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Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

I, the undersigned, certify that this research work titled “speed hump effect on pavement
condition: the case of Addis Ababa city road” is my original work performed under the
supervision of my research advisor Dr. Ephrem Taddesse and has not been presented
elsewhere for assessment and for a degree in any other university. All sources of materials
used for this thesis have also been duly acknowledge.

Signature: _______________

Undertaker’s Full Name: Meaza Girma Demisa

Place of Undertaking: Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Date: September 2019

M.Sc. Thesis i|Page

Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

One of the traffic calming devices used in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia is speed hump due to low
cost and ease of installation. However, these speed humps are randomly placed without
proper engineering studies and justification. Due to this, speed fluctuations and the excessive
decelerations and accelerations, before and after speed humps, over small distances and
infiltration of water to the pavement surface.The pavement condition near to the speed humps
show failure and deterioration.

The research study was initiated to investigate the effect of speed hump on pavement
condition and also to analyze the relationship between speed hump characteristics and
pavement condition. The research methodology involved selecting representative samples of
road segments that have at least one section with speed hump. For the selected section
pavement condition and IRI data collected from AACRA. Road and speed hump
characteristics data collected from site direct measurement. Collected data analyzed and
compare the pavement condition of these sections with and without speed hump. Regression
analysis models were developed to represent the relationships between pavement conditions
and hump characteristics.

Pothole and Raveling was the most widely observed distress at both sections with and
without speed hump. But their frequency was higher on sections with speed hump. Pavement
condition index (PCI), in road sections with and without speed hump, was calculated from the
pavement condition data. The analysis showed that the presence of speed humps significantly
affected the pavement condition, reducing the PCI of the pavement sections by 34 PCI points
and increase IRI value by 3.4 IRI points. The relation between speed hump characteristics
and pavement condition show that the speed hump height and density have negative relation
with pavement condition index value and speed hump width have positive relation with PCI

Key words: Speed hump, Pavement condition index, International roughness index


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Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

First and for most I would like thanks my ALMIGHTY GOD for all things. Next, I would
like to express my sincere gratitude to my advisor Dr.Ephrem Taddesse for the continuous
support of my thesis, for his patience, motivation, and immense Knowledge. His guidance
helped me in all the time of research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined
having a better advisor and mentor for my thesis.

I would like to appreciate the Addis Ababa City Road Authority, Traffic Management
Agency, and Transport planning Management Office for providing me with latest, relevant,
and valuable data and information.

I would like to express my warmest gratitude to my family and colleagues for their support
and for sharing materials and ideas during the preparation of this thesis.

Table of Contents

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Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

LIST OF FIGURES.................................................................................................................vii
List of Acronyms....................................................................................................................viii
CHAPTER ONE:-INTRODUCTION........................................................................................1
1.1 General........................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Research background..................................................................................................................1
1.3 Research problem of statement..................................................................................................2
1.4 Research Questions.....................................................................................................................3
1.5 Research Objective......................................................................................................................3
1.5.1 General Objective.................................................................................................................3
1.5.2 Specific Objective..................................................................................................................3
1.6 Limitation of the Study................................................................................................................3
1.7 Structure of thesis.......................................................................................................................4
CHAPTER TWO: - LITERATURE REVIEW..........................................................................5
2.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Speed hump types.......................................................................................................................6
2.3 Speed hump characteristics.........................................................................................................8
2.4 Speed hump impact on speed.....................................................................................................8
2.5 Impact of speed hump on safety.................................................................................................9
2.6 Speed hump effect on pavement condition...............................................................................10
2.7 Causes of Pavement Deterioration............................................................................................11
2.8 Pavement Condition Index.........................................................................................................11
2.8.1 Flexible Pavement Distress.................................................................................................12
2.8.2 Pavement distress severity level.........................................................................................14
2.8.2 DEDUCT VALUE CURVES FOR ASPHALT...............................................................................16
2.8.3 Corrected deduct value (CDV) and Pavement Condition Index (PCI), Rating Scale.............17
2.9 International Roughness Index (IRI)...........................................................................................18
CHAPTER THREE: RESEARCH METHODS AND MATERIAL.......................................20
3.1 Description of Research Area.....................................................................................................20
3.2. Study design and site selection strategy...................................................................................21
3.3. Data collection..........................................................................................................................22
3.3.1 Primary source of data........................................................................................................23
3.3.2 Secondary source of data...................................................................................................23
3.4 Methods of Analysis..................................................................................................................24

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Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

3.5.1 Detail distress distribution..................................................................................................25

3.5.2 Pavement condition index..................................................................................................25
3.5.3 International roughness index............................................................................................26
3.5.4 Statistically Analysis and Model development....................................................................26
CHAPTER FOUR:-DATA ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION...............................................27
4.1 Detailed distress analysis...........................................................................................................27
4.1.1 Distress Distribution on total road segments......................................................................27
4.1.2 Distress Distribution on sections with vs without speed hump..........................................28
4.2 Distress severity level................................................................................................................30
4.3 Pavement Condition Index and International Roughness Index value for selected site............31
4.3.1 Pavement Condition Index value........................................................................................31
4.3.2 International roughness Index value...................................................................................34
4.3 Statistical Analysis......................................................................................................................37
4.3.1 Statistical analysis for each road segments.........................................................................37
4.4 Regression Analysis....................................................................................................................41
4.4.1 Model parameter selections...............................................................................................41
4.4.2 Regression Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis.......................................................................43
4.5 The Remedial Measures for effects of speed hump on pavement condition............................45
CHAPTER FIVE: - CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS..................................47
5.1 Conclusions................................................................................................................................47
5.2 Recommendations.....................................................................................................................49
APPENDIX A..........................................................................Error! Bookmark not defined.


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Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

Table 1: Levels of severity for pothole failure [14].................................................................15

Table 2: Levels of severity for Alligator cracking [14]............................................................16
Table 3 Rating scale for IRI scale ...........................................................................................18
Table 4: Selected site for detail pavement condition analysis [3]...........................................22
Table 5: Pavement condition index value results.....................................................................32
Table 6: ANOVA analysis result for PCI value.......................................................................33
Table 7: Roughness Index Value result...................................................................................35
Table 8: ANOVA analysis result for IRI value........................................................................36
Table 9: PCI value ANOVA result for each road segments....................................................38
Table 10:IRI value ANOVA result for each road segments....................................................40
Table 11: Speed hump characteristics data vs PCI difference value data................................41
Table 12:Semen hotel-Afncho ber speed hump characteristics vs PCI....Error! Bookmark not


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Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

Figure 1: Rubber type Speed Breaker Dimensions and Specifications [32]..............................7

Figure 2: Height Adjustable speed breaker type [10]................................................................7
Figure 3: Speed hump characteristic [3]....................................................................................8
Figure 4: Alligator cracking deduct value curve [14]..............................................................16
Figure 5: bleeding deduct value curve [14]..............................................................................16
Figure 6: corrugation deduct value curve [14].........................................................................16
Figure 7: Pothole deduct value curve [14]...............................................................................16
Figure 8 : Rutting deduct value curve [14]..............................................................................17
Figure 9: Revelling deduct value curve [14]............................................................................17
Figure 10: Corrected deduct value [14]...................................................................................17
Figure 11: PCI Rating Scale [14].............................................................................................17
Figure 12: Layout of Addis Ababa City Road network ..........................................................20
Figure 13:Torhayiloch –mendida pavement condition measurement [2]................................23
Figure 14: Vehicle measure International roughness index [2]...............................................24
Figure 15: PCI vs distress type, distress quantity and distress severity...................................25
Figure 16:Total Distress Distribution on total road segements................................................28
Figure 17: Frequency of distress on section with and without speed hump............................28
Figure 18: Total Distress Distribution on sections without speed hump.................................29
Figure 19:Total Distress Distribution on section with speed hump........................................29
Figure 20 :-Distress severity level............................................................................................30
Figure 21: PCI value for sections with and without hump.......................................................33
Figure 22:IRI value on sections with and without hump.........................................................36
Figure 23: Average PCI values at sections with and without hump........................................38
Figure 24: The average PCI difference value at each road segments......................................39
Figure 25: Average IRI values at with and without hump.......................................................40
Figure 26: IRI difference value at each road segments............................................................41
Figure 27: Average Speed hump width....................................................................................42
Figure 28: Average Speed hump height...................................................................................43
Figure 29: Average Speed hump density.................................................................................43

List of Acronyms

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Speed hump effect on pavement condition for Addis Ababa City roads case study 2019

AACRA: Addis Ababa City Road Authority

AACRTMA: Addis Ababa City Road Traffic Management Agency
AASHTO: American Association of State Highway and Transport Office
ANOVA: Analysis of Variance
ASTM: American Society for Testing and Material
CDV: Corrected deducted value
IRI: International Roughness Index
ITE: Institute of Transportation Engineering
PCI: Pavement Condition Index
TDV: Total deducted value
TPMO: Transport Project Management Office
WRI: World Resources Institute

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1.1 General
Addis Ababa lies at an elevation of 2,300 meters and is a grassland biome, located
at 9°1′48″N 38°44′24″E Coordinates, The city lies at the foot of Mount Entoto and forms part
of the watershed for the Awash. From its lowest point, around Bole International Airport, at
2,326 meters above sea level in the southern periphery, the city rises to over 3,000 meters in
the Entoto Mountains to the north [1].

The city is located total area of 526.47 km² and divided into 10 boroughs, called sub-cities
(kifle-ketema which are Yeka, Gullele, Bole, Kirkos, Arada, Lideta, Addis Ketema,
KolfeKeranio, Nifas Silk-Lafto and AkakyKaliti), and 99 wards (kebele)[2].

1.2 Research background

According to ITE the guidelines for design and application of speed humps was approved in
1997 which report that speed humps should be installed on roadway facilities classified as
local streets by the AASHTO. The roadway should not be more than two travel lanes or
travelled significantly by long wheel-based vehicles. Additionally, it should have a horizontal
curve of 300 feet radius or more and a grade of eight percent or less. The posted or prima
facie speed limit should be 30 mph or less; ITE warned that installation on roadways with a
higher speed limit warranted careful consideration [9].

