ABB Corrosion
ABB Corrosion
ABB Corrosion
In this document are listed some criteria in order to select the transmitter materials suitable for the
particular requirements of a specific plant. One of the most important factors for the selection of suitable
material is its resistance to corrosion.
Corrosion is the gradual destruction of a metal by chemical or electrochemical means. It is affected by
several factors, from the combination of chemicals , even if present in small amounts, to temperature. As
an example if the temperature goes above 40 °C in seawater, then pitting corrosion is a threat for
stainless steel.
Therefore ABB cannot guarantee that a material is suited to a particular application under all possible
process conditions. It is the user’s responsibility to make a careful analysis of all process parameters
when specifying materials.
Other process fluids not discussed here are listed in the attached corrosion table where some further
information are presented, but only as a reference intended only to make the user aware of the most
common problems of materials incompatibility for a given application.
Further materials (like Titanium, Nickel, Gold Plating) may be asked to local ABB representatives. Local
representative cooperation may be asked also to assess the suitability of some material for specific
applications by field test, which is the most recommended approach for critical service applications.
The 316 L SST is the standard material for the wetted parts of ABB 2600T family of transmitters, it has a
good resistance to corrosion, including low concentrations of nitric acid and most salt solutions with
some exception like nonoxidizing acids such as Hydrochloric, Hydrofluoric, Sulfuric and Phosphoric.
The resistance of 316 L SST to alkaline solutions, organic acids, and other organic compounds may
depend on temperature.
Concerning salts, the halide salts (fluorine, chlorine, bromine, iodine) can cause severe pitting and
possibly stress-corrosion cracking.
In case of Hydrogen Sulphide
(H2S) that is often present in
oil/gas production, the 316 L SST
may be available with a specific
certificate: NACE MR0175, see
the applicable data sheets. This
standard applies in case of
sufficient partial pressure of H2S
in gas, i.e. as an example a total
process pressure of 400 Kpa and
a concentration of H2S at least
above 700 PPM, or a process
pressure of 26 Mpa and a
concentration of H2S above 10
This standard assures the
prevention of sulphide stress
corrosion cracking, by reducing
the stress, i.e. by means of a low
hardness of the construction material and a suitable manufacturing process of the transmitter.
Non wetted part like bolts are also covered by this standard since they affect the effectiveness of
containment of the whole instrument even if they are exposed to H2S far below the limit of applicability of
the mentioned NACE standard.
The NACE certificate is in general available for Monel, Hastelloy C and Tantalum.
For UREA grade applications, a specific certificate is available for 316 L SST: ASTM A262, practice C,
Huey test.
Monel (67Ni-33Cu) has good resistance at ambient temperatures to most of the nonoxidizing acids,
such as hydrofluoric, sulfuric, and phosphoric acids. It also resists nonoxidizing salts. The nickel in the
alloy improves its resistance toward alkalies.
Hydrogen may penetrate Monel in high hydrogen concentration applications. When used as a
diaphragm material, hydrogen atoms may permeate the diaphragm allowing hydrogen bubbles to form
within the fill fluid. Therefore, Monel should not be used as a diaphragm material when the process is
hydrogen gas.
Hastelloy C.
In Hastelloy C (54Ni-16Mo-16Cr), chromium and molybdenum are added to nickel to improve the alloy’s
resistance to oxidizing conditions. Hastelloy C is well suited to provide protection against alkalies,
organic acids, and other organic compounds.
This alloy also retains a considerable degree of resistance to nonoxidizing conditions like Phosphoric
acid and also the acid salts such as Nickel and Copper chlorides. At moderate temperatures Hastelloy C
withstands Hydrochloric and sulfuric acids in most concentrations.
Both Monel and Hastelloy C have good corrosion resistance against atmospheric conditions and fresh
water. In addition, Hastelloy C is resistant to stagnant seawater.
Hastelloy C, like Monel and SST allows the permeation of Hydrogen therefore should be avoided as a
diaphragm material for Hydrogen service. Indeed Hydrogen atoms can diffuse through the transmitter
diaphragms, which are very thin, once reached the fill fluid, they can combine to form molecular
hydrogen. Because molecular hydrogen is too large to permeate back through the diaphragm it gets
trapped and forms bubbles in the fill fluid. These bubbles can severely affect transmitter performance.
Plating these materials’ diaphragm with gold provides protection against hydrogen permeation in all
cases of high process pressure and temperature, which increase the permeation rate.
Another form of protection is available from ABB: a hydrogen preparation (corrosion resistant gel), which
is applied to the instrument’s diaphragm to reduce Hydrogen permeation.
Both these protections are not available for the single cell family of transmitter.
