Premium Grade Water Based High Velocity Duct Sealant: Low Brush Drag and Spreadability
Premium Grade Water Based High Velocity Duct Sealant: Low Brush Drag and Spreadability
Premium Grade Water Based High Velocity Duct Sealant: Low Brush Drag and Spreadability
Premium Grade
Water Based High Velocity Duct Sealant
Low Brush Drag and Spreadability
• Indoor/outdoor grade • Will not drip or sag CHEMICAL TYPE: Synthetic Latex
• For applications up to 15” WG • Mild odor
• Low brush drag and spreadability • UL 181B-M Listed
• Permanently seals metal duct systems • UL 723 Classified ODOR: Mild (wet) None (dry)
• Highly crack resistant • LEED® Compliant, meets all applicable VOC CONTENT: 0 g/L
• Remains flexible SCAQMD standards EPA Method 24
• Excellent UV, flexibility, mold resistant, • Conforms to requirements of NFPA TVOC EMISSIONS: Private Office - Pass
and water resistant properties 90A and 90B CDPH Standard Method v1.1 School Classroom - Pass
• Paintable with latex based paint • Manufactured by S.M.W.I.A. Local 12
DENSITY: 11.3 ±0.3 lbs per gallon
DIRECTIONS FOR USE VISCOSITY: 300,000 ±25,000 c.p.s.
Surface Preparation: For good brushability, store at room temperature at least 24 APPLICATION TEMPERATURE: 35°F to 110°F
hours before applying. Surfaces should be clean, dry and free of any dirt, oil, grease, SERVICE TEMPERATURE: 0°F to 220°F
water or foreign matter.
Application: (DO NOT THIN) Do not apply when rain or freezing temperatures STORAGE TEMPERATURE: 35°F to 110°F
will occur within 36 hours. DRY TO TOUCH: 1 hour (approximate)
When Used In Conjunction With Sheet Metal: Apply by brush, hand, trowel or CURE TIME: 24 to 72 hours
spray. PROseal should be applied to duct connections according to all applicable Depending on humidity, application, and
SMACNA standards. Apply to the inside of female fittings and outside of male temperature
fittings. Assemble the joint.
Brush sealant over the assembled joint. Thoroughly cover joint and screws with a 2” FLEXIBILITY: Pass
to 3” wide band. Assembly should cure for 24-72 hours before pressure testing the ASTM D522 (1/8” Mandrel Bend)
system. Since field temperature/ humidity conditions may vary, longer set times MOLD RESISTANCE: Pass
may be required for specific installations. Apply at a rate of 50 sq. ft. per gallon UL 181B Mold & Humidity Test
(1/32” thick).
When Used in Conjunction With UL 181 Listed Flexible Air Ducts: Apply by FREEZE THAW STABILITY: Pass
brush a 1/16” (25 sq.ft. per gallon) coating and allow to dry a minimum of 24-72
hours. Since field temperature/humidity conditions may vary, longer set times may ADHESION STRENGTH: Pass - Exceeds Standards
be required for specific installations. Use with mechanical fasteners per Air Duct UL 181B Peel Adhesion
installation instructions. COVERAGE: 25 sq. ft./gal. at 1/16”
When Used In Conjunction With Duct Cover: Allow the sealant to cure fully 50 sq. ft./gal. at 1/32”
before encapsulating duct ends with ProGuard, or any duct cover products. You
may set the duct upright on a palate and encapsulate just the top, allowing air to SHELF LIFE: 1 year (unopened container)
flow through the bottom until the sealant has cured. PACKAGING: 1/12 gallon tubes (25 tubes/case)
Clean Up: Use warm, soapy water to clean up sealant while it is still wet. 1 gallon pail (4 pails/case)
Storage: Store at temperatures between 35˚F–110˚F. WARNING: DO NOT 5 gallon pail
FREEZE or apply at freezing conditions, If frozen completely thaw prior to use. 54 gallon drum
Caulking and Sealants
Distributed By:
Charleroi, PA Lodi, CA
210 Fifth Street 810 S. Cluff Avenue This spec data is printed on paper that meets the Certified Fiber
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724-258-0500 209-333-4680
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