Eta 06-0226 Freyssinet Post-Tensioning System
Eta 06-0226 Freyssinet Post-Tensioning System
Eta 06-0226 Freyssinet Post-Tensioning System
Tel : + 33 (0)1 60 52 31 31
Fax : + 33 (0)1 60 52 31 69
Cet Agrément Technique Européen ETA-06/0226 version of 12th Mars 2012 with validity from
réunie 3 agréments : 19/01/2012 to 19/01/2017
This European Technical Approval is a ETA-11/0172 version of 7th July 2011 with validity from
merger of 3 approvals : 07/07/2011 to 07/07/2016
ETA-10/0326 version of 11th October 2010 with validity from
11/10/2010 to 11/10/2015
Le présent agrément technique européen 104 pages comprenant 48 pages d’annexes (dessins) faisant
contient : partie intégrante du document.
This European Technical Approval 104 pages including 48 pages of annexes which form an
contains: integral part of the document
A.2 Sétra is authorised to check whether the provisions of this European Technical
Approval are met. Checking may take place in the manufacturing plant(s). Nevertheless, the
responsibility for the conformity of the products to the European Technical Approval and for
their fitness for the intended use remains with the holder of the European Technical Approval.
A.4 This European Technical Approval may be withdrawn by Sétra, in particular pursuant
to information by the Commission according to Article 5(1) of Council Directive
A.6 The European Technical Approval is issued by the approval body in its official
language. This version corresponds fully to the version circulated in EOTA. Translations into
other languages have to be designated as such.
Official Journal of the European Communities No L 40, 11.2.1989, p. 12
Official Journal of the European Communities No L 220, 30.8.1993, p. 1
Official Journal of the European Union No L 284, 30.10.2003, p. 1
JORF du 14 juillet 1992
Official Journal of the European Communities No L 17, 20.1.1994, p. 34
ETA-06/0226 version of 12th March 2012 with validity from 19/01/2012 to 19/01/2017
ETA-11/0172 version of 7th July 2011 with validity from 07/07/2011 to 07/07/2016
ETA-10/0326 version of 11th October 2010 with validity from 11/10/2010 to 11/10/2015
The present document contains all the technical data and content of the three above
mentioned documents : It replaces last version of ETA-06/0226,
It cancels and supersedes ETA-11/0172 and ETA-10/0326.
The Freyssinet prestressing kit is a post-tensioning kit designed for both internal and external
prestressing. A prestressing cable consists of a bundle of 7-wire strands in accordance with
section G.1 and is referred to as the ‘tensile element’. When fitted with its anchorages, the
prestressing tendon is referred to as the ‘prestressing unit’.
In the case of unbonded internal prestressing, however, monostrands (strands with individual
protection by grease or wax and plastic sheath) may be used without any duct, the strands
being placed in the structure according to the design requirement.
Prestressing strands can be made in accordance with European and national provisions.
Freyssinet stressing anchorages anchor each strand individually by means of a conical wedge
inserted in a conical hole of anchorage block. The diameter of the internal thread of the
Freyssinet anchor wedge depends on the strand nominal diameter, T13 or T15 (drawings 1, 2
and 3).
Different active anchorage models are available, to meet specific construction needs.
Prestressing anchorages of the Freyssinet B system are generally used in prestressed thin
elements of the concrete structures. They are composed of cast-iron anchorage block and
trumplate. The model B cover a range between 3 and 5 strands T15 and T13 (see drawings 29
to 31).
Anchorages are said embedded or internally fixed when incorporated in concrete of structure.
These NB designated anchorages use swages to ensure fixing of strand ends (drawings 4 to 6)
on a model C anchor head fitted with cylindrical holes and seated on a trumplate. They can be
used for units ranging from 3 to 55 strands T13 or T15 (drawing 23).
The reinforcement in the deviation zone has to be calculated by the project designer.
Multistrand fixed couplers (drawing 21) connect two tensile elements that are tensioned one
after the other in two separate concreting phases.
They are made of machined steel with two series of conical holes bored, each series counting
at least as many holes as there are strands in the prestressing tendon.
Units with 3, 4, 7, 9, 12, 13, 15, 19, 22, 25, 27, 31 and 37 conical holes are available in the
The holes of the first series are positioned in the central part of the coupler, according the
same pattern as for the C anchorages of the basic kit.
The holes of the second series are bored on the opposite side of the coupler, according a
circular pattern. For unit 31 and 37, these holes are positioned on two concentric circles.
Movable couplers are used for prestressing units with 1 to 37 strands T13 or T15
(drawing 22).
The length of the coupler reservation is obtained by the formula L = M + U, where U is the
connector displacement including provision for stressing tolerance according to national
regulations and M is a fixed dimension depending on the tendon type including necessary
installation tolerance given in the table of relevant drawings.
- Ducts, used to isolate, guide and protect tensile elements (see section G.2). They can
consist of steel or plastic corrugated sheath or steel or plastic tubes or pipes.
- Injection materials for anchorages and ducts, such as cement grout, grease and wax.
- Tubes or specific elements for deviation of external cables at given locations in the
structure. These deviators are generally made out of steel plain pipes. The specific
elements may include reservations inside the concrete reinforcement or construction steel
saddles to obtain the cable deviator.
- Bursting steel reinforcement, for the concrete confinement at anchorages and deviators, to
complete the general concrete structural reinforcement and ensure prestressing force
- Specific accessories to facilitate cable placing and stressing, tendon grouting, de-
tensioning and replacement of tendon, such as vents, duct drainage, tendon supports,
temporary and permanent protection caps of anchorages and couplers, coupling elements
between duct sections and for duct connection to anchorages.