The main speed calming device types installed in Ethiopia are speed hump and rumple strip,
which is vertical calming measure. Speed humps are raised pavements spanning across a
roadway, accordingly; forcing drivers to reduce the speed of their vehicles.

The main cause of fatalities in Addis Ababa City is relate with high speed driving. To
counteract this high-speed movement of vehicles, implementing speed hump and rumple
strips is one of the road safety works. Speed humps used to reduce vehicle speed to improve
road traffic safety. Its speed reduction capability is directly related to its height (height above
pavement level) to width (in the longitudinal direction of a road) ratio, which determines the
vertical deflection capacity of the sped hump.

Moreover, these speed humps and rumple strips in Addis Ababa city are construct in a
manner that cut the existing asphalt and casting the asphalt concrete hump on cut section.
Whereas, based on the relevant studies reviewed, there is a consensus that utility cuts have an

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overall negative impact on the performance of pavements in terms of loss of pavement life
and structural pavement strength. Several studies indicated that pavement lives were reduce
about 15 to 50 percent depending on the number and extensiveness of Pavement cuts. The
average difference in overlay thickness is 1.58 inches i.e. the overlay thickness due to the
presence of the cuts is 1.58 inches thicker than the control section. These improper speed
humps affect the pavement condition and might be a factor in reducing the pavement service
life [5].

The presence of such humps has negative impact on roadway level-of-service, as they
increase travel time and delay. They also may cause serious damages to vehicles and
passengers, and increase fuel consumption and pollution. Moreover, these improper speed
humps may deteriorate the pavement condition, before and after the location of hump, due to
excessive acceleration and deceleration movements, and at time of construction the breaker
installed by cutting the existing pavement which may be a factor in reducing the pavement
service life [10].

Consequently, there is an urgent need to investigate the impact of speed hump characteristics
on pavement condition, in order to assess how much they contribute to the pavement
deterioration of city roads dominated by speed humps. Therefore, this paper presents a
practical study to collect and analyse visual inspection and International roughness index data
for the reason of evaluating the impact of speed hump characteristics on pavement condition.
The visual inspection data are carried out or collected by field survey for pavement distresses
that characterized by PCI.

Pavement condition index rates the condition of the surface of a road network. It provides a
numerical rating for the condition of road segments within the road network, where 0 is the
worst possible condition and 100 is the best.

1.3 Research problem of statement

The main speed-calming device used in Addis Ababa city is speed hump and rumble strip but
due to lack of proper control system different improper design of speed calming device and
adaptation of speed hump constructed by asphalt concrete. Due to the rigidity and durability
of these materials, they have more permanence and are more effective at slowing traffic.
However, they can be difficult to shape and form into consistent forms and precise

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dimensions [10]. Which force the vehicle to decelerate and accelerate during this time it
result dynamic load to the pavement.

The pavement condition near to the speed breakers and on speed, breakers show failure and
deterioration, which allow water to inter to pavement and result rough surface condition
difficult to drive and affect pavement service life.

Thus, quantify the effect of speed breaker characteristics (height, width, and space between
consecutive speed breakers) on pavement condition and develop proper model for Addis
Ababa city case help to improve next design on characteristics of speed hump.

1.4 Research Questions

 What are impacts of speed breaker on pavement condition?
 How can we quantify speed breakers characteristics effects on Pavement?
 What mathematical model is vital for pavement condition and speed breaker
characteristics relationship?

1.5 Research Objective

1.5.1 General Objective

The main objective of this research is to investigate speed hump installation effect on
pavement condition on Addis Ababa City Road case study.

1.5.2 Specific Objective

 To undertake pavement condition study.
 To investigate major asphalt pavement distress and their severity level.
 To develop mathematical model for pavement condition and speed hump
characteristics relationship.
 To recommend the remedial measures for speed hump effect on pavement condition.

1.6 Limitation of the Study

The study based on Visual inspection and IRI data was used to analysis the effect of speed
hump on pavement. Whereas, structural effect that cannot detect visual did not considered
since it need using falling weight deflection method, but this device is not available here. In
addition, pavement condition study undertake for 100 meter sections since available
pavement condition data is for this section but not only pavement condition just near speed

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1.7 Structure of thesis
This research is divide into five main chapters. Chapter one intends to introduce the
underlying background science to the topic and the intended Purposes in doing the research.
The second chapter extends the effort to look on background science in detail by reviewing
vast materials in the area. The third one defines the materials and methods that were follow.
Fourthly, the data collected from the study area is present and summarized in Tables, and
analysed. Then in Chapter Five, the conclusion and recommendation of the study presented

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2.1 Introduction
The concept of traffic calming originated in the Netherlands. In the 1960s, traffic volumes in
the Netherlands increased as the automobile became more popular. By the late 1960s, Dutch
transportation officials began receiving public complaints about speeding traffic through
residential neighbourhoods. Dutch town of Delft in 1970 when city officials built a 0.26-foot
(8-centimetre) road hump at the end of an alley .The concept of traffic calming has spread
throughout Europe, Canada, the United States, and Australia. In 1975, Berkeley, California,
implemented the first major traffic-calming program in the United States. Traffic calming
programs found throughout the United States. At least 60 local governments in 22 states now
have traffic calming programs. Since various interpretations of what traffic calming is have
emerged, the ITE developed a standard definition of traffic calming in 1997[6].

Traffic calming measures in Africa was introduced partially during the colonial era when
most African countries were under the rule of the white minority. South Africa was the first
African country to undertake research on traffic calming devices and this spread to other
African countries like Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia and Kenya. This was
necessitating by the increase in accident rates in cities. Due to high traffic volumes causing
vehicular and pedestrian conflict at crossing points [6].

Speed hump were introduced in Addis Ababa during 2007E.C by standard height of 5cm and
50 m distance between them 50 cm to traffic direction by using Asphalt concrete type of
speed hump, starting from 2010 E.C.AACRTMA adopted the speed hump design
recommended by WRI in the guidelines cities safer by design [3].

Traffic Calming is the combination of manly physical measures that reduce the negative
effects of motor vehicle use, alter driver behaviour, and improve conditions for non-
motorized street user [15].

Speed control measures are physical devices designed to reduce vehicle speed. Some of these
devices have an impact on traffic volumes. Speed control devices can be divide into three
categories: horizontal measures, narrowing and vertical measures [15].

Horizontal speed control measures are physical devices that require vehicles to shift laterally.
Drivers must reduce their vehicle speed to manoeuvre comfortably through and around the
shift. The most commonly used horizontal measure is the traffic circle. Traffic circles are

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typically raised circular islands located in the centre of an intersection. Typical concerns
related to the implementation of traffic circles are the ability of large vehicles to manoeuvre
around an obstacle with a small radius, the safety of pedestrians and bicyclists, and the cost of
implementation [15].

Road narrowing’s are created when the travel lane is physically reduced or perceived to be
reduced by the driver and are often used to “pedestrianize” an intersection by creating shorter
crossing distances .Several different methods and devices have been used to narrow the travel
way. Examples of narrowing are include “neck downs” the addition of a centre island and
“chokers.” Properly designed narrowing’s also decrease the crossing distance for pedestrians
and/or operate as a pedestrian refuge [15].

Vertical speed control measures are physical devices design to displace vertically the frame
of a vehicle. Drivers must reduce speed to pass comfortably this type of obstacle. Examples
of vertical speed control measures include raised intersections, speed humps, and speed tables

2.2 Speed hump types

Traffic calming device can be prepare from a variety of materials, including asphalt, concrete,
recycled plastic, metal, or vulcanized rubber. Traditionally most vertical deflection devices
have been construct of asphalt or concrete. Due to the rigidity and durability of these
materials, they have more permanence and are more effective at slowing traffic. However,
they can be difficult to shape and form into consistent forms and precise dimensions [7].
Improper speed hump shape and form results mislead speed hump purpose it increase travel
time, decelerate and accelerate vehicle ,result dynamic load to pavement, increase fuel
consumption and result discomfort to driver and passenger. Then, capacity of the road was
obtained for fixed traffic-calming device spacing as the flow rate from which delay presented
exponential growth. Capacity of a cross-town road varied between 810 and 1300 vehicles per
hour and lane with traffic calming devices spacing from 25 to 400 meters [31].

Rubber products pre-shaped to standard sizes to meet industry standards. Preformed rubber
products typically bolt down, making them easier to install or remove. Temporary bolt-down
installations can be ideal for planners in testing the use and positioning of speed bumps
before implementing them in a larger project. Bolt-down products can also be remove or
relocated during winter snow periods. Where, speed bumps are easily conceal and may be
damage by snow. Those type of speed hump can meet required speed hump characteristics

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and meet speed hump purpose that force the vehicle to drive by given posted speed when they
drive above speed limit [7].

Speed breaker modules shall be made from 100% recycled rubber and a two-part
polyurethane binder making the speed breaker impervious to motor fuels, oils, solvents, road
salts, and outdoor environment. The rubber shall be obtained from recycled truck and tractor
tire treads only .which is all rubber as compared to car tires, which contain synthetic rubber

Figure 1: Rubber type Speed Breaker Dimensions and Specifications [32]

Other type of speed hump is automatic height adjustable speed humps, which are designed to
get activated only if vehicles are travelling above a certain speed and vehicles within the
speed limit will not experience the discomfort of the speed bump. Since speed bumps are not
experienced for vehicles with in the speed limit, the changing of gear of vehicle is not
necessary and hence fuel consumption of vehicles due to road bumps may reduce [10].

Figure 2: Height Adjustable speed breaker type [10]

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2.3 Speed hump characteristics
To achieve the desired speed of driving, the cross-sectional width, and height of speed humps
specified. Common speed hump shapes are parabolic, circular, and sinusoidal
[3].AACRTMA adopt speed hump characteristics have design is specified for 30 km/hr, 40
km/hr and 50 km/hr as follows.

