Lorieneil - Tomenes - FIELD STUDY 1 Episode 1 OUTPUT
Lorieneil - Tomenes - FIELD STUDY 1 Episode 1 OUTPUT
Lorieneil - Tomenes - FIELD STUDY 1 Episode 1 OUTPUT
Episode 1
Your Target
At the end of this activity, you will be competent in determining a school environment
that provides social, psychological, and physical environment supportive of learning.
Your Map
A general observation of the campus and the classroom is an exciting way to start
your observation.
Your Tools
As you move around the campus or conduct and interview, activity forms are provided
for you to document your observations. It is advised that you read the entire worksheet
before proceeding to the school site. A good understanding of the activities and tasks to be
accomplished in the activity sheets will yield better learning results.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Telefax: (055) 2093657
Familiarize yourself with the different areas and facilities of the school. Check the column
to indicate their availability. Give a brief description of those that are available on the
last column.
Facilities Available Description
Office of the Principal Shelves are present for
important documents to be
properly sorted.
Teachers’ Information board
is updated.
Calendar of Activities board
with updated events is
posted outside of the office
where it can be seen right
Library The books are properly
arranged with code numbers
for identification and well-
There are few chairs for
students to sit on.
Counseling Room The room’s furniture are well
arranged that is comfortable
for students to discuss
issues and taking advices.
Canteen/Cafeteria Snacks are limited to junk
foods, soft drinks, juice and
candies that might be bad
for the health of children.
It is well-ventilated and has
a constant running water.
Medical Clinic Emergency kit is present and
one bed is available for
treating injuries.
Audio/Visual/Media Center Equipment are dusty but
projector and television is
ready for use.
Reading Center Located inside the Library.
There are IMs ready to be
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Telefax: (055) 2093657
Facilities Available Description
Speech Laboratory Located inside the library.
IMs area available to be use.
Science Laboratory Well organized and science
tools and equipment are
Auditorium No equipment is present
however projector and
speaker is available for use.
Home Economics Room The room is well-ventilated
that prevent fire.
Tools in cooking is available
for use.
Safety precautions are
posted in the walls.
Industrial Workshop Area
PTA Office
Comfort Room for Boys Clean floor, toilets and sink.
Comfort Room for Girls Clean floor, toilets and sink.
District Office Well maintained and
ambiance is inviting
Guard house Cleanliness is observed at all
Computer Laboratory Computers are working but
is limited.
Supply Room Supply is organized by grade
level and clean.
Read the following statements carefully. Then write your observation report on the provided
1. Describe the community or neighborhood where the school is found.
2. Describe the school campus. What colors do you see? What is the condition of the
3. Pass by the offices. What impression do you have of these offices?
4. Walk through the school halls, the library, the cafeteria. Look around and find out the
other facilities that the school has.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Telefax: (055) 2093657
The community surrounding the school is occupied mostly of families from low
to average income earners with children that goes to the same school. Thus the
location of the school provides an easy access for children to go to school with less
problems in terms of transportation. The school is also located beside the national
highway thus students who needs to ride public transportation vehicles can easily go
pass the school. However, there are reported cases that some mischievous kids living
near the school try to steal the school's valuables.
Teachers and PTA officers provide assistance as early as they can detect
problems with infrastructures. The school is also spacious that sunlight and cool air
strikes the premised directly. Mission and vision of the school and DepEd is also painted
in the entrance wall.
The school has two main offices, the Principal's office and Calbayog V District
office. Both offices have an inviting ambiance that encourages teachers and other
concern citizens wanting to come into and discuss important matters. Documents are
also well arranged through shelves and they both have a well-lit office.
The school has different theme parks based on subjects taught in the
classroom. The parks provide different trivia, games and simulations that helps
students be more engaged in learning. The school also has a playground with which
has various activities that helps students strengthen their social and physical attributes.
Be guided by these tasks as you do your observation. Then accomplish the matrix to
record your data.
1. Look at the walls of the classroom. What are posted on the walls? What heroes,
religious figures, lessons, visual aids, announcements, do you see posted?
2. Examine how the furniture is arranged. Where is the teacher’s table located? How
are the tables and chairs/desks arranged?
3. What learning materials/equipment are present?
4. Observe the students. How many are occupying one room?
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Telefax: (055) 2093657
Classroom Facilities (location, number, arrangement,
1. Wall Displays 13 displays placed on every corner of the
room, new and updated
2. Teacher’s Table In front and back of the room, 2 tables,
new and sturdy tables
3. Chalkboard One 8-m long chalkboard placed in front
of the room, newly varnished with blue-
red-blue lines.
4. Television 1 32-inch LED TV in the center top of the
chalkboard, well-maintained
5. Teacher’s shelves 1-large and 1-medium size shelves
placed at the back of the room, clean and
well-organized documents.
6. Students’ chairs 40 chairs placed at the center of the
room, few are sturdy enough while some
needs repair and repaint.
