Procedure For Water Sorptivity Test: 1.1 Personnel, Material, and Equipment Requirements
Procedure For Water Sorptivity Test: 1.1 Personnel, Material, and Equipment Requirements
Procedure For Water Sorptivity Test: 1.1 Personnel, Material, and Equipment Requirements
(Adapted from Durability Index Testing Procedure Manual, South Africa)
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1.4.3 If the specimens have been previously tested in the oxygen permeability cells, they
shall be tested immediately upon removal. No additional drying is necessary
provided the specimens have not got wet or have had an opportunity to absorb
moisture from the atmosphere. Alternatively, specimens may be placed back in the
oven overnight prior to cooling in the dessicator, if they cannot be tested
immediately after the OPI test.
1.5 Testing of Specimen
1.5.1 The water sorptivity test shall be conducted in a room in which the temperature is
controlled at 23 ± 2ºC.
1.5.2 If the specimens are taped and have not been previously tested in the oxygen
permeability test, cool the specimens to 23 ±2 0C in the desiccator. This cooling
period should last for no less than 2 hours and no longer than 4 hours.
Alternatively, the specimens may be cooled, for no less than 2 hours and no longer
than 4 hours, on a steel tray in a room where the ambient conditions are controlled
at 23 ± 2ºC and <60 % relative humidity for the duration of the cooling period.
1.5.3 Measure to the nearest 0.02 mm the thickness and diameter of each specimen with
the vernier calliper at 4 points equally spaced around the perimeter of the specimen,
and record. Determine the average of the four readings and record to the nearest
0.02 mm.
1.5.4 Place the rods in position to support the specimen in the solution.
1.5.5 Pour calcium hydroxide solution into the tray. If The rodes should be arranged as
to support the specimens and the calcium hydroxide solution should be above the
top of the support. The final water level should be such that it will be slightly above
the bottom edge of the specimen and a maximum 2 mm up the side of the
1.5.6 Within 30 min after removing the specimen from the desiccator, or oxygen
permeability cell for taped specimens, determine the mass of the specimen to an
accuracy of 0.01 g and record as the dry mass at time 0. This mass must be
determined after the method used to seal the sides of the specimens (either epoxy or
tape) has been applied.
1.5.7 Immediately place the specimen with the test face (outer face or originally exposed
face) on the wet paper pad/pins/rollers and start the stopwatch.
1.5.8 Weigh the specimen at 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 16, 20 and 25 minutes, after patting it once on
the damp piece of absorbent paper. The specimen should appear saturated surface
dry (SSD) on the exposed face at the time the mass is determined, i.e. it should look
damp, but not have free water on the test face. During removal of a specimen from
the tray for weighing, care must be taken to prevent dripping from one specimen
nto the top of another.
1.5.9 Record the mass of the specimen to the nearest 0.01 g within 10 s of removal of the
specimen from the tray and wiping excess water. Replace the specimens each time
with the test face on the wet paper or rollers/pins if used. The stopwatch shall not
be stopped during the weighing procedure.
1.5.10 Within a maximum of 1 day after weighing of the specimen is completed, place the
specimen in the vacuum saturation tank. The epoxy or the tape must be left in
place. The specimens shall be arranged so as to maximize their exposed surface
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area. This is typically done be standing the individual specimens upon their curved
edges, rather than the flat side. Seal the lid with petroleum jelly and close it.
1.5.11 Evacuate the tank to between -75 and -80 kPa and maintain the specimens under
vacuum of between -75 and -80 kPa for 3 hours ± 15 min. The pressure must not be
allowed to rise above -75 kPa during this period.
1.5.12 After 3 hours ± 15 min isolate the tank and allow calcium hydroxide saturated
water to flow into the chamber until the water level is approximately 40 mm above
the top of the specimens. Air shall not be allowed to enter the vacuum chamber
during this procedure.
1.5.13 Re-establish the vacuum between -75 and -80 kPa. This shall be maintained for 1
hour ± 15 minutes. At no point during this time period shall the vacuum be
permitted to rise above -75 kPa.
1.5.14 After 1 hour ± 15 min, release the vacuum and allow air to enter. Allow the
specimens to soak for a further 18 ± 1 hours.