Figure 3: Speed hump characteristic [3]

Based on the field study on humps characteristics and hump-crossing speeds of passenger
cars, microbuses, and motorcycles vehicles, the results have shown that statistically
significant regression relationships could be predict. Strong correlation found between the
hump-crossing speed and speed hump characteristics. The height of speed hump showed a
negative correlation with hump-crossing speed. On the other hand, a strong positive
correlation found between length and hump-crossing speed. In addition, a strong positive
correlation between the distance between the successive humps and vehicles speed [28].

2.4 Speed hump impact on speed

Speed profile using GPS, over closed speed humps, demonstrates the speed fluctuations and
the excessive decelerations and accelerations before and after speed humps. This will cause
increase in travel time and delay, probable damages to vehicles, discomfort to passengers,
and increase in fuel consumption and pollution as well as deterioration in pavement condition

Rash driving is the cause of many road accidents all over the world. Road bumps play a
crucial role and significantly contribute to the overall road safety objective through the
prevention of accidents that lead to deaths of pedestrians and damage of vehicles. The speed

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humps used for discouraging vehicle drivers from driving excessive speed. These are
typically comprised of concrete or solid humps that form a transverse ridge in the road and
are generally above the road surface. The vehicles while passing over the hump undergo a
jolt; hence, the drivers are discouraged for travelling at high speed. For vehicles which are
within the speed limit unnecessary fuel consumption may occur due to gear changes during
the hump .So the speed hump are may require only when the vehicle is above the speed

The relationship between traffic safety and road surface condition where the road surface
condition was described in terms of rut depth and unevenness. The results indicated that ruts
possibly seem to have a tendency to improve traffic safety while unevenness has the opposite
effect. Investigated the relation between traffic safety and road surface condition for the
Swedish National Road Administration’s further corroborated the findings in the earlier
study. The results showed that the accident ratio increases with increasing unevenness higher
(International Roughness Index, IRI)[26].

The installation of speed humps contributed greatly to reduce vehicles speed, the flow of
traffic and accidents rate. On the other hand, the results proved that humps also contribute
significantly to the environmental pollution, damage to the pavement and vehicles especially
when they are poorly design and located. The majority of respondents attributed the random
spread of the speed humps to the weakness of the authorities in law enforcement and the
prevention of the installation of new humps without authorization. Finally, with the
widespread use of speed humps and with the exception of the positive impact on traffic
safety, it also has negative impacts on both the economy and the environment. The use of
speed humps can cause many harmful effects to the neighbourhood, if there no strict control
on its installation process [27].

2.5 Impact of speed hump on safety

Analysis of fatal and injury accident data on the road sections with vertical traffic calming
measures showed the significant decrease of fatal and injury accidents after installation of
these measures. The number of fatal and injury accidents decreased by 60%, the number of
people injured decreased by 63%, the number of people killed decreased by 82% [11].

In foreign countries the effects of vertical traffic calming measures on the change in the
number of road accidents, severity have been evaluated in a number of studies. Based on that
studies presented that implementing speed humps on roads reduces the number of injury

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accidents about 41% .assessed the effect of various safety countermeasures implemented in
New York City. The changes in average accidents per year percolation from the before period
to the after period on the sections where speed humps were placed showed that the number of
fatal and injury accidents decreased by about 33% [12].

To decreasing the number of accidents and the consumption of the fuel due to road bumps,
Height adjustable speed hump is developed .The primary objective is to detecting of the
speed of the vehicle whether, the vehicle is above or below the speed limit. Then an
automatic speed bump is raise according to the speed of the vehicle. Therefore, it can help in
avoiding the major road accidents and provides a comfort for people who are driving vehicle
within the speed limit. Raising and falling of Hump based on the speed of the vehicle is
implementing. This has been develop to avoid road accidents due to over speeding of the
vehicles. This kind of system may reduce fuel consumption of vehicles, which are travelling
within the speed limit [10].

2.6 Speed hump effect on pavement condition

Moreover, these speed humps are sometimes construct in a manner that may cut the water
path over the pavement surface. The presence of such humps has a negative impact on
roadway level-of-service, as they increase travel time and delay. They also may cause serious
damages to vehicles and passengers, and increase fuel consumption and pollution. The
possible effects of illegal speed traffic humps of pavement condition in Alexandria city,
Egypt. The results proved that the presence of such improper speed humps could reduce the
average pavement condition index (PCI) of the examined road sections by up to 19 PCI
points [13].

The presence of speed humps contributes greatly to reduce the pavement condition index
(PCI) values. The average reduction in PCI values ranged between 15% and 22% due to the
presence of speed humps. In addition, the most frequently observed distress on the pavement
sections including humps considered for the selected roads was Ravelling and Rutting.
Accordingly, to avoid the pavement defects at the locations where the speed humps installed,
it is propose to study the structural section of the road near the speed hump to resist the
braking force and speed reduction effect. [25].

Significant and strong correlations found between PCI and examined speed hump
characteristics. The signs of the correlation coefficients are the expected direction. The width

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of speed hump and distance from preceding hump show positive correlation with PCI. On the
other hand, height of speed hump showed negative correlation with PCI [4].

Serviceability loss is one of pavement design parameter used in AASHTO pavement design
procedures .Initial Serviceability Index (Po): The initial serviceability index (Po) is the PSI
immediately after the pavement is open. At the AASHO road test, values of 4.5 for rigid
pavement and 4.2 for flexible pavement were assumed. In addition, Terminal Serviceability
Index (Pt): The terminal serviceability index (Pt) is considered to be the PSI that represents
the lowest acceptable level before resurfacing or reconstruction becomes necessary [30].

2.7 Causes of Pavement Deterioration

Sudden increase in traffic loading, especially on new roads where the design is based on
lesser traffic is a major cause of cracking. After construction of good road, traffic of other
roads also shifts to that road. This accelerates the fatigue failure (Alligator Cracking).
Temperature variation ranging from 50º C to below zero conditions in the plain areas of
North and Central India leads to bleeding and cracking. Provision of poor shoulders leads to
edge failures. Provision of poor clayey subgrade results in corrugation at the surface and
increase in unevenness.

Poor drainage conditions especially during rainy seasons, force the water to enter the
pavement from the sides as well as from the top surface. In case of open graded bituminous
layer, this phenomenon becomes more dangerous and the top layer gets detached from the
lower layers. If the temperature of bitumen/bituminous mixes is not maintained properly, then
it also leads to pavement failure. Overheating of bitumen reduces the binding property of
bitumen. If the temperature of bituminous mix has been lowered down then the compaction
will not be proper leading to longitudinal corrugations [36].

2.8 Pavement Condition Index

A visual inspection of the pavement surface can provide valuable information. Visual
inspection data used to evaluate the current pavement condition, predict future pavement
performance, determine and prioritize pavement Maintenance and Rehabilitation needs,
estimate repair quantities and evaluate the performance of different M-and-R techniques and

The PCI procedure is the standard used by the road industry and the military to assess
visually the current pavement condition. During a PCI survey, visible signs of deterioration

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are record and analysed. The final calculated PCI value is a number from zero to 100, with
100 representing a pavement in excellent condition [14].

The pavement condition rating is determined from a correlation that presents pavement
condition rating as a function of the PCI value.

When interpreting the collected visual condition data, three different aspects of the collected
data are of interest: the composite index, the type of distress present and the rate of
deterioration. The PCI value itself provides a general idea of the pavement condition and the
magnitude of work that will be required to rehabilitate the pavement. Pavements at the upper
end of the scale are more likely to be candidates for maintenance and minor rehabilitation,
while those in the lower ranges are more likely to require structural rehabilitation or
reconstruction [14].
To evaluate a pavement, first, the pavement network should be divide into branches (such as
streets, parking areas, etc.) and each branch should be divide into sections that have certain
consistent characteristics throughout their area or length, such as structural composition,
construction history, and traffic and pavement condition. A sample unit is any identifiable
area of the pavement section. It is the smallest component of the pavement network. Each
pavement section is divide in to sample units for the purpose of pavement inspection [26].

2.8.1 Flexible Pavement Distress

As pavements age and experience traffic repetitions, pavement distresses begin to
accumulate. For example, the hardening effect increases the stiffness of asphalt with age
making the material more susceptible to thermal cracking [34].
The deterioration of a pavement is apparent by various external signs and indicators called
distresses. Pavement distress is often a result of a combination of factors, rather than just one
root factor discussed in the above paragraphs. Before the appropriate repair strategy to be
applied to a distressed asphalt pavement, the type and extent of the deterioration must be
Asphalt Road Pavement Rehabilitation and Maintenance Case Study in Addis Ababa City
Roads Authority understood, and the cause of the distress must be identified. Generally,
pavement distresses are fall into one of the following categories [33].
The most common distress types on flexible pavement are:
 Potholes: a pot hole in a road surfaces that result from gradual damage caused by
traffic or weather. These are bowl-shaped holes similar to depressions. They are
progressive failures. First, small fragments of the top layer are dislodged. Over time,

