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English Class VII

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English Class VII-A

Yaseen Piyar Ali

Basic concepts about Grammar….

Grammar is important for us to learn because it will help us in writing
and speaking…..
1. English is a foreign language…… we need to learn its
grammar….. it is not our mother tongue….
What is grammar?
Grammar is the study of sentence structure and way of using language.
Grammar is a language tool (Fatima)
Grammar is the study of words how they used in sentences and they
change in different situations (alisha)
The way of words which make sentence..
The whole system and structure of language is called grammar
The grammar is an art (method, technique, strategy, way, ) of putting
right word on a right place in a sentence..
I /am /writing /a /sentence /now……. Full meaning… full sense…..
1. Language…. Words,,, 2. Communication skills:
sentences,,, structures,,, a. Speaking skill
paragraphs etc….. b. Listening skill
c. Writing skill
d. Reading skill

1. Parts of speech
Parts of speech are the classes of words based on the word functions,
the way it works in a sentence.(Muzammil).
It is a category to which a word is assigned in accordance to assign
function…… (Alisha).
Parts of speech are the words which are needed complete the sentence
without which a sentence is incomplete (Mehak).
Parts of speech tell us about the function (why is it used? What is the
purpose of using that word? ) and position (where is the word used? )
of each and every word in a sentence.
I /am /writing /a /sentence /now.
I==== subject (doer of action….. speaker………), pronoun (personal
Am= present time……… helping verb….. always used with “I”.
Writing====== verb (ing-form, 4th form, present participle )….
Action---- object
A===== singular thing……..
Sentence ====== singular…… object (receiver of action……..)
Now===== time…… present….. continuous……..
Parts of speech:
1. Noun
2. Pronoun
3. Adjective
4. Verb
5. Adverb
6. Preposition
7. Conjunction
8. Interjection………
9. Article………
(Wren & Martin’s English Grammar & Composition)
1. Noun:
Noun is the name of person, place, or idea or anything…….(Abdul
2. Noun is a naming word (Tabasum).
3. Name of anything or everything………………….(Daniyal)
It is a process of giving names …….. thing….. pen…….. socially

Anything……….. everything……..
In the universe……. Out of universe…….
Properties of noun…….
1. Living or non-living……..
Living nouns Non-living nouns
Human Table
Plants Pen, table
Animal Computer
Insects Mobile

2. Countable or uncountable…………
Countable Uncountable
Those nouns which can be Those nouns which cannot be
counted in counted in numbers but we can
numbers………………. One, measure them……..
two, three, hundred,, (measurement….. unit..)
Pen…….one, two, three, four,, Plastic…… grams, kg,
Window…..door….. Wood….. gm, kg……metre….
Rings, neckless, bracelets Silver, gold, plastic, steel,
iron……. Grams, kg……
Glass Glass mirror….. silicon….
Diamond…… Carbon…….
Electricity ……. Units…….
Internet……….. units……
Water……. Litres……
Oil …….. unit…..
Stars…… don’t know total Hair……….
number of stars……..
Light…… units……
Time…….units,,,,, seconds,
minuts, clocks, hours…. Days,
weeks, months, years………..

3. Visible or invisible………..
Visible Invisible
A noun that can be touched,,,,, Those nouns which do not have
watches, which occupies space,,,, body……. Do not occupy space
has weight……. ….. do not have any weight……

It body,,,,,, space…….. weight….

Table…. Body space, weight…. Soul….. no….body,,,, no space….
No weight……
Mobile…… body, space,, weight Anger…….
Air….. weight……. Space….. Devil……… body,,,,,
molecules….. body…… space…..weight…..
Planet….. body… weight….. Angels…….. no body,,,, space,,,,,,
space weight………

4. Concrete and abstract…….

Concrete Abstract
Physical body No physical body…..
Five senses…. No sense…. Sixth sense….
Sense of touch…. Imagination… thinking…..
Sense of sight
Sense of hearing
Sense of test
Sense of smell…..
Table…….. Wisdom…………
Music….. Danger…….
Sourness, sweetness…. Truth…… lie…
Fragrance, Beauty….. happiness….
Sorrow…. Pain….. trouble….
Courage…. Sadness…..
Types of noun:
1. Common noun
2. Proper noun
3. Collective noun
4. Material noun
5. Abstract noun………

A common noun is the word used for a class of person place or thing.
a common noun is a name shared by things, places, persons in
common…… in other words a name given to all in singular or plural
….. all the things will be same in nature, purpose, function, or

Places Function…. Purpose…teacher….

School/schools….. Students go to learn and teachers
go to teach……..
Mosque…….. To offer prayers……
House…… Living……..
Teacher….. Teaches something to us….
Student…… Goes to learn the things……
Boy….. Body…. Same structure…
Head master
Pen…. To write something……
Book To read it ……
Mobile….. To communicate with other

Note: common noun always begins with a capital letter when used in the
beginning of sentence……. But when used in the middle or end of
sentence it does not begin with capital….

Rules of Making plural of singular nouns….

Rule No. those nouns which end
with –ss, -ch, -sh, -o, -x are made
plural by adding –es at the end……
Class Classes
Glass Glasses

Watch Witches
Witch Catches

Dish Dishes
Wish Wishes
Fish Fishes

Mango Mangoes
Tomato Tomatoes
Potato Potatoes
Hero Heroes


Fox Foxes
Fax Faxes
Tax Taxes

Rule NO…. those nouns which end

with –Consonant +Y will be made
plural by replacing Y with ies……

Lady Ladies

Baby Babies
Candy Candies
Daddy Daddies
City Cities
Story Stories
Country Countries
Pony Ponies
Memory Memories
Hobby Hobbies
Copy Copies
Rule No. 3…. Those nouns which
have Vowel+ Y at the end are
made plural by adding –s at the
Day Days
Toy Toys
Boy Boys
Key Keys
Monkey Monkeys
Donkey Donkeys…
Rule No 4…. Those nouns which
have –f, fe at the end are made
plural by replacing –f, fe with
Life Lives
Thief Thieves
Loaf Loaves
Knife Knives
Half Halves
Leaf Leaves
Wolf Wolves
Self Selves
Shelf Shelves
Calf Calves
Rule no. 5. Those nouns which
have –e at the end are made plural
by adding –s ……
Kite Kites
Gate Gates
Kettle Kettles
Bottle Bottles
Table Tables
Mobile Mobiles
Battle Battles
Eagle Eagles
Eye Eyes
Figure Figures
Rule no. 6. Those nouns which
have got any consonant in the end
are made plural by adding s
Goat Goats
Laptop Laptops
Computer Computers
School Schools
Book Books
Pen Pens
Door Doors
Window Windows
Tattoo Tattoos
Girl Girls
Pearl Pearls
Fan Fans
Cap Caps
Kit Kits
Bat Bats
Ball Balls
Cat Cats
Camel Camels
Rule No. 7 those nouns which have
no rule…..
Woman Women
Man Men
Tooth Teeth
Foot Feet
Mouse Mice
Louse Lice
Sheep Sheep
Hair Hair

