Weather Lesson 2nd Grade

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Weather Lesson

Subject/Grade Level: Science/Grade 2

Time/Duration: 60 min

The students should be able to listen to the video on weather discuss as a class what
they viewed to check for understanding. After they will be able to go over the weather
flashcards, cut them out, and then work in groups to complete the Weather-Clothes-
Food worksheet.

112.13. Science (b)(8)(B)  identify the importance of weather and seasonal information
to make choices in clothing, activities, and transportation;

Anticipatory Set
Play “What is Weather?” video

Teaching: Input/Mini-Lesson
After the video discuss what they watched, next talk about the flashcards.

Teaching: Modeling
Using the flashcards, I will talk with students about the weather we have discussed and
different situations of what clothes they wear in what weather. Once I am sure they
understand I will have them work in partners to cut out their flashcards and discuss what
we have been talking about.

Teaching: Checking for Understanding

Once the students have their flashcards cut out. I will call on students to talk about the
flashcards to make sure they an understanding of the different types of weather.

Questioning strategies:
I will ask questions to evaluate if they have a firm understanding of what we have
discussed so far. I will then give them the worksheet Weather-Clothes-Food.

Guided Practice
I will complete the first two questions with the students. I will then have the students
work in different groups to complete the worksheet Weather-Clothes-Food.

Independent Practice
My hope is that the students can finish the worksheet in class. However, any part of the
worksheet not completed will be homework.

I will discuss the answers the children chose for their worksheets. I will ask questions to
make sure they have a clear understanding of the weather and to challenge their
answers to have them explain why they chose the answers they did. I will then discuss
why it is important to understand the connection between the weather and the clothes
we wear or the activities we do.
“Weather flashcards”
“Weather-Clothes-Food” worksheet
*Madeline Hunter-various Internet sources

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