M.Sc. Thesis 12 | P a g e
the distress will progress downward into the lower layers of the pavement. Potholes
are often located in areas of poor drainage. Potholes are formed when the pavement
disintegrates under traffic loading, due to inadequate strength in one or more layers
of the pavement, usually accompanied by the presence of water. Most potholes
would not occur if the root cause was repaired before development of the pothole.
Repair by excavating and rebuilding. Area repairs or reconstruction may be required
for extensive potholes.
 Raveling Asphalt: Raveling and weathering are progressive deterioration of an
asphalt concrete surface as a result of loss of aggregate particles (raveling) and
asphalt binder (weathering) from the surface downward. Raveling and weathering
occur as a result of loss of bond between aggregates and the asphalt binder. This
may occur due to hardening of the asphalt cement, dust on the aggregate which
interferes with asphalt adhesion, localized areas of segregation in the asphalt
concrete mix where fine aggregate particles are lacking, or low in-place density of
the mix due to inadequate compaction. High air void contents are associated with
more rapid aging and increased likelihood of raveling. Increased asphalt film
thickness can significantly reduce the rate of aging and offset the effects of high air
voids. Surface softening and aggregate dislodging due to oil spillage are also
classified as raveling. Raveling and weathering may pose a safety hazard if
deteriorated areas of the surface collect enough water to cause hydroplaning or
wheel spray. Loose debris on the pavement surface which may also be picked up by
vehicle tires is also a potential safety hazard
 Alligator cracking: This is commonly called alligator cracking. This is a series of
interconnected cracks creating small, irregular shaped pieces of pavement. It is
caused by failure of the surface layer or base due to repeated traffic loading
(fatigue). Eventually, the cracks lead to disintegration of the surface. The final result
is potholes. Alligator cracking is usually associated with base or drainage problems.
Small areas may be fixed with a patch or area repair. Larger areas require
reclamation or reconstruction. Drainage must be carefully examined in all cases.
 Rutting: Rutting is the formation of longitudinal depression of the wheel paths, most
often due to consolidation or movement of material in either the base or subgrade or
in the asphalt concrete layer. Another, unrelated, cause of rutting is abrasion due to
studded tires and tire chains. Deformation which occurs in the base and underlying

M.Sc. Thesis 13 | P a g e
layers is related to the thickness of the asphalt concrete surface, the thickness and
stability of the base and sub base layers, and the quality and uniformity of subgrade
support, as well as the number and magnitude of applied loads. Deformation which
occurs only in the asphalt concrete later may be the result of either consolidation or
plastic flow. Consolidation is the continued compaction of asphalt concrete by
traffic loads applied after construction. Consolidation may produce significant
rutting in asphalt layers which are very thick and which are compacted during
construction to initial air void contents considerably higher than the long-term air
void contents for which the mixes were designed. Plastic flow is the lateral
movement of the mix away from the wheel paths, most often as a result of excessive
asphalt content, exacerbated by the use of small, rounded aggregates and/or
inadequate compaction during construction.
 Block cracking: Interconnected cracks that divide the pavement up into rectangular
 Longitudinal cracking: Cracks parallel to the pavement's centerline direction.
 Patching: An area of pavement that has been replaced with new material to repair
the existing pavement.
The above distress types are the most commonly observed distress type on flexible
pavements [22].
The most commonly observed distress trend in Addis Ababa City roads are raveling, rutting,
shoving, crocodile crack, failed and pothole respectively but also often observe distress on
roadside and Many vehicles park on roadside. In terms of preventive maintenance, distress on
roadside should be repaired, but its importance is lower than distress on carriageway [24].

2.8.2 Pavement distress severity level

The severity level of distress is depend on type of distress for pothole the severity is
determined by area of the pothole, for alligator crack based on the area and crack width
,whereas for rutting based on rut depth.
According to ASTM D 6433 severity level for pavement, distresses are as the following. Pothole
Potholes are small—usually less than 750 mm (30 in.) in diameter—bowl-shaped depressions
in the pavement surface. They generally have sharp edges and vertical sides near the top of
the hole. When potholes are created by high-severity alligator cracking, they should be
identified as potholes, not as weathering.

M.Sc. Thesis 14 | P a g e
The levels of severity for potholes less than 750 mm (30 in.) in diameter based on both the
diameter and the depth of the pothole, according to table 1.

Table 1: Levels of severity for pothole failure [14]

Maximum depth of Average Diameter(mm)(in)
pothole 100 to 200 mm(4 to 200 to 450 mm(8 to 450 to 750 mm(18 to
8 in) 18 in) 30 in)
13 to ≤ 25 mm(1 ½ to L L M
1 in)
>25 and ≤ 50 mm(1 to L M H
2 in)
>50 mm(2 in) M M H
Where, L; low, M: medium and H: high

If the pothole is more than 750 mm (30 in.) in diameter, the area should be determined in
square feet and divided by 0.5 m2 (5.5 ft2) find the equivalent number of holes .If the depth
is 25 mm (1 in.) or less, the holes are considered medium-severity. If the depth is more than
25 mm (1 in.), they considered high-severity. Rutting
Severity level (Mean Rut depth)
Low 6 to 13 mm
Medium->13 to 25 mm
High->25 mm (>1 in) Alligator cracking
Cracks are <= 0.25 in (6mm) in mean width. Cracks in the pattern are no further apart than 1
foot (0.328 m).

Cracks are >0.25 in. (6 mm) and <= 0.75 in. (19 mm) or any crack with a mean width <= 19
mm and adjacent low severity cracking. Cracks in the pattern are no further apart than 6 in.
(150 mm).


Cracks are >0.75 in (19mm) or any crack with a mean width <= 0.75 in (19mm) and adjacent
medium to high severity random cracking.

Table 2: Levels of severity for Alligator cracking [14]

M.Sc. Thesis 15 | P a g e


Low L M H
Med M M H
high H H H
Where, L; low, M: medium and H: high


According to ASTM D 6433 deducted value for each asphalt distress type are as the

Figure 4: Alligator cracking deduct value curve [14]

Figure 5: bleeding deduct value curve [14]

Figure 6: corrugation deduct value curve [14]

Figure 7: Pothole deduct value curve [14]

M.Sc. Thesis 16 | P a g e
Figure 8 : Rutting deduct value curve [14]
Figure 9: Revelling deduct value curve [14]

2.8.3 Corrected deduct value (CDV) and Pavement Condition Index (PCI),
Rating Scale

According to ASTM D4633 corrected deducted value form total deducted value and number
of deducted will ready from the figure 9 and PCI rating scale from Figure 10.

Figure 10: Corrected deduct value [14]

Figure 11: PCI Rating Scale [14]

M.Sc. Thesis 17 | P a g e
2.9 International Roughness Index (IRI)
Roughness of road surface is a measure of the amount and type of deviations from a smooth
road surface. There exists longitudinal roughness (e.g. bumps in asphaltic concrete in front of
traffic lights), transverse roughness (e.g. tracks that can cause aquaplaning), road surface
irregularities (e.g. holes in the road surface) and then there is roughness caused by road
material (e.g. a brick road). Irregular road surfaces result in a certain amount of noise and
vibration, thereby decreasing driver comfort. The effect on driving speed is not the result of
the roughness of the road surface per se, but rather an effect of a reduction in driver comfort.
A road surface can be described in terms of material and structure, micro-roughness and
colour. A subtle measure would be to use a road surface that has a micro-rough structure that
only causes an increased noise level inside the car [37].

There are a number of different ways to measure ride quality, but the IRI has become the
standard international scale. The IRI was developed in the late 1970’s and early 1980’s based
on initial research in the United States and subsequent research sponsored by the World
Bank. The IRI can be measured by an extensive range of equipment from rod and level
through response-type meters to very accurate laser-based profilometers. Unevenness is a
prolonged profile picture of the pavement, which is a picture of the comfort of driving on the
highway. This quantitative value of unevenness is expressed in the International Roughness
Index (IRI), i.e., the cumulative length of rising and fall of the surface per unit length in
which IRI units are shown in meters down the length of road miles (m / km).[20]

Table 3: Rating scale for IRI scale [20].

IRI Scale m/Km Pavement Criteria
0-2 Very Good
2-4 Good
4-6 Fair
6-8 Poor
8-10 Very poor

PCI functional survey method requires time cost and labour not a little. With such regular
road conditions, it is necessary to create a model illustrating the relationship between IRI and
PCI values, thereby improving the results of better identification of the functional conditions
of the roads to make appropriate decisions for the road conditions. The relationship between
PCI value and IRI value are IRI =16.07 e−0.26 PCI [21].

M.Sc. Thesis 18 | P a g e
The International Roughness Index (IRI) use to define a characteristic of the longitudinal
profile of a travel wheel track and constitutes standardized roughness. The commonly
recommended units are meters per kilometer (m/km) or millimeters per meter (mm/m). IRI
gathered by the Profiler van. The index measures pavement roughness in terms of the number
of inches per mile that a laser, mounted on the Profiler van, jumps as the van driven along the
roadway. Typically, the lower the IRI number, the smoother the ride; but IRI is not known as
a direct measure of rider discomfort [23].

Rough roads are about more than just an uncomfortable ride. The roughness of a road is one
indicator of how soon a road needs maintenance or reconstruction, which is tie to federal and
state budget allocations. Furthermore, rougher roads can decrease the efficiency of a vehicle,
increasing fuel use and greenhouse gas emissions [28].

M.Sc. Thesis 19 | P a g e
3.1 Description of Research Area
Addis Ababa city have total road network of 6537 km from which 2,763km Asphalt 1,675
Gravel and 2,135 km Coble stone. In general this city reach above 20% road network up to
June, 2010ec [1].
Addis Ababa city adopt speed calming device since 2008e.c by AACRA on road segment
Wingat to 18 mazoriya, Bisrategebrael to kore and wosen to Kara, currently speed hump and
rumple strips are constructing by AACRTMA.

Figure 12: Layout of Addis Ababa City Road network [2]

M.Sc. Thesis 20 | P a g e
3.2. Study design and site selection strategy
Sequence of the methodologies used was that, first literature reviewed and assesses relevant
documents related to the speed hump effect on pavement condition, due to result of dynamic
load, pounding of water during rainy season and result infiltration to the pavement. Secondly,
sites selected for in depth analysis about the existence condition of pavement. The site select
based on their representativeness of condition of Addis Ababa city roads.

According to ASTM D6433 the minimum number of sample units (n) that must be Surveyed
within a given section to obtain a statistically adequate estimate (95 % confidence) of the PCI
of the sections calculated using the following formula and rounding n to the next highest
whole number.

n =N S /2
4 (( ) )
( N−1 ) + S2 . ................................. (3-1)


e = acceptable error in estimating the section PCI; commonly, e=±5 PCI points;

s = standard deviation of the PCI from one sample unit to another within the section. When
performing the initial inspection the standard deviation assumed 10 for AC pavements.