The prestressing kit described in this ETA can be used for new structures, for repair and
reinforcement of existing structures with following basic categories of use:
Internal bonded tendon for concrete and composite structures
Internal unbonded tendon for concrete and composite structures
External tendon for concrete structures with a tendon path situated outside the cross-
section of the structure but inside its envelope.
The prestressing kit described in this ETA offers additionally optional categories of use for
which standard tendon characteristics are improved. These options are as follows:
1. restressable tendon (external or internal),
2. exchangeable tendon (external or internal),
3. tendon for cryogenic applications,
4. internal bonded tendon with plastic ducts,
5. encapsulated tendon,
6. electrically isolated tendon,
7. tendon for use in structural steel or composite construction as external tendon,
8. tendon for use in structural masonry construction as internal or external tendon,
9. tendon for use in structural timber construction as internal or external tendon.
PT-anchorage zones have to be designed to resist 1,1 Fpk according to the relevant Eurocode
in case of use with other materials than concrete.
The prestressing kit described in this ETA can be used in any type of structure and is used
more frequently in:
bridges (superstructures, piers, abutments, foundations),
buildings (floors, foundations, core walls, walls, columns, shear walls, lateral load
resisting frames, foundations),
reservoirs (walls, slabs, roofs),
silos (walls),
nuclear containment structures,
offshore structures (all parts),
floating installations and platforms (all parts),
retaining walls,
tunnels (longitudinal and transverse/hoop tendons),
large diameter pipes,
roads and airports.
Fixed Couplers
Couplers CM
Model NB
Model C
Model X
Model B
Model F
Categories of Use
Pre- Anchorage & Anchor Typical Drawings
stressing Coupler Type Model Duct Tensile Element Injection Protection
Type Sealing
x x x Standard C, F, NB, B Steel Bare Strand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap refer to [4]
Bonded x x x x Standard C, F, NB, B Plastic [1] Bare Strand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap refer to [5]
x x x Isolated C, B Plastic [1] Bare Strand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap 19, 24, 25, 29
x Standard C Steel Bare Strand Grease/Wax Cachetage/Cap 12
x x Standard C Plastic Bare Strand Grease/Wax Cachetage/Cap 12
x x x Standard C Steel Bare Strand Grease/Wax Extended Cap 12
x x x x Standard C Plastic Bare Strand Grease/Wax Extended Cap 12
Internal x x x Standard C Steel Monostrand Cement Grout Extended Cap 13, 14
Un- x x x x Standard C Plastic Monostrand Cement Grout Extended Cap 13, 15
bonded x Standard F, B Steel Monostrand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap 27, 28
x x Standard F, B Plastic Monostrand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap 27, 28
x x x Standard C, F, B no duct Monostrand No injection Cachetage/Cap 16, 28
x x x x x Standard C, F, B no duct Monostrand No injection Extended Cap 16, 28
x x x Isolated C, F, B no duct Monostrand No injection Cachetage/Cap 16
x x x x x Isolated C, F, B no duct Monostrand No injection Extended Cap 16, 19, rare
x x x x Standard C Steel [2] Bare Strand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap 12, rare
x x x x Standard C Steel [2] Bare Strand Grease/Wax Cap 18
x x x x x x Standard C Steel [2] Bare Strand Grease/Wax Extended Cap 18
x x x x x Standard C Plastic[2] Bare Strand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap 17
x x x x x x x Standard C Plastic[2] Bare Strand Cement Grout Extended Cap 17
x x x x x Standard C Plastic[2] Bare Strand Grease/Wax Cap 18
x x x x x x x Standard C Plastic[2] Bare Strand Grease/Wax Extended Cap 18
x x x x x x Isolated C Plastic[2] Bare Strand Grease/Wax Cap 18
x x x x x Standard C Plastic[2] Monostrand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap 15, 17
x x x x x Standard C Plastic[2] Monostrand Cement Grout Cachetage/Cap 15, 17
x x x Standard X Plastic[2] Monostrand Cement Grout Cap 15, 31, 32
x x x x x x x Standard C Plastic[2] Monostrand Cement Grout Extended Cap 15
x x x x x x Isolated C Plastic[2] Monostrand Cement Grout Cap 15
x x x x x Standard C, F, B no duct Monostrand No injection Cap 16, 27, 28
Table 3bis. Choice of Kit Elements for Basic and Optional Categories of Use
Standard Anchorage as per typical drawings, Isolated Anchorage: interposition of isolating
liner and seal inside trumplate and at contact to anchor block
Cachetage: see drwg 37, Cap: see drwg 38, Extended Cap: see drwg 39
Duct out of Steel or Plastic: Corrugated or Smooth, unless otherwise marked.
Corrugated duct only
Smooth duct only
References given to drawings are not exhaustive
e.g. see drwgs 11, 12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 34, 37
e.g. see drwgs 11, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 34
The provisions made in this ETA are based on an assumed intended working life of the PT
System of 100 years. The indications given on the working life can not be interpreted as a
guarantee given by the producer or the approval body, but are to be regarded only as a means
for choosing the right products in relation to the expected economically reasonable working
life of the structures.
Chapters E to K of this ETA, including drawings attached to it, detail the characteristics of
The assessment of the aptitude of the kit for its intended use, in relation to the requirements
for mechanical resistance and stability in the sense of the Essential Requirement 1 has been
made in compliance with the Guideline for European Technical Approval (ETAG 013) of
“Post-Tensioning Kits for Prestressing of Structures”. Performances examined in conformity
to the ETAG 013 satisfy the pertinent essential requirements. These are mainly performances
related to static load, transfer on concrete and resistance to fatigue. Methods for check,
evaluation and assessment of aptitude for use and test procedures according to those detailled
in ETAG 013.
