Fee Notice 4th Year
Fee Notice 4th Year
Fee Notice 4th Year
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All the students of 4th Year (7th and 8th Semester) are hereby informed to deposit their
Tuition Fee along with Other Fees, User Charges and Hostel Accommodation Charges for the
year 2020-21 through "SBI Qbllect" mode of payment as per the details given below:-
4'h Year (Batch 2017-20221
For the Financial Year 2020-2021
Heads of Collection
Other Than Maharashtra
Tuition Fee 104817 139755
Other Fees* 35000 35000
User Charges* 2000
I 12000
Hostel Accorflmodation 30000 30000
TOTAL:- 181817 216755
Note 2) The Universitl, is in process of providing rebate in the Fee for the year 2020-2021
due to Pandemic - COVID-19. Therefore, the students can deposit the lst instalment of the
fee for the year 2020-2021 as mentioned above and the rebate figure can be adjusted in the
2nd instalment for the FY 2020'2021.
Note 3) 'fhe SBI Collect link is uploaded on the website of Maharashtra National Law
University, Aurangabad. Following are the Bank Details of the University so that students
rvho would like to pay the fee through online mode can pay accordingly: -
Name of Bank: State Bank of India.
Name of Account [Iolder: Maharashtra National Law University.
Account Number: 3706620 I 39 I
IFS Code:S8IN0020302
Bank Address: Bansilal Nagar. Station Road, Aurangabad
Registrar ln-Charge
,: ,;r.-$lS (JlTrctf
Registrar lncharge
r,lahdErsr-rU<r ireuurtal t,ltl Urtrrty, {aharashtra llational Law University
Aurangabad{3f@5. Aurangrbad .431 005
..i i ',
Note: l) Iror the Acadernic Year 2020-2021. L.Jser Charges and Other Charges are
Rs.62.100/-. However. the Universitl- is Chareing Rs.47.000/- only (i.e.Rs.15,100/- less).
Note:2) I'he University is paying an amount of Rs.78,00,000/- in the Financial year2020-
2021, against the Security expenses of the University campus, which the University is not
charging from the students. The amount of which. per student (Number of Student- 240) is
Note: 3)* l'he Universitl, has paid lollorving expenses against Bus Service to ply students
fiom Kanchanwadi Campus to Padampura Campus and back and the expenses of the same
are as under:
Expenses for PIying of Students (Bus Services)
Financial Year Amount Number of Students
r'y zot 7-2018 345700 60
FY 2018-2019 1629000 120
FY 2019-2020 1 874000 180
TOTAL: 3848700
*Above mdntioned charges for the
Bur S"rni"
Students by the University.
Note: 4) The "User charges" and "other charges" will vary year to year.
Registrar I/c
Registrar lncharge
' r,rharathtra ilational Law Unhersity
Aurangabad'$t m5
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nance Officer Registrar ln-Charge
Finance ii
,"i.,t;-r":rshrr? f lational tlatu Umversty,
' it ..,,i;,c.,;.1-!..!!frs. ilaharashtra National Law University
Aurangabad - $1 m,