Tantalum has proved to be a useful material in corrosive applications where 316 L SST does not
perform satisfactorily, like hydrochloric, hydrobromic, boiling hydrochloric, nitric, phosphoric, and sulfuric
There are a few exceptions to this rule such as Aluminium Fluoride, Potassium Carbonate and Sodium
Sulphide, where Monel results more suitable.
Tantalum has also a good resistance to most acids, chemical solutions, and organic compounds.
Liquid metals generally do not affect Tantalum.
However Tantalum can suffer severe embrittlement if in service with high-temperature oxygen or
nitrogen, or with hydrogen at any temperature. Also, it is attacked by strong alkaline solutions and by
fused alkalies like Sodium Hydroxide.
Tantalum has a high melting point and good strength even at elevated temperatures; this allows thin
sections to be used since it is very expensive.
The most widespread material for the transmitter gasket is PTFE (Teflon) because of its general
corrosion suitability with most materials. Nevertheless a known PTFE limitation is in case of process
which temperature can periodically vary of several degrees, compromising the tightness because of the
limited elasticity of this material. In these cases Viton shall be preferred, special materials are available
and may be asked to local ABB representatives.
= Generally suitable 1
Elastomer (Viton)
PTFE (Teflon)
Corrosion rate < 0.12 mm, 0.005 in per year.
316 L SS
B = Concentration and Temperature Limited
NR = Not Recommended
- = No Data Available
Numbers indicate the maximum allowable temperature (°C)
for a generally suitable material
Acetaldehyde B A A A A A
Acetic Acid 0.25% B A 22 A A NR
Acetic Acid 50% B A 100 A A NR
Acetic Acid 99.7% B A NR A A NR
Aluminum Chloride NR B B A A A
Aluminum Fluoride NR A A NR A A
Aluminum Hydroxide B B B NR A A
Aluminum Nitrate A A A A A 21
Aluminum Potassium Sut. A NR B A A 21
Ammonium Bisulfate A A
Ammonium Chloride NR B B A A A
Ammonium Fluoride A NR B NR A A
Ammonium Hydroxide A A B NR A A
Ammonium Nitrate A B NR A A 66
Ammonium Phosphate B A B A A -
Ammonium Sulfate NR B NR A A 21
Ammonium Sulfide A A A
Ammonium Sulfite B B NR A A A
Barium Chloride NR NR B A A A
Barium Hydroxide A NR B NR A NR
Barium Nitrate A B B A A A
Barium Sulfate B B B A A
Barium Sulfide NR - NR A A A
Beef Sugar Liquor A - A A
Beer A A A A A
Black Liquor NR A NR A A A
Blood A A A A A A
Borax B NR A A A
Boric Acid A A B A A 21
Brine NR A NR A A A
Butyric Acid B A B A A NR
Cadium Bromide NR A A 82
Cadium Chloride B A A A 82
Cadium Nitrate A A A A
Cadium Sulfate NR A A A
Calcium Carbonate B B A A A A
Calcium Chlorate B A A A A
Calcium Chloride NR A B A A A
Calcium Fluoride A A A NR A
Data of this table are based on information from manufacturers.
All data are based on a temperature of 20°C, 70°F unless noted otherwise.
Since corrosion involves many more variables than this table considers, such as trace contaminants, aeration or
temperature-concentration profile, stress corrosion cracking and pitting, the table should be used only as a reference
in narrowing the choice of materials that merit further investigation. Suitability of a particular material is best
determined by field test. At this purpose, please contact out local ABB representatives.
Elastomer (Viton)
A = Generally suitable.
PTFE (Teflon)
Corrosion rate < 0.12 mm, 0.005 in per year.
