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A Large-Scale Laser Plane Calibration System: Home Search Collections Journals About Contact Us My Iopscience
A Large-Scale Laser Plane Calibration System: Home Search Collections Journals About Contact Us My Iopscience
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A large-scale laser plane calibration system is developed. This plane is
constructed by a 35 m long horizontal granite guide rail and a 1.5 m long
vertical metal guide rail. Two dual-frequency interferometers are used to
measure the coordinates of a target moving on the plane. One of them can
measure the horizontal displacement while eliminating the Abbe errors
caused by the straightness of the granite guide rail. Another measures the
sum of horizontal displacement and vertical displacement. This laser plane
can be used as a lab standard to calibrate portable coordinate measuring
machines by measuring the target on the plane. Calibration tests for a laser
tracker are given.
P(x, y, z)
O α
Figure 1. A point in a spherica1 coordinate system.
L Ma et al
Figure 3. Optical structure of the coordinate plane: (1) splitter, (2) bender, (3) interferometer, (4) retroreflector, (5) receiver, (6) pentaprism.
A large-scale laser plane calibration system
P1 P42
Figure 5. Offset of moving platform.
As the platform has deflections in the Y and Z directions, P10 6m
so the movement PX of target P in the direction X after
compensating the Abbe errors will be
PX = LX − y0 sin α − z0 sin β − x0 (1 − cos α)
− x0 (1 − cos β). (6)
As x0 is much smaller than the platform length (about
500 mm), neglecting the second-order tiny displacements Figure 6. The set-up position for calibrating a laser tracker.
x0 (1 − cos α) and x0 (1 − cos β), PX will be given as follows:
PX = LX − y0 sin α − z0 sin β. (7) 5. Calibration tests for a laser tracker
L Ma et al
Table 1. The RMS values of the least-squares transformation errors. structure, some factors which reduce the accuracy of a laser
Set-up Transformation plane can be eliminated; they are listed as follows.
distance (m) No RMS (mm) • Two light axes of the plane are made up by one beam of
1 0.020 light, so they are on the same plane.
2 2 0.021 • Using a pentaprism to create a right angle turning, makes
3 0.020 two light axes of the plane orthogonal.
1 0.031 • To measure the horizontal length with three
6 2 0.030 interferometric beams, compensates the Abbe errors
3 0.027 introduced by the rail and offsets of the target relative to
the light beams.
• Laser sources and most optic mirrors are set on a stable
platform at the end of the horizontal granite rail, so the
values of the least-squares transformation errors in every test
influences of environment on them are the same.
are shown in table 1.
The results of tests show that the plane system can evaluate Employing a laser plane meets the requirement of the standard
a tracker very well by using a RMS value of the least-squares B89.4.19 to evaluate a tracker’s performance, and can assess
transformation errors. the coordinate measurement uncertainty of the tracker. It is
Using equation (12) and taking the influence factor k = 2, an ideal way to carry out laboratory calibration for industrial
it is known that this tracker’s coordinate uncertainty is about large-scale spherical coordinate measuring instruments, and
U = (30 + 5L) µm (K = 2); L (unit: m) is the distance of a make it possible to trace a tracker to the wavelength.
6. Conclusion
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The developed system can perform as a coordinate assessment challenges in co-ordinate metrology: addressing
based laboratory for a large-scale portable spatial coordinate metrological problems for very small and very large parts
Proc. IDW Workshop 2001 (Knoxville, TN, May) pp 7–10
measuring instrument, such as a laser tracker. Based on the [2] Swyt D A, Phillips S D and Palmateer J W 2001 Developments
concept of minimum plane, it is easier to establish a standard at NIST on traceability in dimensional measurements Proc.
plane for calibrating a tracker. By using a special optic SPIE 4401 245–52