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Form L4 Important Information For Landlords: Sjto - ca/LTB

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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant

Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order

(Disponible en français)

Important Information for Landlords

You can apply to end the tenancy and evict the tenant using Form L4 if:
• the tenant has not met the conditions in an order or mediated settlement, and
• the order or mediated settlement allows you to file this application.

Instructions for Form L4 are available on the LTB website at sjto.ca/LTB.

1. Complete all four parts of this application. Read the instructions carefully before completing the form. It is
important that you correctly complete your application so that there are no delays in processing it.
• Part 1 asks for general information about:
• the rental unit covered by the application,
• you (your name, etc.),
• the tenants in possession of the rental unit,
• any other unresolved applications that relate to the rental unit.
• Part 2 asks for information about your previous application.
• Part 3 asks you to select the reason for your application.
• Part 4 requires your signature or that of your representative, and, if you are being represented, your
representative's contact information.

2. File all pages of the application (not including this page) with the LTB no later than 30 days after the
tenant failed to meet a condition of the mediated settlement or order.

3. You must also file the following documents with your application:
• a copy of the mediated settlement or order,
• a signed declaration or sworn affidavit that sets out which conditions the tenant did not meet and in
what way the tenant did not meet these conditions.

In some cases, your declaration or affidavit must also provide additional information and this is explained
in the Instructions. The LTB has developed a declaration form for you to use. It is attached to the

4. Contact the LTB if you have any questions or need more information.
1-888-332-3234 (toll free)
Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)

Read the instructions carefully before completing this form. Print or type in capital letters.


Address of the Rental Unit Covered by This Application

Street Number Street Name

Street Type (e.g. Street, Avenue, Road) Direction (e.g. East) Unit/Apt./Suite

Municipality (City, Town, etc.) Prov. Postal Code

Landlord's Name and Address

First Name (If there is more than 1 landlord, complete a Schedule of Parties form and file it with this application.)

Last Name

Company Name (if applicable)

Street Address

Unit/Apt./Suite Municipality (City, Town, etc.) Prov. Postal Code

Day Phone Number Evening Phone Number Fax Number

( ) - ( ) - ( ) -

E-mail Address


File Number

v. 29/05/2019
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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)

Tenant Names and Address

Tenant 1: First Name (If there are more than 2 tenants, complete a Schedule of Parties form and file it with this application.)

Tenant 1: Last Name

Tenant 2: First Name

Tenant 2: Last Name

Mailing Address (if it is different from the address of the rental unit)

Unit/Apt./Suite Municipality (City, Town, etc.) Prov. Postal Code

Day Phone Number Evening Phone Number Fax Number

( ) - ( ) - ( ) -
E-mail Address

Related Applications
If you or your tenant filed other applications that relate to this rental unit and those applications have not
been resolved, list their file numbers below.
File Number 1 File Number 2


What is the file number of the previous order or mediated settlement that resolved the application to end the
tenancy and evict the tenant?

File Number

What is the date of the previous order or mediated settlement? / /


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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)


Shade the circle next to your reason for applying to the LTB.

Reason 1: I am applying for an order to end the tenancy and evict the tenant.

Reason 2: The tenant did not meet a condition of the mediated settlement or order based on the previous L1
application, so I am applying for an order to end the tenancy and evict the tenant and to collect rent and
other charges the tenant owes me up to the date they move out of the rental unit.
Reason 3: The tenant did not meet a condition of the mediated settlement or order based on the previous L2
application, so I am applying for an order to end the tenancy and evict the tenant and to collect
compensation for damages and other charges the tenant owes me up to the date they move out of the
rental unit.

Calculation of Amount Owing:

I have calculated the total amount the tenant owes me as follows:

The total amount the mediated settlement or order requires

$ •
the tenant to pay

Subtract any amounts the tenant has paid you towards the
-$ •
amount set out in the mediated settlement or order

This is the total amount the tenant still owes from the mediated
=$ •
settlement or order:

Add any NSF charges that came due after the date of the
+$ •
mediated settlement or order that the tenant has not paid

If you are applying under Reason 2 above, add any rent

+$ •
that came due after the date of the mediated settlement or
order that the tenant has not paid

Total amount the tenant now owes =$ •

Current Rent:

Fill in the tenant's current rent and shade the circle to show how often the tenant is required to pay rent:

The current rent is $ • per month week other (specify)

If you applied under Reason 3 only, then answer the following question:

Did the tenant pay the total rent for the month in which you are filing this application?
Yes No

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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)


Landlord/Representative's Signature

/ /

Who has signed the application? Shade the circle completely next to your answer.

