Testbank 11
Testbank 11
Testbank 11
9. Which of the following would be
considered if a company desires to
establish a series of practical
manufacturing standards?
A. The productivity loss associated with
a short-term worker slowdown.
B. Normal defect rates in an assembly
C. Highly unusual spoilage rates with
direct materials.
D. Quantity discounts associated with
purchases of direct materials.
E. Both "B" and "D"
13. Which of the following choices correctly
notes the use of the standard price per unit
of direct material when calculating the
materials price variance and the materials
quantity variance?
Price Quantity Variance
A. Used Always used
B. Used Occasionally used
C. Used Not used
D. Not used Always used
E. Not used Not used
18. If a company has an unfavorable direct-
material quantity variance, then:
A. the direct-material price variance is
B. the total direct-material variance is
C. the total direct-material variance is
D. the direct-labor efficiency variance is
E. any of the above variances can occur.
The following data relate to product no. 89 of Des
Moines Corporation:
D. $12,000U.
E. none of the above.
C. $12,800F $3,080F
D. $12,800F $3,080U
E. $12,800U $3,080U
Use the following to answer questions 33-37:
Actual results:
Units 7,800 units
Direct 26,000 $
material pounds at 70,200
purchased $2.70
Direct 23,100 62,37
material used pounds at 0
Direct labor 40,100 292,73
hours at 0
39.Which of the following combinations of direct-
material variances might prompt
management to undertake a detailed
variance investigation?
A. Price, unfavorable; quantity,
B. Price, unfavorable; quantity,
C. Price, favorable; quantity,
D. Price favorable; quantity, favorable.
E. All of the above.
D. Labor efficiency variance,
46. Rogers, Inc., had an unfavorable labor unfavorable.
efficiency variance and an unfavorable E. All of the above.
materials quantity variance. Which
department might be held accountable for Answer: E LO: 5 Type: N
these variances?
A. Purchasing, because bad materials
can harm labor efficiency.
B. Production, because inefficient
workers may use more materials than
C. Purchasing and/or production.
D. Marketing.
E. Shipping.
Answer: E LO: 9 Type: RC
53. Which of the following is a criticism of
standard costing, as applied to today's 56. To improve its manufacturing efficiency,
manufacturing environment? companies should strive toward increasing
A. Automated manufacturing processes __________ time as a percentage of
are very consistent in meeting processing time + inspection time +
production specifications, making waiting time + move time. The blank is:
variances very small and relatively A. processing time.
unimportant. B. lead time.
B. Variance information is usually C. waiting time.
aggregated (i.e., combined) rather D. move time.
than associated with a particular batch E. inspection time.
of goods or a specific product line.
C. Traditional standard costing fails to Answer: A LO: 9 Type: RC
focus on key business issues such as
customer service and bringing
products to market faster than the
D. Standard costing pays considerable
attention to labor cost and labor
efficiency, which are becoming a
relatively unimportant factor of
E. All of the above are valid criticisms.
66. Which of the following perspectives is
influenced by a company's vision and
A. Financial.
B. Customer.
C. Internal operations.
D. Learning and growth.
E. All of the above.
Setting a Standard
A. Distinguish between perfection
standards and practical standards.
B. Who within an organization would be
in the best position to assist in setting:
1. the direct-material price
2. the direct-material quantity
3. the direct-labor efficiency
C. Calculate a practical direct-material
and direct-labor standard for each
good shelf produced.
LO: 2, 3, 5 Type: A, N
A. Perfection standards, or those achieved under nearly perfect operating conditions, assume peak
efficiency at minimum cost. Employees are pushed to reach these ideal measures, often
becoming discouraged. Practical standards, on the other hand, are high but attainable, thus
presenting a realistic target for personnel. Such standards incorporate allowances for normal
downtime and other typical inefficiencies.
A. Compute
the standard purchase price for one
gallon of Proctol.
