• side effects of certain medication Results showed that 44 of the 65
• not drinking enough fluids children (68 per cent) had a
• anxiety or depression response while receiving soya
• In children, poor diet, fear about milk compared to none of the
using the toilet and poor toilet children receiving cow’s milk.
training can all be responsible The results were most
dramatic in children who had
Source NHS Direct, 2012j. frequent runny noses,
eczema or wheezing,
In more detail, constipation may which may have been a
be caused by a range of factors symptom of milk allergy in
including insufficient fluid in the these children. Sometimes
diet, lack of fibre (fruit, however, constipation can be
vegetables and cereals) in the only symptom of cow’s milk
the diet, lack of intolerance (or
physical exercise, allergy).
certain drugs
(diuretics or In addition to
painkillers, cow’s milk
antidepressants and intolerance,
antacids that contain cow’s milk allergy in
iron, calcium or children can also cause
aluminium), too much chronic constipation.
calcium or iron in the Some small-scale
White Lies
studies have observed how a cow’s milk protein-free modes of action: cow’s milk intolerance or cow’s milk
diet can alleviate constipation in children with cow’s allergy. In either case, studies suggest that cow’s milk
milk allergy (Daher et al.; 2001; Turunen, 2004). A intolerance or allergy should be considered as a
larger randomised clinical study investigating the role cause of constipation although the underlying
of cow’s milk allergy as a cause of chronic mechanism still requires further investigation. In
constipation in two groups of 70 children (aged 1- general it should be noted that dairy products supply
13) with chronic constipation compared the effects children with unnecessary saturated fat while
of a cow’s milk free diet with cow's milk diet. All providing no dietary fibre whatsoever. Fibre is
children had previously been treated with laxatives essential in the diet to maintain good bowel health
for at least three months without success. The test through regular movements.
group received the cow’s milk-free diet for four
weeks. After that they received a cow’s milk diet for
two weeks. The control group received a cow’s milk Coronary heart disease
diet for the whole six weeks. After four weeks, 56
patients (80 per cent) of the test group had Diseases of the heart and circulatory system are
responded in comparison to 33 (47.1 per cent) collectively called cardiovascular disease (CVD) and
patients in the control group. In the test group after are a leading cause of death in the UK. Coronary
two weeks challenge, 24 out of 56 responders (42.8 heart disease (CHD) is one of the two main forms of
per cent) developed constipation again. 80 per cent CVD along with stroke. Over 1.6 million men and
of the constipated children tested positive for cow’s over one million women are affected by CHD. It is
milk allergy. The authors concluded that, in children, responsible for more than 88,000 deaths in the UK
chronic constipation can be a symptom of cow’s milk each year, an average of 224 people each day or one
allergy and suggest that an elimination diet is death every six minutes. Around one in six men and
advisable in all children with constipation one in nine women die from CHD (BHF, 2013). Most
unresponsive to laxative treatment (Dehghani et deaths from CHD are caused by heart attacks. In the
al., 2012). UK, there are about 124,000 heart attacks each year.
There are also around 152,000 strokes in the UK
Cow’s milk protein-induced constipation in children each year, resulting in over 43,000 deaths (NHS
is often associated with anal fissures (tears or ulcers Choices, 2012k).
that develops in the lining of the rectum or anus)
and rectal eosinophilia (a condition in which CHD occurs when there is a build-up of fatty
abnormally high amounts of white blood cells deposits (plaques) along the walls of the arteries that
called eosinophils are found in the gut lining. supply the heart with oxygenated blood. These
Eosinophilia occurs in a wide range of conditions plaques build up and clog the arteries making them
including allergies such as asthma and cow’s milk narrower and restricting the blood flow. Blood clots
allergy). In children with cow’s milk allergy, cow’s can form at the site of a plaque in the coronary
milk may lead to painful defecation, perianal artery and cut off the blood supply to the heart. This
erythema or eczema and anal fissures with possible can result in heart attack and sudden death. Like the
painful faecal retention, thus aggravating heart (and other organs), the brain needs the oxygen
constipation (Andiran et al., 2003). For this provided by blood to function properly. If the supply
particular symptom (constipation), it has been of blood is restricted or stopped, a stroke may occur
reported that tolerance of cow’s milk may be and brain cells could begin to die, it can lead to brain
achieved after an average of 12 months of strict damage and possibly death. The plaques that block
avoidance (El-Hodhod et al., 2010). In other words, the arteries are made up of a fatty substance that
in children with cow’s milk allergy-induced contains cholesterol. Cholesterol is essential for cells
constipation, reintroducing cow’s milk into the diet but too much can lead to CHD and stroke.
can trigger the constipation for an average time of Lipoproteins carry cholesterol to and from the cells in
up to one year. It is interesting that there is a the blood. Low-density lipoprotein (LDL) takes
persistent insistence on including a food in the diet cholesterol from the liver to the cells, and high-
that can cause such unpleasant and distressing density lipoprotein (HDL) carries excess cholesterol
symptoms when dairy food is not an essential back to the liver for excretion. HDL is known as the
component of the human diet. ‘good fat’ while LDL (‘bad fat’) tends to build up on
the walls of the arteries increasing the risk of CHD
Cow’s milk may lead to constipation by two distinct and stroke.
A report
There are several well-documented risk factors for five boys and girls aged five to 15 consume the
CVD including: recommended amount
in 10 adults in England
have cholesterol levels of 3500
5mmol/l or above (you 3000
should aim to have a 2500
cholesterol level under 2000
• Poor diet – less than one
third of men and women 1000
currently eat the 500
recommended five 0
portions of fruit and
White Lies
Figure 7.0 shows how the number of deaths from Researchers from the Department of Applied Health
CHD has fallen markedly since the late 1960s. This is Research, at the University College London used a
because of a combination of factors including well-known, tried and tested epidemiological model
improvements in medical treatment and lifestyle (IMPACT) to analyse the total population of England
changes. For example a vast improvement has been aged 25 and older in 2000 and 2007 (Bajekal et al.,
made in the speed at which so-called clot-busting 2012). They included all the major risk factors for CHD
drugs are applied, which has had a huge impact in plus 45 current medical and surgical treatments in
preventing death. Furthermore, nearly two million their model. They found that half (52 per cent) of the
people receive drugs called statins that lower recent CHD mortality fall in England was attributable
cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart to improved treatment uptake. However, opposing
disease. Research suggests that statins may prevent trends in major lifestyle risk factors meant that the net
cardiovascular events and reduce subsequent contribution of these interventions amounted to only
mortality by up to 60 per cent (Mills et al., 2008). just over a third of the CHD deaths averted. In other
words, despite the medical advances of the last ten
Many people have quit smoking, which has had a years, plus the large drop in the number of smokers in
significant effect on lowering their risk of heart the UK, we are not reaping the benefits as much as
disease. Figures from the UK’s Office of National we could because of poor lifestyle and dietary choices.
Statistics’ Opinions and Lifestyle Survey show that 45 You could say it is a case of ‘two steps forward and
per cent of adults smoked in 1974 compared with one step back’. Furthermore, concerns are that the
20 per cent in 2012. This has contributed to the decline in deaths from heart disease may be short
decline in smoking-related heart disease and lived due to the increasing levels of inactivity, the rise
subsequent mortality. The risk of CVD dramatically in obesity, the increase in cholesterol levels and the
decreases when a person quits smoking and rise of type 2 diabetes.
continues to fall rapidly for the first year and after
five years the risk of CVD returns to the level of that The quest to identify dietary and lifestyle risk factors
of a non-smoker (Glantz and Gonzalez, 2012). UK for CHD dates back over five decades. In 1946 Los
Government initiatives encouraging people to reduce Angeles physician Dr Lester Morrison began a study
their salt intake (linked to high blood pressure) are to determine the relationship of dietary fat intake to
also likely to have contributed to the decline in high the incidence of CHD (Morrison, 1960). He reduced
blood pressure-related mortality (Office for National the dietary fat intake of 50 heart attack survivors
Statistics, 2013). and compared their health to 50 other heart attack
survivors whose fat intake was left unchanged. After
However, while fewer people are dying from CVD, eight years, 38 of the control group had died
the number of people living with it has remained compared to 22 of the low-fat group. After 12
relatively constant over the
last decade. Figure 8.0 shows
that from 2000 to 2010, the Figure 8.0 Prevalence of CVD in people aged over 16 in
percentage of men and Great Britain, 2000-2010.
women (aged over 16 years) 14
with CVD in Great Britain
varied moderately, remaining 12
between nine and 12 per
cent (falling no lower than
9.4 and rising no higher than 8
11.9). The benefits we should
Per cent
be seeing, due to the 6
advances in medical
treatment and the reduction 4
in smoking, are being 2
negated by an increase in
deaths attributable to rises in 0
body mass index and 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010
Source: BHF, 2012.
A report
years, the entire control group had died but 19 of factors are modest, breastfeeding rates are
the low-fat diet group were still alive. Around the suboptimal in many countries and strategies to
same time, the residents of Framingham, just promote breastfeeding could therefore confer
outside Boston Massachusetts in the US, took part important benefits for cardiovascular health at a
in a study to investigate the role of diet and lifestyle population level (Robinson and Hall, 2012). The
in CHD. The study began in 1948, and by observing authors concluded that there is a growing
who suffered from CHD and who did not, the recognition of the need for a life course approach to
Framingham Study established the concept of risk understanding how adult diseases, such as CVD,
factors such as cholesterol, high blood pressure develop and there is now significant evidence that
(hypertension), lack of physical exercise, smoking links patterns of infant feeding to different health
and obesity (Kannal et al., 1961). outcomes both in the short and longer term.
It is important to note that dietary risk factors for As stated, a number of risk factors are now firmly
CVD do not just apply to adults. Various studies associated with CHD including high cholesterol levels,
warn of the increased risk of CVD (later in life) high blood pressure, family history of heart disease,
associated with the consumption of cow’s milk and diabetes, obesity and smoking. Additionally, there is
cow’s milk infant formula in young children. A much evidence linking CHD to poor dietary practices,
review on infant feeding practices published in the including the high consumption of saturated fats, salt
US journal Pediatrics suggests that the consumption and refined carbohydrates, and the low consumption
of whole milk should be discouraged in infants of fruits and vegetables (WHO/FAO, 2002).
because of its potential role in atherosclerotic heart
disease (Oski, 1985). A certain amount of cholesterol is essential for good
health, but high cholesterol levels in the blood are
In 2002, a substantial report of a joint WHO/FAO associated with an increased risk of CHD and stroke.
expert consultation review of the evidence on the This is because cholesterol contributes towards the
effects of diet and nutrition on chronic diseases build-up of fatty plaques on the artery walls which
stated that: results in the narrowing of the arteries and can lead
to a blockage and subsequent failure or death of the
“Data from most, but not all, observational organ that the artery provides blood to. The organs
studies of term infants have generally affected often include the heart (heart attack) and
suggested adverse effects of formula brain (stroke), but may affect other organs such as
consumption on the other risk factors for the kidneys (kidney failure). But what determines
cardiovascular disease (as well as blood blood cholesterol levels? Contrary to popular belief,
pressure), but little information to support this most of our cholesterol does not come from the diet
finding is available from controlled clinical but is produced within the body by the liver. Only a
trials. Nevertheless, the weight of current small amount of our cholesterol (estimates vary from
evidence indicates adverse effects of formula 15 to 20 per cent) comes from the diet. Cholesterol
milk on cardiovascular disease risk factors; this is found only in animal foods and is particularly
is consistent with the observations of concentrated in eggs and organ meats. Even high-fat
increased mortality among older adults who plant foods, such as avocados, nuts and seeds,
were fed formula as infants. The risk for contain no cholesterol whatsoever, so a plant-based
several chronic diseases of childhood and vegan diet is cholesterol-free. We have no actual
adolescence (e.g. type 1 diabetes, coeliac dietary requirement for cholesterol, in other words
disease, some childhood cancers, inflammatory we do not need to eat foods that contain cholesterol
bowel disease) have also been associated with as the liver can manufacture as much as is required.
infant feeding on breast-milk substitutes and However, there is no mechanism limiting the amount
short-term breastfeeding” (WHO/FAO, 2002). of cholesterol produced by the liver and cholesterol
production can rise to unhealthy levels.
A more recent review of the current literature
concurred that being breastfed as an infant (as So what causes high cholesterol production in the
opposed to cow’s milk formula-feeding) is associated liver? The answer lies in the types of foods we eat:
with a reduction in blood pressure, cholesterol and a diets high in animal protein and saturated animal fats
lower risk of obesity and diabetes in adult life. The have been shown to increase cholesterol. The
authors stated that although the effects on CVD risk cholesterol-raising effects of saturated fat are well-
White Lies
documented. In a review of the literature, researchers total fat consumption. Studies on the protective
from the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard effect of seafood polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty
School of Public Health in Boston, Massachusetts, acids (EPA and DHA) have produced mixed results
found compelling evidence that the types of fat are because of the relatively high levels of pollutants
more important than total amount of fat in found in oily fish. A 2012 meta-analysis published in
determining the risk of CHD (Hu et al., 2001). Here the Journal of the American Medical Association of
the culprit is saturated fat, and controlled clinical trials 20 studies and 68,680 patients found that fish oil
have shown that replacing this type of fat with supplementation did not reduce the chance of
polyunsaturated fat is more effective in lowering death, cardiac death, heart attack or stroke (Rizos et
cholesterol and reducing the risk of CHD than al., 2012). Furthermore, some positive results have
reducing total fat consumption. In 1985, research been wildly exaggerated (NHS Choices, 2012l). In a
published in the Journal of the American Medical meta-analysis of studies looking at the plant-based
Association suggested that dairy products are a major omega-3 fatty acid ALA (found in soya beans,
source of dietary saturated fat and cholesterol and walnuts and canola/rapeseed oil) it was found that
that ingestion of high-fat dairy products raises both each gram per day increment of ALA intake was
total and LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol levels (Sacks et al., associated with a 10 per cent lower risk of CHD
1985). It is now widely
accepted that diets high in
animal fats are unhealthy and
that reducing the saturated
fat intake is very important for
reducing the risk of CHD. The
UK Government recommends
avoiding or cutting down on
fatty foods. Foods high in
saturated fat include: meat
pies, sausages and fatty cuts
of meat, butter, ghee, lard,
cream, hard cheese, cakes and
biscuits and foods containing
coconut or palm oil (NHS
Choices, 2013c). Like
saturated fats, trans fats can
also raise cholesterol levels.
Trans fats are found naturally
at low levels in meat and dairy
products and foods containing
hydrogenated vegetable oil,
including processed foods
such as biscuits, cakes, fast
food, pastry, margarines and
spreads. However, most
people in the UK don’t eat a
lot of trans fats as many
supermarkets in the UK have
removed hydrogenated
vegetable oil from their
A report
death (Pan et al., 2012). The authors state that around 4.3 per cent in LDL cholesterol with a
compared with seafood omega-3 fatty acids, ALA potential additional reduction of 3.6-6.0 per cent
from plant sources is more affordable and widely due to displacement of saturated fat and cholesterol
available globally. Thus, whether ALA can reduce the depending on the diet and the foods displaced.
risk of CVD is of considerable public health Based on these assumptions, the authors concluded
importance. It should be noted that algal sources of that soya foods have the potential to lower LDL
EPA and DHA are now available in supplement form cholesterol by as much as 10.3 per cent. The authors
for people concerned about their omega-3 intake. state that the displacement value may be unique to
soya, because other cholesterol-lowering foods are
In The China Study, Campbell observes that animal added to the diet rather than exchanged for
protein intake correlates directly with heart disease suboptimal (meat and dairy) foods. They say that this
incidence, which he attributes to the cholesterol- makes soya a particularly valuable tool in the dietary
raising effect of animal protein. Conversely, armamentarium to reduce serum cholesterol. In
Campbell notes that eating plant protein lowers addition, many soya products could be beneficial to
cholesterol (Campbell and Campbell, 2005). Studies cardiovascular and overall health because of their
have shown that replacing animal milk protein high content of polyunsaturated fats, fibre, vitamins
(casein) with soya protein reduces blood cholesterol, and minerals and low content of saturated fat.
even when the fat intake remains unchanged (Lovati Replacing cheese, meat and other animal foods with
et al., 1987; Sirtori et al., 1999). Exactly how soya soya can mean using tofu, soya beans (edamame) or
protein lowers cholesterol is uncertain, although a soya milk (in a white sauce). Soya-based faux meats
range of theories have been proposed. One (such as soya mince) can be used although the
hypothesis suggests that the amino acid composition amount of processed food in the diet should be
of soya protein causes changes in cholesterol limited as they can contain relatively high levels of
metabolism (possibly via the endocrine system). saturated fat and salt, but still remain a healthier
Others propose that non-protein components (such option than meat and dairy.
as saponins, fibre, phytic acid, minerals and
isoflavones) associated with soya protein affect Many other plant foods (and components of them)
cholesterol metabolism either directly or indirectly are known to possess cholesterol-lowering properties
(Potter, 1995). The most popular theory currently including nuts, plant sterols and viscous (soluble)
accepted is that soya protein reduces cholesterol fibres. Individually, these plant food components can
metabolism in the liver by increasing the removal of be expected to lower LDL cholesterol in the range of
LDL ‘bad’ cholesterol. The precise mechanism is 3-10 per cent, far less than the 40-60 per cent
thought to involve enhanced LDL-degradation by reductions achievable with statins. However,
increased binding of LDL to receptors (Sirtori et al., collectively they could reduce LDL cholesterol by up
1977; Lovati et al., 2000). to 30 per cent, which would have a considerable
impact on preventing CHD (Jenkins et al., 2010).
