User Guide 5290
User Guide 5290
User Guide 5290
NPD5933-01 EN
User's Guide
User's Guide
Adjusting the Print Tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74 Scanning Using the Settings Registered on
Printing to Emphasize Thin Lines. . . . . . . . . . . . 75 the Computer (Document Capture Pro). . . . . . 116
Printing to Enhance Light Text and Lines. . . . . . 75 Scanning to a Memory Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . 119
Printing Clear Bar Codes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Scanning to the Cloud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
Canceling Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76 Scanning to a Computer (WSD). . . . . . . . . . . . 122
Menu Options for the Printer Driver. . . . . . . . . . 76 Scanning from a Computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .124
Printing from the PostScript Printer Driver on Authenticating Users on Epson Scan 2 when
Windows. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 Using Access Control. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
Menu Options for the PostScript Printer Driver. . 80 Scanning Using Epson Scan 2. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125
Canceling Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Scanning from Smart Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Printing from the Printer Driver on Mac OS. . . . . . 81 Connecting from Smart Device by Wi-Fi Direct 128
Printing Basics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .81 Installing Epson iPrint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128
Printing on 2-Sides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83 Scanning Using Epson iPrint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .129
Printing Several Pages on One Sheet. . . . . . . . . . 84 Scanning by Touching Smart Devices to the
Printing and Stacking in Page Order (Reverse N-Mark. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130
Order Printing). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Printing a Reduced or Enlarged Document. . . . . 85
Canceling Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Menu Options for the Printer Driver. . . . . . . . . . 86 Before Using Fax Features. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .131
Making Operation Settings for the Mac OS Sending Faxes Using the Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
Printer Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 Sending Faxes Using the Control Panel. . . . . . . 131
Printing from the PostScript Printer Driver on Sending Faxes Dialing from the External
Mac OS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88 Phone Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .133
Menu Options for the PostScript Printer Driver. . 89 Sending Faxes On Demand (Using Polling
Canceling Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Send/Bulletin Board Box). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
Various Ways of Sending Faxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . 136
Printing Files from a Memory Device. . . . . . . . . . . 90
Receiving Faxes on the Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140
Printing JPEG Files from a Memory Device. . . . . 91
Printing PDF or TIFF Files from a Memory Receiving Incoming Faxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .141
Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .91 Receiving Faxes by Making a Phone Call. . . . . . 142
Menu Options for Memory Device. . . . . . . . . . . 92 Saving and Forwarding Received Faxes. . . . . . . 144
Viewing Received Faxes Saved in the Printer
Printing from Smart Devices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
on the LCD Screen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Using Epson iPrint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 94
Menu Options for Faxing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145
Using Epson Print Enabler. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
Using AirPrint. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98 Recipient. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Fax Settings. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146
Canceling Ongoing or Queued Jobs. . . . . . . . . . . . 98
More. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148
Menu Options for Fax Box. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149
Copying Inbox/Confidential. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .149
Copying Basics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Stored Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150
Copying on 2-Sides. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99 Polling Send/Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 151
Copying Multiple Originals onto One Sheet. . . . . .100 Checking the Status or Logs for Fax Jobs. . . . . . . . 154
Basic Menu Options for Copying. . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Displaying Information when Received Faxes
Advanced Menu Options for Copying. . . . . . . . . . 102 are Unprocessed (Unread/Not Printed/Not
Saved/Not Forwarded). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
Checking Fax Jobs in Progress. . . . . . . . . . . . . .155
Scanning Checking the Fax Job History. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Scanning Using the Control Panel. . . . . . . . . . . . . 104 Reprinting Received Documents. . . . . . . . . . . . 156
Saving the Scanned Image to a Shared Folder Sending a Fax from a Computer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
or FTP Server. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104 Sending Documents Created Using an
Scanning to an Email. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 Application (Windows). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .157
User's Guide
User's Guide
Checking the Connection (USB). . . . . . . . . . . . 198 Uneven Colors, Dirt, Spots, and so on Appear
Checking the Connection (Network). . . . . . . . .199 when Scanning from the Scanner Glass. . . . . . . 213
Checking the Software and Data. . . . . . . . . . . . 199 Straight Lines Appear when Scanning from
Checking the Printer Status from the ADF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Computer (Windows). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .201 The Image Quality Is Rough. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213
Checking the Printer Status from the Offset Appears in the Background of Images. . . 214
Computer (Mac OS). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .202 Text is Blurred. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214
Cannot Print from an iPhone or iPad. . . . . . . . . . 202 Moiré Patterns (Web-Like Shadows) Appear. . . 214
Printout Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Cannot Scan the Correct Area on the
Scanner Glass. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .215
Adjusting the Print Quality. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203
Text is Not Recognized Correctly when
Printout is Scuffed or Color is Missing. . . . . . . .204
Saving as a Searchable PDF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215
Banding Appears. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 204
Cannot Solve Problems in the Scanned Image. . 215
Colored Banding Appears at Intervals of
Approximately 3.3 cm. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 Cannot Save Scanned Images to the Shared Folder 216
Blurry Prints, Vertical Banding, or Checking Messages on the Printer. . . . . . . . . . . 216
Misalignment. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .205 Saving the Scanned Images Takes a Long Time. .217
Print Quality is Poor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .206 Switch Between Private Network and Public
Paper Is Smeared or Scuffed. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Network. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218
Paper is Smeared During Automatic 2-Sided Other Scanning Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220
Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 207 Scanning Speed Is Slow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .220
Printed Photos are Sticky. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Cannot Send the Scanned Image by Email. . . . . 220
Images or Photos are Printed in Unexpected Scanning Stops when Scanning to PDF/
Colors. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 Multi-TIFF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221
The Position, Size, or Margins of the Printout Problems when Sending and Receiving Faxes. . . . .221
Are Incorrect. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208
Cannot Send or Receive Faxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . .221
Printed Characters Are Incorrect or Garbled. . . 209
Cannot Send Faxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 222
The Printed Image Is Inverted. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209
Cannot Send Faxes to a Specific Recipient. . . . . 223
Mosaic-Like Patterns in the Prints. . . . . . . . . . .209
Cannot Send Faxes at a Specified Time. . . . . . . 223
Unintentionally Printing on 2-Sides. . . . . . . . . .209
Cannot Receive Faxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 223
Uneven Colors, Smears, Dots, or Straight
Cannot Save Received Faxes to a Memory
Lines Appear in the Copied Image. . . . . . . . . . .209
Device. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Moiré (Cross-Hatch) Patterns Appear in the
Memory Full Error Occurs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 224
Copied Image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Sent Fax Quality Is Poor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225
An Image of the Reverse Side of the Original
Appears in the Copied Image. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Faxes Are Sent at the Wrong Size. . . . . . . . . . . .225
The Printout Problem Could Not be Cleared. . . 210 Received Fax Quality Is Poor. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .225
Received Faxes Are Not Printed. . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Other Printing Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210
Pages are Blank or only a Small Amount of
Printing Is Too Slow. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 210 Text is Printed on the Second Page in
Printing Slows Down Dramatically During Received Faxes. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
Continuous Printing. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211
Other Faxing Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .226
Cannot Cancel Printing from a Computer
Running Mac OS X v10.6.8. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Cannot Make Calls on the Connected
Telephone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
PostScript Printer Driver Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . 211
Answering Machine Cannot Answer Voice
Printer Does Not Print While Using Calls. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
PostScript Printer Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Sender's Fax Number Not Displayed on
Printer Does Not Print Correctly While Received Faxes or the Number Is Wrong. . . . . . 226
Using PostScript Printer Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Other Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Printing Is Too Slow While Using PostScript
Printer Driver. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212 Slight Electric Shock when Touching the
Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .227
Cannot Start Scanning. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 212
Operation Sounds Are Loud. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227
Scanned Image Problems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 213 The Date and Time Are Incorrect. . . . . . . . . . . 227
User's Guide
Technical Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Printer Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 229
Scanner Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Interface Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230
Fax Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230
Network Function List. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 231
Wi-Fi Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Ethernet Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 232
Security Protocol. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
PostScript Level 3 Compatibility. . . . . . . . . . . . 233
Supported Third Party Services. . . . . . . . . . . . . 233
External USB Device Specifications. . . . . . . . . . 233
Supported Data Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . .234
Dimensions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234
Electrical Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 235
Environmental Specifications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
System Requirements. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 236
Font Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Available Fonts for PostScript. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237
Available Fonts for PCL (URW). . . . . . . . . . . . 238
List of Symbol Sets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 239
Installing the Optional Units. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .242
Optional Paper Cassette Unit Code. . . . . . . . . . 242
Installing the Optional Paper Cassette Units. . . 242
Regulatory Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
Standards and Approvals. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 245
German Blue Angel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
Restrictions on Copying. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Transporting the Printer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
Copyright. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250
Trademarks. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 251
Where to Get Help. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
Technical Support Web Site. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .253
Contacting Epson Support. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 253
User's Guide
You can obtain the latest versions of the above manuals with the following methods.
❏ Paper manual
Visit the Epson Europe support website at, or the Epson worldwide support
website at
❏ Digital manual
Start EPSON Software Updater on your computer. EPSON Software Updater checks for available updates of
Epson software applications and the digital manuals, and allows you to download the latest ones.
Related Information
& “Software Update Tools (EPSON Software Updater)” on page 181
User's Guide
Searching by keyword
Click Edit > Advanced Search. Enter the keyword (text) for information you want to find in the search window,
and then click Search. Hits are displayed as a list. Click one of the displayed hits to jump to that page.
User's Guide
! Caution:
Instructions that must be followed carefully to avoid bodily injury.
c Important:
Instructions that must be observed to avoid damage to your equipment.
Provides complementary and reference information.
User's Guide
User's Guide
Important Instructions
Important Instructions
Safety Instructions
Read and follow these instructions to ensure safe use of this printer. Make sure you keep this manual for future
reference. Also, be sure to follow all warnings and instructions marked on the printer.
❏ Some of the symbols used on your printer are to ensure safety and proper use of the printer. Visit the following
Web site to learn the meaning of the symbols.
❏ Use only the power cord supplied with the printer and do not use the cord with any other equipment. Use of
other cords with this printer or the use of the supplied power cord with other equipment may result in fire or
electric shock.
❏ Be sure your AC power cord meets the relevant local safety standard.
❏ Never disassemble, modify, or attempt to repair the power cord, plug, printer unit, scanner unit, or options by
yourself, except as specifically explained in the printer's manuals.
❏ Unplug the printer and refer servicing to qualified service personnel under the following conditions:
The power cord or plug is damaged; liquid has entered the printer; the printer has been dropped or the casing
damaged; the printer does not operate normally or exhibits a distinct change in performance. Do not adjust
controls that are not covered by the operating instructions.
❏ Place the printer near a wall outlet where the plug can be easily unplugged.
❏ Do not place or store the printer outdoors, near excessive dirt or dust, water, heat sources, or in locations
subject to shocks, vibrations, high temperature or humidity.
❏ Take care not to spill liquid on the printer and not to handle the printer with wet hands.
❏ Keep the printer at least 22 cm away from cardiac pacemakers. Radio waves from this printer may adversely
affect the operation of cardiac pacemakers.
❏ If the LCD screen is damaged, contact your dealer. If the liquid crystal solution gets on your hands, wash them
thoroughly with soap and water. If the liquid crystal solution gets into your eyes, flush them immediately with
water. If discomfort or vision problems remain after a thorough flushing, see a doctor immediately.
❏ Avoid using a telephone during an electrical storm. There may be a remote risk of electric shock from lightning.
❏ Do not use a telephone to report a gas leak in the vicinity of the leak.
❏ The printer is heavy and should not be lifted or carried by less than two people. When lifting the printer, two or
more people should assume the correct positions as shown below.
User's Guide
Important Instructions
❏ Be careful when you handle used ink supply units, as there may be some ink around the ink supply port.
❏ If ink gets on your skin, wash the area thoroughly with soap and water.
❏ If ink gets into your eyes, flush them immediately with water. If discomfort or vision problems continue after
a thorough flushing, see a doctor immediately.
❏ If ink gets into your mouth, see a doctor right away.
❏ Do not disassemble the ink supply unit and the maintenance box; otherwise ink may get into your eyes or on
your skin.
❏ Do not shake ink supply units too vigorously; otherwise ink may leak from the ink supply units.
❏ Keep ink supply units and maintenance box out of the reach of children.
User's Guide
Important Instructions
❏ Always turn the printer off using the P button. Do not unplug the printer or turn off the power at the outlet
until the P light stops flashing.
❏ If you are not going to use the printer for a long period, be sure to unplug the power cord from the electrical
User's Guide
Important Instructions
❏ Condensation inside the touchscreen due to abrupt changes in temperature or humidity may cause
performance to deteriorate.
User's Guide
Printer Basics
Printer Basics
A ADF (Automatic Document Feeder) cover Open when removing jammed originals in the ADF.
B ADF edge guides Feeds originals straight into the printer. Slide to the edges of the
User's Guide
Printer Basics
A Edge guides Feeds the paper straight into the printer. Slide to the edges of the
C Feeder guard Prevents foreign substance from entering the printer. Usually keep
this guard closed.
F Edge guides Feeds the paper straight into the printer. Slide to the edges of the
User's Guide
Printer Basics
User's Guide
Printer Basics
A Scanner unit (J) Scans placed originals. Open when removing jammed paper inside
the printer.
User's Guide
Printer Basics
I Maintenance box cover (H) Open when replacing the maintenance box.
Control Panel
B Pass a smart device over this mark to print or scan from the smart device directly.
C Turns on when received documents that have not yet been read, printed, or saved, are stored in the printer's
User's Guide
Printer Basics
I Pauses the current printing job and allows you to interrupt another job. However, you cannot interrupt a new job
from the computer.
Press this button again to restart a paused job.
J Resets the current settings to user default settings. If user default settings have not been made, resets to the
factory default.
K Displays the Paper Setting screen. You can select the paper size and paper type settings for each paper source.
L Displays the Job/Status menu. You can check the printer's status and job history.
The error light on the left flashes or turns on when an error occurs.
The data light on the right flashes when the printer is processing data. It turns on when there are queued jobs.
N Displays the Contacts list. You can register, edit or delete the contacts.
A Indicates items that have been setup for the printer as icons. Select each icon to check the current settings or access
each setting menu.
C Indicates an ongoing job and the printer's status. Select message to display the Job/Status menu.
Displays the date and time when the printer is not working or there are no errors.
D Switch tabs.
E Indicates the setting items. Select each item to set or change the settings.
The grayed out items are not available. Select the item to check why they are unavailable.
F Execute the current settings. Available functions vary depending on each menu.
User's Guide
Printer Basics
The printer is searching for SSID, unset IP address, or having a problem with a wireless (Wi-Fi)
The printer is not connected to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network in Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) mode.
The printer is connected to a wireless (Wi-Fi) network in Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) mode.
Displays the Device Sound Settings screen. You can set Mute and Quiet Mode.
You can also access the Sound menu from this screen. This is the shortcut for the following menu.
Settings > General Settings > Basic Settings > Sound
Indicates whether or not Quiet Mode is set for the printer. When this feature is enabled, the noise
made by printer operations is reduced, but print speed may slow down. However, noises may not
be reduced depending on the selected paper type and print quality.
Select the icon to enter sleep mode. When the icon is grayed out, the printer cannot enter sleep mode.
Indicates that the user restriction feature is enabled. Select this icon to log in to the printer. You need to
select a user name and then enter a password. Contact your printer administrator for login information.
Indicates that the settings have been changed from the user default or the factory default.
Indicates that there is additional information. Select the icon to displays the message.
Indicates a problem with the items. Select the icon to check how to solve the problem.
User's Guide
Printer Basics
Indicates that there is data that has not yet been read, printed, or saved. The number displayed indicates
the number of data items.
Related Information
& “Network Settings” on page 53
& “Sound:” on page 47
Entering Characters
You can enter characters and symbols by using on-screen keyboard when you register a contact, make network
settings, and so on.
User's Guide
Printer Basics
Available icons vary depending on the setting item.
C Switches between upper case and lower case or numbers and symbols.
E Switches the character type. You can enter alphanumerics and special characters such as umlauts and accents.
F Enters frequently used email domain addresses or URLs by simply selecting the item.
G Enters a space.
C When Active is selected, displays the list of ongoing jobs and jobs waiting to be processed.
When Log is selected, displays the job history.
You can cancel jobs or check the error code displayed in the history when the job has failed.
F Displays any errors that have occurred in the printer. Select the error from the list to display the error message.
User's Guide
Printer Basics
Related Information
& “Error Code on the Status Menu” on page 188
Viewing Animations
You can view animations of operating instructions such as loading paper or removing jammed paper on the LCD
❏ Tap on the right of the LCD screen: Displays the help screen. Tap How To and select the items that you want
to view.
❏ Select How To at the bottom of the operation screen: Displays the context-sensitive animation.
A Indicates the total number of steps and the current step number.
In the example above, it shows step 2 from 4 steps.
C Indicates your progress through the current step. The animation repeats when the progress bar reaches the end.
User's Guide
Loading Papers
Epson Double-Si- A4 50 – 20 –
ded Matte Paper
Epson Photo A4 80 – 70 –
Quality Ink Jet
* Only use the rear paper feed to print 2-sided print jobs manually. You can load up to 30 sheets for paper with one side
already printed.
❏ The availability of paper varies by location. For the latest information on paper available in your area, contact Epson
❏ When printing on genuine Epson paper at a user defined size, only Standard or Normal print quality settings are
available. Although some printer drivers allow you to select a better print quality, the printouts are printed using
Standard or Normal.
User's Guide
Plain paper, Copy Letter, A4, Executive*3, B5, A5, SP1 Up to the line indicated by the 80 Auto,
paper (210×270 mm)*3, 16K (195×270 symbol on the edge guide. Manual*1*
mm) 2
Recycled paper Legal, 8.5×13 in, Half letter*3, A6, Up to the line indicated by the 80 Manual*1*
Color paper B6, SP2 (210×149 mm)*3, SP3 symbol on the edge guide.
symbol on
the edge guide.
215.9×297 to 355.6
215.9×355.6 to 6000
User's Guide
Thick paper Letter, A4, Executive*3 , B5, A5, SP1 90 250 30 Auto,
(210×270 mm)*3, 16K (195×270 Manual*1*
(91 to 160 g/m2)
mm) 4
215.9×355.6 to 1117.6
215.9×355.6 to 1117.6
Envelope C4 – – 1 –
*1 Only use the rear paper feed to print 2-sided print jobs manually.
*2 You can load up to 30 sheets for paper with one side already printed.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Part Names and Functions” on page 15
❏ If the paper is curled, flatten it or curl it slightly in the opposite direction before loading. Printing on curled
paper may cause paper jams and smears on the printout.
❏ Do not use paper that is wavy, torn, cut, folded, damp, too thick, too thin, or paper that has stickers stuck to it.
Using these types of paper causes paper jams and smears on the printout.
❏ Make sure you are using long-grain paper. If you are not sure what type of paper you are using, check the paper
packaging or contact the manufacturer to confirm the paper specifications.
Related Information
& “Printer Specifications” on page 229
User's Guide
1. Check that the printer is not operating, and then pull out the paper cassette.
2. Slide the front edge guide to its maximum position, and then slide the side edge guides to adjust to the paper
size you want to use.
User's Guide
When using paper larger than A4 size, extend the paper cassette.
3. Load paper with the printable side facing down, and then slide the front edge guide to the edge of the paper.
c Important:
Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specified for the paper. For plain paper, do not load
above the line indicated by the symbol inside the edge guide. For thick paper, do not load above the line
indicated by the symbol inside the edge guide.
5. On the control panel, set the size and type of the paper you loaded in the paper cassette.
You can also display the paper size and paper type settings screen by pressing the button on the control panel.
6. Slide out the output tray when loading paper longer than A4 size.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Paper Handling Precautions” on page 28
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
& “Loading Envelopes and Precautions” on page 33
3. Load paper at the center of the rear paper feed with the printable side facing up.
User's Guide
c Important:
❏ Do not load more than the maximum number of sheets specified for the paper. For plain paper, do not load
above the line just under the triangle symbol inside the edge guide.
❏ Load paper short edge first. However, when you have set the long edge as the width of the user defined size,
load paper long edge first.
Pre-punched paper
You can use pre-punched paper under the following conditions. Automatic 2-sided printing is not available for
prepunched paper.
❏ Loading capacity: One sheet
❏ Available size: A4, B5, A5, A6, Letter, Legal
❏ Binding holes: Do not load paper with the binding holes at the top or the bottom.
Adjust the print position of your file to avoid printing over the holes.