B. Compute
the standard quantity of Proctol to be
used in producing one gallon of Lush
'N Green. Express your answer in
C. Compute
the direct-material price variance for
D. How much
Proctol was used in manufacturing
activity and how much should have
been used? Express your answer in
LO: 2, 3 Type: A, N
A. Purchase price per drum
Less: 2% discount
B. Three quarts of Proctol are required for each gallon of Lush 'N Green; however, 4% of
Proctol input is lost through evaporation and spills. Thus, the standard input is 3.125 quarts
(3 ÷ 0.96).
D. Actual usage: (1,200 - 15) = 1,185 drums; 1,185 drums x 55 gallons x 4 quarts = 260,700
Standard usage: 82,000 gallons x 3.125 = 256,250 quarts
Direct material
Quantity: 6.2 pounds per unit
Price per pound: $11 per
Direct labor
Quantity: 6 hours per unit
Rate per hour: $23 per hour
Calculate the direct-material price and
quantity variances and the direct-labor rate
and efficiency variances. Indicate whether
each variance is favorable or unfavorable.
LO: 3 Type: A
Calculate the direct-material price and
quantity variances and the direct-labor rate
and efficiency variances. Indicate whether
each variance is favorable or unfavorable.
LO: 3 Type: A
Variance Calculation and Interpretation
A. As judged by
the information contained in the
performance report, should the vice-
president be concerned about the
company's labor variances? Why?
B. Calculate
Diablo's direct-labor variances.
C. On the basis of
your answers to requirement "B,"
should Diablo be concerned about its
labor situation? Why?
D. Briefly analyze
and explain the direct-labor variances.
LO: 3, 4, 5 Type: A, N
A. No. The variance is favorable and
D. The favorable efficiency variance
means that the company is producing
units by consuming fewer hours than
expected. This may be the result of
the team-building/morale-boosting
exercises, as a contented, well-trained
work force tends to be efficient in
nature. However, another totally
plausible explanation could be that
Diablo is paying premium wages (as
indicated by the unfavorable rate
variance) to hire laborers with above-
average skill levels.
Calculate (1) the standard hours allowed
for the work performed, (2) the actual
hours worked, and (3) the actual wage
LO: 3 Type: A
Direct materials:
Standard price per pound: $9
Actual price per pound: $8
Price variance: $20,000F
Total of direct-material
variances: $2,000F
Direct labor:
Actual hours worked: 40,000
Actual rate per hour: $15
Efficiency variance: $28,000F
Total of direct-labor
variances: $12,000U
Determine the following: (1) actual
materials used, (2) materials quantity
variance, (3) labor rate variance, (4)
standard labor rate per hour, and (5)
standard labor time per finished unit.
LO: 3 Type: A
C. Assume that the
Answer: hotel received a number of complaints
shortly after the dinner concluded.
Actual Material Cost Explain a possible reason behind the
Actual Actual Actual conventioneers' unhappiness.
Quantity Price Quantity
20,000 x $8.00 20,000 LO: 3, 4, 5 Type: A, N
$160,000 $180,000
price variance
A. Calculate the cost
of beef budgeted for the dinner and
the total beef variance (i.e., the
difference between budgeted and
actual cost). Should this variance be
of concern to the hotel? Why?
B. Assess the job
that Simon did in "managing" the beef
purchase by performing a variance
analysis. Comment on your findings.
A. Budget: 2,000 plates x 0.75 x $9
Total variance, unfavorable
The variance should not be a concern to the hotel because it is less than 1% of the budget.
B. Simon did a marginal job in managing the purchase. Although the total variance is only $60U, it is
composed of two sizable, offsetting amounts. She saved the hotel a considerable amount of money in the
acquisition but the savings were more than consumed in excess usage.
C. It is possible that Simon bought a marginal product. The price variance and quantity variance may
indicate that she purchased cheap beef, which turned out to be of poor quality, resulting in greater waste
(trimming) than normal by the kitchen staff. The beef's overall quality (perhaps, toughness) may be the
underlying reason behind the conventioneers' complaints.
Create a table with the following headings:
materials price variance, materials quantity
variance, labor rate variance, and labor
efficiency variance. Determine which of
these variances would be affected by the
individual events and whether the variance
would be favorable or unfavorable.
