C R E A T E D: Group Ii: Lasma Enita Siahaan Octaviani Damayanti Naibaho Bilingual Physics 2018

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Lasma Enita Siahaan
Octaviani Damayanti Naibaho



1. Definition of Space
Outer space or space can be linked to a relatively empty part of the Universe.
The term outer space is used to distinguish it from air space and "terrestrial"
locations. Outer space is not just empty, but there are also objects in it or
celestial bodies (outer space), namely planets, satellites, stars, nebulae,
galaxies, asteroids, meteoroids, comets, clusters, super clusters etc. Each type
of celestial body has different characteristics and definitions.
2.1 Definition of celestial bodies
The sky is the upper part of the earth's surface, and is classified as a separate
layer called the atmosphere. The sky consists of a lot of gas and air, with different
compositions in each layer. The sky often looks blue, because of the reflection of
light, but it is possible that the sky can be other colors, for example red at dusk, or
black when it rains.
Celestial bodies are all objects that are in the curvature of the sky, whether
visible during the day or at night. During the day, we see the Sun, while at night we
see the Moon, Stars, and so on.
The closest celestial body is the moon. The distance to Earth is "only" about
384,000 kilometers. The moon is Earth's satellite, always loyal to surround and
follow wherever the Earth moves. The moon appears to glow because it reflects light
from the sun.

2.2 Two Celestial Bodies System

The motion of the planets around the sun, the satellites around the earth and
the stars around the galactic center, are governed by a central force acting along a
straight line connecting celestial bodies to the source of the force. The rule for
explaining this central force is commonly called Newton's law of gravity, "The force
of attraction between two points of mass is directly proportional to the product of

their mass and inversely proportional to the distance squared."It is stated in the
statement, Newton's Law, namely:
M1 × M 2

Where :

F = attraction between interacting objects (N)

M1 and M2 = mass of interacting objects (kg)
r = the distance between the centers of the two interacting objects (m)
G = constant gravity (6.67x10-11Nm2 / kg2)

2.3 The Effect of Gravity on Earth

According to the famous story, when Newton sat under an apple tree the idea
emerged that the influence of gravity extends beyond Earth. When Newton looked up
to see where the apple had fallen, he saw the Moon. Newton thought that the force
between the Earth and the falling apples was equal to the force of the earth pulling the
Moon into orbit around the Earth, the same as the planets around the sun. To test this
hypothesis, Newton compared the fall of an apple to the "fall" of the Moon. The
moon falls in a straight line when no other force acts on it. Due to its tangential
velocity, it "falls around" the Earth. With simple geometry, the distance the Moon
falls per second can be compared to the distance an apple or anything far falls in one
second. Newton's calculations were unsatisfactory, but admitting that rough facts
must always prevail over beautiful hypotheses, he places the paper in the drawer,
where they have lived for almost 20 years. During this period he developed the field
of geometric optics, for which he was first famous.
Newton's interest in mechanics resurfaced with the appearance of the
spectacular comet in 1680 and two years later. Encouraged by his fellow astronomer
Edmund Halley, Newton returned to troubles on the Moon. He made improvements

to the experimental data used in the previous method and obtained extraordinary
results. It was then that he published something that was far from the reach of
generalizations of the human mind: the law of universal gravity. All objects in the
Old Universe have mass, so they also have gravity. Apart from having gravity, it also
has a gravitational field that influences one another. For example, the influence of the
sun's gravity and the earth's gravity causes the earth's revolution so that the earth is
not attracted to the sun, as well as the influence of the earth's and moon's gravity,
causing the moon to circle the earth.
Gravity is the force of attraction that occurs between all particles that have
mass in the universe. According to Newton, every object attracts another object with
a force whose magnitude is directly proportional to the product of the mass of the two
objects and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. This statement can be
stated as:
M1 × M 2

or symbolized:
where m1 and m2 are the mass of the object and r is the distance between the two
centers of the object. Thus, the greater the masses m1 and m2, the greater the
attractive force between the two objects, which means that they are directly
proportional to the mass of the object. The greater the separation distance r, the
weaker the attraction force of the two objects, which means that it is inversely
proportional to the square of the distance between the two centers of the object.

 The Effect of the Sun's Gravity and Earth's Gravity

The sun's gravitational value is 27.94 G (currently accepted G value = 6.67 x
10-11 Nm2 / kg2 (earth's gravitational force)), which is about 28 times the strength of
Earth's gravity. With the surface gravitational acceleration = 274.0 m / s2, compared
to the earth = 9.8 m / s2.