5. On the control panel, set the size and type of the paper you loaded in the rear paper feed.
You can also display the paper size and paper type settings screen by pressing the button on the control panel.
User's Guide
6. Slide out the output tray when loading paper longer than A4 size.
Return the remaining paper to its package. If you leave it in the printer, the paper may curl or the print quality may
Related Information
& “Paper Handling Precautions” on page 28
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
& “Loading Envelopes and Precautions” on page 33
& “Loading Long Papers” on page 34
Load envelopes in the paper cassettewith the flap facing up, and then slide the edge guides to the edges of the
User's Guide
❏ Fan and align the edges of the envelopes before loading. When the stacked envelopes are puffed up with air,
press them down to flatten them before loading.
❏ Do not use envelopes that are curled or folded. Using these envelopes causes paper jams and smears on the
❏ Do not use envelopes with adhesive surfaces on the flaps or window envelopes.
❏ Avoid using envelopes that are too thin, as they may curl during printing.
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
User's Guide
Placing Originals
Place originals on the scanner glass or the ADF.
You can scan multiple originals and both sides of the originals at the same time with the ADF.
Even when the original meets the specifications for media that can be placed in the ADF, it may not feed from the
ADF or the scan quality may decline depending on the paper properties or quality.
c Important:
Do not feed photographs or valuable original artwork into the ADF. Misfeeding may wrinkle or damage the
original. Scan these documents on the scanner glass instead.
To prevent paper jams, avoid placing the following originals in the ADF. For these types, use the scanner glass.
❏ Originals that are torn, folded, wrinkled, deteriorated, or curled
❏ Originals with binder holes
❏ Originals held together with tape, staples, paper clips etc.
❏ Originals that have stickers or labels stuck to them
User's Guide
User's Guide
c Important:
❏ Do not load originals above the line indicated by the triangle symbol on the ADF.
Related Information
& “Available Originals for the ADF” on page 35
User's Guide
❏ Portrait originals: Select Left Direction on the control panel as described below.
Copy > Advanced > Orientation (Original) > Left Direction
Place the originals on the ADF in the direction of the arrow.
! Caution:
Be careful not to trap your hand or fingers when opening or closing the document cover. Otherwise you may be
c Important:
When placing bulky originals such as books, prevent exterior light from shining directly onto the scanner glass.
User's Guide
❏ A range of 1.5 mm from the top edge and left edge of the scanner glass is not scanned.
❏ When originals are placed in the ADF and on the scanner glass, priority is given to the originals in the ADF.
c Important:
Do not apply too much force to the scanner glass or the document cover. Otherwise, they may be damaged.
2. When you have finished using the external USB device, remove the device.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “External USB Device Specifications” on page 233
& “Accessing an External USB Device From a Computer” on page 40
c Important:
When sharing an external device inserted in the printer between computers connected over USB and over a
network, write access is only allowed to the computers that are connected by the method you selected on the printer.
To write to the external USB device, select a connection method from the following menu on the printer's control
Settings > General Settings > Printer Settings > Memory Device Interface > File Sharing.
It takes a while to recognize data from a computer if a large capacity external storage USB device, such as a device that is 2
TB, is connected.
Select an external USB device in Computer or My Computer. The data on the external USB device is displayed.
If you connected the printer to the network without using the software disc or Web Installer, map a USB port as a network
drive. Open Run and enter a printer name \\XXXXX or a printer's IP address \\XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX to Open:. Right-click
a device icon displayed to assign the network. The network drive appears in Computer or My Computer.
Mac OS
Select a corresponding device icon. The data on the external USB device is displayed.
❏ To remove an external USB device, drag and drop the device icon to the trash icon. Otherwise, data in the shared drive
may not be displayed correctly when another external USB device is inserted.
❏ To access an external storage device through the network, select Go > Connect to Server from the menu on the desktop.
Enter a printer name cifs://XXXXX or smb://XXXXX (Where "xxxxx" is the printer name) in the Server Address, and
then click Connect.
User's Guide
❏ The email server information, such as the documents from your service provider that you used to setup the
email on your computer.
If you use a free email service, such as Internet email, search the Internet to get the email server information you need.
4. Tap the authentication method of the email server you are using, and then the settings screen is displayed.
c Important:
The following authentication methods are available.
❏ Off
❏ POP before SMTP
Contact your internet service provider to confirm the authentication method of the email server.
The printer may not be able to communicate with an email server even if the authentication method is
available since security may be enhanced (for example SSL communication is necessary). Visit the Epson
support website for the latest information. (Europe) (outside Europe)
6. Tap Proceed.
❏ If an error message is displayed, check if the email server settings are correct.
❏ When you cannot send an email even if the connection check succeeds, check the authentication method for the
email server you are using.
Authenticated Account If you select SMTP-AUTH or POP before SMTP as the Email
Server Authentication Method, enter the user name (email
address) registered to the email server within 255 characters
or less.
Authenticated Password If you select SMTP-AUTH or POP before SMTP as the Email
Server Authentication Method, enter the password of the
authenticated account within 20 characters or less.
User's Guide
Items Explanations
Sender's Address Specify the email address that the printer uses to send
emails. You can specify the existing email address. To make it
clear that the email is being sent from the printer, you can
acquire an address specifically for the printer and enter it
SMTP Server Address Enter the server address of the server that sends the email
(SMTP server).
SMTP Server Port Number Enter the port number of the server that sends the email
(SMTP server).
POP3 Server Address If you select POP before SMTP as the Email Server Authen-
tication Method, enter the server address of the server that
receives the email (POP3 server).
POP3 Server Port Number If you select POP before SMTP as the Email Server Authen-
tication Method, enter the port number of the email server
that receives the email (POP3 server).
Secure Connection If you select SMTP-AUTH or Off as the Email Server Au-
thentication Method, select the method of the secure con-
3. Select Email Server > Connection Check to check that the printer is connected to the email server.
❏ If an error message is displayed, check if the email server settings are correct.
❏ When you cannot send an email even if the connection check succeeds, check the authentication method for the
email server you are using.
Messages Explanation
Connection test was successful. This message appears when the connection with the server is successful.
User's Guide
Messages Explanation
SMTP server authentication error. This message appears when SMTP server authentication failed.
Check the followings. - Authentication
Method - Authenticated Account -
Authenticated Password
POP3 server authentication error. This message appears when POP3 server authentication failed.
Check the followings. - Authentication
Method - Authenticated Account -
Authenticated Password
Unsupported communication method. This message appears when you try to communicate with unsupported protocols.
Check the followings. - SMTP Server
Address - SMTP Server Port Number
Connection to SMTP server failed. This message appears when an SMTP mismatch occurs between a server and a
Change Secure Connection to None. client, or when the server does not support SMTP secure connection (SSL
Connection to SMTP server failed. This message appears when an SMTP mismatch occurs between a server and a
Change Secure Connection to SSL/TLS. client, or when the server requests to use an SSL/TLS connection for an SMTP
secure connection.
Connection to SMTP server failed. This message appears when an SMTP mismatch occurs between a server and a
Change Secure Connection to client, or when the server requests to use an STARTTLS connection for an SMTP
STARTTLS. secure connection.
The connection is untrusted. Check the This message appears when the printer’s date and time setting is incorrect or the
following. - Date and Time certificate has expired.
The connection is untrusted. Check the This message appears when the printer does not have a root certificate
following. - CA Certificate corresponding to the server or a CA Certificate has not been imported.
The connection is not secured. This message appears when the obtained certificate is damaged.
SMTP server authentication failed. This message appears when an authentication method mismatch occurs between
Change Authentication Method to a server and a client. The server supports SMTP AUTH.
SMTP server authentication failed. This message appears when an authentication method mismatch occurs between
Change Authentication Method to a server and a client. The server does not support SMTP AUTH.
POP before SMTP.
User's Guide
Messages Explanation
Sender's Email Address is incorrect. This message appears when the specified sender’s Email address is wrong.
Change to the email address for your
email service.
Cannot access the printer until This message appears when the printer is busy.
processing is complete.
Managing Contacts
Registering a contacts list allows you to easily enter destinations. You can register up to 200 entries, and you can
use the contacts list when you enter a fax number, enter a destination for attaching a scanned image to an email,
and saving a scanned image to a network folder.
You can also use contacts in the LDAP server.
You can register an address that is registered in the LDAP server in the local contacts list of the printer. Display an entry,
and then select Register to Contacts.
4. When registering a new contact, select the type of contact you want to register. Skip this procedure when you
want to edit or delete a contact.
❏ Fax: Register a contact (fax number) to send a fax.
❏ Email: Register an email address to send a scanned image or to forward the received fax.
❏ Network Folder/FTP: Register a network folder to save a scanned image or to forward the received fax.
5. Enter the information of the address to register. Enter the required items, and then make other settings if
When entering a fax number, enter an external access code at the beginning of the fax number if your phone system is
PBX and you need the access code to get an outside line. If the access code has been set in the Line Type setting, enter a
hash (#) instead of the actual access code. To add a pause (pause for three seconds) during dialing, enter a hyphen (-).
6. Select OK.
User's Guide
4. When registering a new group, select the type of group you want to register. Skip this procedure when you
want to edit a group.
❏ Fax: Register a contact (fax number) to send a fax.
❏ Email: Register an email address to send a scanned image or to forward the received fax.
8. Select Close.
User's Guide
4. Select Edit.
To edit the order of the contacts, select Sort.
5. Select frequently used contacts that you want to register, and then select OK.
❏ To deselect a contact, tap it again.
❏ You can search for addresses from the contacts list. Enter the search keyword into the box on the top of the screen.
6. Select Close.
You can also register the current address and settings to select on the screen of each feature.
To change the registered settings, change the settings on the screen for each feature and select . Select Save as
Preset, and then select the target that you want to overwrite.
User's Guide
Delete the registered preset.
Add /Remove:
Add or clear the registered preset to the home screen as a short-cut icon.
Basic Settings
Select the menus on the control panel as described below.
Settings > General Settings > Basic Settings
You cannot change settings that have been locked by your administrator.
LCD Brightness:
Adjust the brightness of the LCD screen.
Adjust the volume and select the type of the sound.
Sleep Timer:
Adjust the time period to enter a sleep mode (energy saving mode) when the printer has not
performed any operations. The LCD screen turns black when the setting time passes.
User's Guide
Date/Time Settings:
❏ Date/Time
Enter the current date and time.
❏ Daylight Saving Time
Select the summer time setting that applies to your area.
❏ Time Difference
Enter the time difference between your local time and UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
Select the country or region in which you are using your printer. If you change the country or region,
your fax settings return to their defaults and you must select them again.
Select the language used on the LCD screen.
Start-up Screen:
Specify the initial menu displayed on the LCD screen when the printer turns on and Operation Time
Out is enable.
Edit Home:
Change the layout of the icons on the LCD screen. You can also add, remove, and move icons.
Wall Paper:
Change the background color of the LCD screen.
Change the layout of the keyboard on the LCD screen.
Default Screen(Job/Status):
Select the default information you want to display when you press the button.
Related Information
& “Saving Power” on page 58
& “Entering Characters” on page 22
User's Guide
Printer Settings
Select the menus on the control panel as described below.
Settings > General Settings > Printer Settings
You cannot change settings that have been locked by your administrator.
Paper Setting:
Select the paper size and paper type you loaded in the paper sources.
Error Notice:
Select On to display an error message when the selected paper size or type does not match the
loaded paper.
Printing Language:
Select the printing language for the USB interface or the network interface.
Top Offset:
Adjust the top margin of the paper.
Left Offset:
Adjust the left margin of the paper.
User's Guide
Common Settings:
❏ Paper Size
Select the default paper size for PCL or PostScript printing.
❏ Paper Type
Select the default paper type for PCL or PostScript printing.
❏ Orientation
Select the default orientation for PCL or PostScript printing.
❏ Quality
Select the print quality for PCL or PostScript printing.
❏ Ink Save Mode
Select On to save ink by reducing the print density.
❏ Print Order
Last Page on Top:
Starts printing from the first page of a file.
First Page on Top:
Starts printing from the last page of a file.
❏ Number of Copies
Set the number of copies to print.
❏ Binding Margin
Select the binding position.
❏ Auto Paper Ejection
Select On to eject paper automatically when printing is stopped during a print job.
❏ 2-Sided Printing
Select On to perform 2-sided printing.
User's Guide
PCL Menu:
❏ Font Source
Select to use a font preinstalled on the printer.
Select to use a font you have downloaded.
❏ Font Number
Select the default font number for the default font source. The available number varies
depending on the settings you made.
❏ Pitch
Set the default font pitch if the font is scalable and of fixed-pitch. You can select from 0.44 to
99.99 cpi (characters per inch), in 0.01 increments.
This item may not appear depending on the font source or font number settings.
❏ Height
Set the default font height if the font is scalable and proportional. You can select from 4.00
to 999.75 points, in 0.25 increments.
This item may not appear depending on the font source or font number settings.
❏ Symbol Set
Select the default symbol set. If the font that you selected in the font source and the font
number setting is not available in the new symbol set setting, the font source and the font
number settings are automatically replaced with the default value, IBM-US.
❏ Form
Set the number of lines for the selected paper size and orientation. This also causes a line
spacing (VMI) change, and the new VMI value is stored in the printer. This means that later
changes in the page size or orientation settings cause changes in the Form value based on
the stored VMI.
❏ CR Function
Select the line feed command when printing with a driver from a specific operating system.
❏ LF Function
Select the line feed command when printing with a driver from a specific operating system.
❏ Paper Source Assign
Set the assignment for the paper source select command. When 4 is selected, the commands
are set as compatible with the HP LaserJet 4. When 4K is selected, the commands are set as
compatible with the HP LaserJet 4000, 5000, and 8000. When 5S is selected, the commands
are set as compatible with the HP LaserJet 5S.
PS3 Menu:
❏ Error Sheet
Select On to print a sheet showing the status when an error occurs during PostScript or
PDF printing.
❏ Binary
Select On when printing data that contains binary images. The application may send the
binary data even if the printer driver setting is set to ASCII, but you can print the data when
this feature is enabled.
User's Guide
Thick Paper:
Select On to prevent ink from smearing on your printouts, however, this may lower the print speed.
Quiet Mode:
Select On to reduce noise during printing, however, this may lower the print speed. Depending on
the paper type and print quality settings you selected, there may be no difference in the printer's noise
Select On to change the print direction; Prints while the print head moves to the left and to the right.
If vertical or horizontal ruled lines on your printout look blurred or misaligned, disabling this feature
may solve the problem; however, doing so may reduce print speed.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Loading Papers” on page 25
& “Printing JPEG Files from a Memory Device” on page 91
& “Printing PDF or TIFF Files from a Memory Device” on page 91
Network Settings
Select the menus on the control panel as described below.
Settings > General Settings > Network Settings
You cannot change settings that have been locked by your administrator.
Wi-Fi Setup:
Set up or change wireless network settings. Choose the connection method from the following and then
follow the instructions on the LCD panel.
❏ Router
❏ Wi-Fi Direct
Network Status:
Displays or prints the current network settings.
❏ Wired LAN/Wi-Fi Status
❏ Wi-Fi Direct Status
❏ Email Server Status
❏ Print Status Sheet
Connection Check:
Checks the current network connection and prints a report. If there are any problems with the
connection, see the report to solve the problem.
Make the following detailed settings.
❏ Device Name
❏ Proxy Server
❏ Email Server
❏ IPv6 Address
❏ MS Network Sharing
❏ Link Speed & Duplex
User's Guide
You cannot change settings that have been locked by your administrator.
For details on registering to Google Cloud Print services, see the following web site. (Europe only)
Related Information
& “Printing Using a Network Service” on page 186
Fax Settings
Select the menu on the control panel as described below.
Settings > General Settings > Fax Settings
Administrators use this feature. See the Administrator's Guide for details.
User's Guide
Scan Settings
Select the menu on the control panel as described below.
Settings > General Settings > Scan Settings
Related Information
& “Scanning to a Network Folder or FTP Server” on page 110
& “Scanning to a Memory Device” on page 119
& “Scanning to the Cloud” on page 121
System Administration
Select the menu on the control panel as described below.
Settings > General Settings > System Administration
Administrators use this feature. See the Administrator's Guide for details.
Displays the total number of prints from the time you purchased the printer.
Displays the approximate level of the ink and service life of the maintenance box.
When is displayed, ink is running low or the maintenance box is nearly full. When is displayed, you need
to replace the item as ink is expended or the maintenance box is full.
User's Guide
Periodic Cleaning:
The printer automatically performs Print Head Nozzle Check and Print Head Cleaning based on
the specific period of time. Select On to maintain premium print quality. Under the following
conditions, perform Print Head Nozzle Check and Print Head Cleaning yourself.
❏ Printout problems
❏ When Off is selected for Periodic Cleaning
❏ When printing at high quality, such as photos
❏ When the Print Head Cleaning message is displayed on the LCD screen
Related Information
& “Adjusting the Print Quality” on page 203
& “Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 169
& “Aligning the Print Head” on page 170
& “Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears” on page 172
User's Guide
Displays the current network settings.
Register and/or delete contacts for the Fax, Scan to Email, and Scan to Network Folder/FTP menus.
Register frequently used contacts to access them quickly. You can also change the order of the list.
Print Contacts:
Print your contact list.
View Options:
Change the way the contact list is displayed.
Search Options:
Change the method for searching contacts.
User's Guide
You cannot change settings that have been locked by your administrator.
You can change the default settings of the following menus.
❏ Scan to Network Folder/FTP
❏ Scan to Email
❏ Scan to Memory Device
❏ Scan to Cloud
❏ Copy Settings
❏ Fax
Saving Power
The printer enters sleep mode or turns off automatically if no operations are performed for a set period. You can
adjust the time before power management is applied. Any increase will affect the product's energy efficiency. Please
consider the environment before making any change.
Depending on the location of purchase, the printer may have a feature that turns it off automatically if it is not
connected to the network for 30 minutes.
User's Guide
Your product may have the Power Off Settings or Power Off Timer feature depending on the location of purchase.
User's Guide
Accessing the printer driver from the printer icon on the task bar
The printer icon on the desktop task bar is a shortcut icon allowing you to quickly access the printer driver.
If you click the printer icon and select Printer Settings, you can access the same printer settings window as the one
displayed from the control panel. If you double-click this icon, you can check the status of the printer.
If the printer icon is not displayed on the task bar, access the printer driver window, click Monitoring Preferences on the
Maintenance tab, and then select Register the shortcut icon to the taskbar.
Printing Basics
Operations may differ depending on the application. See the application's help for details.
User's Guide
7. Click Print.
When you select Print Preview, a preview window is displayed. To change the settings, click Cancel, and then repeat
the procedure from step 2.
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
& “Main Tab” on page 76
User's Guide
Printing on 2-Sides
You can print on both sides of the paper. You can also print a booklet that can be created by re-ordering the pages
and folding the printout.
❏ You can use automatic and manual 2-sided printing. During manual 2-sided printing, flip the paper over to print on the
other side when the printer has finished printing the first side.
❏ If you do not use paper that is suitable for 2-sided printing, the print quality may decline and paper jams may occur.
❏ Depending on the paper and the data, ink may bleed through to the other side of the paper.
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
Print Settings
Manual 2-sided printing is available when EPSON Status Monitor 3 is enabled. However, it may not be available
when the printer is accessed over a network or is used as a shared printer.
To enable EPSON Status Monitor 3, click Extended Settings on the Maintenance tab, and then select Enable EPSON
Status Monitor 3.
1. On the printer driver's Main tab, select an option from 2-Sided Printing.
2. Click Settings, make the appropriate settings, and then click OK.
Make settings for Print Density if necessary. This setting is not available when you select manual 2-sided
❏ To print a folded booklet, select Booklet.
❏ When setting Print Density, you can adjust print density according to the document type.
❏ Printing may be slow depending on the combination of options selected for Select Document Type in the Print
Density Adjustment window and for Quality on the Main tab.
User's Guide
3. Click Print.
For manual 2-sided printing, when the first side has finished printing, a pop-up window is displayed on the
computer. Follow the on-screen instructions.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “Main Tab” on page 76
Print Settings
On the printer driver's Main tab, select 2-Up or 4-Up as the Multi-Page setting.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “Main Tab” on page 76
User's Guide
Print Settings
On the printer driver's Main tab, select Reverse Order.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “Main Tab” on page 76
Print Settings
On the printer driver's More Options tab, select the document size from the Document Size setting. Select the
paper size you want to print on from the Output Paper setting. Select Reduce/Enlarge Document, and then select
Fit to Page or Zoom to. When you select Zoom to, enter a percentage.