316 L SS
B = Concentration and Temperature Limited
NR = Not Recommended
- = No Data Available
Numbers indicate the maximum allowable temperature (°C)
for a generally suitable material
Calcium Hydroxide A A A A A 71
Calcium Hypochlorite 6% NR NR NR A A 71
Calcium Nitrate B B A A A A
Calcium Sulfate B B B A A 71
Carbolic Acid B A B A A A
Cellulose Acetate A A A A A NR
Chlorine Dioxide B NR A A A
Chlorinated Water B A NR A A A
Chromic Acid NR NR NR A A NR
Cider A A A A A A
Citric Acid (all conc.) B A B A A A
Citric Acid 10% A 100 A A A A
Clay Slurry A A B A
Coal & Water Slurry B A NR A
Coffee A A A A A
Coke Syrup A A A
Copper Chloride NR NR NR A A A
Copper Cyanide B B A A A A
Copper Fluoride NR NR A
Copper Nitrate B NR NR A A A
Copper Ore Slurry A A
Copper Sulfate B A B A A 71
Dairy Products A A A -
Dichloroacetic Acid NR NR A A NR
Dyes A A A NR
Fatty Acids A A B A A NR
Ferric Chloride NR B NR A A A
Ferric Sulfate B B NR A A A
Ferrous Chloride NR B NR A A A
Ferrous Nitrate NR B A
Ferrous Sulfate NR B B A A A
Fluosilicic Acid NR NR A A B A
Formaldehyde A B A A A A
Formic Acid (all conc.) 24 21 NR A A NR
Fresca (soft drink) A A A
Fruit Juices A NR B A NR
Gin A A A A
Ginger Ale A A A
Ginger Beer A A A A
Glucose A A A A A A
Glutaric Acid 24 A NR
Grape Juice A A A
Green Liquor (NaOH) B A A A A -
Hydrobromic Acid NR NR NR A A 66
Hydrochloric Acid NR NR NR A A NR
Elastomer (Viton)
A = Generally suitable.
PTFE (Teflon)
Corrosion rate < 0.12 mm, 0.005 in per year.
316 L SS
B = Concentration and Temperature Limited
NR = Not Recommended
- = No Data Available
Numbers indicate the maximum allowable temperature (°C)
for a generally suitable material
Hydrocyanic Acid NR NR NR A A NR
Hydrofluoric Acid NR NR B NR A 71
Hydrogen Peroxide B A NR A A 71
Hydrogen Sulfide A A NR A A A
Iodic Acid NR A
Lactic Acid 10-85% NR NR B A A A
Lactic Acid 5% A 38 NR A A A
Latex A A A
Lead Acetate B B B A A A
Lemon Juice A A A
Lime (Calcium Hydroxide) A A A A A 60
Machine Broke A A A A
Magnesium Carbonate B B A A A
Magnesium Chloride B A B A A B
Magnesium Hydroxide B B B A A
Magnesium Nitrate B B B A A 71
Magnesium Sulfate 38 B A A A 71
Maleic Acid A A A A A A
Malic Acid A B B A A A
Mercuric Chloride NR NR A A A B
Milk (Skim or Regular) A A B A
Molasses (Zuelaluf) A A A A A
Nickel Chloride NR B B A A A
Nickel Nitrate B B A A A A
Nickel Sulfate B B B A A A
Nitric Acid (all conc.) B NR NR A A
Nitric Acid 5% A NR NR A A A
Oxalic Acid NR NR B A 71 NR
Paper Pulp A A A
Phosphate Slurry NR A A A
Phos phoric Acid 30% B 26 100 A A 71
Phosphoric Acid 80% NR B 100 A A 71
Potassium 5-50% 30 A A 66
Potassium Aluminum Sulfate B B B A A
Potassium Bisulfate B A A
Potassium Bromide B A B A A A
Potassium Carbonate B B B NR A
Potassium Chlorate B B B A A A
Potassium Chloride B A B A A A
Potassium Cyanide NR B B A A A
Potassium Permanganate B B B A A
Potassium Phosphate B B A A A A
Potassium Sulfate NR B A A A A
Potassium Sulfide A NR B A A A
Root Beer A A A A
Elastomer (Viton)
A = Generally suitable.
PTFE (Teflon)
Corrosion rate < 0.12 mm, 0.005 in per year.
316 L SS
B = Concentration and Temperature Limited
NR = Not Recommended
- = No Data Available
Numbers indicate the maximum allowable temperature (°C)
for a generally suitable material
Rosin Size A A A A A
Rum A A A
Salicylic Acid B B A A A NR
Sea Water B A A A A A
Sewage A B A A A A
Silver Nitrate (all conc.) B NR NR A A A
Sodium Acetate 50% B A A A A A
Sodium Chloride (Salt) B A B A A A
Sodium Hydroxide B B A NR A A
Sodium Hypochlorite NR NR NR A A A
Sodium Nitrate B B A A A NR
Sodium Phosphate B B A A A A
Sodium Sulfate B NR NR A A 71
Sodium Sulfide B B A B A 71
Sodium Sulfite B B B A A 71
Starch B A A
Sulfuric Acid NR 22 NR A A A
Sulfurous Acid NR B NR A A A
Tab A A A A
Tartic Acid B B A 77
Titanium Dioxide A A A
Tomato Juice A A A A
Urea B A B A A
Vinegar A A A A
Water (impure) A A A A
Whiskey A A A A
White Liquor A A B A A A
Wines A A A
Zinc Chloride (all conc.) NR B B A A 71
Zinc Sulfate B B B A A 71