2. Proper noun….
A proper noun is a name that identifies a particular person, place or
thing. (Alisha Rahujo)
A proper noun is a noun that identifies us as an entity and is used to refer
to an entity as London….. (Shahzad Ali)
A proper noun is a noun which gives a particular identity to any
object….. person, place, or animal, non-living…..
Boy………. Shahzad Ali…..
Girl…….. Alisha Rahujo/Mirani
Teacher……. Sir Ghulam Fareed
School……. IBA CC Dadu……
Book ……… Holy Quran……
Pen…………. Dollar pen….
Mobile……. Oppo 8/11
Game……. PUBG
Park………… Shahjahan park
Mosque…….. Masjid-e-Nabwi….
Actor……. Salman Khan
Actress…… Karina Kapoor
Note: all the proper nouns are always written with first capital letters in
the sentence……
3. Collective Noun…….
A collective noun is the name of collection of things taken as a whole
….. (Alisha)
A collective noun refers to a group of people, animals, or anything….
Collection……… group of things…..
A collective noun is a single name given to a group of things similar in
nature, purpose, function and appearance…..

Collective noun Group of things

Army Group of soldiers
Assembly Group of students/ members
Herd A group of animals
Flock A group of birds
Bunch of flower A group of flowers
Jury A group of judges…..
Team A group of players
Family A group of members
Audience A group of listeners or watchers
Gang A group of violent people
Staff A group of official working
4. Material Noun…..
Any name that refers to any material (tabasum)
Material noun is uncountable and from that other objects are created or
made….. (sir Muzamil)
Material noun can be defined as names of substance out of which things
are made…. (Alisha)
Material noun is a name given to any substance/material which is
uncountable and is used to make many other types of objects from
Material Noun Products of material noun
Plastic Bottles, pens, plates
Wood Windows, doors, tables, benches,
Iron Cars, fans, table, doors, windows
Gold Rings, neckless, bracelets, watches,
Silver Rings, neckless, bracelets,
watchers, utensils,
Glass Bottles, widow pans, glasses, cups,
plates, tables, jugs, furniture
Diamond Rings, jewelery
Cotton Clothes, curtains, pillows, blankets
Sand Chips, construction
Clay Pots,
Copper Utensils, jewelery, wires
Milk Cake, tea, yogurt, milks shakes,
curd, lassi, butter
Coal Electricity

5. Abstract Noun…..
Abstract noun is a noun denoting the idea, quality or state rather than a
concrete object (body, weight, space occupy….) like truth, danger,
happiness. (Tabassum)
Abstract noun shows an idea or action about any object…ex.
Brave….bravery…… to judge….. judgment …… honest boy….
Abstract nouns are words that name things that are not concrete….
Abstract noun is a name given to any idea of quality, state or action
representing something that cannot be touched, does not have any body,
does not have any weight, and does not occupy any space or cannot be
seen when separated from concrete object….
Quality State Action…..
Quality …… State……. Verb…… noun….
adjective….. Condition….
State…. Stage….
Level… standard…..
Brave boy…… Poor country…. To discover….
bravery…. Poverty…. Discovery…
Intelligent Free man…. To appear…
student…..intelligence Freedom…. appearance.
… Slave….. slavery…. To punish…
Beautiful flower….. Rich…… richness punishment…
beauty….. Ignorant….. To behave…
Sweet…. Sweetness.. ignorance behavior….
Kind…..kindness Kingdome To judge….
Good….. goodness Infancy… Judgment….
Bitter…. Bitterness Mankind… To translate….
Weak…. Weakness… Young…..youth… Translation…
Strong…. Strength…. Old…. Old hood To produe….
Deep…. Depth…. Hero…. Heroism Production…
Decent…. Decency…. Nervous…. To develop…..
High…. Height…. Nervousness development….
Just…. Justice…. Friend… To generate….
Jealous…. Jealousy…. friendship…. Generation….
Vacant …… vacancy Captainship….. Move….movement…
Proud…. Pride…. Ownership….. Laugh…..laughter
Happy…. Happiness… Theft….. Die….. death….
Cruel… cruelty … Boy…. Boyhood…. Live…… life….
Sad….. sadness…. Boyish.. Defend… defence
Quick….quickness Real…. Reality… Coverse …..
Girl….. girlish… Expect…
Excited… expectation….
excitement…. Act…… action
Think…. Thought…
See…. Sight….
To obey….
Excel…. Excellence
A pronoun is a word which is used instead of a noun…. (Sumaya)
A word that is used to avoid the repetition of a noun (Muzamil)
Pronoun is a word that takes the place of a noun…. (sir Fatima)
A word that can function as a noun phrase used for itself and that refers
either to the participants in the discourse…. ()
A pronoun is a word that is used at the place of noun….. and is used to
avoid the repetition of a noun in written or spoken form…..
Muzamil is a student. He does not complete his homework. He makes a
noise in the class. He does not play cricket.
Example…. We, they, she, he, I , you it, that, these, our, their him, his,
my. Mine…… those, this……..
Types of pronoun…..
1. Personal pronoun
The pronouns that are used to denote the person in the sentence…
Pronoun that is used for ourselves like I, we, for listener like You, and
for others like He, she, it, they are called personal pronoun….
It is a pronoun in a sentence that refers to a specific person or object…
Speakers……. I, We
Listeners….. You
Absent …… he, she, they…
Non-living creature…… it
Three cases of personal pronoun……
Subjective Possessive Objective
case case case
Those Those Those
pronouns pronouns pronouns
which are are used to which
used in the show the receive the
beginning possession action of
of a or any other
sentence ownership noun…..
and are of noun….
doer of
Speakers I My/min Me 1st person
We Our/ours Us pronoun
Listeners You Your/yours You 2nd person
Absent---those He His Him 3rd person
who are She Her/hers Her pronoun……
discussed but They Their/theirs Them
do not It Its It
participate in
2. Demonstrative pronoun
Demonstrative….. to demonstrate…… point out…. Denote…..
Demonstrative pronouns point to specific things….
Demonstrative pronoun is used to point out anything or any person….
A demonstrative pronoun is a pronoun that is used to point out
something specific within a sentence….
Near Away
Singular This That
Plural These Those


