Social LP 1 - Economy
Social LP 1 - Economy
Social LP 1 - Economy
Students will:
1. Identify different jobs in India
Learning 2. Identify jobs in India are different than jobs in India
Objectives 3. Recognize how geography affects the jobs people in India have
4. Analyze how different jobs mean different livelihoods for Indian people
5. Create a representation of how students
Introduction: Relate to students – Ask what kinds of jobs their parents have
5 min (most will be city jobs)
(2:00-2:05) - “We are going to use google maps to travel around India and see
what kinds of jobs they have in India today”
Topic Page 2
Course: Social 2/3 Date: Dec 8, 2020
Instructor: Tanner Lesh Time: 1:55-2:55
Conclusion: Sharing
5 min
1. With a partner beside them, have a student share what they put
on their India post card about the jobs in India
Topic Page 3