1.5.15 After 18 ± 1 hr soaking, remove the specimens from the solution, dry the surface
to a SSD condition with a paper towel, and immediately weigh to an accuracy of
0.01 g. Record this as the vacuum saturated mass Msv of the specimen.
1.6 Calculations
1.6.1 Determine the porosity (n) of each specimen, as a percentage, by applying the
following formula:
M − M s0
n = sv × 100
Adρ w
Msv is the vacuum saturated mass of the specimen to the nearest 0.01g, in grams
Ms0 is the mass of the specimen at time t0 (start of the test) to the nearest 0.01g, in
A is the cross-sectional area of the specimen to the nearest 0,02 mm2 in millimeter
d is the average specimen thickness to the nearest 0,02 mm, in millimeters
ρw is the density of water, 10-3g/mm3, in grams per millimeter cubed
1.6.2 Determine and plot the mass gain (Mwt) versus the square root of time, by applying
the following formula:
M wt = F t
F is the slope of the best fit line from plotting Mwt against t , in gram per squareroot
of hour
t is the time in hours after a specimen was first exposed to water on its lower face,
to the nearest 0.001 h, in hours
1.6.3 Use the following equation to determine the mass gain (Mwt):
M wt = M st − M s 0
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Mst is the mass to the nearest 0,01g of the specimen at particular time t, in grams
Ms0 is the mass to the nearest 0.01g of the specimen at the initial time (t0), in grams.
1.6.4 No allowance shall be made for the time taken to wipe and weigh each sample in
the calculation. Do not include the zero time reading in the data.
1.6.5 Determine the correlation coefficient, r2 of the data:
( )
r =
2 ∑ t i − T (M wti − M wt )
( )
∑ ti − T ∑(M wti − M wt )
2 2
Mwti is the mass gain as calculated in at any given time, in grams
ti is the time corresponding to the mass gain Mwti, in hours
∑ M wt ∑ ti
M wt = and T =
n n
n is the number of data points.
1.7 Precautions
1.7.1 If the coefficient of correlation is less than 0,98, discard the last (25 min) value
from the analysis, and re-determine the correlation coefficient.
1.7.2 If the coefficient of correlation is still less than 0,98, discard the next value (i.e. 20
min) from the analysis, and re-determine the correlation coefficient.
1.7.3 Repeat the procedure until a coefficient of above 0,98 is achieved, or there are less
than 5 data points remaining.
1.7.4 If a correlation coefficient of 0,98 cannot be obtained with a set of five or more
values, regard the specimen as unsuitable for the determination of the sorptivity.
However, record the range of data able to give a correlation coefficient of above
1.7.5 Using the values obtained from procedures contained in c) to f) (inclusive),
determine the slope of the line of best fit (F) by linear regression analysis
∑( )
ti − T (M wti − M wt )
∑( ti − T )2
Mwti is the mass gain as calculated in 7.2 at any given time, in grams
ti is the time corresponding to the mass gain reading Mwti, in hours
M wt =
∑M wti
and T =
∑ ti
n n
n is the number of data points.
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Do not include the zero time reading in the data.
1.7.6 The water sorptivity of the specimen (S) is given by:
M sv − M s 0
F is the slope of the best fit line (5 g) ), in grams per squareroot of the hour
d is the average specimen thickness to the nearest 0,02 mm, in mm
Msv is the vacuum saturated mass to the nearest 0,01 g of the specimen, in g
Ms0 is the mass to the nearest 0,01 g of the specimen at the initial time (t0),
in g
1.7.7 The sorptivity index is given as the average of the water sorptivity of at least three
valid individual test determinations.
1.7.8 The slope of the regression line can be found using Microsoft excel functions.
1.8 Reporting
Report the following:
a) Identification number of specimen.
b) Description of specimen.
c) The effective porosity of each specimen to the nearest 2 decimal places.
d) The water sorptivity of each individual specimen.
e) The water sorptivity index to the nearest 1 decimal place.
f) The range of data used in the calculations.
The following shall be reported if known
g) Source of the specimen.
h) Location of specimen within cube, core or member
i) Identification mark of each specimen
j) Type of concrete, including binder type, water/cement ratio and other relevant
data supplied with the specimen.
k) Curing history.
l) Unusual specimen preparation e.g. removal of surface treatment.
m) Unusual features such as cracks, voids, excessively chipped edges, etc.
n) Test operator.
o) Age of concrete at time of testing.
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