This These
This These
This These
3. Interrogative pronoun
Interrogative pronoun is a pronoun used to ask question about a peron or
object that we don’t know…… (Sumaya…..)
An interrogative pronoun is a word or question word is a function owrod
used to ask question…. (Fatima)
An interrogative pronoun is used for asking questions….. (Muzamil..)
An interrogative pronoun is used to make asking questions.(Fatima)
Interrogative pronouns can also be used as relative pronoun which which
may be found in questions… (Tabasumm…)

Interrogative pronoun Formula Usage…

What….. What+ helping/verb What is in your hand?
The pen is in my hand.
Who….. Who + verb Who is your father?
My father is a primary
Who is he to you?
He is my brother to
Who helped you in
your paper?
My sister helped me in
my paper.
Which Which+ verb…… Which is your favorite
Blue is my favorite
Whom Whom+ verb….. Whom do you want to
give gift?
I want to give gift to
my brother.

4. Reflexive pronoun
Def: pronouns which are used after verb with preposition to make it
clear which person or thing are talking about (Sumaya)
Reflexive pronoun can act as either object or indirect object (Fatima)
Reflexive pronouns are words ending with self/selves that are used when
the subject end the object of a sentence (Muzamil).
A reflexive pronoun is a type a pronoun that preceded by the adverb,
adjective, pronoun or noun….. to which it refers so longer as that
indicates is located within the same clues. (Fatima)
We use a reflexive pronoun as a direct object and the object is same as
the subject after verb .
Reflexive------- to reflect…..
Those pronouns which are used to show the influence of an action
happening on the same subject….. they are always used as objecti…..
Personal pronoun… possessive Self/selves
i…. my…. Myself
We…..our Ourselves
You….. your Yourselves/yourself…
They…..them Themselves..
He…him Himself
She….her…. Herself

He helped himself….
She hurt herself….
You called yourself….
Teacher teaches himself…
5. Intensive pronoun
Intensive…… to put emphasis…. Personality of subject…….
Intensive pronoun is a pronoun similar in words with reflexive but are
used to put emphasis on the personality of subject and object is different

Reflexive pronoun Intensive pronoun

I teach myself…. I myself teach students.
We help ourselves…. We ourselves helped poor people
Boys hurt themselves…. Boys themselves fought with
6. Indefinite pronoun
Indefitite….+ in + definite…..
In= not
Definite= clear
Indefinite pronouns are used to refer to not clear number, gender or class
of nouns…..
Anybody, somebody, something, anything,,,, someone….
Someone stole my pen….
Somebody sent me a message….
7. Relative pronoun
Relative===== to connect, to link,,,, to unite….
Relative pronouns are used to replace the noun and connect two

Relative pronouns Sentences Usages

Who I know a doctor. The I know a doctor who is
doctor is a nice man. a nice man…
A teacher teaches us. A teacher teaches us
The teacher is good in who is good in morals.
That I have a cat. the cat is I have a cat that is
black in color. black in color.
Which You purchased a new You purchased a new
car. The car is car which is beautiful.

8. Distributive pronoun
Distributive……to distribute…… divide….
A pronoun that is used to divide or distribute a group of nouns…..
Each….. either…. Neither…. Both…..
Each of the students in the class will get position..
Either of two books is good for English language…
Neither of two books is good for English language…..

9. Reciprocal pronoun
Reciprocal pronouns are used to show opposite nouns….. they shows
the action to be happen in two different nouns or pronouns in a sort
reactive manner…..

Each other…. One another…..

They are fighting with each other….
We are helping one another…..
10. Possessive pronoun
Subjective case Possessive case
I My….. mine
We Our…. Ours
You Your….. yours
They Their….. theirs
He His….
She Her…. Hers
Note: possessive pronouns are usually used at the end of sentence…
This is my car.
Possessive pronoun+ no noun…
This car is mine.
They are teachers of ours.
She is the sister of mine.

To show the feelings and emotions picturized the things…..
An adjective describes or modifies a noun, it provides more information
about the noun…. ….. (Rehman).
An adjective is a word that shows qualities or disqualities of a noun or
pronoun….. (Tabasum).
An adjective a word that adds more sense in the meaning of a noun…..
An adjective is a word that is used to describe the quality, quantity,
merit, demerit, number of any noun or pronoun….


Dull Student


1. Qualitative adjective
It shows the quality of a noun…..
It is an adjective that shows the quality of any noun or pronoun…..
Quality====== positive and negative quality…..
Good student…. Positive
Dull student….. negative….
Brave student…..
Intelligent student…
Degrees of adjective ……
Positive degree Comparative degree Superlative degree
A quality which is in Two nouns or A quality at its best in
its simple form in any pronouns (Similar) a noun from a group
noun or pronoun… are compared with of similar nouns…..
each other on a single
Rule No. 1. One vowel sound adjective…….. are made comparative
and superlative by adding –er and –est at the end……
Dull Duller Dullest
Tall Taller Tallest
Small Smaller Smallest
Big Bigger Biggest
Large Larger Largest
Rich Richer Richest
Clean Cleaner Cleanest
Black Blacker Blackest
Old Older Oldest
Thin Thinner Thinnest
Young Younger Youngest
Fat Fatter Fattest
Strong Stronger Strongest
Wise Wiser Wisest
Rule No. 2. Two or more than two vowel sounds adjective…. Are
made comparative and superlative by adding more and most
Intelligent More intelligent Most intelligent
Difficult More difficult Most difficult
Popular More popular Most popular
Beautiful More beautiful Most beautiful
Handsome More handsome Most handsome
Expensive More expensive Most expensive
Careful More careful Most careful
Peaceful More peaceful Most peaceful
Rule. No. 3…. Adjectives with one long vowel sound in the end and
one short vowel sound in the middle or beginning are made
comparative and superlative by replacing long vowel sound with –
ier… and iest respectively…
Heavy Heavier Heaviest
Lazy Lazier Laziest
Crazy Crazier Craziest..
Happy Happier Happiest
Cloudy Cloudier Cloudiest
dizzy Dizzier Dizziest
Funny Funnier Funniest
Naughty Naughtier Naughtiest
Healthy Healthier Healthies
Wealthy Wealthier Wealthiest
Dry Drier Driest
Rule. No. 4 irregular adjective….. those adjective change their
spellings and pronunciation to make comparative and superlative
Good Better Best
Bad Worse Worst
Ill Worse Worst
Far Farther Farthest
Far Further Furthest
Little Less Least
Up Upper Uppermost
In Inner Innermost
Many /much More Most
Evil Worse Worst
Rule/No. 5 they are always used in comparative form….
No Positive Superior No Superlative
No Positive Inferior No Superlative
No Positive Interior No Superlative
No Positive Exterior No Superlative
No Positive Junior No Superlative
No Positive Senior No Superlative
Rule. No.6 they are not used as comparative or superlative
Dead…… No comparative No superlative
Perfect….. No comparative No superlative
Absolute No comparative No superlative