Select Center to print the images in the center of the page.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “More Options Tab” on page 77
Print Settings
On the printer driver's Main tab, select 2x1 Poster, 2x2 Poster, 3x3 Poster, or 4x4 Poster as the Multi-Page
setting. If you click Settings, you can select the panels that you do not want to print. You can also select the cutting
guide options.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “Main Tab” on page 76
User's Guide
The actual guides are printed in monochrome, but for this explanation they are shown as blue and red lines.
1. Prepare Sheet 1 and Sheet 2. Cut off the margins of Sheet 1 along the vertical blue line through the center of
the top and bottom cross marks.
User's Guide
2. Place the edge of Sheet 1 on top of Sheet 2 and align the cross marks, then temporarily tape the two sheets
together from the back.
3. Cut the taped sheets in two along the vertical red line through the alignment markers (this time, the line to the
left of the cross marks).
User's Guide
6. Cut off the margins of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 along the horizontal blue line through the center of the left and right
side cross marks.
User's Guide
7. Place the edge of Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 on top of Sheet 3 and Sheet 4 and align the cross marks, and then
temporarily tape them together from the back.
User's Guide
8. Cut the taped sheets in two along the horizontal red line through the alignment markers (this time, the line
above the cross marks).
User's Guide
10. Cut off the remaining margins along the outer guide.
Print Settings
On the printer driver's More Options tab, click Watermark Features, and then select Header/Footer. Click
Settings, and then select the items you want to print.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “More Options Tab” on page 77
Printing a Watermark
You can print a watermark such as "Confidential" or an anti-copy pattern on your printouts. If you print with an
anti-copy pattern, the hidden letters appear when photocopied in order to distinguish the original from the copies.
You can also add your own watermark or anti-copy pattern.
Print Settings
On the printer driver's More Options tab, click Watermark Features, and then select Anti-Copy Pattern or
Watermark. Click Settings to change details such as the size, density, or position of the pattern or the mark.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “More Options Tab” on page 77
User's Guide
Print Settings
On the printer driver's More Options tab, select Confidential Job, and then enter a password.
To print the job, select Confidential Job on the home screen of the printer's control panel. Select the job you want
to print, and then enter the password.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “More Options Tab” on page 77
Print Settings
On the printer driver's Main tab, select Job Arranger Lite. When you start printing, the Job Arranger Lite window
is displayed. With the Job Arranger Lite window opened, open the file that you want to combine with the current
file, and then repeat the above steps.
User's Guide
When you select a print job added to Print Project in the Job Arranger Lite window, you can edit the page layout.
Click Print from the File menu to start printing.
If you close the Job Arranger Lite window before adding all the print data to the Print Project, the print job you are currently
working on is canceled. Click Save from the File menu to save the current job. The extension of the saved files is "ecl".
To open a Print Project, click Job Arranger Lite on the printer driver's Maintenance tab to open the Job Arranger Lite
window. Next, select Open from the File menu to select the file.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “Main Tab” on page 76
These adjustments are not applied to the original data.
Print Settings
On the printer driver's More Options tab, select Custom as the Tone Correction setting. Click Advanced to open
the Tone Correction window, and then select the method of tone correction.
❏ Automatic is selected as default on the More Options tab. This setting automatically adjusts the tone to match the paper
type and print quality settings.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “More Options Tab” on page 77
User's Guide
Print Settings
On the printer driver's More Options tab, click Image Options in the Tone Correction setting. Select Emphasize
Thin Lines.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “More Options Tab” on page 77
Print Settings
On the printer driver's More Options tab, click Image Options in the Tone Correction setting. Select Enhance
Light Text and Lines.
User's Guide
Deblurring may not always be possible depending on the circumstances.
Print Settings
On the printer driver's Maintenance tab, click Extended Settings, and then select Barcode mode.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 60
& “Maintenance Tab” on page 78
Canceling Printing
You can cancel a print job from the computer. However, you cannot cancel a print job from the computer once it
has been completely sent to the printer. In this case, cancel the print job by using the printer's control panel.
On your computer, right-click on your printer in Devices and Printers, Printer, or in Printers and Faxes. Click
See what's printing, right-click on the job you want to cancel, and then select Cancel.
Main Tab
Printing Presets Add/Remove Presets You can add or remove your own presets for frequently used print
settings. Select the preset you want to use from the list.
Show Settings Displays a list of items currently set on the Main and More Options tabs.
Reset Defaults Return all settings to their factory default values. The settings on the More Options tab are also
reset to their defaults.
Paper Source Select the paper source from which the paper is fed. Select Auto Select to automatically select the
paper source selected in Paper Setting on the printer.
User's Guide
Document Size Select the paper size on which you want to print. If you select User-Defined, enter the paper width
and height.
Quality Select the pint quality you want to use for printing. Available settings depend on the paper type
you select.
Settings You can specify the binding edge and the binding margins. When
printing multi-page documents, you can select to print starting from
either the front or the back side of the page.
Print Density Select the document type to adjust the print density. If the appropriate
print density is selected, you can prevent images from bleeding through
to the reverse side. Select User Defined to adjust the print density
Multi-Page Allows you to print several pages on one sheet or perform poster printing. Click Page Order to
specify the order in which pages are printed.
Collate Prints multi-page documents collated in order and sorted into sets.
Reverse Order Allows you to print from the last page so that the pages are stacked in the
correct order after printing.
Quiet Mode Reduces the noise the printer makes. However, enabling this may reduce print speed.
Job Arranger Lite Select to print using the Job Arranger Lite feature.
Printing Presets Add/Remove Presets You can add or remove your own presets for frequently used print
settings. Select the preset you want to use from the list.
Show Settings Displays a list of items currently set on the Main and More Options tabs.
Reset Defaults Return all settings to their factory default values. The settings on the Main tab are also reset to their
Output Paper Select the paper size on which you want to print. If the Output Paper differs from Document Size,
Reduce/Enlarge Document is selected automatically. You do not have to select Output Paper
when printing documents without changing the size.
User's Guide
Custom Allows you to perform manual tone correction. Click Advanced for
further settings.
Image Options Enables print quality options such as Emphasize Text. You can also
thicken thin lines to make them visible on the printouts.
Watermark Features Allows you to make settings for anti-copy patterns or watermarks.
Confidential Job Password-protect confidential documents when printing. If you use this feature, the print data is
stored in the printer and can only be printed after the password has been entered using the
printer's control panel. Click Settings to change the settings.
Additional Settings Rotate 180° Rotates pages 180 degrees before printing. This feature is helpful when
printing on paper such as envelopes that are loaded in fixed direction in
the printer.
High Speed Prints when the print head moves in both directions. The print speed is
faster, but the quality may decline.
Mirror Image Inverts the image so that it prints as it would appear in a mirror.
Maintenance Tab
Nozzle Check Prints a nozzle check pattern to check if the print head nozzles are clogged.
Head Cleaning Cleans the clogged nozzles in the print head. Because this feature uses some ink, clean the print
head only if the nozzles are clogged.
Job Arranger Lite Opens the Job Arranger Lite window. You can save and edit data.
EPSON Status Opens the EPSON Status Monitor 3 window. Here you can confirm the status of the printer and the
Monitor 3 consumables.
Monitoring Allows you to make settings for items on the EPSON Status Monitor 3 window.
Extended Settings Allows you to make a variety of settings. Right-click each item to view the Help for more details.
Print Queue Displays the jobs waiting to be printed. You can check, pause, or resume print jobs.
Printer and Option You can register user accounts. If access control is set on the printer, you must register your
Information account.
Language Changes the language to be used on the printer driver window. To apply the settings, close the
printer driver, and then open it again.
Software Update Starts EPSON Software Updater to check for the latest version of applications on the Internet.
Technical Support Allows you to access the Epson technical support website.
User's Guide
7. Click Print.
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
User's Guide
Paper/Quality Tab
Tray Selection Paper Source Select the paper source from which the paper is fed.
Select Automatically Select to automatically select the paper
source selected in the Paper Setting on the printer.
Layout Tab
Page Order Select to print from the top or the last page. If you select Back to Front, the pages are stacked in the
correct order based on page number after printing.
Page Format Pages per Sheet Allows you to print several pages on one sheet.
Pages per Sheet Allows you to specify the page layout when printing several
Layout pages on one sheet.
Access Control Settings User Registration Allows you to enter a user name and password.
User's Guide
Advanced Options
Paper/Output Paper Size Select the paper size on which you want to print.
Graphic Print Quality Select the pint quality you want to use for printing.
Document Options Advanced Printing Allows you to make detailed settings for printing features.
Printer Features Ink Save Mode Conserves ink by reducing the print density.
Canceling Printing
You can cancel a print job from the computer. However, you cannot cancel a print job from the computer once it
has been completely sent to the printer. In this case, cancel the print job by using the printer's control panel.
On your computer, right-click on your printer in Devices and Printers, Printer, or in Printers and Faxes. Click
See what's printing, right-click on the job you want to cancel, and then select Cancel.
Printing Basics
Operations differ depending on the application. See the application's help for details.
2. Select Print from the File menu or another command to access the print dialog.
User's Guide
On OS X Mountain Lion or later, if the Print Settings menu is not displayed, the Epson printer driver has not been
installed correctly.
Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), remove the
printer, and then add the printer again. See the following to add a printer.
6. Click Print.
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
& “Menu Options for Print Settings” on page 87
User's Guide
Printing on 2-Sides
You can print on both sides of the paper.
❏ If you do not use paper that is suitable for 2-sided printing, the print quality may decline and paper jams may occur.
❏ Depending on the paper and the data, ink may bleed through to the other side of the paper.
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
Print Settings
Select Two-sided Printing Settings from the pop-up menu. Select the method of 2-sided printing, and then make
the Document Type settings.
❏ Printing speed may be reduced depending on the document type.
❏ When printing photos with dense data, select Text & Graphics or Text & Photos in the Document Type setting. If the
printouts are smeared or ink bleeds through to the other side of the paper, adjust the Print Density and Increased Ink
Drying Time in Adjustments.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 81
& “Menu Options for Two-sided Printing Settings” on page 87
User's Guide
Print Settings
Select Layout from the pop-up menu. Set the number of pages in Pages per Sheet, the Layout Direction (page
order), and Border.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 81
& “Menu Options for Layout” on page 86
Print Settings
Select Paper Handling from the pop-up menu. Select Reverse as the Page Order setting.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 81
User's Guide
Print Settings
When printing to fit to the paper size, select Paper Handling from the pop-up menu, and then select Scale to fit
paper size. Select the paper size you loaded in the printer in Destination Paper Size. When reducing the size of
the document, select Scale down only.
When printing at a specific percentage, do one of the following.
❏ Select Print from the File menu of the application. Select Printer, enter a percentage in Scale, and then click
❏ Select Page Setup from the File menu of the application. Select your printer in Format For, enter a percentage
in Scale, and then click OK.
Select the paper size you set in the application as the Paper Size setting.
Related Information
& “Printing Basics” on page 81
& “Menu Options for Paper Handling” on page 86
Canceling Printing
You can cancel a print job from the computer. However, you cannot cancel a print job from the computer once it
has been completely sent to the printer. In this case, cancel the print job by using the printer's control panel.
User's Guide
Click the printer icon in the Dock. Select the job you want to cancel, and then do one of the following.
❏ OS X Mountain Lion or later
Pages per Sheet Select the number of pages to be printed on one sheet.
Layout Direction Specify the order in which the pages will be printed.
Reverse page Rotates pages 180 degrees before printing. Select this item when printing on paper such as
orientation envelopes that are loaded in fixed direction in the printer.
ColorSync Select the method for color adjustment. These options adjusts colors between the printer and the
computer display to minimize the difference in color.
EPSON Color Controls
Collate pages Prints multi-page documents collated in order and sorted into sets.
Page Order Select to print from the top or the last page.
Scale to fit paper size Prints to fit to the paper size you loaded.
Scale down only Select when reducing the size of the document.
User's Guide
Print Cover Page Select whether or not to print a cover page. When you want to add a back cover, select After
Paper Source Select the paper source from which the paper is fed. If the printer has only one paper source, this
item is not displayed. Selecting Auto Select selects the paper source that matches the Paper
Setting on the printer automatically.
Print Quality Select the pint quality you want to use for printing. The options vary depending on the paper type.
User's Guide
❏ Lower Cassette: Add the optional paper cassette units to the paper source.
6. Click Print.
Related Information
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
User's Guide
Pages per Sheet Select the number of pages to be printed on one sheet.
Layout Direction Specify the order in which the pages will be printed.
Flip horizontally Inverts the image so that it prints as it would appear in a mirror.
ColorSync Select the method for color adjustment. These options adjusts color between the printer and the
computer display to minimize the difference in color.
In Printer
Collate pages Prints multi-page documents collated in order and sorted into sets.
Page Order Select to print from the top or the last page.
Scale to fit paper size Prints to fit to the paper size you loaded.
Scale down only Select when reducing the size of the document.
User's Guide
All Pages From Select the paper source from which the paper is fed.
First Page From/ Selecting Auto Select selects the paper source that matches the Paper Setting on the printer
Remaining From automatically.
You can also select the paper source for page.
Print Cover Page Select whether or not to print a cover page. When you want to add a back cover, select After
Feature Sets Quality MediaType Select the type of paper on which you print.
Print Quality Select the pint quality you want to use for printing.
Others Ink Save Mode Conserves ink by reducing the print density.
Canceling Printing
You can cancel a print job from the computer. However, you cannot cancel a print job from the computer once it
has been completely sent to the printer. In this case, cancel the print job by using the printer's control panel.
Click the printer icon in the Dock. Select the job you want to cancel, and then do one of the following.
❏ OS X Mountain Lion or later
User's Guide
1. Connect the memory device to the printer's external interface USB port.
3. Select JPEG.
The images on the memory device are displayed as thumbnails.
Select to change the Display order or make settings for Select All Images, Cancel Image Selection, and
Select Group.
To preview one image, select Single View. You can enlarge the image by using . Use or to
preview the previous or next image.
6. Set the paper source that you want to use on the Basic Settings tab.
Related Information
& “JPEG Settings” on page 92
User's Guide
5. Set the paper source that you want to use on the Basic Settings tab.
Related Information
& “PDF Settings” on page 93
& “TIFF Settings” on page 93
JPEG Settings
(Options) :
Make settings for ordering, selecting, and deselecting image data.
Basic Settings:
❏ Paper Setting
Specify the paper source settings which you want to print on.
❏ Layout
Select how to layout the JPEG files. 1-up is for printing one file per sheet. 20-up is for printing 20
files on one sheet. Index is for making index printing with information.
❏ Fit Frame
Select On to crop the image to fit into the selected print layout automatically. If the aspect ratio of
the image data and the paper size is different, the image is automatically enlarged or reduced so that
the short sides match the short sides of the paper. The long side of the image is cropped if it extends
beyond the long side of the paper. This feature may not work for panorama photos.
❏ Quality
Select Best for higher quality printing, but the printing speed may be slower.
❏ Date
Select the format of the date the photo was taken or saved. The date is not printed for some layouts.
❏ Fix Photo
Select this mode to improve the brightness, contrast, and saturation of the photo automatically. To
turn off automatic improvement, select Enhance Off.
User's Guide
❏ Fix Red-Eye
Select On to automatically fix the red-eye effect in photos. Corrections are not applied to the original
file, only to the printouts. Depending on the type of photo, parts of the image other than the eyes
may be corrected.
PDF Settings
You can make print settings for PDF format files on your memory devices.
(Display order) :
Select a sort setting to display the files on the LCD screen.
Basic Settings:
❏ Paper Setting
Specify the paper source settings which you want to print on.
❏ 2-Sided
Select On to print PDF files using 2-Sided printing. You can also select the binding method by
selecting Binding(Copy).
❏ Print Order
Select the order for printing multi-page PDF files.
TIFF Settings
You can make print settings for TIFF format files in you memory devices.
(Display order) :
Changes the order of the files.
Basic Settings:
❏ Paper Setting
Specify the paper source settings which you want to print on.
❏ Layout
Select how to layout the Multi-TIFF file. 1-up is for printing one page per sheet. 20-up is for printing
20 pages on one sheet. Index is for making index printing with information.
❏ Fit Frame
Select On to crop the photo to fit into the selected photo layout automatically. If the aspect ratio of
the image data and the paper size is different, the image is automatically enlarged or reduced so that
the short sides match the short sides of the paper. The long side of the image is cropped if it extends
beyond the long side of the paper. This feature may not work for panorama photos.
❏ Quality
Select Best for higher quality printing, but the printing speed may be slower.
User's Guide
❏ Print Order
Select the order for printing multi-page TIFF files.
❏ Date
Select the format of the date the photo was taken or saved. The date is not printed for some layouts.
Related Information
& “Printing Using a Network Service” on page 186
c Important:
When you connect from a smart device to the printer using the Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) connection, the printer is
connected to the same Wi-Fi network (SSID) as the smart device and the communication is established between
them. Since the smart device is automatically connected to the other connectable Wi-Fi network if the printer is
turned off, it is not connected to the previous Wi-Fi network again if the printer is turned on. Connect to the
printer's SSID for Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) connection from the smart device again.
User's Guide
5. Check the SSID and password displayed on the printer's control panel. On the smart device's Wi-Fi screen,
select the SSID shown on the printer's control panel to connect.
You can check the connection method on the Web site. To access the Web site, scan the QR code displayed on the
printer's control panel using the smart device , and then go to Setup.
6. Enter the password displayed on the printer's control panel on the smart device.
7. After the connection is established, tap OK or Close on the printer's control panel.
User's Guide
C Displays the screen where you can select the printer and make printer settings. Once you have selected the
printer, you do not need to select it again from the next time.
E Displays the screen to make print settings such as paper size and paper type.
F Displays the paper size. When this is displayed as a button, tap it to display the paper settings currently set
on the printer.
H Starts printing.
To print from the document menu using iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch running iOS, start Epson iPrint after transferring the
document you want to print using the file sharing function in iTunes.
User's Guide
❏ The printer may not be able to communicate with the smart device when there are obstacles such as metal between
the printer's N-Mark and the smart device.
❏ Administrators may block this feature. In this case, smart devices only make a sound and do not start any
applications even if you touch them to the printer's N-Mark.
4. On the preview screen with the Print icon, touch the smart device to the printer's N-Mark.
Printing starts.
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
3. On your Android device, install the Epson Print Enabler plug-in from Google Play.
4. Connect your Android device to the same wireless network as your printer.
5. Go to Settings on your Android device, select Printing, and then enable Epson Print Enabler.
6. From an Android application such as Chrome, tap the menu icon and print whatever is on the screen.
If you do not see your printer, tap All Printers and select your printer.
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
User's Guide
Using AirPrint
AirPrint enables instant wireless printing from iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch with the latest version of iOS, and
Mac with the latest version of OS X or macOS.
If you disabled paper configuration messages on your product control panel, you cannot use AirPrint. See the link below to
enable the messages, if necessary.
2. Set up your product for wireless printing. See the link below.
3. Connect your Apple device to the same wireless network that your product is using.
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
4. Select Cancel.
User's Guide
Copying Basics
This section explains the steps for basic copying.
❏ If you select , you can register frequently used copy settings as presets.
❏ If the combination of settings you require is not available, is displayed. Select the icon to check the details, and
then change the settings.
5. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Basic Menu Options for Copying” on page 100
& “Advanced Menu Options for Copying” on page 102
Copying on 2-Sides
You can copy multiple originals or 2-sided documents on both sides of the paper.
4. Tap x.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Copying Basics” on page 99
3. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Copying Basics” on page 99
Increase the level of density when the copying results are faint. Decrease the level of density when ink
Paper Setting:
Select the paper source that you want to use. When Auto is selected, paper is fed automatically using
the Paper Setting settings made when you loaded the paper. This feature is available for models with
two paper cassettes only.
Configures the magnification ratio of the enlargement or reduction. If you want to reduce or enlarge
the original by a specific percentage, select the value, and then enter a percentage within a range of 25
to 400%.
User's Guide
❏ Actual Size
Copies at 100 % magnification.
❏ A4→A5 and others
Automatically enlarges or reduces the original to fit a specific paper size.
Original Size:
Select the size of your original. When copying non-standard size originals, select the size closest to your
Select 2-sided layout.
❏ 1→1-Sided
Copies one side of an original onto a single side of paper.
❏ 2→2-Sided
Copies both sides of a double-sided original onto both sides of a single sheet of paper. Select the
orientation of your original and the binding position of the original and the paper.