7.Comfort room 1 comfort room at Southeast location of
the room, well-maintained cleanliness
8.IM’s/Visual Aids 2 visual aids at the back, well-made
visual aids
9.Bulletin Board 1 3x4 m bulletin board at the back of the
10.Wall fan/Electric fan 2 wall fans placed each on the side of the
room and 1 electric fan beside the
teacher’s back table, clean
The walls of the classroom have several displays on it specifically about subject
contents and information board. The front wall is where the chalkboard is located. It
is kept tidy every after class session. On the center top of the wall is a crucifix. On the
right wall are the students' birthday, cleaners' schedule and top notchers of the class.
At the back of the classroom on top are the images of the current President, the pillars
of DepEd from national down to the school principal. Below it are visual aids for every
subject in a given grading period. Beside it is the bulletin board where updates,
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Telefax: (055) 2093657
school activities and other important matters are displayed. On the door the grade
and section, the class schedule and the advising teacher is posted. Each side of the
wall has wall fan that provides comfort to the students. The armchairs are arranged
in two groups with a center-aisle for the teacher to be able to pass through them
easily. The teacher’s shelves are very tidy and organized and is kept lock so that the
privacy can be kept for important documents.
The classroom has a television that is used for lesson presentation purposes,
it is working and is kept clean. There is also an available comfort room for students
not to get out of the room every now and then which is kept fragrant and clean.
There are also flip charts and games available to be used by the students in
their free time. The games include abacus, word puzzle games and math games that
helps students learn more while infused in games.
Reasons I Go To School
Lorie Neil M. Tomenes
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Telefax: (055) 2093657
Your Analysis
1. How do the school campus and the classroom in particular create impact on the learning
of the students going to school? What are your conclusions?
The school campus and the classroom greatly create impact on the learning of the
students because when there is harmony and less distraction for students they will be
able to grasp the lesson as soon as possible. Just like in anything we do, our minds are
clear whenever our surrounding is peaceful so to the learning environment of a student.
With a good school campus and classroom environment it also influences a positive
behavior to the students. And affects the teacher-student relationship to be respectful
and have a good out bringing. Also, the good nature and quality of the learning
environment affect teacher’s attitudes, behaviors and performances which is very vital in
shaping young minds and character. How the teachers are towards their duty and
responsibilities greatly affect on the students’ success.
2. How does this relate to your knowledge of child and adolescent development? How does
this relate to your knowledge of facilitating learning?
I believe that one of the factors that greatly affects child and adolescent development is
the environment. Learning should be done in a conducive surrounding to better
understand and get a better grip of the lessons. Everything benefits from one another,
may it be the surrounding or the people itself in the campus. When everyone can respect
each other’s position and age then I believe there will be an accordant learning
environment. This relates to my knowledge of facilitating learning. For a child to learn the
lesson, one should know how to acquire the interest of each diverse learners. Since we
deal with diverse multiple intelligent students we needs to make sure that every one of
them will not be left behind.
Your Reflections
1. Would you like to teach in the school environment you just observed? Why? Why not?
Yes, I would love to teach in the school environment where I have observed. Apart from
the school being near from my home, it is because the teachers, staff and all facilitators
are well aware of what is their job description. Everyone help each other accomplish
their goals. Teachers also know their subject areas thus they are able to teach quality
education to their students. The school also have modern facilities that accelerates
students from other schools. However as a future teacher I am very well aware of what
my job requires and I want to devote myself teaching in a more remote area where I
can share my teaching skills and provide a change and inspiration to every child.
Republic of the Philippines
Northwest Samar State University
Rueda St., Calbayog City 6710
Website: http//www.nwssu.edu.ph
Email: [email protected]
ISO 9001:2015 Certified
Telefax: (055) 2093657
A school campus is conducive to learning when the campus itself is safe, has fresh air
to breathe, moderate temperature, harmonious and free from unnecessary noises and
disturbances that provides students peace to themselves. With a good standards,
performance and competitive school campus through academics and extra-curricular
activities students will be more productive, proactive and create a good impression to
the parents, guardians and make a good example to other schools.
A classroom can be called conducive to learning when the teacher itself manages the
classroom with a good manner and expertise. The room should also be well decorated,
well-lighter, organized, ventilated and well-arranged classroom setup. It also needs to
have a sufficient instructional materials and visual aids that students can use all the
time. Students would also need to have a good social relationship to other students to
create a more conducive learning environment and not only that, it could also exercise
their confidence towards other people by keeping friends to their classmates and have
a respectful mindset to their teachers.
This episode made me realize that school campus and classroom environment is very
crucial for a child to develop their individuality. A ripple effect could happen from the
school campus down to its teachers. A good school campus environment can lead to a
good impression to parents, guardians and other school campuses. And this good
impression provides students a confidence in going to school and learn new things
every day.