Test Procedure Marsh Cone and Mini Slump

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Name of Test: Marsh Cone Test

Relevant standard(s): EN 445, ASTM C 939

Details of specimen: The cement type for which the optimum dosage of superplasticizer is being
determined shall confirm to the respective standard. Distilled water shall be used for mixing the
cement paste. The material and safety data sheet of the chemical admixture under consideration
shall be thoroughly followed.
Details of equipment (including photograph):
The Marsh cone consisting of a hollow metal cone with an opening of 8 mm diameter at the
bottom. The dimensions of Marsh cone are given below.

R, H - Radius and height of nozzle

R1, H1 - Radius of the free surface and

height of fluid in the cone at the
initial moment

Rt, Ht - Radius of the free surface

and height of fluid in the cone at any
time t

R2, H2 - Radius of the free surface

and height of fluid in the cone at the
final moment

φ – Angle between the axis and the

generator of the cone
Figure 1 – Marsh cone apparatus

Step by step procedure for testing:

Preparation cement paste

The paste shall be prepared using a 5-litre Hobart-type blender and a B type flat beater or
a similar mechanical mixer, with a mixing procedure that produce pastes comparable to those of
concrete. The cement and 70% of mixing water should be mixed for one minute at low speed
(with a shaft speed of 139 rpm and planetary speed of 61 rpm). The superplasticizer and
remaining water shall be added and mixed for another one minute at the same speed. It should be
noted that the water content in the superplasticizer is accounted in the water to cement ratio. The
mixer shall then be stopped and sides of the bowl and blades can be scraped (15-20 seconds).
The paste shall be mixed again for three minutes at same speed. For the mixes without
superplasticizer, same procedure is followed as described earlier.
Marsh cone test
A reference volume of 1000 ml of cement paste prepared as explained above is poured
into the Marsh cone. The bottom of the Marsh cone should be closed while pouring the cement
paste. The time taken for 500 ml of the paste to flow out is determined using a stop watch. The
procedure should be repeated by varying the dosage of superplasticizer.
The logarithm of the measured Marsh cone flow time shall be plotted against the
corresponding superplasticizer dosage. The internal angle shall be calculated at every data point.
The dosage corresponding to the internal angle of 140 ± 10° shall be designated as the optimum
superplasticizer dosage. Interpolation can be used for determination of the dosage corresponding
precisely with the internal angle of 140°.
The optimum superplasticizer dosage is expressed as the percentage of cement mass and
is specific to the cement – superplasticizer combination.

Figure 2 Flow time curve for determining the saturation dosage

Name of Test: Mini slump Test

Relevant standard(s):

Details of specimen: The cement type for which the optimum dosage of superplasticizer is being
determined shall confirm to the respective standard. Distilled water shall be used for mixing the
cement paste. The material and safety data sheet of the chemical admixture under consideration
shall be thoroughly followed.
Details of equipment (including photograph):
The mini-slump is a mould in the shape of a truncated cone with dimensions proportional to the
Abram’s cone. The dimensions of mini slump cone are given below.

19 mm
3.2 mm 6.4 mm

22.2 mm
15.9 mm

57 mm
38.1 mm
38.1 mm

Figure 1 – Mini slump test apparatus

Step by step procedure for testing:

Preparation cement paste

The pastes shall be prepared using a 5-litre Hobart-type blender and a B type flat beater
or a similar mechanical mixer, with a mixing procedure that produce pastes comparable to those
of concrete. The cement and 70% of mixing water should be mixed for one minute at low speed
(with a shaft speed of 139 rpm and planetary speed of 61 rpm). The superplasticizer and
remaining water shall be added and mixed for another one minute at the same speed. It should be
noted that the water content in the superplasticizer is accounted in the water to cement ratio. The
mixer shall be then stopped and sides of the bowl and blades can be scraped (15-20 seconds).
The paste shall be again mixed for three minutes at same speed. For the mixes without
superplasticizer, same procedure is followed as described earlier.
Mini slump test
The mould shall be placed in a clean glass sheet of suitable dimensions. The mould shall
be filled with cement paste prepared as explained earlier. After filling, the mould should be lifted
up vertically and allow the cement paste to spread freely. The diameter of the cement paste shall
be measured in two directions orthogonally after lifting the mould and the average value shall be
expressed as the spread of the cement paste. Additionally, the time taken for the paste to reach a
diameter of 115 mm shall also be determined. Also, visual examination helps to evaluate the
bleeding and segregation of the paste.

A plot of the superplasticizer dosage on the abscissa and the average spread diameter
(mm) shall be plotted. The data point beyond which the increase in the fluidity is not significant
shall be recorded as the optimum superplasticizer dosage. The optimum superplasticizer dosage
is expressed as the percentage of cement mass and is specific to the cement – superplasticizer

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