A cross-sectional study of 1,033 pre- and
postmenopausal women selected from the Oxford Eating a diet that contains plenty of soluble fibre can
arm of the EPIC study (including 361 non- help to reduce the amount of cholesterol in the blood
vegetarians, 570 vegetarians and 102 vegans) found and so reduce the risk of CHD. Good sources of
that soya protein intake was inversely associated soluble fibre include oats, beans, peas, lentils, chick
with total and LDL cholesterol levels. LDL (‘bad’) peas, fruit and vegetables (NHS Choices, 2013c).
cholesterol in women with a soya protein intake of Increased consumption of fruit and vegetables is
at least six grams per day was 12.4 per cent lower associated with a reduced risk of CHD. A meta-analysis
than that in women who consumed less than 0.5 of twelve cohort studies including 278,459 individuals
grams per day (Rosell et al., 2004). (9,143 CHD events) with an average follow-up of 11
years found that, increasing consumption of fruit and
More recently, a meta-analysis of studies examining vegetables from less than three to more than five
the extent to which soya foods could reduce LDL servings per day reduced CHD risk by 17 per cent. The
cholesterol found that replacing meat or dairy authors state that these results provide strong support
protein with 13 grams of soya protein resulted in a for the recommendations to consume more than five
LDL cholesterol reduction of 0.15mmol/l, 50 grams servings of fruit and vegetables a day (He et al., 2007).
of soya protein reduced the level by 0.25mmol/l The government recommend that we eat at least five
(Jenkins et al., 2010). This represents a reduction of portions of fruit and vegetables each day.
White Lies
Dr Dean Ornish, best known for his Lifestyle Heart cholesterol levels above 3.2mmol/l (WHO, 2003). It
Trial, investigated the role of a low-fat, high-fibre diet could be argued that genetic differences between
coupled to lifestyle changes in heart disease patients. races may affect the risk factors for CHD and other
Ornish treated 28 heart disease patients with diet and diseases. However, Campbell’s observations that
lifestyle changes alone. They followed a low-fat Japanese men in Hawaii and California have much
plant-based diet including unrestricted amounts of higher levels of blood cholesterol and incidence of
fruits, vegetables and grains. They also practised CHD than Japanese men in Japan confirms that
stress management techniques and exercised some risk factors are environmental rather than
regularly. After one year 82 per cent of the test group genetic. In other words, the choices we make about
experienced regression of their heart disease, the food we eat and how we live can have a
including a 91 per cent reduction in the frequency of significant impact on heart health.
heart pain compared to 165 per cent increase in the
control group (Ornish et al., 1990). No conventional Since the early 1990s the amino acid homocysteine
drug or surgery related therapies compare with these has become the subject of much interest among the
results (Campbell and Campbell, 2005). scientific community. Evidence suggests that
homocysteine damages the lining of blood vessels
A study published in the Journal of the American and enhances blood clotting. Elevated
College of Nutrition investigating the risk factors concentrations of homocysteine in the blood have
associated with CHD found that African-American been linked to an increased risk for both heart
vegans exhibit a more favourable serum lipid profile disease and stroke. Homocysteine is converted into
(a healthier balance of fats in the blood) compared the amino acid methionine in the presence of
to vegetarians who ate milk, milk products and eggs vitamin B12. In the same reaction,
(Toohey et al., 1998). This means that the vegans methyltetrahydrofolate is converted to folate which
had healthier levels of total cholesterol, LDL and HDL is used in the synthesis of DNA. This entire reaction
in their blood compared to the vegetarians. The relies on sufficient supplies of vitamins B6, B12 and
major factors contributing to this result were folate. In B12 deficiency, the amount of
thought to be the lower saturated fat intake and homocysteine in the body can escalate to potentially
higher fibre intake of vegans. dangerous levels and has been linked to a range of
disorders including depression, dementia, damage to
Examining the incidence of CHD in other cultures the inner lining of the artery walls and may be a
allows us to draw conclusions about the role of diet trigger for CHD. While increased homocysteine levels
in disease. Several studies have shown that certified have been observed in some vegetarians and vegans
death rates from CHD are linked country-by-country they do not occur in those ensuring an adequate
with milk consumption (Moss and Freed, 2003). B12 intake of three micrograms per day, whereas
In The China Study, Campbell was astonished at the elevated homocysteine levels are not uncommon
low rates of CHD in the southwest Chinese provinces among meat-eaters due to a low folate intake
of Sichuan and Guizhou; between 1973 and 1975 (Walsh, 2003). Additionally, elevated serum
not one single person died of CHD before the age of homocysteine levels tend to increase in the elderly as
64 among 246,000 men and 181,000 women incidence of B12 deficiency occurs more frequently.
(Campbell and Campbell, 2005). Campbell suggests Interestingly, a recent study showed how a daily
these figures reflect the important protective role of serving of breakfast cereal fortified with folic acid, B6
low blood cholesterol levels observed in rural China. and B12 not only contributed to the plasma status of
these vitamins but significantly reduced
A joint report between the Medical Research Council homocysteine concentrations in a randomly selected
and the British Heart Foundation states that the group of relatively healthy 50-85 year olds (Tucker et
average blood total cholesterol level for people aged al., 2004).
16 and above in the UK is about 5.5mmol/l. In China
(where there is much less heart disease), mean total The role of a vegetarian and vegan diet in nutrition
cholesterol levels in the cities are about 4.5mmol/l and health was examined among a large group of
for men and women aged 35-64, and levels in the vegetarians in the Oxford Vegetarian Study (Appleby
countryside are even lower (MRC/BHF, 2006). et al., 1999). This was a prospective study of 6,000
According to the WHO, almost a fifth (18 per cent) vegetarians and 5,000 non-vegetarian controlled
of global stroke events and about 56 per cent of subjects recruited in the UK between 1980 and
global heart disease is attributable to total 1984. In this study vegans had lower cholesterol
A report
levels than meat-eaters (vegetarians and fish-eaters higher their risk. In summary, animal protein and
had intermediate or similar values). Meat and cheese saturated animals fats increase blood cholesterol and
consumption were positively associated, and dietary the risk of CHD while plant protein and fibre lowers
fibre intake was inversely associated, with cholesterol cholesterol and reduces the risk. Therefore, to reduce
levels. After 12 years of follow-up, mortality from the risk of CHD we should reduce the amount of
heart disease was positively associated with animal foods in the diet and eat more wholegrain,
estimated intakes of total animal fat, saturated plant-based foods.
animal fat and dietary cholesterol. A subsequent
review of the literature comparing the health of There are of course other factors that can contribute
Western vegetarians to non-vegetarians found that to the risk of CHD. Exercise is extremely important as
vegetarians had lower cholesterol levels (by about it increases HDL cholesterol levels, which in turn helps
0.5mmol/l) and a lower mortality from heart disease keep LDL cholesterol levels down. Exercise also helps
(by about 25 per cent). It was suggested that the control weight. As stated, smoking is a major risk
widespread adoption of a vegetarian diet could factor of CHD as it hardens the arteries, causing them
prevent approximately 40,000 deaths from heart to narrow. Alcohol consumption can increase the risk
disease in Britain each year (Key et al., 1999). so it should be limited and binge drinking avoided.
White Lies
thickened. Symptoms can include diarrhoea, offered to induce remission and azathioprine or
abdominal pain, fatigue (extreme tiredness), mercaptopurine can be offered as maintenance
unintended weight loss and blood and mucus in the treatment (NICE, 2012). The National Institute for
faeces (NHS Choices, 2013d). There may be long Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidance suggests
periods lasting for weeks or months where there are that the first treatment offered to reduce symptoms
mild or even no symptoms, this is known as is usually corticosteroids (steroid medication). If this
remission. Remission may be followed by periods doesn’t help, immunosuppressants (medication to
where symptoms are particularly disruptive and/or suppress the immune system) and medication to
distressing, these are known as flare-ups. reduce inflammation may be used. In some cases,
surgery may be required to remove the inflamed
According to the National Association for Colitis and section of the intestine. Once the symptoms under
Crohn’s Disease, the disease affects about one in control, further medication may be used to help
every 1,000 people in the UK (NACC, 2010). There maintain remission.
are currently at least 115,000 people living with
Crohn’s disease in the UK. It can affect people of all Although the exact cause of Crohn’s disease remains
ages, including children but most cases first develop unclear, research suggests that a combination of
between the ages of 16 and 30. A large number of factors may be responsible including:
cases also develop between the ages of 60 and 80. It
affects slightly more women than men, but in • Genetics – genes that you inherit from your
children more boys are affected than girls. Crohn’s parents may increase your risk of developing
disease is more common in white people than in Crohn’s disease
black or Asian people. It is
most prevalent among Jewish
people of European descent
(NHS Choices, 2013e). Over
time, inflammation may
damage parts of the digestive
system, resulting in additional
complications, such as
stricture (narrowing of the
intestine) and fistula (a
channel that develops
between the anal canal and
the skin near the anus). These
problems usually require
surgical treatment. The
condition can lead to delay of
growth and puberty in
children, as well as affecting
fertility and sexual
relationships in adults
(NICE, 2012).
A report
• The immune system – the inflammation may be present in around 20 per cent of Crohn’s patients
caused by a problem with the immune system compared to less than seven per cent of controls
(the body’s defence against infection and illness) (without Crohn’s). Although these results did not
that causes it to attack healthy bacteria in the gut provide the substantive evidence initially anticipated
• Previous infection – a previous infection may the researchers concluded that MAP (or some similar
trigger an abnormal response from the immune species) infects a subset of IBD patients (Collins et
system al., 2000). In another study, Professor John Hermon-
• Smoking – smokers with Crohn’s disease usually Taylor and colleagues at St George’s Hospital
have more severe symptoms than non-smokers Medical School in London tested a group of patients
• Environmental factors – Crohn’s disease is most with and without Crohn’s disease for MAP. Using
common in westernised countries, such as the UK, improved molecular biology techniques that
and least common in poorer parts of the world, increased the sensitivity of the tests, this time 92 per
such as Africa, which suggests the environment cent of patients with Crohn’s disease tested positive
(particularly sanitation) has a part to play compared to 26 per cent of the controls. These
patients were from the UK, Ireland, US, Germany
Source: NHS Choices, 2013d. and United Arab Emirates, suggesting exposure to
this pathogen occurs on an international basis. They
It has been proposed that an environmental factor concluded that the discovery that MAP is present in
leading to Crohn’s disease is a pathogenic bacterium. the majority of Crohn’s patients would suggest a
The most popular candidate is the infectious causal link between this bacterium and the
bacterium Mycobacterium avium subspecies condition (Bull et al., 2003). Since then, additional
paratuberculosis (MAP). MAP infection is widespread reports have confirmed MAP as a predominant
in domestic livestock and is present in retail feature of Crohn’s disease (Autschbach et al., 2005;
pasteurised cow’s milk in the UK and potentially Sechi et al., 2005). MAP can be notoriously difficult
elsewhere and water supplies are also at risk (Bull et to detect in humans but when validated
al., 2003). The overall prevalence of MAP infection in methodologies have been used, most people with
US dairy herds was reported by a USDA survey Crohn’s disease have been found to be infected with
(1991-2007) to be 68.1 per cent and it is suggested MAP (Hermon-Taylor et al., 2009).
that MAP infection in farmed animals is also
widespread in many areas of Western Europe and But how does MAP infection occur? The answer
elsewhere (Hermon-Taylor, 2009). As MAP may lie under our very noses, depending on what
contaminates and persists in natural watercourses we are drinking. MAP can survive the pasteurisation
and the environment, it is found in dairy products, it process, indeed an FSA-commissioned survey in
can survive milk pasteurisation and it is present in 2002 found MAP in two per cent of pasteurised
meat from infected animals and there are concerns milk on sale in the UK (FSA, 2002a). However,
that water supplies may be contaminated, it is researchers from the Department of Surgery at St
inevitable that human populations are widely George’s Hospital Medical School in London
exposed. MAP is a robust and versatile pathogen detected MAP in 22 of 312 (seven per cent) of
which has been shown to cause chronic samples of whole pasteurised cow’s milk obtained
inflammation in the intestines of many species of from retail outlets throughout central and southern
animal, including primates. MAP causes a chronic England from September 1991 to March 1993.
gastrointestinal infection called Johne’s disease in Alarmingly this study revealed the presence of peak
cattle and other ruminants. The rising incidence of periods in January to March and in September to
Crohn’s disease reported from several former low November, when up to 25 per cent of samples
incidence countries in Asia shows that, as with tested positive for MAP (Millar et al., 1996). Taken
Johne’s disease, Crohn’s disease is spreading together with data on the prevalence of MAP
worldwide (Hermon-Taylor et al., 2009). infection in herds in the UK, the known secretion of
MAP in milk from infected animals and the inability
A substantial body of evidence supports the causal of laboratory conditions simulating pasteurisation to
link between MAP and Crohn’s disease. Researchers ensure the killing of all these slow-growing
at the University of Wisconsin used a range of organisms, the authors of this study concluded that
modern molecular techniques to search for and there is a high risk, particularly at peak times, that
confirm the presence of MAP in patients with IBDs residual MAP will be present in retail pasteurised
including Crohn’s. The results showed MAP was cow’s milk in England.
White Lies
In response to concerns about the presence of MAP agricultural river catchments of the US Midwest,
in retail milk, the FSA devised a strategy to control meeting those from the provinces of Manitoba,
MAP in milk at all stages of the food chain (FSA, Saskatchewan and Alberta (Hermon-Taylor, 2009).
2003). This strategy aims to ensure hygienic milking Avoiding dairy products alone may not be enough to
practices and effective pasteurisation of milk and ensure avoiding exposure to MAP, although if
reduce the level of MAP in dairy herds. Of course the everyone reduced their intake of animal products
overall aim is to reduce the likelihood of consumers there would be fewer cattle and therefore less MAP
being exposed to MAP. However, this strategy does present in the environment.
not consider alternative routes of exposure. In 2006
the strategy was reviewed and FSA Board Members Some evidence from clinical trials suggests that anti-
were informed of progress, provided with an update MAP treatment may be able to heal Crohn’s disease
on developments and told that no action was in some people. When anti-MAP treatment works in
required. The report concluded “the Agency is not so-called ‘responders’ receiving treatment with drug
aware of any developments to suggest that its combinations (including rifabutin and clarithromycin)
current advice on the drinking of milk needs the clinical and pathological improvements can be
updating at this time. The Agency and DH [The dramatic. Furthermore, some of the clinical benefit
Department of Health], together with their expert resulting from treatment with immunosuppressants
committees, continue to keep evidence on the (such as mercaptopurine or methotrexate) may
possible link between MAP and Crohn’s disease actually be a consequence of their anti-MAP action.
under review” (FSA, 2006). However, MAP infections are difficult to eradicate,
the organisms are generally resistant to drugs
MAP is a robust organism which can survive for conventionally used in the treatment of tuberculosis
months or even years in the environment which is a (Hermon-Taylor, 2009).
cause of much concern as infected animals excrete
huge numbers of MAP in their faeces. In South The hypothesis that MAP causes Crohn’s disease
Wales, researchers sampled river water from the Taff remains controversial and is disputed by some.
which runs off the hills and through the city of Professor Ryan Balfour Sartor, from the Department
Cardiff and detected MAP in 32.3 per cent of the of Medicine at the University of North Carolina in the
samples (Pickup et al., 2005). The hills are grazed by US says that we must determine whether MAP
livestock in which MAP is endemic. Previous research infection causes human disease or whether this
in Cardiff has shown a steep increase in the environmental contaminant innocently lodges in
incidence of Crohn’s disease. Given that inhalation is ulcerated mucosa. He asks if MAP might be
a probable route of MAP infection in cattle, it was analogous to Helicobacter pylori in peptic ulcer
suggested that the pattern of clustering of Crohn’s disease, gastritis and gastric cancer, where host
disease in Cardiff may be due to people inhaling genetics and microbial virulence factors determine
aerosols carrying MAP from the river. Other locations immune responses that mediate clinical disease in a
around the world, with similar geographic small minority of patients exposed to a widespread
characteristics to the landscape in Cardiff, have since infectious agent. He says that this controversy has
been identified as having higher rates of Crohn’s persisted far too long and needs to be resolved
disease. In New Zealand, a high incidence of Crohn’s (Sartor, 2005).
disease has been reported in the Canterbury region
of South Island where Christchurch is the principal For patients that have developed Crohn’s disease
city. Rivers run from the mountains in the northwest avoiding foods that precipitate the symptoms has
across rich agricultural pastures and then around proved to be a successful way of avoiding drug
either side of Christchurch before entering the sea. A (corticosteroid) therapy. In the Lancet in 1993,
small river meanders through the city itself. As researchers from a Cambridge hospital reported that
stated, these features resemble the situation in altering the diet was as effective in producing
Cardiff. Similarly, a higher incidence of Crohn’s remission of Crohn’s disease as corticosteroid
disease has been observed in the US, in Winnipeg, treatment thus providing an alternative therapeutic
Minnesota. The city straddles the junction of two strategy to treating Crohn’s. The research showed
large rivers; the Red River and the Assiniboine River. that the food intolerances were predominantly to
The 'hot spot' of Crohn’s disease in Winnipeg is cereals, dairy products and yeast (Riordan et al.,
probably due to local exposure to high levels of 1993). The foods that trigger symptoms differ for
waterborne MAP brought down from the each person with Crohn’s disease and no single diet
A report
has been established to alleviate the symptoms. practice guidelines’ that will consolidate the existing
Types of food and drink that have been associated information regarding diet and IBD. They include
with worsening symptoms include: nutritional deficiency screening, avoiding foods that
worsen symptoms, eating smaller meals at more
• Milk and dairy products frequent intervals, drinking adequate fluids, avoiding
• Alcohol caffeine and alcohol, taking vitamin/mineral
• Spicy foods supplements, eliminating dairy if lactose intolerant,
• Fatty foods limiting excess fat, reducing carbohydrates and
• High-fibre foods reducing high-fibre foods during flare ups. They say
that mixed advice exists regarding probiotics and
Source: NHS Direct Wales, 2013. note that enteral nutrition (the delivery of
nutritionally complete food directly into the stomach)
Not all patients respond equally to dietary changes, is recommended for Crohn’s disease patients in
many simply remove symptom-provoking foods that Japan, which differs from practices in the USA and
affect them, such as dairy, wheat, corn and certain UK (Brown et al., 2011). Manipulating the diet rather
fruits and vegetables (Brown and Roy, 2010). In a than relying on drug therapy may be particularly
review of the evidence coupled to existing dietary important as corticosteroid treatment in patients
information provided patient-centred IBD-related with Crohn’s disease has been linked to osteoporosis
organisations, scientists from the Department of (Dear et al., 2001).