According to the manufacturer declaration the post-tensioning kit does not contain any
dangerous substances.
In addition to the specific clauses relating to dangerous substances contained in the ETA,
there may be other requirements, applicable to the products falling within its scope (e.g.
transposed European legislation and national laws, regulations and administrative provisions).
In conformity with the provisions of the European directive 89/106/EEC, these requirements
must also be complied with wherever they apply.
B.3.2 Responsabilities
The type and frequency of checks and tests conducted during production and on the final
product as part of the continuous internal production control are described in the prescribed
test plan, Chapter C of this ETA.
All the tests are conducted according to written procedures, by means of adequate calibrated
measuring devices. Results are recorded logically and systematically.
If test results do not comply, the produced lot is inspected in detail. It may be rejected,
completely or partially. Defectuous parts may be retreated in order to eliminate defects and
checks and tests are then repeated.
Products non complying with the ETA are marked and separated from complying products.
Official Journal of the European communities L201/112 of 3 July 1998
Each main component has a prescribed inspection plan, established by Freyssinet and applied
by its manufacturers. Production control methods are defined in the Freyssinet Quality
Assurance Plan PAQ ATE PRE.
At least once a year, each component producer is audited by the kit manufacturer. The results
of the audit shall be made available to the certifying body.
The main production centre is checked at least once a year by the Certification Body. Each
component producer is checked at least once every five years by the Certification Body.
The Certification Body checks inspection results, control tests as well as results of production
control results and establishes the conformity to the ETA.
Corrective measures are taken by the Manufacturer when defects have been met. These
measures are:
corrective intervention, following the notification of the Certification Body,
control strengthening and higher test frequency,
setting-up of modifications.
During continuous surveillance auditing, the Certification Body takes samples to test in
independent laboratories. Samples are taken according to the requirements of the table
attached in the chapter D of this ETA.
During the certificate validity the ETA holder supplies once a year to the Certification Body
anchorages and strands necessary for a test series according to Annex E of ETAG 013 and
sends them to the laboratory designated by the Certification Body.
These well-identified parts and tensile elements are from the same construction site. If
possible, construction sites are chosen in such a way that the tensile element manufacturer
will be different from year to year.
B.3.2.3 CE Marking
The CE marking must comply with the European Council Directive 89/106/CEE, and to the
EC guideline "D" related to the marking. The delivery bill accompagnying the PT kit
components shall bear the conformity CE marking symbol and the following mentions :
All other information must be clearly distinct from the CE marking and the related mentions.
The ETA is issued under the following assumptions:
The ETA is issued for the Freyssinet post-tensioning kit on basis of information and
documents submitted by Freyssinet to Sétra, with identification of product tested and
assessed. Any modification of characteristics of product or factory production process which
might modify the conformity of the kit shall be notified to the Sétra prior to its application.
The Sétra will decide if this modification affects the ETA and if a more detailled assessment
or amendment of ETA is required.
A Quality Assurance Plan related to the prestressing kit ETA is established and regularly
updated by Freyssinet ; it is made available to the Sétra. A list of sub-contractors and
component suppliers is part of this Quality Assurance Plan.
Freyssinet is committed to impose the requirements of the present ETA and ETAG 013 upon
the producer of his prestressing kit, as well as upon his subcontractors and suppliers.
The designer of the structure is assumed to respect specifications set by applicable standards,
e.g. Eurocodes or equivalent applicable national standards, and to adapt his design in
accordance with the construction methods foreseen and the instructions of the ETA holder.
The arrangement of anchorages shall respect the specifications of chapter J as to edge cover,
axis distances and bursting steel.
Following components, not detailed in the present ETA, conform to European standards or
equivalent applicable national standards or regulations:
Prestressing steel : prEN 10138
Monostrands : ETAG 013 Annex C1, XP A 35 037
Steel corrugated sheaths : EN 523
Steel pipes: prEN 10255, ISO 4200, EN 10216-1, EN 10217-1
Smooth plastic pipes: prEN 12201
Cement grout: EN 445, EN 447
Bursting steel: prEN 10080, EN 10025
Transport and handling of prestressing steel and steel components of the kit shall be done in
such a manner as to avoid any mechanical, chemical or physical damage.
Prestressing steels and steel components shall be stored free from humidity. Plastic
components and ducts shall be protected from UV radiation.
The specialist company shall establish a Unique Document in conformity with the Guidance
Directive 89/391/CEE dated 1989.06.12, identifying and analysing recurring risks bound to
installation of prestressing.
The technician in charge of the prestressing works shall modify this Unique Document to
account for the particular and not recurring risks of his working site.
During stressing, standing behind or immediatly close to a jack is strictly forbidden, as well as
behind a passive anchorage while stressing at the other end. Wherever necessary, safety rails
shall be installed and passing zones for personnel shall be kept free.
Since any disorder in the structure may result in damage of PT tendons, a specialist company
should repair as soon as possible according to adequate procedures.
The following table summarises the test procedures necessary to ensure that all kit
components meet the ETA specifications. Sétra has adapted Table E.1 of ETAG 013
according to the importance of the components for the performance of the Freyssinet PT-
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6
Sampling – No. of
Component Item Test/Check
components per visit
Trumplate Material according to Test or Check 1
for anchorages C or B Detailed dimensions Test
Main dimensions1 Check
Machined anchor block / Material according to Test or Check 1
block for coupler specification
Detailed dimensions Test
Main dimensions1 Check
Cast iron anchor parts Material according to Test or Check 1
for anchorages F, X, B Detailed dimensions Test
or strand connector P Main dimensions1 Check
Wedge, swage Material according to Test or Check 3
Heat treatment Test 2
(if applicable)
Detailed dimensions Check 1
Main dimensions Test 5
Surface hardness
Visual Inspection1 Check 5
Single tensile element Single tensile element test Test 1 series
test according to Annex E.3
All samples taken at random and clearly identified.
visual inspection relates to main dimensions, calibration tests, correctness of marking or tag,
adequate performing, surface aspect, absence of burrs or faults, absence of cavities, corrosion,
coating, etc.
