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Specifically, when defining “Special Populations” it is more than one thing to identity and
mention. Special Population identifies individuals with economically disadvantaged families, English
learning learns, and students with dyslexia. Plus, many more to name and list. As a future educator,
identifying these things will without a doubt help student succeed. My philosophy would be that no
student will get left behind, all students will get the extra help they need in order to achieve success. For
this purpose, every single student will surely advance to many great things in school and outside of
In addition, students who are at risk of dropping out of school are included in this percentage.
This may include homeless students, single parent, returning dropouts and so on. A teacher or any
school staff member does not know a student’s situation at home. Treating every student with the same
energy and compassion is a must and should not be surpassed. Given a student that extra push they
need in education will help them thrive to make better grades or make themselves keep pushing to do
well in life for their future. Therefore, I will strive to help my students in anyway I can with their
With this in mind, English language learns face a harder time in schools. No matter what grade
level he or she is accomplishing it will always be a little harder for them. Having to learn a whole new
language and learned a new curriculum as well, is difficult to learn and achieve at the same time. As,
educators have the patients and being more opened minded will help them through out the process.
Proving the extra help, they need to not fall behind will be extreme helpful for them. In particular,
making that student feel comfortable in school will push their self-confidence throughout their process,
which would make their process of learning flow more with ease.
Last, but not least dyslexia are more thought of and more talked about in special populations.
There are six types of dyslexia. Each one just a little different then the other one. When having this it
may be difficult to read, spelling and things just along those lines. When having a student that is dyslexic
have patient is important. Showing the student that you have the time, and the patients will help
tremendously. Most of the time dyslexic students get inpatient and give up on their work. Therefore,
dyslexic students seeing that I will by their side will help them finish their work and help them feel more
at ease.
Above all, my philosophy is to keep a positive safe atmosphere in a classroom. Treating every
student with the same energy is incredibly important. Students feed off of their educators’ energy. With
that being said, helping and understanding each student’s situation will help them thrive anywhere. If a
student came to me for help, I would help them anyway I can so they can flourish and achieve their
goals. In conclusion, given students the extra help they need in school and outside of school will help