Complementary and Alternative Medicine at John A
Burns School of Medicine at the University of Hawaii Stress and smoking can also influence the course of
in Manoa are attempting to create new ‘global Crohn’s disease.
White Lies
A report
the increase in the incidence of type 2 diabetes, the some parts of the world, principally in developed
increase in obesity does not explain the huge countries. Diabetes tends to occur more in cultures
increase in the number of cases of type 1 diabetes consuming diets high in animal fats and less in
seen over the last few decades. The number of cultures consuming diets high in complex
under-fives with Type 1 diabetes has increased five- carbohydrates. As carbohydrate intake increases and
fold over 20 years (Gillespie et al., 2004). saturated animal fat intake decreases from country
Furthermore, new research shows that the UK now to country, the number of deaths from type 2
ranks fifth out of 88 countries in the incidence of diabetes plummets from 20.4 to 2.9 people per
type 1 diabetes in children. A league table compiled 100,000 (Campbell and Campbell, 2005).
by the charity Diabetes UK from data from the
International Diabetes Federation shows that Finland In England and Wales, the rates of diabetes fell
tops the international league table with a rate of markedly between 1940 and 1950. This is because
57.6 per 100,000 children in 2011. Sweden is next during the Second World War, and in the period
with a rate of 43.1, then Saudi Arabia 31.4, and following it, people tended to eat less fat and sugar
Norway 27.9 and then the UK with 24.5 children in and more plant foods, and therefore more fibre,
every 100,000 diagnosed (Iacobucci, 2013). Type 1 antioxidants, complex carbohydrates, vitamins and
diabetes is the most common form of the disease in minerals (Trowell, 1974). All available land was used;
children; over 90 per cent of children under the age many people grew their own vegetables and
of 16 with diabetes have type 1. However, type 2 vegetable patches were cultivated all over the
diabetes (normally affecting adults in the post 40 age country. Gardens, flowerbeds and parks were dug up
group) now seems to be emerging in young adults and planted with vegetables; even the moat around
too at the level of a global epidemic driven by the the Tower of London (drained in 1843) was used for
increasing burden of obesity (Wilmot et al., 2010; growing vegetables. Then as rationing came to an
Song, 2012). This raises the possibility of a serious end and people moved away from whole grains
public health challenge in the next few decades. towards a more processed diet, rates of diabetes
increased again (Trowell, 1974). The conclusion must
Between 1996 and 2011, the number of people be that a high-carbohydrate, low-fat plant-based
diagnosed with diabetes rose from 1.4 to 2.9 million in diet offers some protection against type 2 diabetes.
the UK. An estimated 850,000 people are thought to
have the disease but not yet know it. If current trends The risk factors for type 2 diabetes (obesity, poor diet
continue by 2025 it is estimated that five million people and lack of exercise) are well-documented and there
in the UK will have diabetes (Diabetes UK, 2012). A are many steps people can take to limit their chances
report published in the journal Diabetic Medicine of developing type 2 diabetes. One obvious step is to
projects that the NHS’s annual spending on diabetes reduce the amount of saturated fat in the diet, this
will increase from £9.8 billion to £16.9 billion over the means cutting down on meat and dairy and
next 25 years, this rise means that in 2035, the NHS increasing the intake of fruit, vegetables, whole
could be spending 17 per cent of its entire budget grains, pulses, nuts and seeds. Simple lifestyle
on treating diabetes (Hex et al., 2012). measures have been shown to be effective in
preventing or delaying the onset of type 2 diabetes.
The global rise in diabetes is epidemic. In 1985 an
estimated 30 million people worldwide had diabetes; To help prevent type 2 diabetes and its
a decade later this figure had increased to 135 complications, the WHO recommends the following:
million and by 2000 an estimated 171 million people
had diabetes. In 2011, 347 million people worldwide • Achieve and maintain healthy body weight
were affected and the WHO projects that diabetes • Be physically active – at least 30 minutes of
will be the seventh leading cause of death in 2030 regular, moderate-intensity activity on most days
(WHO, 2013b). The increase in diabetes is attributed (more activity is required for weight control)
to a range of factors including population growth, • Eat a healthy diet of between three and five
ageing, unhealthy diets that are high in saturated fat servings of fruit and vegetables a day and reduce
and cholesterol, obesity and lack of physical exercise. sugar and saturated fats intake
• Avoid tobacco use – smoking increases the risk of
Diabetes has become one of the major causes of cardiovascular diseases
premature illness and death in many, but not all,
countries. Indeed, diabetes occurs much more in (WHO, 2013b).
White Lies
Prevention of diabetes is crucial to lowering disease changes, the low-fat vegan diet was found to
incidence and minimising the public health burden. improve glycaemia and plasma lipids more than the
There is a large body of evidence showing that plant- conventional diabetes diet. In other words, the vegan
based diets can lower the risk of diabetes. A study of diet offered significantly more benefits.
the relationship between diet and chronic disease in a
cohort of 34,192 California Seventh-day Adventists A further review of the literature revealed how
revealed that the vegetarian Adventists were much observational studies show that vegetarians are about
healthier than their meat-eating counterparts: the half as likely to develop diabetes compared with non-
meat-eaters were twice as likely as the vegetarians to vegetarians. They also describe how in clinical trials in
suffer from diabetes (Fraser, 1999). This study also individuals with type 2 diabetes, low-fat vegan diets
revealed that obesity increased as meat consumption improve glycaemic control to a greater extent than
increased; the difference between vegetarian and conventional diabetes diets. This beneficial effect is
non-vegetarian men and women was 6.4kg and largely due to weight loss but may also be partly
5.5kg respectively (Fraser, 1999). More recently, a attributable to the reduced intake of saturated fats
meta-analysis of studies examining the role of diet and high-glycaemic-index foods coupled to the
and lifestyle in diabetes prevention found that diets increased intake of dietary fibre and vegetable
rich in whole-grain, high-fibre cereal products and protein. Vegetarian and vegan diets also improve
non-oil-seed pulses (chick peas, beans, peas and plasma lipid concentrations and have been shown to
lentils) are beneficial, whereas, frequent meat reverse atherosclerosis progression, thus lowering the
consumption was found to increase the risk risk of heart disease (Barnard et al., 2009a).
(Psaltopoulou et al., 2010). They also found that four
cups per day of filtered coffee or tea reduced Further studies confirm the beneficial role of plant-
diabetes risk but that alcoholic beverages should not based diets in the prevention and treatment of
exceed 1-3 drinks per day. They concluded that diabetes. A review of both observational studies and
obesity is the most important factor accounting for intervention trials concluded that a low-fat, plant-
more than half of new diabetes cases; even modest based diet can improve control of weight, glycaemia
weight loss has a favourable effect in preventing and cardiovascular risk. The authors of this review
diabetes and physical exercise, with or without diet, concluded that vegetarian and vegan diets present
contributes to a healthier lifestyle and lowers the risk. potential advantages in managing type 2 diabetes
that merit the attention of individuals with diabetes
Vegetarian and vegan diets offer significant benefits and their caregivers (Trapp and Barnard, 2010). In
for diabetes management. One study compared the summary, the current literature indicates that
effects of a low-fat vegan diet with that of a vegetarian and vegan diets present huge potential
conventional diabetes diet on glycaemia, weight and advantages for the management of type 2 diabetes.
plasma lipids in a clinical trial (Barnard et al., 2009).
Type 2 diabetics were randomly assigned either a The importance of high-fibre diets in diabetes has
low-fat vegan diet or a diet following American been studied extensively since the 1970s by James
Diabetes Association guidelines. Their weight and Anderson, Professor of Medicine at the University of
plasma lipids were measured at the start, middle and Kentucky. Anderson used a high-fibre, high-
end of the 74-week trial. Both groups lost weight carbohydrate low-fat diet to treat 25 type 1 and 25
but those on the conventional diet had restricted type 2 diabetics (Anderson, 1986). The experimental
calorie intake whilst the vegan group did not. Both diet consisted mostly of whole plant foods (although
diets were associated with a sustained drop in it did contain a small amount of meat). After three
plasma lipid concentrations. The reduction in weeks, Anderson measured blood sugar levels,
triglycerides (fats in blood) in the vegan group was weight and cholesterol levels and calculated their
substantial as was the decrease in cholesterol levels medication requirements. The results were
(the total cholesterol level fell by 0.53mmol/L and astounding. Remember in type 1 diabetes no insulin
0.18mmol/L in the vegan and conventional diet is produced so it seems unlikely that a change in diet
groups respectively). Around six in 10 adults in would help. However, Anderson’s patients required
England have cholesterol levels of 5mmol/l or above, 40 per cent less insulin medication than they had
you should aim to have a cholesterol level under needed before the trial. In addition to this, their
4mmol/l (BHF, 2013). So a reduction of 0.5mmol/L cholesterol levels dropped by an average of 30 per
could be significant in reducing the risk of heart cent too. This is just as important in lowering the risk
disease. In an analysis controlling for medication factors for secondary outcomes of diabetes such as
A report
heart disease and stroke. Type 2 diabetes is generally high proportion of the high risk genes are referred to
more treatable and the results among the type 2 as having a ‘high-risk HLA genotype’. Researchers
patients were even more impressive: 24 out of the from the Diabetes and Metabolism Division of
25 participants consuming the high-fibre, low-fat Medicine at the University of Bristol looked at the
diet were able to stop taking their insulin medication frequency of these high risk genes in a group of 194
completely! These benefits were not of a temporary patients who were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes
nature, indeed they were sustained over time in a as children over 50 years ago (between 1922 and
group of 14 diabetic men continuing on the high- 1946). They compared them to a group of 582 age-
carbohydrate, high-fibre diet for four years (Story et matched and sex-matched individuals diagnosed
al., 1985). between 1985 and 2002. Results showed that the
frequency of the high-risk genotype was 12 per cent
The evidence is overwhelming: a high-carbohydrate, lower in the individuals diagnosed recently compared
high-fibre diet provides effective, positive and safe with the older group (Gillespie et al., 2004). Other
treatment for diabetes and lowers the associated risk studies from Finland and the US have found a similar
for coronary artery disease (Anderson et al., 1990). disparity (Hermann et al., 2003; Vehik et al., 2008).
More recent studies have shown increasing dietary
fibre in the diet of patients with type 2 diabetes is So, what does this all mean? The important point
beneficial and should be encouraged as a disease here is that increasing environmental exposure is
management strategy (Anderson et al., 2004; now able to trigger type 1 diabetes in people who
Barnard et al., 2009; Post et al., 2012). Of course it are less genetically susceptible than the generation
should be noted that this is not a special diet for above them. In other words, the rapid rise of type 1
diabetics; most people would benefit from increasing diabetes must be due to a major environmental
their fibre intake while reducing the amount of factor rather than genes.
dietary fat they consume.
But what is this elusive environmental trigger? A
As stated, it is thought that type 1 diabetes involves growing body of evidence suggests it may be a
a genetic susceptibility coupled to an environmental component of the diet. In 2000 an extensive study of
trigger. It has been suggested that an increased children from 40 different countries confirmed a link
environmental pressure may reduce the need for a between diet and incidence of type 1 diabetes
strong genetic susceptibility in order for type 1 (Muntoni et al., 2000). The study set out to examine
diabetes to develop (Vehik et al., 2008). Modern the relationship between dietary energy from major
molecular genetics has enabled scientists to identify food groups and incidence of type 1 diabetes. The
genes linked to type 1 diabetes and develop a total energy intake was not associated with type 1
hierarchy of susceptibility based on the number of diabetes incidence. However, energy from animal
these genes that a person carries. People carrying a sources (meat and dairy foods) was associated and
White Lies
energy from plant sources was inversely associated diabetes are more likely to have been breastfed for
with diabetes. This means that the more meat and less than three months and to have been exposed to
milk in the diet, the higher the incidence of diabetes cow’s milk protein before four months of age
and the more plant-based food in the diet, the lower (Gerstein et al., 1994). The avoidance of cow’s milk
the incidence. during the first few months of life may reduce the
risk of type 1 diabetes. Infants who cannot
As stated, type 1 diabetes is thought to involve both breastfeed from their mothers may benefit more
a genetic predisposition and an environmental from taking a plant-based formula such as soya-
trigger. The trigger may be a virus or some based formula rather than one based on cow’s milk.
component of food. In the early 1990s a Canadian Other studies support the finding that both early and
research group suggested that cow’s milk proteins adolescent exposure to cow’s milk may be a trigger
might be an important environmental trigger for type 1 diabetes (Kimpimaki et al., 2001;
providing specific peptides that share antigenic Thorsdottir and Ramel, 2003).
epitopes with host cell proteins (Martin et al., 1991).
This means that the proteins in cow’s milk look the Further evidence suggesting that the early exposure
same as proteins in our own bodies; these similarities to cow’s milk in infancy (including cow’s milk infant
can confuse our immune system and initiate an formula) may be a trigger for type 1 diabetes in
inappropriate (autoimmune) response that can lead some children was provided in a substantial review
to diabetes. of 27 case-control studies and one prospective
cohort study looking at the associations of
The milk protein casein is similar in shape to the breastfeeding and/or the early introduction of cow’s
insulin-producing cells in the pancreas. Because the milk and formula with the development of type 1
body may perceive casein as a foreign invader and diabetes. Eight of the studies showed that
attack it, it may also start to attack the pancreas cells breastfeeding can protect against type 1 diabetes
having confused them for casein, again leading to while seven additional studies emphasised that a
diabetes (Cavallo et al., 1996). Some studies have short period or absence of breastfeeding could be a
suggested that bovine serum albumin (BSA) is the risk factor for type 1 diabetes. The authors
milk protein responsible. In a study of 142 children concluded that a short duration and/or a lack of
with type 1 diabetes, all the diabetic patients had breastfeeding may constitute a risk factor for the
higher serum concentrations of anti-BSA antibodies development of type 1 diabetes later in life
compared to 79 healthy children (Karjalainen et al., (Patelarou et al., 2012).
1992). These antibodies may react with proteins on
the surface of the beta cells of the pancreas and so The hunt for the elusive environmental trigger
interfere with insulin production. responsible for the global rise in the incidence of
type 1 diabetes continues. Theories include: the
Other studies suggest it is the cow’s insulin present in hygiene hypothesis (a lack of early childhood
formula milk that increases the risk of type 1 exposure to infectious agents and parasites weakens
diabetes in infants (Vaarala et al., 1999). Research immunity and increases susceptibility to allergic and
shows that some infants may be more vulnerable to autoimmune diseases), a viral agent, vitamin D
type 1 diabetes later in life if exposed to cow’s milk deficiency and the breast milk versus cow’s milk
formula while very young. A Finnish study of children argument. It may be that no single factor is
(with at least one close relative with type 1 diabetes) responsible for the increase in the incidence of
examined whether early exposure to insulin in cow’s diabetes all over the world, a multi-factorial process
milk formula increased the risk of type 1 diabetes. might be involved and there may be some overlap
Results showed that infants given cow’s milk formula between the various hypotheses (Ergo, 2013).
at three-months-old had immune systems which However, taken together, the evidence suggests that
reacted far more strongly to cow’s insulin (Paronen et avoiding milk and milk products may offer protection
al., 2000). This raises concerns that exposure to from diabetes (types 1 and 2).
cow’s insulin plays a role in the autoimmune process
leading to type 1 diabetes. For more information see Viva!Health’s fully-
referenced scientific report The Big-D: Defeating
A review of the clinical evidence suggests that the Diabetes through Diet and easy-to-read guide
incidence of type 1 diabetes is related to the early The Big-D: defeating diabetes with the D-Diet at
consumption of cow’s milk; children with type 1 www.vegetarian.org.uk/campaigns/diabetes.
A report
A substantial body of
evidence now shows that
obesity is a risk factor for
dementia. However, it has
been argued that current
forecasts of dementia fail to
take the rising obesity levels
into account. A review of
studies on the association
between midlife obesity and
White Lies
Ear Infection 27 per cent of those with the allergy suffered from
recurrent ear infections compared to just 12 per cent
The most common type of ear infection (otitis media) of those who did not have the allergy (Juntti et al.,
affects the middle ear, the space between the 1999). It was concluded that children with cow’s milk
eardrum and the inner ear. The middle ear is usually allergy experience significantly more ear infections.
filled with air but it can fill up with fluid (during a
cold for example) and ear infections happen when Dr John James of the Colorado Allergy and Asthma
bacteria, viruses or fungi infect the fluid and cause Centres in the US suggests that food allergies can
swelling in the ear. Ear infections are common in cause inflammation in the nasal passages and lead to
childhood and can be extremely painful causing a the build-up of fluid in the middle ear, but he
considerable amount of distress. Chronic otitis media acknowledges that the link between food allergy and
is when ear infections keep recurring, for example ear infection may be hard to prove (James, 2004). A
glue ear is a type of chronic otitis media. Otitis media recent review stated how a large body of
usually reoccurs several times during childhood epidemiologic evidence now supports a role for
years. One third of children will have six or more allergic rhinitis (allergic inflammation of the nasal
episodes of otitis media by the time they are seven airways) as a possible cause of otitis media. Evidence
years old. The condition occurs less often as the child also supports a role for histamine (a compound that
gets older. It would be unusual for children over the triggers the inflammatory response) in both
age of seven to be affected by further episodes (NHS conditions (Skoner et al., 2009). The authors of this
Choices, 2012m). Complications of middle ear study say that given the strong likelihood of allergy as
infection are now less common than they were in a risk factor for otitis media, allergic rhinitis patients
the past. However, it can be a serious problem; otitis should be evaluated for otitis media and vice versa.
media with effusion (glue ear) is the most common
cause of hearing impairment in childhood (NICE, In 2009 the American Dietetic Association reported
2011). Symptoms vary with time and age, hearing that for infants, breastfeeding is associated with a
loss usually resolves over several weeks or months, reduced risk of otitis media (along with a reduced
but may be more persistent if in both ears, may lead risk of gastroenteritis, respiratory illness, sudden
to educational, language and behavioural problems. infant death syndrome, necrotising enterocolitis,
obesity and hypertension. They say that exclusive
Ear infections are often linked to colds or other breastfeeding provides optimal nutrition and health
problems of the respiratory system. However, some protection for the first six months of life and
reports link ear infections to food allergies (Hurst, breastfeeding with complementary foods from six
1998; Aydogan et al., 2004; Doner et al., 2004). months until at least 12 months of age is the ideal
Researchers from Georgetown University in the US feeding pattern for infants (James et al., 2009). More
examined the role of food allergy in ear infection in studies are needed to examine the relationship
104 children with recurrent ear problems (Nsouli et between food allergy and ear infection but the
al., 1994). The children were tested for food allergies possibility of cow’s milk allergy should be considered
and those who tested positive excluded that in all cases of ear infection, particularly in children.
particular food for 16 weeks, then reintroduced it.
