Case Study No
Case Study No
Case Study No
It is no secret that in all hotels the director of housekeeping must be able to react
quickly and efficiently to any unexpected circumstances that arise. Stephen Rodondi,
executive housekeeper at the Hyatt Regency La Jolla usually starts his workday at 8:00
a.m. with a department meeting. These morning meetings help him and the employees
to visualize their goals for the day. On this particularly busy day, Rodondi arrives at work
and is told that three housekeepers have called in sick. This is a serious challenge for the
hotel because it is overbooked and has all its 400 rooms to service.
Discussion Question
1. What should Stephen do to maintain standards and ensure that all the guest rooms are
Source: Courtesy of Stephen Rodondi, Executive Housekeeper, Hyatt Regency La Jolla, CA.
III. PROBLEM – When the Executive Housekeeper named Rodondi arrives at work but a
problem occur when three housekeepers have called in sick. And there is a serious challenge
for the hotel since because it is overbooked and has all its 400 rooms to service.
Need – Executive housekeeper a person in-charge to manage many priorities and demands
and is able to solve problems, support staff, as well as perform the duties of a housekeeper
when required.
Want – To make sure to coordinates between housekeeping crews to inspect assigned areas
and to ensure standards are met even they’re lack of personnel’s in duty.
V. SWOT Analysis