The influence of the sun's gravitational force and the earth's gravity causes the
earth to rotate on its axis (rotate) and the earth to circle the sun (to evolve). The sun's
gravity pulls the earth to the center of the sun, while the earth's gravitational force
maintains the earth's position, resulting in a centrifugal force that makes the earth
rotate on its axis and around the sun so that it is not attracted to the sun's center of
gravity or remains in its orbit.

 Effect of Earth's Gravity Force and Moon's Gravity

The moon's gravitational value is 17% G (1 G = Earth's gravitational force),
which is about 0.17 times the Earth's gravitational force. With the surface
gravitational acceleration = 1.6 m / s2, compared to the earth = 9.8 m / s2. Earth's
gravity pulls the moon to the center of the earth, while the moon's gravitational force
maintains the moon's position, resulting in a centrifugal force that makes the moon
rotate on its axis and around the earth so as not to be attracted to the earth's center of
gravity or remain in its orbit.
The influence of the earth's and moon's gravitational forces is the ebb and
flow of sea water. The moon's gravitational force pulls seawater towards the moon so
that it affects the height of the waves and sea level. Because the moon orbits the
earth, there will be times when one side of the earth is closer to the moon. The part
close to the moon will experience high tide, while the other parts that are not close to
the moon will experience low tide. The ebb and flow of sea water is also related to
the phases of the moon. Usually, sea water will experience high tides during the full
In addition, the influence of the earth's and moon's gravitational forces is the
distance of the moon from the earth about 3.8 cm each year.

2.4 Tidal
1) Definition of Tides

There are various types of definitions of tides, all of which describe the rise
and fall of a mass. The definition of tides is an event of rising and falling sea water
caused by the movement of the sea surface vertically along with the horizontal
movement of water masses due to the influence of the forces of attraction of celestial
bodies, and this phenomenon is easily seen visually.

2) Tidal Phenomenon
Based on the definition of tides, which is an event of rising and falling sea
level due to the influence of the attraction of objects on the horizon, if the tide gauge
is evenly installed in the world, and measurements are taken every one hour interval,
then the results of this measurement plotted into a graph, a harmonic wave is
obtained. The graph shows the highest water occurrence every 12 hours 25 minutes,
or half a sidereal day, while the lowest water will occur after 6 hours 12.5 minutes
from the position of high tide. This explains the strong link between tidal phenomena
and the movement of the moon in the sky. In this case, during 24 hours there will be
two tides and two ebbs, or what is called a semi-diurnal tide. In other places there is
also another phenomenon, namely, one tide and one low tide, and this condition is
called a single daily tide (diurnal tide). If you take the tide measurement for a month
and try to connect it with the movement of the month, you will get the largest range.
This range is the value of the highest and lowest water difference that occurs when
the full moon is full, this is called spring tide, while the smallest range is called neap


Picture. The process of tides due to the influence of the movement of the moon around the

In addition to the above conditions, if we consider the moon to be at a declination of

20º north and the time delay between the water level when the moon reaches the
zenith is neglected, the calculation is only for the northern part of the earth, when the
water is highest, when it will occur at points X and Y, the lowest water will be occurs
at points A and A´. Thus, the points that are on the parallel line of latitude 20º north
are maximum high tide C, low tide D and high tide E, but at this time the water is no
longer as high as the water surface at point C. Whereas at points A and A´ which is at
the lowest 90º water latitude. At point D it takes a longer period of time to recede
than when the water rises, this is because point D is closer to point E. At the Equator,
the daily double daily tides are constant, at point I is high tide and at J meridian 90º is

low tide. At point K, with the meridian 180 ° farther from point I, the tide is again
and the altitude is almost the same as at point I. The range for these tides is not as
large as the range when the moon was at 0º declination. The daily tides will always
pass backwards because the tides generate a shifting force and are inertial to the

Picture. Effect of moon on a declination of 20º

The tides and tides are influenced by the gravitational force or the attraction of
the moon and sun. The moon that is closer to the earth has a greater influence on the
tides and ebb of sea water than the influence of the sun's gravity. The biggest tides
and tides occur during the new moon and full moon because at that time, the sun,
moon, and earth are in a line plane. The lowest tide occurs during the month of the
month. Therefore, the lowest tide is also called the tide. When the tide is in the
bandages, the tide occurs as low as possible because the position of the sun and moon

to the earth forms an angle of 90 degrees. Therefore, the gravity of the moon and sun
will come to weaken. The difference in water level at high tide and low tide in the
open sea reaches 3 m.

