Acknowledgment: Dean, Department of Law, A.M.U. Aligarh For His Inspiring Attitude and Constant
Acknowledgment: Dean, Department of Law, A.M.U. Aligarh For His Inspiring Attitude and Constant
Acknowledgment: Dean, Department of Law, A.M.U. Aligarh For His Inspiring Attitude and Constant
It is solely and exclusively due to the showering mercy of Almighty God who is most
benevolent, merciful, omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient that I have been able
to complete this work.
I owe my heartiest gratitude to Prof. Javaid Talib, Chairman & Prof. Zaheeruddin,
Dean, Department of Law, A.M.U. Aligarh for his inspiring attitude and constant
encouragement to complete this study.
It is not difficult but impossible to give expression in the words to the feelings of
respect, sense of gratitude, indebtness devotion and admiration towards other
Professors especially to Prof. Iqbal Ali Khan who despite of his busy schedule gave
me ample time to evaluate critically the whole thesis and made it possible to complete
the work in time. Yet it gives me immense pleasure to express my profound gratitude
and sincere thanks to my learned professor and supervisor Prof. (Dr.) Zubair Ahmad
Khan for his unparallel guidance, inspiring attitude and constant encouragement
throughout the course of study.
In this endeavour of mine, the pillars of strengthen have been my ever inspiring
parents, immensely helpful husband Dr. Ankit Gupta, without whose encouragement
and tremendous support, this work would not have been possible.
I would like to record my thanks to the staffs of Maulana Azad Library, AMU,
Aligarh, Department of Law, AMU, Aligarh & Center for Women’s Studies, AMU,
My pleasant duty has made to express my sense of gratitude to all those who have
directly and indirectly inspired and prompted me to undertake this difficult task. I
extend my sense of elation to all those who have contributed in my elevation to the
status of writing this thesis.
Kumkum Agarwal