UT Outline Training LV III
UT Outline Training LV III
UT Outline Training LV III
Lesson 1: PrinciplesTheory
- General
- Principles of acoustics
Nature of sound waves
Modes of sound wave generation
Velocity, frequency and wavelength of sound waves
Attenuation of sound waves
Acoustic impedance
Refraction and mode-conversion
Snell's law and critical angles
Fresnel and fraunhofer effects
Lesson 2: Equipment/Materials
- Equipment
Pulse-echo instrumentation
Controls and circuits
Pulse generation (spike, square wave and toneburst pulsers)
Signal detection
Display and recording methods, A-scan, B-scan and C-scan and digital
Sensitivity and resolution
Gates, alams and attenuators
Basic instrument calibration
Calibration blocks
Digital thickness instrumentation
Transducer operation and theory
Piezoelectric effect
Types of transducer elements
Frequency (transducer elements - thickness relationships)
Near field and far field
Beam spread
Construction, materials and shapes
Types (straight, angle, dual, etc.)
Beam intensity characteristics
Sensitivity, resolution and damping
Mechanical vibration into parts
Other types of transducers (Laser UT, EMAT, etc.)
Transducer operation/manipulations
Tanks, bridges, manipulators and squirters
Wheels and special hand devices
Transfer devices for materials
Manual manipulation
Resonance testing equipment
Bond testing
Thickness testing
- Materials
Purpose and principles
Materials and their efficiency
Purpose and principles
Materials and their efficiency
Air coupling
Calibration blocks
Test specimen
Miscellaneous materials
Lesson 3: Techniques/Calibrations
- Contact
Straight beam
Angle beam
Surface wave and plate waves
Pulse-echo transmission
Multiple transducer
Curved surfaces
- Immersion
Transducer in water
Water column, wheels, etc.
Submerged test part
Sound beam path - transducer to part
Focused transducers
Curved surfaces
Plate waves
Pulse-echo and through-transmission
- Comparison of contact and immersion methods
- Remote monitoring
- Calibration (electronic and functional)
Reference reflectors for calibration
Balls and flat bottom holes
Area amplitude blocks
Distance amplitude blocks
Side-drilled holes
Special blocks - IIW and others
Various monitor displays (amplitude, sweep, etc.)
Automatic and semiautomatic systems
Electronic distance amplitude correction
Calibration of equipment electronics
Variable effects
Transmission accuracy
Calibration requirements
Calibration reflectors
Inspection calibration
Comparison with reference blocks
Pulse-echo variables
Reference for planned tests (straight beam, angle beam, etc.)
Transmission factors
Lesson 4: Interpretations/Evaluations
- Evaluation of base material product forms
Process review
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes, standards, specs
Plate and sheet
Process review
Types, original and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes, standards, specs
Process review
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes, standards, specs
Pipe and tubular products
Process review
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes, standards, specs
Process review
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes, standards, specs
Process review
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes, standards, specs
Composite structures
Process review
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes standards, specs
Miscellaneous product forms as applicable (rubber, glass, etc.)
Process review
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes standards, specs
- Evaluation of weldments
Process review
Weld geometries
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codes, standards, specs
- Evaluation of bonded structures
Manufacturing process
Types, origin and typical orientation of discontinuities
Response of discontinuities to ultrasound
Applicable codeslstandardslspecs
- Variables affecting test results
Instrument performance variations
Transducer performance variations
Test specimen variations
Surface condition
Part geometry
Material structure
Discontinuity variations
Size and geometry
Relation to entry surface
Type of discontinuity
Procedure variations
Recording criteria
Acceptance criteria
Personnel variations
Skill level in interpretation of results
Knowledge level in interpretation of results
- Evaluation (general)
Comparison procedures
Standards and references
Amplitude, area and distance relationship
Application of results of other NDT methods
Object appraisal
History of part
Intended use of part
Existing and applicable code interpretation
Type of discontinuity and location
Lesson 5: Procedures
- Specific applications
Flaw detection
Thickness measurement
Bond evaluation
Fluid flow measurement
Material properties measurements
Computer control and defect analysis
Liquid level sensing
Process control