Consolidated Ippd New
Consolidated Ippd New
Consolidated Ippd New
Strengths Development Needs Action Plan (Recommended Developmental Intervention) Timeline Resources
To use a range of teaching To apply a range of teaching Enrich skills in developing Refer new learning from Learning and
strategies that enhanced strategies to develop the various activities that will attending Development Team
learner’s achievement in knowledge and skills of the improve instruction and courses/seminars/workshops
/Learning Action Cells (LAC) Year - round
literacy and numeracy teachers, regardless of their outcomes which serve the
skills. specialism, need to understand learners more effectively and Supervisors/ School
in order to help students achieve efficiently. Using feedback to try a new Heads/ Master
their full potential in each approach to an old practice Teachers
Increase pupil’s engagement MOOE
with books that build
Objective 3. KRA 1 Objective 3. KRA 1 Acquire techniques and Applying new learning from
strategies on the art of attending Supervisors/ School
To apply a range of To apply a range of teaching questioning that I will enable courses/seminars/workshops Heads/ Master
teaching strategies to strategies to develop critical and to develop HOTS among the /Learning Action Cells (LAC) Teachers
Year - round
develop critical and creative thinking as well as other students
creative thinking as well as higher - order thinking skills; Using feedback to try a new MOOE
other higher - order particularly, to improve on my Enrich skills in developing approach to an old practice
thinking skills. art of questioning so that I will various activities that will
be able to make my students use promote critical and creative Equipping myself with
and develop their critical thinking among my students. pedagogical skills to develop
thinking skills. activities that will promote
critical and creative thinking
skills of my student.
To use a range of teaching To apply a range of teaching Enrich skills in developing Refer new learning from Learning and
strategies that enhanced strategies to develop the various activities that will attending Development Team
learners achievement in knowledge and skills of the improve instruction and courses/seminars/workshops
/Learning Action Cells (LAC) Year - round
literacy and numeracy teachers, regardless of their outcomes which serve the
skills. specialism, need to understand learners more effectively and Supervisors/ School
in order to help students achieve efficiently. Using feedback to try a new Heads/ Master
their full potential in each approach to an old practice Teachers
Increase pupils engagement MOOE
with books that build
To manage classroom To apply classroom structure to Create an "inviting, safe, Applying new learning from Learning and
structure to engage engage learners, individually or inclusive, and supportive" attending Development Team
in groups, in meaningful Year - round
learners, individually or in environment for students. courses/seminars/workshops
groups, in meaningful exploration, discovery and /Learning Action Cells (LAC)
exploration, discovery and hands-on activities within a The physical environment of Supervisors/ School
hands-on activities within range of physical learning the classroom can improve Using feedback to try a new Heads/ Master
a range of physical environments; establish clear, the learning environment and approach to an old practice Teachers
learning environments. consistent rules, which are direct prevent behavior problems
and simple, promote growth before they occur. Structuring Choosing strategies that MOOE
mindset, and inject variety into the learning environment to engage students, giving
your lessons, by allowing create a nurturing appropriate wait time and
students to work ahead and environment it is essential for creating structured groups;
deliver short presentations to both teacher and student. you can also use timers or
share take-away points and let other devices to keep the
the students' minds grow and lesson flowing and students
learn based on the experiences on task.
and the environment they are
exposed to.
Objective 5. KRA 2 Objective 5. KRA 2 Implement effective Applying new learning from Learning and
instruction through attending Development Team
To manage classroom To manage classroom structure experiential learning activities courses/seminars/workshops
structure to engage to engage learners, individually and differentiated /Learning Action Cells (LAC)
learners, individually or in or in groups, in meaningful instructions to students on a Year - round Supervisors/ School
groups, in meaningful explorations, discovery and one-on-one basis or in small Using feedback to try a new Heads/ Master
explorations, discovery hands- on activities within a groups. approach to an old practice Teachers
and hands- on activities range of physical learning
within a range of physical environments. Setting rules, procedures and MOOE
learning environments. standards; implement
To keep students organized, classroom routines among
focused on task, orderly, students.
attentive and academic
productive during class hours.