Results showed that 78 per cent of the children with
ear problems also had food allergies, the most Food Poisoning
common allergenic foods were cow’s milk (38 per
cent), wheat (33 per cent), egg white (25 per cent), Food poisoning is a common, often mild, but
peanut (20 per cent) and soya (17 per cent). 86 per sometimes deadly illness. It is caused by the
cent of these children responded well to eliminating consumption of food or drink that is contaminated
the offending food, and of these, 94 per cent with bacteria, parasites or viruses. Most cases result
suffered a recurrence of ear problems on from bacterial contamination. Food poisoning
reintroducing the offending food. happens in one of two ways: either in the food (for
example in undercooked meat or unpasteurised
A different approach was taken in a Finnish study of milk), or on the food (if it is prepared by someone
56 children with cow’s milk allergy and 204 children who has not washed their hands). The length of the
without cow’s milk allergy. These researchers incubation period (the time between swallowing the
examined the occurrence of ear infection in children bacteria and symptoms appearing) varies from hours
known to have cow’s milk allergy. Results showed that to days, depending on the type of bacteria and how
A report
many were swallowed. The most common symptoms caused illness and deaths (especially among children)
of food poisoning are sickness, vomiting, abdominal owing to its presence (in several countries) in minced
pain and diarrhoea. It’s difficult to know exactly how beef, unpasteurised cider, cow’s milk, manure-
many people get food poisoning because mild cases contaminated lettuce and alfalfa and manure-
often go unreported but the Food Standards Agency contaminated drinking-water (WHO, 2013c). The
estimates that food poisoning affects up to 5.5 potential sources of E. coli contamination of fruit
million people in the UK each year (NHS Choices, (cider apples) are numerous. One possible source
2013f). It usually lasts for less than three days, but may be bird droppings; birds have been shown to
can continue for up to a week. The greatest danger spread various food-borne pathogens including
lies in the loss of fluids and salts from prolonged Campylobacter, Salmonella, Vibrio cholerae and
diarrhoea. The results can be deadly in infants and Listeria species. Another possibility is windfall apples
over 60s. Also, in these patients, the bacteria may being exposed to animal faeces. The contamination
enter the bloodstream infecting other parts of the of damaged apples with E. coli O157:H7 can also be
body and may cause death unless the person is spread by fruit flies and then fruit-to-fruit
treated promptly with antibiotics. transmission by fruit flies ensures the infection
spreads (Janisiewicz et al., 1999). Indeed research
Some toxins can cause food poisoning within a shows that flies can transmit foodborne pathogens
much shorter time than described above. In these and that the areas of higher risk are those in closer
cases, vomiting is the main symptom. Foods proximity to animal production sites (Barreiro et al.,
particularly susceptible to contamination if not 2013). In a joint report between the FSA
handled, stored or cooked properly include: Scotland and the Scottish Executive it
was noted that the main source of E.
• Raw meat and poultry coli O157 is from cattle and sheep,
• Raw eggs but that more cases of E. coli O157
• Raw shellfish are now associated with
• Unpasteurised milk environmental contamination,
• 'Ready to eat' foods, such as cooked including contact with animal faeces
sliced meats, pâté, soft cheeses and pre- or contamination by faeces of water
packed sandwiches supplies, than with food (FSA/SE,
2001). If plants do cause food
Source: NHS Choices, 2013e. poisoning it is generally because
they have been
Most cases of food poisoning contaminated with
are related to the animal excreta, human
consumption of animal sewerage or handled
products (meat, poultry, with dirty hands
eggs, fish and dairy) as during preparation.
plants tend not to harbour Safe disposal of
the types of bacteria manure from large-
capable of causing food scale animal and
poisoning in humans. poultry production
Intensive animal facilities is a
husbandry growing food
technologies, safety problem in
introduced to minimise much of the world
production costs, have (WHO, 2013c).
led to the emergence of
new zoonotic diseases; Food can become
animal diseases that can contaminated at any
be transmitted to humans stage during
(WHO, 2013c). Escherichia production, processing or
coli (E. coli) O157 was cooking, for example,
identified for the first time food poisoning can be
in 1979 and has since caused by:
White Lies
Source: NHS Choices, 2013e. In the Food Standards Agency’s Annual Report to the
Chief Scientist 2012-2013, it was reported that of
The most common cause of food poisoning in the the five major pathogens monitored by the Agency
UK is the bacterium Campylobacter, which are (campylobacter, Listeria monocytogenes, norovirus,
usually found on raw or undercooked meat E. coli O157 and salmonella), campylobacter remains
(particularly poultry), unpasteurised milk and the most frequently reported cause of foodborne
untreated water. Undercooked chicken liver and liver disease accounting for 60 per cent of reported cases
pâté are also common sources. The next most in England and Wales and the highest proportion of
common cause is Salmonella, which are often found hospitalisations (92 per cent). Although foodborne
in raw meat and poultry, they can also be passed illness due to Listeria monocytogenes is relatively rare
into eggs and unpasteurised milk. Listeria bacteria (less than one per cent), it is associated with the
may be found in a range of chilled, ready-to-eat highest mortality at 30 per cent (FSA, 2013a).
food, including: pre-packed sandwiches, pâté,
butter, soft cheeses (such as brie, camembert or The Food Standards Agency’s current best estimate
others with a similar rind), soft blue cheese, cooked suggests that there are around one million cases of
sliced meats and smoked salmon. E. coli are found in foodborne illness in the UK each year, resulting in
the digestive systems of many animals, including 20,000 hospital admissions and contributing to
humans. Most strains are harmless but some strains around 500 deaths. However, many illnesses go
can cause serious illness. Most cases of E. coli food unreported and their report states that around 25
poisoning occur after eating undercooked beef per cent of the population suffer from an episode of
(particularly mince, burgers and meatballs) or intestinal infectious disease each year; equivalent to
drinking unpasteurised milk (NHS Choices, 2013f). 17 million cases annually. The public health impact of
gastrointestinal infection continues to be significant;
The virus most commonly linked to gastrointestinal the estimated cost for England and Wales in 2011
illness is the norovirus (also known as the vomiting was £1.6 billion (FSA, 2013a).
bug). It is easily transmitted from person to person,
from contaminated food or water. Raw shellfish, Listeria is an opportunistic pathogen that can cause
particularly oysters can be a source of viral severe illness (listeriosis) in vulnerable groups such as
contamination. A study funded by the Foods pregnant women, babies, the elderly and people with
Standards Agency found that three-quarters of reduced immunity. The Government advises pregnant
oysters sampled from harvesting beds within UK women to avoid soft mould-ripened cheese, such as
waters contained norovirus (albeit at low levels in Camembert and Brie, blue cheese and all types of
half the samples). The FSA advises that older people, meat pâté. Other bacteria that can cause food
pregnant women, very young children and people poisoning include species of Staphylococcus and
who are unwell should avoid eating raw or lightly Clostridium. Certain strains of otherwise normal
A report
intestinal bacteria can cause food poisoning. For found that a Mexican-style soft cheese had been
example, E. coli is usually harmless but the strain E. contaminated with unpasteurised milk.
coli O157 can cause kidney failure and death.
Bacteria are too small to see and they do not taste or
The majority of food poisoning cases in the UK are smell of anything so it is difficult to detect their
caused by consuming contaminated meat or dairy presence. The risk of food poisoning can be
products. For example, of the Staphylococcal food minimised by following some basic hygiene rules.
poisonings reported in the UK between 1969 and This means washing hands before handling food,
1990, 53 per cent were due to meat products washing salads thoroughly (to remove contaminating
(especially ham), 22 per cent were due to poultry, bacteria from manure for example), making sure all
eight per cent were due to milk products, seven per food is covered and chilled. If meat is to be
cent to fish and shellfish and 3.5 per cent to eggs consumed it must be thawed and cooked properly to
(Wieneke et al., 1993). While most cases of food kill harmful bacteria. It is important to keep raw
poisoning are associated with meat and poultry, the meat (and its juices) away from other foods.
link between milk products and food poisoning
should not be discounted: 20 separate outbreaks of The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
food poisoning in England and Wales associated in Atlanta, US is a national public health institute that
with the consumption of milk and dairy products focuses on disease control and prevention. The CDC
were reported to the Public Health Laboratory state that raw (unpasteurised) milk can carry harmful
Service Communicable Disease Surveillance Centre bacteria and other germs and that while it is possible
between 1992 and 1996 (Djuretic et al., 1997). 600 to get foodborne illnesses from many different foods,
people were affected and over 45 were admitted to they say that raw milk is one of the riskiest of all.
hospital. Salmonella species were responsible for 11 Bacteria such as E. coli, Campylobacter and
of the outbreaks, Campylobacter species for five, E. Salmonella can contaminate milk from cows, sheep
coli O157 for three and Cryptosporidium parvum for and goats. Animals that carry these germs usually
one. Outbreaks were associated with hotels, a appear healthy. Getting sick from raw milk can mean
psychogeriatric hospital, schools, a Royal Air Force many days of diarrhoea, stomach cramping, and
base, a farm visit, an outdoor festival and milk vomiting. Less commonly, it can mean kidney failure,
supplied directly from farms. Milk was implicated in paralysis, chronic disorders and even death. A person
16 of the outbreaks, 10 of which were associated can develop severe or even life-threatening diseases,
with unpasteurised milk. Two outbreaks were such as Guillain-Barré syndrome, which can cause
associated with eating contaminated ice-cream and paralysis and haemolytic uremic syndrome, which can
two with eating contaminated cheese. result in kidney failure and stroke (CDC, 2013).
In 2010, it was reported that since 2001, an increase Milk contamination may occur from:
in the number of listeriosis cases has been observed
in several EU countries, including England and Wales, • Cow faeces coming into direct contact with
predominantly in the over-60s population (Little et the milk
al., 2010). The main culprits for the overall • Infection of the cow’s udder (mastitis)
population and over 60’s were given as follows: • Cow diseases (eg bovine tuberculosis)
mixed sandwiches and pre-packed salads (23.1 and • Bacteria that live on the skin of cows
22 per cent respectively); finfish (16.8 and 14.7 per • Environmental contamination (eg faeces, dirt,
cent) and beef (15.3 and 11.2 per cent). For processing equipment)
pregnancy-associated cases, beef (12.3 per cent), • Insects, rodents and other animal vectors
milk and milk products (11.8 per cent), and finfish • Humans (eg by cross-contamination from soiled
(11.2 per cent) were more important sources of clothing or boots)
infection. Food poisoning may result from milk and
milk products if they have not been properly heated Source: CDC, 2013.
(pasteurised) or if they have become contaminated
following pasteurisation. A report published in the Good hygienic practices during milking may reduce,
New England Journal of Medicine reported how 142 but not eliminate, the risk of milk contamination.
cases of listeriosis in Los Angeles in 1985 led to 48 However, as the CDC state, dairy farms are a
deaths (Linnan, 1988). An extensive investigation reservoir for illness-causing bacteria. No matter what
traced the source to a cheese factory where it was precautions farmers take and even if their raw milk
White Lies
tests come back negative, they cannot guarantee along the bile duct to the duodenum can be
that the milk, or the products made from their milk, extremely painful.
are free of harmful germs (CDC, 2013).
Obesity is a major risk factor for gallstones,
Distribution of raw milk is illegal in Scotland. In especially in women, who are two to three times as
England it is illegal to sell it from shops or likely as men to develop gallstones. Risk also
supermarkets but a number of registered producers increases with age; people over 40 are at a higher
can sell raw or ‘green top’ milk, directly to consumers, risk. Diet is also a causal factor. A study published in
either from a farm or at a farmers’ market or through the British Medical Journal in 1985 reported that
a delivery service. The number of registered raw cow’s meat-eaters are twice as likely to develop gallstones
drinking milk producers in England and Wales fell from as vegetarians (Pixley et al., 1985). Since then the
around 570 in 1997 to 102 in 2009 (FSA, 2009). They low incidence of gallstones in vegetarians compared
must display the warning "this product has not been to meat-eaters has been reported (Key et al., 1999).
heat-treated and may contain organisms harmful to Indeed vegetarian diets have been shown to be
health" and the dairy must conform to higher hygiene beneficial for both the prevention and treatment of
standards than dairies producing only pasteurised milk. gallstones (Leitzmann, 2005). The main risk factors
Avoiding unpasteurised milk, raw eggs and appear to be low fibre intake, high saturated fat and
undercooked meat further reduces the risk of food cholesterol intake and obesity. An Australian study
poisoning. Of course the safest option is to follow a reported an inverse association between dietary
plant-based diet free of red meat, poultry, fish, milk fibre and gallstones (Segasothy and Phillips, 2000).
and eggs. Excluding animal foods from the diet will In other words, the more fibre in the diet, the lower
dramatically decrease the risk of food poisoning. the risk of gallstones. Polish researchers examined
the diets of patients suffering from gallstones and
found that they were characterised by their low
Gallstones fibre diet (Ostrowska et al., 2005). Patients with
gallstones ate less wholemeal products, fruit and
Gallstones are solid pieces of stone-like material vegetables and pulses. Furthermore, obese women
usually made of cholesterol that form in the gall with gallstones ate significantly more milk, yogurt,
bladder, which is a small organ on the right hand meat and meat products.
side of the body, below the liver. It stores a green
liquid called bile, which is produced by the liver to Due to the role that cholesterol appears to play in
help the body digest fats. As we eat, bile is released the formation of gallstones, the UK government
from the gall bladder into the intestines through a recommends that the following fatty foods with high
thin tube called the bile duct. Gallstones are formed cholesterol content are avoided: meat pies, sausages
when some of the chemicals stored in the gall and fatty cuts of meat, butter and lard, and cakes
bladder harden into a solid mass. They may be as and biscuits. They recommend a low-fat, high-fibre
small as a grain of sand or as large as a golf ball. diet including plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables (at
Some people may have one large stone while others least five portions a day) and wholegrain foods (NHS
may have many small ones. Gallstones are the most Choices, 2012p). They also say that there is evidence
common cause of emergency hospital admission for that regularly eating nuts (such as peanuts or
people with abdominal pain. About eight per cent of cashews), can help reduce the risk of developing
the adult population has gallstones and 50,000 gallstones. Cutting down your drinking to no more
people a year have an operation to remove their than 3-4 units a day for men and 2-3 units a day for
gallbladder (NHS Choices, 2012o). women may also reduce the risk.
A report
development. It plays an important role in childhood Bristol says that although bovine IGF-1 is identical to
growth and continues to have anabolic effects (the human IGF-1 and in theory some of the IGF-1 that is
building up of organs and tissues) in adults. present in ingested milk may be absorbed un-
degraded, it is implausible that this would affect the
IGF-1 from cows is identical to human IGF-1 in that systemic levels of IGF-1 in humans. Holly states that
the amino acid sequence of both molecules is the the dynamics of the IGF-1 system (with a huge
same (Honegger and Humbel, 1986). Amino acids circulating reservoir and a large flux primarily due to
are the building blocks of proteins and there are 20 production from the liver) means that even assuming
different amino acids. All proteins consist of amino the extreme estimates of what could be absorbed
acids joined together like beads on a string and the and not metabolised it would still require
nature of the protein (how it behaves) is determined consumption of something like 60 litres of milk a day
by the order in which the amino acids occur along to increase serum levels by the least amount that
the string. In both human and bovine IGF-1 the same could be measurable. However, he goes on to say
70 amino acids occur in exactly the same order, that there are many small peptides and amino acids
which may or may not have a significant impact on that are present in milk that potently stimulate
human health (see below). As previously stated, the hepatic IGF-1 expression and pituitary growth
use of recombinant bovine somatotrophin (rBST) in hormone release (Holly, 2013). In other words,
cows increases levels of IGF-1 in their milk, however, drinking milk increases IGF-1 production from the
it should be noted that cow’s milk from cows that liver which in turn leads to an increase in the levels
are not treated with rBST also contains IGF-1. Again, present in the blood.
the significance of this is discussed below.
Milk is designed as the only food between birth and
It has been suggested that IGF-1 is not destroyed weaning and is designed to sustain the rapid growth
during pasteurisation. Furthermore it has also been that occurs at this stage of life. Holly states that his
suggested that it is not completely broken down in studies and those of others have consistently found
the gut and that it may cross the intestinal wall in that, of all the components of human diet, milk and
the same way that another dairy products have the greatest effects on IGF-1
hormone, epidermal growth levels. So it is not the presence of IGF-1 in milk that
factor (EGF), has been matters but rather the impact of milk on stimulating
shown to do. EGF is human IGF-1 production within individuals who
protected from being consume milk and dairy products. He also points
broken down when out that there is similar confusion over
food proteins (such as dairy cows treated with rBST (in the
the milk protein casein) US), the milk from such cows has
block the active sites of higher levels of bovine growth hormone
the digestive enzymes and bovine IGF-1 but neither are likely
(Playford et al., 1993). to alter the effects on humans
This allows the molecule consuming such milk.
to stay intact and cross the
intestinal wall and enter the Whether cow’s milk
blood. This raises a ingestion increases IGF-
theoretical concern that 1 levels in humans by
IGF-1 from cow’s milk bovine IGF-1 crossing
could increase normal the gut wall, or (as
blood IGF-1 levels and seems more likely)
so increase the risk of other components in
certain cancers linked milk initiating a rapid
to IGF-1. rise in human IGF-1
production from the
However, Professor liver, the net effect is the
Jeffrey Holly, same; if you drink cow’s
Professor of milk, you end up with
Clinical Sciences at higher levels of IGF-1 in
the University of your blood (see below).
