Mechanical Ventilation Pediatric Volume Mode Skill Respiratory Therapy COVID 19 Toolkit - 070420
Mechanical Ventilation Pediatric Volume Mode Skill Respiratory Therapy COVID 19 Toolkit - 070420
Mechanical Ventilation Pediatric Volume Mode Skill Respiratory Therapy COVID 19 Toolkit - 070420
Conventional modes of mechanical ventilation provide positive pressure ventilation (PPV) to
improve oxygenation and ventilation, prevent cardiovascular failure, manage intracranial
pressure, protect the airways, and improve oxygen delivery to the tissues. PPV can be used
as temporary therapy until the child’s condition no longer warrants support or as long-term
therapy in children with chronic conditions requiring mechanical ventilation. 4
To perform this procedure, the respiratory therapist (RT) must be competent in pediatric
advanced life support and must be able to identify indications for an artificial airway and
other adjuncts used to support ventilation.2
Lung protective strategies for a child on PPV include low tidal volume (VT) (6 ml/kg or range
of 5 to 7 ml/kg)4 controlled plateau pressure of 30 mm Hg or less, and early and aggressive
PEEP.1 Recommended strategies to improve oxygenation use FIO2 and PEEP (Table 1).1 An
open-lung model with a stepwise progression of PEEP to recruit atelectatic lung segments in
children with restrictive lung disease, such as acute lung injury, is suggested.
PEEP is based on the child’s disease process. For children undergoing ventilation for general
physiologic support, a minimal PEEP of 5 mm Hg is considered adequate to replicate FRC.3,4
At high levels of PEEP, which increase mean airway pressure, the VT can be reduced for lung
protection in many cases.
• Provide individualized, developmentally appropriate education to the family based on the
desire for knowledge, readiness to learn, and overall neurologic and psychosocial state.
• Explain the reasons for and the purpose and risks of PPV therapy.
• Discuss sensory information, including the sounds of the ventilator, the sensation of lung
inflation, and coughing.
• Provide the family with descriptions and explanations of the equipment alarms.
• Explain that medications, including local anesthetics, sedatives, and pain medications
will be used to minimize the child’s pain and anxiety during the procedure.
• Discuss relaxation methods that can be incorporated into the child’s care, including
reading to him or her, providing quiet distractions, and facilitating rest.
• Identify a method of communication between the child and family and the authorized
• Provide assurance that the family can be present and involved in the child’s care.
• Discuss the need for suctioning of the ET tube at regular intervals and the expected
coughing sensation.
• Encourage questions and answer them as they arise.
1. Ensure that all necessary equipment and supplies have been collected and that the
equipment is working properly.
2. Ensure that a manual ventilation bag, a mask, and suction are immediately available and
connected at the child’s bedside.
1. Perform hand hygiene and don gloves, gown, mask, and eye protection as indicated.
2. Verify the correct child using two identifiers.
3. Explain the procedure to the family and ensure that they agree to treatment.
4. Ensure that end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2)
monitoring are in place, if indicated.
5. Select the mode of ventilation.
6. Set the initial VT; observe chest excursion and auscultate lung sounds to ensure that the
child has adequate aeration.
7. Set the cycle mechanism (volume, time, or flow). Children with hypoxemia may benefit
from a longer controlled inspiratory time, and the time-cycled mode may be preferred over
the flow- or volume-cycled mode.3
a. An initial rate setting should be based on age and the size of the neonate, infant, or child.
b. The rate may be adjusted on the basis of PaCO2 with the assumption that the VT is held
c. Initially, VT can be estimated. For complete control, the calculated rate is used.
d. For spontaneous breathing, a lower rate is chosen and then adjusted based on the PaCO2.
e. When permissive hypercapnia is desired for lung protection, pH (rather than PaCO2) drives
changes in the rate.3
a. In children with restrictive lung disease, a longer inspiratory time may be beneficial.
b. In children with obstructive disease, a longer expiratory time may be necessary. 3
Rationale: The PEEP is based on the child’s lung function and disease process.
11. Adjust the trigger sensitivity to reduce the effort the child must make to access flow
from the circuit.
a. For a child who has just started mechanical ventilation, adjust the sensitivity to provide
complete comfort and rest.
b. The ventilator is triggered when either a pressure sensor or a flow sensor recognizes the
child’s effort.
12. Tailor the flow rate and pattern to meet the child’s needs. The circuit may provide
continuous flow or demand flow.