Internal prestressing units bonded to the concrete consist of bare strands in a thin-wall
corrugated duct made of steel (see G.2.1), plastic (see G.2.2) or smooth steel pipes (see G.2.3)
and injected with a cement grout in accordance with EN 447 or Annex C4 of ETAG013.
Other than in exceptional circumstances, external prestressing tendons are replaceable and re-
stressable, and are one of the following types:
Standard type: with double tube where the tendon passes through the concrete of the
structure, to ensure the independence of the tensile element and its duct from the
structure and to enable extraction. The duct is injected with cement grout.
Type W: with a duct injected with a flexible corrosion-inhibiting product enabling the
tensile element to be extracted.
Type GI: with monostrands housed in a general duct injected or not with cement grout
before tensioning.
‘AD n C 15’ anchorages can be used to make electrically isolated prestressing tendons if the
measures described in paragraph E.2.4 have been taken.
Where tendons pass through concrete a double casing is realised by means of a second tube
used as a concrete formwork which ensures the independence of the HDPE tube from the
E.2.3.2 GI Tendons
Tensile elements consist of monostrands grouped together in a plastic duct, injected with
cement grout prior to tensioning. The anchorage head is protected by a permanent cap filled
either with a soft corrosion protection material fully compatible with that of monostrands or
injected with cement grout.
E.2.3.3 W Tendons
Tensile elements are housed in a continuous HDPE plain tube. At the anchorages, the
trumplates are fitted with a plastic trumpet welded to the tube. A watertight gasket between
the two parts allows dismantling. Double tubing is not necessary to ensure dismantling.
After tensioning, the tendon is injected with a soft corrosion protection material, such as a
microcristaline petroleum wax. The anchorage head is protected by a permanent cap which
allows the injection of the tendon.
Model C internal prestressing anchorages can be used to make prestressing tendons for
cryogenic applications.
Freyssinet prestressing anchorages can be used to make prestressing tendons with a watertight
casing when used with a watertight plastic duct, a permanent cap to cover the anchorage head
and watertight connections between each section of the casing.
Model C anchorages can be used to make electrically isolated prestressing tendons. These
tendons consist then of strands threaded in an electrically isolating plastic casing comprising
in particular:
a plastic trumpet fitted inside the trumplate,
a bearing plate made out of an electrically isolating composite material placed under
the anchor block,
a plastic cap.
Applications Types Models
with steel duct -
Bonded NB C
Internal with plastic duct CI C-F PE
Prestressing CM B
electrically isolated with A - CI - CM C EI
plastic duct
with monostrands C-F GI
injection with soft
Internal A C-B W
protection material
injection with soft
protection material A C WEI
and electrical isolation
injection with cement -
External grout
Prestressing with monostrands C-X GI
injection with soft C W
protection material
electrically isolated C EI
Model F (single strand unit) and C anchorages are used in the case of steel structures, without
the standard load-spreading component (trumplate) which is replaced by a bearing plate of a
size in accordance with the strength of the steel of the structure (see EN 1993 and EN 1994).
Model F (one strand only) and C anchorages are used in the case of masonry structures,
without the standard load-spreading component (trumplate) which is replaced by a bearing
plate of a size in accordance with the strength of the masonry of the structure (see EN 1996).
Model F (one strand only) and C anchorages are used in the case of timber structures, without
the standard load-spreading component (trumplate) which is replaced by a bearing plate of a
size in accordance with the strength of the timber of the structure (see EN 1995).
‘1 F’ anchorages can be used for timber structures if adequately embedded by means of epoxy
In the case of stressing anchorages for units comprising monostrands, the strands may be
tensioned either collectively with a multistrand jack, or individually with a monostrand jack,
proceeding in several loading stages, if cement grouted before tensioning.
E.3.2 Measurement of friction coefficient and load transfer percentage from stressing
end to the other
In the case of prestressing tendons with monostrands (type GI) or injected with a flexible
filling product (type W), it is possible to adjust the prestressing load at any time during
service life if tendon overlengths have been maintained. The overlengths are protected by an
adequately long protection cap.
When an ‘A n C15 (or C13)’ or ‘AD n C15 (or C13)’ anchorage uses a threaded block, the
load in the tensile element can be monitored with a special ring jack installed between the
anchor block threaded ring and the anchorage trumplate.
A non-grouted tendon can be detensioned with a monostrand jack and a detensioning tool if
the strand overlengths have not been cut off.
If the strands have been cut off, the tendon can only be detensioned by heating the strands at
wedges location with a blow torch, one by one. Special precautions must be taken at the other
end to contain any strand expulsion within special protective systems.
Once detensioning has been performed as described in paragraph E.3.5, and on condition that
both ends can be easily accessed, a tendon can be replaced without concrete demolishing.
In the case of tendons with type CI couplers, this operation is possible only for the primary
part of the tendon, before concreting of the secondary part.
When the prestressing tendon consists of monostrands, each strand can be replaced by a
strand of the same sectional area if the alignment of the tensile element is straight or slightly
deviated, and by a strand of smaller sectional area in other cases. When a new strand is
threaded in, a protective product of the same quality as that of the strand replaced must be
introduced into the individual sheath left in place.