White Lies
As stated, IGF-1 regulates cell growth, development colorectal cancer. Analysis of IGF-1 levels in samples
and division; it can stimulate growth in both normal taken from these men and 318 controls revealed an
and cancerous cells. Even small increases in serum increased risk for colorectal cancer among the men
levels of IGF-1 in humans are associated with increased who had the highest levels of circulating IGF-1 and it
risk for several common cancers including cancers of was concluded that circulating IGF-1 is related to
the breast, prostate, lung and colon (Wu et al., 2002). future risk of colorectal cancer (Ma et al., 1999).
The link between IGF-1 and cancer is becoming
increasingly apparent in the scientific literature. In summary, the literature strongly supports a link
between high circulating IGF-1 levels and cancer, but
In the first prospective study to investigate the what has this to do with the consumption of cow’s
relationship between the risk of breast cancer and milk and dairy products? The answer is a lot:
circulating IGF-1 levels, researchers at Harvard circulating IGF-1 levels are higher in people who
Medical School analysed blood samples originally consume milk and dairy products. Researchers at
collected from 32,826 women aged between 43 and Bristol University investigating the association of diet
69 years during 1989 and 1990. From this group, with IGF-1 in 344 disease-free men found that raised
397 women were later diagnosed with breast cancer. levels of IGF-1 were associated with higher intakes of
Analysis of IGF-1 levels in samples collected from milk, dairy products and calcium while lower levels of
these women compared to samples from 620 IGF-1 were associated with high vegetable
controls (without breast cancer) revealed a positive consumption, particularly tomatoes. In their study,
relationship between circulating IGF-1 levels and the published in the British Journal of Cancer, it was
risk of breast cancer among premenopausal (but not concluded that IGF-1 may mediate some diet-cancer
postmenopausal) women. It was concluded that associations (Gunnell et al., 2003).
plasma IGF-1 concentrations may be useful in the
identification of premenopausal women at high risk US researchers from Harvard Medical School and
of breast cancer (Hankinson et al., 1998a). Bringham and Women’s Hospital in Boston also
investigated the link between IGF-1 levels and diet.
To investigate the link between prostate cancer risk They examined circulating IGF-1 levels in 1,037
and plasma IGF-1 levels, a study was conducted on healthy women. The most consistent finding was a
152 men with prostate cancer and 152 men without positive association between circulating IGF-1 and
the disease. Analysis revealed a strong positive protein intake; this was largely attributable to cow’s
association between IGF-1 levels and prostate cancer milk intake (Holmes et al., 2002). In another study,
risk (Chan et al., 1998). In agreement, a Swedish researchers at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research
study compared IGF-1 levels in 210 prostate cancer Centre in Washington investigated the link between
patients with those in 224 men without the disease plasma levels of IGF-1 and lifestyle factors in 333
and found that there was a strong positive people thought to be representative of the general
correlation between the risk of prostate cancer and population. They too found that milk consumption
raised serum levels of IGF-1. It was concluded that was linked to IGF-1 levels (Morimoto et al., 2005).
high levels of IGF-1 may be an important predictor One study actually quantified the effect of cow’s milk
for risk of prostate cancer (Wolk et al., 1998). on circulating IGF-1 levels in 54 Danish boys aged
2.5 years. In this study an increase in cow’s milk
In a study into the link between the risk of lung intake from 200 to 600ml per day corresponded to a
cancer and IGF-1, serum IGF-1 levels were measured massive 30 per cent increase in circulating IGF-1. In
in 204 lung cancer patients registered at the agreement with Holly’s research, it was concluded
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Centre that milk contains certain compounds that stimulate
and compared to those in 218 people without lung IGF-1 concentrations (Hoppe et al., 2004). An even
cancer. Results showed that high levels of IGF-1 were earlier study concurred that cow’s milk contains
associated with an increased risk of lung cancer (Yu many bioactive compounds such as hormones and
et al., 1999). cytokines, growth factors, and many bioactive
peptides (Playford et al., 2000), which may also
In order to assess colorectal cancer risk in relation to affect IGF-1 levels.
IGF-1, a research group at Harvard Medical School
analysed blood plasma samples originally collected In conclusion, the research shows that nutrition has
from a pool of 14,916 men. In a 14-year follow-up an important role in determining serum IGF-1 levels
of these men, 193 had been diagnosed with (Yaker et al., 2005). Whether the increase in IGF-1
A report
caused by cow’s milk occurs directly (by IGF-1 Normally protein is filtered out by the kidneys and no
crossing the gut wall), or indirectly (as a result of the protein is excreted into the urine. However, when the
action of other factors), the research is clear. The kidneys are damaged, protein may pass into the
consumption of cow’s milk and milk products is urine. Other symptoms include retention of water in
linked to increased levels of IGF-1, which in turn are the body, called nephrotic syndrome. In some cases
linked to various cancers. In time, the molecular the damage to the kidney can be so severe that it
mechanisms underlying these links will inevitably be leads to a build-up of waste in the body and
teased out. ultimately kidney failure. The symptoms of kidney
failure include tiredness, sickness and vomiting.
White Lies
urinary calcium excretion increased from 103mg per A report published in the Lancet in 1992 suggested
day on the vegetarian diet to 150mg per day on the that soya products may be beneficial in kidney
animal protein diet. The animal protein-rich diet was disease. Kidney disease patients with protein in the
associated with the highest excretion of uric acid and urine and high cholesterol levels were placed on a
therefore conferred an increased risk for uric acid cholesterol-free, low-protein, low-fat, high-fibre
stones (but not for calcium oxalate stones). The link vegetarian (vegan) diet containing soya products.
between animal protein and kidney stone formation The amount of protein excreted in the urine dropped
has since been demonstrated in both men (Curhan et considerably as did their blood cholesterol levels
al., 1993; Taylor et al., 2004) and women (Curhan et (D’Amico et al., 1992). It was uncertain whether
al., 1997). these results reflected the reduction in dietary
protein and fat or if the favourable results arose from
More recently, the Researchers from Harvard Medical a change in the nature of the food consumed. Either
School prospectively examined the relationship way, switching from a diet containing meat and dairy
between a Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension products to a plant-based diet containing less fat and
(DASH) style diet and the incident of kidney stones in protein and more fibre was beneficial to patients
three large cohorts: The Health Professionals Follow-up with kidney disease.
Study (45,821 men with 18 years of follow-up), The
Nurses’ Health Study I (94,108 older women and 18 In addition to avoiding animal protein in the diet,
years of follow-up), and The Nurses’ Health Study II increasing the potassium intake has been shown to
(101,837 younger women with 14 years of follow-up). yield benefits as potassium reduces calcium
The DASH diet is high in fruits and vegetables, excretion, which can decrease the risk of stone
moderate in low-fat dairy products and low in animal formation. Additionally, the beneficial effect of
protein (but with a substantial amount of plant protein increasing the fluid intake and the subsequent
from pulses and nuts). Over a combined 50 years of dilution of urine is well known (Curhan et al., 1993).
follow-up, they documented
5,645 kidney stones in the
three cohorts. Results
showed that the
consumption of a DASH-
style diet was associated
with a marked decrease in
the risk of incident kidney
stones (Taylor et al., 2009).
Dr Neil Barnard, president of
the PCRM, states that
animal protein is the worst
kind of enemy of people
with a tendency towards
kidney stones or any kidney
disease (Barnard, 1998). The
animal protein in red meat,
poultry, fish, eggs and milk
tend to overwork the
kidneys causing their
filtering abilities to decline.
This may make matters
worse in a person who
already has kidney disease.
Additionally, animal protein
causes calcium to be
leached from the bones and
excreted in the urine, adding
further to the burden on the
overworked kidney.
A report
White Lies
The widespread prevalence of lactose intolerance processed meats (sausages and burgers) and even
suggests that lactase deficiency is the normal or injected into some chicken meat. It is also added to
natural state and that the ability to continue to some soft drinks and lagers. Breakfast drinks,
digest lactose after weaning originates from a powders and slimming products can contain as
genetic mutation that provided a selective advantage much lactose as cow’s milk and it is often used in
to populations using dairy products (Swagerty et al., sauces supplied to butchers and restaurants
2002). This idea is supported by William Durham in (Matthews et al., 2005). Since 25 November 2005,
his book Coevolution (Durham, 1991). Durham all pre-packed foods sold in the UK have to show
describes milk as baby food not ‘intended’ for adult clearly on the label if they contain milk or any of the
consumption. He describes how the ability to digest ingredients of milk.
lactose is the exception to the norm and can
originally be traced back to a minority of pastoral Treatment depends on how sensitive the patient is to
tribes: the Tutsi and Hutu of Rwanda; the Fulani of lactose. If they are mildly intolerant, they may be
West Africa; the Sindhi of North India; the Tuareg of able to tolerate small amounts of some dairy foods.
West Africa and some European tribes. People who Fermented dairy foods (such as probiotic yoghurt
have retained the normal intolerance of lactose and milk, sour cream, cottage cheese and hard
include: Chinese, Japanese, Inuit, native Americans, cheeses, such as Edam and Cheddar) contain less
Australian Aborigines, Iranians, Lebanese and many lactose than fresh dairy products. Alternatively
African tribes including the Zulus, Xhosas and lactase may be taken in liquid form or capsules
Swazis. These people, generally, do not have a before a meal or added to cow’s milk. Low lactose
history of pastoralism. As stated in Part One (The milk is also available in supermarkets but is quite
Origins of Dairy Farming) lactase persistence only sweet as it contains galactose and glucose from
developed around 8,000 years ago. In evolutionary degraded lactose. Other animal milks (such as goat’s
terms, this is very recent history. milk), are not lactose-free. In fact, the lactose
content of goat’s and cow’s milk are very similar;
A range of tests can be used to diagnose lactose goat’s milk contains 4.4g of lactose per 100g and
intolerance. The breath hydrogen test is currently whole milk contains 4.5g per 100g and semi-
considered to be the most cost-effective, non- skimmed contains 4.7g per 100g (FSA, 2002). Of
invasive reliable test (Lomer et al., 2006). However, it course, non-dairy products (such as soya, rice and
involves drinking a lactose solution and can cause oat milk) are excellent alternatives that do not
severe symptoms, sometimes lasting for days require any monitoring at all.
(Matthews, 2005). In rare cases a small bowel biopsy
may be used to measure lactase levels. However, this Avoiding all lactose means cutting out all dairy foods
invasive technique is usually used to determine and checking labels for lactose in bread, chocolate
whether the symptoms are caused by another and other processed foods including meats. In
condition, such as coeliac disease. A stool acidity test addition, lactose is used in some types of medication
may be used to check infants for lactose intolerance. so the patient should check with their GP or
This is because large doses of lactose, such as those pharmacist (although symptoms of lactose
given in the breath hydrogen test, are dangerous for intolerance rarely occur as a result of taking
young children. Also, infants are more likely to medication containing it).
develop dehydration caused by diarrhoea. DNA
analysis of blood samples could offer a quick and Although there is no evidence of calcium deficiency
easy to way to diagnose lactose intolerance and may in people eating a Chinese or Japanese diet with no
help to differentiate patients with primary and lactose (Matthews, 2005), patients cutting out dairy
secondary lactase deficiency (Lomer et al., 2008). foods may need some help and advice on how to
However, this test is not yet routinely available. ensure they still get plenty of calcium. This may be
important for young children who need calcium for
When a dairy exclusion diet appears to fail, lactose healthy growth and development. There are many
intolerance is often mistakenly ruled out (Matthews excellent non-dairy sources of calcium including
et al., 2005). This is because lactose is added to non-oxalate dark green leafy vegetables (broccoli,
many unexpected (non-dairy) foods and may kale, spring greens, cabbage, bok choy and
continue producing symptoms in a patient convinced watercress), dried fruits (figs and dates), nuts
they are on a lactose-free diet. Lactose is used as a (almonds and Brazil nuts) and seeds (sesame seeds
browning agent in bread and cakes, it is added to and tahini, which contains a massive 680 milligrams
A report
In conclusion, drinking
cow’s milk is neither
normal nor natural. The
health implications of
being the only mammal to
consume milk as adults
(and not just that, milk
from another species too)
are becoming clearer in the
scientific literature as levels
of the so-called diseases of
affluence soar. The
treatment for lactose
intolerance is
straightforward: avoid
lactose. This means cutting
out all dairy foods and
checking labels for lactose
in bread, chocolate and
other processed foods.
White Lies
A range of common factors that can cause migraines had initially developed a migraine in response to
in some people have been identified. Some scientists factors other than food (for example flashing lights
suggest that fluctuating levels of hormones may be or exercise) no longer responded to these triggers
linked to the causes of migraines (hence the higher while on the special elimination diet.
number of women affected). Other factors include:
emotional, physical, environmental, medicinal and The relationship between food allergy or intolerance
dietary factors. Foods are frequently identified as and migraine is difficult to prove and, despite the
triggers and the most common culprits include dairy evidence, remains a controversial subject. However,
products (particularly cheese), chocolate, alcohol the possibility of cow’s milk allergy or intolerance
(particularly red wine), caffeine, citrus fruits, nuts, should be considered in all cases of migraine.
fried foods and foods containing monosodium
glutamate (MSG) such as some Chinese food,
processed meats and frozen pizzas. Other triggers Multiple sclerosis and
include cigarette smoke, bright lights, hunger,
certain drugs (such as sleeping tablets, HRT and the autoimmunity
combined oral contraceptive pill), loud noises, strong
smells, neck and back pain, stress and tiredness. All Multiple sclerosis (MS) is the most common disease
these factors and others can lead to a migraine, and of the central nervous system (the brain and spinal
some people may experience a migraine following cord) affecting young adults in the UK. It is estimated
any one or a combination of these factors. that there are currently around 100,000 people with
MS in the UK. Symptoms usually first develop
One study looked at a range of 36 possible between the ages of 15 and 45, with the average
(hormonal, environmental and dietary) triggering age of diagnosis being about 30. For reasons that
factors that may precipitate a migraine in a group of are unclear, MS is twice as common in women than
123 migraine sufferers. The dietary factors included: men and more common in white people than black
chocolate, cheese, citrus fruits, alcohol, aspartame, and Asian people (NHS Choices, 2012r).
MSG, a fat-rich diet, dairy products and caffeine as
well as skipped meals or fasting and deprivation or Sclerosis means scarring and multiple refers to the
insufficient intake of water. Out of all the patients different sites at which the scarring can occur
tested, only 2.4 per cent did not complain about any throughout the brain and spinal cord. In MS the
dietary factor (Camboim Rockett et al., 2012). The protective sheath (myelin) that surrounds the nerve
national medical charity Allergy UK lists cheese fibres of the central nervous system becomes
(particularly Stilton, Brie, Camembert and damaged. When myelin is damaged (demyelination)
Emmenthal) as the third commonest cause of food- the messages between the brain and other parts of
induced migraine after alcohol and chocolate. They the body become disrupted. Myelin protects the
suggest that 29 per cent of food-induced migraines nerve fibres in much the same way that household
are caused by alcohol, 19 per cent by chocolate, 18 electrical wires are protected by an insulating cover.
per cent by cheese and 11 per cent by citrus foods. If this cover becomes damaged the normal signalling
Other foods thought to trigger migraine include fried route becomes disrupted and may result in a short-
and fatty foods, onions, pork, pickled herring and circuit. The severity of the symptoms depends on
yeast extract (Allergy UK, 2005). how much damage has occurred to the central
nervous system. More severe symptoms include
In a study at Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital blurred vision, paralysis, slurred speech, lack of
in London, 88 children with severe and frequent coordination and incontinence.
migraines were treated with a diet that eliminated
many foods linked to migraine, 93 per cent of the Around eight out of 10 people with MS will have a
children responded well to the diet and were free of type of MS called ‘relapsing-remitting’. This means
headaches (Egger et al., 1983). Foods were gradually they will have periods of remission (that can last for
reintroduced to identify those most likely to provoke days, weeks or even months) where symptoms are
a migraine. Top of the list was cow’s milk, followed mild or disappear altogether. Remission is followed
by chocolate (containing cow’s milk), the food by a flare-up of symptoms, known as a relapse,
preservative benzoic acid, eggs, the synthetic yellow which can last from a few weeks to few months.
food colouring agent tartrazine, wheat, cheese, Usually after around 10 years, around half of people
citrus, coffee and fish. Interestingly, children who with relapsing-remitting MS go on to develop
A report
White Lies
environmental factors, such as the consumption of As the incidence of most autoimmune diseases
cow’s milk, play a part (Agranoff et al., 1974; Butcher, correlates directly to the consumption of animal
1976). These and other studies suggest that cow’s milk foods, this approach could help prevent other
may contain some component other than saturated fat autoimmune conditions that occur increasingly
that influences the incidence of MS. For example, it among populations that consume high levels of dairy
has been suggested that this factor or environmental and meat products.
trigger may be a virus (Malosse et al., 1992).
You are more likely to get MS if other people in your Overweight and obesity
family have it (especially a brother or sister). This
shows that there is an element of genetic Most people know what the term obesity means: an
predisposition in this disease. However, twin studies increased body weight caused by the excessive
have shown that only about a quarter of identical accumulation of fat. Overweight and obesity occur
twins with MS have a twin with the disease (Willer et when more calories are taken into the body than are
al., 2003). In other words for every four genetically burnt up over time. In other words, if you don’t burn
identical sets of twins (one of whom has MS) one up the energy you consume it will be stored as fat,
other twin will have the disease and three will not. If and over time this may lead to excessive weight gain
genes were solely responsible for MS, the genes that and obesity. So someone who works in a very
cause MS in one twin would also cause it in the physically demanding job, such as a building-site
other. When considering the role of genetics in a labourer, may need between 4,000 and 5,000
disease, it is also useful to look at what happens to calories per day to maintain their normal weight.
the risk of that disease in migrating populations. As Whereas an office worker, who drives to work and
for cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes, people does not take any exercise, may only need 1,500
tend to acquire the MS risk of the population to calories per day.
which they move, especially if they move early in life.
