Modernity: The Analysis of Theoretical Approaches
Modernity: The Analysis of Theoretical Approaches
Modernity: The Analysis of Theoretical Approaches
Dr. Sergey A. Kravchenko, Professor, Head of the sociological department at the Moscow State Institute of
International Relations, Russia
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. ISA 2006 Congress. The Quality of Social Existence in a
Globalizing World. – Durban, South Africa, 2006. – P. 209.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 97.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 279.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 288.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 181.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 229.
Secondly, some sociologists consider that the variety modernities is determined by the
factor of the originality of social time flowing specifically in different cultures. Under the
influence of this factor there appear the historical stages, differentiated by the temporal
parameters of planning and constructing the future of individuals. Essentially, people living
nowadays areforced to pass from one tempoworld into another where the life is more dynamic
and indefinite. Taking into consideration this criterion C. Leccardi (Dept. Sociology & Social
Research, U Milano-Bicocca, Italy) writes: ‘If the “first modernity” construed the meaning of
future as a time of experimentation and possibilities, the “second modernity” defines it rather as
an uncertain dimension, as a potential limit rather than a resource. This new semantic
framework also deeply shapes the ways and forms in which young people’s biographies come to
be defined… a life plan constitutes less and less the principle capable of structuring biographies,
new ways of relating with the future and time are delineated’8. In our view, the sociologist
rightly noticed that the ‘second modernity’, as a higher stage of the radicalized modernity
diminishes the amount of long-living parameters of order and, accordingly, increases short-living
parameters that objectively constructing obstacles before the young people for a detail planning
of their future.
A. Malaina (CETSAH, Ecole Hautes Etudes Sciences Sociales, Paris, France) pays
attention to the fact that national works of art and, in particular, cinematographic arts can have
the temporal rates of development, marked by specific discourse: ‘The cinema of Pedro
Almodovar, which is currently very popular, can be characterized as the reflection of a society
of delayed modernity’9. A similar idea is offered by Е.Т. Sevänen (Dept. Cultural Research, U
Joensuu, Finland) who states that in modernity ‘our picture of the world varies according to the
kinds of distinctions and concepts that we apply to it… it is the function of art to provide people
with alternative models of the world’10.
I state that the accent on the original flowing of social time substantially undermines the
idea of one-way Eurocentrist modernity. The factors of the influence of the temporal measuring
of the development of concrete socium as well as the alternativeness of social time reflect the
peculiarity of culture and, certainly, the originality of globolocal modernity.
Thirdly, many sociologists conduct researches in the direction of discovering new basic
characteristics of modernity. In my view, a very interesting conception of ‘posthuman’ is being
developed by N. Gain (Brunel U, Uxbridge, Middlesex, UK). It touches upon new descriptions
of modernity. He analysis the following questions: Is there a discrete human subject that lies at
the centre of sociological analysis? Can humans be separated easily from the machines and
technologies that structure life today? What might the term ‘agency’ mean in a world of so-
called ‘intelligent’ mashine? According to the sociologist, ‘it is no longer possible, for example,
to treat social relations as arising simply from human relations (as did Marx and Weber)…
Objects and technologies now exercise an increasing power over our lives, to the extent that we
can no longer place humans as all-powerful agents at the centre of all analysis, or even
presuppose what it means to be human’11.
It comes out from these statements, that modernity supposes to have the social of a
special quality, which is determined by ‘intellectual’ technology, that is becoming the attribute
of this socium. Here is a truly methodological paradox: as it is generally known that sociologists
tried to overcome so-called technological determinism, and it seemed to be correct in the early
sociological theories. Nowadays, certainly, taking into consideration new developments of
contemporary society they come to the ground of intellectually-technological socium, which,
however, does not seem vulgar in the context of the present social and cultural dynamics.
I suppose, K.J. Macdonald (U Melbourne, Australia) is right referring ‘complex space’
and ‘complex time’ to the basic characteristics of modernity. According to him understandings
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 144.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 156.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 232.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 86.
of time and space have been central to a dominant understanding of the constitution of
modernity. If modern time is linear with the past enclosed in the present, the modernity has
‘complex space’ and ‘complex time’, so actors ‘live in different, non-sequential temporalities
and in different places at the same time’12. To my oppinion, it is a very important conclusion
that will influence the perspective directions of the development of the world sociological
thought. It has become a fact (recently it would seem to be impossible in principle) that the same
social actors can live in different spaces and tempo worlds. And I suppose the number of such
actors will inevitability increase, putting forward, in particular, new administrative problems.
Fourthly, a large number of sociologists go on the way of exposure of new institutional
descriptions of modernity. They considerably extend Giddens’s conception of the radicalized
modernity. Thus, some sociologists consider that the institute of religion has substantially
changed. So, K. de Groot (Tilburg U Theology & Religious Studies, Netherlands) considers that
there appear ‘liquid modernity’ in which solid institutions, such as class and the family, have
eroded. So he investigates fluid forms of socium and religion proposing a concept of liquid
religion. ‘This concept,- he writes, - promises to open up perspectives for both old and new
social forms of religion that seem to flourish within a liquid milieu such as religious events,
small communities, global religious networks and virtual communities, as well as religious
meetings and collective activities out side the religious sphere, such as the cultural, economic,
medical and educational sphere13. P. Kumar (U KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa) declares
that ‘in modern society transmission of conventional forms of beliefs is gradually breaking
down, it is important to test this transmission thesis in other contexts and see if there is global
trend in this regard’14.
I.G. Sudjatmiko (Dept. Sociology, U Indonesia, West Java) has offered a very original
vision of the development of religion through the prism of modernity. He points out three
patterns of supernatural sociation. ‘The first one is the “Communal” (“We and God”) found
mostly in simple societies where individuals are diffused or “absorbed” by the community.
These simple societies are characterized by a strong “We” as shown in the absence of private
prayer and the word “I” in their prayers. The second pattern is the “Associational” (“We, I and
God”) exemplified by world religious that have organizations, collective as well as private
prayers. The third pattern is the “Personal” (“I and God”) where individuals do not participate
in organized religions and collective prayers’15.
As well as Giddens modern sociologists investigate the changes in the law and order
system. It is expressed in a claim of principles of ‘dialogic democracy’ particularly scientists
state the trends of emotional neutrality and universalism in the police activity. J.V. Tavares Dos
Santos (Dept. Sociology, Federal U Rio Grand Do Sul, Porto Alegre, Brazil) considers that the
age of modernity has shown an increasing crisis of social control and policing. One of the
problems is police officer’s education. He thinks that the basic issue for the future of policing is
as follows: ‘the guarantee that police officer’s education entertains no discriminations in regard
to sex or ethnic minority, the training in techniques that reduce life risks, with the orientation of
using fire arms only in extreme cases’16 .
Another interesting moment. For the last years Sociology of body as a new particular
branch of Sociology got a substantial development, especially in the context of understanding
the institutions of modernity. Its representatives, in particular, N. Porro from Italy using the ideas
of М. Foucault and the conception of habitus of P. Bourdieu has marked that through the history
of the bodies in action it can be possible to tell the history of mankind, its itineraries from
primitive communities to civilization, until modernity. The transition from solid to liquid
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 163.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 59.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 139.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 247.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 253.
modernity can be analyzed in regard to the use of ‘properly sports activities, as well as the rules
enforced by the fashion or by publicity, food and dietetic regulations17.
In my view, the increasing social and cultural dynamics objectively facilitates the
appearance of new institutional characteristics of socium that is becoming more reflexive. Thus,
it must be empirically represented and interpreted in theory.
XVI World Congress of Sociology. Abstracts. – P. 202.