N = total number of sample units in the section.

Then according to Equation 3-1 the minimum number of n inspected are as follow.

n =26*102/
(( )4 )
( 26−1 ) +102 =10, Where N=26 from Appendix table A-1 which is total

number of road segment in Addis Ababa have speed hump on them.

Ten-road segments had speed hump selected for detail analysis and data collection as the
following table 4 based on speed hump installation year on them since pavement condition
can be easily detected for those year serve several year .

M.Sc. Thesis 21 | P a g e
Table 4: Selected site for detail pavement condition analysis [3]

No Speed hump location No. of No. of Speed Limit Construction date

. speed rumble (Km/hr)
hump strip
1 Aware RA - Parlama April 2010 E.C
signalized intersection 3 7 30
2 Minilik II hospital - April 2010 E.C
KokebeTsibah 4 8 40
secondary school
3 Semen hotel signalized April 2010 E.C
intersection - 2 4 30
4 Mendida intersection - 10 18 30 May 2010 E.C
Tor hayloch
5 Jackros intersection - 17 - 30 June 2010 E.C
Goro RA
6 Mekanisa Abo-Bridge 8 9 30 May 2010 E.C
7 Torhayiloch -mendida 8 30 May 2010 E.C
8 Wingate RA -18
mazoria RA 5 6 80 December 2008 E.C
9 Bisrategebireal -korae 5 40 December 2008 E.C

Abem-Kara 9 30 December 2008 E.C

3.3. Data collection

To assess the effect of speed hump on pavement condition and to study characteristic of
speed hump on pavement condition different methods and approaches used for data
collections. The data collection focuses on acquiring both secondary and primary data. The
secondary data could help to have a comprehensive understanding of what are the effects of
speed hump installation on pavement condition and over all road condition for Addis Ababa
city case. It also enables us to gain knowledge on what has done in the past and current
situation, the attempted solutions, and possible achieved solutions to problems existing in the
study area. On the other hand, primary data collect based on the knowledge gained through
the secondary data to assess the extent of problem and to select the appropriate site to collect
visual inspection, road characteristics, and International roughness index value.

M.Sc. Thesis 22 | P a g e
3.3.1 Primary source of data
To attain the objective of the research different types of data collected through different
techniques from field by direct measurement of road and speed hump characteristics.for each
ten selected road segments divided by 100-meter sections

Data’s include the following information, but not limited to:

 Road length (km)

 Speed limit (km/h)
 Average pavement width (m)
 Number of speed humps
 Average height of humps (cm)
 Average width of speed humps (m)

3.3.2 Secondary source of data

All necessary documents from different public organizations such as AACRA,TPMO and
AACRTMA collated. And different related documents such as; books, international journals,
studies and other speed claim related materials were reviewed to assess the current condition
of speed hump installation rate condition and its effect on pavement life and deterioration of
pavements near to speed hump. Pavement condition data

This data use for pavement condition analysis by using quantitative data gathering methods
visual inspection pavement distress data collected by using ASTM standard data collection
method by measure the size of failure for each section is collected from AACRA.

M.Sc. Thesis 23 | P a g e
Figure 13:Torhayiloch –Mendida pavement
condition measurement [2] International roughness Index

International roughness Index data are collect by AACRA by using vehicle that measures the
unevenness of prolonged profile picture of the pavement, which is a picture of the comfort of
driving on the highway. Each road segments have sections divided by 100 m length; here IRI
data was measure for each sections by considered speed hump as pavement distress.

M.Sc. Thesis 24 | P a g e
Figure 14: Vehicle measure International roughness index [2]

3.4 Methods of Analysis

In order to characterize the populations of PCI, IRI and speed hump characteristics, some
statistical analysis like arithmetic mean, standard deviation, coefficient of variation, F-test ,T
test and regression analysis done to determine the uniformity and relationship of the
collected data.

The approach used to for examining the effect of speed humps was to select road segments
that had sections with speed humps and sections with no speed humps. In total, 10 road
segments had at least one section with speed hump and one without speed hump. In this
research, speed humps were observe on 40% of the pavement sections considered in the
study. As a result, enough data were available to investigate the effect of the presence of
these humps on the pavement condition.

Therefore, for the data analysis purposes three approaches are discussed namely detail
distress distribution, Pavement condition index, and International roughness index, which are
discuses as follow.

3.5.1 Detail distress distribution

By this part, the type and frequency of distress distribution examined for over all study road
segments and for sections with and without humps. Severity level for each distress identified
from ASTM standard severity level rating guidelines for each distress type separately.

3.5.2 Pavement condition index

From the collected data of different road segments and sections, from visual inspection data
for each section PCI value calculated according to distress type, distress quantity and distress
severity. The steps for determining the PCI rating are conduct as per literature ASTM D 4633.

M.Sc. Thesis 25 | P a g e
1. Inspect sample unit, determine distress type and severity level and then measure
the density.
2. The deduct values are determined from the deduct value curves for each distress
type and severity.
3. A total deduct value (TDV) is computed by summing all individual deduct values.
4. Once the TDV is computed, the corrected deduct value (CDV) can be determined
from the correction curves. When determining the CDV, if any individual deduct
value is higher than the CDV, the CDV is set equal to the highest individual
deduct value.
5. The PCI is computed using the relation PCI = 100 − CDV.




Figure 15: PCI vs distress type, distress quantity and distress severity
The PCI value is calculated using the above steps, where deducted value indicate how much
the pavement condition is deducted from normal pavement condition level by existence of
one failure type and total deducted value indicate the total deduction of pavement condition
by total addition of all deducted value for each distress type and severity level. Whereas not
all distress type and severity level can have equal contribution to pavement condition
deduction, the total deducted value corrected by using corrected deduct value curve.
Pavement condition index calculated by deducting CDV from 100. Where 100 PCI value
point is the excellent condition of the pavement.

M.Sc. Thesis 26 | P a g e
3.5.3 International roughness index
The measured IRI value for each sections of the road analysed and compared for sections
with and without humps for similar road segment. Using statistical analysis of T value for
comparing the two mean values of roughness index at section have and have not hump for
each road segment.

3.5.4 Statistically Analysis and Model development

PCI and IRI values for each road segment compared to those sections with and with no
humps by using analysis of variance assume null hypotheses of two-pavement condition
mean are equal at sections with and without humps and alternative hypothesis unequal mean.
In addition, the other approach was average condition of the sections with humps was
compared to those no humps within the same road segment. This comparison allowed for
investigating the effect of speed humps on pavement condition, in isolation of other factors
such as traffic, structural capacity, age, construction quality,etc.,since all these factors are
constant within each road segment.

For ten different road segments after average PCI value difference for each road segments
calculated. The relation between speed hump characteristics and pavement condition was
develop using Minitab regression method by choice model parameters and sensitive
parameters selected.


In this chapter, the collected data needs to be calculated and analysed in order to know how
the application of speed hump affects the pavement condition the research findings are
analysed and discussed analytically, statistically, graphically, in tabular form, and

M.Sc. Thesis 27 | P a g e
4.1 Detailed distress analysis

4.1.1 Distress Distribution on total road segments

At this level of analysis, the individual pavement sections are analysed to investigate the
more frequently observed distresses. Figure 16 shows the frequency of occurrence of
individual distresses in the pavement sections considered in this research, regardless of the
severity level. From the analysis, the figure shows that the most widely observed distress is
ravelling and Pothole, which observed in 42 % of the sections considered in the analysis.
While potholes are load related crack caused by the freeze-thaw cycle. When moisture seeps
into pavement, it expands when it freezes and contracts when it thaws, this flexing of the
pavement, combined with the melted water and the stress of vehicular traffic results pothole.
Pothole distress type have highest deducted value as compared to other distress types since
the distress distribution here show one of most frequently observed distress type is pothole
which result lowest PCI value mean that it affect pavement condition highly. Ravelling
functional distress cause by disintegration of hot mix asphalt lay from the surface downward
because of dislodgement of aggregate particles. This results in loose debris on pavement,
roughness, and water collecting in the ravelled location. Whereas, some distress, such as
bleeding, block cracking, bumps and sags, corrugation ,depression, reflective cracking, and
slippage cracking were not observed on any section. On the other hand, the figure also shows
that the other load-related distress were not frequently observed, where Alligator cracking,
rutting ,edge crack and longitudinal cracks was observed in 3%,4%,2% of the sections.

2% 1% 2%

42% Crocodile crack
42% Edge crack
longtudinal crack
Transvers crack

M.Sc. Thesis 28 | P a g e
Figure 16:Total Distress Distribution on total road segements.

4.1.2 Distress Distribution on sections with vs without speed hump

At this level of analysis distress distribution at section with and without speed analysed.
Overall number of distress on all road segments are 83 from this 76% of distress found at
sections with speed hump and 24% of distress at sections without speed hump. here the
analysis show as due to the presence of speed hump the distress increase by 52% from control
point that have not speed humps.


Distress Type

Freq of distress ( hump)

freq of distress (without hump)

Figure 17: Frequency of distress on section with and without speed hump
From Figure 17 distress, frequency for each distress type is high for sections with hump and
lower for sections without hump.

42% Pothole
Crocodile crack


Figure 18: Total Distress Distribution on sections without speed hump.

From Figure 18 shows the frequency of occurrence of individual distresses in the pavement
sections considered in this research, regardless of the severity level. From the analysis, the

M.Sc. Thesis 29 | P a g e
figure shows that the most widely observed distress is ravelling and Pothole, which was
observe in 42 and 48 % of the sections respectively. whereas, some distress, such as edge
crack ,longitudinal cracks ,bleeding, block cracking, bumps and sags, corrugation
,depression, reflective cracking, and slippage cracking were not observed on any section. On
the other hand, the figure also shows that, where Alligator cracking, rutting, was observed in
5% of the sections

3% 2%
2% 2%

43% Crocodile crack
41% Edge crack
longtudinal crack
Transvers crack

3% 5%

Figure 19:Total Distress Distribution on section with speed hump.