This shows that MS is more strongly related to Another way of defining obesity is to measure your
environmental factors and diet than genes. body mass index (BMI). This is your weight in
kilograms divided by the square of your height in
While the benefits of excluding milk from the diet metres. There are many websites that can do
may not have been directly proven for MS sufferers, conversions and calculations for you (see Appendix
there is evidence that a high intake of saturated fat II). In England, people with a body mass index
increases the incidence and severity of this disease. between 25 and 29 are categorised as overweight,
Others studies suggest that increasing the intake of and those with an index of 30 or above are
unsaturated fatty acids (such as linoleic acid), vitamin categorised as obese. If your BMI is over 40, you
D and antioxidants may be helpful (Schwartz et al., would be described as morbidly obese (NHS Choices,
2005). Recent studies concur that limiting the 2012s). The UK government describes 18.5 to 25 as
consumption of saturated fatty acid intake and healthy and suggests that a BMI of less than 18.5 is
supplementing with unsaturated fatty acids in underweight. Alternatively, another useful method is
combination with more vegetables can favour to measure around your waist. People with very fat
prognosis in relapsing-remitting MS (Ramsaransing et waists (94cm or more in men and 80cm or more in
al., 2009). This may be related to the anti- women) are more likely to develop obesity-related
inflammatory properties of omega-3-fatty acids. This health problems (NHS Choices, 2012s).
study also found that, compared to the daily
recommended allowance, the MS patients studied Abdominal fat (also known as internal or visceral fat)
had a lower than recommended intake of folic acid, is of particular concern because it’s a key player in a
magnesium, zinc and selenium. The overall message variety of health problems including high blood
is clear: a plant-based diet low in fat, salt and sugar pressure and cholesterol (which can lead to heart
(and processed foods) and high in fresh fruits, disease), diabetes and some cancers. You don’t have
vegetables, whole grains, pulses, nuts and seeds can to be overweight or obese to have high levels of this
provide all the vitamins, minerals and other nutrients type of fat. Some slim people, who do little or no
required for good health and reduce some of the risk exercise, can have elevated levels of visceral fat. Unlike
factors for MS or prevent making an already existing subcutaneous fat (the kind you can grasp with your
condition worse. hand), visceral fat lies deep within the abdominal
region, hidden in the white fat that surrounds the vital
A report
organs, streaked through underused muscles and amount of physical activity they undertake. This is
wrapped around the heart. An MRI scan will reveal very worrying as early childhood obesity tends to
how much visceral fat a person has but from the indicate adult obesity which can lead to serious
outside it is impossible to tell. Hence the term ‘tofi’ – health risks later in life. Obesity is a known risk factor
thin on the outside, fat on the inside. Such people are for many illnesses including type 2 diabetes, heart
less likely to think they need to change their lifestyle disease, high blood pressure, stroke, gall bladder
and could unwittingly be at risk of serious health disease and certain forms of cancer especially the
consequences. Research suggests that diet and hormonally related and large-bowel cancers.
exercise can be very effective in helping reduce Childhood obesity is associated with a higher chance
visceral fat. Complex carbohydrates (fruits, vegetables of obesity, premature death and disability in
and whole grains) and limiting the intake of simple adulthood. But in addition to increased future risks,
carbohydrates such as white bread, white pasta and obese children experience breathing difficulties,
sugary drinks can help. Replacing saturated fats with increased risk of fractures, high blood pressure, early
polyunsaturated fats can also help. markers of CVD, insulin resistance and psychological
effects (WHO, 2013e).
In 2008, over a third (35 per cent) of all adults in the
world were overweight, and more than one in ten As populations become more urban and incomes
(11 per cent) was obese. From 1980-2008, the rise, diets high in sugar, fat and animal products
worldwide prevalence of obesity nearly doubled with replace more traditional diets that were high in
an estimated half a billion adults worldwide being complex carbohydrates and fibre. Ethnic cuisine and
described as obese. The highest levels of overweight unique traditional food habits are being replaced by
and obesity occur in Canada, North and South westernised fast foods, soft drinks and increased
America with 62 per cent overweight and 26 per cent meat consumption. Homogenisation and
obese. The lowest figures are seen in South East Asia westernisation of the global diet has increased the
(14 per cent overweight three per cent obese). In energy density and this is particularly
Europe, the Eastern Mediterranean and the Americas, a problem for the poor in all
over 50 per cent of women are overweight. For all countries who are at risk of both
three of these regions, roughly half of overweight obesity and micronutrient
women are obese (WHO, 2013d). deficiencies (Swinburn et al.,
2004). This combined with a
The main causes of obesity include an excessive shift towards less physically
intake of food coupled to a lack of exercise and a demanding work, an increasing
sedentary lifestyle. Other much less frequent causes use of automated transport,
include a genetic predisposition or an underlying technology in the home and
illness (such as hypothyroidism). The British Medical
Association (BMA) warns that
childhood obesity levels
have soared in the UK
over recent years. They
say that just over a
quarter of adults in
England are obese
and three out of 10
children aged 2-15
in England are
overweight or obese.
They warn that by
2050, it is estimated
that half of the
population in England will be
obese (BMA, 2013).
White Lies
more passive leisure pursuits means that people are intake of saturated fat were relatively small (1-3g per
less active than their parents and grandparents. day). Clearly we are failing to heed the advice to
reduce our intake of saturated fat.
The WHO suggests several ways to lose weight
including eating more fruit, vegetables, nuts and Milk and dairy foods make a significant impact on
whole grains; engaging in daily moderate physical saturated fat in the diet. Most saturated fat in the
activity (60 minutes a day for children and 150 average UK diet comes from: milk, cheese, ice-
minutes per week for adults); cutting the amount of cream, butter, margarine and fat-based spreads
fatty, sugary foods in the diet and moving from along with meat, pastry products (pies, tarts etc),
saturated animal-based fats to unsaturated bakery products (buns, biscuits, cakes), chocolate
vegetable-oil based fats. Whole milk, cheese, cream, and chocolate confectionery and snacks.
butter, ice-cream and most other dairy products, Approximately 65 per cent of the fat in milk is
apart from skimmed and non-fat products, contain saturated and about three per cent of food energy is
significant amounts of saturated fat and cholesterol. from dairy products making this a major target
While we do need a certain amount of fat in the diet (Talbot, 2006).
there is no nutritional requirement for saturated fat.
Cow’s milk is high in the unhealthy saturated fats A number of small-scale studies (of less than 35
and low in the healthy polyunsaturated essential obese adults) have suggested that the consumption
fatty acids, which are required in the diet for good of dairy products may actually help people lose
health. Most people eat much more fat than they weight (Zemel et al., 2004; Zemel et al., 2005). In
need, and making minor changes to the diet (cutting these studies Professor Zemel, who has received a
down on fat) can make a big difference over time. considerable amount of funding from the National
Dairy Council, suggested that diets containing
The Department of Health recommends that calcium from dairy foods might affect fat cell
saturated fat should contribute no more than 11 per metabolism in such a way that greater weight loss
cent of the total energy that we get from food can occur despite an identical calorie intake with a
(Department of Health, 1991). Most people consume control group not consuming so much dairy.
more than that. The 2012 National Diet and
Nutrition Survey found that on average, saturated fat The US National Dairy Council (who funded Zemel’s
made up 12.8-13.6 per cent of food energy in all research) is overseen by Dairy Management
groups aged between four and 64 (Pot et al., 2012). Incorporated, a non-profit corporation that defines
Compared with previous surveys, saturated fat its mission as increasing sales and demand for dairy
intakes were somewhat lower in this study but, for products. Not dissimilar to the UK’s dairy industry-
adults, no statistically significant changes were funded DairyCo, Dairy Management Incorporated is
observed. In general, the differences in absolute funded by America’s dairy farmers via a government-
A report
mandated fee. In 2009 they also received $5.3 of already. A small amount of good-flavoured cheese
million from the Agriculture Department to promote can be compatible with a healthy diet, but
dairy sales overseas. In 2010, Dairy Management’s consumption in the U.S. is enormous and way
annual budget approached a staggering $140 beyond what is optimally healthy”.
million. By comparison, the Center for Nutrition
Policy and Promotion, which promotes healthy diets, The dairy industry’s national advertising campaign
had a total budget of just $6.5 million. promoting the notion that people could lose weight
by consuming more dairy products went on for a
Dairy Management Incorporated has relentlessly total of four years finally ending in 2007 when the
marketed cheese despite the fact that Agriculture Federal Trade Commission acted on the two-year-old
Department data show that cheese is a major reason petition by the PCRM. The Agriculture Department
the average US diet contains too much saturated fat. and dairy officials agreed to halt the campaign
They employed a whole new marketing strategy with pending further research. Dairy Management
a weight-loss campaign based on Zemel’s research. Incorporated moved on to promoting milk and dairy
However, a subsequent study (by a research group foods in other areas such as promoting chocolate
including Zemel but not as the first named author) milk in schools and encouraging companies like
found no evidence that a diet high in dairy products Domino’s pizza to use even more cheese in its pizzas
enhances weight loss (Thompson et al., 2005). (Domino’s Wisconsin pizza now has six cheeses on
Furthermore, research that they also hoped would top and two more in the crust). In an article in the
support Zemel’s work found no evidence of dairy- New York Times, Dr Neal D. Barnard, president of
related weight loss (Harvey-Berino et al., 2005). Dairy the PCRM said: “If you want to look at why people
Management Incorporated pressed on with its are fat today, it’s pretty hard to identify a contributor
advertising campaign regardless. more significant than this meteoric rise in cheese
consumption” (Moss, 2010). This may seem little to
Dr Amy Lanou, the nutrition director of the PCRM, do with overweight and obesity problems in the UK,
warned that care should be taken when interpreting but these issues are mirrored here and trends show
the findings from Zemel’s trials. Furthermore, Lanou that we are not that far behind the extreme levels of
suggested that the US National Dairy Council’s claims obesity seen in the US.
promoting dairy consumption for weight loss went
well beyond Zemel’s findings. Lanou suggests that it Despite the dairy industry’s claims outlined above,
was likely that calorie restriction, not dairy scientific studies show that adding dairy products to
consumption, caused the weight loss reported in the diet does not help control weight; in fact the
these studies (Lanou, 2005). research confirms that in many cases the reverse is
true, consuming milk and dairy foods can lead to
In June 2005 the PCRM decided enough was weight gain. Some studies designed to test the
enough and filed two separate lawsuits to stop the effects of dairy consumption on weight found no
multimillion-dollar advertising campaign claiming difference in weight between groups consuming
that milk facilitates weight loss. They filed one relatively large amounts of dairy foods compared to
lawsuit to the US Food and Drugs Administration groups consuming little (Lappe et al., 2004; Gunther
and the other to the US Federal Trade Commission. et al., 2005). Another study, this time of the effects
In the lawsuit the PCRM charged the National Dairy of just calcium supplementation on weight loss in
Council, the International Dairy Foods Association, women who had recently given birth, found no
Dairy Management Incorporated, Dannon Company, relationship between calcium supplementation and
Kraft Foods and other dairy manufacturers with weight loss (Wosje, 2004). Researchers at the
purposefully misleading customers (PCRM, 2005). University of British Columbia in Vancouver, Canada,
Astonishingly, government lawyers defended the who reviewed the scientific literature on the effects
campaign, saying that the Agriculture Department of dairy products or calcium supplements on body
reviewed, approved and continually oversaw the weight found that out of nine studies on dairy
effort. Dr Walter C. Willett, chairman of the nutrition products, seven showed no significant difference
department at the Harvard School of Public Health while two studies linked weight gain to dairy
and a former member of the federal government’s consumption (Barr et al., 2003). Furthermore, out of
nutrition advisory committee, said: “The USDA 17 studies on calcium supplementation, just one
should not be involved in these programs that are reported weight loss. The authors state that
promoting foods that we are consuming too much interpreting such findings is limited by the inability to
White Lies
accurately determine the extent of compensation for commonly occur in the spine, wrist and hips (NHS
the energy intake from the added dairy products. In Choices, 2012t). Osteoporosis is sometimes called
other words, people who increased their dairy intake the silent disease as there are often no symptoms
may have maintained the same energy intake (and until a fracture occurs.
so not gained weight) by reducing other foods. For
example, the authors of one of the studies reviewed Bones consist of a thick outer shell and a strong
noted that the dairy product group in their study inner mesh filled with a protein called collagen,
may have reduced their consumption of baked calcium salts and other minerals. Osteoporosis occurs
goods to compensate for the additional intake of when calcium is lost from the bones and they
dairy foods. Furthermore serious questions have become more fragile and prone to fracture. This
arisen regarding the ability of diet records to reflect debilitating condition tends to occur mostly in
actual energy intake. postmenopausal women between 51 and 75 due to
a lack of the hormone oestrogen, which helps to
Another large scale study that followed over 12,000 regulate the incorporation of calcium into the bones.
children for three years concluded that the children It can occur earlier or later and not all women are at
who drank the most milk gained the most weight equal risk of developing osteoporosis. Around three
(Berkey et al., 2005). The analyses showed that out million people in the UK are thought to have
of milk, calcium, dairy fat and total energy intake, it osteoporosis and there are over 250,000 fractures
was energy intake that was the most important every year as a result. Although commonly
predictor of weight gain. The authors attribute this associated with post-menopausal women,
weight to… you’ve guessed it, the added calories! osteoporosis can also affect men, younger women
and children (NHS Choices, 2012t). In the UK, one in
On the other hand, numerous studies show that a two women and one in five men over the age of 50
low-fat plant-based diet can be very effective in will break a bone mainly because of poor bone
helping lose and maintain a healthy weight (Turner- health (National Osteoporosis Society, 2013).
McGrievy et al, 2007; Barnard et al., 2009). A recent
study looked at the effects of eating a low-fat plant- Osteoporosis has been called the silent epidemic as
based diet for 18 weeks on body weight and CVD the first sign some people experience is a fracture. In
risk in people with a BMI of 25 or higher and/or a 2006, the dairy industry responded to this health
previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Results scare by promoting milk, cheese and yogurt directly
showed the average weight loss was 2.9 kg to teenage girls in an advertising campaign called
(compared to 0.06 kg in the control group). Total and Naturally Beautiful, run by the Milk Development
LDL (‘bad’) cholesterol also fell in the test group. It Council with the support from the European
was concluded that dietary intervention using a low- Commission (MDC, 2005a). Since then, the
fat plant-based diet improves body weight, plasma promoting of cow’s milk and cheese to teenage girls
lipids and in individuals with diabetes, it can also for bone health has decreased. DairyCo now tends
help control blood sugar levels (Mishra et al., 2013). to focus more on promoting milk in schools by
providing ‘educational resources’ and website
To most people it is just common sense, a calorie is a material for schools as well as promoting dairy
calorie and weight gain or weight loss is a case of farming actively to the public through their
mathematics. If you take in more energy (calories) consumer facing website as well as talking to the
than you use, you will gain weight. If you use up media (Dairy Co, 2013d). Most people know about
more energy than you consume, you will lose osteoporosis and it is commonly assumed that dairy
weight. There is no magic bullet, and if there were it products can help protect against it. Indeed it is
seems very unlikely that it would be cow’s milk, deeply entrenched in the British psyche that calcium
butter or cheese. from dairy sources is essential for good bone health.
However, this association is more to do with
successful marketing than scientific evidence.
In 2012, researchers from The WHO Collaborating
Osteoporosis (meaning porous bones) is a condition Centre for Metabolic Bone Diseases, at the University
that affects the bones, causing them to become of Sheffield Medical School in the UK published a
weak and more likely to fracture. Although the review of hip fracture incidence and probability of
whole skeleton is usually affected, fractures most fracture worldwide. Figure 9.0 shows the hip fracture
A report
Hong Kong
Saudi Arabia
New Zealand
S Africa
Source: Kanis et al., 2012.
rates for women per 100,000 from a range of changes in risk in immigrant populations. For
countries. The pattern for men was broadly similar to example, black Americans have a lower fracture risk
that for women. The authors of this review observed a than Caucasians in the US, but a much higher risk
greater than 10-fold variation in hip fracture risk than black Africans. A similar scenario is seen among
between countries (Kanis et al., 2012). The high-risk the Japanese population of Hawaii compared to
countries extended from North Western Europe those in Japan and Chinese people living in Singapore
(Iceland, UK, Ireland, Denmark, Sweden and Norway) compared with mainland China (Kanis et al., 2012).
through central Europe (Belgium, Germany, Austria,
Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Switzerland and Many risk factors for osteoporosis have been
Italy) to the south east (Greece, Slovenia) and onwards identified including a low body mass index (BMI),
(to the Lebanon, Oman and Iran). Other high-risk low bone mineral density, reduced sunlight exposure
countries for women were Hong Kong, Singapore, (crucial for vitamin D production in the skin), early
Malta and Taiwan. Notably, if ethnic-specific rates menopause, smoking, alcohol consumption and low
were considered in the US, then Hispanic, Asian and physical activity levels. In addition, somewhat
Black populations (often lactose intolerant and so unexpectedly, obesity has been identified as a risk
non-milk consumers) would be described as low risk factor; so being underweight or overweight can
but Caucasian women were deemed to be at a high increase the risk. Migration status obesity (whereby
risk (this is why the US appears in the middle of the obesity levels among migrants are significantly
graph). Regions of moderate risk included Oceania (a higher compared with the native population as a
region centred on the islands of the tropical Pacific result of increased availability of poor quality food
Ocean), the Russian Federation, the southern and/or increased exposure to aggressive marketing
countries of Latin America and the countries of North of fast food), is also a risk factor (Kanis et al., 2012).
America. Low-risk regions included the northern Numerous dietary factors are thought to influence
regions of Latin America, Africa, Jordan and Saudi bone health and fracture risk, including: calcium,
Arabia, India, China, Indonesia and the Philippines. In vitamin D, protein (including the ratio of plant to
Europe, the majority of countries were categorised at animal protein), potassium, sodium and fruit and
high or moderate risk with the exceptions of Croatia vegetables (Appleby et al., 2007). Assessing the
and Romania (Kanis et al., 2012). relative contribution of each of these is difficult as
nutrients are not consumed in isolation and may
In summary, fracture rates are highest in Caucasian work together or be influenced by other factors.
women living in temperate climates and are Furthermore the experimental data is somewhat
somewhat lower in women from Mediterranean and inconsistent with conflicting findings.
Asian countries and are lowest among women in
Africa. Countries in economic transition, such as Figure 9.0 supports earlier research that shows how
Hong Kong, have seen significant increases in Western style diets accompany hip fracture rates
fracture rates in recent decades (WHO, 2003a). This around the world. There are a number of theories as
indicates that environmental factors, such as diet, to why this could be. One of the most popular - and
may be responsible. This view is supported by controversial - is the acid-alkaline hypothesis.