❏ 1→2-Sided
Copies two single-sided originals onto both sides of a single sheet of paper. Select the orientation of
your original and the binding position of the paper.
❏ 2→1-Sided
Copies both sides of a double-sided original onto one side of two sheets of paper. Select the
orientation of your original and the binding position of the original.
Select the copy layout.
❏ Single Page
Copies a single-sided original onto a single sheet.
User's Guide
❏ 2-up
Copies two single-sided originals onto a single sheet in 2-up layout. Select the layout order and the
orientation of your original.
❏ 4-up
Copies four single-sided originals onto a single sheet in 4-up layout. Select the layout order and the
orientation of your original.
Original Type:
Select the type of your original. Copies in optimal quality to match the type of original.
Select how to eject the paper for multiple copies of multiple originals.
❏ Group (Same Pages)
Copies the originals by page as a group.
Orientation (Original):
Select the orientation of your original.
Image Quality:
Adjust image settings.
❏ Contrast
Adjust the difference between the bright and dark parts.
❏ Sharpness
Adjust the outline of the image.
User's Guide
❏ Remove Background
Adjust the density of the background color. Select + to make it bright (white) and select - to make it
dark (black).
Remove Shadow:
Removes shadows that appear around copies when copying thick paper or that appear in the center of
copies when copying a booklet.
ID Card Copy:
Scans both sides of an ID card and copies onto one side of paper.
User's Guide
Network Folder/FTP
You can save the scanned image to a folder on a network. You can specify a shared folder on the
computer, created using SMB protocols, or a folder on an FTP sever. Before scanning, you need to set a
shared folder or FTP server.
You can send scanned image files by email directly from the printer through a pre-configured email
server. Before scanning, you need to configure the email server.
Memory Device
You can save the scanned image to a memory device. You need not set any settings before scanning.
You can send scanned images to cloud services. Before scanning, make settings on the Epson Connect.
Computer (WSD)
You can save the scanned image to a computer connected to the printer, using WSD feature. If you are
using the Windows 7/Windows Vista, you need to make WSD settings on your computer before
Related Information
& “Saving the Scanned Image to a Shared Folder or FTP Server” on page 104
& “Scanning to an Email” on page 113
& “Scanning Using the Settings Registered on the Computer (Document Capture Pro)” on page 116
& “Scanning to a Memory Device” on page 119
& “Scanning to the Cloud” on page 121
User's Guide
❏ The scanner and the computer should be connected to the same network. Contact your administrator for the network
❏ If you want to save scanned images to an FTP server, contact the FTP server administrator to confirm the server
The method to set the shared folder varies depending on the operating system and your environment. In this manual, the
examples used are for Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7. See the documentation of your computer for
detailed information about setting a shared folder on your computer.
Related Information
& “Preparation 1: Check the Computer Name” on page 105
Check the computer name on which you want to create the shared folder.
& “Preparation 2: Create a Shared Folder on the Computer” on page 106
Create a folder on the computer, and then set the folder to be shared on the network.
& “Preparation 3: Register the Shared Folder in Contacts on the Printer” on page 108
By registering a shared folder path on the printer's control panel, you can specify the folder path by selecting
from contacts.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Preparation 2: Create a Shared Folder on the Computer” on page 106
Create a folder on the computer, and then set the folder to be shared on the network.
3. On the Network and Internet window, click Network and Sharing Center.
4. On the Network and Sharing Center window, click Change advanced sharing settings.
5. On the Advanced sharing settings window, select Turn on file and printer sharing on the File and printer
sharing. Click Save changes and close the window.
If it is already selected, click Cancel and close the window.
6. On the Network and Sharing Center window, click × at the top-right on the window to close the window.
User's Guide
13. On the Advanced Sharing window, enable Share this folder, and then click Permissions.
14. On the Share Permissions tab, select Everyone from Group or user names, and then click Remove.
If Everyone is permitted, users other than you can access the shared folder.
16. In Enter the object name to select on the Select Users or Groups window, enter the User Name you want to
use to log on to the computer.
17. Click Check Names. Confirm that the name is underlined, and then click OK.
If Name Not Found is displayed, click Cancel and then enter correct user name.
18. On the Share Permissions tab, select the user name that is entered in Group or user names, allow the
Change, and then click OK.
19. On the Advanced Sharing window, click the Apply, and then click OK.
20. The network path for the shared folder is displayed on the Sharing tab. This path is necessary when registering
contacts on the printer, make sure you write it down or copy and save it.
21. Select the Security tab, and then confirm that Authenticated Users is displayed in Group or user names, and
that Modify is allowed for Authenticated Users.
❏ If Modify is allowed, click OK. This completes "Preparation 2: Create a Shared Folder on the Computer".
Next, move on to "Preparation 3: Register the Shared Folder in Contacts on the Printer".
❏ If it is not allowed, go to step 22.
24. In Enter the object name to select on the Select Users or Groups window, enter the User Name to log on to
the computer.
25. Click Check Names. Confirm that the name is underlined, and then click OK.
If Name Not Found is displayed, click Cancel and then enter correct user name.
User's Guide
Follow the steps below to check the user name.
❏ Windows 10: Right-click the start button or press and hold it, and then select Control Panel > User Account.
❏ Windows 8.1/Windows 8: Select Desktop > Settings > Control Panel > User Account.
❏ Windows 7: Select Start > Control Panel > User Account.
26. On the Permissions window, confirm that the user name is displayed in Group or user names, allow Modify
for the name, click Apply, and then click OK.
Related Information
& “Preparation 3: Register the Shared Folder in Contacts on the Printer” on page 108
By registering a shared folder path on the printer's control panel, you can specify the folder path by selecting
from contacts.
There are several methods to register the folder path to contacts. Each method can register the same content. See
the following related information for more details.
The method to set the shared folder varies depending on the operating system and your environment. In this manual, the
examples used are for Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7. See the documentation of your computer for
detailed information about setting a shared folder on your computer.
Related Information
& “Registering from the Control Panel of the Printer” on page 108
You can register contacts from the printer's control panel.
& “Registering from a Computer Using a Web Browser” on page 109
You can register contacts from your computer by accessing the printer's configuration screen (Web Config) from
a Web browser. You can continue working on the computer after creating the shared folder.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Scanning to a Network Folder or FTP Server” on page 110
2. Enter the printer's IP address in Internet Explorer's address bar, and then press the Enter key.
4. If an administrator password is set on the printer, click Administrator Login and then log on as an
administrator by entering the password.
If an administrator password is not set on the printer, you do not need to perform this operation. Go to step 5.
5. Click Scan/Copy.
User's Guide
6. Click Contacts.
7. Select a number that has not been used, and then click Edit.
9. A message is displayed saying that registration is complete. Close the Web browser.
This completes "Preparation 3: Register the Shared Folder in Contacts on the Printer". This completes all
preparations for saving scanned images to the shared folder.
Related Information
& “Scanning to a Network Folder or FTP Server” on page 110
User's Guide
❏ To select from the contacts list: Select Contacts, select a contact, and then select Close.
You can search for a folder from the contacts list. Enter the search keyword into the box at the top of the
You can print the history of the folder in which documents are saved, by selecting .
5. Select Scan Settings, and then check settings such as the save format, and change them if necessary.
Select to save your settings as a preset.
6. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Managing Contacts” on page 44
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Registering Your Favorite Settings as a Preset” on page 46
Select a folder in which to save the scanned image from the contacts list. You do not need to make
location settings when you have selected a folder from the contacts list.
User's Guide
Color Mode:
Select whether to scan in color or in monochrome.
File Format:
Select the format in which to save the scanned image.
❏ Compression Ratio
Select how much to compress the scanned image.
❏ PDF Settings
When you have selected PDF as the save format setting, use these settings to protect PDF files.
To create a PDF file that requires a password when opening, set Document Open Password. To
create a PDF file that requires a password when printing or editing, set Permissions Password.
Select the scanning resolution.
Scan both sides of the original.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
❏ Binding(Original)
Select the binding direction of the original.
Scan Area:
Select the scan area. To crop the white space around the text or image when scanning, select Auto
Cropping. To scan at the maximum area of the scanner glass, select Max Area.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
Original Type:
Select the type of your original.
Select the contrast of the scanned image.
Remove Shadow:
Remove the shadows of the original that appear in the scanned image.
❏ Surround
Remove the shadows at the edge of the original.
❏ Center
Remove the shadows of the binding margin of the booklet.
User's Guide
❏ Erasing Position
Select the position to remove the punch holes.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
File Name:
❏ Filename Prefix
Enter a prefix for the name of the images in alphanumeric characters and symbols.
❏ Add Date
Add the date to the file name.
❏ Add Time
Add the time to the file name.
Scanning to an Email
You can send scanned image files by email directly from the printer through a pre-configured email server.Before
using this feature, you need to configure the email server.
You can specify the email address by entering directly, but it may be easier if you register the email address in the
contacts list first.
❏ Before you use this feature, make sure the printer's Date/Time and Time Difference settings are correct. Access the menus
from Settings > General Settings > Basic Settings > Date/Time Settings.
❏ You can check destination before scanning. Select Settings > General Settings > Scan Settings, and then enable Confirm
3. Select Email.
User's Guide
❏ The number of recipients you selected is displayed on the right of the screen. You can send emails to up to 10
addresses and groups.
If groups is included in recipients, you can select up to 200 individual addresses in total, taking addresses in the
groups into account.
❏ Select the address box at the top of the screen to display the list of selected addresses.
❏ Select to display or print the sending history, or change the email server settings.
5. Select Scan Settings, and then check settings such as the save format, and change them if necessary.
Select to save your settings as a preset.
6. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Managing Contacts” on page 44
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Registering Your Favorite Settings as a Preset” on page 46
Color Mode:
Select whether to scan in color or in monochrome.
File Format:
Select the format in which to save the scanned image.
❏ Compression Ratio
Select how much to compress the scanned image.
❏ PDF Settings
When you have selected PDF as the save format setting, use these settings to protect PDF files.
To create a PDF file that requires a password when opening, set Document Open Password. To
create a PDF file that requires a password when printing or editing, set Permissions Password.
Select the scanning resolution.
Scan both sides of the original.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
❏ Binding(Original)
Select the binding direction of the original.
User's Guide
Scan Area:
Select the scan area. To crop the white space around the text or image when scanning, select Auto
Cropping. To scan at the maximum area of the scanner glass, select Max Area.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
Original Type:
Select the type of your original.
Select the contrast of the scanned image.
Remove Shadow:
Remove the shadows of the original that appear in the scanned image.
❏ Surround
Remove the shadows at the edge of the original.
❏ Center
Remove the shadows of the binding margin of the booklet.
Enter a subject for the email in alphanumeric characters and symbols.
File Name:
❏ Filename Prefix
Enter a prefix for the name of the images in alphanumeric characters and symbols.
❏ Add Date
Add the date to the file name.
❏ Add Time
Add the time to the file name.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Application for Configuring Scanning from the Computer (Document Capture Pro)” on page 179
Setting a Job
Set the job on the computer using Document Capture Pro.
Operations may vary depending on the operating system and the software version. See the software help for details on using
the features.
User's Guide
2. On the menu bar of the main screen, select Option > Network Scanning Settings.
On windows, Option is only displayed in standard view. If you are in simple view, click Switch to Standard View.
3. On the Network Scanning Settings screen, enter the computer name in Your PC Name (alphanumeric).
4. Click OK.
User's Guide
2. Select General Settings > Scan Settings > Document Capture Pro.
4. If you have changed the operation mode, check that the settings are correct, and then select OK.
4. Select Select Computer., and then select the computer on which you created the job in Document Capture
❏ The printer's control panel displays up to 100 computers on which Document Capture Pro is installed.
❏ If you have selected Option > Network Scanning Settings, and enabled Protect with password in Document
Capture Pro or Document Capture, enter a password.
❏ If Server Mode is set as the operation mode, you do not need to perform this step.
6. Select the area in which the job content is displayed, and then check the job details.
7. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
User's Guide
1. Insert a memory device into the printer's external interface USB port.
6. Select Advanced, and then check settings, and change them if necessary.
Select to save your settings as a preset.
7. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Part Names and Functions” on page 15
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Registering Your Favorite Settings as a Preset” on page 46
Select whether to scan in color or in monochrome.
File Format:
Select the format in which to save the scanned image.
❏ Compression Ratio
Select how much to compress the scanned image.
❏ PDF Settings
When you have selected PDF as the save format setting, use these settings to protect PDF files.
To create a PDF file that requires a password when opening, set Document Open Password. To
create a PDF file that requires a password when printing or editing, set Permissions Password.
Select the scanning resolution.
User's Guide
Scan both sides of the original.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
❏ Binding(Original)
Select the binding direction of the original.
Scan Area:
Select the scan area. To crop the white space around the text or image when scanning, select Auto
Cropping. To scan at the maximum area of the scanner glass, select Max Area.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
Original Type:
Select the type of your original.
Select the contrast of the scanned image.
Remove Shadow:
Remove the shadows of the original that appear in the scanned image.
❏ Surround
Remove the shadows at the edge of the original.
❏ Center
Remove the shadows of the binding margin of the booklet.
File Name:
❏ Filename Prefix
Enter a prefix for the name of the images in alphanumeric characters and symbols.
❏ Add Date
Add the date to the file name.
User's Guide
❏ Add Time
Add the time to the file name.
1. Make sure that you have made settings using Epson Connect.
4. Select Cloud.
7. Select Advanced, and then check settings, and change them if necessary.
Select to save your settings as a preset.
8. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
Select whether to scan in color or in monochrome.
Select the format in which to save the scanned image.
Scan both sides of the original.
User's Guide
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
❏ Binding(Original)
Select the binding direction of the original.
Scan Area:
Select the scan area. To crop the white space around the text or image when scanning, select Auto
Cropping. To scan at the maximum area of the scanner glass, select Max Area.
❏ Orientation (Original)
Select the orientation of the original.
Original Type:
Select the type of your original.
Select the contrast of the scanned image.
Remove Shadow:
Remove the shadows of the original that appear in the scanned image.
❏ Surround
Remove the shadows at the edge of the original.
❏ Center
Remove the shadows of the binding margin of the booklet.
User's Guide
4. Select a computer.
5. Tap x.
User's Guide
The printer name you set on the network and model name (EPSON XXXXXX (XX-XXXX)) are displayed on the
network screen. You can check the printer's name set on the network from the printer's control panel or by printing a
network status sheet.
7. Check that an icon with the printer's name on the network is displayed.
Select the printer name when using with WSD.
2. On the Epson Scan 2 screen, make sure that your printer is selected in the Scanner list.
User's Guide
3. Select Settings from the Scanner list to open the Scanner Settings screen.
5. On the Access Control screen, enter the User Name and the Password for an account that has permission to
6. Click OK.
User's Guide
❏ / (Original orientation) buttons: Select the set orientation of the original you placed.
Depending on the size of the original, this item may be set automatically and cannot be changed.
❏ Image Type: Select the color for saving the scanned image.
❏ Resolution: Select the resolution.
The items may not be available depending on other settings you made.
User's Guide
6. Click Scan.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Application for Scanning Documents and Images (Epson Scan 2)” on page 177
User's Guide
c Important:
When you connect from a smart device to the printer using the Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) connection, the printer is
connected to the same Wi-Fi network (SSID) as the smart device and the communication is established between
them. Since the smart device is automatically connected to the other connectable Wi-Fi network if the printer is
turned off, it is not connected to the previous Wi-Fi network again if the printer is turned on. Connect to the
printer's SSID for Wi-Fi Direct (Simple AP) connection from the smart device again.
5. Check the SSID and password displayed on the printer's control panel. On the smart device's Wi-Fi screen,
select the SSID shown on the printer's control panel to connect.
You can check the connection method on the Web site. To access the Web site, scan the QR code displayed on the
printer's control panel using the smart device , and then go to Setup.
6. Enter the password displayed on the printer's control panel on the smart device.
7. After the connection is established, tap OK or Close on the printer's control panel.
User's Guide
C Displays the screen where you can select the printer and make printer settings. Once you have selected the
printer, you do not need to select it again from the next time.
E Displays the screen where you can make scan settings such as resolution.
G Starts scanning.
H Displays the screen where you can save scanned data to a smart device or Cloud services.
User's Guide
I Displays the screen where you can send scanned data by email.
The printer may not be able to communicate with the smart device when there are obstacles such as metal between the
printer's N-Mark and the smart device.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Sending Faxes Automatically Using the Control Panel” on page 131
& “Sending Faxes Manually After Confirming the Recipient's Status” on page 133
User's Guide
❏ To select from the contacts list: Select Contacts and select recipients you want to send. If the recipient you
want to send to has not been registered in Contacts yet, tap to register it.
❏ To select from the sent fax history: Select Recent, and then select a recipient.
❏ To select from the list on the Recipient tab: Select a recipient from the list registered in Settings > Contacts
Manager > Frequent.
To delete recipients you entered, display the list of recipients by tapping on the field of a fax number or the number of
recipients on the LCD screen, select the recipient from the list, and then select Remove.
4. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as
❏ To send 2-sided originals, enable ADF 2-Sided. You can send them in monochrome. You cannot send in color with
this setting.
❏ Tap (Presets) on the fax top screen to save the current settings and the recipients in Presets. Recipients may not
be saved depending on how you specified the recipients, such as entering a fax number manually.
- : Reduces or enlarges.
Related Information
& “Managing Contacts” on page 44
& “Registering Your Favorite Settings as a Preset” on page 46
User's Guide
3. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as
necessary. When you have finished making settings, select the Recipient tab.
5. When you hear a fax tone, select Send/Receive at the upper right corner of the LCD screen, and then select
When receiving a fax from a fax polling service, and you hear the audio guidance, follow the guidance to make the
printer operations.
6. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Menu Options for Faxing” on page 145
2. Pick up the handset of the connected telephone, and then dial the recipient's fax number using the phone.
When the recipient answers the phone, you can talk with the recipient.
User's Guide
4. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as
5. When you hear a fax tone, tap x, and then hang up the handset.
When a number is dialed using the connected telephone, it takes longer to send a fax because the printer performs
scanning and sending simultaneously. While sending the fax, you cannot use the other features.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
Related Information
& “Setting the Polling Send Box” on page 134
& “Registering a Bulletin Board Box” on page 135
& “Storing a Document in the Polling Send/Bulletin Board Box” on page 135
& “Sending a Fax with a Subaddress(SUB) and Password(SID)” on page 138
1. Select Fax Box > Polling Send/Board from the home screen.
4. Select OK.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Storing a Document in the Polling Send/Bulletin Board Box” on page 135
& “Polling Send/Board” on page 151
1. Select Fax Box > Polling Send/Board from the home screen.
5. Select OK.
To display the screen for changing settings or deleting registered boxes, select the box you want to change/delete,
and then tap .
Related Information
& “Storing a Document in the Polling Send/Bulletin Board Box” on page 135
& “Polling Send/Board” on page 151
2. Select Polling Send or one of the bulletin board boxes that have already been registered.
If the password entry screen is displayed, enter the password to open the box.
4. On the fax top screen that is displayed, check the fax settings, and then tap x to scan and store the document.
To check the document you stored, select Fax Box > Polling Send/Board, select the box containing the document
you want to check, and then tap Check Document. On the screen that is displayed, you can view, print or delete
the scanned document.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Polling Send/Board” on page 151
& “Checking the Status or Logs for Fax Jobs” on page 154
Related Information
& “Sending Many Pages of a Monochrome Document (Direct Send)” on page 136
& “Sending a Fax Preferentially (Priority Send)” on page 136
& “Sending Faxes in Monochrome at a Specified Time (Send Fax Later)” on page 137
& “Sending Different Size Documents Using ADF (Continuous Scan(ADF))” on page 138
& “Sending a Fax with a Subaddress(SUB) and Password(SID)” on page 138
& “Sending the Same Documents Multiple Times” on page 139
4. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then tap Direct Send to set this to On.
You can also make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as necessary.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Sending Faxes Automatically Using the Control Panel” on page 131
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
User's Guide
You cannot send your document preferentially while one of the following is in progress because the printer cannot accept
another fax.
❏ Sending a monochrome fax with Direct Send enabled
❏ Sending a color fax
❏ Sending a fax using a connected telephone
❏ Sending a fax sent from the computer
4. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then tap Priority Send to set this to On.
You can also make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as necessary.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Sending Faxes Automatically Using the Control Panel” on page 131
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
& “Checking the Status or Logs for Fax Jobs” on page 154
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Sending Faxes Automatically Using the Control Panel” on page 131
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
& “Checking the Status or Logs for Fax Jobs” on page 154
4. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then tap Continuous Scan(ADF) to set this to On.