Picture. Tidal influence

However, in narrow places such as in straits or river mouths, this difference in

water level can be up to 16 m. Earth covered with sea water will be greatly influenced
by the gravitational force of the moon. As a result, the regions facing the moon will
experience tides, while the regions that are perpendicular to the position of the moon
will experience receding.

Ocean tides are the result of gravitational attraction and centrifugal effects.
Centrifugal effects is a push to outside of the center of rotation. Gravity varies
directly with mass but is inversely proportional to distance. Although the size of the
moon is smaller than the sun, the gravitational pull of the moon is two times greater
than that of the sun in generating waves from the ocean because the moon is closer
than the sun to earth. The gravitational pull pulls seawater toward the moon and sun
and produces two gravitational tidal bulges in the ocean. The latitude of the tidal

protrusion is determined by the declination, the angle between the earth's rotational
axis and the orbital planes of the moon and sun.

The factors that cause tides based on equilibrium theory are the rotation of the
earth on its axis, the revolution of the moon against the sun, the revolution of the
earth with respect to the sun. Meanwhile, based on dynamic theory, it is the depth and
area of waters, the effect of the earth's rotation (coriolis force), and basic friction. In
addition, there are also several local factors that can affect tides in waters such as sea
floor topography.

The occurrence of currents in the ocean is caused by two main factors, namely
internal factors and external factors. Internal factors such as differences in sea water
density, horizontal pressure gradient and water layer friction. Meanwhile, external
factors such as the sun and moon are influenced by sea floor resistance and coriolis
force, differences in air pressure, gravitational force, tectonic force and wind (Gross,

According to Bishop (1984), the main forces that play a role in the mass
circulation of water are the pressure gradient force, the coriolis force, the
gravitational force, the frictional force, and the centrifugal force. wind, the second
forces that only come into being due to fluid in motion relative to the earth's surface.
Of the forces that work in the formation of currents, among others, wind stress,
viscosity force, Coriolis force, horizontal pressure gradient force, and forces that
produce tides.

When the wind blows in the sea, the energy transferred from the wind to the
surface boundary, some of this energy is used in the formation of surface gravity
waves, which give the water movement from a small one towards the propagation of
the waves so as to form currents in the ocean. The faster the wind speed, the greater
the frictional force acting on the sea surface, and the greater the surface currents. In
the process of friction between the wind and the surfacethe sea can produce water

movement, namely laminar water movement and turbulent water movement
(Supangat, 2003).

Viscosity force on the sea surface is generated due to the movement of winds
on the sea surface which causes periodic exchange of adjacent water masses, this is
due to differences in pressure in the fluid. The viscosity force can be divided into two
forces, namely molecular viscosity and eddy viscosity. Friction in fluid motion results
from the transfer of momentum between different parts of the fluid. In the movement
of fluids in a laminar flow, the transfer of momentum occurs as a result of the transfer
between adjacent boundaries which is called molecular viscosity. At sea level, the
motion of water is never laminar, but turbulent so that groups of water, not individual
molecules, are exchanged from one part of the fluid to another.

The Coriolis force affects the mass flow of water, where this force will bend
the wind direction from a straight direction. This force arises as a result of the
rotation of the earth on its axis. This Coriolis Force bendscurrentin the north earth to
the right and the south earth to the left. At the moment of speedcurrent reduced, then
the rate of change currentcaused by the Coriolis force will increase. The result will
result in a slight deflection of directioncurrent which is relatively fast in the surface
layer and the direction of deflection becomes greater in the flow currentwhose speed
is slower and has greater depth. As a result there will be a flowcurrent where the
deeper the waters then currentwhat happens in the water layers will be bent in
direction. This relationship is known as Ekman's Spiral, Directioncurrent deviates 450
from the wind direction and the angle of deviation increases with increasing depth
(Supangat, 2003).

2.5 Planet
A. Definition of a Planet

Planets are celestial bodies in the solar system that move around the sun in
stable orbits. In the past, we knew nine planets in the solar system, namely Mercury,

Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. but currently only
eight are recognized as planets in the solar system, except for pluto.