White Lies
A report
bone mineral density and increase the risk of increasing milk consumption did not confer a
osteoporosis (Campbell and Tang, 2010). This protective effect against hip or forearm fracture. In
extends the findings of an earlier study which fact the 1997 study found that an increased calcium
examined the levels of bone loss in 1,600 older intake from dairy foods was associated with a higher
women and found that vegetarians had lost only 18 risk of fracture. They concluded that their results do
per cent bone mineral compared to omnivores who not support the hypothesis that higher consumption
had lost 35 per cent bone mineral by the age of 80 of milk or other food sources of calcium by adult
(Marsh et al., 1988). women protects against hip or forearm fractures
(Feskanich et al., 1997). In a 2003 follow-up of the
Cross-cultural studies summarising data on protein Nurses’ Health Study, the increased risk associated
intake and fracture rates from 16 countries with dairy was not reported but they still found that
compared industrialised and non-industrialised higher daily intakes of cow’s milk did not reduce the
lifestyles and revealed strong links between a high risk of hip fracture. In other words, there was still no
animal protein diet, bone degeneration and the evidence of a protective effect of dairy against
occurrence of hip fractures (Abelow et al., 1992). In fracture risk (Feskanich et al., 2003). Interestingly, a
the book The China Study, Campbell observed that lower risk of hip fracture was found among those
in rural communities where animal protein made up with higher vitamin D intakes.
just 10 per cent of the total protein intake (the other
90 per cent coming from plant-based sources) the In a more recent extensive review of studies looking
bone fracture rate was one-fifth of that in the US at total calcium intake and hip fracture risk, results
where 50 per cent or more of total protein is made showed that in prospective cohort studies, calcium
up of animal protein (Campbell and Campbell, intake was not significantly associated with hip
2005), again indicating a link between animal fracture risk in women or men. The pooled results
protein and bone degeneration. The traditional Inuit from randomised controlled trials not only found no
(or Eskimo) diet is made up almost entirely of animal reduction in hip fracture risk with calcium
protein. Inuits potentially have one of the highest supplementation but suggested an increased risk
calcium intakes in the world (up to 2,500 milligrams with calcium supplementation among men and
per day) depending on whether they eat whole fish, women (Bischoff-Ferrari et al., 2007).
including the bones, or not. They also have a high
rate of osteoporosis, even higher than white So, for children and adolescents, while an adequate
Americans (Mazess et al., 1974; Mazess et al., 1975; intake of protein is necessary for good bone
Pratt and Holloway, 2001). development and stability, some research suggests
that large intakes of animal protein may counter this
A substantial body of evidence supports a positive link positive effect. In a study looking at long-term dietary
between fruit and vegetables and bone health. A protein intake, dietary acid load and bone status in
review of the role of protein, calcium and bone health children, it was concluded that the positive effect of
in women in the EPIC-Potsdam cohort in Germany protein could be negated, at least partly, by a high
found that vegetable protein played a positive role in renal acid load. The authors say that their findings
maintaining good bone health (Weikhert et al., 2005). support the health benefit of a diet rich in alkali-
Indeed, vegetable consumption was found to be an yielding fruit and vegetables (which is in accordance
independent negative predictor for the worldwide with the 5-a-day campaign) and recommend an
incidence of hip fracture and high consumption of integrative approach saying that focusing on single
fruit and vegetables was positively associated with nutrients is not sufficient (Alexy et al., 2005). Such
bone mineral density in both women and men evidence, plus other studies showing that an animal
(Weikhert et al., 2005). The research showing that protein-based diet (with the same total quantity of
plant proteins confer a beneficial effect on bone protein as a vegetarian diet) confers an increased risk
health is consistent. for uric acid stones (Breslau et al., 1988) have led
some to suggest that the high calcium losses in the
Other studies have investigated the effects of cow’s urine caused by animal protein may be a risk factor
milk and calcium in relation to bone health. The for the development of osteoporosis.
Harvard Nurses’ Health study examined whether
higher intakes of milk can reduce the risk of A number of studies, including observational
osteoporotic fractures. The study observed over epidemiology and some small clinical trials, have
75,000 women for 12 years and concluded that examined the role of the dietary acid load in people
White Lies
A report
The generally accepted daily protein dietary Table 3.0 Potential acid as sulphate
allowance is 0.8g per kg of body weight. One study from sulphur-containing amino acids.
(of just 13 participants) compared a moderate animal
protein intake to a high animal protein intake diet Food mEq per g of protein
(1.0g per kg body weight compared to 2.1g per kg) Oatmeal 0.82
and found with 800mg of calcium per day, all Egg 0.80
participants ended up in negative calcium balance Walnuts 0.74
(Kerstetter et al., 2005). This was not anticipated and Pork 0.73
the authors suggested that the level of dietary Whole wheat 0.69
calcium was not enough to maintain calcium White rice 0.68
balance. However, because the extra urinary calcium Barley 0.68
lost in the high-protein diet was found to come from Tuna 0.65
the diet (as opposed to the bone), the authors Chicken 0.65
concluded that, at least in the short term, high- Corn 0.61
protein diets are not detrimental to bone. While, the Beef 0.59
increased urinary calcium produced by the high Cow’s milk 0.55
protein diet may reflect enhanced calcium absorption Cheddar 0.46
and not bone resorption, under both the moderate Soya 0.40
and high protein diets tested, the vast majority (over Peanuts 0.40
90 per cent) of the calcium found in the urine still Millet 0.31
came from the bones. Adult bones constantly Almonds 0.23
undergo remodelling through bone resorption by Potato 0.23
osteoclasts and bone formation by osteoblasts. In
adults, almost the entire human skeleton may be Source: Hoffman and Falvo, 2004.
remodelled over a 10-year cycle. While this study
suggests that higher protein intakes may not be
harmful in the short term, it should be remembered higher protein and some studies identify proteins
that they can lead to kidney problems and increased from animal sources as the key factor increasing
levels of IGF-1 which are linked to certain cancers fracture risk.
(see below). The long-term impact of high-protein
diets on bone health is still unclear and the relative A further possible confounding factor is that it is
contribution of calcium from the bone and/or diet to commonly assumed that all animal proteins have a
protein-induced calciuria remains controversial higher content of sulphur-containing amino acids
(Heaney, 2002). than all plant proteins. However, this may not be
entirely correct, some plant proteins (certain grains)
Other studies suggest that high-protein diets may may have a greater potential to produce more
increase calcium absorption and help preserve bone sulphuric acid than animal proteins (Massey, 2003).
mass by stimulating IGF-1, a potent bone growth Medical professionals use milliequivalents (mEq) to
stimulator (Tang, 2014; Mangano et al., 2014). measure electrolyte levels in body fluids. Table 3.0
However, as stated, increased IGF-1 levels are linked shows the mEq of selected animal and plant foods
to an increased risk of certain cancers so high animal and shows how some plant proteins may have a
protein diets are therefore not desirable and should greater potential to produce more mEq of sulphuric
not be recommended (see IGF-1). acid per gram of protein than some animal proteins.
For example, if protein comes from white rice it
Results of observational epidemiological studies have would have a mEq of 0.68 per gram of protein while
not helped to clarify the nature of the effect of high- protein from milk contains 0.55 mEq per gram of
protein intakes on the skeleton (Dargent-Molina et protein (Hoffman and Falvo, 2004).
al., 2008). Some studies show a positive association
with bone mass, some show no association and As stated, this is a complex issue with a wide range
some show a negative association. Even fewer of factors involved, not least the role of the kidney. It
studies have investigated the effect of protein intake should be noted that people who consume a high-
on fracture risk. These too have yielded mixed results animal protein diet have an increased risk of kidney
including a decreased risk of fracture with higher disease and continuing to consume high levels of
protein intake, and increased risk of fracture with meat, eggs and dairy foods may present a burden on
White Lies
an already overworked kidney (see Kidney Disease). It for calcium for adults is 700mg per day. The 2003
seems logical that the harder you make the kidneys UK National Diet and Nutrition Survey found that the
work, the more likely they are to struggle to meet the average calcium intake for men and women was
challenge. There appears to be some consensus that 1,007mg and 777mg per day respectively (144 and
in people with kidney disease or poor kidney function 111 per cent of the RNI respectively). Younger adults
(resulting from aging), a high dietary acid load may tended to have lower intakes but these were still
result in acidosis which may then lead to bone and above the EAR of 525mg per day). Overall, men and
muscle loss. In a recent study looking at the effects of women had significantly higher average daily intakes
dietary acid load in chronic kidney disease it was of calcium in the 2003 survey than in the 1986/87
concluded that in the setting of chronic kidney Adults Survey (Henderson et al., 2003a). So while a
disease and aging, a higher dietary acid load relatively small number of people had intakes on the
(determined by the balance of acid-inducing foods low side, generally, the level of calcium intake in the
such as meats, eggs, cheese and cereal grains against UK was good. If you are already getting enough
alkali-inducing foods such as fruits and vegetables) calcium, just adding more isn’t going to be helpful. It
may result in low-grade, subclinical acidosis (Scialla could be that getting sufficient calcium isn’t the
and Anderson, 2013). The authors went on to say problem, but that holding on to it is. As stated, there
that in these circumstances, efforts to maintain stable are genetic and lifestyle factors that can cause
blood pH and boost acid excretion from the kidney calcium to be lost from the body.
may lead to bone and muscle loss and further decline
in kidney function, but that this may be mitigated by It should be stated that very low calcium intakes
alkali. In summary, they say that studies with hard have been linked to poor bone health. A large-scale
outcomes are needed to determine the degree of EPIC-Oxford study found that women with a low
benefits of a foods-based approach to reducing the calcium intake (less than 525mg per day) had an
dietary acid load in patients with early to moderate increased risk of bone fracture compared with
chronic kidney disease. women with a calcium intake of at least 1,200mg
per day (Key et al., 2007). Another EPIC-Oxford
The acid-alkaline hypothesis is a controversial area of study found that a higher fracture rate among
research. Currently, data that support both the vegans compared with meat-eaters was halved in
proponents and opponents of the acid-alkaline magnitude by adjustment for energy and calcium
hypothesis exist (Frassetto and Sebastian, 2013). The intake and disappeared altogether when the analysis
pattern of incidence of osteoporosis around the was restricted to subjects who consumed at least
world certainly suggests that some aspect of the 525mg per day of calcium. In other words, there is
typical Western lifestyle could be a significant no reason to believe that vegans who consume an
contributing factor to bone loss. Furthermore, the adequate amount of calcium would have different
evidence shows that animal protein can be harmful bone fracture rates to vegetarians or meat-eaters.
to bone health but clearly more research is required. The authors concluded that an adequate calcium
In the meantime, it seems prudent to observe how intake is essential for bone health, irrespective of
the Western diet is accompanied by the so-called dietary preferences (Appleby et al., 2007). In a more
Western diseases including osteoporosis and limit, if recent study, the average intake of calcium among a
not eliminate, all animal protein from the diet. group of UK vegans was higher than in Appleby’s
2007 study; 456 mg per day compared to 232 mg
Calcium matters per day for men and 226 mg per day for women
If simply consuming sufficient levels of calcium was (Clarys et al., 2014). So, some people are not getting
the answer to preventing bone loss, then Northwest enough calcium in the diet and more care needs to
European countries like Denmark, Sweden and the be taken. This does not mean we should consume
UK, and the US would have the lowest fracture rates dairy products, far from it, the healthiest sources of
in the world. This is simply not the case; in fact they calcium are plant-based foods that do not contain
have the highest rates, a fact that is often the harmful components found in cow’s milk and
overlooked by health professionals. In the UK, the dairy products. Furthermore, care should be taken
estimated average requirement (EAR) for calcium, not to consume too much calcium as high intakes
whereby 50 per cent of the population’s requirement may be linked to an increased risk of heart attack or
is met, is set at 525mg per day. The recommended stroke (Daly and Ebeling, 2010). The UK NHS
amount or reference nutrient intake (RNI), whereby suggests that taking 1,500mg or less a day is unlikely
97.5 per cent of the population’s requirement is met, to cause any harm (NHS, 2012v).
A report
The role calcium plays in bone health is the hook the fracture was actually increased in those with high
dairy industry uses to encourage parents to feed dietary calcium intakes (Warensjö et al., 2011).
their children increasing amounts of dairy products.
We have been repeatedly sold the line that cow’s Exercise
milk and dairy foods are the best source of calcium. There are many factors linked to bone health that
However, while calcium remains important for bone may be more important than calcium. For example,
health, it could be that focusing on achieving high some studies show that exercise is the predominant
levels of calcium (above recommended intakes) has lifestyle determinant of bone strength. When the
little benefit and may even cause us to neglect other bone density of 80 young women was monitored
lifestyle factors that could offer greater benefits. A over a 10-year period, it showed that exercise was
2005 review on dairy products and bone health more important than calcium intake (Lloyd et al.,
published in the official journal of the American 2004). In a group of older people, a 15-year
Academy of Pediatrics concluded that there is very investigation into whether low calcium intake was a
little evidence to support increasing the consumption risk factor for hip fractures concluded that cutting
of dairy products in children and young adults in back on dairy did not increase the risk and that
order to promote bone health. This review examined physical activity provided better protection (Wickham
the effects of dairy products and total dietary et al., 1989). The discovery of 18th-century human
calcium on bone integrity in children and young bones under a London church revealed that today’s
adults and found that out of 37 studies, 27 showed women lose far more calcium than our ancestors
no relationship between dairy or dietary calcium (Lees et al., 1993). This may be attributed to the
intake and measures of bone health. In the lower degree of physical activity undertaken today.
remaining studies the effects on bone health were This research supports an increasing amount of
either small or results were confounded by the evidence that physical activity is a key factor in
fortification of milk with vitamin D (Lanou et al., reducing osteoporosis risk.
2005). Another meta-analysis of 19 studies involving
2,859 children, published in the British Medical Salt
Journal found that calcium supplementation in Other studies suggest a detrimental effect
children was unlikely to decrease the risk of fracture of dietary salt (sodium chloride) on bone
in childhood or in later life (Winzenberg et al., 2006). health. One study describes how a typical
In this analysis, there were American diet contains amounts of sodium
few studies involving children chloride far above evolutionary norms and
with low intakes. It may be potassium levels far below. This
that, providing we get imbalance is thought to
adequate calcium, contribute to the acid
supplementing the diet offers no producing effects of a typical
benefit and may actually be Western diet. This may
detrimental. contribute to development
of osteoporosis, kidney
This research strengthens previous stones and other health
evidence that extra calcium or and/or dairy problems. The authors
products do not have a clinically relevant impact on point out how, after
bone health in youth. More recently, a prospective seven million years of
study involving 61,433 Swedish women followed hominid evolution,
over 19 years, investigated associations between the humans remain genetically adapted
long-term dietary intake of calcium and to the potassium-rich, sodium-
risk of fracture and osteoporosis. The chloride-poor, alkali-producing
findings did show an association diet of our ancestral hunter-
between very low dietary calcium gatherers. In other words, our
intake and an increased risk of bodies are not well-suited to
fractures but above the base level of an acid-producing diet. The
750mg, increased intakes of calcium
were not associated with a reduction
in risk of fracture or osteoporosis. In
addition to that, the rate of hip
White Lies
shift to the contemporary diet occurred too recently and calcium-set tofu (soya bean curd) provide a good
for evolutionary forces to have had the opportunity to source of calcium. A good additional source is
make any changes in our metabolic machinery. calcium-enriched soya milk. Interestingly, the calcium
However, they suggest that decreasing salt intake and in dairy products is not as well absorbed as that in
increasing the intake of plant foods may not just help many dark green leafy vegetables, for example, in
the aging skeleton but provide other potential health one study, calcium absorbability from kale was
benefits as well (Frassetto et al., 2008). demonstrated to be considerably higher than that
from cow’s milk (Heaney and Weaver, 1990).
Vitamin K
Other studies suggest a positive role in bone health The interaction between calcium intake and physical
for vitamin K. A review of projects funded by the UK activity, sun exposure/vitamin D, intake of vitamin K,
Food Standards Agency examined the potential sodium, protein and protective phytonutrients (soya
benefits of fruit and vegetables, vitamin K, early-life compounds), needs to be considered before
nutrition and vitamin D on bone health. They reached recommending increased calcium intake in countries
two conclusions; firstly that a diet rich in fruit and with low fracture incidence (WHO, 2003a). In a
vegetables might be beneficial to bone health and paper in the British Medical Journal, Dr Amy Lanou
secondly that an increased consumption of vitamin K suggests that it is time to revise our calcium
may also contribute to bone health. A major research recommendations for young people and change our
gap they identified was the need to investigate assumptions about the role of calcium, milk and
vitamin D status in relation to bone health in different other dairy products in the bone health of children
groups (Ashwell et al., 2008). A higher calcium intake and adolescents. Lanou argues that while the policy
is still the primary recommendation for the prevention experts work on revising recommendations, doctors
of osteoporosis, and vitamin D deficiency is often and other health professionals should encourage
overlooked. In a study of US adults, a large children to spend time in active play or sports and to
proportion of younger and older adults were found consume a nutritious diet built from whole foods
to be below the desirable vitamin D threshold, from plant sources to achieve and maintain a healthy
whereas calcium intakes seemed to be adequate in weight and provide an environment conducive to
the majority of individuals. The authors concluded building strong bones (Lanou, 2006).
that the correction of vitamin D status is more
important than increasing dietary calcium intake In summary, we know that high-protein diets increase
(Bischoff-Ferrari et al., 2009). calcium excretion but the effect of high-protein diets
on calcium absorption is still unclear. High acid-
The idea that humans must suckle from cows for forming diets tend to increase calcium excretion,
their entire lives in order to meet their calcium needs whereas a more alkaline-forming diet (rich in fruit and
is clearly absurd. An increasing amount of evidence vegetables) decreases calcium excretion. Therefore, if
now shows that milk is not the best source of calcium you eat a high-protein diet but do not have sufficient
at all and suggests that our bone health would calcium, it stands to reason that, over time, you may
benefit enormously if we switched to plant-based lose calcium from your bones. You may be able to
sources. Interestingly, the 2003 National Diet and limit this loss by increasing the amount of alkaline-
Nutrition Survey showed that a large share of the forming foods (fruit and vegetables) in the diet and
calcium in our diets (over 50 per cent) comes from limiting, or eliminating all animal protein.
sources other than dairy foods (Henderson et al., Furthermore, research suggests that physical
2003a). This is not surprising as most people in the (especially weight-bearing) exercise is the most critical
world (over 70 per cent) obtain their calcium from factor for maintaining healthy bones, followed by
plant-based sources rather than dairy products. Good improving diet and lifestyle; this means eating plenty
plant-based sources of calcium include non-oxalate of fresh fruit and vegetables, and cutting down on
dark green leafy vegetables such as broccoli, kale, caffeine and avoiding alcohol and smoking.
spring greens, cabbage, bok choy and watercress.
