Yigzaw PDF
Yigzaw PDF
Yigzaw PDF
Yigzaw Negrew
YOM Institute of Economic Development and Debre Markos University collaborative post
graduate program in the department of Project Planning and Management, Addis Ababa
Ethiopia. Cell phone: +251 924 306876, Email: [email protected]
Dawit Woubishet (PHD), Environment and Climate Research Center (ECRC), Ethiopian
Development Research Institute (EDRI).
Tsegaye Ginbo
Tsegaye Ginbo, Environment and Climate Research Center (ECRC), Ethiopian Development
Research Institute (EDRI).
o The study explores the possible effects and benefits of the LRT on the private business
firms' overall activity by making comparative analysis of the three periods, pre-
implementation, implementation and post implementation of the project.
o The project has significant effect on the private business firms' profitability performance
through their revenue performance over the three periods and other factors depending on
the periods.
o Overall findings implies that the project adversely affected the firms' activity during
implementation period and after the implementation, the firms feel that the business
environment became less attractive as compared to the pre-implementation period.
o It is advisable that while implementing such bigger and multi-facial project, firms'
interest should be considered in the design as well as output and also the factors that
affect population mobility should be minimized as low as possible.
Carbon free and alternative transport infrastructure is crucial to address the growing challenges
pertaining to rapid urbanization including traffic congestion and mitigate climate change. In this
regards, the government of Ethiopia - city of Addis Ababa are striving to address the pressing
transport problems and growing challenges by introducing LRT along major lines of the city.
Hence, it is important to evaluate the impact of intervention on economic performance of private
business firms’ along the lines. And this study investigates the effects of the project on private
business firms’ profitability performance by comparative analysis of the period of pre, during
and post implementation of the project through random selection of stations. All private business
firms located within the area of 0.04 km2 around the stations are considered in the study sample
frame. The result indicated that the business activity of firms was affected during the
implementation of the LRT project due to the blockage of roads which impeded the accessibility
of business to their customers. Accordingly, the revenue performance’s positive effect to the
business firms’ profitability performance has decreased by more than 8% as compared to pre-
LRT implementation period. Moreover, performance of business is also affected by their
distance to LRT stations which are crossing points from one side of road to other. Specifically,
being located outside 100meters from the stations or crossing points, the mean of profitability
performance has reduced from -8.89% to -15.24%. This implies accessibility is more important
for private business firms. Therefore, designing such investments on transport infrastructure
should be in such a way that lower negative impacts and ensure benefits for alongside private
businesses while improving the transportation system.
In highly complex and cost-minimizing system to link goods and service from producers to
customers and for human as well as resource mobilization, transportation is the key sector of an
economy [1]. Transport for a Global Economy (TGE) forum also identified that transport is an
indispensable part of today's economic activity [2]. This developed network of transport makes possible
the existence of cities and trade occurrences [3]. Now days, it is considered as a means to alleviate
poverty in the cities which is a major problem in developing countries, particularly in Africa [4].
Being in the same hemisphere of the African countries, economic growth as well as
improvement of per capita income are consistent with the major plan of Ethiopia, the Growth and
Transformational Plan (GTP) [5]. The focal point for this plan is to achieve middle-income status
by 2025 in a climate-resilient green economy; by considering transport sector as one of
fundamental pillar of the economy [6].
One of this transformation plan is, the introduction and expansion of modern transport system to
urban areas specifically in the capital city - Addis Ababa. And the Light Rail Transit (LRT) has
got the first priority than Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) by the federal and city administration for the
cities mass transit[7]. This project's first phase has been implemented East-West and North-
South axis of the city. These lines which meet around Addis Ababa stadium run from Hayat to
Torhailoch and from Minilik II square to Kaliti so as to modernize the existing transportation
system, supports the traffic flow and economic activity of these major routes of the city [5].
The existing transportation system was characterized by poor access of the transport service and
other facilities, increasing trend of transport price, lack of smooth traffic flow, high rate of traffic
accidents and increasing air and noise pollution [8]. Moreover, the public transport (bus, minibus
and taxi) covers 46% or 3.56 million trips, private modes hold 9% or 0.7 million trips. The
remaining 45% trips are walking which slows down the economic activity and limit mobility [9].
And being the diplomatic capital of Africa and the hub of the Ethiopian economy coupled with
the above transportation hindrances are also the main reasons of the mass transit LRT
implementation in Addis Ababa [10].