From Figure 19 shows the frequency of occurrence of individual distresses in the pavement
sections considered in this research, regardless of the severity level. From the analysis, the
figure shows that the most widely observed distress is ravelling and Pothole, which was
observe in 41 and 43 % of the sections respectively. whereas, some distress, such as,
bleeding, block cracking, bumps and sags, corrugation ,depression, reflective cracking, and
slippage cracking were not observed on any section. On the other hand, the figure also shows
that, where Alligator cracking, rutting, edge crack, longitudinal cracks and shoving was
observed in 3%,5%,1%,3%,2% of the sections.

Here from the analysis the distress distribution is similar at sections with and without speed
hump but the frequency of distress, occupancy is high for each distress type at sections have
speed hump. For ravelling and pothole type of distress it accelerated by traffic and water for
that sections with speed hump increase by ravelling distribution due to manner of
construction that expose the pavement to water and due to dynamic load application. The
application of dynamic load on the pavement exposed to water results pothole.

M.Sc. Thesis 30 | P a g e
4.2 Distress severity level
The pavement condition survey would be measured in terms of severity of a distress and the
extent of the distress in addition to distress type. The Severity and Extent are recorded as
from highest to lowest. The extent of the defect is the extent or area of the distress or defect
for pothole type of defect, extent of depth for rutting type of distress, area and depth of crack
for alligator type of crack and for all type of distress the severity level is determined as per
ASTM standard severity level rating. The severity level is determined for each distress type
and for each road segment as presented in the appendix part of the paper. The extent
combined with the severity will determine the quality of the relevant activity to be undertaken
on the road section. Many of the distresses or defects severity level distribution are as below.



Sevarity level


Weathering Pothole Alligator Rutting Edge crack
Distress type

Figure 20 :-Distress severity level

From Figure 20 for weathering type distress 61% of the distress is at high level of severity
level, 35 % medium severity and 3 % are low severity the higher level of high
severity mean the higher the deductive value. For this particular type of distress, 61 % of
distresses are at high level of severity, which result the lower the PCI value. For Pothole, type
of distress 91 % at highest level of severity and 3 % medium level of severity. Pothole type of
distress has higher deducted value as compared to other types of distress since pothole and
other type of distress cannot affect the pavement smoothness equally. In addition, the
percentage of this distress severity show that 91% of the distress is at high level of severity so
this affect pavement condition highly. Alligator crack is about 100 % is high level of severity
level. Rutting 33% high and 67% medium severity level where as edge crack is 100 %
medium severity level. From severity level distribution the highest the level of the severity

M.Sc. Thesis 31 | P a g e
level result the highest deducted value and the lowest PCI value. From the figure for all
distress type, the mostly observed severity level is high severity level.

4.3 Pavement Condition Index and International Roughness

Index value for selected site
4.3.1 Pavement Condition Index value
PCI value calculated for each section using ASTM standard PCI determination steps
mentioned in the methodology part. For each distress type severity level is determined and
density is calculated for the given area. From table 5 section number and the result of PCI
value for each road segments with and without speed hump is presented. From the table for
most case the PCI value is near to 100 PCI value for those sections without hump and lower
than this value for sections with speed hump.

For Torhaloch to mendida road segment section one have the PCI value of 40. But this
section is without hump and near to Torhaloch intersection. Which indicate in addition to
speed hump other traffic calming device also have effect on pavement condition. And for
wingate to 18 mazoria sections one have PCI value of 5 which indicate that proved speed
hump near or on the intersection affect the road condition more as compared to installation of
speed hump on normal road segments.

Table 5: Pavement condition index value results

M.Sc. Thesis 32 | P a g e
Torhayiloch to Mendida
Sections No with speed hump 4 5 6 9 12 17 18 19 25
PCI Value 75 25 62 52 100 10 100 100 100
Sections No with not speed hump 1 2 3 7 8 10 11 13 14
PCI Value 40 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Wingate to 18 Mazoria
Sections(hump) 1 2 4 5 6 7 8
PCI Value 5 100 15 75 0 55 100
Sections (not hump) 3 10 13 14 15 16 9
PCI Value 100 100 18 100 100 100 100
B/gebrael to korae
Sections have speed hump 5 6 9 10
PCI Value 80 50 62 65
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4
PCI Value 100 72 100 100
Awarae parlama
Sections have speed hump 4 5 6
PCI Value 62 55 80
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3
PCI Value 100 100 100
Wossen Kara
Sections have speed hump 6 7 8 9 10
PCI Value 100 58 48 71 40
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4 5
PCI Value 100 100 100 100 100
Mendida to torhayiloch
Sections have speed hump 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19
PCI Value 62 100 100 73 42 100 52 54 100
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11
PCI Value 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 75 100
Abo mazoria to mekanisa bridge
Sections have speed hump 4 6 9
PCI Value 37 62 68
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3
PCI Value 100 100 100
Minilik to kokebe tsibah
Sections have speed hump 1 2
PCI Value 75 42
Sections have not speed hump 3 4
PCI Value 100 100
Goro to Emperial
Sections have speed hump 5 7 8 9 10 11
PCI Value 55 60 100 100 19 60
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4 6 13
PCI Value 100 100 100 52 52 100
Semen hotel to afincho ber
Sections have speed hump 3 6 7
PCI Value 61 58 40
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 4
PCI Value 100 100 100

From table 5 for sections have 100 PCI value indicate that there is not failure at that location
and the condition of the pavement is at good condition and for those have PCI value different
from 100 is have failure at that sections and the lower PCI mean the damaged pavement

M.Sc. Thesis 33 | P a g e


PCI Value




PCI Value with speed hump PCI Value with out speed hump

Figure 21: PCI value for sections with and without hump
PCI values at sections with hump is less than PCI values at section without speed humps
which indicate that the lower PCI value is the damaged pavement condition. For sections
without speed hump the PCI value is higher as compared to sections with hump which
implies the pavement condition is at good condition. From the figure 21 the PCI value is
almost 100PCI value for sections without hump. For those sections without speed hump and
have lower PCI value the section is found near to intersection and roundabout.
Here the average effect of humps on pavement condition is quantified as the following by
using single factor ANOVA.

Table 6: ANOVA analysis result for PCI value

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
PCI Value with speed hump 51 3265 64.01961 767.4996
PCI Value without speed
hump 51 4809 94.29412 293.6118

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 23371.92 1 23371.92 44.05178 09 3.936
Within Groups 53055.57 100 530.5557

Total 76427.49 101        

Table 6 shows that Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) results for this comparison. As can be
noted from the results, F value is greater than the F-Critical, indicating that the presence of

M.Sc. Thesis 34 | P a g e
the speed humps significantly decreases the PCI value of the section, and that the average
reduction in PCI values on the section level due to the presence of speed humps was
approximately 30.3.This analysis ignore traffic, construction methodology, drainage, age of
construction etc. Since this parameters are different for all road segments. Due to the
presence of speed humps so that the pavement condition is changed from good to fair
according to ASTM D6433 Pavement Condition Index (PCI) rating Scale.

4.3.2 International roughness Index value

The summary of measured IRI value for each section with 100 meter length taken from
AACRA road asset department for each road segments presented in table 7.

From table 7 the IRI result shows us the higher IRI value indicate that the more the rough
surface condition of the pavement and the lower the IRI value indicate the better the
condition of the pavement. The IRI value reach up 12.3 for sections with speed hump here the
IRI value also consider the Speed hump as failure since speed hump by itself reduce vehicle
speed by increase the roughness of the pavement. The more the roughness of the surface
results the increase travel time, pollution, fuel consumption and result accident and
discomfort for driver and passenger.

M.Sc. Thesis 35 | P a g e
Table 7: Roughness Index Value result
Torhayiloch to Mendida
Sections No with speed hump 4 5 6 9 12 17 18 19
IRI Value 8.7 9.66 7.7 5.19 7.16 5.26 7.16 7.28
Sections No with not speed hump 1 2 3 7 8 10 11 13
IRI Value 7.7 4.73 4.7 4.14 3.49 4.34 3.8 4.5
Wingate to 18 Mazoria
Sections(hump) 1 2 4 5 6 7 8
IRI Value 10.697 10.616 4.56 5.72 6.15 4.08 6.11
Sections (not hump) 3 10 13 14 15 16 9
IRI Value 3.23 2.71 3 2.34 2.26 4.85 5.68
B/gebrael to korae
Sections have speed hump 5 6 9 10
IRI Value 5.96 10.27 7.01 5.59
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4
IRI Value 3.33 3.36 3.25 4.22
Awarae parlama
Sections have speed hump 4 5 6
IRI Value 5.98 6.09 5.87
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3
IRI Value 3.43 4.06 4.28
Wossen Kara
Sections have speed hump 6 7 8 9 10
IRI Value 4.78 5.29 6.34 5.63 7.09
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4 5
IRI Value 3 3.04 2.65 3.04 2.13
Mendida to torhayiloch
Sections have speed hump 9 10 12 13 14 15 17 18 19
IRI Value 5.62 6.59 5.36 5.54 8.89 12.3 5.8 14.15 6.3
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 11
IRI Value 11.98 5.24 3.93 3.6 4.05 4.97 4.63 4.89 3.98
Abo mazoria to mekanisa bridge
Sections have speed hump 4 6 9
IRI Value 7.6 7.3 7.6
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3
IRI Value 3.1 2.7 2.9
Minilik to kokebe tsibah
Sections have speed hump 1 2
IRI Value 4.5 4.86
Sections have not speed hump 3 4
IRI Value 2.27 2.3
Goro to Emperial
Sections have speed hump 5 7 8 9 10 11
IRI Value 6.5 5.9 6.5 6.6 10.6 4.6
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 3 4 6 13
IRI Value 4 3 2.5 3.7 4 3.8
Semen hotel to afincho ber
Sections have speed hump 3 6 7
IRI Value 6.6 12.3 7.7
Sections have not speed hump 1 2 4
IRI Value 3.2 2.2 3.1

M.Sc. Thesis 36 | P a g e
IRI value
1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47


IRI Value with hump IRI Value with out hump

Figure 22: IRI value on sections with and without hump

From figure 22 IRI value is high at sections have speed hump than have not speed hump,
which indicate that due to the presence of speed hump pavement roughness is increase. But at
some locations the IRI value is higher as similar to sections with hump but those points are at
round about or intersection. From the figure 22 Mendida to torhayilcoch show the higher IRI
value this section is section number one on the road segment found on the roundabout. From
the result similar to hump other traffic calm device also affect the pavement condition. Here
the average effect of humps on pavement roughness is quantified as the following by using
single factor ANOVA.