Also rich in calcium are dried fruits, such as figs and For more information see Viva!Health’s fully-
dates, nuts, particularly almonds and Brazil nuts, and referenced scientific report Break Free – How to
seeds including sesame seeds and tahini (sesame seed Build Healthy Bones and What Really Matters in
paste) which contains a massive 680mg of calcium the Prevention of Osteoporosis and easy-to-read
per 100g. Pulses including soya beans, kidney beans, guide Building Bones for Life at:
chick peas, baked beans, broad beans, lentils, peas www.vegetarian.org.uk/campaigns/bones.
A report
The realisation is growing that changing our diet can they cannot because their bodies will not tolerate it.
have an enormous impact on health – for better or Up to 100 per cent of some ethnic groups are
worse. But what constitutes healthy food – and lactose intolerant. It’s obvious that the claims made
unhealthy – is not universally agreed and seems to for milk ignore the research and owe more to
change on a weekly basis. Cow’s milk is vigorously marketing hype than science.
defended by the dairy industry and they have
managed to turn it into a national icon. Woe-betide The dairy industry has spent many years and many
anyone who challenges their sacred cow. Not millions promoting the notion that cow’s milk is
surprisingly, the resulting controversy is confusing. good for us through expensive advertising
On the one hand consumers are told that milk is campaigns such as the ‘White Stuff’ – fronted by the
essential for good bone health while on the other, milk-moustachioed celebrity, Nell McAndrew. Now,
that it causes allergies, illness and disease. because of an increasing body of evidence, there are
signs of a growing realisation that milk is neither
Of course we need calcium for bones and teeth as natural nor healthy.
well as blood clotting, muscle function and regulating
the heart’s rhythm. But no matter how loudly the The very people who are most aggressively targeted
dairy industry shouts, an increasing body of evidence by the dairy industry – the young – are those most at
begs the question: is cow’s milk really the best source risk of being damaged by milk. It is not just the few
of calcium? It certainly is not for most of the world’s per cent under the age of one who will develop
people. Claims that dairy is best carry strong allergies but those likely to develop type 1 diabetes
overtones of cultural imperialism and simply ignore from cow’s milk infant formula. The evidence is
the 70 per cent of the global population who obtain convincing even though the mechanism may not yet
their calcium from other sources – people such as the be fully understood. This is not the time to be
Japanese who traditionally have consumed no dairy withdrawing support from the midwives and infant
yet have far better health than British people and live feeding coordinators, who encourage breastfeeding
considerably longer. in parts of the country with the lowest uptake.
Milk has been part of the human diet for less than Author of the world-famous book, Baby and Child
8,000 years – this is very recent in evolutionary Care, Dr Benjamin Spock, withdrew his support for
terms. It is not just that most people don’t drink it – cow’s milk in 1998. In 1999, a study published in the
White Lies
Journal of Pediatric Surgery reported that A point that is consistently overlooked is that two-
gastrointestinal bleeding caused by an allergic thirds of the UK’s milk comes from pregnant cows
response to milk was a major cause of rectal bleeding and as every mum knows, hormone levels during
in infancy, leading to iron-deficiency anaemia. This is pregnancy can rise dramatically. This is no laughing
now universally accepted. The World Health matter as prostate, ovarian and colorectal cancer are
Organisation recommends that infants should be all implicated. These cancers and the so-called
exclusively breastfed for the first six months of life in diseases of affluence, such as diabetes, obesity, heart
preference to being given cow’s milk or soya formulas. disease and even osteoporosis, occur increasingly in
the countries that consume the most dairy products.
But it’s not all about infants; cow’s milk was linked to It is not rocket science… cow’s milk and dairy
teenage acne in a study published in the Journal of products cause disease.
the American Academy of Dermatology. In the same
year, the journal Pediatrics published a review article The conclusions of this report are drawn from a huge
concluding that there is scant evidence that body of peer-reviewed research from academic
consuming more milk and dairy products promotes institutions all around the world. While the majority
better bone health in either children or adolescents. was done in an academic environment involving
Since then, more evidence has built on these findings. clinical trials or statistical analysis, some is of a more
personal nature. Professor Jane Plant’s spirit and
T. Colin Campbell, professor emeritus of nutritional courage in overcoming breast cancer through the
biochemistry at Cornell University, culminated a lifetime elimination of all dairy could not fail to inspire the
of research with The China Study, one of the most increasing number of women who are affected by
comprehensive nutritional studies ever undertaken. this type of cancer.
Campbell agrees there is little evidence to show that
increasing calcium intake will prevent fractures. In fact, Plant did not set out to promote one type of diet
research is moving in the opposite direction, showing above another but as a scientist (geochemist) she
that the more dairy and animal protein that is took an analytical approach to the problem of cancer
consumed, the higher the incidence of osteoporosis. and ultimately found the solution: a dairy-free diet.
Similarly, what initiated Campbell’s extensive China
Cow’s milk is clearly implicated in disease in both the study was not an attempt to justify or promote
young and old. Both UK arthritis charities, Arthritis vegetarianism. In fact, Campbell grew up on a farm
Care and the Arthritis Research UK, agree that in northern Virginia and for much of his life ate the
moving away from fatty foods such as meat and typical North American diet high in meat, eggs,
dairy and towards a diet rich in fruit, vegetables, and whole milk and butter. He began his academic life
whole grains can help people with arthritis. trying to increase animal protein production. It was
evidence from his own laboratory research that
The rate at which some cancers are increasing is also pointed an accusing finger at animal protein as a
a matter of concern. When Professor Jane Plant trigger for many diseases and he set out to confirm it
wrote Your Life in Your Hands, an account of how through epidemiological research. For health
she overcame breast cancer by eliminating dairy, one reasons, he and his family now eat a vegan diet.
in 10 UK women were affected by the disease. That
was in 2000. When this report was first written in The World Health Organisation believes that the only
2006, the figure had gone up to one in nine women. way people can improve their health is through
Now in 2014, a shocking one in eight women will informed opinion and their own, active co-operation.
develop breast cancer at some point in their lives! We agree! As a science-based health charity,
Viva!Health provides unbiased information on which
Female breast cancer incidence rates in Britain have people can make informed choices. We monitor and
increased by almost 70 per cent since the mid-1970s. interpret scientific research on diet and health and
Just in the last ten years they have gone up by six per communicate those findings to the public, health
cent. In rural China, on the other hand, where very little professionals, schools and food manufacturers.
if any dairy is consumed, just one in 10,000 women Importantly, we have no commercial or vested interests
gets breast cancer. These figures should be shouted and offer a vital – and what sometimes feels like a
from the rooftops as a basis for action. Plant and solitary – source of accurate and unbiased information.
Campbell – and many others for that matter – are in no
doubt that cow’s milk and dairy foods are responsible. This report combines the findings of over 400
A report
White Lies
Appendix I
The Safety of Soya collective data suggests that diets rich in
phytoestrogens have bone-sparing effects in the long
Soya milk, made from soya beans, contains the same term, in other words the data indicates that
amount of protein as dairy milk. It also provides all phytoestrogens may be beneficial to bone health
eight of the essential amino acids which the human (Setchell and Lydeking-Olsen, 2003).
body requires. Soya milk is rich in polyunsaturated
fatty acids including omega-3, and is free of Conversely, research focusing on the hormonal
cholesterol. Compared to cow’s milk, soya milk content of cow’s milk has not been widely discussed
contains lower levels of saturated fat and higher levels and surprisingly very little research has been
of unsaturated essential fatty acids which can lower published on this topic. Cow’s milk contains the
cholesterol levels in the body. Soya products provide hormones oestrogen, progesterone and a range of
an excellent source of B vitamins, calcium, iron and hormone precursors (androstenedione,
zinc. Soya also contains fibre which is important for dehydroepiandrosterone-sulphate, and 5 -reduced
good bowel health and can also lower cholesterol. steroids like 5 -androstanedione, 5 -pregnanedione,
and dihydrotestosterone). Some researchers are
In recent years, soya milk and soya-based products particularly concerned about the oestrogen content
have received much attention because of the of cow’s milk (Ganmaa and Sato, 2005), suggesting
phytoestrogens that they contain. Phytoestrogens that cow’s milk is one of the important routes of
are plant-made substances that can act in a similar human exposure to oestrogens. What concerns them
way to the hormone oestrogen, although they are is that the nature of cow’s milk has changed
far less potent (Coldham et al., 1997). They are drastically over the last hundred years, in that for
found in many fruits, vegetables, dried beans, peas, most of the time that a cow is milked, she is also
and whole grains. Isoflavones are a type of pregnant and therefore secreting hormones into the
phytoestrogen found in soya beans and include milk. The levels of these hormones in cow’s milk
genistein and daidzein. In general, much of the data increases markedly during pregnancy and has been
indicates that isoflavones are beneficial to health. For linked to a wide range of illnesses and diseases
example, isoflavones may have a protective role including certain hormone-dependent cancers such
against heart disease. Extensive research has shown as ovarian and breast cancer.
that soya protein can lower blood cholesterol levels.
The American Food and Drug Administration and the Consistent levels of soya isoflavones have been a
UK Joint Health Claim Initiative approved following component of the diet of many populations for
health claim: the inclusion of at least 25g of soya centuries and the consumption of soya is generally
protein per day, as part of a diet low in saturated fat, regarded as beneficial for health with a potentially
can help reduce blood cholesterol levels (FDA, 1999; protective effect against a number of chronic
JHCI, 2002). In a recent review of soya research it diseases because of their oestrogenic activity. A 2003
was reported that soya protein could lower LDL review concluded that when viewed in its entirety,
(‘bad’) cholesterol by 3-5 per cent, which is similar to the literature supports the safety of isoflavones as
the effects of soluble fibre. The author if this review typically consumed in diets based on soya or
says that even this modest reduction is meaningful, containing soya products (Munro et al., 2003). More
because in theory, over time, each one per cent recently, a review of 20 years of soya research
decrease in LDL cholesterol reduces heart disease risk concluded that, other than allergic reactions, there is
and/or mortality by as much as 2-5 per cent almost no credible evidence to suggest traditional
(Messina, 2010). soya foods exert clinically relevant adverse effects in
healthy individuals when consumed in amounts
In addition to the benefits to heart health, consistent with Asian intake (Messina, 2010).
isoflavones have been shown to offer other health
benefits. For example, they may have a role in
reducing menopausal symptoms; dietary soya
supplementation has been shown to substantially
reduce the frequency of hot flushes in some
postmenopausal women (Albertazzi et al, 1998).
While only a few clinical studies have examined the
influence of phytoestrogens on bone health, a
review of the current research states that the
A report
White Lies
evidence of adverse clinical effects on sexual the health of infants. However, they said that the
development or reproductive health of males and findings did provide evidence of potential risks. For
females. Indeed the authors of this study stated that this reason, the Scientific Advisory Committee on
their findings were reassuring about the safety of Nutrition (SACN) considered there to be no
infant soya formula. substantive medical need for, nor health benefit
arising from, the use of soya-based infant formulas
In 1998, a review on isoflavones, soya-based infant and together with the COT recommended that the
formulas and hormone function reported that Department of Health reviewed current advice on
growth was normal and no changes in timing of the use of soya-based infant formulas.
puberty or in infertility rates were reported in
humans who consumed soya formulas as infants The report did acknowledge that there is no
(Klein, 1998). The author concluded that soya-based evidence that populations which habitually ingest
infant formulas continue to be a safe, nutritionally high quantities of soya (such as the Chinese or
complete feeding option for most infants. Japanese) have impaired fertility or altered sexual
development. Despite this, they recommended that
However in 2003, in response to concerns about the research should be undertaken as a matter of high
oestrogenic properties of phytoestrogens the UK priority to determine whether ingestion of soya-
Department of Health’s committee of independent based formulas can affect infant reproductive
experts, the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in development in any way. Interestingly, the United
Food, Consumer Products and the Environment Kingdom and New Zealand are the only countries to
(COT) reviewed the health aspects of phytoestrogens have issued such advice with specific reference to
as part of an ongoing programme of reviews on phytoestrogens and soya-based infant formulas.
naturally-occurring chemicals (COT, 2003). This
report attempted to assess, on the basis of current This is a controversial issue which has yet to be
evidence, if ingestion of soya-based infant formulas resolved. The FSA advise that, until a full review of
poses any risk for human infants. the evidence both supporting and opposing soya
formula has been completed, there is no reason to
The report compared estimated dietary isoflavone stop your baby having a soya formula if it has been
intakes in Western and Eastern populations and suggested by a health professional. This it would
found that Eastern populations have a significantly seem is erring of the side of extreme caution given
higher intake of phytoestrogens. While in the UK, the that thousands of babies have been raised on soya-
US, Australia and New Zealand isoflavone intakes based infant formula.
tended to range from around 0.8 milligrams per day
to 17.0 milligrams per day, intakes in Japan, China Genetically modified soya
and Korea ranged from 18.0 milligrams per day to It is relatively recently that the genetic modification
200 milligrams per day. These figures did not include (GM) of organisms (plants and animals) has developed
data collected from one group of vegans in New as a technology. However, GM technology has not
Zealand whose intake was found to be 140.0 been welcomed by the British public; many people are
milligrams per day (COT, 2003). The COT estimated deeply suspicious and mistrustful of the science. We
that the daily isoflavone intake of a soya formula fed have been reassured in the past that certain foods are
infant was approximately 40 milligrams per day (COT, quite safe to eat only to find that they are not. Many
2003), above the average Western intake but well of us will remember in 1990, just before the bovine
within the range of intakes seen in Eastern countries. spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) crisis, John
Gummer feeding his daughter a beef burger and
In a cautionary statement the COT warned that saying that beef was perfectly safe, it was not.
isoflavones may lower free thyroxine concentrations
and advised that physicians and other health care The mistrust remains and many questions have gone
workers be aware of possible interactions between unanswered. For example, have the transgenic plants
isoflavones in soya-based infant formulas and thyroid grown so far met expectations? Evidence suggests
function, particularly in infants with congenital that in many cases they have not met the high yields
hypothyroidism. That said, the report concluded that expected. What is the real risk of transgenic
the findings from a wide range of studies did not contamination between genetically modified (GM)
provide direct evidence that phytoestrogens present and unmodified plants? This question refers to the
in soya-based infant formulas can adversely affect contamination of an unmodified crop with pollen
A report
from a GM plant. The pollen of the GM plant will as glucose or syrup. It is mainly made up of beneficial
carry copies of the foreign genes that were used complex carbohydrates (starches) rather than simple
confer some additional characteristic to the plant. carbohydrates (sugars) which are known to be
These may encode pesticide resistance for example harmful to teeth. Research has shown that soya
along with antibiotic resistance marker genes that infant formulas are no more likely to cause tooth
were used to identify the successfully modified plants decay than other infant formulas (Moynihan, 1996).
when they were first produced. The question of
contamination is difficult to answer as it may be Tooth decay can be the result of many factors, not
years or even decades before we can assess the full only the presence of sugars in a food and drink but
extent of transgenic contamination, but so far how they are consumed. It has been shown that
evidence suggests widespread contamination has prolonged contact of sugary foods and drinks with
occurred in some parts of the world. teeth increases the risk of tooth decay significantly.
Children should be encouraged to drink water if they
Another concern is that the genetic material (DNA or are thirsty as it quenches the thirst, maintains body
genes) may be transferred from GM foods to fluid levels, does not spoil the appetite and is safe for
bacteria in the human gut and from there into teeth. Fresh fruit juice provides a good source of
human tissue. There is experimental evidence that vitamin C and can be given with meals to help the
DNA from GM soya has been taken up by bacteria in absorption of iron. However, fresh fruit juices are
the small intestines of human volunteers acidic so may be harmful to teeth and should be
(Netherwood et al., 2004). This raises concerns that diluted with water. Furthermore, juice should be
bacteria in the gut (for example Lactobacillus) might served in a cup rather than a bottle to minimise the
then transfer that DNA into our intestinal epithelial risk of tooth decay. Children should be discouraged
cells. What effect this may have on human health from consuming sugary carbonated drinks and
will largely depend on what the gene does; it may squashes as these contribute to dental problems, are
do nothing but is that a risk worth taking? Finally, as a poor source of nutrients and tend to displace other
a result of a lack of funding, scientists are sometimes more nutritious foods. If normal weaning practices
forced to adopt the corporate agenda, which is not are adopted, soya infant formulas should not cause
necessarily the same as the public good. For harm to teeth (Moynihan, 1996).
example, Monsanto has used genetic engineering to
produce herbicide resistance crops thus increasing In summary, soya-based infant formulas continue to
sales of its herbicide Roundup. provide a safe feeding option for most infants. They
meet all the nutritional requirements of the infant
GM products, especially soya and maize, are now in with none of the detrimental
so many foods, including baby milks, that it can be effects associated with
difficult to avoid them. We do not yet know enough the consumption of
about this technology to confidently say what the cow’s milk
long term effects of it will be but consumers appear formulas.
to be voting with their shopping baskets by avoiding
GM foods as far as possible. SMA Nutrition and Cow
and Gate state that no GM soya is used in their soya-
based infant formulas (SMA Careline, 2014; Cow
and Gate, 2014).
White Lies
Appendix II
Body Mass Index
Table 1. Body mass index (BMI) table in imperial units. Find the nearest height in feet and inches on the top
row. Read down that column to find the nearest weight in stones and pounds. Then find your BMI in the left
hand column.
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