2. Quantitative adjective
Quantitative adjective describe the exact or approximate amount of
noun…. Some example include few, many, little, all, much, whole,
sufficient, enough, quarter, several……
Adjective of quantity integrates the amount of noun or pronoun in the
Adjective of quantity shows the quantity of noun or pronoun…..
Not in Specific number…… 5 books….. 5kilo….. 5 foot… .
Little water,
All milk,
Much time,
Whole day….
Sufficient rice
Enough oil
Quarter of ghee…
Some water
any water….

3. Indefinite Adjective
An indefinite adjective is used to describe a noun in a non-specific
An indefinite adjective is used as element of uncertainty to describe in a
non-specific sense.
Adjective +Countable Noun
Few books (5, 10, 15, 03)
Many pens (10, 20, 100),
All students (30, 45, 20),
Sufficient pages (10, 02, 05),
Enough teachers (05, 10, 20),
Several boys (05, 10, 20, 50)……
some chairs (05, 10, 03)
any chairs (30, 20, 10)
4. Interrogative Adjective
Interrogative……=question…. What, which, whose….
Interrogative Interrogative Pronoun Difference…
What+ Noun What+ helping/verb Adj= what pen have
you been using in
Pron= what is your
favorite pen that you
use in exams?
Which+ Noun Which+ helping/verb Adj= which car do you
want to buy?
Pron= which is your
car here?
Whose+ Noun Who+ helping/verb Adjective= whose
book you have taken?
Pronoun= who have
you helped in the
An interrogative adjective is a word that modifies the noun by asking
question like what, which, whose.

5. Adjective of number
An adjective of number shows the number of noun or pronoun or things.
Two oranges, one cup of coffee,(Tabasum).
It shows the exact number of noun or pronoun. The position or place, it
is used with the countable noun. (Muzamil).
Adjective of number is also called numeral adjective. And it shows how
many things or person mean or in what order the persons or things are.
Types of number
Cardinal number Ordinal number
Tells us about total number of nth number of a noun or pronoun
One, two, three, four, five, six, First row,
seven, hundred, thousand, Second column,
millions…. Third student,
One pen, two pens, three pens, four Forth book,
pens, Fifth page,
One boy, two boys, three boys, Sixth picture,
four boys, Seven man,
One student, two students, ten
students, hundred students.
6. Demonstrative adjective
Demonstrative adjectives are words that modify nouns and point out
specific noun or nouns(Muzamil)
Demonstrative adjectives point out a noun or point at which specific
person or thing (tabasum).
Demonstrative adjectives are used to identify or express the relative
position of a noun in a time or space. (Alisha)
Demonstrative= to demonstrate= point out, to show, to reveal, to

Demonstrative Demonstrative
adjective pronoun
Near This+ noun This + Singular
Away That + Noun That +
Near These+ noun These+ Plural
away Those + noun Those +

This car is mine(D.adjective).======= this is my car (d. pronoun).

That student is in 7th class========= that is a student of 7th class.
These flowers are beautiful ======= these are beautiful flowers.
Those books are expensive======== those are expensive books.
7. Possessive adjective
A word that indicate the possession of a noun to a person (Muzamil).
A possessive form is a word or grammatical construction used to
indicate a relationship of possession in a broader sense. (Tabasum).
The possessive adjective indicates the possession of a noun to a
Possessive adjectives are used to indicate the relation. (Fatima).
It is a word that is used before a noun to show its relation with
another noun or pronoun…….

Possessive Possessive Possessive Difference

cases. adjective pronoun
p. adj+ noun p. pron+ no- Adj=
I= my, mine My + noun Mine+ no-noun Adj= this is my
Pron= this
mobile is mine.
We= our, Our+ noun Ours+ no-noun Adj= that is our
ours school.
Pron= that
school is ours.
You= your, Your+ noun Yours+ no-noun Adj= I have your
yours mobile.
Pron= that
mobile is yours.
They= their, Their= noun Theirs=no+ noun Adj= those are
theirs their books.
Pron= those
books are theirs.
She= her, Her+ noun Hers+ no+ noun Adj= this is her
hers purse.
Pron= this purse
is hers.
He=his His + noun Him+ no+ noun Adj= you are his
Pron= I am
brother of him.

8. Compound adjective
A compound adjective is a single adjective that uses more than two
words. (Muzamil).
compound adjectives are formed when two or more adjectives are joined
together to modify the same noun. (alisha)
a compound adjective are two or more adjectives joined together by a
hyphen (-) and modify or describe the same noun. (Tabasum)
a compound modifier is a compound of two or more attributive words.
compound=== joined… many parts of different things…
Two (noun+adjective, Adjective+ Compound adjective
adjective, Noun+3rd / 4th verb)
Cold+ blooded Cold-blooded
Well+mannered Well-mannered
Well + respected Well-respected
Middle + aged Middle-aged
Old+ fashioned Old-fashioned
Part+time Part-time
Well+behaved Well-behaved
Open+minded Open-minded
Night+work Night-work……….
One+way One-way road.
Fifth+grade Fifth-grade course.