Table 8: ANOVA analysis result for IRI value

Groups Count Sum Average Variance
IRI Value with hump 47 329.153 7.003255 5.219864
IRI Value without
hump 47 179.8 3.825532 2.644351

Source of Variation SS df MS F P-value F crit
Between Groups 237.3013 1 237.3013 60.34963 1.09E-11 3.944539
Within Groups 361.7539 92 3.932108

Total 599.0552 93        

Table 8 shows that Analysis Of Variance (ANOVA) results for this comparison. As can be
noted from the results, F value is greater than the F-Critical, indicating that that the presence

M.Sc. Thesis 37 | P a g e
of the speed humps significantly increase the IRI value of the section, and that the average
increasing in IRI values on the section level due to the presence of speed humps was
approximately 3.2.Due to the presence of speed humps so that the pavement condition is
changed from Good to poor according to ASTM E1926 IRI rating Scale.

4.3 Statistical Analysis

4.3.1 Statistical analysis for each road segments
The approach for examining the effect of speed humps was to analyze the PCI and IRI
difference value from control points of similar road segments in isolation of other factors
traffic, drainage construction method etc., since this factors are similar for one road segment.
By null hypothesis µ0=µ1 and alternative hypothesis µ0≠µ1 by isolate other factors traffic,
drainage, construction methods,etc.

M.Sc. Thesis 38 | P a g e
Table 9: PCI value ANOVA result for each road segments
No Location   Count Sum Average Variance P-value
1 Torhyiloch-Mendida Hump 8 524 65.5 1225.1 0.003
    Hump 8 740 92.5 450  
2 Wingate-18 Hump 7 350 50 1900 0.001
    Hump 7 618 88.28 960.57  
3 B/gebrael-korae Hump 4 257 64.25 152.25 0.002
    Hump 4 372 93 196  
4 Aware-Parlama Hump 3 197 65.7 166.3 0.01
    Hump 3 300 100 0  
5 Wossen-Kara Hump 5 317 63.4 552.9 0.01
    Hump 5 500 100 0  
6 Mendida-Torhayiloch Hump 9 683 75.9 590.6 0.02
    Hump 9 875 97.2 69.44  
7 Mekanisa Abo-Bridge Hump 3 167 55.7 270.3 0.002
    Hump 3 300 100 0  
8 Minilik -Kokebetsibah Hump 2 117 58.5 544.5 0.01
    Hump 2 200 100 0  
9 Goro-Emeprial Hump 6 394 65.7 942.7 0.015
    Hump 6 504 84 614.4  
10 Semen hotel-Afinchober Hump 3 159 53 129 0.002
    Hump 3 300 100 0  

From table 9 ANOVA result show us the p value for each road segment is less than 0.05
which means that the presence of speed hump affect PCI values of each road segments.
Avarge PCI value



Average PCI (Hump) Average PCI(With out Hump)

Figure 23: Average PCI values at sections with and without hump

M.Sc. Thesis 39 | P a g e
From figure 23 The average PCI value for each road segment sections with hump show lower
value as compared to the average PCI value of sections without hump overall effect of hump
in isolation to traffic,drainage,age,construction methods,etc is the average of the change PCI
values for each road segments. The change PCI value for each road segments is as the
Avarage PCI Value difference



Figure 24: The average PCI difference value at each road segments
From figure 24 the change PCI value ranges from 21.3 to 47 PCI value points. For B/gebrael
to korae road segments the change PCI value is lower as compared to others, the lower the
change the PCI value means the less the pavement is affected by the speed humps and the
higher the change the PCI value means the more the pavement is affected by the presence of
the speed hump. For those road segments have the lower the change the PCI value the
pavement condition near to speed hump is less affected by speed humps and for those road
segments have the higher change PCI values the pavement condition near to speed hump
affected more. In general, due to the presence of speed hump the average change PCI value
for Addis Ababa city road case is by 34 PCI value points.

Table 10:IRI value ANOVA result for each road segments

M.Sc. Thesis 40 | P a g e
No Location   Count Sum Average Variance P-value
1 Torhyiloch-Mendida Hump 8 58.11 7.3 2.3 0.002
    NoHump 8 37.4 4.7 1.67  
2 Wingate-18 Hump 7 47.9 6.84 7.37 0.01
    NoHump 7 24.07 3.4 1.7  
3 B/gebrael-korae Hump 4 28.83 7.2 4.5 0.01
    NoHump 4 14.16 3.54 0.21  
4 Aware-Parlama Hump 3 17.9 5.98 0.01 0.001
    NoHump 3 11.77 3.92 0.19  
5 Wossen-Kara Hump 5 29.13 5.83 0.82 0.002
    NoHump 5 13.86 2.7 0.156  
6 Torhayiloch Hump 9 70.55 7.84 10.66 0.01
    NoHump 9 47.27 5.25 6.67  
Mekanisa Abo-
7 Bridge Hump 3 22.5 7.5 0.03 0.00006
    NoHump 3 8.7 2.9 0.04
Minilik 9.36 4.68 0.06
8 -Kokebetsibah Hump 2 0.005
4.57 2.28 0.00045
    NoHump 2
40.7 6.78 4.06
9 Goro-Emeprial Hump 6 0.0033
21 3.5 0.38
    NoHump 6
Semen hotel- 26.6 8.87 9.14
10 Afinchober Hump 3 0.02
8.5 2.8 0.30
    NoHump 3

From table 10 ANOVA result show us the p value for each road segment is less than 0.05
which means that the presence of speed hump affect IRI values of each road segments.
Avarage IRI value

da loch 18 en ae ae ah ro dge r
di i e- ss ar or tsib go r be
e n y a t o w - k l - B i ho
a w - a a el o- nc
-m torh in
a- be ria
l ch - W Kar m
b r
oke m ip a Ab l-afi
yio dida rla ge k-K E is te
rha ni Pa B/ ili kan n ho
i n e
To M
e M M m

Average IRII (Hump) Average IRI(With out Hump)

Figure 25: Average IRI values at with and without hump

From figure 25 the average IRI value for each road segment sections with hump show higher
value as compared to the average IRI value of sections without hump overall effect of hump

M.Sc. Thesis 41 | P a g e
in isolation to traffic,drainage,age,construction methods,etc is the average of the change IRI
values for each road segments. The change the IRI value for each road segments is as the

Avarage IRI value difference
da loch 18 en ae ae ah o e r
di i e- ss ar or ib g or rdg be
n y t o w k ts - i o
e a ga -w -a l- e ia
l -B ch
-m torh in ra a rae eb pr bo fin
cl h - W a m b k i A - a
io da
K la e Ko Em nisa el
ay di ar B /g l ik- a hot
rh i P i k
To en M
e en
M m


Figure 26: IRI difference value at each road segments

From figure 26 change IRI value is different at each location since the speed hump characters
is different at each location the effect of it is different at each location. The average change in
effect on IRI value is 3.4 IRI value point for Addis Ababa city case study.
In General the pavement condition of Addis Ababa City is affected by the presence of hump
and the average effect is decrease by 34 PCI value point and increase by 3.4 IRI value points.

4.4 Regression Analysis

4.4.1 Model parameter selections

These sections discuss the correlation and regression statistical analyses describing the
relationships between average PCI value difference and three variables: speed hump width,
height and density. From table 11 the average value of speed hump characteristics and change
in average PCI value are presented. The speed hump characteristics value show variation
from speed hump to speed hump and from road segment to road segments even if the
standard are similar to speed hump installation due to construction methodology and material
type the actual collected data show variation between speed humps. This variation have effect
on pavement condition and the relation between this speed hump characteristics and PCI
value is presented in the regression analysis part .
Table 11: Speed hump characteristics data vs PCI difference value data

M.Sc. Thesis 42 | P a g e
No Location Average Average Speed Average PCI
Speed Speed hump value
hump hump density(No/ difference
width(m) height(cm) Km)
1 Torhayiolch- 1 3.5 4 27
2 Menidida 5 6 4 38.28
3 Wingate-18 6 5 7 28.75
4 Kara-wossen 1 6 7 34.3
5 Parlama -awarae 5 7 6 36.6
6 B/gebrael -korae 0.9 5 4 21.3
7 Minilik-Kokebe 6 7 8 44.3
8 Emiprial -goro 6 8 4 41.5
9 Mekanisa Abo- 5 6 8 21.3
10 Semen hotel- 5 9 4 47
afincho ber
Table 11 show us the model parameters average value that used for regression analysis the
dependent variable is average PCI value difference and the independent variables are speed
hump width, height and density.

Average Speed hump width(m)

1 Average Speed hump
0 width(m)
ch ge
o - e
Se k m e t ae
W ayi a

in e -a en

l-a -B o
Pa Kara ate h

h o A l -g h
rla -w -18

-K ael ara
rh id
in loc

en isa ia a
te bo or
fin ird
M E keb kor
M B/g ma oss

m an ipr sib
to nd

ilik br w
a- e

id -m
id lch
en io
M hay


Figure 27: Average Speed hump width

From figure 27 the average speed hump width is the width of speed hump on the traffic
direction and the average speed hump width vary from 0.9 up to 6 meter. It is almost different
at each road segment and for mendida to torhayiloch ,parlama to aware ,Mekanisa to Abo
bridge and Semen hotel to Afincho ber road segment collected data from actual site is equal
to design value but for other road segments the values are above and below the standard
design value of speed humps width.