E.3.7 Prestressing tendon allowing for load monitoring, retensioning, and replacement
without damage to the duct
E.3.9 Equitension
In the case of a prestressing unit with model C anchorages, when it is to be ensured that the
initial length of each strand is the same prior to tensioning, a pre-tensioning operation can be
carried out with the equitension jack. It has as many tensioning chambers as there are strands
to be tensioned, and takes up any slack in the strands individually.
Maximum forces beneath the anchorage during tensioning, F0, must be taken from standards
or regulations in place of use.
Values shown in the following table, comply French regulations which are identical to the
values recommended by Eurocode2.
The number of strands in a tendon may be decreased either by reducing the number of drilled
holes in the anchor block (special order to factory) or by leaving out strands in the anchorages
or couplers. In both cases the strands are placed in the best possible symmetrical manner. The
provisions for tendons with completely filled anchorages and couplers also apply to partially
filled ones.
Tensile Strength
1770 1770 1860 1860 1860 1860
Diameter (mm) 15,3 15,7 12,5 12,9 15,3 15,7
1 196 211 137 148 206 221
2 392 421 274 295 412 443
3 589 632 410 443 618 664
4 785 842 547 590 824 886
5 981 1053 684 738 1031 1107
6 1177 1264 821 886 1237 1328
7 1373 1474 958 1033 1443 1550
9 1766 1895 1231 1328 1855 1993
Number of Strands
Table 5. Maximum Force with Stressing Limit Fo = min{0,8 Fpk,0,9 Fp0,1%} acc. Eurocode 2 and
prEN 10138-3:2006 (only informative)
Freyssinet active anchorages are based on the wedge principle and use the Freyssinet T and B
wedges T15, T13 or B13 when relevant. Each wedge is anchored in a conical hole of the
anchor head, which is either a steel block for anchorage models C, or a cast iron part for
strand connectors and for anchorage models F, B and X. Depending on situations, the
anchorage block seats on a cast iron load spreading part, called trumplate, or on a steel plate
for structures other than concrete ones, the dimensions of which depend of the strength of the
The Freyssinet anchor wedge is a conical one-use wedge, consisting of three matching
wedges held together by a circlip. Three models of wedges are available:
- the T13 wedge used with T13 and T13S strands for C, F and X anchorages (drawing 2),
- the B13 wedge used with T13 and T13S strand for B anchorage (drawing 3),
- the T15 wedge used with T15 and T15S strands for B, C, F and X anchorages (drawing
Its internal diameter is adapted to the strand diameter: either T15/T15S (T15wedges), or
T13/T13S (T13 and B13 wedges).
Anchorage wedges are precision machined from hot-rolled or cold-drawn rods of cement steel
defined by reference to standard EN 10084 and are case hardened. The steel grade
is 16MnCr5.
Internal fixed anchorages are made with anchor swages made by swaging a tubular section
enclosing a spiral spring onto each strand using a specific Freyssinet jack. There are two
standard versions and a compact version:
Swages are turned from hot-rolled bars of tempered and quenched structural alloy steel
defined in reference to standard EN 10083-1. The used grades are 34CrMo4 and 36CrNiMo4.
It is made from a non-alloy quenched and tempered structural steel, defined by reference to
standard EN 10083-1 (C45).
Note 1: electrically isolated anchorages may be made with blocks of larger dimensions than
the standard blocks in order to reduce compressive strength on the electrical isolation plate .
Note 2: blocks for type ‘NB’ embedded anchorages are made with cylindrical holes.
Note 3: when an external thread is necessary for monitoring prestressing load, the anchor
block shall have a larger diameter in order to cut the thread outside the original anchor block
Model B anchorage heads are spheroidal graphite cast iron ( GJS 800-4) defined by reference
to standard EN 1563.
Except for anchorage wedges, all uncoated components are packaged in sealed containers, are
rust-free and slightly oiled.
Anchorage wedges are packaged in white buckets. They are suitably protected against
oxidation. The buckets containing type T15 wedges are colour-coded differently to those of
type T13 and B13 wedges.
Bursting steel is fixed to general reinforcing bars at locations given in this ETA.
Tightness at connection between anchorage and duct is realised either by adhesive tape or
heat-shrink sleeves. For F and B anchorage models used with monostrands the sealing
between anchorage and monostrands is realised by means of a mastic plug.
Size of anchorage reservation and clearance for placing the stressing jack should be checked
at the design stage (see drawings 42 to 54).
Loop tendons are stressed simultaneously at both ends by means of single-strand jacks
(see drawings 55 and 56).
Exchangeable external prestressing tendons injected with cement grout is realised by means
of a double duct at deviation or anchoring points :
A minimum gap of 10 mm between the two ducts is required.
External shuttering tube, generally out of steel,
Tendon duct, continuous between anchorages (see drawing 17)
Model «NB n C 15» anchorages consist of an anchor block with cylindrical holes and swages.
Type T13D swage is used for T13 and T13S strands, and type T15DC for T15 and T15S
Swages are realised before concreting and maintained in position with a locking template.
The prestressing force of the secondary tendon at the coupler shall not exceed that of the
primary cable.
F.2.5.1 Multi-Strand Model CI with Type P Strand connectors and Multi-Strand Model
CU steel couplers
The secondary cable is connected to the primary cable by means of type P strand connectors
or CU multistrand steel coupler. The complete assembly is covered with an overall cap :
at one end the cap is fixed to the primary trumplate. A flexible seal provides
watertightness during concreting and grouting.
at the other end the cap is formed as a trumpet to allow its connection to the second phase
cable duct.
Each strand of the primary cable is connected to the corresponding strand of the secondary
cable by means of a type P strand connector. The complet assembly is covered with a cap
ensuring watertightness during concreting and grouting; and eliminating possible effort
transfer through the cap during tensioning of the coupled secondary tendon. This cap must
allow for the elongation of first phase cable and the resulting displacement of strand
connectors. In practice, the cap length is therefore adapted to each case.