LO: 5 Type: N
A. How long did it take to complete the
project once production commenced?
B. Compute the manufacturing cycle
C. As judged by the cycle efficiency,
what percentage of the overall
production time was spent on (1)
value-adding activities and (2) non-
value adding activities?
D. Compute the company's delivery
cycle time.
LO: 9 Type: A, N
A. Processing time
Inspection time
Waiting time in production
Move time
B. Processing time (15.0) ÷ [Processing time (15.0) + inspection time (0.5) + waiting time in
production (3.0) + move time (1.5)] = 0.75
B. Answers will vary but often include
Balanced Scorecard market share, queue time, results of a
customer quality survey, number of
80. Bob's Burgers and Such, a national fast- customer complaints, number of order
food chain, has experienced a number of errors, and number of repeat
problems in the past few years, and customers.
management is considering the adoption of
a balanced scorecard as part of a C. Pay creditors on a timely basis:
turnaround effort. stipulated end-of-period cash balance
and current ratio
Required: Shareholder satisfaction: growth in
A. Briefly explain the concept of a earnings per share, increases in
balanced scorecard. What general per-share market price of Bob's
factors are included in a typical stock, price-earnings ratio
balanced scorecard? Profitability improvement: gross
B. Independent of your answer in margin growth rates, earnings growth
requirement "A," assume that Bob's is rates
very concerned about customer
satisfaction. List four different (and
specific) customer-satisfaction
measures that may be appropriate for
the firm (and for other fast-food
C. Independent of requirement "A,"
assume that Bob's wants to return to
former levels of profitability. List
several financial measures that would
allow management to assess success
or failure with respect to the following
goals: (1) pay creditors on a timely
basis, (2) keep shareholders happy,
and (3) improve profitability over
time at stores that have been open at
least one year.
A. A balanced scorecard is a tool that
incorporates a variety of different
measures, both financial and non-
financial, in the performance-
evaluation process. The measures are
critical to a firm's success and are tied
to organizational strategy. The goal
of a balanced scorecard is to allow
improvement in a number of broad-
reaching areas rather than permit a
manager to improve only a small facet
of the business at the expense of
others. Typical factors are often
divided into four categories: financial,
customer, learning and growth, and
internal operations.
Standard Costs and Journal Entries
Prepare journal entries to record the:
A. Purchase of direct materials.
B. Usage of direct materials.
C. Incurrence of direct labor costs.
LO: 11 Type: A
A. Raw-Material Inventory (70,000 x $4.10)
Direct-Material Price Variance (70,000 x $0.28)
Accounts Payable (70,000 x $3.82)
DISCUSSION QUESTIONS The sum of the favorable variances
exceeded the unfavorable materials price
Usefulness of Standard Costs in Performance variance by a considerable amount. The
Evaluations quality of the output from the department
was the same as usual. BoSan operates
83. Standard costs are said to be useful in very close to a JIT system for materials
performance evaluation. Assume that the purchases, with virtually all material
standard direct materials cost per unit of acquired during the quarter being used in
finished product is $6 (three pounds at $2 manufacturing activities.
per pound).
Required: Is there any connection among these
A. Explain how such a standard can be variances? If so, explain.
used to evaluate performance.
B. Why is the degree of controllability LO: 3, 5 Type: N
important when utilizing standard
costs to evaluate performance?
LO: 1, 5 Type: RC
A. The standard provides a measure of
how much material should be used for
a unit of product and how much each
pound of raw material should cost.
This standard serves as a basis for
evaluating performance by allowing a
comparison to be made of standard
cost/usage against actual cost/usage.
A. How would an unfavorable price
variance on a particular purchase
affect the overall price variance for
the year?
B. Would the use of the materials price
variance as a basis for the manager's
bonus lead to a desirable or
undesirable behavioral outcome?
Explain, being sure to note whether
the manager would likely pursue
acquisition of the grade 4A material.
LO: 5 Type: N