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C Fundamentals

Dr. Odelu Vanga

Department of Computer Science and Information Systems

Birla Institute of Technology and Science Pilani
Hyderabad Campus
[email protected]

January 28, 2020

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Today’s Topics

Variables and Data Types

Reading Variables and Printing
Scope of Variable
Character digit to Number digit conversion

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Keywords - lowercase

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Keywords - lowercase

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A memory location is identified by its address

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A memory location is identified by its address

In a HLL, a location is identified with a name, called a variable

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A memory location is identified by its address

In a HLL, a location is identified with a name, called a variable

Variable Name (Not keywords)

Any combination of letters, numbers, and underscore ( )

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A memory location is identified by its address

In a HLL, a location is identified with a name, called a variable

Variable Name (Not keywords)

Any combination of letters, numbers, and underscore ( )

Rules for variable names:

Case sensitive
− “name” is different than “Name”

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A memory location is identified by its address

In a HLL, a location is identified with a name, called a variable

Variable Name (Not keywords)

Any combination of letters, numbers, and underscore ( )

Rules for variable names:

Case sensitive
− “name” is different than “Name”
Cannot begin with a number
− Usually, variables beginning with underscore
are only used in special library routines

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A memory location is identified by its address

In a HLL, a location is identified with a name, called a variable

Variable Name (Not keywords)

Any combination of letters, numbers, and underscore ( )

Rules for variable names:

Case sensitive
− “name” is different than “Name”
Cannot begin with a number
− Usually, variables beginning with underscore
are only used in special library routines
Only first 31 characters are considered

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Fixed values that the program cannot alter during its execution

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Data Types
C has three basic data types:
int stores integer (4 bytes)
float stores real number (4 bytes)
char stores character (1 byte)

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Data Types
C has three basic data types:
int stores integer (4 bytes)
float stores real number (4 bytes)
char stores character (1 byte)
123 /* decimal */
0x123 /* hexadecimal */

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Data Types
C has three basic data types:
int stores integer (4 bytes)
float stores real number (4 bytes)
char stores character (1 byte)
123 /* decimal */
0x123 /* hexadecimal */
Floating point
6.023e23 /* 6.023 × 1023 */

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Data Types
C has three basic data types:
int stores integer (4 bytes)
float stores real number (4 bytes)
char stores character (1 byte)
123 /* decimal */
0x123 /* hexadecimal */
Floating point
6.023e23 /* 6.023 × 1023 */
‘\n‘ /* newline */

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Variable Declaration, Reading and Printing

Syntax: DataType VariableName;

Every statement in C end with a semicolon (;)

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Variable Declaration, Reading and Printing

Syntax: DataType VariableName;

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Variable Declaration, Reading and Printing

Syntax: DataType VariableName;

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Variable Declaration, Reading and Printing

Syntax: DataType VariableName;

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Variable Declaration, Reading and Printing

Syntax: DataType VariableName;

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Variable Declaration, Reading and Printing
Syntax: DataType VariableName;

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Variable Declaration, Reading and Printing
Syntax: DataType VariableName;

Input: 3 4 u
Output: x = 3, y = 4.000000, ch = u
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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

printf(formatString, list-of-variables);

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

printf(formatString, list-of-variables);

format string - specify the text to be print

printf (“Sum of x and y = %d\n”, x+y);

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

printf(formatString, list-of-variables);

format string - specify the text to be print

printf (“Sum of x and y = %d\n”, x+y);
format specifier %d - works as a placeholder - embedded in the
output as a decimal number in place of %d.

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

printf(formatString, list-of-variables);

format string - specify the text to be print

printf (“Sum of x and y = %d\n”, x+y);
format specifier %d - works as a placeholder - embedded in the
output as a decimal number in place of %d.

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

scanf(formatString, list-of-addresses-of-variables);

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

scanf(formatString, list-of-addresses-of-variables);

formatString contains only format specifier of the variables

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

scanf(formatString, list-of-addresses-of-variables);

formatString contains only format specifier of the variables

List of variables are separated by commas and should be
address of the variable

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

scanf(formatString, list-of-addresses-of-variables);

formatString contains only format specifier of the variables

List of variables are separated by commas and should be
address of the variable and hence generally have & (ampersand)
before variable name.