13. Set the appropriate alarms and limits.
Rationale: High- and low-pressure alarms, inspiratory time, and VT limits are
always set, and the values are based on the cycling mechanism chosen. Low-
pressure alarms are used to detect disconnection in the system. High-
pressure alarms are used for notification of increased pressure in the system.
14. Set the pressure-support ventilation (PSV), if required. With the initiation of PSV,
consider comfort and a target VT. PSV is used with or without SIMV.
a. Set a pressure level that provides enough support to achieve a targeted VT.
b. Some children may need higher initial PSV levels, depending on their disease and their
4. Perform a ventilator check including FIO2, PIP, VT, PEEP, mean airway pressure, and other
relevant settings, such as the temperature of the inspired gas.
Rationale: Changes in oxygen flow may occur from the oxygen source; auto-
PEEP may also occur. Body temperature can be significantly altered by the
temperature of inspired gas.
8. Monitor the ventilator’s alarms and watch for changes from prescribed settings, including
an increased PIP or a change in VT.
10. Suction the ET tube as indicated and observe the characteristics of secretions.
11. Minimize sources of infection by limiting interruptions of the circuit and by emptying
condensation from the tubing.
12. Encourage daily drug holidays or neurostimulation monitors if the child is undergoing
paralytic therapy.
Rationale: Elevating the head of the bed reduces the incidence of aspiration.
14. Observe the child for signs and symptoms of pain. If pain is suspected, report it to the
authorized practitioner.
• Adequate oxygenation and ventilation
• Maintenance of adequate pH and PaCO2
• Decreased work of breathing
• Ventilation without lung injury
• Hemodynamic stability
• Maintenance of skin integrity
• Airway in correct position
• No infection
• Mobilization and removal of secretions
• Adequate airway humidification
• Adequate pain control during the procedure
• Inadequate ventilation and oxygenation (hypoxemia, hypercarbia, acidosis, alkalosis)
• Cardiopulmonary assessment before and after procedure, including vital signs, lung
sounds, work of breathing, arterial blood gas analysis, pulse oximetry, and ETCO2
• ET tube size: cuffed or uncuffed
• ET tube marking at the teeth or gums for correct placement
• Date and time of initiation of ventilator assistance
• Record of ventilator settings, including FIO2, mode, VT, PIP, rate, and PEEP
• Record of ventilator checks as indicated, including FIO2, mode, VT, PIP, rate, and PEEP
• Timing of suctioning and characteristics of ET tube secretions
• Pain assessment and specific interventions provided
• Child’s response to the procedure
• Child and family education
• Unexpected outcomes and related interventions
1. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) Network and others. (2000). Ventilation
with lower tidal volumes as compared with traditional tidal volumes for acute lung injury
and the acute respiratory distress syndrome. The New England Journal of Medicine, 342(18),
1301-1308. doi:10.1056/NEJM200005043421801 (classic reference)* (Level II)
2. de Caen, A.R. and others. (2015). Part 12: Pediatric advanced life support: 2015
American Heart Association guidelines update for cardiopulmonary resuscitation and
emergency cardiovascular care. Circulation, 132(18 Suppl. 2), S526-S542.
doi:10.1161/CIR.0000000000000266 Retrieved August 19, 2019, from (Level VII)
3. Grossbach, I., Chlan, L., Tracy, M.F. (2011). Overview of mechanical ventilatory support
and management of patient- and ventilator-related responses. Critical Care Nurse, 31(3),
30-44. doi:10.4037/ccn2011595 (classic reference)*
4. Klein, J.M. (n.d.). Protocol for initial respiratory settings for mechanical ventilation of
infants. Retrieved August 19, 2019, from
*In these skills, a “classic” reference is a widely cited, standard work of established
excellence that significantly affects current practice and may also represent the foundational
research for practice.
• Air source
• ET tube and airway box at bedside
• Appropriate-size mask (to provide PPV as needed via bag-mask ventilation in the event
of unplanned extubation or planned extubation with subsequent respiratory distress)
• Cardiopulmonary monitor
• Invasive or noninvasive mechanical ventilator
• ETCO2 monitor
• Manual ventilation device (i.e., flow-inflating or self-inflating bag)
• Oxygen source
• PPE (gloves, mask, gown, and eye protection, as indicated)
• Pulse oximeter
• Suction source and catheter(s)