Project Text Essay 1
Project Text Essay 1
Project Text Essay 1
Makenzie Sakomoto
Prof Beadle
Engl 115
26 October 2020
When thinking of a monstrous story what is the first thing that comes to mind? A scary
creature, anticipation, a victim, that's what is usually expected from a scary story. However in the
stories “The Mirror” and “The Silence” by Huarki Murakami, Hauraki puts a spin on the
definition of a scary and monstrous story. In the stories the monstrous aspect within “The
Mirror” is oneself and “The Silence” is the society. ``The Mirror '' and “The Silence '' by Haruki
Murakami both are monstrous stories but “The Silence” is the most monstrous because it deals
with society and the true evils of a person and how that when it comes to social interaction it
In the story “The Silence” it first introduces the main character Ozawa and his story of
the years he went through school. He describes his school years as “very intense competition
with a fellow classmate”. The story's true purpose was not revealed until later on in the story as
the competition and hatred heightened. Ozawa from his early years of school hated his classmate
Aoki. Aoki was that one student who everyone knew and loved and did well in school while
Ozawa was just the opposite. Ozawa was the quiet kid who did ok in school who nobody seemed
to know about. As the story progresses Ozawa finds out that Aoki was spreading rumors about
him acing the test and that little instance set Ozawa off the edge and it was after that he would
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find out the true evils society could bring. As the story goes on Ozawa was shunned by his
fellow classmates and even staff at his highschool because of another rumor Aoki enacted to get
revenge. The rumor that Ozawa was the reason for a students suicide. Something as little as a
rumor can have a catorsphic toll on a person and completely change their mental state. After this
rumor Ozawa experienced extreme internal struggles and isolation. He found himself imagining
different scenarios to deal with the struggles. He imagined “punching Aoki out...and “beating
his face to a pulp.” and “declaring outright that I was innocent”.(Murakami , Silence 303) Many
different scenarios but none were followed through and none would help with the loneliness and
helplessness that Ozawa felt. As Ozawa carried on what makes it the worst is that as he inflicted
many heartaches he could not even help his own situation as for society is a terrible thing and
even more scary than oneself even with the thoughts that come along. Society can really break
Society can have a great impact on one's mental health and that is what makes it so scary
because just like Ozawa, students nowadays experience the same pressures and isolation.
Children face harsh criticism while in school and “Social isolation is different from bullying; it is
a feeling of being invisible, left out, and without connection to others''(Talmus). Children in
school experience all the ups and downs one can experience in life. School is already hard as it
is bringing in friends, enemies, and acquaintances can add problems for many and society can be
an awful thing and create kids to have mind sets just like how Ozawa felt towards the end of the
story and him not even motivated to do what he loved, boxing. It wasn't until after highschool
and his stare down with Aoki that in college Ozawa finally felt relief and happiness and went on
with his life. He discovered the people that “think nothing of hurting some-one, senselessly,
permanently. That they don't take any responsibil-ity for their actions. Them. They're the real
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monsters. They're The ones I have nightmares about.”(Murakami, silence 306). “The silence”
even revealed that a society and the people in it is the most monstrous. People can be even worse
The story “The Mirror” can be argued that the feeling of a monstrous self can be the most
scary. The story gives background on the narrator, a night watchman, and his adventures as a
when he worked for a school in Japan when he was young. The narrator would walk the halls at
the late hours of the night to the early morning to check if everything was in order. He one night
found his night to be a little different than most he found himself not willing to wake up when
that was never a problem before. After that instance the narrator was a little weirded out but
went on with his routine of checking on all areas of the school, while checking the hallway is
when he encountered the thing that he found the scariest. He had seen a mirror and when he went
to look he found that the mirror was manipulating him and making him do the things the mirror
was doing instead of the other way around. Eventually the narrator shattered the mirror with his
wooden sword and went back to bed for the night. The next morning he arose to look back at the
shattered mirror to find it was nowhere in sight and he discovered that it was never actually
there. He states that “What I saw wasn't a ghost. It was simply-myself' I can never forget how
terrified I was that night, and whenever I remember it, this thought always springs to mind: that
the most frightening thing in the world is our own self.” One's imagination can make even the
craziest things seem real. “Our mind plays tricks on us and memories can be real and
false”(Gardner). A scary thing could be oneself with the mental torment and contradicting
thoughts that could be in one's brain. We sometimes think something is real or that something is
there that really isn't. Nowadays people are interested in different things like conspiracy theories
that create different realities and answers for the unknown. The mirror gives us a little display of
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the realities of our mind. The mind can think and do some crazy things and the narrator within
the story experienced this first hand. And he will forever have this scary story to tell. A
monstrous self is scary but not as scary as a monstrous society as it has extreme impact on one's
well being. For one's mental well being a society can be very monstrous. As for oneself it is
easier for one to realize that what is being thought isnt real and fake. While when the pressure of
society weighs in who knows what to think and it can be a very scary feeling.
When someone or something else is causing your pain and isolation it's the worst of them
all because you are helpless to your own situation. And yourself is not the cause of everyone
else's feelings and treatment. Just like Aoki one could not stop him from spreading the rumors
and causing Ozawas pain and Aoki didn't even think twice and people like that are the monsters.
A monster can have many different appearances, three eyes, wings, horns, or even a normal
face. Even the face of many can have a grave impact on someone's feelings and can create an
environment of isolation. We Associate fear with abnormal things. But real life society can be
pretty scary. For example life nowadays there are many different things happening in this world
that create fear and isolation in many people's lives. Not just in school can children or adults
experience this scary society. In the real world with things like a pandemic like the coronavirus it
creates a feeling of isolation for some. Coronavirus led the whole United states to quarantine
and for people to not leave their house unless it was extremely essential. During quarantine
people felt helpless and felt so alone with no outside interaction. That's exactly how Ozawa felt
when he was forced to experience extreme isolation due to his society not having faith in him
rather in a rumor. To think that all the heartache that was caused for Ozawa and even Aoki was
all started because of a middle school dispute. A dispute that was complete nonsense but brought
out the characteristics of Aoki and Ozawa and even those around them. We find that Even those
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who do nothing and ignore the situation at hand could even be the most monstrous because for
the person affected it is not nothing it is devastating. Feeling like the whole world is against you
When comparing the two stories “The Mirror” and “The Silence” by Haruki Murakami
they are both monstrous in their own way however “The Silence” is the most scary. Ozawa had
to deal with many emotions going through school and the isolation was the worst of them all.
Ozawa was really able to experience how others, even classmates can be your not so typical
monsters. Huraki Murakami created two iconic stories that will in definition be in the category of
scary stories because of the scary topic that the realities of oneself and society can be pretty
scary. Isolation and contradicting thoughts can take a toll on people and especially those going
through school. Children just like Ozawa everyday experience the harsh reality and the
monstrous people they encounter during their everyday lives. Society can bring many people into
ones lives however what is the worst part about it is that they could be good or bad and have one
feeling a certain way out of their control which is why it can be the most monstrous.
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Work cited
“The Mirror” by Haruki Murakami. Copied from Blind Willow, Sleeping Woman, published by
“The Silence” by Haruki Murakami. Copied from The Elephant Vanishes, published by Vintage
Books in 1993.
Talmus, Laura.“Tackling Social Isolation in Middle School” , Published by Taylor and Francis
Gardner, Dan. “Your mind is playing tricks on you, but that doesn't mean you're a liar; We often
edit or entirely rewrite our previous experiences, research shows”, published by Proquest in Apr