You can also make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as necessary.
5. Tap x (Send).
6. When scanning the first originals is complete and the message Scan complete. Scan the next page? is
displayed on the control panel, select Yes, set the next originals, and then select Start Scanning.
If you leave the printer untouched for 20 seconds after prompted to set the next originals, the printer stops storing and
starts sending the document.
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Sending Faxes Automatically Using the Control Panel” on page 131
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
3. Select Contacts and select a recipient with a registered subaddress and password.
You can also select the recipient from Recent if it was sent with a subaddress and password.
User's Guide
4. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as
Related Information
& “Managing Contacts” on page 44
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Sending Faxes Automatically Using the Control Panel” on page 131
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
Related Information
& “Storing a Fax Without Specifying a Recipient (Store Fax Data)” on page 139
& “Sending Faxes Using the Stored Document Feature” on page 140
3. Select Stored Documents, tap (Box Menu), and then select Store Fax Data.
4. In the Fax Settings tab that is displayed, make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Stored Documents” on page 150
& “Checking the Fax Job History” on page 156
User's Guide
1. Select Fax Box on the home screen, and then select Stored Documents.
2. Select the document you want to send, check the content of the document, and then select Start Sending.
When the message Delete this document after sending? is displayed, select Yes or No.
4. Select the Fax Settings tab, and then make settings such as the resolution and the sending method as
5. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Stored Documents” on page 150
You can save received faxes, check them on the printer screen, and forward them. Check with the administrator for
the status of the printer settings. For details, see the Administrator's Guide.
To check the status of the fax settings, you can print a Fax Settings List by selecting Fax > (More) > Fax Report
> Fax Settings List.
Related Information
& “More” on page 148
User's Guide
Related Information
& “While Auto is Selected” on page 141
& “While Manual is Selected” on page 141
Receiving Faxes
When the telephone rings, pick up the handset. When you hear a fax tone (baud), perform the following steps.
Select Fax on the printer's home screen, select Send/Receive > Receive, and then tap x. Next, hang up the
User's Guide
Set the number of rings to answer for the answering machine to a lower number than the number set in Rings to Answer.
Otherwise, the answering machine cannot receive voice calls to record voice messages. For details on setting up the answering
machine, see the manual supplied with the answering machine.
Related Information
& “While Manual is Selected” on page 141
Related Information
& “Receiving Faxes by Polling (Polling Receive)” on page 142
& “Receiving Faxes from a Board with a Subaddress (SEP) and Password (PWD) (Polling Receive)” on page 143
2. Tap (More).
7. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Sending Faxes Dialing from the External Phone Device” on page 133
& “Receiving Faxes After Confirming the Sender's Status” on page 143
& “More” on page 148
User's Guide
3. Wait until the sender answers your call. When you hear a fax tone, select Send/Receive at the upper right
corner of the LCD screen, and then select Receive.
When receiving a fax from a fax information service, and you hear the audio guidance, follow the guidance to make the
printer operations.
4. Tap x.
Receiving Faxes from a Board with a Subaddress (SEP) and Password (PWD)
(Polling Receive)
By dialing to a sender, you can receive faxes from a board stored on sender's fax machine with a subaddress (SEP)
and password (PWD) feature. To use this feature, register the contact with the subaddress (SEP) and password
(PWD) in the contacts list in advance.
2. Select (More).
6. Select Contacts, and then select the contact with the registered subaddress (SEP) and password (PWD) to
match the destination board.
7. Tap x.
Related Information
& “Managing Contacts” on page 44
& “Sending Faxes Dialing from the External Phone Device” on page 133
& “Receiving Faxes After Confirming the Sender's Status” on page 143
& “More” on page 148
User's Guide
Saving and/or Forwarding Received Faxes to Destinations Other than the Printer
The following can be set as destinations.
❏ Computer (PC-FAX reception)
❏ External memory device
❏ Email address
❏ Shared folder on a network
❏ Another fax machine
The fax data is saved as PDF format.
❏ The fax data is saved as PDF format.
❏ You can print the save/forward conditions set in the printer. Select Fax on the home screen, and then select (More) >
Fax Report > Conditional Save/Forward list.
❏ Contact your administrator to set or change the save/forward conditions. For details on how to set the conditions, see the
Administrator's Guide.
Related Information
& “More” on page 148
& “Viewing Received Faxes Saved in the Printer on the LCD Screen” on page 145
User's Guide
2. Select Inbox/Confidential.
4. If the inbox, or the confidential box has been password protected, enter the inbox password, the confidential
box password, or the administrator password.
❏ : Reduces or enlarges.
6. Select whether to print or delete the document you have viewed, and then follow the on-screen instructions.
c Important:
If the printer runs out of memory, receiving and sending faxes is disabled. Delete documents that you have
already read or printed.
Related Information
& “Inbox and Confidential Boxes” on page 149
User's Guide
Select the menus on the control panel as described below:
Fax > Recipient
Contacts Select a recipient from the contacts list. You can also add or edit a contact.
Recent Select a recipient from the sent fax history. You can also add the recipient to the contacts list.
Fax Settings
Select the menus on the control panel as described below:
Fax > Fax Settings
Scan Settings
Original Size (Glass) Select the size and orientation of the original you placed on the scanner glass.
Resolution Select the resolution of the outgoing fax. If you select a higher resolution, the data size
becomes larger and it takes time to send the fax.
Density Sets the density of the outgoing fax. + makes the density darker, and - makes it lighter.
Remove Background Detects the paper color (background color) of the original document, and removes or lightens
the color. Depending on the darkness and vividness of the color, it may not be removed or
Sharpness Enhances or defocuses the outline of the image. + enhances the sharpness, and - defocuses the
ADF 2-Sided Scans both sides of originals placed in the ADF and sends a monochrome fax.
Continuous Scan(ADF) Sending faxes by placing originals one by one, or by placing originals by size, you can send
them as one document at their original sizes. See the related information below on this topic.
User's Guide
Direct Send Sends a monochrome fax while scanning the originals. Since scanned originals are not stored
temporarily in the printer's memory even when sending a large volume of pages, you can avoid
printer errors due to a lack of memory. Note that sending using this feature takes longer than
not using this feature. See the related information below on this topic.
You cannot use this feature when:
❏ Sending a fax using the ADF 2-Sided option
❏ Sending a fax to multiple recipients
Priority Send Sends the current fax before other faxes waiting to be sent. See the related information below
on this topic.
Send Fax Later Sends a fax at a time you specified. Only a monochrome fax is available when using this option.
See the related information below on this topic.
Transmission Report Prints a transmission report after you send the fax.
Print on Error prints a report only when an error occurs.
Backup Saves a backup of the sent fax that is scanned and saved to the printer's memory automatically.
The backup feature is available when:
❏ Sending a fax in monochrome
❏ Sending a fax using the Send Fax Later feature
❏ Sending a fax using the Batch Send feature
❏ Sending a fax using the Store Fax Data feature
Related Information
& “Sending Different Size Documents Using ADF (Continuous Scan(ADF))” on page 138
& “Sending Many Pages of a Monochrome Document (Direct Send)” on page 136
& “Sending a Fax Preferentially (Priority Send)” on page 136
& “Sending Faxes in Monochrome at a Specified Time (Send Fax Later)” on page 137
User's Guide
Selecting in Fax on the home screen displays the More menu.
Transmission Log
You can check the history of sent or received fax jobs.
Note that you can also check the history of sent or received fax jobs from Job/Status.
Fax Report
Last Transmission Prints a report for the previous fax that was sent or received through polling.
Fax Log Prints a transmission report. You can set to print this report automatically using the following
Settings > General Settings > Fax Settings > Report Settings > Fax Log Auto Print
Stored Fax Documents Prints a list of fax documents stored in the printer’s memory, such as unfinished jobs.
Protocol Trace Prints a detailed report for the previous fax that was sent or received.
Extended Fax
Polling Receive When this is set to On and you call the sender's fax number, you can receive documents from
the sender's fax machine. See the related information below for details on how to receive faxes
using Polling Receive.
When you leave the Fax menu, the setting returns to Off (default).
Polling Send/Board When this is set to On by selecting the polling send box or a bulletin board box, you can scan
and store documents to the box you selected by tapping x on the Fax Settings tab.
You can store one document to the polling send box. You can store up to 10 documents to up
to 10 bulletin boards in the printer, but you must register them from Fax Box before storing
documents. See the related information below for details on how to register a bulletin board
When you leave the Fax menu, the setting returns to Off (default).
Store Fax Data When this is set to On, and you tap x on the Fax Settings tab, you can scan and store
documents to the Stored Documents box. You can store up to 10 documents.
You can also scan and save documents to the Stored Documents box from Fax Box. See the
related information below for details on how to store documents from Fax Box
When you leave the Fax menu, the setting returns to Off (default).
Fax Box
Accesses the Fax Box on the home screen.
User's Guide
Fax Settings
Accesses Settings > General Settings > Fax Settings. Access the setting menu as an administrator.
Related Information
& “Receiving Faxes by Polling (Polling Receive)” on page 142
& “Setting the Polling Send Box” on page 134
& “Registering a Bulletin Board Box” on page 135
& “Storing a Document in the Polling Send/Bulletin Board Box” on page 135
& “Polling Send/Board” on page 151
& “Storing a Fax Without Specifying a Recipient (Store Fax Data)” on page 139
& “Stored Documents” on page 150
& “Checking the Status or Logs for Fax Jobs” on page 154
& “Checking the Fax Job History” on page 156
You can find Inbox/Confidential in Fax Box on the home screen.
preview screen
❏ : Reduces or enlarges.
To hide the operation icons, tap anywhere on the preview screen except for the icons. Tap again
to display the icons.
User's Guide
When the message Delete When Complete is displayed, select On to delete faxes after
completing processes such as Save to Memory Device or Forward(Email).
(Box Menu)
Print All This is displayed only when there are stored faxes in the box. Prints all faxes in the box. Selecting
On in Delete When Complete deletes all faxes when printing is complete.
Save All to Memory This is displayed only when there are stored faxes in the box. Saves all faxes to external memory
Device devices in the box. Selecting On in Delete When Complete deletes all documents when saving
is complete.
Delete All This is displayed only when there are stored faxes in the box. Deletes all faxes in the box.
Settings The following items are displayed when you select Inbox > Box Menu > Settings.
❏ Options when memory is full: Select one option to print or to decline incoming faxes after
the Inbox is full.
❏ Inbox Password Settings: You can set a password or change it.
The following items are displayed when you select a confidential box and select Box Menu >
❏ Name: Enter a name for the confidential box.
❏ Box Open Password: You can set a password or change it.
Related Information
& “Viewing Received Faxes Saved in the Printer on the LCD Screen” on page 145
& “More” on page 148
& “Checking the Fax Job History” on page 156
Stored Documents
You can find Stored Documents in Fax Box on the home screen.
You can store up to 100 pages of a single document in monochrome, and up to 10 documents in the box. This
allows you to save time spent scanning documents when you need to send the same document frequently.
You may not be able to save 10 documents depending on the usage conditions such as the size of saved documents.
User's Guide
preview screen
❏ : Reduces or enlarges.
To hide the operation icons, tap anywhere on the preview screen except for the icons. Tap again
to display the icons.
When the message Delete When Complete is displayed, select On to delete faxes after
completing processes such as Save to Memory Device or Forward(Email).
(Box Menu)
Store Fax Data Displays the screen for the Fax > Fax Settings tab. Tapping x on the screen starts scanning
documents to store to the Stored Documents box.
Print All This item is displayed only when there are stored documents in the box. Prints all documents in
the box. Selecting On in Delete When Complete deletes all documents when printing is
Save All to Memory This item is displayed only when there are stored documents in the box. Saves all documents in
Device the box to external memory devices. Selecting On in Delete When Complete deletes all
documents when printing is complete.
Delete All This item is displayed only when there are stored documents in the box. Deletes all documents
in the box.
Settings Box Open Password: You can set a password or change it.
Related Information
& “Sending the Same Documents Multiple Times” on page 139
& “Polling Send” on page 152
& “More” on page 148
& “Checking the Fax Job History” on page 156
Polling Send/Board
You can find Polling Send/Board in Fax Box on the home screen.
There is a Polling Send Box and 10 bulletin boards. You can store up to 100 pages of a single document in
monochrome, and one document in each box.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Sending Faxes On Demand (Using Polling Send/Bulletin Board Box)” on page 134
Polling Send
You can find Polling Send in Fax Box > Polling Send/Board.
Add Document
Displays the screen for the Fax > Fax Settings tab. Tapping x on the screen starts scanning documents to store
them in the box.
When a document is in the box, Check Document is displayed instead.
Check Document
Displays the preview screen when a document is in the box. You can print or delete the document while you are
preview screen See the explanation for Fax Box > Stored Documents.
When the message Delete When Complete is displayed, select On to delete faxes after
completing processes such as Save to Memory Device or Forward(Email).
Delete Document This item is displayed only when there is a stored document in the box. Deletes the document
stored in the box.
Settings ❏ Box Open Password: You can set a password or change it.
❏ Delete Document After Sending: Setting this to On deletes the document in the box when
the next request from a recipient to send the document (Polling Send) is completed.
❏ Notify Send Result: When Email Notifications is set to On, the printer sends a notification to
the destination specified in Recipient when a request to send the document (Polling Send)
is completed.
Related Information
& “Stored Documents” on page 150
& “More” on page 148
& “Checking the Fax Job History” on page 156
User's Guide
Subaddress(SEP) Make or change the conditions for a recipient to receive the fax.
Box Open Password Set or change the password used to open the box.
Delete Document After Sending Setting this to On deletes the document in the box when the next
request from a recipient to send the document (Polling Send) is
Notify Send Result When Email Notifications] is set to On, the printer sends a
notification to the Recipient when a request to send the document
(Polling Send) is completed.
Related Information
& “Each Registered Bulletin Board” on page 153
Add Document
Displays the screen for the Fax > Fax Settings tab. Tapping x on the screen starts scanning documents to store to
the box.
When a document is in the box, Check Document is displayed instead.
Check Document
Displays the preview screen when a document is in the box. You can print or delete the document while you are
preview screen See the explanation for Fax Box > Stored Documents.
(Preview menu) See the explanation for Polling Send > Check Document > (Preview menu).
User's Guide
Delete Document This item is displayed only when there is a stored document in the box. Deletes the document
stored in the box.
Settings Menus such as Name (Required) and Subaddress(SEP) are displayed. See the explanation for
Unregistered Bulletin Board > Bulletin Board Box Settings
Delete Box This item is displayed only when there is a stored document in the box. Deletes the stored
document and changes the box status to unregistered.
Related Information
& “Stored Documents” on page 150
& “Polling Send” on page 152
& “Unregistered Bulletin Board” on page 153
& “More” on page 148
& “Checking the Fax Job History” on page 156
c Important:
When the inbox is full, receiving faxes is disabled. You should delete the documents from the inbox once they have
been checked.
User's Guide
Saving in the inbox or the There are unread received documents in the inbox or the confidential box.
confidential box
Saving in an external memory There are received documents that have not been saved in the device because there is
device no device containing a folder specifically created to save received documents connected
to the printer or for other reasons.
Saving on a computer There are received documents that have not been saved on the computer because the
computer is in sleep mode or for other reasons.
Forwarding There are received documents that have not been forwarded or failed to be forwarded*2.
*1 : When you have not set any of the fax save/forward settings, or when you have set to print received documents while
saving them to an external memory device or a computer.
*2 : When you have set to save documents that could not be forwarded in the inbox, there are unread documents that failed to
be forwarded in the inbox. When you have set to print documents that failed to be forwarded, printing is not complete.
If you are using more than one of the fax save/forward settings, the number of unprocessed jobs may be displayed as "2" or
"3" even if only one fax has been received. For example, if you have set to save faxes in the inbox and on a computer and one
fax is received, the number of unprocessed jobs is displayed as "2" if the fax has not been saved to the inbox and on a
Related Information
& “Viewing Received Faxes Saved in the Printer on the LCD Screen” on page 145
& “Checking Fax Jobs in Progress” on page 155
& “More” on page 148
❏ Outgoing fax jobs that have failed to be sent (If you have enabled Save Failure Data)
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Displaying Information when Received Faxes are Unprocessed (Unread/Not Printed/Not Saved/Not
Forwarded)” on page 154
You can also check the fax history by printing Fax Log by selecting Fax > (More) > Fax Report > Fax Settings
Related Information
& “More” on page 148
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Software Update Tools (EPSON Software Updater)” on page 181
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
3. Select XXXXX (FAX) (where XXXXX is your printer name) in Printer, and then check the settings for fax
❏ Specify 1 in Number of copies. Fax may not be transmitted correctly if you specify 2 or more.
❏ You cannot use functions such as Print to File that change the output port.
❏ You may transmit up to 100 pages including cover sheet in one fax transmission.
4. Click Printer Properties or Properties if you want to specify Paper Size, Orientation, Color, Image Quality,
or Character Density. For details, see the PC-FAX driver help.
5. Click Print.
When Using FAX Utility for the first time, a window for registering your information is displayed. Enter the necessary
information, and then click OK. FAX Utility uses Nickname to manage fax jobs internally. Other information is
automatically added to the cover sheet.
User's Guide
❏ Selecting a recipient (name, fax number and so on) from the contacts on the printer:
If the recipient is saved in the contacts on the printer, do the steps below.
A Click the Contacts on Printer tab.
If your printer has a security function that allows administrators to restrict users from changing the
printer's fax settings, you may need to enter an administrator password to continue.
B Select contacts from the list and click Add to proceed to Add to Recipient window.
C Select the contacts from the list displayed, and then click Edit.
D Add the personal data such as Company/Corp. and Title as necessary, and then click OK to return to
the Add to Recipient window.
E As necessary, select the checkbox of Register in the PC-FAX Phone Book to save the contacts to PC-
FAX Phone Book.
F Click OK.
❏ Specifying a recipient (name, fax number and so on) directly:
Do the steps below.
A Click the Manual Dial tab.
B Enter the necessary information.
C Click Add.
Furthermore, by clicking Save to Phone Book, you can save the recipient in the list under the PC-FAX
Phone Book tab.
❏ If your printer's Line Type is set to PBX and the access code has been set to use # (hash) instead of entering the exact
prefix code, enter # (hash). For details, see Line Type in Basic Settings from related information link below.
❏ If you have selected Enter fax number twice in the Option settings on the FAX Utility main screen, you need to
enter the same number again when you click Add or Next.
The recipient is added to the Recipient List displayed in the upper part of the window.
User's Guide
❏ To stop transmitting, select the data, and click Cancel . You can also cancel using the printer's control panel.
❏ If an error occurs during transmission, the Communication Error window appears. Check the error information
and retransmit.
❏ The Fax Status Monitor screen (the screen mentioned above where you can check the transmission status) is not
displayed if Display Fax Status Monitor During Transmission is not selected in the Optional Settings screen of the
FAX Utility main screen.
3. Select your printer (fax name) in Name, click d to display the detailed settings, check the print settings, and
then click OK.
The page size of documents you can send is the same as the paper size you can fax from the printer.
5. Select Fax Settings from the popup menu, and then make settings for each item.
See the PC-FAX driver's help for explanations on each setting item.
Click at the bottom left of the window to open the PC-FAX driver's help.
6. Select the Recipient Settings menu, and then specify the recipient.
❏ Specifying a recipient (name, fax number, and so on) directly:
Click the Add item, enter the necessary information, and then click . The recipient is added to the
Recipient List displayed in the upper part of the window.
If you have selected "Enter fax number twice" in the PC-FAX driver settings, you need to enter the same
number again when you click .
If your fax connection line requires a prefix code, enter External Access Prefix.
If your printer's Line Type is set to PBX and the access code has been set to use # (hash) instead of entering the exact
prefix code, enter # (hash). For details, see Line Type in Basic Settings from Related Information link below.
User's Guide
❏ Selecting a recipient (name, fax number, and so on) from the phone book:
If the recipient is saved in the phone book, click . Select the recipient from the list, and then click Add
> OK.
If your fax connection line requires a prefix code, enter External Access Prefix.
If your printer's Line Type is set to PBX and the access code has been set to use # (hash) instead of entering the exact
prefix code, enter # (hash). For details, see Line Type in Basic Settings from Related Information link below.
c Important:
❏ To receive faxes on a computer, the Receive Mode on the printer's control panel must be set to Auto. Contact
your administrator for information on the printer settings status. For details, see the Administrator's Guide.