Objective 5. KRA 2 Objective 5. KRA 2 To help and guide children Applying new learning from Learning and
To manage learner To manage learner behavior develop positive behavior attending Development Team
behavior constructively by constructively by applying while respecting their rights courses/seminars/workshops
applying positive and non- positive and non-violent to healthy development, /Learning Action Cells (LAC)
Year - round
violent discipline to ensure discipline to ensure learning- protection from violence, and Supervisors/ School
learning-focused focused environments. participative learning. Teacher management of Heads/ Master
environments. learner behavior using the Teachers
following strategies:
To allows pupils to learn and To provide positive Providing motivation MOOE
adapt their behaviors to meet reinforcement for Praising the
expectations in the classroom, appropriate and on-task learners/Giving
while simultaneously behavior and disciplinary positive feedback
teaching them how to make consequences for disruptive Setting house
better choices in their path to or continually off-task rules/guidelines
adulthood. behavior. Ensuring learner’s
active participation
Allowing learners to
express their
Giving equal
opportunities to
Encouraging learners
to ask questions
Objective 7. KRA 3 Objective 3. KRA 1 Acquire techniques and Applying new learning from Learning and
strategies on the art of attending Development Team
To plans, manages and To apply a range of teaching questioning that I will enable courses/seminars/workshops
implements developmen- strategies to develop critical and to develop HOTS among the /Learning Action Cells (LAC)
Year - round
tally sequenced teaching creative thinking as well as other students Supervisors/ School
and learning processes to higher - order thinking skills; Using feedback to try a new Heads/ Master
meet the curriculum particularly, to improve on my Enrich skills in developing approach to an old practice Teachers
requirements and varied art of questioning so that I will various activities that will
teaching contexts. be able to make my students use promote critical and creative Equipping myself with MOOE
and develop their critical thinking among my students pedagogical skills to develop
thinking skills. activities that will promote
critical and creative thinking
skills of my student
Objective 8. KRA 3 Objective 8. KRA 3 Enhance the quality of Applying new learning from
education in several ways: by attending seminars/ Learning and
Selected,developed, Use computer effectively in increasing learner motivation Workshops. Development Team
organized and used range of different ways to and engagement, by
appropriate teaching and improve teaching and learning: facilitating the acquisition of Use of ICT classroom
Year - round
learning resources, by individual pupils by group and basic skills, and by enhancing teaching-learning to provide Supervisors/ School
including ICT, to address by teacher focus discussion. teacher training. oppurtunities for students to Heads/ Master
learning goals. operate, store, manipulate, Teachers
and retrieve information,
encourage independent and
active learning.
Promotes a creative climate and Acquire positive relationship Create a work environment In-service training in MOOE
inspire co- workers to to among co-teachers and that supports creativity and April and May
develop original ideas. school head. innovation.
Translate creative thinking into Challenge and apply Encourage people to utilize In-service training in
tangible changes and solutions knowledge into actual action their creative thinking April and May
that improves the work unit and that creates value for others. abilities so that they might MOOE
organization. see problems and challenges
they are working with in a
different way and through
this process create new
better solution.
Particularly on conceptualizing Focus on personal Coaching Regular coaching MOOE
“Out of the Box” ideas/approach productivity to create higher In service training in
value and results Incorporating in the next in- October
service training (INSET) the
training on conceptualization
of innovative and ingenious
methods and solution
Promotes a creative climate Expresses good ideas in a way Promotes efficient team In-service training in MOOE
and inspires co - workers to that it makes clear that they meetings. April and May
develop original ideas or are not the only good ideas,
solutions. and that others may have
equally good insights to add.
Specifically on trying something An innovative classroom is The teacher can visit other In-service training in MOOE
new, like jumping into the 21st resilient and pushes students classrooms to learn of new April and May
Century wherein “Changing to a and teachers to always be possibilities for room
student-centered, skill-based, changing, adapting, and arrangement. The teacher
technology embedded improving can have a specific furniture
classroom”. arrangement as part of each
instructional technique
Translates creative thinking into Challenge and apply Encourage people to utilize In-service training in MOOE
tangible changes and solutions knowledge into actual action their creative thinking April and May
that improves the work unit and that creates value for others. abilities so that they might
organization. see the problems and
challenges they are working
with in a different way and
through this process create
new and better solutions.
Service Orientation Incorporate GAD in all Applying GAD-related skills In-service training in MOOE
Initiates activities that promote aspects of the agency’s and tools to develop April and May
advocacy for men and women operations and activities programs, activities and
empowerment. projects addressing gender
issues; continuously
implementing, monitoring,
evaluating and agency’s
gender mainstreaming.