However, during the implementation of this project almost all the existing transport
infrastructures would be re-constructed. This the whole transportation change, caused major
traffic congestion and disruption in some areas, resulting in considerable losses to businesses
profit; in addition it has affected the mobility of the people and access to business firms along the
LRT lines [11].
It is argued that transportation system changes which may affect routine business activity will result in
business owner’s customer loss and customer who finds alternative businesses during the construction
period may not necessarily return once construction is completed [12]. On the other hand transit
investments, particularly rail, triggers economic revitalization in central cities and brings positive
effect on business activity around the station [13], enhance land and property value [14]. But, in
our country being new for such transit line, research related to the LRT effect and its benefit to
the private business sector has not yet conducted. Therefore, this study tries to examine the
economic benefits and effect of this LRT on private business sector in terms of the firms'
activity, profitability performance, working environment and future prospects of the firms'. And
the variables of profitability are assumed to be different from zero to affect the firms’
profitability performance in the study periods.
The Model
The study has focused on the effect of the transport investment on the private business firms by
using model derived from (13) and (17). Transport modal integration opportunities and benefits,
the business case would help identify market demands, industry trends, economic viability,
potential private partnership opportunities, and an implementation plan. It would provide an
objective and comprehensive view of the issue; ultimately, offering the city and the stakeholders
a better indication of the intermodal needs (9) Inter-firm externalities can result from better
accessibility to local public goods, from the use of shared input factors, from technology and
information spillovers, or from access to a wider trained labor market. The components represent
labor market imperfections, as they both affect the supply of labor and the participation levels.
Improved levels of rail accessibility at the urban level will have an impact on the numbers of
people entering the labor market and whether they are prepared to work longer hours. (10)
Framework specifying the linkages between transportation investments and economic impacts
Various business location theories address the different industry types. Many economic
activities, such as retail sales and services, depend on access to consumers, while others do not.
Central place theory described that a distribution of market centers based on consumer range (the
distance that consumers are willing to travel for a certain type of good), while meeting a
business’s market threshold (the minimum sales volume or customer base required to meet profit
goals). When transportation costs fall, central place theory predicts larger and more dispersed
market centers as workers and consumers are willing to travel greater distances to access jobs
and goods. As a result, in many cities, developments near freeway interchanges have become
secondary market centers to central business districts. Likewise, when transportation costs rise,
the theory predicts smaller and more concentrated market centers [10].
Supporting the above theories, research on pedestrian safety and movement, accessibility
research tends to focus on measuring current levels, not on predicting effects of transportation
projects [12].
According to Rodrigue (2009) cited by [13], at constant accessibility/distance, urban density is
the determining factor that affects the availability of social opportunities (access to services and
goods, employment and social interactions) and economic opportunities (access to customers and
suppliers). Accessibility is a function of qualities of transport system (walking distance, travel
time) and it is an important indicator of how well public transport and the built environment are
integrated to each other (Bertolini et al, 2005) cited by [13]. Many businesses prefer to locate
near rail stations to improve access for employees and customers; some employers say that
employees who commute by rail are more [14].
Moreover, the transportation projects directly affect businesses then the business activities. This
change in business firms will bring indirect and induced effects which result multiplier effect on
Cities with significant rail systems have a slower rate of per capita congestion growth than cities
with small rail or no rail. Traffic volume and congestion are non-linear. On highways, traffic can
maintain high speeds over a broad range of traffic densities. However, when densities reach and
exceed design levels, speeds drop suddenly. Therefore, it is possible for relatively small
reductions in traffic volumes to generate large improvements in speed. Supporting arguments
increases in rail trip reduce congestion costs while increases in bus distance increase congestion
costs. When major rail systems fail, the congestion level on highways and arterials increases [18].
Combining the two models the study has defined its own model as follows on fig 2.4. The
transport project investment cause major changes on the business performance through supplier
effect, consumer and labor market. These icons affect the business firm day to day activity or
revenue which is ultimately affects the profitability. In addition the cost advantage and
convenience of the transportation will have direct and indirect impact on the profitability.
Transport Project
Here the economic benefit means any benefit that minimizes the cost and increase business
profitability/maximizes the revenue of the business. And also effect means any influence to
impact that the intervention brought. The LRT is the intervention which was started the
construction in 2012 and being operational in 2015. In this study context the private business
sector means that profit oriented privately owned (Sole proprietorships, partnerships, share
companies or may be corporations) which are legally established to manufacture, rendering
service, distributing and retailing goods. These are the study's population.