M.Sc. Thesis 43 | P a g e
Average Speed hump height(cm)
0 Average Speed hump
da ch 18 en ae ae ah ro ge er
ndi yilo te- oss war kor tsib -go ird o b
e a ga a-w -a el - be rial o-B nch
-m rh in a a b
cl h -to W Kar lam ebr oke mip a A l-afi
iy o ida r g -K E is te
ha nid Pa B/ ilik kan ho
r in e n
To Me M M me

Figure 28: Average Speed hump height

The average speed hump heights vary from 3.5 to 9 cm and the height of the speed hump is
equal at each width of speed hump. Whereas, the design standard allow the height of the
hump to be construct by 0.1 slope difference in the traffic direction along the width of the

Speed hump density(No/Km)

0 Speed hump
ch e
-K l - e

M Em e ts e
a a

ho bo oro
in ch

B/ a - sen

Se kan ipri bah

Pa ra- -18

ilik rae ara

eb ra

fin dg
to did
W yilo

ok ko
Ka ate

m s

en a A -g

l-a Bir

M ge aw
a - en

rla wo


id h-m

en lc

M ayio





Figure 29: Average Speed hump density

From figure 29 the density or number of speed hump on one kilometer length of road
segment is vary from 4 up to 8.Minilk to kokebtsibah and Mekanisa abo to bridge road
segments have high number of hump on one kilo meter length.

4.4.2 Regression Analysis and Sensitivity Analysis

Analysis of Variance
Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value
Regression 3 291.49 97.165 14.43 0.013

M.Sc. Thesis 44 | P a g e
  Speed hump 1 290.03 290.036 43.06 0.003
density(No/Km) 6
  Speed hump height(cm) 1 0.016 0.016 0.00 0.963
  Speed hump width(m) 1 2.979 2.979 0.44 0.0142
Error 4 26.943 6.736    
Total 7 318.43      

From Model Summary

S R-sq R-sq(adj) R-sq(pred)
2.5953 91.54% 85.19% 48.44%

Constant 13.60 5.38 2.53 0.06  
Speed hump 3697 563 6.56 0.00 1.04
density(No/Km) 3
Speed hump height(cm) 4.4 89.2 2.05 0.96 1.56
Speed hump width(m) -0.386 0.581 -0.67 0.54 1.60
Regression Equation
Average PCI  value difference = 13.60 + 3697 SHD+ 4.4 SHH - 0.386 SHW

Where SHW,speed hump width(meter),SHH ,speed hump height(meter) and SHD speed
hump density in(No/ meter).
The result coefficient of determination of the best model (R2) is 0.91, and it is found to be
significant at a 95% confidence level. The coefficients of the independent variables are speed
hump width, height and distance from preceding hump. The hypothesis that each of the
coefficients is equal to zero is rejected at the 95% confidence level, as the t values are greater
than ±1.96. The t value show the relative importance of the variable in the model, as the
greater t value indicate the more important the variable is. The sensitive variable form all
independent variable is speed hump density since it have the highest T-value it indicate that
speed hump density is more sensitive variable for pavement condition effect.
From the analysis the model has logical explanation for the effect of the independent
variables on predicting pavement condition difference. The positive signs of the independent
variables speed hump height and density mean that the increase of speed hump height and

M.Sc. Thesis 45 | P a g e
density increase the PCI value difference. The PCI value difference is higher means the lower
PCI value at sections with speed hump, so the higher the height and density of speed hump
means the lower PCI values at speed hump location. Pavement conditions are more affected
and have direct relationship with speed hump height and number of speed hump. When speed
hump are installed with in small distance it affect the pavement condition more since the
effect is increased when number of speed hump is increased. When the height of speed hump
increase the dynamic effect also increase on the pavement so the height of speed hump
become higher the effect on pavement condition also increase directly. However, the negative
sign of the independent variable speed hump width means the increase of speed hump width
will decrease the PCI difference value. The PCI difference value decreases when the PCI
value at speed hump section is high. The higher the PCI value near to speed hump means the
pavement condition is less affected by speed hump when the width of the hump is increase.

4.5 The Remedial Measures for effects of speed hump on

pavement condition
Based on the analysis of the study and reviewed literature the following remedial measures
should be taken to reduce the effect of speed hump on pavement condition.
1. For the change PCI value of 34 caused by the presence of speed hump on the pavement.
Needs to consider special pavement design since terminal serviceability of pavement value is
one of design parameter in flexible pavement design methods. Serviceability is quantified by
the serviceability index this value theoretically ranges between 5PSI (100PCI) and zero, the
actual range for real pavements is between about 4.5 to 1.5 PSI. The initial serviceability
index Po corresponds to road conditions immediately after construction. A typical value of Po
for flexible pavement is 4.2.the terminal serviceability that will be tolerated before
rehabilitation or reconstruction becomes necessary. A terminal serviceability index of 2.5 or
higher is recommended for design of major highways [30]. Thus, atypical allowable
serviceability loss due to traffic for flexible pavements can be expressed as:
∆ PSI =Pt −Po=4.2−2.5=1.7 …….… (4.1).
Where, 1.7 PSI value is equivalent to 34 PCI value points. Due to the presence of speed hump
the normal PCI value affected by speed hump and the pavement condition near to speed
hump reach to terminal serviceability level before normal pavement condition by 34 PCI

M.Sc. Thesis 46 | P a g e
Figure 30 : AASHTO Nomo graph for flexible pavement design[30]
From figure 30 pavement design AASHTO Nomo graph the lower the value of ∆ PSI have
the higher the SN (structural number) of pavement for similar other design parameters. Since
SN determine the pavement thickness the higher the SN of the pavement result the thicker
and strong pavement those sections with speed hump the terminal serviceability
reach early age that normal pavement condition so the terminal serviceability value for
sections with hump should be more than 2.5. In pavement design for road segments with
speed hump the change serviceability index should be below 1.7 to consider the structural
effect on the pavement.
2. From the reviewed literature the rubber products speed humps are pre shaped to standard
size by factory and easily to install or remove them by temporary bolt-down on the pavement
without cut the existing pavement [32].And height adjustable speed humps are the latest type
of speed hump designed to get activated only if the vehicle are traveling above a certain
speed by using electronic sensors [10].Adopting those type of speed humps can reduce the
effect of vehicle on the pavement due to acceleration and declaration near to speed hump
while driving with in speed limit due to the improper shape of speed hump and result of
dynamic load, since the design shape of the speed hump are pre shaped to the required
design. In the way of installation those speed hump types are installed to pavement without
cutting the existing pavement so it can reduce the pavement failure due to cutting of the
existing asphalt. In general adopt rubber and height adjustable speed hump type reduces the
effect of speed hump of the pavement.

M.Sc. Thesis 47 | P a g e
5.1 Conclusions
The primary objective of this paper was to assess the impact of speed hump on pavement
condition using data from ten-road segment located in Addis Ababa, the capital city of
Ethiopia and to develop model to show the relation between speed hump characteristics and
pavement condition. The research study involved 102 sections; out of which 51 sections have
at least one speed hump over all 123 speed calming 71 are speed hump and 52 rumble strips.
Data considered in the analysis included visual pavement distress and IRI values one year
after the construction of the speed hump. The analysis of the pavement condition of this city
was carried out both at segment level and at over all road level.

The most important findings of the paper are as follows

 The most frequently observed distress on pavement sections considered in the

analysis was pothole and ravelling, while other load related distress observed less than
5% of the studied sections. The distress distribution is similar at sections with and
without speed hump but the frequency of distress; occupancy is high for each distress
type at sections with speed humps. The presence of hump increase distress severity
rather than cause new distress type for given pavement.
 The effect of speed humps was investigated both by comparing section with and
without speed humps. When comparing sections with and without hump with in the
same segment, the analysis showed that the presence of speed humps reduce the
average PCI value of section by 34 PCI points and increase the roughness of
pavement by 3.4 IRI point.
 Strong correlations found between PCI and examined speed hump characteristics
(Speed hump width, height and density). Speed hump density vs PCI differences are
more correlated than other parameters.
 Regression analysis used to produce the best relationship between PCI difference
value and speed hump characteristics. Generally, the multi regression model that
includes the three independent variables (hump height, hump with, and speed hump
density) found to the best one. This model is very useful and can be used for
pavement condition evaluations based on speed hump characteristics that can be used
by highway and traffic engineers.

M.Sc. Thesis 48 | P a g e
 The signs of the correlation coefficients in the regression model are as expected. The
height of speed hump and density of hump show positive correlation with PCI value
difference. On the other hand, width of speed hump showed negative correlation with
PCI value.

M.Sc. Thesis 49 | P a g e
5.2 Recommendations

Based on the findings of this paper recommends the following measures

 Change serviceability Index (∆PSI) should be below 1.7 for pavement design of road
segments with speed hump.
 The developed model should be used for future installation of speed hump
characteristics determination.
 The country should share experience and adopt modern height adjustable and rubber
type speed hump to force vehicles to drive by posted speed.
 Future research or studies should be conducted by using Falling Weight Deflection
methods for structural data collection and analysis when the device is available. And
AACRTMA adopt WRI speed hump characteristics; however, it is very difficult to
construct the shape of hump by asphalt concrete. Most of the speed humps
constructed in Addis Ababa force vehicle to decelerate up to zero speed than decrease
the speed when the vehicle pass speed limit. AACRTMA should calibrate WRI speed
hump characteristics value for Ethiopian current construction methodology, safety,
comfort, and pollution like for pavement condition effect

M.Sc. Thesis 50 | P a g e
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