When directly embedded in the concrete structure, without overall duct, monostrands are
fixed on supports arranged within the general steel reinforcement. In case of large cable units
exceeding 6 monostrands, monostrands should be arranged in groups of 3, the distance
between each of them being sufficient to allow a correct concreting (see drawing 16).
When monostrands are placed in a general duct (see drawings 13 to 15), the duct is injected
with cement grout and tensioning is done after the grout has reached a compressive strength
of 10 MPa.
When multi-strand anchorages are used, the precise arrangement of strands in the anchor zone
during concreting or injection of duct is secured by the use of a temporary stuffing box
(drawing 40). After removal of the stuffing box, sheath ends of strands are removed in order
to install the anchorage block, stress the tendon and inject the anchorage area with soft
product (wax or grease).
The envelope of electrically isolated tendons consists of plastic ducts with thermo-shrink PE
connections. In particular multi-strand fixed couplers type «CI n C 15 EI» and movable
couplers type «CM n C 15 EI» are isolated in a PE or PP cap. An isolating plate is inserted
between the trumplate and the anchor block before stressing.
These strands may also be ordered according to national standards applicable in the country
concerned, e.g in France to XPA 35-045-3 standard for bare strands (as long as the EN 10138
standard is provisional).
Monostrands are covered in France by the XP A 35-037 standard, and designated by S 12,5
(or 12,9 or 15,3 or 15,7) 1770 (or 1860) – A + (Z or ZA) + G + P. The G attribute means
protection with grease and P means sliding, i.e. the strand is free to slide in its individual
sheath, even embedded in concrete, allowing for its stressing without any bond to the concrete
of the structure.
The maximum stressing force F0 at anchorage indicated in the following table for a single
strand has been calculated in accordance with Eurocode 2. It must be adapted to the
applicable national regulations.
Tm D S Fpk M Fp0.1% Fo To
MPa mm mm² kN kg/m kN kN N/mm²
1770 12.5 93 165 0.726 145 130.5 1416
1770 12.9 100 177 0.781 156 140.4 1416
1770 15.3 140 248 1.093 218 196.2 1416
1770 15.7 150 266 1.172 234 210.6 1416
1860 12.5 93 173 0.726 152 136.8 1488
1860 12.9 100 186 0.781 164 147.6 1488
1860 15.3 140 260 1.093 229 206.1 1488
1860 15.7 150 279 1.172 246 221.4 1488
D Nominal diameter
Fpk Characteristic value of maximum load (equal to fpk.Ap in Eurocode 2 or Fm in prEN)
Fp0.1% Characteristic value of load at 0,1% elasticity limit
Fo Indicative maximum force at stressing anchorage: Fo = Min { 0,8 Fpk ; 0,9 Fp0.1%}
m Nominal mass per metre
S Nominal area
To Tensile stress under Fo
Tm Tensile stress at break
Table 6. Maximum Force at Stressing Anchorage for a Single Strand acc. to Eurocode 2 and
prEN 10138-3:2006 (only informative)
The Freyssinet prestressing kit for post-tensioning may be used with different types of duct
depending of the project and the use categories of tendons.
The typical internal diameter of ducts is defined on the drawings in Annex K for each
anchorage model, which may be increased if required by the project specifications or the
national regulations. In the case of prefabricated cables threaded in one operation, the duct
internal diameter may be increased in sections with large deviation curvature to facilitate
Steel strip sheaths are either circular or oval, generally corrugated to ensure a mechanical
bond with the concrete. The overall external dimensions of steel strip sheaths are about 6 mm
larger than the internal dimensions because of corrugation. This must be taken into account in
the design.
Steel strip sheaths are made from cold formed (if corrugated) steel strip wound helically and
welded along the edges or locked together by crimping.
Diameter 25-35 35-45 45-55 55-65 65-75 75-85 85- 100- 130-
(mm) 100 130 160
min. Category 0,25 0,25 0,30 0,30 0,35 0,35 0,40 0,40 0,40
thickness 1
of sheath Category
0,40 0,45 0,45 0,50 0,50 0,60 0,60 0,60
(mm) 2
Table 7. Thickness of Steel Strip Sheaths
Sheath sections are connected together with helical sleeves screwed onto the ends of the
sheaths. The watertightness at connections is obtained by adhesive tape or heat-shrink sleeves.
The ducts may be circular or flat, but are always corrugated to ensure a bond with the
concrete. The overall outer dimensions of a corrugated plastic duct are about 13 mm larger
than its internal dimensions because of corrugation. This must be taken into account in the
Plastics ducts are sensitive to wear induced by movement of the strands in the duct during
tensioning. Duct thickness is selected in accordance with the severity of the tendon alignment
(total length and radii of curvature).
Special precautions must be taken if the temperature of the surrounding concrete is likely to
exceed 60°C during setting or if the external pressure is likely to exceed 0,5 bar (e.g.
depending on the application and the concrete height).
Duct sections are connected by a sleeve of the same design as the basic sheath placed onto the
sections to be joined together. Watertightness at connections is obtained by adhesive tape or
by heat shrink sleeves coated on the inside with a hot-melt resin which are shrunk onto the
sheath with a hot-air blower. The dimensions of the heat-shrink sleeves are chosen so as to
have a residual thickness of at least 1,5 mm after shrinking.