Due to the absence of compiled data from wereda's and sub cities about the number of business
firms and the difficulty to cover through business survey the whole businesses along the LRT
line. A case study area selection and creating geographic clusters were the first steps of
sampling. And the random selection identified the east-west line from Ayat to Stadium stations
as the study area.
400m 50m
The first category is from 0 to 200, the second category from 200 to 400 populations and the
third is from 400 to 600 populations. Thus one cluster selected randomly from each category.
Accordingly, Hyahulet 1 station, Lem Hotel and Gurd shola 2 are the randomly selected clusters
with the total population of 947. A minimum of 10% population are the sample of the study.
The study is based on primary data collected through questionnaire. The questionnaires consisted
mostly of closed-ended questions and few open-ended questions. In the open-ended questions,
the subjects were required to respond in writing, whereas closed-ended questions had options
which were determined by the researcher Burns & Grove 1993 as cited by [9]. The
questionnaires were presented in both English and Amharic respondents to use their convenient
After the data have been collected, it was organized and analyzed by using STATA for statistical
analysis and descriptive analysis for comparative analysis of the three periods in the form of
charts and graphs.
Model Specification
[17] States that private businesses' goal is to maximize profit. Profit is defined as the difference
between total revenue (TR) and total cost (TC). Profit is maximized when the total revenue
increase that is generated by the business or its expenditure of fixed and variable costs are
TR(x) = P*Q .........................................................................................................(1)
Where P is price of goods and service that the firm sells and Q is the quantity of goods and
service which are sold to customer at price "P".
TC (x) = TFC + TVC ............................................................................................(2)
Where TFC is the total fixed cost of the firm and TVC is the total variable costs that the firm
used to produce the goods and service.
On the other hand, [1] stated that the other external variables also determine the profitability of
the firm. Similarly, [19] agreed that like location of the firm, experience of the firm, number of
employees, customers visit rate and land and property value of the firm, [19].
Y = f(location, age, number of employees, customers visit rate, Land and property value), where
Y is profitability ................................(3).
Therefore, in sum P = ......................................... 1+2+3
To construct the linear regression equation, let, the variables in the three clauses X i, and the
profitability is denoted by Y. Then the regression question given as follows.
Y=α+ iXi + Є;
Where Y is profitability of the firm, α is a constant term for the equation, i is the vector of
parameters to be estimated for Xi which represent the variables and Є is the error term of the
Before the project implementation, the average regular customers of each firm was around 580.
But, it has declined on average to 402 and 320 in the period of implementation and after
implementation, respectively. And when we see the daily visit of the customers, it has fallen
sharply in the implementation period and being slowly recovered the implementation period. On
the other hand, each firms on average lost around 180 customers during the implementation of
the LRT while after the implementation of the LRT each firms are having on average 43 new
customers. Never the less, only 26.2% of the firms agree the LRT is the reason of the new
customers coming. Majority of the firms around 65.2% of the total disagree about the LRT to be
the reason of the new customers.
Alike to the firms' customer status during the three periods, the revenue has shown up and down
level. During the implementation of the LRT, majority of the firm registered low revenue and
very few of them have higher revenue than the other periods. And the firms responded that the
revenue has fallen on average by 40.85% during the implementation while after the
implementation, it has risen on average by 25.87%. It has been depicted in detail in the bar
graph below.
More over the profitability trend of firms shows that there was better performance before
implementation and the declined performance in the period of implementation, doesn't get much
better after the implementation of the LRT. This implies that the revenue decline agrees with the
statement of [12] and the after the implementation, the rise of the business firms’ revenue may coincide
with [13].
The working environment is considered as one element for the firms during their business
activity and majority of the firms indicated that in the period of implementation it was less
convenient and more of inconvenient. Still after the implementation of the LRT, 51 firms argued
that it is inconvenient for their activity. And regarding the traffic flow of the line, 71 of the
samples agreed that it is getting improved than the other periods. In contrast during the
implementation of the project, it was worse for the line.
On the other hand, the parking space problem was very acute during the implementation period
but it was better before the implementation than the other periods. Similarly, the line
convenience for pedestrians was better before the implementation of the project. And also the
movement of vehicles and pedestrians from one side to the other side of the line was more
conducive before the implementation of the LRT. More than 80% of the total firms agreed that it
is getting worse after the implementation. Majority of the sample firms agreed that the
environment became inconvenient due to the LRT implementation period. On the other hand,
most firms confirmed that the LRT implementation was major reason to create more congestion
on the traffic flow but after the implementation, it is not a reason for better traffic flow. In
contrary to this statement, the parking space and pedestrians facility relatively getting better
after implementation due to the LRT.