9. Proper adjective
Proper adjective is a word that modifies noun or pronoun and is formed
from a proper noun.
An adjective is formed from a pronoun and is really capitalized in
Proper adjectives are formed from proper noun, most of them identify
people, places, languages or groups.
Proper noun Proper adjective
Pronoun noun+ common noun Adjective
Pakistani+ tea Pakistani tea….
India + tomato Indian tomato
France + cloth French cloth.
Arabia + date Arabian dates
America + education American education.
Sindh + culture Sindhi culture.
China + food Chinese food
India + player Indian player
America + city American City
Pakistan + Juice Pakistani Juice.

A verb is an action word.
A verb is a word that tells us action, state or occurrence of any
Verb is a word that describes what a subject is, or what does a subject
A verb is a word that is used to show what a subject does or what a
subject is? It tells us the action and state of any subject…

Types of verb:
1. Regular verb
Irregular verb
Forms of verb:
1st form 2nd form 3rd form 4th form
Present simple Past simple Past participle
participle / ing-
Regular Verb…. It is a verb that is made second and third form by
adding –d or –ed at the end…
Look Looked Looked Looking
Play Played Played Playing
Watch Watched Watched Watching
Like Liked Liked Liking
Pass Passed Passed Passing
Help Helped Helped Helping
Limp Limped Limped Limping
Live Lived Lived Living
Call Called Called Calling
Kill Killed Killed Killing
Fill Filled Filled Filling
Jump Jumped Jumped Jumping
Control Controlled Controlled Controlling
Enjoy Enjoyed Enjoyed Enjoying
Irregular Verb---- it is a verb which changes its pronunciation and
spelling when made into 2nd or 3rd verb…..
Write Wrote Written Writing
Drink Drank Drunk Drinking
Eat Ate Eaten Eating
Read Read Read Reading
Burn Burnt Burnt Burning
See Saw Seen Seeing
Catch Caught Caught Catching
Tell Told Told Telling
Take Took Taken Taking
Come Came Come Coming
Do Did Done Doing
Dream Dreamt Dreamt Dreaming
Make Made Made Making
Drive Drove Driven Driving
Draw Drew Drawn Driving
Bring Brought Brought Bringing

2. Transitive verb
3. Intransitive verb

Transitive verb Intransitive verb

A transitive verb is a verb that An intransitive verb is a verb that
accepts one or more objects. does not accept any object.
A transitive verb is a verb that An intransitive verb is a verb that
needs an object to complete itself. needs no object to complete itself.
A transitive verb always carries an An intransitive verb does not carry
object with itself. any object with itself.
Subject+ Verb+ Object. Subject +Verb….. complement,
I kicked a ball. No object…
I watched movies. I laugh….
He bought a new car. He goes to school(complement).
He gave me a car. He cried aloud. (Adverbial)
He teaches us English. He runs fast(adverbial).
He looks intelligent (adjunct).

Finite verb Infinite verb….

A finite is a form of a verb that has An infinite verb is a verb that
a subject and can function as the carries “to” before…..
root of an independent clause. Infinite verb is not used as per
A finite verb is a verb that does not condition of any tense….
carry “to” with itself.
Finite verb is a verb that is used as
per condition of a tense……
He cooked a delicious dish. He wants to cook a delicious dish.
They are playing cricket. He likes to play cricket.

4. Action verb
5. State verb
Action verb State verb
An action verb is also called State verb generally shows the
dynamic verb and expresses the condition, occurrence, presence or
physical and mental action as well. existence or possession of any
It shows that a subject performs an subject.
action by using his mind and body.
An action is a verb that is used to
point out that a subject performs an
action which has influence on any
other object.
I tear a letter. He is a player.
He plays cricket. He has a car.
He writes an essay. He seems intelligent.

6. Helping verb
7. Ordinary verb..
Helping verb Ordinary verb
It is a verb that is used to help the It is a verb similar to helping verb.
main/action.. But it is used without any
He is driving a car. He is a driver.
She was cleaning the room. He was a good student.
I have eaten a mango. I have two cars.

Adverb and its types…

What is adverb?
An adverb is a word is that is used to modify or qualify several types of
words including an adjective, a verb, and an other adverb…
An adverb is a word or a set of words that modifies verbs, adjectives,
and other adverbs.
Adverb is such a word that adds meaning to a verb, adjective and other
An adverb is a word which shows how, where and when an action takes
An adverb is a word or an expression that modifies a verb, adjective, and
or sentence.


To modify or
qualify= to add
more sense,
meaning, or
Adverb understanding
or concept into
other words’

An other

Adverb modifies Adjective

He is a very good student.

Adds more sense verb

He walks slowly….
He teaches English actively…
They play cricket greatly…..

Adverb An other adverb

Adds more meaning

He walks very slowly….

He teaches English so much actively…
They play cricket quite greatly…..

Types of adverb:
1. Adverb of manner
Adverb of manner tells us how something happens. They are usually
placed either after main verb or after the object……….
Adverb of manner tells how the verb was performed.
Action= verb……
Subject+ verb+ object….
He walks……. Slowly…. ==== how does he walk?
He speaks loudly….
He draws a picture beautifully….

Adjective Ly Adverb of manner

Beautiful Ly Beautifully
Intelligent Ly Intelligently
Active Ly Actively
Brave Ly Bravely
Slow Ly Slowly
Clear Ly Clearly
Quick Ly Quickly
Happy Ily Happily
Sad Ly Sadly
Nice Ly Nicely
Bad Ly Badly
Lone Ly Lonely
Easy Ily Easily
Smart Ly Smartly
Courageous Ly Coureously
Soft Ly Softly
Fast === adjective
Fast=== adverb….
Fast+ Noun…
He has purchased a fast car.
He walks fast.
Good==== well
2. Adverb of time
Adverb of time tells us when an action happens.
An adverb of time tells when the verb takes place.
Time==== general time….. no specific number or digits….
2 days..15 minutes… 2 months….
Late….. soon…..
Early…. Before…. After…… always…. Already…. Just…. Now….
He came late.
He is early.
He is teaching English now.
He has already spoken in the class
3. Adverb of place
An adverb which shows the place or position of any action….
It expresses the space or place of occurrence of an action….
Place=== no specific… only general or place….
Up…… down…. Before…. After…. Here ….. there…
Here is a student.
Keep the cup of tea there.
You are up.
Go down.