B. Planet Requirements
1) The celestial body orbiting the sun, is round in shape, and is the only
dominant object in its orbit.
2) It orbits the sun.
3) It has enough mass for its gravitational force to overcome other external
forces, so that by hydrostatic equilibrium it has an almost spherical shape.
4) Has eliminated other objects in its orbit.
Besides defining a planet, the IAU revolution that took place in Prague also
defines the "dwarf planet" or dwarf planet.
The conditions for defining a "dwarf planet" are as follows.
1) It orbits the sun.
2) Has an almost round shape.
3) Have sufficient mass for the engraving force.
4) Not yet getting rid of other objects around its orbit.
5) Not satellite.

C. Planet Orbit

The orbits of the planets in the Solar System are all in one plane. Likewise
with the satellite orbits of these planets. Everything is in the same field. All planets
can have orbits in the same plane due to their formation in the Solar System.

The Solar System is made up of a giant cloud of gas and dust known as
nebulae, within which stars are born. Or if in the Solar System, the Sun was born in
this nebula. Initially the dust particles gather to form spherical clouds. These clouds
of gas and dust spin and then attract more matter. The gravitational interactions of the
particles in the cloud cause the cloud to condense. At that time the radius is

decreasing, but the angular momentum does not decrease so the rotation accelerates.
Clouds collapse.

When there is collapse, the cloud rotation accelerates. But not all parts of this
cloud are drawn to the center. The particles around the plane perpendicular to the axis
of rotation experience a centrifugal force that keeps them from approaching the center
but against gravity. As a result, the clouds flatten and form a disk that rotates around
the very dense core.

The more mass that is collected at the center of the disk, the temperature will
also increase sharply, thus providing sufficient capacity for nuclear reactions to occur.
The hydrogen atom then undergoes combustion to become helium, marking the birth
of the star. Meanwhile, gas and dust in the flat disk that rotates around the star
interact with each other in the disk. Collide and accumulate to form planets which
then orbit the star. This is what causes the planets to have orbits in the same plane as
the Stars.

Kepler had shown that the orbits of planets are elliptical. The closer the ellipse
focuses, the ellipse approaches the circle shape. The deviation of an ellipse from a
circle is measured by eccentricity, which is the ratio of the distance of the two focal
points to the major diameter of the ellipse. The eccentricity of a circle is zero, and the
eccentricity of the earth's orbit is only 0.017 so it is close to the circle.

As long as the planet revolves (rotates) around the sun once called a planetary
year, the distance between the planet and the sun changes. When the planet
approaches the sun, it is said to be in perihelion (Greek peri means around or near and
helios means sun). If the planet is at the farthest distance from the sun, it is said to be
at aphelion (Greek ap means far and helios means sun). Earth is at aphelion in July
and at perihelion in January. Earth's aphelion distance is 94.5 million miles and its
perihelion distance is 91.5 million miles. Earth's average distance - the sun is 93.0
million miles - 150 million km, or 1 AU (Astronomical Unit).

The four planets closest to the sun, namely Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars
are called the inner planets and the remaining planets namely Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus,
Neptune and Pluto are called the outer planets. Pluto is not necessarily a planet, some
astronomers believe that it is a detached satellite of Neptune. Between the orbits of
Mars and Jupiter lies a belt of asteroids, which are thousands of tiny planets and
fragments whose origins are still disputed. All planets evolve (rotate) around the sun
in the same direction, so also the revolution of the moon around the earth and the
rotation of the earth around its axis have the same direction. All the planets except
Uranus also rotate in the same direction around their axis. In addition, all the orbits of
the planets except Mercury and Pluto lie almost in the same plane. Earth's orbital
plane is called the ecliptic.

Newton has shown that the elliptic shape of the orbits of planets is due to the
gravitational attraction between the sun and the planets. Newton proved that the
trajectory of any rotating object (such as a planet) exerted by a central force
(gravitational attraction between the sun and the planet) which has a magnitude
(magnitude) varies inversely by the square of the distance between must be an ellipse.