❏ The computer set to receive faxes should always be on. Received documents are saved in the printer's memory
temporarily before the documents are saved on the computer. If you turn off the computer, the printer's memory
might become full as it cannot send the documents to the computer.
❏ The number of documents that have been temporarily saved to the printer’s memory are displayed on the on
the home screen.
❏ To read the received faxes, you need to install a PDF viewer such as Acrobat Reader in the computer.
Related Information
& “Software Update Tools (EPSON Software Updater)” on page 181
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Application for Configuring Fax Operations and Sending Faxes (FAX Utility)” on page 179
Related Information
& “Application for Configuring Fax Operations and Sending Faxes (FAX Utility)” on page 179
❏ : Standing by.
User's Guide
2. Right-click the icon, and then click Open the received fax folder.
The received fax folder is displayed. Check the date and the sender in the file name, and then open the PDF
While the fax icon indicates that it is standing by, you can check for new faxes instantly by selecting Check
new faxes.
Received faxes are automatically renamed using the following naming format.
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_xxxxxxxxxx_nnnnn (Year/Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second_sender’s number)
Open the Received Fax Folder from Received Fax Monitor (Mac OS)
You can open the save folder from the computer specified to receive faxes when selecting "Save" (save faxes on this
User's Guide
1. Click the received fax monitor icon on the Dock to open Fax Receive Monitor.
2. Select the printer and click Open folder, or double click the printer name.
3. Check the date and the sender in the file name, and then open the PDF file.
Received faxes are automatically renamed using the following naming format.
YYYYMMDDHHMMSS_xxxxxxxxxx_nnnnn (Year/Month/Day/Hour/Minute/Second_sender's number)
Information sent from the sender is displayed as the sender's number. This number may not be displayed depending on
the sender.
User's Guide
Checking the Status of the Remaining Ink and the Maintenance Box
- Control Panel
1. Press the button on the control panel.
Checking the Status of the Remaining Ink and the Maintenance Box
- Windows
1. Access the printer driver window.
2. Click EPSON Status Monitor 3 on the Maintenance tab, and then click Details.
If EPSON Status Monitor 3 is disabled, click Extended Settings on the Maintenance tab, and then select Enable
EPSON Status Monitor 3.
Checking the Status of the Remaining Ink and the Maintenance Box
- Mac OS
1. Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and
then select the printer.
2. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.
User's Guide
For Europe
Size Black
XXL T9661
XL T9651
L T9641
Visit the following website for information on Epson's ink supply unit yields.
For Asia
Handling precautions
❏ Store ink supply unit at normal room temperature and keep them away from direct sunlight.
❏ Epson recommends using the ink supply unit before the date printed on the package.
❏ For best results, store ink supply unit packages with their bottom down.
❏ After bringing an ink supply unit inside from a cold storage site, allow it to warm up at room temperature for at
least 12 hours before using it.
User's Guide
❏ Do not touch the sections shown in the illustration. Doing so may prevent normal operation and printing.
❏ Do not turn off the printer during ink charging. If the ink charging is incomplete, you may not be able to print.
❏ Do not leave the printer with the ink supply unit removed; otherwise, ink remaining in the print head nozzles
may dry out and you may not be able to print.
❏ If you need to remove an ink supply unit temporarily, make sure you protect the ink supply area from dirt and
dust. Store the ink supply unit in the same environment as the printer. Because the ink supply port is equipped
with a valve designed to contain the release of excess ink, there is no need to supply your own covers or plugs.
❏ Removed ink supply unit may have ink around the ink supply port, so be careful not to get any ink on the
surrounding area when removing the ink supply unit.
❏ This printer uses an ink supply unit equipped with a green chip that monitors information such as the amount
of remaining ink. This means that even if the ink supply unit is removed from the printer before it is expended,
you can still use the ink supply unit after reinserting it back into the printer.
❏ To ensure you receive premium print quality and to help protect your print head, a variable ink safety reserve
remains in the ink supply unit when your printer indicates to replace the ink supply unit. The yields quoted for
you do not include this reserve.
❏ Although the ink supply units may contain recycled materials, this does not affect printer function or
❏ Specifications and appearance of the ink supply unit are subject to change without prior notice for
❏ Do not disassemble or remodel the ink supply unit, otherwise you may not be able to print normally.
❏ Do not drop or knock the ink supply unit against hard objects; otherwise, the ink may leak.
❏ You cannot use the ink supply unit that came with the printer for the replacement.
❏ Quoted yields may vary depending on the images that you are printing, the paper type that you are using, the
frequency of your prints and environmental conditions such as temperature.
Consumption of Ink
❏ To maintain optimum print head performance, some ink is consumed from the ink supply unit during
maintenance operations such as print head cleaning. Ink may also be consumed when you turn on the printer.
❏ The ink in the ink supply unit supplied with your printer is partly used during initial setup. In order to produce
high quality printouts, the print head in your printer will be fully charged with ink. This one-off process
consumes a quantity of ink and therefore the ink supply unit may print fewer pages compared to subsequent ink
supply unit.
❏ For best results, use up ink supply unit within two years of installation.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Ink Supply Unit Handling Precautions” on page 165
c Important:
Once a maintenance box has been installed in a printer it cannot be used with other printers.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Maintenance Box Handling Precautions” on page 167
User's Guide
c Important:
❏ Do not open the front cover or turn off the printer during head cleaning. If the head cleaning is incomplete, you
may not be able to print.
❏ Because print head cleaning uses some ink, clean the print head only if quality declines.
❏ If print quality has not improved after repeating nozzle check and head cleaning about four times, wait for at
least six hours without printing, and then run the nozzle check again and repeat the head cleaning if necessary.
We recommend to turn off the printer. If print quality has still not improved, contact Epson support.
❏ To prevent the print head from drying out, do not unplug the printer while the power is on.
5. Examine the printed pattern. If there are broken lines or missing segments as shown in the "NG" pattern, the
print head nozzles may be clogged. Go to the next step. If you cannot see any broken lines or missing segments
as in the following "OK" pattern, the nozzles are not clogged. Select to close the nozzle check feature.
6. Select , and then follow the on-screen instructions to clean the print head.
7. When cleaning is finished, print the nozzle check pattern again. Repeat cleaning and printing the pattern until
all lines are printed completely.
User's Guide
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Accessing the Printer Driver” on page 60
2. Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and
then select the printer.
3. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
User's Guide
Find and select the number for the pattern that has the least misaligned vertical line.
❏ Horizontal Alignment: Find and select the number for the least separated and overlapping pattern.
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
User's Guide
c Important:
Do not use tissue paper to clean the inside of the printer. The print head nozzles may be clogged with lint.
1. Load A4-size plain paper in the paper source that you want to clean.
4. Select the paper source, and then follow the on-screen instructions to clean the paper path.
Repeat this procedure until the paper is not smeared with ink. If the printouts are still smeared, clean the other paper
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
c Important:
Never use alcohol or thinner to clean the printer. These chemicals can damage the printer.
User's Guide
2. Use a soft, moist cloth to clean the roller and the interior of the ADF.
c Important:
❏ Using a dry cloth may damage the surface of the roller.
❏ Use the ADF after the roller has dried.
User's Guide
c Important:
❏ If the glass surface is stained with grease or some other hard-to-remove material, use a small amount of
glass cleaner and a soft cloth to remove it. Wipe off all remaining liquid.
❏ Do not press the glass surface too hard.
❏ Be careful not to scratch or damage the surface of the glass. A damaged glass surface can decrease the scan
! Caution:
Be careful not to trap your hand or fingers when opening or closing the document cover. Otherwise you may be
c Important:
Never use alcohol or thinner to clean the printer. These chemicals can damage the printer.
User's Guide
2. Use a soft, dry, clean cloth to clean the surface of the scanner glass.
c Important:
❏ If the glass surface is stained with grease or some other hard-to-remove material, use a small amount of
glass cleaner and a soft cloth to remove it. Wipe off all remaining liquid.
❏ Do not press the glass surface too hard.
❏ Be careful not to scratch or damage the surface of the glass. A damaged glass surface can decrease the scan
User's Guide
OS Browser
Windows XP SP3 or later Microsoft Edge, Internet Explorer 8 or later, Firefox*, Chrome*
iOS* Safari*
2. Launch a Web browser from a computer or smart device, and then enter the printer's IP address.
IPv4: printer's IP address/
IPv6: http://[the printer's IP address]/
IPv6: http://[2001:db8::1000:1]/
User's Guide
Using the smart device, you can also run Web Config from the maintenance screen of Epson iPrint.
Related Information
& “Using Epson iPrint” on page 94
& “Network Settings” on page 53
User's Guide
Starting on Windows
For Windows Server operating systems, make sure the Desktop Experience feature is installed.
Starting on Mac OS
Epson Scan 2 does not support the Mac OS fast user switching feature. Turn off fast user switching.
Related Information
& “Scanning Using Epson Scan 2” on page 125
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
1. Start the software, and then click Add on the Scanner Settings screen.
❏ If Add is grayed out, click Enable Editing.
❏ If the main screen of Epson Scan 2 is displayed, it has already been connected to the scanner. If you want to connect
to another network, select Scanner > Settings to open the Scanner Settings screen.
2. Add the network scanner. Enter the following items, and then click Add.
❏ Model: Select the scanner you want to connect to.
❏ Name: Enter the scanner name within 32 characters.
❏ Search for Network: When the computer and the scanner are on the same network, the IP address is
displayed. If it is not displayed, click the button. If the IP address is still not displayed, click Enter
address, and then enter the IP address directly.
3. Select the scanner on the Scanner Settingsscreen, and then click OK.
User's Guide
Starting on Windows
❏ Windows 10/Windows Server 2016
Click the start button, and then select Epson Software > Document Capture Pro.
❏ Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012
Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.
❏ Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2003
R2/Windows Server 2003
Click the start button, and select All Programs or Programs > Epson Software > Document Capture Pro.
Starting on Mac OS
Select Go > Applications > Epson Software > Document Capture.
Related Information
& “Scanning Using the Settings Registered on the Computer (Document Capture Pro)” on page 116
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
Starting on Windows
❏ Windows 10
Click the start button, and select Epson Software > FAX Utility.
User's Guide
❏ Windows 8.1/Windows 8
Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.
❏ Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP
Click the start button, and select All Programs (or Programs) > Epson Software > FAX Utility.
Starting on Mac OS
Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then
select the printer (FAX). Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.
Related Information
& “Receiving Faxes on a Computer” on page 160
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
Related Information
& “Sending a Fax from a Computer” on page 156
& “Application for Configuring Fax Operations and Sending Faxes (FAX Utility)” on page 179
User's Guide
When you install E-Web Print, it is displayed in your browser. Click Print or Clip.
Installing Method
Download EPSON Software Updater from the Epson website.
If you are using a Windows computer and cannot to download it from the website, you can install it from the
supplied software disc.
Starting on Windows
❏ Windows 10
Click the start button, and then select Epson Software > EPSON Software Updater.
❏ Windows 8.1/Windows 8
Enter the application name in the search charm, and then select the displayed icon.
❏ Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP
Click the start button, and then select All Programs or Programs > Epson Software > EPSON Software
You can also start EPSON Software Updater by clicking the printer icon on the task bar on the desktop, and then selecting
Software Update.
Starting on Mac OS
Select Go > Applications > Epson Software > EPSON Software Updater.
1. Make sure the printer and the computer are available for communication, and the printer is connected to the
User's Guide
3. For Windows, select your printer, and then click to check for the latest available applications.
4. Select the items you want to install or update, and then click the install button at the lower right of the screen.
c Important:
Do not turn off or unplug the printer until the update is complete; otherwise, the printer may malfunction.
❏ You can download the latest applications from the Epson website.
❏ If you use Windows Server operating systems, you cannot use Epson Software Updater. Download the latest
applications from the Epson website.
❏ Document Capture Pro cannot be installed from Epson Software Updater. Install it from the website below. (outside Europe) (Europe)
Related Information
& “Software Update Tools (EPSON Software Updater)” on page 181
User's Guide
4. Select the connection method from the network connection or USB connection.
❏ For network connection.
A list of available printers in the same network is displayed.
Select the printer you want to use.
❏ For USB connection.
Follow the on-screen instructions to connect the printer to the computer.
1. Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax).
User's Guide
Connect the printer to the same network as the computer, and then follow the procedure below to install the
printer driver.
1. Download the executable file of the driver from the Epson support website. (Europe only)
Uninstalling Applications
Log in to your computer as an administrator. Enter the administrator password if the computer prompts you.
User's Guide
❏ Windows 7/Windows Vista/Windows XP/Windows Server 2008 R2/Windows Server 2008/Windows Server
2003 R2/Windows Server 2003
Click the start button and select Control Panel.
If the User Account Control window is displayed, click Continue.
3. To uninstall the printer driver or PC-FAX driver, select System Preferences from the menu > Printers &
Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then remove the printer from the enabled printers list.
6. Select the application you want to uninstall, and then click Uninstall.
c Important:
The Uninstaller removes all drivers for Epson inkjet printers on the computer. If you use multiple Epson inkjet
printers and you only want to delete some drivers, delete all of them first, and then install the necessary printer
driver again.
User's Guide
If you cannot find the application you want to uninstall in the application list, you cannot uninstall using the
Uninstaller. In this situation, select Go > Applications > Epson Software, select the application you want to uninstall,
and then drag it to the trash icon.
Related Information
& “Using Epson iPrint” on page 94
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Solving Problems
Printer error. Turn the power off and on again. If ❏ Remove any paper or protective material in the printer and the paper
the problem persists, contact Epson Support. cassette. If the error message is still displayed after turning the power
off and on again, contact Epson support.
❏ When the following error codes are displayed, check the paper for
the maximum number of sheets that can be loaded in each paper
000181, 000184
Printer error. Contact Epson Support. Non- The printer may be damaged. Contact Epson support or an authorised
printing features are available. Epson service provider to request repairs. However, non-printing
features such as scanning are available.
Printer error. For details, see your The printer may be damaged. Contact Epson support or an authorised
documentation. Epson service provider to request repairs.
Paper out in XX. Load paper. Paper Size: XX/ Load paper, and then insert the paper cassette all the way.
Paper Type: XX
Too many paper cassette units are installed. Turn You can install up to one optional paper cassette unit. For other optional
the power off and uninstall the extra units. See paper cassette units, uninstall them by following the reverse steps to
your documentation for details. installation.
Cannot print because XX is out of order. You can Turn the power off and on again, and then reinsert the paper cassette. If
print from another cassette. the error message is still displayed, contact Epson support or an
authorised Epson service provider to request repairs.
You need to replace Ink Supply Unit. To ensure you receive premium print quality and to help protect your
print head, a variable ink safety reserve remains in the ink supply unit
when your printer indicates it is time to replace the ink supply unit.
Replace with a new ink supply unit.
Paper Setup Auto Display is set to Off. Some If Paper Setup Auto Display is disabled, you cannot use AirPrint.
features may not be available. For details, see
your documentation.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
No dial tone is detected. This problem might be resolved by selecting Settings > General
Settings > Fax Settings > Basic Settings > Line Type, and then
selecting PBX. If your phone system requires an external access code to
get an outside line, set the access code after selecting PBX. Use # (hash)
instead of the actual access code when entering an outside fax number.
This makes connection more secure.
If the error message is still displayed, set the Dial Tone Detection
settings to disabled. However, disabling this feature may drop the first
digit of a fax number and send the fax to the wrong number.
Failed to receive faxes because the fax data Received faxes may accumulate without being processed due to the
capacity is full. Touch the Job/Status at the following reasons.
bottom of the Home Screen for details.
❏ Cannot print because a printer error has occurred.
Clear the printer error. To check the details and solutions to the error,
press the button and then select Printer Status.
❏ Cannot save in the computer or the memory device.
To check whether or not received faxes have been saved, press the
button and then select Job Status. To save received faxes, turn
on the computer or connect a memory device to the printer.
The combination of the IP address and the Contact your printer administrator.
subnet mask is invalid. See your documentation
for more details.
To use cloud services, update the root certificate Contact your printer administrator.
from the Epson Web Config utility.
Check that the printer driver is installed on the Make sure the printer port is selected correctly in Property > Port from
computer and that the port settings for the the Printer menu as follows.
printer are correct.
Select "USBXXX" for a USB connection, or "EpsonNet Print Port" for a
Check that the printer driver is installed on the network connection.
computer and that the port settings for the
printer are correct.
Related Information
& “Contacting Epson Support” on page 253
& “Software Update Tools (EPSON Software Updater)” on page 181
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
User's Guide
Solving Problems
101 The memory is full. Try the methods below to reduce the size of the print
❏ Lower the print quality and the resolution.
❏ Change the format setting.
❏ Reduce the number of images, letters or fonts
used in the print job.
102 Collated printing has failed due to a lack of available ❏ Select Settings > General Settings > System
memory. Administration > Clear Internal Memory Data
> PDL Font, Macro, and then clear the fonts and
the macros that you have downloaded.
❏ Try the methods below to reduce the size of the
print job. If you do not want to use these
methods, try printing one copy at a time.
103 Printing quality has been lowered due to a lack of If you do not want to lower the print quality, try the
available memory. following methods to reduce the size of the print job.
❏ Change the format setting.
❏ Reduce the number of images, letters or fonts
used in the print job.
104 Reverse printing has failed due to a lack of available ❏ Select Settings > General Settings > System
memory. Administration > Clear Internal Memory Data
> PDL Font, Macro, and then clear the fonts and
the macros that you have downloaded.
❏ If you want to print in reverse, try the following
methods to reduce the size of the print job.
106 Cannot print from the computer due to the access Contact your printer administrator.
control settings.
107 User authentication failed. The job has been ❏ Make sure that the user name and password are
canceled. correct.
❏ Select Settings > General Settings > System
Administration > Security Settings > Access
Control. Enable the user restriction function, and
then allow the job without an authentication
User's Guide
Solving Problems
110 The job was printed on one side only because the If you want to perform 2-sided printing, load paper
paper loaded does not support double sided that supports 2-sided printing.
111 Available memory is running low. Try the methods below to reduce the size of the print
❏ Lower the print quality and the resolution.
❏ Change the format setting.
❏ Reduce the number of images, letters or fonts
used in the print job.
120 Cannot communicate with the server that is Make sure there are no errors on the server or the
connected using an open platform. network.
201 The memory is full. ❏ Print received faxes from Job Status in Job/
Status .
❏ Delete received faxes saved in the inbox from Job
Status in Job/Status.
❏ If you are sending a monochrome fax to a single
destination, you can send it by using Direct Send.
❏ Divide your originals in two or more to send them
in several batches.
202 The line was disconnected by the recipient machine. Wait for a while and then try again.
203 The product cannot detect the dial tone. ❏ Make sure that the phone cable is connected
correctly and the phone line is working.
❏ When the printer is connected to the PBX or the
terminal adapter, change the Line Type setting to
❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Fax
Settings > Basic Settings > Dial Tone
Detection, and then disable the dial tone setting.
204 The recipient machine is busy. Wait for a while and then try again.
205 The recipient machine does not answer. Wait for a while and then try again.
206 The phone cable is incorrectly connected to the LINE Check the connection of the LINE port and the EXT.
and EXT. port of the product. port of the printer.
207 The product is not connected to the phone line. Connect the phone cable to the phone line.
208 The fax could not be sent to some of the specified Print a Fax Log or Last Transmission report for
recipients. previous faxes from Fax Report in the Fax menu to
check the failed destination. When the Save Failure
Data setting is enabled, you can resend a fax from
Job Status in Job/Status.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
301 There is not enough storage space available to save ❏ Increase the storage space in the memory device.
the data in the memory device.
❏ Reduce the number of documents.
❏ Lower the scanning resolution or increase the
compression ratio to reduce the size of the
scanned image.
302 The memory device is write-protected. Disable write protection on the memory device.
303 No folder has been created to save the scanned Insert another memory device.
304 The memory device has been removed. Reinsert the memory device.
305 An error occurred while saving the data to the If the external device is accessed from a computer,
memory device. wait for a while and then try again.
306 The memory is full. Wait until other ongoing jobs are finished.
311 A DNS error has occurred. ❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > TCP/IP, and then check
the DNS settings.
❏ Check the DNS settings for the server, the
computer, or the access point.
312 An authentication error has occurred. Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > Email Server > Server
Settings, and then check the server settings.
313 A communication error has occurred. ❏ Print a network connection report to check if the
printer is connected to the network.
❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > Email Server > Server
Settings to check the email server settings. You
can check the cause of the error by running
connection check.