4. Adverb of frequency
Adverb of frequency is an adverb that tells us how many times or how
often an action has been repeated….
Once, twice, thrice, four times, five times, often, usually, just, always,
I called you once…
He texted me twice…
They took my name thrice…
We always taken an exercise…
5. Adverb of degree

An adverb that is used to modify an adjective or an other adverb to

intensify it is called adverb of degree….
He is a very intelligent student.
He work very hard in studies.
Ex. Too, quite, much, so, pretty, enough, very………….

6. Adverb of negation/assertion:
Negation= no….
Assertion= yes….
No, I have not taken your pen.
Yes, he has told me the truth.

It is a word used to show the relation of a noun with another noun, or
adjective or a verb……………
It is a word that is always used before a noun…… is called preposition.
Preposition is the expression of relation to another word or element in
the course.
A word governing and usually preceding noun or pronoun expresses the
relation to another word or element in the sentence.
Pre+ position=======
Pre= before
Position= the place of a noun…..

I am in the class.
You are on the road.
He is putting the books on the table.
Relation to another word…
1. Relation of a noun to another noun….
Ahmed is in the Ahmed----- Class In
They are on the roof. They------ roof On
You are writing a Letter-------page On.
letter on the page.
they are students of Students….. class Of
ninth class.

2. Relation of a noun to a verb……

He is writing in the Write----- class In

They are jumping into Jump---- river… Into
the river.
He walks with sticks. Walk----- sticks With…
I am throwing a ball Throw…. River Into….
into the river.
You are going to Going----school To….

3. Relation of a noun to an adjective…

He is interested in Interested----noun In…
I am fond of Fond-----movies Of
They are busy in Busy--- papers In…
You are good at Good----english At

Types of preposition….
1. Simple preposition
It is a preposition which consists of only on word…… one syllable…
one vowel + one consonant or one vowel + Consonants….
Ex. In, on, at, with, for, from, to…
2. Compound preposition
A compound preposition is made up of two simple preposition…. It is
also considered one word….
About= a+ bout
Above= a+bove
Into= in+to
Without= with+ out
Within= with+ in
Onto= on+ to
3. Phrase preposition…
It is a preposition which is formed as the combination of two or more
than two words, one of them is always a preposition….
The entire phrase in governed by that one preposition….
As far as…
Due to…
In front of…
In accordance with.
According to…
Definition…. Types and usages………
Conjunction is a word that joins words, clauses, phrases, or sentences.
Conjunction is a word that connects clause or words present together in
a sentence…..
A word used to connect clauses, sentences or phrases or coordinate
words in a same clause is called conjunction…..
Conjunctions are used depending on how suitable they are on joining
different words or sentences.
Conjunction is a word that functions to join or connect or link or
associate two different clauses, words, sentences and phrase to make it
longer and complex sentence…
I played cricket and I took a glass of juice after it.
They were intelligent students, but they could not get first position…
1. Two words are connected…
Conjunction Two words
AND Ahmed and aslam are two
Or Tea or coffee both are good in

2. Two phrases are connected….

Phrase= incomplete sentence…. A
group of words that does not given
us a complete sense….
Conjunction Phrases…
And He was in the class and on the roof.

3. Two sentences are connected…..

Sentence…. A group of words
which give us complete meaning or
Conjuction Two sentence…
But I am a dull student, but I will work
hard to become intelligent student.
And I love to play cricket and I also
love to read books.

4. Two clauses are connected….

Clause= is a sentence which has a He eats a mango…
subject and a predicate….
Either-----or Either he plays cricket or he swims
in the pond.

Type of conjunction:
1. Coordinate conjunction
Coordinate conjunction: a And……
conjunction He plays cricket and he studies
Coordinating conjunction is a word hard.
that joins two elements of equal
grammatical rank and syntactic Or….
importance they can join two He teaches maths or he will learn
nouns, two verbs, and two English.
adjective…. And two independent
clauses or sentence….
Coordinate conjunctions are used
to connect two sentences….. those
sentences are of equal rank…. Both
sentence will be independent….
They will not depend on any other
sentence to show the meaning…..

2. Subordinate conjunction….
It is a conjunction that is used to Dependent sentence…. A
connect two clause one is sentence which shows meaning
independent and another is after being connected with
dependent…. another sentence….
Ex. If, when, although, though, If I went to school, I would meet
the teachers.
When I was in 8th Class, I had
taken first position.

3. Co-relative conjunction….
It is a conjunction that is used in
pairs… it connects two sentences
which are dependent upon each
Ex. Either….Or, Neither….Nor,,,,
Not only….. But also….
Either you play cricket, or you take
Neither they help poor, nor they
help themselves.

It is a word that is used to show sudden feelings…. Or emotion….
Ex. Oh!, Ah!, Ouch!, Wow!, Bravo!,….. What a beautiful flower is

Exclamatory Sign…. !
Article is a word that is used to generalize or particularize the things….
Indefinite Articles….. are used to show the things in common. A, An

A book, A car, an elephant, an inkpot….

Definite Article….. is used to show the things that is particular or
referred back.
I have a cat. the cat is intelligent.
I bought a book. The book is in English.
Wednesday……………. 12-08-2020
What is a tense…?


present Tense Past Tense Future Tense

present simple past simple future simple

past continuous continuous

present perfect past perfect future perfect

present perfect past perfect future perfect

conti.. conti.. conti....

A tense reveals the time in which an action takes place….

Present Simple Tense….

Definition: present simple tense is one of the several forms of present

tense in English… it tells us the action that occur on the regular basis
Simple present tense is when we use a verb to tell about things that
happen continuously in the present. (Alisha Rahujo…)
When a verb is used to show the present work it is known as simple
present tense…
Present simple=== present assertive tense…. Present declarative tense…
Present habitual tense….