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Syntax of printf() and scanf()

scanf(formatString, list-of-addresses-of-variables);

formatString contains only format specifier of the variables

List of variables are separated by commas and should be
address of the variable and hence generally have & (ampersand)
before variable name.
scanf(“%d%f”, &x, &y);

where x is integer type and y is float type

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Scope: Global and Local

Scope of Variable
throughout program
within the block

Global: accessed anywhere in program

Local: only accessible in a particular region

Compiler infers scope from where variable is declared
− programmer no need to explicitly state

Variable is local to the block in which it is declared

− block defined by open and closed braces {}
Global variable is declared outside all blocks

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Example: Global and Local Variables

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Example: Global and Local Variables

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Example: Global and Local Variables

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Example: Global and Local Variables

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Example: Global and Local Variables

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Example: Global and Local Variables

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Example: Scope of Variables

Note: G defined only once

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Example: Scope of Variables

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Example: Scope of Variables

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Example: Scope of Variables

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Example: Scope of Variables

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Example: Scope of Variables

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Example: Scope of Variables

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Assignment Operator

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Assignment Operator

Assignment associates right to left.

y = x = 3;
y gets the value 3, because (x = 3) evaluates to the value 3.

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Assignment Operator

Assignment associates right to left.

y = x = 3;
y gets the value 3, because (x = 3) evaluates to the value 3.
int x, y=5, z=5;
x = y == z;
printf(“%d”, x); precedence of ‘ =0 is less than 0 == ‘.

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Assignment Operator

Assignment associates right to left.

y = x = 3;
y gets the value 3, because (x = 3) evaluates to the value 3.
int x, y=5, z=5;
x = y == z;
printf(“%d”, x); precedence of ‘ =0 is less than 0 == ‘.
int a = 1,2,3;
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Quotient and Remainder Operator

Quotient: a/b returns quotient, for any a and b

Example: 2/3 = 0, 3/2 = 1, 5/2 = 2

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Quotient and Remainder Operator

Quotient: a/b returns quotient, for any a and b

Example: 2/3 = 0, 3/2 = 1, 5/2 = 2

Modulus (remainder): a%b returns remainder, for

any a and b integers.
Example: 2%3 = 2, 3%2 = 1, 5%2 = 1

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ASCII Table for Alphabets and Digits

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ASCII Table for Alphabets and Digits

A character represent within single quotes, ex. ‘A’

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ASCII Table for Alphabets and Digits

A character represent within single quotes, ex. ‘A’

Each character we call character constant

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ASCII Table for Alphabets and Digits

A character represent within single quotes, ex. ‘A’

Each character we call character constant
The integer equivalent to the character is its ASCII value

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ASCII Table for Alphabets and Digits

A character represent within single quotes, ex. ‘A’

Each character we call character constant
The integer equivalent to the character is its ASCII value

printf(“ASCII of A is %d\n”, ‘A’);

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Example: Char digit to Number digit

Write an algorithm to convert

a given digit character to digit number

2 + 2 = 4, but ‘2‘ + 2 = 52 ?

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Example: Char digit to Number digit

Write an algorithm to convert

a given digit character to digit number

2 + 2 = 4, but ‘2‘ + 2 = 52 ?

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Example: Char digit to Number digit

Read a number as individual character digits,

and convert it into integer
Ex: Read characters ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’ and
convert it to integer 1234.

Draw a flowchart for the above algorithm

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1. Write an algorithm to delete the last digit. input

13613, output 1361. input 324, output 32.

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1. Write an algorithm to delete the last digit. input

13613, output 1361. input 324, output 32.
2. Write an algorithm to delete last two digits. input
13613, output 136. input 324, output 3.

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1. Write an algorithm to delete the last digit. input

13613, output 1361. input 324, output 32.
2. Write an algorithm to delete last two digits. input
13613, output 136. input 324, output 3.
3. Write an algorithm to find the sum of last two
digits. For above inputs, output 1 + 3 = 4 and
2 + 4 = 6.

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1. Write an algorithm to delete the last digit. input

13613, output 1361. input 324, output 32.
2. Write an algorithm to delete last two digits. input
13613, output 136. input 324, output 3.
3. Write an algorithm to find the sum of last two
digits. For above inputs, output 1 + 3 = 4 and
2 + 4 = 6.
4. Write an algorithm to print the second last digit.
input 23617, output 1.

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5. Write an algorithm to double the last digit. e.g.

input 23613, output 23616. input 324, output 328.
(assume that last digit is less than 5)

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5. Write an algorithm to double the last digit. e.g.

input 23613, output 23616. input 324, output 328.
(assume that last digit is less than 5)
6. Write an algorithm to delete the second last digit.
e.g. input 23617 output 2367.

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5. Write an algorithm to double the last digit. e.g.

input 23613, output 23616. input 324, output 328.
(assume that last digit is less than 5)
6. Write an algorithm to delete the second last digit.
e.g. input 23617 output 2367.
7. Write an algorithm to exchange last two digits.
e.g. input 23617 output 23671.

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5. Write an algorithm to double the last digit. e.g.

input 23613, output 23616. input 324, output 328.
(assume that last digit is less than 5)
6. Write an algorithm to delete the second last digit.
e.g. input 23617 output 2367.
7. Write an algorithm to exchange last two digits.
e.g. input 23617 output 23671.
8. Write an algorithm to exchange last and third last
digit. e.g. input 23617 output 23716.

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Thank You

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