Social LP 1 - Economy

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Course: Social 2/3 Date: Dec 8, 2020

Instructor: Tanner Lesh Time: 1:55-2:55

Stage 1: Desired Results

Students will demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of how
geographic, social, cultural and linguistic factors affect quality of life in
communities in India, Tunisia, Ukraine and Peru.
3.1.1 appreciate similarities and differences among people and
communities: •demonstrate an awareness of and interest in the beliefs,
traditions and customs of groups and communities other than their own
Learning (CC)
3.1.4 examine economic factors that shape communities in other parts of
the world by exploring and reflecting upon the following questions for
inquiry: •What are the main goods and services produced by the
communities studied (i.e., agricultural activities, manufacturing activities)?
(ER, GC) •What goods and services do the communities import from and
export to other parts of the world? (ER, GC) •What are the main forms of
technologies, transportation and communication in the communities? (ER,

Students will:
1. Identify different jobs in India
Learning 2. Identify jobs in India are different than jobs in India
Objectives 3. Recognize how geography affects the jobs people in India have
4. Analyze how different jobs mean different livelihoods for Indian people
5. Create a representation of how students

Stage 2: Assessment Evidence

Summative Formative India Worksheet in Booklet

Assessment Assessment Postcard Performance task

Stage 3: Learning Experience

Download ge-pro
Tech Resources Booklet, Postcard Worksheets
to Do pnLA - Fishing to Bring
Time Sequence and Description Notes
Topic Page 1
Course: Social 2/3 Date: Dec 8, 2020
Instructor: Tanner Lesh Time: 1:55-2:55

Introduction: Relate to students – Ask what kinds of jobs their parents have
5 min (most will be city jobs)
(2:00-2:05) - “We are going to use google maps to travel around India and see
what kinds of jobs they have in India today”

Part 1: Google Earth

- Go through Google Earth journey and explain different aspects of
info to students
1. Chilika Lake
- In district of Odisha,
- “they live very close to a lagoon and the sea so what jobs do you
think people have here?” – Fishing (want to see how they fish? –
show 30 seconds of video)
2. Assam – Farming
- Assam I in the Ganges Plains “Remember what we mentioned
before about here” – good farmland. Many people here live in the
country which means they farm.
- They do not farm with tractors though. “Show pictures”
3. Ahmedabad – City
- This is a city, “people do not farm in the city do they?”
- In the city people have different jobs than in the
country. Many work at stores, restaurants, textile
(clothing) factories, or in the technology industry
20 min designing computers or software like video-games.
(2:05-2:25) 4. Mangal Textiles – City textiles industry –
- “This is a textile/clothing factory in this city”
5. Alirajpur – Discuss poverty “This is the city with the most poverty
in India”
- Though there are many jobs in India, many people do not
get paid enough in their jobs or cannot find jobs because
they are hurt, sick or old.
- “This makes it so many people in India struggle to make
enough to live, or live in poverty.”
- Ask about people in Canada that may struggle to have
enough food. Can say we have foodbank for people.
Many places there do not have anywhere to find food.
- If possible, move students in back up so it is easier to engage in the
- Student discussion responses to questions and key points

Part 2: Worksheet as a class or independently

- Have some class discussion and ask about individual questions
- Students fill in sheet May need to do this next
5 min
Assessment/differentiation: class
Help lower students by using whiteboard to write their thoughts
Students who finish early can help others finish by reading the question and
sharing where they learned it.
20 min Part 3: Postcard
(2:30-2:50) 1. Introduce postcard to students
2. Let them know they are to draw a picture of someone doing one of the

Topic Page 2
Course: Social 2/3 Date: Dec 8, 2020
Instructor: Tanner Lesh Time: 1:55-2:55

things we discussed in class on our Google Earth journey on one side,

then write about on the other side
3. Start working
Drawing will help assess students knowledge of different jobs in India

Conclusion: Sharing
5 min
1. With a partner beside them, have a student share what they put
on their India post card about the jobs in India

Topic Page 3

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