Present simple tense Routine Action…. Universal Action….

describes four It is an action repeated An action that is not
different actions…. daily by a subject….. changed in any part of
RUPA….. He goes to school the world…
R= Routine action….. daily. Sun rises in the East..
U= Universal They play cricket Water boils at 100 C.
action…. daily.
P= Profession…. We read newspaper
A= action that shows daily…
Profession…. Job… Action that shows
He teaches English…. nature of any thing….
Teacher. Fire burns….
They go to school… Snake stings…
students. Lion hunts…
We work in the Dog barks….
fields… farmers. Water wets….
They work in the Clouds shower…
factory… labourer…
Sentence structure… Subject + Verb (1st Subject= Doer of
form)+ object/ action, one who
Complement/ performs an action…
Adjunct / Adverbial… Verb= name of
Object= receiver of
(I eat an apple.)
Complement= (in the
class, on the roof, at
home, at hospital, at
school, on the road. )
Adjunct= use of
Adverbial =use of

Subject= SHINS (S=she, H=he, PITWY (P=plural, I=I,

I=it, N=Name, T=They, W=we,
S=singular) Y=You)
SHINS+ Verb PITWY+ Verb+Object
(s/es/ies)+ object.
Verb---ss, ch, sh, o,
Verb==Consonant+ y=
Verb= e, Vowel+y,
She goes to school. We go to school
He plays cricket. They play cricket.
He eats a mango. Boys eat mango.
She cries.(cry) You cry.
Types of sentences…….
1. Affirmative sentence…declarative sentence…. Assertive
sentence…. This sentence shows a sort of assertion or confession
in a simple statement…..
Ex.. She goes to school.
They play cricket.
Boys eat mangoes…
2. Interrogative sentence
It is used to ask questions……
Ex. Does she go to school?
Do they play cricket?
Do boys eat mangoes?
3. Negative sentence
It negates any statement…
She does not go to school.
They do not play cricket.
Boys do not eat mangoes.
4. Interro-negative sentence
It asks a question and negates a statement…
Does she not go to school?
Do they not play cricket?
Do boys not eat mangoes?
5. Exclamatory sentence
It shows some sort of sudden feelings or emotions in a sentence..
Wow! What a beautiful flower is this!.
Hurrah! Pakistan has won the match!.
6. Imperative sentence
It is used to command or request somebody…
Ex. Open the door please. (request)
Do not open the door (command).
7. Emphatic sentence…
It is used to put emphasis on the action or subject…
I do play cricket.
She does tell a lie.
She goes to school. We go to school.
(affirmative sentence) (affirmative sentence)
Does she go to school? Do we go to school?
(Interrogative (Interrogative
Sentence) Sentence)
She does not go to We do not go to
school. (Negative school. (Negative
sentence) sentence)
Does she not go to Do we not go to
school? (Interrogative- school? (Interrogative-
Negative Sentence) Negative Sentence..)

Past Simple Tense…

Past simple tense expresses an action that occurred in past time…..
(Alisha Rahujo…)
Past Simple tense express an action that was completed in the past time
but after that no other action was repeated.
Sentence structure…. Subject+ 2nd Verb+ Subject= SHINS,
Object… PITWY…..
Did+ subject+ 1
verb+ Object?
She went to school. They played cricket.
Did she go to school? Did they play cricket?
She did not go to They did not play
school. cricket.
Did she not go to Did they not play
school? cricket?
Time expression= They played cricket
yesterday, two yesterday…
minutes, five days ago, We did not call him
last week, two years last week.
ago…. Last They stole my mobile
night….this last night.

Future simple… definition… sentence structure… example
Definition: future simple tense is used to express an action that will
occur or happen in the future time….
It is a tense which expresses an intention to do something in the future
Sentence structure….
Subject+ will/shall+ verb 1st form+ object…..
Will= She, He, It, Name, Singular, Plural, we, you, they,,,,,,, I, We,,,,,
Shall= I ,, we….
I will drive a car…..
She will help poor people…
They will play cricket….
I will drive a car. (Affirmative Sentence..)
Will I drive a car? (Interrogative Sentence)
I will not drive a car. (Negative Sentence)
Will I not drive a car? (Interrogative- Negative sentence)
She will help poor people…
Will she help poor people?
She will not help poor people.
Will she not help poor people?
Present Continuous (in the middle,,,, going on… in progress…. Not
finished…..) tense….. Present Progressive tense….
Definition….. when a tense is used to show what is really happening
now is known as the present continuous tense…
This tense shows that some work is continuous at the time of speaking.
Sentence Subject+ is/am/are+ 4th Subject=
structure… verb(ing-form)+ object…. Am= I
Are= you, they,
plural, we,,,,
Is= he, she, it,
name, singular (a
boy,, a girl,,, a
teacher,,,, a
student,,,,, a
Time I am teaching you You are learning
expression==== English….now…..(meaning= English from Sir
now… at the time at the time of speaking I am Yaseen Now……
of speaking…. doing the action of teaching (you are in the
you English…. I am in the middle of learning
middle of teaching you English…. You are
English…. The action of busy in learning
teaching you Enlgish is English now….)
going on/continuous…. )
Is Am Are
He is writing a I am reading a message. They are playing
message now…. Am I reading a message? cricket now…
Is he writing a I am not reading a message. Are they playing
message now? Am I not reading a message? cricket now?
He is not writing a They are not
message now.. playing cricket
Is he not writing a now.
message now? Are they not
playing cricket

Past continuous tense…..

Definition…. It is a tense which shows an action that was continuous in
a certain time of past….
It show/expresses an action to be going on in the past time… or not
finished in a certain time of past….
Sentence structure… Subject+ was/were+ Was= I, SHINS…
4th verb+ object Were+ P-TWY….
I was watching a We were discussing
movie yesterday… the tenses last week.
(the action of watching (we were in the middle
movie was going of discussing the
on/was continuous in tenses….)
the past time of
yesterday…. )
They were driving a She was cooking a
car last night…. delicious food today.
Were they driving a Was she cooking a
car last night? delicious food today?
They were not driving She was not cooking a
a car last night. delicious food today.
Were they not driving Was she not cooking a
a car last night? delicious food today?
Past simple tense Past continuous Both sentence
Action done.. Action going on..
completed.. finished continuous….in the
I watched a movie… I was watching a When I saw you (very
(finished…) movie last night… short time…. ), you
were watching a
movie (long time)…
When I was watching
a movie, you saw

Future Continuous tense…..

It is a tense which is used to show the subject will be busy in doing an
action in the future time……….
It expresses an action to be going on in the future time…..
Subject Helping verb Main verb Object
SHINS, PITWY Will/shall+ be Ing-form/ 4th Object..
Will= SHE, HE,
it, name,
singular, plural,
we, you, they,
Shall= I, we,,,,,,
I will be going We will be
to Karachi taking
tomorrow. (I examinations in
will be busy in April.
doing the action (Affirmative
of going to sentence)
Karachi Will I be taking
tomorrow. ) examinations in
Sentence )
I will not be
examinations in
April. (Negative
Will I not be
examinations in
April? (Interro-

Present Perfect tense….