G.2.2.1 Plyduct
The Plyduct sheath is circular, made out of a polyethylene or polypropylene strip. It is
2,5 mm thick for duct diameters up to 95 mm and 3,0 mm thick for larger diameters. Sheath
sections are connected by a sleeve of the same design as the basic sheath screwed onto the
sections to be joined together. Watertightness at connections is obtained by heat-shrink
sleeves coated on the inside with a hot-melt resin which are shrunk onto the sheath with a hot-
air blower. The dimensions of the heat-shrink sleeves are chosen so as to have a residual
thickness of at least 1,5 mm after shrinking.
The steel pipes used as prestressing ducts are generally chosen in compliance with one of the
following standards: EN 10305-3 (welded cold-sized tubes), EN 10216-1 (seamless tubes),
EN 10217-1 (welded steel tubes) or prEN 10219 (fine-grain steel pipe).
Pipes can be zinc-coated by hot-dip galvanising in accordance with standard EN ISO 1461, if
allowed by the applicable national regulations.
The polyethylene used is PE80 or PE100. Nominal pressure class (table 2 of standard
EN 12201-2) is chosen as follows:
Class PN4.0 at least, for injection prior to tensioning of monostrands,
Class PN6.3 at least, for injection at ambient temperature,
Class PN10 at least, for injection at temperatures exceeding 60°C (wax injection).
EN 12201-2 PE 80 PE 100
Series Low pressure Pressure Pressure
PN** 6.3 10 10
SDR 21 13.6 17
Nominal external Thickness Thickness Thickness
(mm) (mm) (mm) (mm)
50 3.7* 3.7
63 4.7* 4.7
75 5.5* 5.5
90 6.6* 6.6
110 5.3 8.1
125 6.0 9.2
140 6.7 10.3
160 7.7 11.8
180 8.6 10.7
200 9.6
SDR: ratio of external diameter to nominal wall thickness
* these pipes have not standardised dimensions
** PN values are based on a global service factor C = 1.25
Table 8. Dimensions of Smooth HDPE Tubes
Ducts for external prestressing are delivered in straight lengths. The most common lengths are
6 and 12 m. Lengths of pipe are connected by mirror welding or by means of polyethylene
sleeves electro-welded.
Hoop prestressing tendons are used with continuous polyethylene or polypropylene pipes,
generally extruded and supplied on reels. These pipes are smooth or indented for centering the
strand in its duct.
Close to anchorages the duct must guide the tensile element so that its strands bear against the
deviation zone of the trumplate and enter the holes in the anchorage head at the correct angle:
in practice the cable lay-out must be straight on a length of at least 6 times the duct internal
diameter between the trumplate end and the start of the curved section.
Minimum Curvature
Strand Type Duct Type
Steel 100 x internal diameter 2
Flat duct
Plastic 100 x internal diameter 2
Bare Strand Steel 100 x internal diameter
Circular duct
Plastic 100 x internal diameter
Tube Steel 3,0 m
Strands directly
incorporated in concrete
(in group of three strands Deviation 1,7 m for T13 1
Monostrand maximum) or placed in a 2,5 m for T15 1
duct injected with cement
grout before tensioning
Deviation 2,5 m
Single strand
Dead anchorage 0,6 m
(180° hoop)
according to ENV 1992-1-5:1994
flat duct dimension in the considered direction
In the case of bonded prestressing, the minimum radius of steel tubes can be reduced down to
20 times the internal diameter, assuming that:
- the resulting radius is not less than 1,1 m for T13 strands and 1,3 m for T15 strands,
- the tensile stress does not exceed 70% of strand guaranteed tensile strength where the
radius is less than 3,0 m,
- the sum of angular deviations along the cable is less than 3/2 radians,
- the sharply curved zone is considered as a dead anchorage if the angular deviation exceeds
/2 radians.
The maximum distance between duct supports is 1,0 m for straight sections or with high
curvature radius and 0,5 m for sections with small radius. In the case of smooth steel pipes, at
least one support at each elementary length shall be placed but the distance shall not exceed
3 m.
Any bulging along the duct must be balanced by appropriate reinforcement arrangement.
Similarly, the spacing of supports and the attachment of the duct must take account of the
buoyancy effect in fresh concrete.
Flat ducts are more sensitive to accidental crushing before tendon threading than circular
ducts. For this reason the tendons should be threaded into the duct before concreting. If it is
not possible to thread the tendons before concreting, measures must be taken to protect the
duct from crushing, or the ducts must be threaded with temporary “dummy” strands which
will be removed before the real tendons are threaded.
When ducts cross over each other in layers, contact between ducts should be avoided, and it
may be advisable to strengthen the area of intersection with a half-sleeve in order to prevent
any risk of communication between ducts during cement grouting.
In the case of corrugated plastic sheaths, a plastic half-shell must be placed between the duct
and its support in all areas where tendon is deviated.
The tolerance on the position of tendons in concrete parts must meet the requirements of ENV
13670-1 standard. Special attention must be given to tendon breakout induced by deviated
cables near an outside surface: the local positioning tolerance will have to be determined in
accordance with the lay-out of the passive reinforcement.
For multistrand steel couplers, these clearance lengths given should be increased by 100 mm.
Tensioning of secondary cables shall be such as to avoid the force at coupler end to exceed
that of the primary cables.
Force readings must take into account calibration of tensioning equipment and losses due to
friction in anchorages as given in the following table:
3 to 13 C 15 2% 3% 1% 2%
19 to 55 C 15 and 25 CC 15 2,5 % 3,5 % 1% 2%
1 F 13/15 1% 2% 0% 1%
3 to 4 F 13/15 1% 2% 1% 2%
3 to 5 B 13/15 2% 3% 1% 2%
1 to 2 X 15 1% 2% 0% 1%
Table 11. Friction Loss in Anchorages
If storage of strands on site is longer or if tendon injection cannot be done in due time after
tensioning (delay exceeding four weeks), this temporary protection must be regularly
renewed, in conformity with applicable specifications. This lubrication may also be used to
reduce friction coefficient of cable inside duct.