Landlord Legal Representative

Information About the Legal Representative

First Name

Last Name

LSUC # Company Name (if applicable)

Mailing Address

Unit/Apt./Suite Municipality (City, Town, etc.) Prov. Postal Code

Day Phone Number Evening Phone Number Fax Number

( ) - ( ) - ( ) -
E-mail Address

Collecting Personal Information

Under section 185 of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006, the Landlord and Tenant Board has the right to collect
the personal information requested on this form. We use the information to resolve your application. After you file
the form, your information may also be available to the public. If you have questions about how the LTB uses your
personal information, contact one of our Customer Service Officers at 416-645-8080 or 1-888-332-3234 (toll free).

Important Information from the Landlord and Tenant Board

1. After the landlord files this application, the LTB will normally issue an order terminating the tenancy without
holding a hearing.
2. It is an offence under the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 to file false or misleading information with the
Landlord and Tenant Board.
3. The LTB has Rules of Practice that set out rules related to the application process and Interpretation Guidelines
that explain how the LTB might decide specific issues that could come up in an application. You can read the
Rules and Guidelines on the LTB website at sjto.ca/LTB or you can buy a copy from an LTB office.

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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)

Tenant failed to meet conditions of a mediated settlement or order

Section A: Information about the Conditions the Tenant Failed to Meet

You must complete this section.

I, of the City/Town/Municipality of

declare that:

The tenant did not meet the following condition(s) of the mediated settlement or order:
Indicate the condition(s) in the mediated settlement or order that were not met within the last 30 days, and how
they were not met.

Which other parts of this declaration must you complete?

Did you select Reason #1 on the application form?

• If yes, then you must only complete Section A and Section E of this form.

Did you select Reason #2 and/or Reason #3 on the application form?

• If yes, then complete all sections of this form.

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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)

Section B: New Rent and Charges Owing

New Rent Owing:

Complete the box below if:
• the mediated settlement or order required the tenant to pay arrears of rent, and
• since the date of the mediated settlement or order the tenant has failed to pay any of the rent that became due.
If the tenant does not owe any new rent, mark N/A in the box.
Rent Period
Rent Charged $ Rent Paid $ Rent Owing $
From: (dd/mm/yyyy) To: (dd/mm/yyyy)

/ / / / • • •

/ / / / • • •

/ / / / • • •

Total New Rent Arrears Owing $ •

New NSF and/or related Administration Charges Owing:

Since the date of your mediated settlement or order, have you incurred NSF cheque charges because of cheques
given to you by the tenant? If yes, complete the following section.
If you have not incurred NSF cheque charges, mark N/A in the box.
Cheque Date of Cheque Date NSF Charge Incurred Bank Charge for
Administration Total Charge $
Amount $ dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy NSF Cheque $
Charge $

• / / / / • • •

• / / / / • • •

• / / / / • • •

Total NSF Related Charges Owing $ •

Attach additional sheets if necessary.

Section C: Information about the Rent Deposit

Complete this section if you collected a rent deposit from the tenant and you are still holding that deposit.
If you are not holding a rent deposit from the tenant, mark N/A in this section.

The amount of rent currently on deposit: $ •

The date the rent deposit was collected: / /


The last period for which interest on the rent / / to / /

deposit was paid: dd/mm/yyyy dd/mm/yyyy

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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)

Section D: Information about the Mediated Settlement or Order

Amounts Owing in the Mediated Settlement or Order:

Fill in the following information. You should find this information in the mediated settlement or order.

Date of the mediated settlement or order: / /


Total amount of rent arrears the tenant was required to pay in the $ •
mediated settlement or order: (Do not include any other amounts
the tenant was required to pay.)

These rent arrears cover the period up to and including: / /


Total amount of compensation for damages tenant was required to $ •

pay in the mediated settlement or order:

Amount tenant was required to pay for NSF charges: $ •

Amount tenant was required to pay for the fee for previous application: $ •

Payments Received:
Record all payments the tenant made using the following chart. If the tenant did not make any of the payments set
out in the mediated settlement or order, mark N/A in this section.

Date the Payment was made Amount of Payment $ What the Payment was for
Arrears NSF NSF Admin Charge App. Fee
/ / •
dd/mm/yyyy Rent Damages Other

Arrears NSF NSF Admin Charge App. Fee

/ / •
dd/mm/yyyy Rent Damages Other

Arrears NSF NSF Admin Charge App. Fee

/ / •
dd/mm/yyyy Rent Damages Other

Arrears NSF NSF Admin Charge App. Fee

/ / •
dd/mm/yyyy Rent Damages Other

* Note: NSF charges cannot exceed the actual amount charged by the financial institution. NSF Administration Charges
cannot exceed the prescribed amount. The application fee cannot exceed the actual cost of the application. See the
instructions for more detailed information.

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Landlord's Application to End a Tenancy and Evict a Tenant
Tenant failed to Meet Conditions of a Settlement or Order
(Disponible en français)

Section E: Signature

To the best of my knowledge, the information in this form is complete and accurate. I understand that it is
an offence under s.234 of the Residential Tenancies Act, 2006 to file false or misleading information in this


Signature Date (dd/mm/yyyy)


Delivery Method: In Person Mail Courier Email E-file Fax MS FL

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