When a tense is used to show that an action has been completed or the
action is finished at the time of speaking it is known as present perfect
The tense which expresses that an action has already been done in the
past time, but its influence is found in the present time..

Subject Helping verb Main verb Object
SHINS, PITWY Has/have 3rd verb Object..

I have taken a hot cup of tea. (I have already done the action of taking a
hot cup of tea….now there is no need of more tea….)

They have taken breakfast….

She has opened a book.
Teacher has completed the topic.
Students have completed their fair copies (affirmative sentence).
Have students completed their fair copies? (interrogative Sentence)
Students have not completed their fair copies. (negative sentence)
Have students not completed their fair copies? (interro-Negative
sentence….. )

Past perfect tense….

Definition: the past perfect is a tense used to talk
about actions that were completed before some point
in the past. (Alisha Rahujo…)
The past perfect tense is used for actions that started
and finished in the past before another action
started.. (Muzamil abro.)
Past perfect tense shows a subject had started and
finished an action long time ago after that another
took place.
9.00 == took
breakfast 9.30= taught to VIII

Past Perfect tense Past simple…

Subject Helping Verb Main verb Object
SHINS, PITWY Had 3rd Verb Object

I had taken breakfast today at 9 O’clock in the morning..

She had watched all the movies in the laptop.
Teacher had taught us all the topics. (affirmative sentence)
Had teacher taught us all the topics? (Interrogative sentence)
Teacher had not taught us all the topics. (Negative sentence)
Had teacher not taught us all the topics? (Interro-Negative sentence)

Future Perfect Tense…..

The future perfect is a tense used to describe an action is planned to
happen before a time of reference in the future.(Alisha)
The future perfect tense is used to indicate the future event that has a
definite end date. (Abdul Rehman)
The future perfect is a verb form used to describe an event that is
expected planned to happen before the mentioned the time…

Future perfect tense… is a tense which expresses an action to be finished

by the given deadline of time……
Sentence structure….
Subject+ will/shall+ have+ 3rd verb + by (mention the deadline) + time
I will have completed the project by next Monday.
Teachers will have completed the course by next month.
Will teachers have completed the course by next month?
Teachers will not have completed the course by next month
Will teachers not have completed the course by next month?
Present perfect continuous tense….
It is a tense which is used to show the continuous action along with the
starting point of time or total duration of action as well….
Time expression:
Since= starting point of time…… For …. Total duration of time….
Since morning….. For two days….
Since 12 O’Clock… For two weeks.
Since Monday…. For two minutes…
Since evening…. For two hours….
Since April….. For five years….
Since 2020…….. For many days…
Sentence structure…. Subject+ has/have+ been+ 4th
Verb+ object+ since/for+ time….
Have= I, We, You, They, Plural Has= He, She, It, Name, Singular

He has been playing cricket for two hours.

Teachers have been teaching in this school since 2018.
Father has been reading a newspaper since morning…
Brother has been taking an exercise for 15 minutes…(affirmative
Has Brother been taking an exercise for 15 Minutes? (Interrogative
Brother has not been taking an exercise for 15 minutes. (negative
Has brother not been taking an exercise for 15 minutes? (interrogative
and Negative sentence)
Past perfect continuous tense
It is a tense which shows a continuous action of the past time….. (not
complete) we also express the total duration of time or the starting point
of time of that action…….
Sentence structure…
Subject + had+ been+ 4th Verb+ object+ since/for+ time….
I had been teaching English for three years.(total duration)
I had been teaching English since 2019. (starting point.)
He had been driving a car since Monday. (affirmative sentence)
Had he been driving a car since Monday? (interrogative sentence)
He had not been driving a car since Monday. (Negative Sentence)
Had he not been driving a car since Monday? (Interrogative Negative
Future perfect continuous tense…
Definition: it is a tense which is used to express an action that will be
going on in the future time after a certain time….
Till or by… Deadline of time…..
By next Monday…
By next month…..
Till next month…
Till morning…
Till 02-september-2020…
Sentence structure….
Subject+ Will/shall+have + been+ 4th Verb+ object+ till/by+ future
I will have been buying a new car by next Monday….
They will have been playing cricket till next month….
She will have been teaching English till Tuesday…. (Affirmative
Will she have been teaching English till Tuesday? (Interrogative
She will not have been teaching English till Tuesday. (Negative
Will she not have been teaching English till Tuesday? (Interrogative and
Negative sentence).

Next week we will begin the tests…… from the

section of grammar….
Application…..to the principal for three days leave….
Reason: 1. you want to attend the marriage ceremony of your cousin at
our village…
2.you are suffering from sever fever……

To: (reader, audience)…

reader of application..

Subject: why are you writing this application?

Introduction: who are you,,, what is the

purpose of writing this application…

Reason for leave

Conclusion: request for leave…

Q. Write an application to the principal of your school requesting him
for leave for three days due to sever fever you are suffering from?
The Worthy Principal
IBA Community College
Subject: Request for three days leave.
Respected Sir,
With due respect, I beg to state that I am writing this
application for requesting you to grant me three days leave.
I have been suffering from strong fever for many days. I
have also consulted with the doctor and have been taking medications.
But due to fever I feel weakness in my body and doctor has
recommended me to take rest for some days.
I, therefore, humbly request you to grant me three days
leave dated: 01-09-2020 to 03-09-2020. For the above act of kindness I
will be thankful.
Dated: 01-09-2020.

Your obedient student

Class VI- A
Q2. Write an application to the principal of your college requesting him
to grant you three days leave so that you may attend the marriage
ceremony your brother/cousin at your native village…..
The worthy Principal
IBA Community College
Subject: Request for three days leave:
Respected Sir,
With utmost reverence and respect, I hereby state that I
am a bona fide student of Class-VII-A and I am writing this application
to request you for three days leave.
I hereby state that A marriage ceremony of my cousin has
been fixed in the next week of this month at my native village. As my
entire is going to attend the marriage, I am supposed to go with my
I, therefore, humbly request you to grant me three days
leave dated: 01-09-2020 to 03-09-2020 so that I may attend the said
marriage few days earlier. For this act of kindness, I will always be
obliged to you.
Dated: 01-09-2020.
Your obedient student
Present continuous tense… definition… sentence structure,,,,,

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