The model has eight variables including the dependent variable as explained in model
specification section. The data of these variables were collected from 97 business firms three
periods; pre-implementation, implementation and post-implementation. The regression has also
been conducted for each period so that changes and effects can be traced.
Pre-implementation period
Parameter Estimates
Source: Stata regression result 2016.
The other dummy variable location parameter indicated that when the firm is located outside 100
meter of crossing point or LRT station, the mean value of the performance would be -8.43 on
average assuming other factors constant. Unlike the variable cost, this variable had inverse
relationship on the performance. The coefficient of office ownership variable where coded as 1
for rent ownership found that it had positive relation to the firms performance and the coefficient
indicated that the mean value of the performance approximately 8.65 when the ownership is by
rent holding other thing constant. And also it was statistically significant in explaining the mean
value the performance at 10% confidence interval.
When we look in to the continuous variables, business experience, revenue performance, daily
customer visit rate and employee number had positive effect on the dependent. Among these
variables only revenue performance was found to be statistically significant with the t-value of
7.47. This means that the revenue performance resulted approximately 0.46% increase on the
profitability performance when it has increased by 1% and this is in line to the principles of [13]
The regression for the 97 observations and 7 independent variables resulted the value of f-
calculated 75.51. And the probability of getting this calculated value is zero. This implies that the
model overall is statistically significant in explaining the profitability performance. The R-
squared also indicated that the explanatory variables explained the dependent more than 85%.
The adjusted R-squared also was not far from the simple R-squared which was 84%.
Implementation period
During this period the observation, the variables type and number were identical only the
collected cross-sectional data was different. Thus, regression undertaken without constant term
to avoid dummy trap. Accordingly, when the data regressed the following result was found.
The sum of square out of the total summation 309524 variation; the model comprises around
69587.0147 variations. This indicates that most variation of the data captured by the data and
when the mean square which was adjusted by the respective degree of freedom held the same.
Even if the model ability to capture from the total variation has reduced to some extent. On the
other way the unexplained variation sum of square has increased. This may imply that during this
period, the firms' profitability performance was affected by other additional variables different
from the previous period. This is may be due to system change by the infrastructure construction.
Parameter Estimates
During this period there was the whole system change of the infrastructure so that the firms have
been affected highly. Due to this change the factors affecting the profitability performance were
a little bit different from the other periods. And also during this period the location of the firm
and customer visit were important variables to affect the performance.
On the other hand, the revenue performance of the firm was a consistent variable to affect the
profitability over the three periods. But, the effect was not as much as the pre-implementation
period. Even if the location is insignificant in post-implementation period, its effect on the
performance of profitability was more than any other variables especially during the
implementation period. The firms with closer location to crossing points and LRT stations, had
better performance. And regarding the accessibility issue after the construction of the LRT the
firms feel more inconvenience of the parking space, crossing points and pedestrian facility.
Based on the study finding I would like to recommend that during such bigger infrastructural
change, the stakeholder should be consulted first and involved their interest. In addition, since
the whole system change affect the whole activity, each projects should be implemented
separately so that the firms can have options to operate their business even for the next phases of
the LRT. Not only this during this construction period, the firms’ accessibility by their customers
should be maintained as much as possible. This is because; most of the firms are customer
oriented and generate their revenue through customer to firms’ communication.
During this study some variables were significant in some period and in some period not. Thus,
further study on the firm's profitability determinant should be studied especially with the real
figure of the profit. In addition to this, revenue was the only consistent variable to affect the
profitability performance so that further study and investigation on the firms’ revenue
determinants should be conducted.
On the other hand, the working environment of the firms should be designed more attractive in
terms of parking space, pedestrians’ road and crossing points in order to be the firms to be more
accessible by their customers. Here in post-implementation period most of the firms are not
satisfied and assume that no visible opportunity is created by the intervention. Thus, the
government or concerned body should make the business environment more conducive by
solving the problems mentioned above.
We are very delighted to thank the business firms included in the study for their response even if
time taking interview was conducted. Without their willingness, the data collection will be
impossible. And also we would like to thank YOM Institute of Economic Development for their
support and constructive comments during the study. Finally, it is our honor to thank the
anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.
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