Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Application (First Semester) Examination, May/June 2019

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(50) 7618
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Post-Graduate Diploma in Computer Application

(First Semester) Examination, May/June 2019

/Duration /Hours /Max. Marks

/Min. Pass Marks

Instructions :

1. The Question Paper is divided in five Units. Each unit carries an internal


2. Attempt one question from each Unit. Thus attempt five questions in all.

3. All questions carry equal marks.

4. Assume suitable data wherever necessary.

5. English version should be deemed to be correct in case of any anomaly in


6. Candidate should write his/her Roll Number at the prescribed space on the

question paper.

7618 1 P.T.O.
I (Unit I)


What do you mean by mail-merge ? Explain in detail with example.


Write short notes on the following :

(i) Task bar

(ii) Screen Saver

(iii) Recycle bin

(iv) Create a file.



Write the main features of MS-Word and explain in detail.


Explain the following in brief :

(i) Search Engine

(ii) URL

(iii) WWW.

II (Unit II)

(a) MS-Word

Explain in detail working with tables in MS-Word.

(b) MS-Word

Explain paragraph and page formatting in MS-Word.

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Write short notes on the following :

(i) Format Painter

(ii) Wizard.

(b) MS-Word

What are the different ways to create a table in MS-Word ? Explain.

III (Unit III)

(a) MS-Word advance

Write five advance features of MS-Word.

(b) MS-Word

What are all drawing features in MS-Word ? Explain them.


(a) MS-Word

How to create a mailing labels and envelopes in MS-Word ?


Write short notes on the following :

(i) Macros in MS-Word

(ii) Templates.

IV (Unit IV)

(a) MS-Excel cell formatting

Explain various cell formatting options available in MS-Excel.

(b) MS-Excel

Write the main features and limitations of MS-Excel.

7618 3 P.T.O.

(a) MS-Excel
Explain the following in MS-Excel :

(i) Chart Wizard

(ii) Workbook and Worksheet.

(b) MS-Excel
Explain the following functions in MS-Excel :

(i) MOD()

(ii) PRODUCT()

(iii) MAX()

(iv) SUM()

(v) AND()

V (Unit V)

(a) MS-PowerPoint
How many ways can we create a presentation in MS-PowerPoint ? Explain.

(b) MS-PowerPoint Presentation charts

Explain in detail various types of charts in MS-PowerPoint Presentation.


Write short notes on the following :

(i) Deleting and copying of slides

(ii) Handout master.

How to use animation and transition effects in a presentation ?

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