Commonwealth Act No. 473 Provision Proposed Amendment Reason For Amendmet
Commonwealth Act No. 473 Provision Proposed Amendment Reason For Amendmet
Commonwealth Act No. 473 Provision Proposed Amendment Reason For Amendmet
Section 2. Qualifications. x x Section 2. Qualifications. x x The prescribed monetary
x x value in the law is outdated.
The value of ₱ Philippines.
xxxx xxxx However, by virtue of
Republic Act No. 6809, the
Fourth. He must own real Fourth. He must own real age of majority commences at
estat First. He must not be estate in the Philippines worth the age of eighteen. Thus, it
less than tw years of age on not Philippines. However, by Philippines. years of age on
the day of the hearing of the virtue of Republic Act No. the day of the hearing of the
petition; 6809, years of age on the day petition;
First. He must not years of of the hearing of the petition; First. He must not years of
age on the day of the hearing First. He must not years of age on the day of the hearing
of the petition; age on the day of the hearing of the petition;
First. He must not years of of the petition; First. He must not years of
age on the day of the hearing First. He must not the age of age on the day of the hearing
of the petition; majority commences at the of the petition;
First. He must not enty-one age of eighteen. Thus, it First. He must not However,
years of age on the day of the Philippines. However, by by virtue of Republic Act No.
hearing of the petition; virtue of Republic Act No. 6809, the age of majority
ve in the Philippines worth not 6809, the age of majority commences at the age of
less than five thousand pesos, commences at the age of eighteen. Thus, it Philippines.
Philippine currency, or must eighteen. Thus, it less than However, by virtue of
have some known lucrative one million pesos, Philippine Republic Act No. 6809, the
trade, profession, or lawful currency, or must have some age of majority commences at
occupation; known lucrative trade, the age of eighteen. Thus, it
profession, or lawful 5,000.00 in 1939 (the year
xxxx occupation; when the law was approved) is
more or less ₱1,000,000.00 in
xxxx present time (such increase is
based on Republic Act No.
10951, which increased the
monetary value of the penalty
found in the Revised Penal
Code of 1930). Thus it is
reasonable to increase the
monetary requirement for the
real estate owned by the
person qualified to become a
citizen of the Philippines.
Section 2. Qualifications. x x Section 2. Qualifications. x x As a bonafide citizen of the
x x Philippines, and to promote
our own language, it must be a
xxxx xxxx qualification that he or she,
regardless of whatever
Fifth. He must be able to Fifth. He must be able to language he or she knows,
speak First. He must not be speak and First. He must not must be able to speak and
less than twenty-one years of be less than twenty-one years write in Filipino.
age on the day of the hearing of age on the day of the
of the petition; hearing of the petition;
First. He must not be less First. He must not be less
than twenty-one years of age than twenty-one years of age
on the day of the hearing of on the day of the hearing of
the petition; the petition;
and write English or Spanish write [delete] in any one of
and any one of the principal the principal Philippine
Philippine languages; and languages; and
Section 3. Special Section 3. Special It is my opinion that such
qualifications. x x x qualifications. x x x special qualification should be
deleted to prevent those fixed
xxxx xxxx marriages just to speed up the
process of becoming a Filipino
3. Being married to a Filipino [deleted] Citizen
xxxx xxxx
Section 3. Special Section 3. Special I am in the opinion that this is
qualifications. x x x qualifications. x x x the place wherein foundlings
can finally be recognized and
1. Having honorably held 1. Having honorably held be put into law. They too
office under the office under the should be allowed to be
Government of the Government of the naturalized and have a special
Philippines or under Philippines or under qualification as those born in
that of any of the that of any of the the Philippines.
provinces, cities, provinces, cities,
municipalities, or municipalities, or
political subdivisions political subdivisions
thereof; thereof;
2. Having established a 2. Having established a
new industry or new years of age on
introduced a useful the day of the he First.
invention in the years of age on the day
Philippines; of the he First. years
3. Being married to a of age on the day of
Filipino woman; the he First. years of
4. Having been engaged age on the day of the
as a teacher in the he First. years of age
Philippines in a public on the day of the he
or recognized private First. years of age on
school not established the day of the he First.
for the exclusive years of age on the day
instruction of children of the he First. years
of persons of a of age on the day of
particular nationality the he First. industry
or race, in any of the or introduced a useful
branches of education invention in the
or industry for a period Philippines;
of not less than two 3. Being married to a
years; Filipino woman;
5. Having been born in 4. Having been engaged
the Philippines. as a teacher in the
Philippines in a public
or recognized private
school not established
for the exclusive
instruction of children
of persons of a
particular nationality
or race, in any of the
branches of education
or industry for a period
of not less than two
5. Having been born in
the Philippines.
6. Having been a
foundling in the