❏ The authentication method of the settings and
the email server may not match. When you select
Off as the authentication method, make sure the
authentication method of the email server is set
to None.
314 The data size exceeds the maximum size for attached ❏ Increase the Attached File Max Size setting in
files. the scan settings.
❏ Lower the scanning resolution or increase the
compression ratio to reduce the size of the
scanned image.
315 The memory is full. Retry after other ongoing jobs are finished.
321 A DNS error has occurred. ❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > TCP/IP, and then check
the DNS settings.
❏ Check the DNS settings for the server, the
computer, or the access point.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
324 A file with the same name already exists in the ❏ Delete the file with the same name.
specified folder.
❏ Change the file name prefix in File Settings.
325 There is not enough storage space available in the ❏ Increase the storage space in the specified folder.
specified folder.
326 ❏ Reduce the number of documents.
❏ Lower the scanning resolution or increase the
compression ratio to reduce the size of the
scanned image.
327 The memory is full. Wait until other ongoing jobs are finished.
328 The destination was wrong or the destination does Check the Location settings.
not exist.
331 A communication error occurred. Print a network connection report to check if the
printer is connected to the network.
332 There is not enough storage space available to save Reduce the number of documents.
the scanned image in the destination storage.
333 The destination could not be found because the Select the destination again.
destination information was uploaded to the server
before sending the scanned image.
341 A communication error has occurred. ❏ Check the connections for the printer and the
computer. If you are connecting over a network,
print a network connection report to check if the
printer is connected to the network.
❏ Make sure that Document Capture Pro is installed
on the computer.
❏ If the problem cannot be cleared, contact your
printer administrator.
401 There is not enough storage space available to save Increase the storage space in the memory device.
the data in the memory device.
402 The memory device is write-protected. Disable write protection on the memory device.
404 The memory device has been removed. Reinsert the memory device.
405 An error occurred while saving the data to the ❏ Reinsert the memory device.
memory device.
❏ Use a different memory device on which you have
created a folder using the Create a folder to save
fax data function.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
411 A DNS error has occurred. ❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > TCP/IP, and then check
the DNS settings.
❏ Check the DNS settings for the server, the
computer, or the access point.
❏ If the problem cannot be cleared, contact your
printer administrator.
412 An authentication error has occurred. Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > Email Server > Server
Settings, and then check the server settings.
If the problem cannot be cleared, contact your
printer administrator.
413 A communication error has occurred. ❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > Email Server > Server
Settings to check the email server settings. You
can check the cause of the error by running
connection check.
❏ The authentication method of the settings and
the email server may not match. When you select
Off as the authentication method, make sure the
authentication method of the email server is set
to None.
❏ Print a network connection report to check if the
printer is connected to the network.
421 A DNS error has occurred. ❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Network
Settings > Advanced > TCP/IP, and then check
the DNS settings.
❏ Check the DNS settings for the server, the
computer, or the access point.
❏ If the problem cannot be cleared, contact your
printer administrator.
422 An authentication error has occurred. Select Settings > General Settings > Fax Settings >
Receive Settings > Save/Forward Settings, and
then check the settings of the folder selected in
423 A communication error has occurred. ❏ Print a network connection report to check if the
printer is connected to the network.
❏ Select Settings > General Settings > Fax
Settings > Receive Settings > Save/Forward
Settings, and then check the settings of the
folder selected in Destination.
❏ If the problem cannot be cleared, contact your
printer administrator.
425 There is not enough storage space available in the Increase the storage space in the forwarding
forwarding destination folder. destination folder.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
428 The destination was wrong or the destination does Select Settings > General Settings > Fax Settings >
not exist. Receive Settings > Save/Forward Settings, and
then check the settings of the folder selected in
Related Information
& “Network Settings” on page 53
& “Printing Using a Network Service” on page 186
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “Cannot Save Scanned Images to the Shared Folder” on page 216
2. Click EPSON Status Monitor 3 on the Maintenance tab, and then click Details.
You can check the printer status, ink levels, and error status.
If EPSON Status Monitor 3 is disabled, click Extended Settings on the Maintenance tab, and then select Enable
EPSON Status Monitor 3.
Related Information
& “Accessing the Printer Driver” on page 60
2. Click Options & Supplies > Utility > Open Printer Utility.
Related Information
& “Software Update Tools (EPSON Software Updater)” on page 181
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
User's Guide
Solving Problems
! Caution:
Never touch the buttons on the control panel while your hand is inside the printer. If the printer starts operating, it
could cause an injury. Be careful not to touch the protruding parts to avoid injury.
c Important:
Remove the jammed paper carefully. Removing the paper vigorously may cause damage to the printer.
Related Information
& “Environmental Specifications” on page 236
& “Paper Handling Precautions” on page 28
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
Paper Jams
❏ Load paper in the correct direction, and slide the edge guides against the edges of the paper.
❏ Load one sheet of paper at a time if you have loaded several sheets of paper.
Related Information
& “Removing Jammed Paper” on page 195
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
Paper Does Not Feed from the Optional Paper Cassette Unit
If you have added optional paper cassette unit, you need to make settings in the printer driver.
Related Information
& “Setting the Optional Paper Cassette Unit in the Printer Driver - Windows” on page 244
& “Setting the Optional Paper Cassette Unit in the Printer Driver - Mac OS” on page 245
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Do not load originals above the line indicated by the triangle symbol on the ADF.
❏ Check that the ADF icon is on at the bottom of the screen. If it is off, place the originals again.
Related Information
& “Available Originals for the ADF” on page 35
& “Placing Originals on the ADF” on page 36
& “Cleaning the ADF” on page 172
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Your product may have the Power Off Settings or Power Off Timer feature depending on the location of purchase.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ If the printer cannot print using a USB connection, try the following.
Disconnect the USB cable from the computer. Right-click on the printer icon displayed on the computer, and
then select Remove Device. Next, connect the USB cable to the computer and try a test print.
Re-set the USB connection by following the steps in this manual for changing the connection method to a
computer. See the related information link below for details.
Related Information
& “Checking for Genuine Epson Printer Drivers” on page 199
Select Control Panel > View devices and printers (Printers, Printers and Faxes), and then do the following to
open the print server properties window.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Windows 10/Windows 8.1/Windows 8/Windows 7/Windows Server 2016/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows
Server 2012/Windows Server 2008 R2
Click the printer icon, and then click Print server properties at the top of the window.
❏ Windows Vista/Windows Server 2008
Right-click on the Printers folder, and then click Run as administrator > Server Properties.
❏ Windows XP/Windows Server 2003 R2/Windows Server 2003
From the File menu, select Server Properties.
Click the Driver tab. If your printer name is displayed in the list, a genuine Epson printer driver is installed on
your computer.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Mac OS
Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then
select the printer. Click Options & Supplies, and if the Options tab and Utility tab are displayed on the window, a
genuine Epson printer driver is installed on your computer.
Related Information
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Make sure the printer is selected as the default printer from the Printer menu (there should be a check mark on
the menu item).
If the printer is not selected as the default printer, set it as the default printer. If there are multiple icons in
Control Panel > View devices and printers (Printers, Printers and Faxes), see the following to select the icon.
USB connection: EPSON XXXX Series
Network connection: EPSON XXXX Series (network)
If you install the printer driver multiple times, copies of printer driver may be created. If copies such as "EPSON
XXXX Series (copy 1)" are created, right-click the copied driver icon, and then click Remove Device.
❏ Make sure the printer port is selected correctly in Property > Port from the Printer menu as follows.
Select "USBXXX" for a USB connection, or "EpsonNet Print Port" for a network connection.
Related Information
& “Application for Configuring Printer Operations (Web Config)” on page 176
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Printout Problems
4. Follow the on-screen instructions to check the printer to improve print quality.
If a message is displayed recommending that you clean the print head, perform print head cleaning.
5. Follow the on-screen instructions to print the patterns for print head alignment, and then align the print head.
❏ This pattern allows you to perform alignment if your printouts look blurry.
Find and select the number for the most solid pattern.
❏ This pattern allows you to perform alignment if vertical ruled lines appear misaligned.
Find and select the number for the pattern that has the least misaligned vertical line.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ This pattern allows you to perform alignment if you see horizontal banding at regular intervals.
Find and select the number for the least separated and overlapping pattern.
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
Related Information
& “Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 169
Banding Appears
The print head nozzles may be clogged. Perform a nozzle check to check if the print head nozzles are clogged.
Clean the print head if any of the print head nozzles are clogged.
Related Information
& “Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 169
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Select the appropriate paper type setting for the type of paper loaded in the printer.
❏ Align the print head using the Print Quality Adjustment feature.
❏ When printing on plain paper, print using a higher quality setting.
Related Information
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
& “Adjusting the Print Quality” on page 203
Align the print head using the Print Quality Adjustment feature.
Related Information
& “Adjusting the Print Quality” on page 203
Print Quality Does Not Improve Even After Aligning the Print Head
During bidirectional (or high speed) printing, the print head prints while moving in both directions, and vertical
lines may be misaligned. If print quality does not improve, disable the bidirectional (or high speed) setting.
Disabling this setting may slow down printing speed.
❏ Control panel
Disable Bidirectional in Settings > General Settings > Printer Settings.
❏ Windows
Clear High Speed on the printer driver’s More Options tab.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Mac OS
Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and then
select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select Off as the High Speed Printing
Related Information
& “Menu Options for Memory Device” on page 92
Related Information
& “Adjusting the Print Quality” on page 203
& “Available Paper and Capacities” on page 25
& “List of Paper Type” on page 34
& “Paper Handling Precautions” on page 28
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ When vertical banding appears or the paper is smeared, clean the paper path.
❏ Place the paper on a flat surface to check if it is curled. If it is, flatten it.
❏ When printing on thick paper, the print head is close to the printing surface and the paper may be scuffed. In
this case, enable the reduce scuff setting. If you enable this setting, print quality may decline or printing may
slow down.
❏ Control panel
Select Settings > General Settings > Printer Settings from the home screen, and then enable Thick Paper.
❏ Windows
Click Extended Settings on the printer driver's Maintenance tab, and then select Thick Paper and
❏ Mac OS
Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and
then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select On as theThick paper and
envelopes setting.
❏ When performing manual 2-sided printing, make sure that the ink is completely dry before reloading the paper.
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
& “Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears” on page 172
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Printer Settings” on page 49
Related Information
& “Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears” on page 172
Related Information
& “Menu Options for Memory Device” on page 92
& “Adjusting the Print Tone” on page 74
Related Information
& “Loading Paper in the Paper Cassette” on page 28
& “Loading Paper in the Rear Paper Feed” on page 31
& “Placing Originals on the Scanner Glass” on page 38
& “Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 174
& “Printable Area” on page 229
User's Guide
Solving Problems
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Cleaning the Paper Path for Ink Smears” on page 172
& “Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 174
& “Cleaning the ADF” on page 172
& “Basic Menu Options for Copying” on page 100
Related Information
& “Basic Menu Options for Copying” on page 100
Related Information
& “Basic Menu Options for Copying” on page 100
Related Information
& “Uninstalling Applications” on page 184
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Enable the bidirectional (or high speed) setting. When this setting is enabled, the print head prints while
moving in both directions, and the printing speed increases.
❏ Control Panel
From the home screen, select Settings > General Settings > Printer Settings > Bidirectional, and then
enable it.
❏ Windows
Select High Speed on the printer driver's More Options tab.
❏ Mac OS
Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and
then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver). Select On as the High Speed
Printing setting.
❏ Disable quiet mode. This feature slows down the printing speed.
❏ Control Panel
❏ For 2-sided printing, one side of paper is printed and dried, and then the other side is printed. Because the
drying time differs depending on the environment, such as temperature or humidity, or the print data, the
printing speed may be slower.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Printer Settings” on page 49
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Uninstalling Applications” on page 184
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
Related Information
& “Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 174
Related Information
& “Cleaning the ADF” on page 172
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Application for Scanning Documents and Images (Epson Scan 2)” on page 177
Related Information
& “Application for Scanning Documents and Images (Epson Scan 2)” on page 177
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
Text is Blurred
❏ In Epson Scan 2, select the Advanced Settings tab, and then Image Option > Text Enhancement.
❏ In Epson Scan 2, when Image Type on the Main Settings tab is set to Black & White, adjust the Threshold on
the Advanced Settings tab. When you increase the Threshold, black becomes stronger.
❏ If the resolution is low, try increasing the resolution and then scanning.
Related Information
& “Application for Scanning Documents and Images (Epson Scan 2)” on page 177
Related Information
& “Application for Scanning Documents and Images (Epson Scan 2)” on page 177
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 174
❏ In Epson Scan 2, when Image Type on the Main Settings tab is set to Black & White, adjust the Threshold on
the Advanced Settings tab. When you increase the Threshold, the black color area becomes larger.
❏ In Epson Scan 2, select the Advanced Settings tab, and then Image Option > Text Enhancement.
Related Information
& “Application for Scanning Documents and Images (Epson Scan 2)” on page 177
User's Guide
Solving Problems
3. Click Reset.
If initialization does not solve the problem, uninstall and re-install Epson Scan 2.
Related Information
& “Uninstalling Applications” on page 184
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
Messages Solutions
DNS error. Check DNS settings. ❏ Make sure that the address in the contacts list on the printer and the address
of the shared folder are the same.
❏ If the IP address of the computer is static and is set manually, change the
computer name in the network path to the IP address.
Example: \\EPSON02\SCAN to \\\SCAN
❏ Make sure that the computer is turned on and does not sleep. If the computer
sleeps, you cannot save scanned images to the shared folder.
❏ Temporarily disable the computer's Firewall and security software. If this clears
the error, check the settings in the security software.
❏ If Public network is selected as the network place, you cannot save the
scanned images to the shared folder. Set the forward settings for each port.
❏ If you are using a laptop computer and the IP address is set as DHCP, the IP
address may change when reconnecting to the network. Obtain the IP address
❏ Make sure the DNS setting is correct. Contact your network administrator
about the DNS settings.
❏ The computer name and the IP address may differ when the management
table of the DNS server is not updated. Contact your DNS server administrator.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Messages Solutions
Authentication error. Check the Make sure the user name and the password are correct on the computer and the
authentication method, authenticated contacts on the printer. Also, make sure that the password has not expired.
account, and authenticated password.
Communication error. Check the Wi-Fi/ ❏ Make sure that Use Microsoft network sharing is enabled on the Web Config.
network connection. Select Network > MS Network on the Web Config.
❏ Make sure that the address in the contacts list on the printer and the address
of the shared folder are the same.
❏ Access rights for the user in the contacts list should be added on the Sharing
tab and the Security tab of the shared folder's properties. Also, the
permissions for the user should be set to "allowed".
The file name is already in use. Rename Change the file name settings. Otherwise, move or delete the files, or change the
the file and scan again. file name on the shared folder.
Scanned file(s) are too large. Only XX There is not enough disk space on the computer. Increase the free space on the
page(s) have been sent. Check if the computer.
destination has enough space.
Connecting Connect to the computer from the printer. DNS error. Check DNS settings.
Logging on to the Log on to the computer with the user name and Authentication error. Check the
computer the password. authentication method, authenticated
account, and authenticated password.
Checking the folder to Check the network path of the shared folder. Communication error. Check the Wi-Fi/
save network connection.
Checking the file name Check if there is a file with the same name as the The file name is already in use. Rename
file you want to save in the folder. the file and scan again.
Writing the file Write a new file. Scanned file(s) are too large. Only XX
page(s) have been sent. Check if the
destination has enough space.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
c Important:
To change the network place, contact your administrator.
Depending on the environment, Domain Network will be used as the network place.
Select the network place when connecting the computer to the network for the first time. You cannot save scanned
images to the shared folder when you select the public network as the network place. Set the network place again.
Network place names vary in Windows 10/Widows 8.1/Windows 8 and Windows 7.
Public network
Work network
Public network
You can check the network settings on the Control Panel > Network and Sharing Center.
Related Information
& “Changing the Network Place - Windows 10” on page 218
& “Changing the Network Place - Windows 8.1” on page 219
& “Changing the Network Place - Windows 8” on page 219
& “Changing the Network Place - Windows 7” on page 220
User's Guide
Solving Problems
1. Click the Windows mark to display the start menu, and then click the setting icon.
3. On the Network and Internet window, click the connected network name.
❏ Select Wi-Fi when using a wireless connection.
❏ Select Ethernet when using a wired connection.
4. If many SSIDs are displayed on the window, scroll through the list, and then click Advanced options.
5. Set Make this PC discoverable. Select On to save scanned images to the shared folder.
❏ Select On (private network) when connecting to a home network or office network.
❏ Select Off (public network) when connecting to a public network.
You can check the network place in the Network and Sharing Center.
1. Display the charm by putting the mouse pointer on the bottom-right of the screen, and then click Settings.
5. Set Find devices and content. Select On to save the scanned images to the shared folder.
❏ Select On (private network) when connecting to a home network or office network.
❏ Select Off (public network) when connecting to a public network.
❏ Find devices and content is displayed when signing in as a administrator.
❏ You can check the network place on the Network and Sharing Center.
1. Display the charm by putting the mouse pointer on the bottom-right of the screen, and then click Settings.
3. Right-click the connected network on the Network window, and then click Turn sharing on or off on the
displayed menu.
User's Guide
Solving Problems
4. Do you want to turn on sharing between PCs and connect to devices on this network? is displayed, select
the answer suitable to your network place. Select Yes to save the scanned images to the shared folder.
❏ Select Yes(private network) when connecting to a home network or office network.
❏ Select No (public network) when connecting to a public network.
You can check the network place on the Network and Sharing Center.
❏ On the Configuration screen which is displayed by clicking the button in Epson Scan 2, if you set Quiet
Mode on the Scan tab, the scanning speed may be reduced.
Related Information
& “Scanning Using Epson Scan 2” on page 125
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Scanning Using Epson Scan 2” on page 125
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ In Windows, make sure the printer (fax) is displayed in Devices and Printers, Printer, or Printers and Other
Hardware. The printer (fax) is displayed as "EPSON XXXXX (FAX)". If the printer (fax) is not displayed,
uninstall and then re-install the FAX Utility. See the following to access Devices and Printers, Printer, or
Printers and Other Hardware.
❏ Windows 10
Right-click on the start button, or press and hold it and then select Control Panel > View devices and
printers in Hardware and Sound.
❏ Windows 8.1/Windows 8
Select Desktop > Settings > Control Panel > View devices and printers in Hardware and Sound or
❏ Windows 7
Click the start button, and select Control Panel > View devices and printers in Hardware and Sound or
❏ Windows Vista
Click the start button, and select Control Panel > Printers in Hardware and Sound.
❏ Windows XP
Click the start button, and select Settings > Control Panel > Printers and Other Hardware > Printers and
❏ Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and
then make sure the printer (fax) is displayed. The printer (fax) is displayed as "FAX XXXX (USB)" or "FAX
XXXX (IP)". If the printer (fax) is not displayed, click [+] and then register the printer (fax).
❏ Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and
then double-click the printer (fax). If the printer is paused, click Resume (or Resume Printer).
Related Information
& “Error Code on the Status Menu” on page 188
& “Uninstalling Applications” on page 184
& “Installing the Latest Applications” on page 181
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Check if you accidentally sent a fax using the subaddress feature. If you select a recipient with a subaddress from
the contact list, the fax may be sent using the subaddress feature.
❏ When sending faxes using the subaddress feature, ask the recipient if their fax machine is capable of receiving
faxes using the subaddress feature.
❏ When sending faxes using the subaddress feature, check that the subaddress and password are correct. Check
with the recipient that the subaddress and password match.
Related Information
& “Cannot Send or Receive Faxes” on page 221
& “Sending a Fax with a Subaddress(SUB) and Password(SID)” on page 138
& “Sending Faxes On Demand (Using Polling Send/Bulletin Board Box)” on page 134
Related Information
& “Sending Faxes Manually After Confirming the Recipient's Status” on page 133
& “Sending Faxes Dialing from the External Phone Device” on page 133
& “Managing Contacts” on page 44
& “Cannot Send or Receive Faxes” on page 221
Related Information
& “Sending Faxes in Monochrome at a Specified Time (Send Fax Later)” on page 137
& “Basic Settings” on page 47
User's Guide
Solving Problems
❏ Under the following conditions, the printer runs out of memory and cannot receive faxes. See the
troubleshooting for information on handling a memory full error.
❏ 200 received documents have been saved in the inbox and the confidential box in total.
❏ The printer's memory is full (100%).
❏ When receiving faxes using the subaddress feature, check that the subaddress and password are correct. Check
with the sender that the subaddress and password match.
