MasterRheobuild 920SH v1

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MasterRheobuild® 920SH

Retarding Superplasticising admixture for concrete

DESCRIPTION Because of variations in concrete materials, job

site conditions, and/or applications, dosages
MasterRheobuild 920SH is composed of outside of the recommended range may be
synthetic polymers specially designed to impart required. In such cases, contact your local BASF
rheoplastic qualities to concrete. representative.
RECOMMENDED USES For addition information on MasterRheobuild
• Ready mixed concrete 920SH admixture or on its use in developing
• Long hauls concrete mixes with special performance
• Pumped concrete characteristics, contact your local BASF
• Concrete containing Granulated Slag/ representative.
Pozzolans Effects of over dosage
• Mass concrete pours A severe over-dosage of MasterRheobuild
• Hot weather concreting 920SH can result in the following:
FEATURES AND BENEFITS • Long extension of initial and final set
• Reduced thermal peaks • Increase in air entrainment
• High workability for longer periods • Bleed/segregation of mix, quick loss of
• Lower pumping pressure workability
• Resistance to segregation even at high • Increased plastic shrinkage
workability A slight overdosing may not adversely affect the
• Extended setting with longer workability ultimate strength of the concrete and can achieve
• Reduced water content for a given workability higher strengths than normal concrete, provided it
• Higher ultimate strengths is properly compacted and cured. Due allowance
• Reduced permeability should be made for the effect of fluid concrete
• Improved durability pressure on form work, and stripping times should
• Reduced shrinkage and creep be monitored.
• Increased ease in finishing concrete In the event of over dosage, consult your local
• Provides lower in-place cost BASF representative immediately.
MasterRheobuild 920SH is a ready-to-use liquid
Aspect :Dark brown free which is dispensed into the concrete together with
flowing liquid the mixing water. The plasticising effect and water
Relative Density : 1.20  0.02 at 25°C reduction are higher if the admixture is added to
the damp concrete after 50 to 70% of the mixing
pH :>6 water has been added. The addition of
Chloride ion content : < 0.2% RHEOBUILD 920SH to dry aggregate or cement is
not recommended. Automatic dispensers are
• ASTM C-494 Type B,D & G
The retarding, superplasticising admixture for
• EN 934-2: T11.1/11.2 concrete shall be MasterRheobuild 920SH , a
• IS 9103 ATA sulphonated naphthalene polymer based
DOSAGE formulation having slump retaining capabilities.
The product shall comply with IS:9103 and shall be
Optimum dosage of MasterRheobuild 920SH
of type G when tested to ASTM C-494. The
should be determined with trial mixes. As a guide,
product shall have average relative density of 1.20
a dosage range of 400ml to 1200ml per 100kg of
at 25oC.
cementitious material is recommended as a
starting point. In high performance concrete, a COMPATIBILITY
dosage up to 1800ml per 100kg of cementitious MasterRheobuild 920SH is compatible with most
material can be added subject to prior site trials. admixtures used in the production of quality
MasterRheobuild® 920SH
concrete including normal, other mid-range and PACKAGING
high-range water-reducing admixtures, air
entrainers, accelerators, retarders, extended set- MasterRheobuild 920SH is supplied in 275 kg
control admixtures, corrosion inhibitors, and drums or in bulk on request.
shrinkage reducers. STORAGE /SHELF LIFE
MasterRheobuild 920SH is also compatible with MasterRheobuild 920SH must be stored where
slag and pozzolans such as fly ash, metakaolin temperatures do not drop below +5°C. If product
and silica fume. has frozen, thaw at +5°C or above and completely
CORROSIVITY – NON CORROSIVE reconstitute using mild mechanical agitation. Do
not use pressurized air for agitation. Store under
MasterRheobuild 920SH admixture will neither cover, out of direct sunlight and protect from
initiate nor promote corrosion of reinforcing steel extremes of temperature.
embedded in concrete, prestressed concrete or
Shelf life is 12 months when stored as above.
concrete placed on galvanized steel floor and roof
systems. Neither calcium chloride nor any calcium Failure to comply with the recommended storage
chloride-based ingredients are used in the conditions may result in premature deterioration of
manufacture of MasterRheobuild 920SH the product or packaging. For specific storage
admixture. In all concrete advice consult your local BASF representative.
application,MasterRheobuild 920SH admixture PRECAUTIONS
will conform to the most stringent or minimum
As with all chemical products, care should be
chloride ion limits currently suggested by
taken during use and storage to avoid contact with
construction industry standards and practices.
eyes, mouth, skin and foodstuffs (which can also
WORKABILITY be tainted with vapour until product fully cured or
MasterRheobuild 920SH ensures that rheoplastic dried). Treat splashes to eyes and skin
concrete remains workable in excess of 2 hours at immediately. If accidentally ingested, seek
+25°C. Workability loss is dependent on immediate medical attention. Keep away from
temperature, and on the type of cement, the nature children and animals. Reseal containers after use.
of aggregates, the method of transport and initial Do not reuse containers for storage of consumable
workability. item. For further information refer to the material
safety data sheet. MSDS available on demand or
It is strongly recommended that concrete should
on BASF construction chemicals web site.
be properly cured particularly in hot, windy and dry
climates. TDS Ref. no.: MasterRbd920SH/01/0313

The technical information and application advice given in this BASF Construction Chemicals publication are based on the present
STATEMENT OF state of our best scientific and practical knowledge. As the information herein is of a general nature, no assumption can be made as
to a product's suitability for a particular use or application and no warranty as to its accuracy, reliability or completeness either
expressed or implied is given other than those required by law. The user is responsible for checking the suitability of products for
their intended use.
® = registered trademark of BASF group in many countries

NOTE Field service where provided does not constitute supervisory responsibility. Suggestions made by BASF Construction Chemicals
either orally or in writing may be followed, modified or rejected by the owner, engineer or contractor since they, and not BASF
Construction Chemicals, are responsible for carrying out procedures appropriate to a specific application.

BASF India Limited

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Tel: +91 22 67127600, Fax: +91 22 67917358
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