Cement grout is a stable, uniform mix of Portland cement, additives and water obtained by a
mechanical mixing process. It is screened and kept agitated in a storage tank until injected
into the duct.
I.2.2 Wax
The wax for injecting prestressing tendons shall be a petroleum wax meeting the requirements
of paragraph C.4.2 of ETAG 013.
I.2.3 Grease
The grease for Freyssinet prestressing tendons shall be a mineral-oil-based grease meeting the
requirements of paragraph C.4.1 of ETAG 013.
Mixers, wax melting units, and pumps supplied by Freyssinet for injecting tendons are all
subject to an EC declaration of conformity with the applicable regulations governing new or
rented equipment.
The coefficients of friction (μ) and of wobble (k), as defined in European standard EN1992-1-
1 to obtain the prestressing force with the equation , vary in accordance with uses
(internal or external prestressing, standard strands or monostrands), the type and stiffness of
ducts (steel or HDPE strip sheath or pipe), surface treatments, lubrication of the strands,
whether with soluble oil or grease.
The acceptable variation of the coefficient of friction is usually 25%. The coefficient of
friction can rise significantly in deviation zones with a curvature radius less than 6 metres.
The coefficients in the following table are for information only (and must be adapted to each
The elongation loss with or without hydraulic lock-off shall be accounted for in tensioning
calculations by using the values given in the following table.
Pull-in at min 4 4 6 6
mean 5 6 7 8
mm max 6 8 8 9
In the case of an active anchorage the necessary clearance for jack placing and actioning is
described in the drawings given in Part K thereafter.
For external passive anchorages a minimal clearance of 500 mm allows the installation of
wedges on protruding strands.
For CU couplers clearance lengths should be taken from the C anchorage blocks increased by
100 mm.
Anchorages must have a sufficient edge distance and be separated from each other by a
minimum centre distance. These distances are derived from reference dimensions a and b of
the test specimens.
In what follows, it is considered that anchorages are positioned relative to two orthogonal
directions x and y, with the smaller dimension of the trumplate aligned along axis y.
A, B: plane dimensions of the trumplate (A ≥ B),
a, b: side lengths of test specimen (a ≥ b),
x, y: minimum centre distance between two anchorages in the structure in x- and y-
x’, y’: minimum edge distance between anchorages and the closest external surface in
x- and y-directions,
fcm,o: mean compressive strength measured on cylinder required before tensioning.
x’ x’
x x
y’ y’ y y y’
The values of a and b are given in the table below for three different concrete compressive
strengths fcm,o.
a = b (mm)
fcm,o (MPa)
Unit 24 44 60
3 C15 220 200 180
If the project calls for a value fcm,o other than any of those in the three tables directly above,
the appropriate values of x and y can be determined by interpolation. However, full tension
cannot be exerted when fcm,o is less than the lowest value indicated in tables 14, 15 and 16
(e.g. 24 MPa for model C anchorages).
For partial tensioning or for a tension of less than Min{0.8 Fpk; 0.9Fp0.1%}, the required value
for fcm,o can be determined by interpolation considering that at 50% of the total force, the
required concrete strength can be reduced to 2/3 of the values given in the two tables above
and at 30% of the total force, the required concrete strength can be reduced to 1/2 of the
values given in the same tables.
In anchorage zone prestressing tendons impose to the structure concentrated forces requiring a
specific arrangement of reinforcement. In case of concrete structures, bursting reinforcement
consists in:
Surface reinforcement,
Anchorage bursting reinforcement,
General reinforcement to equilibrate mechanically the concerned piece within the
structure, the dimensions of which result from the design rules of reinforced concrete.
Anchorage bursting reinforcement as defined thereunder results from load transfer testing.
If required the local zone reinforcement specified in the ETA may be modified for a specific
project design in accordance with national regulations and relevant approval of the local
authorities and of the ETA holder to provide equivalent performance.
C C0 C C C0
or (see
equivalent stirrups
In the case of several rows of anchorages, as a rule W = L = Lo. In the case of a single row of
anchorages, W is reduced and L is increased, but the minimum value of E shown in the
following table is retained.
Helical bursting steel (FeE 235) (B500) Complementary
reinforcement (Stirrups)
Diameter Diameter
Pitch Co Diameter Pitch
Anchor d Number d Number
(mm) (mm) D (mm)
(mm) (mm)
3 C 15 50 8 5 40 150 150 8 2
4 C 15 60 10 5 40 160 150 8 2
7 C 15 60 12 6 40 200 160 10 3
9 C 15 70 14 6 40 250 200 12 2
12 C 15 50 14 7 40 260 200 12 2
13 C 15 70 14 7 40 290 135 12 3
15 C 15 70 14 7 40 300 150 12 4
19 C 15 60 16 8 40 320 250 10 4
22 C 15 70 16 8 40 360 240 12 3
25 C 15 80 20 7 40 390 220 10 3
27 C 15 80 20 7 40 400 220 12 3
31 C 15 80 20 8 40 420 220 14 3
37 C 15 90 20 9 40 470 180 16 3
42C15 90 20 8 40 510 140 20 4
48C15 90 20 9 40 580 140 20 4
55 C 15 100 25 9 40 600 180 16 3
Table 22 Helical Bursting Steel for fcm,o = 60 MPa
Note : the number of turns must be increased by one and a half if the last turn is open.
type q’ty L1 L2 L3 h
A 3F13 1 12 8 320
A 4F13 2 3 8 320 20 160 140
3 3 8 320 20 160 140
see bar types below
bar types
Unit Pitch d N A B Co e C D