❏ Check if the sender's fax number has been registered to the Rejection Number List. Faxes sent from numbers
that have been added to this list are blocked when Rejection Number List in Rejection Fax is enabled.
❏ Check if the sender's fax number is registered in the contact list. Faxes sent from numbers that have not been
registered to this list are blocked when Unregistered Contacts in Rejection Fax is enabled.
❏ Ask the sender if header information is setup on their fax machine. Faxes that do not include header
information are blocked when Fax Header Blank in Rejection Fax is enabled.
Related Information
& “Cannot Send or Receive Faxes” on page 221
& “Memory Full Error Occurs” on page 224
& “Receiving Faxes from a Board with a Subaddress (SEP) and Password (PWD) (Polling Receive)” on page 143
❏ If the printer cannot print a received fax due to a printer error, such as a paper jam, the memory full error may
occur. Clear the printer problem, and then contact the sender and ask them to send the fax again.
Related Information
& “Sending Many Pages of a Monochrome Document (Direct Send)” on page 136
& “Sending Faxes Dialing from the External Phone Device” on page 133
User's Guide
Solving Problems
& “Sending Faxes Manually After Confirming the Recipient's Status” on page 133
& “Removing Jammed Paper” on page 195
Related Information
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
& “Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 174
& “Cleaning the ADF” on page 172
Related Information
& “Fax Settings” on page 146
& “Placing Originals” on page 35
& “Cleaning the Scanner Glass” on page 174
Related Information
& “Checking the Fax Job History” on page 156
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “Checking the Printer Status” on page 187
& “Removing Jammed Paper” on page 195
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Other Problems
Click the button to open the Configuration window. Next, set the Quiet Mode on the Scan tab.
Related Information
& “Basic Settings” on page 47
Related Information
& “Printer Settings” on page 49
User's Guide
Solving Problems
Related Information
& “External USB Device Specifications” on page 233
Related Information
& “Contacting Epson Support” on page 253
Related Information
& “Supported Data Specifications” on page 234
User's Guide
Technical Specifications
Printer Specifications
Print Head Nozzle Placement Black ink nozzles: 1600
* Even when the paper thickness is within this range, the paper may not feed in the printer or print result may adversely
affected depending on the paper property or quality.
Printable Area
Print quality may decline in the shaded areas due to the printer's mechanism.
Single sheets
User's Guide
Scanner Specifications
Scanner Type Flatbed
❏ 16 bits per pixel internal
❏ 8 bits per pixel external
Interface Specifications
For Computer Hi-Speed USB
Fax Specifications
Fax Type Walk-up black-and-white and color fax capability (ITU-T Super Group 3)*1
Supported Lines Standard analogue telephone lines, PBX (Private Branch Exchange) telephone
User's Guide
Resolution Monochrome
❏ Standard: 8 pel/mm×3.85 line/mm (203 pel/in.×98 line/in.)
❏ Fine: 8 pel/mm×7.7 line/mm (203 pel/in.×196 line/in.)
❏ Super Fine: 8 pel/mm×15.4 line/mm (203 pel/in.×392 line/in.)
❏ Ultra Fine: 16 pel/mm×15.4 line/mm (406 pel/in.×392 line/in.)
200×200 dpi
Page Memory Up to 550 pages (when received ITU-T No.1 chart in monochrome draft mode)
User's Guide
Wi-Fi Specifications
Standards IEEE802.11b/g/n*1
Ethernet Specifications
Standards IEEE802.3i (10BASE-T)*1
IEEE802.3u (100BASE-TX)
IEEE802.3ab (1000BASE-T)*1
Communication Mode Auto, 10Mbps Full duplex, 10Mbps Half duplex, 100Mbps Full duplex, 100Mbps
Half duplex
Connector RJ-45
*1 Use a category 5e or higher STP (Shielded twisted pair) cable to prevent risk of radio interference.
User's Guide
Security Protocol
IPsec/IP Filtering
* You need to use a device for connection that complies with IEEE802.1X.
User's Guide
"×" is displayed on the LCD screen when the printer cannot recognize the image file. In this situation, if you select a multiple
image layout, blank sections will be printed.
Only the printer
Dimensions Storage
❏ Width: 425 mm (16.7 in.)
❏ Width: 425 mm (16.7 in.)
❏ Depth: 578 mm (22.8 in.)
❏ Height: 449 mm (17.7in.)
User's Guide
Dimensions Storage
❏ Width: 425 mm (16.7 in.)
❏ Width: 425 mm (16.7 in.)
❏ Depth: 578 mm (22.8 in.)
❏ Height: 549 mm (21.6in.)
Electrical Specifications
Model 100 to 240 V Model 220 to 240 V Model
Power Consumption (with USB Con- Standalone copying: Approx. 23 W Standalone copying: Approx. 23 W
nection) (ISO/IEC24712) (ISO/IEC24712)
Ready mode: Approx. 10 W Ready mode: Approx. 10 W
Sleep mode: Approx. 1.4 W Sleep mode: Approx. 1.4 W
Power off: Approx. 0.2 W Power off: Approx. 0.2 W
❏ Check the label on the printer for its voltage.
❏ For European users, see the following Website for details on power consumption.
User's Guide
Environmental Specifications
Operation Use the printer within the range shown in the following graph.
System Requirements
❏ Windows 10 (32-bit, 64-bit)/Windows 8.1 (32-bit, 64-bit)/Windows 8 (32-bit, 64-bit)/Windows 7 (32-bit, 64-
bit)/Windows Vista (32-bit, 64-bit)/Windows XP SP3 or later (32-bit)/Windows XP Professional x64 Edition SP2
or later/Windows Server 2016/Windows Server 2012 R2/Windows Server 2012/Windows Server 2008 R2/
Windows Server 2008/Windows Server 2003 R2/Windows Server 2003 SP2 or later
❏ macOS High Sierra/macOS Sierra/OS X El Capitan/OS X Yosemite/OS X Mavericks/OS X Mountain Lion/Mac
OS X v10.7.x/Mac OS X v10.6.8
❏ Mac OS may not support some applications and features.
❏ The UNIX File System (UFS) for Mac OS is not supported.
User's Guide
Font Information
URW Classic Sans Condensed Medium, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic Univers Condensed
Mauritius - Marigold
Nimbus Roman No9 Medium, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic Times New Roman
Nimbus Sans Narrow Medium, Bold, Oblique, Bold Oblique Helvetica Narrow
URW Gothic Book, Demi, Book Oblique, Demi Oblique ITC Avant Garde
URW Bookman Light, Demi, Light Italic, Demi Italic ITC Bookman
URW Century Schoolbook Roman, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic New Century Schoolbook
Symbol - Symbol
User's Guide
URW Classic Sans Medium, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic Univers Condensed 3
Mauritius - Marigold 3
Nimbus Roman No9 Medium, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic Times New 3
Nimbus Sans Narrow Medium, Bold, Oblique, Bold Oblique Helvetica Narrow 3
URW Gothic Book, Demi, Book Oblique, Demi Oblique ITC Avant Garde Gothic 3
URW Bookman Light, Demi, Light Italic, Demi Italic ITC Bookman 3
URW Century Schoolbook Roman, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic New Century Schoolbook 3
Symbol - Symbol 4
User's Guide
Bitmap Font
Line Printer 9
OCR A - 10
OCR B - 11
Depending on the print density, or on the quality or color of the paper, OCR A, OCR B, Code39, and EAN/UPC fonts may
not be readable. Print a sample and make sure the fonts can be read before printing large quantities.
User's Guide
Norweg1 0D ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
Roman 0E - - - - - - - - ✓ - - - -
Italian 0I ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
ECM94-1 0N ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
Swedis2 0S ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
ANSI ASCII 0U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - ✓ ✓ - - - - -
UK 1E ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
French2 1F ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
German 1G ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
Legal 1U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
8859-2 ISO 2N ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
Spanish 2S ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
ISO 8859/4 4N ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
Latin 4
Roman-9 4U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
PsMath 5M ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - ✓ ✓ - - - - -
8859-9 ISO 5N ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
WiTurkish 5T ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
MsPublishin 6J ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
VeMath 6M ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
8859-10ISO 6N ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
DeskTop 7J ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
Math-8 8M ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - ✓ ✓ - - - - -
Roman-8 8U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
WiE.Europe 9E ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
Pc1004 9J ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
8859-15ISO 9N ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
PcTk437 9T ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
Windows 9U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
User's Guide
PsText 10J ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
IBM-US 10U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
IBM-DN 11U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
McText 12J ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
PcMultiling 12U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - -
VeInternati 13J ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
PcEur858 13U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
VeUS 14J ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
PiFont 15U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
PcE.Europe 17U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
WiBALT 19L ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
WiAnsi 19U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
PcBlt775 26U ✓ ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - -
Pc866Cyr 3R ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
Greek8 8G ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
WinGrk 9G ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
WinCyr 9R ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
Pc851Grk 10G ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
ISOCyr 10N ✓ ✓ - - - - - - ✓ - - - -
Pc8Grk 12G ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
ISOGrk 12N ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
Pc866Ukr 14R ✓ ✓ - - - - - - - - - - -
Hebrew7 0H ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - - - -
8859-8 ISO 7H ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - - - -
Hebrew8 8H ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - - - -
Pc862Heb 15H ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - - - -
PC-862, 15Q ✓ - - - - - ✓ - - - - - -
Arabic8 8V - - - - - - - ✓ - - - - -
HPWARA 9V - - - - - - - ✓ - - - - -
User's Guide
Pc864Ara 10V - - - - - - - ✓ - - - - -
Symbol 19M - - - ✓ - - - - - - - - -
Wingdings 579L - - - - ✓ - - - - - - - -
ZapfDigbats 14L - - - - - ✓ - - - - - - -
OCR A 0O - - - - - - - - - ✓ - - -
OCR B 1O - - - - - - - - - - ✓ - -
OCR B 3Q - - - - - - - - - - ✓ - -
Code3-9 0Y - - - - - - - - - - - ✓ -
EAN/UPC 8Y - - - - - - - - - - - - ✓
! Caution:
❏ Make sure you turn off the printer, unplug the power cord from the printer, and disconnect any cables before
starting installation. Otherwise, the power cord may be damaged resulting in fire or electric shock.
❏ When lifting the printer, place your hands in the positions shown below. If you lift the printer holding other
positions, the printer may fall or you may trap your fingers when placing the printer.
User's Guide
1. Turn off the printer by pressing the P button, and then unplug the power cord.
3. Remove the optional paper cassette unit from its box, and then remove any protective materials.
4. Place the optional paper cassette unit where you want to set up the printer.
7. Reconnect the power cord and any other cables, and then plug in the printer.
User's Guide
9. Pull out and reinsert the optional paper cassette unit to check that the optional paper cassette unit is displayed
on the Paper Setting screen.
When uninstalling the optional paper cassette unit, turn off the printer, unplug the power cord, disconnect any cables,
and then perform the installation procedure in reverse.
Related Information
& “Optional Paper Cassette Unit Code” on page 242
Setting the Optional Paper Cassette Unit in the Printer Driver - Windows
Log on to your computer as an administrator.
3. Click OK.
User's Guide
Setting the Optional Paper Cassette Unit in the Printer Driver - Mac OS
1. Select System Preferences from the menu > Printers & Scanners (or Print & Scan, Print & Fax), and
then select the printer. Click Options & Supplies > Options (or Driver).
3. Click OK.
Regulatory Information
Safety UL60950-1
CAN/CSA-C22.2 No.60950-1
User's Guide
For use only in Ireland, UK, Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, France, Belgium, Luxemburg,
Netherlands, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Iceland, Croatia, Cyprus, Greece,
Slovenia, Malta, Bulgaria, Czech, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia.
Epson cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-
recommended modification of the products.
Epson hereby declares that the following equipment Models are in compliance with the essential requirements and
other relevant provisions of AS/NZS4268:
Epson cannot accept responsibility for any failure to satisfy the protection requirements resulting from a non-
recommended modification of the products.
User's Guide
Restrictions on Copying
Observe the following restrictions to ensure the responsible and legal use of the printer.
Copying of the following items is prohibited by law:
❏ Bank bills, coins, government-issued marketable securities, government bond securities, and municipal
❏ Unused postage stamps, pre-stamped postcards, and other official postal items bearing valid postage
❏ Government-issued revenue stamps, and securities issued according to legal procedure
Copying these items may also be prohibited by law.
! Caution:
❏ When carrying the printer, lift it using a stable position. Lifting the printer using an unstable position may result
in injury.
❏ Because this printer is heavy, it should always be carried by two or more people when unpacking and
❏ When lifting the printer, place your hands in the positions shown below. If you lift the printer holding other
positions, the printer may fall or you may trap your fingers when placing the printer.
❏ When carrying the printer, do not tilt it more than 10 degrees; otherwise the printer may fall.
❏ Be careful not to trap your hand or fingers when opening or closing the scanner unit. Otherwise you may be
User's Guide
c Important:
❏ When storing or transporting the printer, avoid tilting it, placing it vertically, or turning it upside down;
otherwise ink may leak.
❏ Leave the ink supply units installed. Removing the ink supply units can dry out the print head and may prevent
the printer from printing.
2. Make sure the power light turns off, and then unplug the power cord.
c Important:
Unplug the power cord when the power light is off. Otherwise, the print head does not return to the home
position causing the ink to dry, and printing may become impossible.
3. Disconnect all cables such as the power cord and USB cable.
4. If the printer supports external storage devices, make sure they are not connected.
7. Open the scanner unit with the document cover closed. Secure the print head to the case with tape.
User's Guide
User's Guide
12. Pack the printer in its box, using the protective materials.
When you use the printer again, make sure you remove the tape securing the print head. If print quality has
declined the next time you print, clean and align the print head.
Related Information
& “Part Names and Functions” on page 15
& “Checking and Cleaning the Print Head” on page 169
& “Aligning the Print Head” on page 170
No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of
Seiko Epson Corporation. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained
herein. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of the information herein. The
information contained herein is designed only for use with this Epson product. Epson is not responsible for any
use of this information as applied to other products.
Neither Seiko Epson Corporation nor its affiliates shall be liable to the purchaser of this product or third parties for
damages, losses, costs, or expenses incurred by the purchaser or third parties as a result of accident, misuse, or
User's Guide
abuse of this product or unauthorized modifications, repairs, or alterations to this product, or (excluding the U.S.)
failure to strictly comply with Seiko Epson Corporation's operating and maintenance instructions.
Seiko Epson Corporation and its affiliates shall not be liable for any damages or problems arising from the use of
any options or any consumable products other than those designated as Original Epson Products or Epson
Approved Products by Seiko Epson Corporation.
Seiko Epson Corporation shall not be held liable for any damage resulting from electromagnetic interference that
occurs from the use of any interface cables other than those designated as Epson Approved Products by Seiko
Epson Corporation.
© 2018 Seiko Epson Corporation
The contents of this manual and the specifications of this product are subject to change without notice.
❏ EPSON is a registered trademark, and EPSON EXCEED YOUR VISION or EXCEED YOUR VISION is a
trademark of Seiko Epson Corporation.
❏ Epson Scan 2 software is based in part on the work of the Independent JPEG Group.
❏ libtiff
Copyright © 1988-1997 Sam Leffler
Copyright © 1991-1997 Silicon Graphics, Inc.
Permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and sell this software and its documentation for any purpose is
hereby granted without fee, provided that (i) the above copyright notices and this permission notice appear in
all copies of the software and related documentation, and (ii) the names of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics
may not be used in any advertising or publicity relating to the software without the specific, prior written
permission of Sam Leffler and Silicon Graphics.
❏ The N-Mark is a trademark or registered trademark of NFC Forum, Inc. in the United States and in other
❏ QR Code is a registered trademark of DENSO WAVE INCORPORATED in Japan and other countries.
❏ Intel is a registered trademark of Intel Corporation.
❏ Microsoft , Windows , Windows Server , and Windows Vista are registered trademarks of Microsoft
® ® ® ®
❏ Apple, Macintosh, macOS, OS X, Bonjour, ColorSync, Safari, AirPrint, the AirPrint Logo, iPad, iPhone, iPod
touch, and iTunes are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries.
❏ Google Cloud Print, Chrome, Chrome OS, Google Play and Android are trademarks of Google Inc.
❏ Adobe, the Adobe logo, Acrobat, Photoshop, PostScript 3™, and Reader are either registered trademarks or
trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries.
User's Guide
❏ Albertus, Arial, Coronet, Gill Sans, Joanna and Times New Roman are trademarks of The Monotype
Corporation registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain
❏ ITC Avant Garde Gothic, ITC Bookman, Lubalin Graph, Mona Lisa, ITC Symbol, Zapf Chancery and Zapf
Dingbats are trademarks of International Typeface Corporation registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark
Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
❏ Clarendon, Eurostile and New Century Schoolbook are trademarks of Linotype GmbH registered in the U.S.
Patent and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions.
❏ Wingdings is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and other countries.
❏ CG Omega, CG Times, Garamond Antiqua, Garamond Halbfett, Garamond Kursiv, Garamond Halbfett Kursiv
are trademarks of Monotype Imaging, Inc. and may be registered in certain jurisdictions.
❏ Antique Olive is a trademark of M. Olive.
❏ Marigold and Oxford are trademarks of AlphaOmega Typography.
❏ Helvetica, Optima, Palatino, Times and Univers are trademarks of Linotype Corp. registered in the U.S. Patent
and Trademark Office and may be registered in certain other jurisdictions in the name of Linotype Corp. or its
licensee Linotype GmbH.
❏ PCL is the registered trademark of Hewlett-Packard Company.
❏ Arcfour
This code illustrates a sample implementation of the Arcfour algorithm.
Copyright © April 29, 1997 Kalle Kaukonen. All Rights Reserved.
Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that
this copyright notice and disclaimer are retained.
❏ microSDHC Logo is a trademark of SD-3C, LLC.
Note: microSDHC is built into the product and cannot be removed.
❏ General Notice: Other product names used herein are for identification purposes only and may be trademarks
of their respective owners. Epson disclaims any and all rights in those marks.
User's Guide
Depending on the product, the dial list data for fax and/or network settings may be stored in the product’s memory. Due to
breakdown or repair of a product, data and/or settings may be lost. Epson shall not be responsible for the loss of any data, for
backing up or recovering data and/or settings even during a warranty period. We recommend that you make your own
backup data or take notes.
User's Guide
Epson HelpDesk
Phone: +886-2-80242008
Our HelpDesk team can help you with the following over the phone:
❏ Sales enquiries and product information
❏ Product usage questions or problems
❏ Enquiries on repair service and warranty
Internet URL
Access the Epson Australia World Wide Web pages. Worth taking your modem here for the occasional surf! The
site provides a download area for drivers, Epson contact points, new product information and technical support (e-
Epson Helpdesk
Phone: 1300-361-054
Epson Helpdesk is provided as a final backup to make sure our clients have access to advice. Operators on the
Helpdesk can aid you in installing, configuring and operating your Epson product. Our Pre-sales Helpdesk staff
can provide literature on new Epson products and advise where the nearest dealer or service agent is located. Many
types of queries are answered here.
We encourage you to have all the relevant information on hand when you ring. The more information you prepare,
the faster we can help solve the problem. This information includes your Epson product manuals, type of
computer, operating system, application programs, and any information you feel is required.
Transportation of Product
Epson recommends retaining product packaging for future transportation.
User's Guide
Internet URL
Access the Epson New Zealand World Wide Web pages. Worth taking your modem here for the occasional surf!
The site provides a download area for drivers, Epson contact points, new product information and technical
support (e-mail).
Epson Helpdesk
Phone: 0800 237 766
Epson Helpdesk is provided as a final backup to make sure our clients have access to advice. Operators on the
Helpdesk can aid you in installing, configuring and operating your Epson product. Our Pre-sales Helpdesk staff
can provide literature on new Epson products and advise where the nearest dealer or service agent is located. Many
types of queries are answered here.
We encourage you to have all the relevant information on hand when you ring. The more information you prepare,
the faster we can help solve the problem. This information includes your Epson product documentation, type of
computer, operating system, application programs, and any information you feel is required.
Transportation of Product
Epson recommends retaining product packaging for future transportation.
❏ Service, product information, and ordering consumables (BSNL Lines)
Toll-free number: 18004250011
Accessible 9am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday (Except public holidays)
❏ Service (CDMA & Mobile Users)
Toll-free number: 186030001600
Accessible 9am to 6pm, Monday through Saturday (Except public holidays)