Kepler's second law states the planets sweep "the same area in the same time",
this means the planets will move faster in their orbits if the planet is close to the sun
(perihelion) than if the planet is far from the sun. The law of "equal areas in equal
time" is a consequence of the fact that the planets preserve (preserve) their angular
momentum as they rotate around the sun. Momentum is the product of the object's
mass (m) and its velocity (v), while angular momentum (I) is the linear momentum
(p) times the object's radical distance (r) from the axis of rotation. If angular
momentum is conserved around the sun, then the planets must move faster when they
are close to the sun than when they are far from the sun. The planets that revolve
around the sun without a change in angular momentum because there is no force in
the direction of their motion. The sun's attractive force creates a righ angle to the path
of the planet. Once a planet moves around the sun, it will continue to rotate with

constant angular momentum unless it is subjected to a force in the direction along its
orbit. Artificial satellites outside the Earth's atmosphere will move in an elliptical
orbit around the Earth with constant angular momentum. In Earth's atmosphere, the
angular momentum decreases with time due to the frictional force of the Earth's

Kepler's third law states the relationship between the planet's distance from
the sun and the period of revolution. The period of revolution or planetary years of
the planets increases from 88 days for the nearest planet Mercury to 248 years for the
farthest planet Pluto. To understand Kepler's third law it is more advantageous to put
forward the idea of the centrifugal force. A rotating object exhibits the action of two
forces: the inward direction, which is the gravitational force between the sun and the
planet, and the outward force called the centrifugal force. For an object moving in a
circle with constant angular velocity, the two forces are balanced. Angular velocity is
the angle swept by the radius per unit time. The average angular velocity of a planet
is equal to one revolution (3600 = 2π radians) divided by the period of its revolution
which is actually constant for each planet. The centrifugal force is proportional to the
planet's distance - the sun times the square of its angular velocity. The sun's
gravitational attraction is inversely proportional to the planet-sun distance. If
gravitational attraction is precisely balanced by centrifugal force, then Kepler's third
law must comply.

D. Orbital period
The orbital period is the time it takes for an object to do one orbit If it is
mentioned without studying astronomy, then the reference is the sidereal period of an
astronomical object, which is calculated against the star.
There are several types of orbital periods for orbiting objects Sun (or other
celestial body):

1. Sidereal period is the temporary cycle it takes for an object to carry out one
full orbit relative to the star. This is considered to be the period in the object's
true orbit.
2. Synodic period is the temporary interval it takes for an object to reappear at
the same point relative to two other objects (linear nodes), for example when
Month relative to Sun seen from Earthback to the same illumination phase.
The synodic period is the time that lasts between twoconjunctionsuccessive
Sun-Earth lines in the same linear order. The synodic period differs from the
sidereal period because the Earth orbits the Sun.
3. Draconitic period or draconic period is the time that takes place between two
objects crossing through ascending node, the point of orbit where the object
crosses eclipticfrom the southern hemisphere to the north. This period differs
from the sidereal period in that both the orbital plane of the object and the
ecliptic plane are in precision with respect to the fixed star, thus their
intersection, i.e.node line, also gives priority to fixed stars. Although the
ecliptic field has often remained in the position it occupies atepic In particular,
the orbital plane of the object is still precessive and results in a draconitic
period different from the sidereal period.
4. Anomalistic period is the time that occurs between two objects crossing at
periapsisher (on the planet on solar system, is called perihelion), the point of
closest approach to the object that is attracting it. This period differs from the
sidereal period becausesemimayor axis things go very slowly.
5. Tropical period Earth (also known as "year") is the time that occurs between
two alignments of the axis of rotation with the Sun, also seen as the two
crossings of objects on asensio rectazero. One Earth year has a slightly shorter
interval than that of the Sun's orbit (sidereal period) because its inclination
axis and equatorial plane slowly recession (rotates in sidereal terms), returning
parallel before the orbit completes at an interval equal to the return of the
precession cycle (about 25,770 years) .

E. Laws About Planets
1) Kepler's First Law.In the law of the equation, Kepler describes the circular
shape of the planet's orbit. This law reads as follows: "The path of each planet
around the sun is an ellipse with the sun at one of its focal points".

Image of planetary orbits according to Kepler's I law

2) Kepler's Second Law, Kepler's second law describes the orbital velocity of the
planets. This law reads as follows: "Each planet moves in such a way that an
imaginary line drawn from the sun to the planet covers an area of equal area at
the same time".

Image of planetary orbits according to Kepler's II law

Where the line AM will sweep straight up to the line BM, its area is equal to
the area swept by the line CM to DM, if tAB = tCD. This second law also
explains that at points A and B the planet must be faster than at points C and

3) Kepler's III Law, Kepler's third law describes the period of planetary
revolution. The period of the planet's revolution is related to its average
orbital radius.The law reads as follows: "The square of the period of the planet
around the sun is proportional to the average cube of the planet from the sun".
The relationship above can be formulated mathematically like the following

T2 ~ R3
T1 R1
( ) ( )
=3 R2


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